function _edit_score($OID = 0, $CID = 0) { loginRequireMgmt(); if (!loginCheckPermission(USER::MGMT_TEAM)) { redirect("errors/401"); } $item = "Team"; $urlPrefix = "mgmt_team"; $object = new Team(); $object->retrieve($OID, $CID); if (!$object->exists()) { $data['body'][] = "<p>{$item} Not Found!</p>"; } else { $fdata['form_heading'] = "Edit {$item} Score"; $fdata['object'] = $object; $fdata['actionUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/ops_update_score"); $fdata['actionLabel'] = "Submit"; $fdata['cancelUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/manage"); $fdata['cancelLabel'] = "Cancel"; $form = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . "{$urlPrefix}/score_form.php", $fdata); $data['head'][] = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . "{$urlPrefix}/score_form_js.php"); $data['body'][] = "<h2>Edit {$item} Score</h2>"; $data['body'][] = $form; } View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layouts/mgmtlayout.php', $data); }
function _make_html_table($n, &$data) { $dbh = getdbh(); //pagination $stmt = $dbh->query('SELECT count(OID) total FROM t_user'); $total = $stmt->fetchColumn(); $limit = $GLOBALS['pagination']['per_page']; $data['body'][] = '<p>Showing records ' . ($n + 1) . ' to ' . min($total, $n + $limit) . ' of ' . $total . '</p>'; $data['body'][] = pagination::makePagination($n, $total, myUrl('mgmt_user/manage'), $GLOBALS['pagination']); //table $stmt = $dbh->query("SELECT OID,CID,permissions,username,fullname FROM t_user LIMIT {$n},{$limit}"); $tablearr[] = explode(',', 'username,roll,fullname'); while ($rs = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $OID = $rs['OID']; $CID = $rs['CID']; $row = null; $row['username'] = htmlspecialchars($rs['username']); $row['roll'] = htmlspecialchars(User::getPermissionsAsRollText($rs['permissions'])); $row['fullname'] = htmlspecialchars($rs['fullname']); $row[] = '<a href="' . myUrl("mgmt_user/edit/{$OID}/{$CID}") . '">Edit</a> | <a href="javascript:jsconfirm(\'Really Delete User?\',\'' . myUrl("mgmt_user/ops_delete/{$OID}/{$CID}") . '\')">Delete</a>'; $tablearr[] = $row; } $data['body'][] = table::makeTable($tablearr); $data['head'][] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . myUrl('js/jsconfirm.js') . '"></script>'; }
function _make_user_table($n, &$data) { $dbh = getdbh(); //pagination $stmt = $dbh->query('SELECT count(*) "total" FROM "users"'); $rs = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $total = $rs['total']; $limit = $GLOBALS['pagination']['per_page']; $data['body'][] = '<p>Showing records ' . ($n + 1) . ' to ' . min($total, $n + $limit) . ' of ' . $total . '</p>'; $data['body'][] = pagination::makePagination($n, $total, myUrl('users/manage'), $GLOBALS['pagination']); //table $stmt = $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM \"users\" LIMIT {$n},{$limit}"); $tablearr[] = explode(',', 'uid,username,password,fullname,created_dt,Action'); while ($rs = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $uid = $rs['uid']; $row = null; foreach ($rs as $k => $v) { $row[$k] = htmlspecialchars($v); } $row[] = '<a href="' . myUrl("users/edit/{$uid}") . '">Edit</a> | <a href="javascript:jsconfirm(\'Really Delete User?\',\'' . myUrl("users/ops_delete/{$uid}") . '\')">Delete</a>'; $tablearr[] = $row; } $data['body'][] = table::makeTable($tablearr); $data['head'][] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . myUrl('js/jsconfirm.js') . '"></script>'; }
function _show($OID = 0, $CID = 0) { loginRequireMgmt(); if (!loginCheckPermission(USER::MGMT_HMB_DATA)) { redirect("errors/401"); } $item = "HMB Data"; $urlPrefix = "mgmt_hmb_data"; $object = new HMBData(); $object->retrieve($OID, $CID); if (!$object->exists()) { $data['body'][] = "<p>{$item} Not Found!</p>"; } else { $fdata['form_heading'] = "Test {$item} -- Todo remove this"; $fdata['object'] = $object; $fdata['actionUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/ops_update"); $fdata['actionLabel'] = "Submit"; $fdata['cancelUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/manage"); $fdata['cancelLabel'] = "Back"; $form = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . "{$urlPrefix}/show.php", $fdata); //$data['head'][]=View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH."$urlPrefix/form_js.php"); $data['body'][] = "<h2>Show {$item}</h2>"; $data['body'][] = $form; } View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layouts/mgmtlayout.php', $data); }
