Example #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function executeAction(MWP_IncrementalBackup_Database_DumperInterface $dumper, array $tables = array(), array $params = array())
     $path = isset($params['path']) ? $params['path'] : $this->baseDir;
     $result = array();
     foreach ($tables as $entry) {
         $table = isset($entry['name']) ? $entry['name'] : null;
         $filename = isset($entry['filename']) ? $entry['filename'] : $this->generateFilename($table);
         $pathname = $path . '/' . $filename;
         $realpath = ABSPATH . $pathname;
         try {
             if ($table === null) {
                 throw new RuntimeException('Table name not passed.');
             $dumper->dump($table, $realpath);
             $result[] = array('table' => $table, 'pathname' => $pathname, 'realpath' => $realpath, 'url' => site_url() . '/' . $pathname);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             mwp_logger()->error('Failed dumping table', array('table' => $table, 'filename' => $filename, 'pathname' => $pathname, 'error' => $e->getMessage()));
             if ($e instanceof MWP_Worker_Exception) {
                 throw $e;
             throw new MWP_Worker_Exception(MWP_Worker_Exception::BACKUP_DATABASE_FAILED, $e->getMessage(), array('message' => $e->getMessage(), 'line' => $e->getLine(), 'file' => $e->getFile()));
     return $this->createResult(array('tables' => $result));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function createStream(array $tables = array())
     if (!mwp_is_shell_available()) {
         throw new MWP_Worker_Exception(MWP_Worker_Exception::SHELL_NOT_AVAILABLE, 'Shell not available.');
     $mysqldump = mwp_container()->getExecutableFinder()->find('mysqldump', 'mysqldump');
     $processBuilder = $this->createProcessBuilder($tables, $mysqldump);
     $process = $processBuilder->getProcess();
     mwp_logger()->info('Database dumping process starting', array('executable_location' => $mysqldump, 'command_line' => $process->getCommandLine()));
     return new MWP_Stream_ProcessOutput($process);
Example #3
  * Run md5sum process and return file hash, or null in case of error
  * @param $realPath
  * @return string|null
 public function computeUnixMd5Sum($realPath)
     try {
         $processBuilder = Symfony_Process_ProcessBuilder::create()->setPrefix('md5sum')->add($realPath);
         if (!mwp_is_shell_available()) {
             throw new MMB_Exception("Shell is not available");
         $process = $processBuilder->getProcess();
         if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
             throw new Symfony_Process_Exception_ProcessFailedException($process);
         // Output is in the format of "md5hash filename"
         $output = trim($process->getOutput());
         $parts = explode(' ', $output);
         // Return only the first part of the output
         return trim($parts[0]);
     } catch (Symfony_Process_Exception_ProcessFailedException $e) {
         mwp_logger()->error('MD5 command line sum failed', array('process' => $e->getProcess()));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         mwp_logger()->error('MD5 command line sum failed', array('exception' => $e));
     return null;
Example #4
function mwp_uninstall()
    $loaderName = '0-worker.php';
    try {
        $mustUsePluginDir = rtrim(WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR, '/');
        $loaderPath = $mustUsePluginDir . '/' . $loaderName;
        if (!file_exists($loaderPath)) {
        $removed = @unlink($loaderPath);
        if (!$removed) {
            $error = error_get_last();
            throw new Exception(sprintf('Unable to remove loader: %s', $error['message']));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        mwp_logger()->error('Unable to remove loader', array('exception' => $e));
Example #5
 public static function selfUpdate()
     if (get_option('mwp_recovering')) {
         return false;
     try {
         $response = self::requestJson('http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/mwp-orion-public/worker/latest.json');
         $response += array('version' => '0.0.0', 'schedule' => 86400, 'autoUpdate' => false, 'checksum' => array());
         wp_schedule_single_event(current_time('timestamp') + $response['schedule'], 'mwp_auto_update');
         if (!$response['autoUpdate']) {
             return false;
         if (version_compare($response['version'], $GLOBALS['MMB_WORKER_VERSION'], '<')) {
             return false;
         self::recoverFiles(dirname(__FILE__), $response['checksum'], $response['version']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         mwp_logger()->error("Self-update failed.", array('exception' => $e));
         return false;
     return true;
Example #6
  * Downloads backup file from Google Drive to root folder on local server.
