/** * Logs an administrator action taking any arguments as log data. */ function log_admin_action() { global $db, $mybb; $data = func_get_args(); if (count($data) == 1 && is_array($data[0])) { $data = $data[0]; } if (!is_array($data)) { $data = array($data); } $log_entry = array("uid" => (int) $mybb->user['uid'], "ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary(my_inet_pton(get_ip())), "dateline" => TIME_NOW, "module" => $db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('module')), "action" => $db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('action')), "data" => $db->escape_string(@my_serialize($data))); $db->insert_query("adminlog", $log_entry); }
/** * Initialize a session */ function init() { global $db, $mybb, $cache; // Get our visitor's IP. $this->ipaddress = get_ip(); $this->packedip = my_inet_pton($this->ipaddress); // Find out the user agent. $this->useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // Attempt to find a session id in the cookies. if (isset($mybb->cookies['sid']) && !defined('IN_UPGRADE')) { $sid = $db->escape_string($mybb->cookies['sid']); // Load the session $query = $db->simple_select("sessions", "*", "sid='{$sid}' AND ip=" . $db->escape_binary($this->packedip)); $session = $db->fetch_array($query); if ($session['sid']) { $this->sid = $session['sid']; } } // If we have a valid session id and user id, load that users session. if (!empty($mybb->cookies['mybbuser'])) { $logon = explode("_", $mybb->cookies['mybbuser'], 2); $this->load_user($logon[0], $logon[1]); } // If no user still, then we have a guest. if (!isset($mybb->user['uid'])) { // Detect if this guest is a search engine spider. (bots don't get a cookied session ID so we first see if that's set) if (!$this->sid) { $spiders = $cache->read("spiders"); if (is_array($spiders)) { foreach ($spiders as $spider) { if (my_strpos(my_strtolower($this->useragent), my_strtolower($spider['useragent'])) !== false) { $this->load_spider($spider['sid']); } } } } // Still nothing? JUST A GUEST! if (!$this->is_spider) { $this->load_guest(); } } // As a token of our appreciation for getting this far (and they aren't a spider), give the user a cookie if ($this->sid && (!isset($mybb->cookies['sid']) || $mybb->cookies['sid'] != $this->sid) && $this->is_spider != true) { my_setcookie("sid", $this->sid, -1, true); } }
/** * Installation is finished */ function install_done() { global $output, $db, $mybb, $errors, $cache, $lang; if (empty($mybb->input['adminuser'])) { $errors[] = $lang->admin_step_error_nouser; } if (empty($mybb->input['adminpass'])) { $errors[] = $lang->admin_step_error_nopassword; } if ($mybb->get_input('adminpass') != $mybb->get_input('adminpass2')) { $errors[] = $lang->admin_step_error_nomatch; } if (empty($mybb->input['adminemail'])) { $errors[] = $lang->admin_step_error_noemail; } if (is_array($errors)) { create_admin_user(); } require MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/config.php'; $db = db_connection($config); require MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/settings.php'; $mybb->settings =& $settings; ob_start(); $output->print_header($lang->finish_setup, 'finish'); echo $lang->done_step_usergroupsinserted; // Insert all of our user groups from the XML file $usergroup_settings = file_get_contents(INSTALL_ROOT . 'resources/usergroups.xml'); $parser = new XMLParser($usergroup_settings); $parser->collapse_dups = 0; $tree = $parser->get_tree(); $admin_gid = ''; $group_count = 0; foreach ($tree['usergroups'][0]['usergroup'] as $usergroup) { // usergroup[cancp][0][value] $new_group = array(); foreach ($usergroup as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { continue; } $new_group[$key] = $db->escape_string($value[0]['value']); } $db->insert_query("usergroups", $new_group, false); // If this group can access the admin CP and we haven't established the admin group - set it (just in case we ever change IDs) if ($new_group['cancp'] == 1 && !$admin_gid) { $admin_gid = $usergroup['gid'][0]['value']; } $group_count++; } // Restart usergroup sequence with correct # of groups if ($config['database']['type'] == "pgsql") { $db->query("SELECT setval('{$config['database']['table_prefix']}usergroups_gid_seq', (SELECT max(gid) FROM {$config['database']['table_prefix']}usergroups));"); } echo $lang->done . '</p>'; echo $lang->done_step_admincreated; $now = TIME_NOW; $salt = random_str(); $loginkey = generate_loginkey(); $saltedpw = md5(md5($salt) . md5($mybb->get_input('adminpass'))); $newuser = array('username' => $db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('adminuser')), 'password' => $saltedpw, 'salt' => $salt, 'loginkey' => $loginkey, 'email' => $db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('adminemail')), 'usergroup' => $admin_gid, 'regdate' => $now, 'lastactive' => $now, 'lastvisit' => $now, 'website' => '', 'icq' => '', 'aim' => '', 'yahoo' => '', 'skype' => '', 'google' => '', 'birthday' => '', 'signature' => '', 'allownotices' => 1, 'hideemail' => 0, 'subscriptionmethod' => '0', 'receivepms' => 1, 'pmnotice' => 1, 'pmnotify' => 1, 'buddyrequestspm' => 1, 'buddyrequestsauto' => 0, 'showimages' => 1, 'showvideos' => 1, 'showsigs' => 1, 'showavatars' => 1, 'showquickreply' => 1, 'invisible' => 0, 'style' => '0', 'timezone' => 0, 'dst' => 0, 'threadmode' => '', 'daysprune' => 0, 'regip' => $db->escape_binary(my_inet_pton(get_ip())), 'language' => '', 'showcodebuttons' => 1, 'tpp' => 0, 'ppp' => 0, 'referrer' => 0, 'buddylist' => '', 'ignorelist' => '', 'pmfolders' => '', 'notepad' => '', 'showredirect' => 1, 'usernotes' => ''); $db->insert_query('users', $newuser); echo $lang->done . '</p>'; echo $lang->done_step_adminoptions; $adminoptions = file_get_contents(INSTALL_ROOT . 