function _make_html_table($table, $item, $urlPrefix, $n, &$data) { $dbh = getdbh(); //pagination $stmt = $dbh->query("SELECT count(OID) total FROM {$table}"); $total = $stmt->fetchColumn(); $limit = $GLOBALS['pagination']['per_page']; $data['body'][] = '<p>Showing records ' . ($n + 1) . ' to ' . min($total, $n + $limit) . ' of ' . $total . '</p>'; $data['body'][] = pagination::makePagination($n, $total, myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/manage"), $GLOBALS['pagination']); //table $fields = "URL,stationId,lastContact,debug"; $stmt = $dbh->query("SELECT OID,CID,{$fields} FROM {$table} LIMIT {$n},{$limit}"); if ($stmt === false) { var_dump($dbh->errorInfo()); return; } $tablearr[] = explode(',', $fields); while ($rs = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $OID = $rs['OID']; $CID = $rs['CID']; $row = null; foreach ($tablearr[0] as $f) { $row[] = htmlspecialchars($rs[$f]); } $row[] = '<a href="' . myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/ops_reset/{$OID}/{$CID}") . '">Reset</a> | ' . '<a href="' . myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/ops_shutdown/{$OID}/{$CID}") . '">Shutdown</a> | ' . '<a href="' . myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/edit/{$OID}/{$CID}") . '">Edit</a> | ' . '<a href="javascript:jsconfirm(\'Really Delete ' . $item . '?\',\'' . myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/ops_delete/{$OID}/{$CID}") . '\')">Delete</a>'; $tablearr[] = $row; } $data['body'][] = table::makeTable($tablearr); $data['head'][] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . myUrl('js/jsconfirm.js') . '"></script>'; }
function redirect($url, $alertmsg = '') { if ($alertmsg) { addjAlert($alertmsg, $url); } header('Location: ' . myUrl($url)); exit; }
function _clear_scores() { $fdata['actionUrl'] = myUrl('ops/clear_scores'); $fdata['cancelUrl'] = myUrl('mgmt_main/index'); $data['pagename'] = 'Clear Scores'; $data['body'][] = '<h2>Warning Submitting this form will clear all scoring data the Database</h2><br/>'; $data['body'][] = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . 'mgmt_main/clear_scores_form.php', $fdata); View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layouts/mgmtlayout.php', $data); }
function _resetdb() { $fdata['actionUrl'] = myUrl('ops/resetdb'); $fdata['cancelUrl'] = myUrl('mgmt_main/index'); $data['pagename'] = 'Reset Database'; $data['body'][] = '<h2>Warning Submitting this form will reset the Database</h2><br/>'; $data['body'][] = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . 'mgmt_main/resetdb_form.php', $fdata); View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layouts/mgmtlayout.php', $data); }
function _loaddb() { $fdata['actionUrl'] = myUrl('mgmt_cpa_data/ops_loaddb'); $fdata['cancelUrl'] = myUrl('mgmt_cpa_data/index'); $data['pagename'] = 'Load Database'; $data['body'][] = '<h2>Warning Submitting this form will replace all existing CPS data in the Database</h2><br/>'; $data['body'][] = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . 'mgmt_cpa_data/loaddb.php', $fdata); View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layouts/mgmtlayout.php', $data); }
function _loaddb() { if (!loginCheckPermission(USER::MGMT_EXT_DATA)) { redirect("errors/401"); } $fdata['actionUrl'] = myUrl('mgmt_ext_data/ops_loaddb'); $fdata['cancelUrl'] = myUrl('mgmt_ext_data/index'); $data['pagename'] = 'Load Database'; $data['body'][] = '<h2>Warning Submitting this form will replace all existing EXT data in the Database</h2><br/>'; $data['body'][] = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . 'mgmt_ext_data/loaddb.php', $fdata); View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layouts/mgmtlayout.php', $data); }
