Example #1
 function faq()
     global $LANG;
     $sql = "select * from " . $this->tabela;
     $sql .= " where faq_seccao = '" . $this->faq_seccao . "' ";
     $sql .= " and faq_idioma = '" . $LANG . "' ";
     $sql .= " and faq_ativo = 1";
     $sql .= " order by faq_idioma, faq_ordem ";
     $rlt = db_query($sql);
     $sx = '';
     $per = 0;
     while ($line = db_read($rlt)) {
         $sx .= '<BR>' . $per . '&nbsp;<B>';
         $sx .= '<A TAG="#fq' . $line['id_faq'] . '"></A>';
         $sx .= '<A HREF="#fq' . $line['id_faq'] . '" style="lt2" onclick="mostra_answer(' . $line['id_faq'] . ');">';
         $sx .= trim($line['faq_pergunta']);
         $sx .= '</A>';
         $sx .= '</B>';
         $sx .= '<div id="faq' . $line['id_faq'] . '" style="display: none;" >' . chr(13);
         $sx .= mst(trim($line['faq_resposta'])) . chr(13);
         $sx .= '</div>' . chr(13);
     $sx .= '<script>' . chr(13);
     $sx .= 'function mostra_answer(id) {' . chr(13);
     $sx .= " var local = '#faq'+id; " . chr(13);
     $sx .= ' var tela01 = $(local).toggle("slow"); ' . chr(13);
     $sx .= '}' . chr(13);
     $sx .= '</script>' . chr(13);
     return $sx;
Example #2
    function form_country()
        $sx .= '<table width="100%"  class="lt0" border=0>';
        $sx .= '<TR bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><TH width=5%>' . msg('country_item');
        $sx .= '<TH width=60%>' . msg('country_desc');
        $sx .= '<TH>' . msg('country_sample_size');
        /* Form */
        $sx .= '
				#dd3 { width: 300px; }
				#dd4 { width: 70px; }
				#dd5 { width: 70px; }
        $sx .= '<TR>';
        $sx .= '<TD>';
        $sx .= gets('dd3a', $dd[3], '$Q pais_nome:pais_codigo:select * from ajax_pais where pais_idioma = \'en_US\' and pais_ativo=1 order by pais_nome', mst('country'), 0, 1, '', 'form_textarea_full', '');
        $sx .= gets('dd4a', $dd[4], '$I4', mst('size'), 0, 1, '', 'form_textarea_full', 'Size', '');
        $sx .= '<TD><input type="button" id="country_post" value="' . msg('country_post') . '" class="form_submit">';
        $sx .= '</table>';
        $sx .= '</div>';
        $cr = chr(13) . chr(10);
        $sx .= '<script>' . $cr;
        $sx .= '$("#country_post").click(function() 
					var v1 = $(\'#dd3a\').val();
					var v2 = $(\'#dd4a\').val();
					var site = \'submit_ajax_php\';
					var ok = 1;			
					if (v1.length == 0) { ok = 0; alert(\'Descriction is necessary\'); }
					if (ok == 1)
			 				url: "submit_ajax.php",
			 				type: "POST",
			 				data: { dd1: v1, dd2: v2, dd10: "country" ,dd11: "' . $this->protocol . '", dd12: "DEL" }
					.fail(function() { alert("error #01"); })
			 		.success(function(data) { $("#country").html(data); });
			' . $cr;
        $sx .= '</script>' . $cr;
        return $sx;
Example #3
 function confirm_submission_by_email()
     global $LANG;
     /**** ENVIO DE E-MAIL *****/
     $ic = new ic();
     $ic = $ic->ic('email_confirm_subm');
     $title = utf8_decode($this->doc_1_titulo);
     $texto = mst(utf8_decode($ic['text']));
     $subject = $ic['title'];
     $emails = $this->email_autores();
     $texto = troca($texto, '$TITLE', $title);
     $texto = troca($texto, '$CAAE', $protocolo);
     $texto = troca($texto, '$TITLE', $title);
     echo '<h3>' . $subjec . '</h3>';