'resources/adminoptions.xml'); $parser = new XMLParser($adminoptions); $parser->collapse_dups = 0; $tree = $parser->get_tree(); $insertmodule = array(); $db->delete_query("adminoptions"); // Insert all the admin permissions foreach ($tree['adminoptions'][0]['user'] as $users) { $uid = $users['attributes']['uid']; foreach ($users['permissions'][0]['module'] as $module) { foreach ($module['permission'] as $permission) { $insertmodule[$module['attributes']['name']][$permission['attributes']['name']] = $permission['value']; } } $defaultviews = array(); foreach ($users['defaultviews'][0]['view'] as $view) { $defaultviews[$view['attributes']['type']] = $view['value']; } $adminoptiondata = array('uid' => (int) $uid, 'cpstyle' => '', 'notes' => '', 'permissions' => $db->escape_string(my_serialize($insertmodule)), 'defaultviews' => $db->escape_string(my_serialize($defaultviews))); $insertmodule = array(); $db->insert_query('adminoptions', $adminoptiondata); } echo $lang->done . '</p>'; // Automatic Login my_unsetcookie("sid"); my_unsetcookie("mybbuser"); my_setcookie('mybbuser', $uid . '_' . $loginkey, null, true); ob_end_flush(); // Make fulltext columns if supported if ($db->supports_fulltext('threads')) { $db->create_fulltext_index('threads', 'subject'); } if ($db->supports_fulltext_boolean('posts')) { $db->create_fulltext_index('posts', 'message'); } echo $lang->done_step_cachebuilding; require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/class_datacache.php'; $cache = new datacache(); $cache->update_version(); $cache->update_attachtypes(); $cache->update_smilies(); $cache->update_badwords(); $cache->update_usergroups(); $cache->update_forumpermissions(); $cache->update_stats(); $cache->update_statistics(); $cache->update_forums(); $cache->update_moderators(); $cache->update_usertitles(); $cache->update_reportedcontent(); $cache->update_awaitingactivation(); $cache->update_mycode(); $cache->update_profilefields(); $cache->update_posticons(); $cache->update_spiders(); $cache->update_bannedips(); $cache->update_banned(); $cache->update_bannedemails(); $cache->update_birthdays(); $cache->update_groupleaders(); $cache->update_threadprefixes(); $cache->update_forumsdisplay(); $cache->update("plugins", array()); $cache->update("internal_settings", array('encryption_key' => random_str(32))); $cache->update_default_theme(); $version_history = array(); $dh = opendir(INSTALL_ROOT . "resources"); while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (preg_match("#upgrade([0-9]+).php\$#i", $file, $match)) { $version_history[$match[1]] = $match[1]; } } sort($version_history, SORT_NUMERIC); $cache->update("version_history", $version_history); // Schedule an update check so it occurs an hour ago. Gotta stay up to date! $update['nextrun'] = TIME_NOW - 3600; $db->update_query("tasks", $update, "tid='12'"); $cache->update_update_check(); $cache->update_tasks(); echo $lang->done . '</p>'; echo $lang->done_step_success; $written = 0; if (is_writable('./')) { $lock = @fopen('./lock', 'w'); $written = @fwrite($lock, '1'); @fclose($lock); if ($written) { echo $lang->done_step_locked; } } if (!$written) { echo $lang->done_step_dirdelete; } echo $lang->done_whats_next; $output->print_footer(''); }
if (!empty($mybb->user['uid'])) { $query = $db->simple_select("adminoptions", "*", "uid='" . $mybb->user['uid'] . "'"); $admin_options = $db->fetch_array($query); if (!empty($admin_options['cplanguage']) && file_exists(MYBB_ROOT . "inc/languages/" . $admin_options['cplanguage'] . "/admin/home_dashboard.lang.php")) { $cp_language = $admin_options['cplanguage']; $lang->set_language($cp_language, "admin"); $lang->load("global"); // Reload global language vars $lang->load("messages", true); } if (!empty($admin_options['cpstyle']) && file_exists(MYBB_ADMIN_DIR . "/styles/{$admin_options['cpstyle']}/main.css")) { $cp_style = $admin_options['cpstyle']; } // Update the session information in the DB if ($admin_session['sid']) { $db->update_query("adminsessions", array('lastactive' => TIME_NOW, 'ip' => $db->escape_binary(my_inet_pton(get_ip()))), "sid='" . $db->escape_string($admin_session['sid']) . "'"); } // Fetch administrator permissions $mybb->admin['permissions'] = get_admin_permissions($mybb->user['uid']); } // Include the layout generation class overrides for this style if (file_exists(MYBB_ADMIN_DIR . "/styles/{$cp_style}/style.php")) { require_once MYBB_ADMIN_DIR . "/styles/{$cp_style}/style.php"; } // Check if any of the layout generation classes we can override exist in the style file $classes = array("Page" => "DefaultPage", "SidebarItem" => "DefaultSidebarItem", "PopupMenu" => "DefaultPopupMenu", "Table" => "DefaultTable", "Form" => "DefaultForm", "FormContainer" => "DefaultFormContainer"); foreach ($classes as $style_name => $default_name) { // Style does not have this layout generation class, create it if (!class_exists($style_name)) { eval("class {$style_name} extends {$default_name} { }"); }