function _resetdb() { $data['foot'][] = '<script type="text/javascript"> if (confirm("Really reset database?")) window.location="' . myUrl('ops/resetdb') . '"; else window.location="' . myUrl('main') . '"; </script> '; $data['body'][] = '<h2>Reset Database</h2>'; $data['body'][] = '<p><strong>This will clear all existing user data and re-populate with some test data!</strong></p>'; View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layouts/mainlayout.php', $data); }
function _manage($n = 0) { loginRequireMgmt(); $n = (int) $n; $data['body'][] = '<h2>Web Site</h2><br />'; if (loginCheckPermission(USER::MGMT_WEBSITE)) { $data['body'][] = '<a href="' . myUrl("mgmt_website/website") . '">Edit Web Site Settings</a>'; $data['body'][] = '<br>'; $data['body'][] = '<a href="' . myUrl("mgmt_website/sysconfig") . '">Edit System Configuration</a>'; $data['body'][] = '<br>'; $data['body'][] = '<a href="' . myUrl("mgmt_website/documents") . '">Upload Documents (term of use)</a>'; } else { $data['body'][] = '<p>You do not have permission for this operation'; } View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layouts/mgmtlayout.php', $data); }
function _documents() { loginRequireMgmt(); $data['body'][] = '<h2>Documents</h2><br />'; if (loginCheckPermission(USER::MGMT_WEBSITE)) { $fdata['form_heading'] = 'Manage Documents'; $fdata['cancel'] = myUrl("mgmt_website/manage"); $fdata['action'] = myUrl("mgmt_website/ops_documents_update"); $form = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . 'mgmt_website/documents_form.php', $fdata); // $data['head'][]=View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH.'mgmt_website/documents_form_js.php'); // $data['head'][]='<script type="text/javascript" src="'.myUrl('js/isvalid.js').'"></script>'; $data['body'][] = $form; } else { $data['body'][] = '<p>You do not have permission for this operation'; } View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layouts/mgmtlayout.php', $data); }
function _index() { $urlPrefix = "mock_rpi"; $data['body'][] = '<h2>Mock rPI</h2><br />'; $fdata['joinUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/sim_join"); $fdata['joinLabel'] = "Join"; $fdata['submitUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/sim_submit"); $fdata['submitLabel'] = "Submit"; //$fdata['timeExpiredUrl']=myUrl("$urlPrefix/sim_timeexpired"); //$fdata['timeExpiredLabel']="Time Expired(HMB only)"; $fdata['cancelUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/index"); $fdata['cancelLabel'] = "Cancel"; $form = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . "{$urlPrefix}/mock_rpi.php", $fdata); //$data['head'][]=View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH."$urlPrefix/form_js.php"); $data['body'][] = $form; View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layouts/mgmtlayout.php', $data); }
function _add() { loginRequireMgmt(); if (!loginCheckPermission(USER::MGMT_USER)) { redirect("errors/401"); } $object = new User(); $fdata['form_heading'] = 'Add User'; $fdata['object'] = $object; $fdata['actionUrl'] = myUrl('mgmt_user/ops_update'); $fdata['actionLabel'] = "Submit"; $fdata['cancelUrl'] = myUrl('mgmt_user/manage'); $fdata['cancelLabel'] = "Cancel"; $form = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . 'mgmt_user/form.php', $fdata); $data['head'][] = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . 'mgmt_user/form_js.php'); $data['body'][] = '<h2>Add New User</h2>'; $data['body'][] = $form; View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layouts/mgmtlayout.php', $data); }