     for ($r = 0; $r < count($emails); $r++) {
         echo 'sending to ' . $emails[$r];
         enviaremail($emails[$r], '', '#2' . $subject, $texto);
         enviaremail($emails[$r], '', '#1' . $subject, $texto);
Example #4
 function ic($cod = '')
     global $jid, $LANG;
     $sql = "select * from " . $this->tabela . " \n\t\t\t\t\twhere nw_ref = '" . $cod . "' ";
     $sql .= " and nw_idioma = '{$LANG}' ";
     if (strlen($jid) > 0) {
         $sql .= " and (journal_id = {$jid})";
     $sql .= " limit 1";
     $rlt = db_query($sql);
     if ($line = db_read($rlt)) {
         $title = trim($line['nw_titulo']);
         $txt = trim($line['nw_descricao']);
     } else {
         $title = $cod;
         $txt .= 'Message not found: ' . $cod . ' (' . $LANG . ')';
     $txt .= '<BR><BR><font style="font-size:8px">MSG_COD:' . $cod . '</font>';
     $txt = mst($txt);
     $rst = array('title' => $title, 'text' => $txt);
     return $rst;
Example #5
 function mostrar()
     $sx = '<fieldset>';
     $sx .= '<legend>' . msg('investigator') . '</legend>';
     $sx .= '<table width="100%" class="tabela00">';
     $sx .= '<TR><TD><B>' . $this->name . '</B></td>';
     $sx .= '<TR><TD>' . mst($this->line['us_endereco']);
     $sx .= '<TD>' . $this->line['us_email'];
     $sx .= '<BR>' . $this->line['us_email_alt'];
     $sx .= '<TR><TD>' . $this->line['us_instituition'];
     $sx .= '<TR><TD>' . $this->show_country($this->line['us_country']);
     $sx .= '</table>';
     $sx .= '</fieldset>';
     return $sx;
Example #6
echo '<BR>';
$sx = '<span id="create_pdf" class="form_submit">' . msg('create_PDF') . '</span>';
$sx .= '
				$("#create_pdf").click(function() {
					window.open(\'submit_amendment_pdf.php?dd0=' . $protocolo . '&dd90=' . checkpost($protocolo . $secu) . '\', \'pdf\', \'create pdf\');
echo $sx;
echo '<BR><BR>';
/* Compromisso */
//if (strlen($dd[81]) == 0) { $xok = 0; }
if ($xok == 1) {
    if (strlen($dd[81]) > 0) {
    /* Termo */
    require 'submit_pages.php';
    echo '<form action="submit.php">';
    echo '<BR>';
    echo mst(msg('submit_term_' . $doc_tipo));
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="dd81" value="1">';
    echo '<BR>';
    echo '<input type="submit" value="' . msg('submit_monitoreo') . '" class="form_submit">';
    echo '</form>';
} else {
    echo msg('exist_pending_submit');
Example #7
echo $sx;
echo '<BR><BR>';
/* Compromisso */
//if (strlen($dd[81]) == 0) { $xok = 0; }
if ($xok == 1) {
    if (strlen($dd[81]) > 0) {
    /* Termo */
    echo '<form action="submit.php">';
    echo '<BR>';
    echo '<table width="!00%"><TR><TD>';
    echo mst(msg('submit_term'));
    echo '</table>';
    echo '<BR><B>';
    echo '<input type="checkbox" name="dd81" value="1">';
    echo msg('submit_term_accepted');
    echo '</B>';
    echo '<BR>';
    echo '<input type="submit" value="' . msg('#save_next', 1) . '" class="form_submit">';
    echo '</form>';
} else {
    echo msg('exist_pending_submit');

Example #8
 function confirm_notify_by_email()
     global $LANG, $hd;
     $email_cep = $hd->email_replay;
     $email_nome = $hd->title;
     $ic = new ic();
     $ic = $ic->ic('email_notify_subm');
     $sx = $this->mostra_email($this->line);
     $texto = mst(utf8_decode($ic['text']));