static function xmlhttp() { global $mybb, $db, $charset; switch ($mybb->input['action']) { case 'dvz_sb_get_shouts': $permissions = self::access_view() && !isset($mybb->input['from']) || self::access_refresh(); $handler = function () use($mybb, $db) { $data = self::get_multiple("WHERE s.id > " . (int) $mybb->input['from'] . " ORDER BY s.id DESC LIMIT " . abs((int) $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_num'])); $html = null; // JS-handled empty response $lastId = 0; while ($row = $db->fetch_array($data)) { if ($lastId == 0) { $lastId = $row['id']; } $shout = self::render_shout($row); $html = $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_reversed'] ? $shout . $html : $html . $shout; } if ($html != null) { echo json_encode(['html' => $html, 'last' => $lastId]); } }; break; case 'dvz_sb_shout': $permissions = self::access_shout() && verify_post_check($mybb->input['key'], true); $handler = function () use($mybb) { if (!self::antiflood_pass() && !self::access_mod()) { die('A'); } // JS-handled error (Anti-flood) self::shout(['uid' => $mybb->user['uid'], 'text' => $mybb->input['text'], 'ipaddress' => my_inet_pton(get_ip())]); }; break; case 'dvz_sb_get': $data = self::get($mybb->input['id']); $permissions = (self::access_mod() || self::access_mod_own() && $data['uid'] == $mybb->user['uid']) && verify_post_check($mybb->input['key'], true); $handler = function () use($data) { echo json_encode(['text' => $data['text']]); }; break; case 'dvz_sb_update': $permissions = self::can_mod($mybb->input['id']) && verify_post_check($mybb->input['key'], true); $handler = function () use($mybb) { self::update($mybb->input['id'], $mybb->input['text']); echo self::parse($mybb->input['text'], self::get_username($mybb->input['id'])); }; break; case 'dvz_sb_delete': $permissions = self::can_mod($mybb->input['id']) && verify_post_check($mybb->input['key'], true); $handler = function () use($mybb) { self::delete($mybb->input['id']); }; break; } if (isset($permissions)) { if ($permissions == false) { echo 'P'; // JS-handled error (Permissions) } else { header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=' . $charset); header('Cache-Control: no-store'); // force update on load $handler(); } } }
/** * Insert a thread into the database. * * @return array Array of new thread details, tid and visibility. */ function insert_thread() { global $db, $mybb, $plugins, $cache, $lang; // Yes, validating is required. if (!$this->get_validated()) { die("The thread needs to be validated before inserting it into the DB."); } if (count($this->get_errors()) > 0) { die("The thread is not valid."); } $thread =& $this->data; // Fetch the forum this thread is being made in $forum = get_forum($thread['fid']); // This thread is being saved as a draft. if ($thread['savedraft']) { $visible = -2; } else { $forumpermissions = forum_permissions($thread['fid'], $thread['uid']); // Decide on the visibility of this post. if ($forumpermissions['modthreads'] == 1 && !is_moderator($thread['fid'], "", $thread['uid'])) { $visible = 0; } else { $visible = 1; } // Are posts from this user being moderated? Change visibility if ($mybb->user['uid'] == $thread['uid'] && $mybb->user['moderateposts'] == 1) { $visible = 0; } } // Have a post ID but not a thread ID - fetch thread ID if (!empty($thread['pid']) && !$thread['tid']) { $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "tid", "pid='{$thread['pid']}"); $thread['tid'] = $db->fetch_field($query, "tid"); } if (isset($thread['pid']) && $thread['pid'] > 0) { $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "pid='{$thread['pid']}' AND uid='{$thread['uid']}' AND visible='-2'"); $draft_check = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid"); } else { $draft_check = false; } // Are we updating a post which is already a draft? Perhaps changing it into a visible post? if ($draft_check) { $this->thread_insert_data = array("subject" => $db->escape_string($thread['subject']), "icon" => (int) $thread['icon'], "username" => $db->escape_string($thread['username']), "dateline" => (int) $thread['dateline'], "lastpost" => (int) $thread['dateline'], "lastposter" => $db->escape_string($thread['username']), "visible" => $visible); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_thread", $this); $db->update_query("threads", $this->thread_insert_data, "tid='{$thread['tid']}'"); $this->post_insert_data = array("subject" => $db->escape_string($thread['subject']), "icon" => (int) $thread['icon'], "username" => $db->escape_string($thread['username']), "dateline" => (int) $thread['dateline'], "message" => $db->escape_string($thread['message']), "ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary(my_inet_pton(get_ip())), "includesig" => $thread['options']['signature'], "smilieoff" => $thread['options']['disablesmilies'], "visible" => $visible); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_thread_post", $this); $db->update_query("posts", $this->post_insert_data, "pid='{$thread['pid']}'"); $this->tid = $thread['tid']; $this->pid = $thread['pid']; } else { $this->thread_insert_data = array("fid" => $thread['fid'], "subject" => $db->escape_string($thread['subject']), "prefix" => (int) $thread['prefix'], "icon" => (int) $thread['icon'], "uid" => $thread['uid'], "username" => $db->escape_string($thread['username']), "dateline" => (int) $thread['dateline'], "lastpost" => (int) $thread['dateline'], "lastposter" => $db->escape_string($thread['username']), "views" => 0, "replies" => 0, "visible" => $visible, "notes" => ''); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_thread", $this); $this->tid = $db->insert_query("threads", $this->thread_insert_data); $this->post_insert_data = array("tid" => $this->tid, "fid" => $thread['fid'], "subject" => $db->escape_string($thread['subject']), "icon" => (int) $thread['icon'], "uid" => $thread['uid'], "username" => $db->escape_string($thread['username']), "dateline" => (int) $thread['dateline'], "message" => $db->escape_string($thread['message']), "ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary(my_inet_pton(get_ip())), "includesig" => $thread['options']['signature'], "smilieoff" => $thread['options']['disablesmilies'], "visible" => $visible); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_thread_post", $this); $this->pid = $db->insert_query("posts", $this->post_insert_data); // Now that we have the post id for this first post, update the threads table. $firstpostup = array("firstpost" => $this->pid); $db->update_query("threads", $firstpostup, "tid='{$this->tid}'"); } // If we're not saving a draft there are some things we need to check now if (!$thread['savedraft']) { if ($thread['options']['subscriptionmethod'] != "" && $thread['uid'] > 0) { switch ($thread['options']['subscriptionmethod']) { case "pm": $notification = 2; break; case "email": $notification = 1; break; default: $notification = 0; } require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/functions_user.php"; add_subscribed_thread($this->tid, $notification, $thread['uid']); } // Perform any selected moderation tools. if (is_moderator($thread['fid'], "", $thread['uid']) && is_array($thread['modoptions'])) { $lang->load($this->language_file, true); $modoptions = $thread['modoptions']; $modlogdata['fid'] = $thread['fid']; if (isset($thread['tid'])) { $modlogdata['tid'] = $thread['tid']; } $modoptions_update = array(); // Close the thread. if (!empty($modoptions['closethread'])) { $modoptions_update['closed'] = 1; log_moderator_action($modlogdata, $lang->thread_closed); } // Stick the thread. if (!empty($modoptions['stickthread'])) { $modoptions_update['sticky'] = 1; log_moderator_action($modlogdata, $lang->thread_stuck); } // Execute moderation options. if ($modoptions_update) { $db->update_query('threads', $modoptions_update, "tid='{$this->tid}'"); } } if ($visible == 1) { // If we have a registered user then update their post count and last post times. if ($thread['uid'] > 0) { $user = get_user($thread['uid']); $update_query = array(); // Only update the lastpost column of the user if the date of the thread is newer than their last post. if ($thread['dateline'] > $user['lastpost']) { // Yes this has a single quote within a double quote. It's not a bug. $update_query['lastpost'] = "'{$thread['dateline']}'"; } // Update the post count if this forum allows post counts to be tracked if ($forum['usepostcounts'] != 0) { $update_query['postnum'] = "postnum+1"; } if ($forum['usethreadcounts'] != 0) { $update_query['threadnum'] = 'threadnum+1'; } // Only update the table if we need to. if (!empty($update_query)) { $db->update_query("users", $update_query, "uid='{$thread['uid']}'", 1, true); } } if (!isset($forum['lastpost'])) { $forum['lastpost'] = 0; } $done_users = array(); // Queue up any forum subscription notices to users who are subscribed to this forum. $excerpt = my_substr($thread['message'], 0, $mybb->settings['subscribeexcerpt']) . $lang->emailbit_viewthread; // Parse badwords require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/class_parser.php"; $parser = new postParser(); $excerpt = $parser->parse_badwords($excerpt); $query = $db->query("\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT u.username, u.email, u.uid, u.language, u.loginkey, u.salt, u.regdate\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forumsubscriptions fs\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "users u ON (u.uid=fs.uid)\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroups g ON (g.gid=u.usergroup)\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE fs.fid='" . (int) $thread['fid'] . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND fs.uid != '" . (int) $thread['uid'] . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND u.lastactive > '{$forum['lastpost']}'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND g.isbannedgroup != 1\n\t\t\t\t"); while ($subscribedmember = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if ($done_users[$subscribedmember['uid']]) { continue; } $done_users[$subscribedmember['uid']] = 1; $forumpermissions = forum_permissions($thread['fid'], $subscribedmember['uid']); if ($forumpermissions['canview'] == 0 || $forumpermissions['canviewthreads'] == 0) { continue; } if (!is_moderator($thread['fid'], "", $subscribedmember['uid']) && $forumpermissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1) { // In a 'view own only' forum and not a moderator continue; } // Determine the language pack we'll be using to send this email in and load it if it isn't already. if ($subscribedmember['language'] != '' && $lang->language_exists($subscribedmember['language'])) { $uselang = $subscribedmember['language']; } else { if ($mybb->settings['bblanguage']) { $uselang = $mybb->settings['bblanguage']; } else { $uselang = "english"; } } if ($uselang == $mybb->settings['bblanguage']) { $emailsubject = $lang->emailsubject_forumsubscription; $emailmessage = $lang->email_forumsubscription; } else { if (!isset($langcache[$uselang]['emailsubject_forumsubscription'])) { $userlang = new MyLanguage(); $userlang->set_path(MYBB_ROOT . "inc/languages"); $userlang->set_language($uselang); $userlang->load("messages"); $langcache[$uselang]['emailsubject_forumsubscription'] = $userlang->emailsubject_forumsubscription; $langcache[$uselang]['email_forumsubscription'] = $userlang->email_forumsubscription; unset($userlang); } $emailsubject = $langcache[$uselang]['emailsubject_forumsubscription']; $emailmessage = $langcache[$uselang]['email_forumsubscription']; } $emailsubject = $lang->sprintf($emailsubject, $forum['name']); $post_code = md5($subscribedmember['loginkey'] . $subscribedmember['salt'] . $subscribedmember['regdate']); $emailmessage = $lang->sprintf($emailmessage, $subscribedmember['username'], $thread['username'], $forum['name'], $mybb->settings['bbname'], $thread['subject'], $excerpt, $mybb->settings['bburl'], get_thread_link($this->tid), $thread['fid'], $post_code); $new_email = array("mailto" => $db->escape_string($subscribedmember['email']), "mailfrom" => '', "subject" => $db->escape_string($emailsubject), "message" => $db->escape_string($emailmessage), "headers" => ''); $db->insert_query("mailqueue", $new_email); unset($userlang); $queued_email = 1; } // Have one or more emails been queued? Update the queue count if (isset($queued_email) && $queued_email == 1) { $cache->update_mailqueue(); } } } // Assign any uploaded attachments with the specific posthash to the newly created post. if ($thread['posthash']) { $thread['posthash'] = $db->escape_string($thread['posthash']); $attachmentassign = array("pid" => $this->pid, "posthash" => ''); $db->update_query("attachments", $attachmentassign, "posthash='{$thread['posthash']}' AND pid='0'"); } if ($visible == 1) { update_last_post($this->tid); update_forum_counters($thread['fid'], array("threads" => "+1", "posts" => "+1")); update_forum_lastpost($thread['fid']); } else { if ($visible == 0) { update_forum_counters($thread['fid'], array("unapprovedthreads" => "+1", "unapprovedposts" => "+1")); } } $query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "COUNT(aid) AS attachmentcount", "pid='{$this->pid}' AND visible='1'"); $attachmentcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "attachmentcount"); if ($attachmentcount > 0) { update_thread_counters($this->tid, array("attachmentcount" => "+{$attachmentcount}")); } // Return the post's pid and whether or not it is visible. $this->return_values = array("pid" => $this->pid, "tid" => $this->tid, "visible" => $visible); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_thread_end", $this); return $this->return_values; }
} $where = '1=1'; $additional_criteria = array(); // Searching for entries witha specific username if ($mybb->input['username']) { $where .= " AND username='******'username']) . "'"; $additional_criteria[] = "username="******" AND email='" . $db->escape_string($mybb->input['email']) . "'"; $additional_criteria[] = "email=" . urlencode($mybb->input['email']); } // Searching for entries with a specific IP if ($mybb->input['ipaddress'] > 0) { $where .= " AND ipaddress=" . $db->escape_binary(my_inet_pton($mybb->input['ipaddress'])); $additional_criteria[] = "ipaddress=" . urlencode($mybb->input['ipaddress']); } if ($additional_criteria) { $additional_criteria = "&" . implode("&", $additional_criteria); } else { $additional_criteria = ''; } // Order? switch ($mybb->input['sortby']) { case "username": $sortby = "username"; break; case "email": $sortby = "email"; break;
function upgrade30_dbchanges_ip() { global $mybb, $db, $output; $output->print_header("IP Conversion"); $ipstart = $iptable = ''; switch ($mybb->input['iptask']) { case 8: echo "<p>Adding database indices (3/3)...</p>"; flush(); if (!$db->index_exists('users', 'lastip')) { // This may take a while if ($db->type == "mysql" || $db->type == "mysqli") { $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "users ADD INDEX lastip (lastip)"); } elseif ($db->type == "pgsql") { $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "users ADD INDEX (`lastip`)"); } } $next_task = 9; break; case 7: echo "<p>Adding database indices (2/3)...</p>"; flush(); if (!