function _index() { $urlPrefix = "mock_brata"; $data['body'][] = '<h2>Mock Brata</h2><br />'; $fdata['registerUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/sim_register"); $fdata['registerLabel'] = "Register"; $fdata['startUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/sim_start_challenge"); $fdata['startLabel'] = "Start Challenge"; $fdata['submitUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/sim_submit"); $fdata['submitLabel'] = "Submit"; $fdata['atWaypointUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/sim_atwaypoint"); $fdata['atWaypointLabel'] = "At Waypoint"; $fdata['cpaMeasureUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/sim_cpaMeasure"); $fdata['cpaMeasureLabel'] = "CPA Measure"; $fdata['cancelUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/index"); $fdata['cancelLabel'] = "Cancel"; $form = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . "{$urlPrefix}/mock_brata.php", $fdata); //$data['head'][]=View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH."$urlPrefix/form_js.php"); $data['body'][] = $form; View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layouts/mgmtlayout.php', $data); }
function _add() { loginRequireMgmt(); if (!loginCheckPermission(USER::MGMT_TEAM)) { redirect("errors/401"); } $object = new Team(); $item = "Team"; $urlPrefix = "mgmt_team"; $fdata['form_heading'] = "Add {$item}"; $fdata['object'] = $object; $fdata['actionUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/ops_update"); $fdata['actionLabel'] = "Submit"; $fdata['cancelUrl'] = myUrl("{$urlPrefix}/manage"); $fdata['cancelLabel'] = "Cancel"; $form = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . "{$urlPrefix}/form.php", $fdata); $data['head'][] = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . "{$urlPrefix}/form_js.php"); $data['body'][] = "<h2>Add New {$item}</h2>"; $data['body'][] = $form; View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layouts/mgmtlayout.php', $data); }
function _make_html_table($n, &$data) { $dbh = getdbh(); //pagination $stmt = $dbh->query('SELECT count(OID) total FROM t_event'); $total = $stmt->fetchColumn(); $limit = $GLOBALS['pagination']['per_page']; $data['body'][] = '<p>Showing records ' . ($n + 1) . ' to ' . min($total, $n + $limit) . ' of ' . $total . '</p>'; $data['body'][] = pagination::makePagination($n, $total, myUrl('mgmt_main/manage'), $GLOBALS['pagination']); //table $stmt = $dbh->query("SELECT created_dt,teamId,stationId,points,data FROM t_event LIMIT {$n},{$limit}"); $tablearr[] = explode(',', 'created_dt,teamId,stationId,points,data'); while ($rs = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $row = null; foreach ($tablearr[0] as $f) { $row[] = htmlspecialchars($rs[$f]); } $tablearr[] = $row; } $data['body'][] = table::makeTable($tablearr); $data['body'][] = '<p><a href="' . myUrl("mgmt_main") . '">Back</a></p>'; $data['head'][] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . myUrl('js/jsconfirm.js') . '"></script>'; }
function _edit($OID = 0, $CID = 0) { loginRequireMgmt(); if (!loginCheckPermission(USER::MGMT_USER)) { redirect("errors/401"); } $object = new User(); $object->retrieve($OID, $CID); if (!$object->exists()) { $data['body'][] = '<p>User Not Found!</p>'; } else { $fdata['form_heading'] = 'Edit User'; $fdata['object'] = $object; $fdata['actionUrl'] = myUrl('mgmt_user/ops_update'); $fdata['actionLabel'] = "Submit"; $fdata['cancelUrl'] = myUrl('mgmt_user/manage'); $fdata['cancelLabel'] = "Cancel"; $form = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . 'mgmt_user/form.php', $fdata); $data['head'][] = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . 'mgmt_user/form_js.php'); $data['body'][] = '<h2>Edit User</h2>'; $data['body'][] = $form; } View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layouts/mgmtlayout.php', $data); }
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<form method='POST' action="<?php echo myUrl('ops/updateGrupa'); ?> " > <table> <tr> <td>Numele Grupei</td> <td><input type="text" name="nume" style="width:150px" value="<?php echo isset($grupa[0]['NUME']) ? $grupa[0]['NUME'] : ''; ?> "></td> </tr> <tr> <td>An</td> <td><input type="text" name="an" style="width:150px" value="<?php echo isset($grupa[0]['AN']) ? $grupa[0]['AN'] : ''; ?> "></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sef grupa</td> <td> <select name="sef_grupa"> <?php $lengthOfArray = count($studenti);
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