Example #1
function sendMail()
    global $database, $my, $acl, $adminLanguage;
    global $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_debug;
    global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname;
    $n = 0;
    $message_body = mosGetParam($_POST, 'mm_message', '');
    $message_body = stripslashes($message_body);
    $subject = mosGetParam($_POST, 'mm_subject', '');
    $gou = mosGetParam($_POST, 'mm_group', NULL);
    $recurse = mosGetParam($_POST, 'mm_recurse', 'NO_RECURSE');
    if (!$message_body || !$subject || $gou === null) {
        mosRedirect("index2.php?option=com_massmail&mosmsg=" . $adminLanguage->A_COMP_MASS_FILL);
    // get users in the group out of the acl
    $to = $acl->get_group_objects($gou, 'ARO', $recurse);
    $rows = array();
    if (count($to['users']) || $gou === '0') {
        // Get sending email address
        $database->setQuery("SELECT email FROM #__users WHERE id='{$my->id}'");
        $my->email = $database->loadResult();
        // Get all users email and group except for senders
        $database->setQuery("SELECT email FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE id != '{$my->id}'" . ($gou !== '0' ? " AND id IN (" . implode(',', $to['users']) . ")" : ""));
        $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
        // Build e-mail message format
        $message_header = sprintf(_MASSMAIL_MESSAGE, $mosConfig_sitename);
        $message = $message_header . $message_body;
        $subject = $mosConfig_sitename . ' / ' . stripslashes($subject);
        //Send email
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $row->email, $subject, $message);
    mosRedirect("index2.php", $adminLanguage->A_COMP_MASS_SENT . " " . count($rows) . " " . $adminLanguage->A_COMP_MASS_USERS);
Example #2
    function sendmail()
        global $mosConfig_usecaptcha;
        $captcha_success = 0;
        if ($mosConfig_usecaptcha == '1') {
            $spamstop = mosGetParam($_POST, 'spamstop', '');
            if (isset($_SESSION['code']) && $_SESSION['code'] != "" && $_SESSION['code'] == $spamstop) {
                $captcha_success = 1;
                // success
            } else {
                $captcha_success = 2;
                // fail
        if ($captcha_success != '2') {
            $contact = new mosContact();
            $default = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_sitename') . ' ' . T_('Enquiry');
            $email = mosGetParam($_POST, 'email', '');
            $text = mosGetParam($_POST, 'text', '');
            $name = mosGetParam($_POST, 'name', '');
            $subject = mosGetParam($_POST, 'subject', $default);
            $email_copy = mosGetParam($_POST, 'email_copy', 0);
            if (!$email or !$text or !$this->is_email($email) or $this->has_emailheaders($text) or $this->has_newlines($email) or $this->has_newlines($name) or $this->has_newlines($subject) or !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) or $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') {
                echo "<script>alert (\"" . T_('Please make sure the form is complete and valid.') . "\"); window.history.go(-1);</script>";
            $prefix = sprintf(T_('This is an enquiry e-mail via %s from:'), mamboCore::get('mosConfig_live_site'));
            $text = $prefix . "\n" . $name . ' <' . $email . '>' . "\n\n" . $text;
            mosMail($email, $name, $contact->email_to, mamboCore::get('mosConfig_fromname') . ': ' . $subject, $text);
            if ($email_copy) {
                $copy_text = sprintf(T_('The following is a copy of the message you sent to %s via %s '), $contact->name, mamboCore::get('mosConfig_sitename'));
                $copy_text = $copy_text . "\n\n" . $text . '';
                $copy_subject = sprintf(T_('Copy of: %s'), $subject);
                mosMail(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_mailfrom'), mamboCore::get('mosConfig_fromname'), $email, $copy_subject, $copy_text);
			alert( "<?php 
            echo T_('Thank you for your e-mail ') . $name;
" );
            echo sefRelToAbs('index.php?option=com_contact&Itemid=' . $this->Itemid);
        } else {
            echo "<SCRIPT> alert('Incorrect Security Code'); window.history.go(-1);</SCRIPT>";
Example #3
function sendMail()
    global $database, $my, $acl;
    global $mosConfig_sitename;
    global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname;
    $mode = intval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'mm_mode', 0));
    $subject = strval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'mm_subject', ''));
    $gou = mosGetParam($_POST, 'mm_group', NULL);
    $recurse = strval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'mm_recurse', 'NO_RECURSE'));
    // pulls message inoformation either in text or html format
    if ($mode) {
        $message_body = $_POST['mm_message'];
    } else {
        // automatically removes html formatting
        $message_body = strval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'mm_message', ''));
    $message_body = stripslashes($message_body);
    if (!$message_body || !$subject || $gou === null) {
        mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_massmail&mosmsg=Please fill in the form correctly');