$db->index_exists('users', 'regip')) { // This may take a while if ($db->type == "mysql" || $db->type == "mysqli") { $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "users ADD INDEX regip (regip)"); } elseif ($db->type == "pgsql") { $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "users ADD INDEX (`regip`)"); } } $next_task = 8; break; case 6: echo "<p>Adding database indices (1/3)...</p>"; flush(); if (!$db->index_exists('posts', 'ipaddress')) { // This may take a while if ($db->type == "mysql" || $db->type == "mysqli") { $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "posts ADD INDEX ipaddress (ipaddress)"); } elseif ($db->type == "pgsql") { $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "posts ADD INDEX (`ipaddress`)"); } } $next_task = 7; break; case 5: if (!$_POST['ipspage']) { $ipp = 5000; } else { $ipp = $_POST['ipspage']; } if ($_POST['ipstart']) { $startat = $_POST['ipstart']; $upper = $startat + $ipp - 1; $lower = $startat; } else { $startat = 0; $upper = $ipp; $lower = 0; } $next_task = 5; switch ($mybb->input['iptable']) { case 7: echo "<p>Converting user IPs...</p>"; flush(); $query = $db->simple_select("users", "COUNT(uid) AS ipcount"); if ($db->type == "mysql" || $db->type == "mysqli") { $next_task = 6; } else { $next_task = 9; } break; case 6: echo "<p>Converting thread rating IPs...</p>"; flush(); $query = $db->simple_select("threadratings", "COUNT(rid) AS ipcount"); break; case 5: echo "<p>Converting session IPs...</p>"; flush(); $query = $db->simple_select("sessions", "COUNT(sid) AS ipcount"); break; case 4: echo "<p>Converting post IPs...</p>"; flush(); $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "COUNT(pid) AS ipcount"); break; case 3: echo "<p>Converting moderator log IPs...</p>"; flush(); $query = $db->simple_select("moderatorlog", "COUNT(DISTINCT ipaddress) AS ipcount"); break; case 2: echo "<p>Converting mail log IPs...</p>"; flush(); $query = $db->simple_select("maillogs", "COUNT(mid) AS ipcount"); break; default: echo "<p>Converting admin log IPs...</p>"; flush(); $query = $db->simple_select("adminlog", "COUNT(DISTINCT ipaddress) AS ipcount"); break; } $cnt = $db->fetch_array($query); if ($upper > $cnt['ipcount']) { $upper = $cnt['ipcount']; } echo "<p>Converting ip {$lower} to {$upper} ({$cnt['ipcount']} Total)</p>"; flush(); $ipaddress = false; switch ($mybb->input['iptable']) { case 7: $query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid, regip, lastip", "", array('limit_start' => $lower, 'limit' => $ipp)); break; case 6: $query = $db->simple_select("threadratings", "rid, ipaddress", "", array('limit_start' => $lower, 'limit' => $ipp)); break; case 5: $query = $db->simple_select("sessions", "sid, ip", "", array('limit_start' => $lower, 'limit' => $ipp)); break; case 4: $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid, ipaddress", "", array('limit_start' => $lower, 'limit' => $ipp)); break; case 3: $query = $db->simple_select("moderatorlog", "DISTINCT(ipaddress)", "", array('limit_start' => $lower, 'limit' => $ipp)); break; case 2: $query = $db->simple_select("maillogs", "mid, ipaddress", "", array('limit_start' => $lower, 'limit' => $ipp)); break; default: $query = $db->simple_select("adminlog", "DISTINCT(ipaddress)", "", array('limit_start' => $lower, 'limit' => $ipp)); $mybb->input['iptable'] = 1; break; } while ($data = $db->fetch_array($query)) { // Skip invalid IPs switch ($mybb->input['iptable']) { case 7: $ip1 = my_inet_pton($db->unescape_binary($data['regip'])); $ip2 = my_inet_pton($db->unescape_binary($data['lastip'])); if ($ip1 === false && $ip2 === false) { continue; } break; case 5: $ip = my_inet_pton($db->unescape_binary($data['ip'])); if ($ip === false) { continue; } break; case 6: case 4: case 3: case 2: default: $ip = my_inet_pton($db->unescape_binary($data['ipaddress'])); if ($ip === false) { continue; } break; } switch ($mybb->input['iptable']) { case 7: $db->update_query("users", array('regip' => $db->escape_binary($ip1), 'lastip' => $db->escape_binary($ip2)), "uid = '" . (int) $data['uid'] . "'"); break; case 6: $db->update_query("threadratings", array('ipaddress' => $db->escape_binary($ip)), "rid = '" . (int) $data['rid'] . "'"); break; case 5: $db->update_query("sessions", array('ip' => $db->escape_binary($ip)), "sid = '" . (int) $data['sid'] . "'"); break; case 4: $db->update_query("posts", array('ipaddress' => $db->escape_binary($ip)), "pid = '" . (int) $data['pid'] . "'"); break; case 3: $db->update_query("moderatorlog", array('ipaddress' => $db->escape_binary($ip)), "ipaddress = '" . $db->escape_string($data['ipaddress']) . "'"); break; case 2: $db->update_query("maillogs", array('ipaddress' => $db->escape_binary($ip)), "mid = '" . (int) $data['mid'] . "'"); break; default: $db->update_query("adminlog", array('ipaddress' => $db->escape_binary($ip)), "ipaddress = '" . $db->escape_string($data['ipaddress']) . "'"); break; } $ipaddress = true; } $remaining = $upper - $cnt['ipcount']; if ($remaining && $ipaddress) { $startat = $startat + $ipp; $ipstart = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ipstart\" value=\"{$startat}\" />"; $iptable = $mybb->input['iptable']; } else { $iptable = $mybb->input['iptable'] + 1; } if ($iptable <= 10) { $iptable = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"iptable\" value=\"{$iptable}\" />"; } break; case 4: $next_task = 4; switch ($mybb->input['iptable']) { case 10: echo "<p>Updating user table (4/4)...