     $subject = utf8_decode($ic['title']);
     $texto = troca($texto, '$INFORMACION_DEL_PROTOCOLO', $sx);
     $texto = troca($texto, '$PROTOCOL_INFORMATION', $sx);
     $texto = troca($texto, '$TITLE', $sx);
     $texto = troca($texto, '$INFORMACION_DEL_COMITTE', $sx);
     $texto = troca($texto, '$COMMITTEE_INFORMATION', $sx);
     $emails = array();
     array_push($emails, $email_cep);
     for ($r = 0; $r < count($emails); $r++) {
         $email = $emails[$r];
         //echo '<BR>'.msg('send_to_email').':'.$email;
         enviaremail($email, '', $subject, $texto);
Example #9
    function mostra_pareceres_emitidos()
        global $dd;
        $cep = new cep();
        $caae = $this->protocol;
        $sql = "select * from cep_protocolos \n\t\t\t\t\tinner join cep_parecer on cep_protocol = pr_protocol \n\t\t\t\t\twhere cep_protocol = '{$caae}' \n\t\t\t\t\tand pr_status = 'A'\n\t\t\t\t\t";
        $rlt = db_query($sql);
        $sx .= '<table class="tabela00 lt1" width="100%" border=0>';
        $sx .= '<TR>
				<TH>' . msg('file_tipo') . '
				<TH>' . msg('date') . '
				<TH>' . msg('status') . '
				<TH>' . msg('status') . '
				<TH>' . msg('accompaniment') . '
				<TH>' . msg('action') . '
        while ($line = db_read($rlt)) {
            $id = $line['id_pr'];
            $rela = round($line['pr_accompaniment']);
            $accompaniment = $cep->monitoring($rela);
            $link = '<A HREF="#" onclick="newxy2(\'dictamen_pdf.php?dd1=' . $id . '&dd90=' . checkpost($id) . '\',800,600);">Print</A>';
            $sx .= '<TR align="center">';
            $sx .= '<TD class="border1">';
            $sx .= msg('dictamen');
            $sx .= '<TD class="border1">';
            $sx .= strzero($line['id_pr'], 7);
            $sx .= '<TD class="border1">';
            $sx .= stodbr($line['pr_data']);
            $sx .= '<TD class="border1">';
            $sx .= $line['pr_status'];
            $sx .= '<TD class="border1">';
            $decision = msg('pm_' . trim($line['pr_situacao']));
            $sx .= mst($decision);
            $sx .= '<TD class="border1">';
            $sx .= $accompaniment;
            $sx .= '<TD class="border1">';
            $sx .= $link;
        $sx .= '</table>';
        return $sx;
Example #10
if ($form->saved > 0) {
    echo '<div class="lt2">';
    echo '' . mst(msg('confirm_email')) . '';
    $name = $dd[3];
    $email = $dd[5];
    if (substr($site, strlen($site), 1) == '/') {
        $valid = $hd->site . 'login_user_valid.php?dd1=' . $dd[5] . '&dd90=' . checkpost($dd[5]);
    } else {
        $valid = $hd->site . '/login_user_valid.php?dd1=' . $dd[5] . '&dd90=' . checkpost($dd[5]);
    $link = '<A HREF="' . $valid . '">';
    $ic_cod = "email_confirm_email";
    $tx = $ic->ic($ic_cod);
    /* Cambia texto */
    $texto = mst($tx['text']);
    $subtitle = $tx['title'];
    $texto = troca($texto, '$name', $name);
    $texto = troca($texto, '$NAME', $name);
    $texto = troca($texto, '$email', $email);
    $texto = troca($texto, '$EMAIL', $email);
    $texto = troca($texto, '$link', $link . $valid . '</a>');
    $texto = troca($texto, '$LINK', $link . $valid . '</a>');
    $texto .= '<BR><BR><font size=-2>' . $ic_cod . '</font>';
    /* Envia e-mail da validação */
    $sql = "select * from usuario where us_email = '" . $email . "' ";