  * @param array $args arguments passed to the function
  *                    [google_drive_token] -> user's Google drive token in json form
  *                    [google_drive_directory] -> folder on user's Google Drive account which backup file should be downloaded from
  *                    [google_drive_site_folder] -> subfolder with site name in google_drive_directory which backup file should be downloaded from
  *                    [backup_file] -> absolute path of backup file on local server
  *                    [file_id] -> google file id
  * @return bool|array absolute path to downloaded file is successful, array with error message if not
 public function get_google_drive_backup($args)
     $googleClient = new Google_ApiClient();
     $driveService = new Google_Service_Drive($googleClient);
     mwp_logger()->info('Connecting to Google Drive');
     try {
         $about = $driveService->about->get();
         $rootFolderId = $about->getRootFolderId();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         mwp_logger()->error('Error while connecting to Google Drive', array('exception' => $e));
         return array('error' => 'Error while connecting to Google Drive: ' . $e->getMessage());
     if (empty($args['file_id'])) {
         mwp_logger()->info('Looking for backup directory');
         try {
             $backupFolderFiles = $driveService->files->listFiles(array('q' => sprintf("title='%s' and '%s' in parents and trashed = false", addslashes($args['google_drive_directory']), $rootFolderId)));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             mwp_logger()->error('Error while looking for backup directory', array('exception' => $e));
             return array('error' => 'Error while looking for backup directory: ' . $e->getMessage());
         if (!$backupFolderFiles->offsetExists(0)) {
             mwp_logger()->error('Backup directory ("{directory}") does not exist', array('directory' => $args['google_drive_directory']));
             return array('error' => sprintf("The backup directory (%s) does not exist.", $args['google_drive_directory']));
         /** @var Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile $backupFolder */
         $backupFolder = $backupFolderFiles->offsetGet(0);
         if ($args['google_drive_site_folder']) {
             mwp_logger()->info('Looking into the site folder');
             try {
                 $siteFolderFiles = $driveService->files->listFiles(array('q' => sprintf("title='%s' and '%s' in parents and trashed = false", addslashes($this->site_name), $backupFolder->getId())));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 mwp_logger()->error('Error while looking for the site folder', array('exception' => $e));
                 return array('error' => 'Error while looking for the site folder: ' . $e->getMessage());
             if ($siteFolderFiles->offsetExists(0)) {
                 $backupFolder = $siteFolderFiles->offsetGet(0);
         try {
             $backupFiles = $driveService->files->listFiles(array('q' => sprintf("title='%s' and '%s' in parents and trashed = false", addslashes($args['backup_file']), $backupFolder->getId())));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             mwp_logger()->error('Error while fetching Google Drive backup file', array('file_name' => $args['backup_file'], 'exception' => $e));
             return array('error' => 'Error while fetching Google Drive backup file: ' . $e->getMessage());
         if (!$backupFiles->offsetExists(0)) {
             return array('error' => sprintf('Backup file "%s" was not found on your Google Drive account.', $args['backup_file']));
         /** @var Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile $backupFile */
         $backupFile = $backupFiles->offsetGet(0);
     } else {
         try {
             /** @var Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile $backupFile */
             $backupFile = $driveService->files->get($args['file_id']);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             mwp_logger()->error('Error while fetching Google Drive backup file by id', array('file_id' => $args['file_id'], 'exception' => $e));
             return array('error' => 'Error while fetching Google Drive backup file: ' . $e->getMessage());
     $downloadUrl = $backupFile->getDownloadUrl();
     $downloadLocation = ABSPATH . 'mwp_temp_backup.zip';
     $fileSize = $backupFile->getFileSize();
     $downloaded = 0;
     $chunkSize = 1024 * 1024 * 4;
     $fh = fopen($downloadLocation, 'w+');
     if (!is_resource($fh)) {
         return array('error' => 'Temporary backup download location is not writable (location: "%s").', $downloadLocation);
     while ($downloaded < $fileSize) {
         $request = new Google_Http_Request($downloadUrl);
         $toDownload = min($chunkSize, $fileSize - $downloaded);
         mwp_logger()->info('Downloading: {downloaded}/{size}', array('downloaded' => mwp_format_bytes($downloaded), 'size' => mwp_format_bytes($fileSize)));
         $request->setRequestHeaders($request->getRequestHeaders() + array('Range' => 'bytes=' . $downloaded . '-' . ($downloaded + $toDownload - 1)));
         if ($request->getResponseHttpCode() !== 206) {
             mwp_logger()->error('Google Drive has returned an invalid response', array('response_headers' => $request->getResponseHeaders(), 'response_body' => $request->getResponseBody()));
             return array('error' => sprintf('Google Drive service has returned an invalid response code (%s)', $request->getResponseHttpCode()));
         fwrite($fh, $request->getResponseBody());
         $downloaded += $toDownload;
     $fileMd5 = md5_file($downloadLocation);
     if ($backupFile->getMd5Checksum() !== $fileMd5) {
         mwp_logger()->error('File checksum does not match, downloaded file is corrupted.', array('original' => $backupFile->getMd5Checksum(), 'downloaded' => $fileMd5));
         return array('error' => 'File downloaded was corrupted.');
     return $downloadLocation;
Example #7
  * Plugin install callback function
  * Check PHP version
 public function install()
     try {
         $this->registerMustUse('0-worker.php', $this->buildLoaderContent('worker/init.php'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         mwp_logger()->error('Unable to write ManageWP loader', array('exception' => $e));
     /** @var wpdb $wpdb */
     global $wpdb, $_wp_using_ext_object_cache;
     $_wp_using_ext_object_cache = false;
     //delete plugin options, just in case
     if ($this->mmb_multisite != false) {
         $network_blogs = $wpdb->get_results("select `blog_id`, `site_id` from `{$wpdb->blogs}`");
         if (!empty($network_blogs)) {
             if (is_network_admin()) {
                 update_option('mmb_network_admin_install', 1);
                 foreach ($network_blogs as $details) {
                     if ($details->site_id == $details->blog_id) {
                         update_blog_option($details->blog_id, 'mmb_network_admin_install', 1);
                     } else {
                         update_blog_option($details->blog_id, 'mmb_network_admin_install', -1);
                     delete_blog_option($details->blog_id, '_worker_nossl_key');
                     delete_blog_option($details->blog_id, '_worker_public_key');
                     delete_blog_option($details->blog_id, '_action_message_id');
             } else {
                 update_option('mmb_network_admin_install', -1);
     } else {
     $path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../worker.json");
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         $configuration = file_get_contents($path);
         $jsonConfiguration = json_decode($configuration, true);
         if ($jsonConfiguration !== null) {
             update_option("mwp_worker_configuration", $jsonConfiguration);
     update_option('mmb_worker_activation_time', time());