</p>"; flush(); $table = 'users'; $column = 'lastip'; $next_task = 5; break; case 9: echo "<p>Updating user table (3/4)...</p>"; flush(); $table = 'users'; $column = 'regip'; break; case 8: echo "<p>Updating threadreating table...</p>"; flush(); $table = 'threadratings'; $column = 'ipaddress'; break; case 7: echo "<p>Updating session table...</p>"; flush(); $table = 'sessions'; $column = 'ip'; break; case 6: echo "<p>Updating searchlog table...</p>"; flush(); $table = 'searchlog'; $column = 'ipaddress'; // Skip conversion $db->delete_query('searchlog'); break; case 5: echo "<p>Updating post table (2/2)...</p>"; flush(); $table = 'posts'; $column = 'ipaddress'; break; case 4: echo "<p>Updating moderatorlog table...</p>"; flush(); $table = 'moderatorlog'; $column = 'ipaddress'; break; case 3: echo "<p>Updating maillog table...</p>"; flush(); $table = 'maillogs'; $column = 'ipaddress'; break; case 2: echo "<p>Updating adminsession table...</p>"; flush(); $table = 'adminsessions'; $column = 'ip'; // Skip conversion $db->delete_query('adminsessions'); break; default: echo "<p>Updating adminlog table...</p>"; flush(); $mybb->input['iptable'] = 1; $table = 'adminlog'; $column = 'ipaddress'; break; } // Truncate invalid IPs $db->write_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "{$table} SET {$column} = SUBSTR({$column}, 16) WHERE LENGTH({$column})>16"); switch ($db->type) { case "pgsql": // Drop default value before converting the column $db->modify_column($table, $column, false, false); $db->modify_column($table, $column, "bytea USING {$column}::bytea", 'set', "''"); break; case "sqlite": $db->modify_column($table, $column, "blob(16) NOT NULL default ''"); break; default: $db->modify_column($table, $column, "varbinary(16) NOT NULL default ''"); break; } if ($mybb->input['iptable'] < 10) { $iptable = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"iptable\" value=\"" . ($mybb->input['iptable'] + 1) . "\" />"; } break; case 3: echo "<p>Updating user table (2/4)...</p>"; flush(); if ($db->field_exists('longlastip', 'users')) { // This may take a while $db->drop_column("users", "longlastip"); } $next_task = 4; break; case 2: echo "<p>Updating user table (1/4)...</p>"; flush(); if ($db->field_exists('longregip', 'users')) { // This may take a while $db->drop_column("users", "longregip"); } $next_task = 3; break; default: echo "<p>Updating post table (1/2)...</p>"; flush(); if ($db->field_exists('longipaddress', 'posts')) { // This may take a while $db->drop_column("posts", "longipaddress"); } $next_task = 2; break; } if ($next_task == 9) { $contents = "<p>Click next to continue with the upgrade process.</p>"; $nextact = "30_updatetheme"; } else { $contents = "<p><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"iptask\" value=\"{$next_task}\" />{$iptable}{$ipstart}Done. Click Next to continue the IP conversion.</p>"; global $footer_extra; $footer_extra = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\$(document).ready(function() { var button = \$('.submit_button'); if(button) { button.val('Automatically Redirecting...'); button.prop('disabled', true); button.css('color', '#aaa'); button.css('border-color', '#aaa'); document.forms[0].submit(); } });</script>"; $nextact = "30_dbchanges_ip"; } $output->print_contents($contents); $output->print_footer($nextact); }
/** * Execute Normal and Inline Thread Moderation * * @param array $thread_options Moderation information * @param array Thread IDs. Only the first one will be used, but it needs to be an array * @return boolean true */ function execute_thread_moderation($thread_options, $tids) { global $db, $mybb; $tid = (int) $tids[0]; // Take the first thread to get thread data from $query = $db->simple_select("threads", 'fid', "tid='{$tid}'"); $thread = $db->fetch_array($query); // If deleting threads, only do that if ($thread_options['deletethread'] == 1) { foreach ($tids as $tid) { $this->delete_thread($tid); } } else { if ($thread_options['mergethreads'] == 1 && count($tids) > 1) { $tid_list = implode(',', $tids); $options = array('order_by' => 'dateline', 'order_dir' => 'DESC'); $query = $db->simple_select("threads", 'tid, subject', "tid IN ({$tid_list})", $options); // Select threads from newest to oldest $last_tid = 0; while ($tid = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if ($last_tid != 0) { $this->merge_threads($last_tid, $tid['tid'], $tid['subject']); // And keep merging them until we get down to one thread. } $last_tid = $tid['tid']; } } if ($thread_options['deletepoll'] == 1) { foreach ($tids as $tid) { $this->delete_poll($tid); } } if ($thread_options['removeredirects'] == 1) { foreach ($tids as $tid) { $this->remove_redirects($tid); } } if ($thread_options['removesubscriptions'] == 1) { $this->remove_thread_subscriptions($tids, true); } if ($thread_options['approvethread'] == 'approve') { $this->approve_threads($tids, $thread['fid']); } elseif ($thread_options['approvethread'] == 'unapprove') { $this->unapprove_threads($tids, $thread['fid']); } elseif ($thread_options['approvethread'] == 'toggle') { $this->toggle_thread_visibility($tids, $thread['fid']); } if ($thread_options['softdeletethread'] == 