function mpp_filter_body_class($classes, $class) { $new_classes = array(); $component = mpp_get_current_component(); //if not mediapress pages, return if (!mpp_is_gallery_component() && !mpp_is_component_gallery()) { return $classes; } //ok, It must be mpp pages $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page'; //for all mediapress pages //if it is a directory page if (mpp_is_gallery_directory()) { $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-directory'; } elseif (mpp_is_gallery_component() || mpp_is_component_gallery()) { //we are on user gallery page or a component gallery page //append class mpp-page-members or mpp-page-groups or mpp-page-events etc depending on the current associated component $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-' . $component; if (mpp_is_media_management()) { //is it edit media? $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-media-management'; $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-media-management-' . mpp_get_media_type(); //mpp-photo-management, mpp-audio-management $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-media-manage-action-' . mediapress()->get_edit_action(); //mpp-photo-management, mpp-audio-management } elseif (mpp_is_single_media()) { //is it single media $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-media-single'; $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-media-single-' . mpp_get_media_type(); } elseif (mpp_is_gallery_management()) { //id gallery management? $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-gallery-management'; $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-gallery-management-' . mpp_get_gallery_type(); $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-gallery-manage-action-' . mediapress()->get_edit_action(); } elseif (mpp_is_single_gallery()) { //is singe gallery $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-single-gallery'; $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-single-gallery-' . mpp_get_gallery_type(); $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-single-gallery-' . mpp_get_gallery_status(); } else { //it is the gallery listing page of the component $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-gallery-list'; //home could have been a better name $new_classes[] = 'mpp-page-gallery-list-' . $component; //home could have been a better name } } if (!empty($new_classes)) { $classes = array_merge($classes, $new_classes); } return $classes; }
public function switch_view() { //single gallery //single media //edit gallery //edit media if (!mpp_is_user_gallery_component()) { return; } if (mpp_is_media_management()) { $this->manage_media(); } elseif (mpp_is_single_media()) { $this->single_media(); } elseif (mpp_is_single_gallery()) { //mpp single gallery will be true for the single gallery/edit both if (mpp_is_gallery_management()) { $this->manage_gallery(); } else { $this->single_gallery(); } } }
public function context_menu_edit() { if (!mpp_is_single_gallery()) { return; } if (mpp_is_gallery_management() || mpp_is_media_management()) { return; } if (!mpp_user_can_edit_gallery(mpp_get_current_gallery_id())) { return; } $links = ''; if (mpp_is_single_media()) { $url = mpp_get_media_edit_url(); $links .= sprintf('<li><a href="%1$s" title ="%2$s"> %3$s</a></li>', $url, _x('Edit media', 'Profile context menu rel', 'mediapress'), _x('Edit', 'Profile context menu media edit label', 'mediapress')); } else { $url = mpp_get_gallery_edit_media_url(mpp_get_current_gallery()); //bulk edit media url $links .= sprintf('<li><a href="%1$s" title ="%2$s"> %3$s</a></li>', $url, _x('Edit Gallery', 'Profile context menu rel attribute', 'mediapress'), _x('Edit', 'Profile contextual edit gallery menu label', 'mediapress')); $links .= sprintf('<li><a href="%1$s" title ="%2$s"> %3$s</a></li>', mpp_get_gallery_add_media_url(mpp_get_current_gallery()), _x('Add Media', 'Profile context menu rel attribute', 'mediapress'), _x('Add Media', 'Profile contextual add media menu label', 'mediapress')); } echo $links; }