    $rlt = db_query($sql);
    if ($line = db_read($rlt)) {
        $email = trim($line['us_email']);
        enviaremail($email, '', $subtitle, $texto);
        echo '<BR><BR>Send mail to ' . $email;
Example #11
     $CP2 = '' . $CP2;
 } else {
     $CP2 = '' . $CP2;
 /* Dados Adicionais */
 if (strlen($CP3) > 0) {
     $CP2 .= '<br><FONT CLASS="lt0"><FONT color="#ff8888">' . $CP3 . '</font></font>';
 /* Outras Informacoes */
 $obriga = trim($line['sub_obrigatorio']);
 $tips = trim($line['sub_informacao']);
 if (strlen($tips) > 0 and substr($CP1, 0, 2) != '$F') {
     $CP2 .= '<BR>' . tips('<img src="img/icone_information_mini.png" alt="" border="0">', $tips);
 if (substr($CP1, 0, 2) == '$F') {
     $CP2 = '<B>' . $CP2 . '</B><BR><BR>' . mst($tips);
 $ed = false;
 if ($ref == 'CLINIC') {
     if ($clinic == 1) {
         if ($CP1 == '$REGISTER_P') {
             require "register_unit.php";
             $edx = true;
             $ed = true;
         if ($CP1 == '$REGISTER_S') {
             require "register_unit_secundary.php";
             $edx = true;
             $ed = true;
Example #12
function ic($id = '', $tp = 0, $fmt = 'HTML')
    $sql = "select * from mensagem where nw_ref = '{$id}' ";
    $rlt = db_query($sql);
    if ($line = db_read($rlt)) {
        switch ($tp) {
            case '1':
                if ($fmt = 'HTML') {
                    return mst($line['nw_texto']);
                } else {
                    return $line['nw_texto'];
                return $line;
Example #13
$active_page = 'contact';
$nosec = 1;
require "cab.php";
require "_class/_class_committee.php";
$cmt = new committee();
echo '<H1>' . mst(msg('contact_us')) . '</H1>';
echo '<BR>';
echo '<fieldset>';
echo '<font class="lt3"><B>' . $cmt->institution_name . '</B></font>';
echo '<BR>';
echo '<A HREF="' . $cmt->institution_site . '">' . $cmt->institution_site . '</a>';
echo '<BR>';
echo mst($cmt->institution_email);
echo '<BR><BR>';
echo mst($cmt->institution_address);
echo '<BR>';
echo $cmt->institution_city . ' - ' . $cmt->institution_country;
echo '<BR>';
echo msg('phone_number') . ' ' . $cmt->institution_phone;
echo '<BR><BR>';
/* Coordenadas */
$institution_xpos = $cmt->institution_xpos;
$institution_ypos = $cmt->institution_ypos;
echo '
	var committee_name = \'Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa \\nPontifícia Universidade Católogica do Paraná\\nCuritiba - PR - Brasil\';
	var xcoor = ' . $institution_xpos . ';
	var ycoor = ' . $institution_ypos . ';
Example #14

// This file is part of the ProEthos Software.
// Copyright 2013, PAHO. All rights reserved. You can redistribute it and/or modify
// ProEthos under the terms of the ProEthos License as published by PAHO, which
// restricts commercial use of the Software.
// ProEthos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
// PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ProEthos License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the ProEthos License along with the ProEthos
// Software. If not, see
// https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bireme/proethos/master/LICENSE.txt
 * Admin Menu
 * @author Rene Faustino Gabriel Junior  (Analista-Desenvolvedor)
 * @copyright © Pan American Health Organization, 2013. All rights reserved.