'softdelete') { $this->soft_delete_threads($tids); } elseif ($thread_options['softdeletethread'] == 'restore') { $this->restore_threads($tids); } elseif ($thread_options['softdeletethread'] == 'toggle') { $this->toggle_thread_softdelete($tids); } if ($thread_options['openthread'] == 'open') { $this->open_threads($tids); } elseif ($thread_options['openthread'] == 'close') { $this->close_threads($tids); } elseif ($thread_options['openthread'] == 'toggle') { $this->toggle_thread_status($tids); } if ($thread_options['stickthread'] == 'stick') { $this->stick_threads($tids); } elseif ($thread_options['stickthread'] == 'unstick') { $this->unstick_threads($tids); } elseif ($thread_options['stickthread'] == 'toggle') { $this->toggle_thread_importance($tids); } if ($thread_options['threadprefix'] != '-1') { $this->apply_thread_prefix($tids, $thread_options['threadprefix']); // Update thread prefix } if (my_strtolower(trim($thread_options['newsubject'])) != '{subject}') { $this->change_thread_subject($tids, $thread_options['newsubject']); } if (!empty($thread_options['addreply'])) { $tid_list = implode(',', $tids); $query = $db->simple_select("threads", 'uid, fid, subject, tid, firstpost, closed', "tid IN ({$tid_list}) AND closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'"); require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/datahandlers/post.php"; // Loop threads adding a reply to each one while ($thread = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $posthandler = new PostDataHandler("insert"); if (empty($thread_options['replysubject'])) { $new_subject = 'RE: ' . $thread['subject']; } else { $new_subject = str_ireplace('{username}', $mybb->user['username'], $thread_options['replysubject']); $new_subject = str_ireplace('{subject}', $thread['subject'], $new_subject); } // Set the post data that came from the input to the $post array. $post = array("tid" => $thread['tid'], "replyto" => $thread['firstpost'], "fid" => $thread['fid'], "subject" => $new_subject, "uid" => $mybb->user['uid'], "username" => $mybb->user['username'], "message" => $thread_options['addreply'], "ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary(my_inet_pton(get_ip()))); // Set up the post options from the input. $post['options'] = array("signature" => 1, "emailnotify" => 0, "disablesmilies" => 0); if ($thread['closed'] == 1) { // Keep this thread closed $post['modoptions']['closethread'] = 1; } $posthandler->set_data($post); if ($posthandler->validate_post($post)) { $posthandler->insert_post($post); } } } if ($thread_options['movethread'] > 0 && $thread_options['movethread'] != $thread['fid']) { if ($thread_options['movethreadredirect'] == 1) { $time = TIME_NOW + $thread_options['movethreadredirectexpire'] * 86400; foreach ($tids as $tid) { $this->move_thread($tid, $thread_options['movethread'], 'redirect', $time); } } else { $this->move_threads($tids, $thread_options['movethread']); } } if ($thread_options['copythread'] > 0 || $thread_options['copythread'] == -2) { if ($thread_options['copythread'] == -2) { $thread_options['copythread'] = $thread['fid']; } foreach ($tids as $tid) { $new_tid = $this->move_thread($tid, $thread_options['copythread'], 'copy'); } } if (!empty($thread_options['recountrebuild'])) { require_once MYBB_ROOT . '/inc/functions_rebuild.php'; foreach ($tids as $tid) { rebuild_thread_counters($tid); } } } // Do we have a PM subject and PM message? if (isset($thread_options['pm_subject']) && $thread_options['pm_subject'] != '' && isset($thread_options['pm_message']) && $thread_options['pm_message'] != '') { $tid_list = implode(',', $tids); // For each thread, we send a PM to the author $query = $db->simple_select("threads", 'uid', "tid IN ({$tid_list})"); while ($uid = $db->fetch_field($query, 'uid')) { // Let's send our PM $pm = array('subject' => $thread_options['pm_subject'], 'message' => $thread_options['pm_message'], 'touid' => $uid); send_pm($pm, $mybb->user['uid'], 1); } } return true; }
/** * Converts IP-Adresses to the Format used by MyBB * * @uses mybb_functions.php * @param string $ip IP-Adress in dotted decimal writing (for example * @return string returns the IP-Adress in the format used by MyBB */ public function ip2my($ip) { return my_inet_pton($ip); }
/** * Log a user spam block from StopForumSpam (or other spam service providers...) * * @param string $username The username that the user was using. * @param string $email The email address the user was using. * @param string $ip_address The IP addres of the user. * @param array $data An array of extra data to go with the block (eg: confidence rating). * @return bool Whether the action was logged successfully. */ function log_spam_block($username = '', $email = '', $ip_address = '', $data = array()) { global $db, $session; if (!is_array($data)) { $data = array($data); } if (!$ip_address) { $ip_address = get_ip(); } $ip_address = my_inet_pton($ip_address); $insert_array = array('username' => $db->escape_string($username), 'email' => $db->escape_string($email), 'ipaddress' => $db->escape_binary($ip_address), 'dateline' => (int) TIME_NOW, 'data' => $db->escape_string(@my_serialize($data))); return (bool) $db->insert_query('spamlog', $insert_array); }