} ?> <div class="mpp-container mpp-clearfix mpp-sitewide-component" id="mpp-container"> <div class="mpp-breadcrumbs"><?php mpp_gallery_breadcrumb(); ?> </div> <?php if (is_super_admin()) { mpp_display_space_usage(); } //main file loaded by MediaPress //it loads the requested file if (mpp_is_gallery_create()) { $template = 'gallery/create.php'; } elseif (mpp_is_gallery_management()) { $template = 'sitewide/gallery/manage.php'; } elseif (mpp_is_media_management()) { $template = 'sitewide/media/manage.php'; } elseif (mpp_is_single_media()) { $template = 'sitewide/media/single.php'; } elseif (mpp_is_single_gallery()) { $template = 'sitewide/gallery/single.php'; } elseif (mpp_is_gallery_home()) { $template = 'gallery/loop-gallery.php'; } else { $template = 'gallery/404.php'; //not found } $template = apply_filters('mpp_get_sitewide_gallery_template', $template); mpp_get_template($template);
/** * @todo update * @return type */ function mpp_is_gallery_cover_upload() { return mpp_is_gallery_management() && mediapress()->is_edit_action('cover'); }
public function context_menu_edit() { if (mpp_is_gallery_management() || mpp_is_media_management()) { return; } if (!mpp_is_single_gallery()) { return; } if (!mpp_user_can_edit_gallery(mpp_get_current_gallery_id())) { return; } if (mpp_is_single_media()) { $url = mpp_get_media_edit_url(); } else { $url = mpp_get_gallery_edit_media_url(mpp_get_current_gallery()); } //bulk edit media url printf('<li><a href="%1$s" title ="%2$s"> %3$s</a></li>', $url, __('Edit', 'mediapress'), __('Edit', 'mediapress')); }
/** * Generate/Display breadcrumb * @param array $args * @return string|null */ function mpp_gallery_breadcrumb($args = null) { $default = array('separator' => '/', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'show_home' => false); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $default); extract($args); $crumbs = array(); $component = mpp_get_current_component(); $component_id = mpp_get_current_component_id(); if (mediapress()->is_bp_active() && bp_is_active('groups') && bp_is_group()) { $name = bp_get_group_name(groups_get_current_group()); } elseif (mediapress()->is_bp_active() && bp_is_user()) { $name = bp_get_displayed_user_fullname(); } elseif ($component == 'sitewide') { $name = ''; } $my_or_his_gallery = ''; if ($name) { $my_or_his_gallery = sprintf(__("%s's gallery", 'mediapress'), $name); } if (function_exists('bp_is_my_profile') && bp_is_my_profile()) { $my_or_his_gallery = __('Your Galleries', 'mediapress'); } if (mpp_is_media_management()) { $crumbs[] = ucwords(mediapress()->get_edit_action()); } if (mpp_is_single_media()) { $media = mpp_get_current_media(); if (mpp_is_media_management()) { $crumbs[] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', mpp_get_media_permalink($media), mpp_get_media_title($media)); } else { $crumbs[] = sprintf('<span>%s</span>', mpp_get_media_title($media)); } } if (mpp_is_gallery_management()) { $crumbs[] = ucwords(mediapress()->get_edit_action()); } if (mpp_is_single_gallery()) { $gallery = mpp_get_current_gallery(); if (mpp_is_gallery_management() || mpp_is_single_media()) { $crumbs[] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', mpp_get_gallery_permalink($gallery), mpp_get_gallery_title($gallery)); } else { $crumbs[] = sprintf('<span>%s</span>', mpp_get_gallery_title($gallery)); } } if ($my_or_his_gallery) { $crumbs[] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', mpp_get_gallery_base_url($component, $component_id), $my_or_his_gallery); } if (count($crumbs) <= 1 && !$show_home) { return; } $crumbs = array_reverse($crumbs); echo join($separator, $crumbs); }
function mpp_action_hide_unpublished_media() { if (!is_user_logged_in() || !mpp_is_gallery_management() || !bp_is_action_variable('delete-unpublished', 1)) { return; } $gallery_id = absint($_GET['gallery_id']); if (!$gallery_id) { return; } //verify nonce if (!wp_verify_nonce($_GET['_wpnonce'], 'delete-unpublished')) { //should we return or show error? return; } $referrer = mpp_get_gallery_edit_media_url($gallery_id); if (!mpp_gallery_has_unpublished_media($gallery_id)) { mpp_add_feedback(__('Nothing to hide.', 'mediapress'), 'error'); bp_core_redirect($referrer); } //check if user has permission if (!mpp_user_can_publish_gallery_activity($gallery_id)) { mpp_add_feedback(__("You don't have sufficient permission.", 'mediapress'), 'error'); bp_core_redirect($referrer); } mpp_gallery_delete_unpublished_media($gallery_id); mpp_add_feedback(__("Successfully hidden!", 'mediapress')); bp_core_redirect($referrer); }