 * @access public
 * @version v0.13.46
 * @package ProEthos-Admin
 * @subpackage Unit Register
require "cab.php";
echo '<h1>' . msg('blocked_form') . '</h1>';
/* mostra mensagem no formato texto */
echo mst(msg('blocked_form_text'));
echo '</div>';
echo $hd->foot();
Example #15
// This file is part of the ProEthos Software.
// Copyright 2013, PAHO. All rights reserved. You can redistribute it and/or modify
// ProEthos under the terms of the ProEthos License as published by PAHO, which
// restricts commercial use of the Software.
// ProEthos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
// PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ProEthos License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the ProEthos License along with the ProEthos
// Software. If not, see
// https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bireme/proethos/master/LICENSE.txt
require "cab.php";
/* Admin Common */
$ok = ($perfil->valid('#ADM') or $perfil->valid('#SCR') or $perfil->valid('#COO'));
if ($ok == 0) {
/* Admin Common */
$ok = ($perfil->valid('#ADM') or $perfil->valid('#SCR') or $perfil->valid('#COO'));
if ($ok == 0) {
echo '<h1>System Information</h1>';
echo msg('post_max_size') . ' = ' . ini_get('post_max_size') . "";
echo ' (<A HREF="http://php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php" target="new">' . mst('see_more') . ')</A>';
echo '</DIV>';
echo $hd->foot();
Example #16
function mst_hexa($ddx)
    $ddr = '';
    $ddi = '';
    $dda = '<TT>';
    $rrow = 0;
    for ($rt = 0; $rt < strlen($ddx); $rt++) {
        $ddr .= bin2hex(substr($ddx, $rt, 1)) . ' ';
        $ddi .= substr($ddx, $rt, 1) . '&nbsp;';
        if ($rrow > 7) {
            $dda .= $ddr . '&nbsp;' . $ddi . '<BR>';
            $ddr = '';
            $ddi = '';
            $rrow = 0;
    $dda .= $ddr . '&nbsp;' . $ddi . '<BR>';
    $dda .= '<HR>' . mst($ddx);
    return $dda;
Example #17
    function send_form($email1, $email2)
        global $dd, $acao, $institution_name, $hd;
        global $edit_mode;
        if (strlen($acao) > 0) {
            if (strlen($dd[45]) > 0 and strlen($dd[46]) > 0) {
                /* enviar e-mail */
                $subject = msg('Email_comunication');
                $text = mst($dd[46]);
                $text .= '<BR><BR>' . 'Protocol:' . $this->protocolo;
                if (strlen($email1) > 0) {
                    enviaremail($email1, '', $subject, $text);
                if (strlen($email2) > 0) {
                    enviaremail($email2, '', $subject, $text);
                $this->email_save($dd[46], $dd[45]);
                //$sa .= '<script> alert("'.msg('email_was_send').'") </script>';
                $sa .= 'E-mail enviado com sucesso para ' . $email1 . ' ' . $email2 . '!';
                $dd[45] = '';
                $dd[46] = '';
        $sa .= '<TR valign="top"><TD>
				<form method="post" action="' . page() . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="dd1" value="' . $dd[1] . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="dd2" value="' . $dd[2] . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="dd3" value="' . $dd[3] . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="dd90" value="' . $dd[90] . '">
        $subj = $hd->email_name . ' - ' . $this->protocolo;
        $sa .= '<TABLE class="lt0">';
        $sa .= '<TR valign="top"><TD>' . msg('mail_subject') . '<TD>';
        $sa .= '<input type="hidden" name="dd45" size=60 maxlength=100 value="' . $subj . '">' . $subj;
        $sa .= '<TR valign="top"><TD>' . msg('mail_content') . '<TD>';
        $sa .= '<textarea name="dd46" cols=50 rows=5 style="width: 99%;" >' . $dd[46] . '</textarea>';
        $sa .= '<TR><TD colspan=2>';
        $sa .= '<input type="submit" name="acao" value="' . msg('send_mail', 1) . '">';
        $sa .= '</table>';
        $sa .= '</form>';
        return $sa;