    // get users in the group out of the acl
    $to = $acl->get_group_objects($gou, 'ARO', $recurse);
    $rows = array();
    if (count($to['users']) || $gou === '0') {
        // Get sending email address
        $query = "SELECT email" . "\n FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $my->id;
        $my->email = $database->loadResult();
        $user_ids = 'id=' . implode(' OR id=', $to['users']);
        // Get all users email and group except for senders
        $query = "SELECT email" . "\n FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE id != " . (int) $my->id . ($gou !== '0' ? " AND ( {$user_ids} )" : '');
        $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
        // Build e-mail message format
        $message_header = sprintf(_MASSMAIL_MESSAGE, html_entity_decode($mosConfig_sitename, ENT_QUOTES));
        $message = $message_header . $message_body;
        $subject = html_entity_decode($mosConfig_sitename, ENT_QUOTES) . ' / ' . stripslashes($subject);
        //Send email
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $row->email, $subject, $message, $mode);
    $msg = 'E-mail sent to ' . count($rows) . ' users';
    mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_massmail', $msg);
Example #4
function sendMail()
    global $database, $my, $acl;
    global $mosConfig_sitename;
    global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname;
    $mode = mosGetParam($_POST, 'mm_mode', 0);
    $subject = mosGetParam($_POST, 'mm_subject', '');
    $gou = mosGetParam($_POST, 'mm_group', NULL);
    $recurse = mosGetParam($_POST, 'mm_recurse', 'NO_RECURSE');
    $inc_blocked = mosGetParam($_POST, 'inc_blocked', 0);
    // pulls message inoformation either in text or html format
    if ($mode) {
        $message_body = $_POST['mm_message'];
    } else {
        // automatically removes html formatting
        $message_body = mosGetParam($_POST, 'mm_message', '');
    $message_body = stripslashes($message_body);
    if (!$message_body || !$subject || $gou === null) {
        $msg = T_('Please fill in the form correctly');
        mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_massmail&mosmsg=' . $msg);
    // get users in the group out of the acl
    $to = $acl->get_group_objects($gou, 'ARO', $recurse);
    $rows = array();
    if (count($to['users']) || $gou === '0') {
        // Get sending email address
        $query = "SELECT email FROM #__users WHERE id='{$my->id}'";
        $my->email = $database->loadResult();
        // Get all users email and group except for senders
        $query = "SELECT email FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE id != '{$my->id}'" . ($inc_blocked !== '0' ? " AND block = 0 " : '') . ($gou !== '0' ? " AND id IN (" . implode(',', $to['users']) . ")" : '');
        $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
        // Build e-mail message format
        $message_header = sprintf(T_("This is an email from '%s'\n\nMessage:\n"), $mosConfig_sitename);
        $message = $message_header . $message_body;
        $subject = $mosConfig_sitename . ' / ' . stripslashes($subject);
        //Send email
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $row->email, $subject, $message, $mode);
    $msg = sprintf(Tn_('E-mail sent to %d user.', 'E-mail sent to %d users.', count($rows)), count($rows));
    mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_massmail', $msg);
Example #5
 function send($from_id = null, $to_id = null, $subject = null, $message = null)
     global $database, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname;
     if (is_object($this)) {
         $from_id = $from_id ? $from_id : $this->user_id_from;
         $to_id = $to_id ? $to_id : $this->user_id_to;
         $subject = $subject ? $subject : $this->subject;
         $message = $message ? $message : $this->message;
     $query = "SELECT cfg_name, cfg_value" . "\n FROM #__messages_cfg" . "\n WHERE user_id = " . (int) $to_id;
     $config = $database->loadObjectList('cfg_name');
     $locked = @$config['lock']->cfg_value;
     $domail = @$config['mail_on_new']->cfg_value;
     if (!$locked) {
         $this->user_id_from = $from_id;
         $this->user_id_to = $to_id;
         $this->subject = $subject;
         $this->message = $message;
         $this->date_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         if ($this->store()) {
             if ($domail) {
                 $query = "SELECT email" . "\n FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $to_id;
                 $recipient = $database->loadResult();
                 $subject = _NEW_MESSAGE;
                 $msg = _NEW_MESSAGE;
                 mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $recipient, $subject, $msg);
             return true;
     } else {
         if (is_object($this)) {
             $this->_error = _MESSAGE_FAILED;
     return false;
Example #6
 function send($from_id = null, $to_id = null, $subject = null, $message = null)
     global $database;
     global $mosConfig_site_name;
     if (is_object($this)) {
         $from_id = $from_id ? $from_id : $this->user_id_from;
         $to_id = $to_id ? $to_id : $this->user_id_to;
         $subject = $subject ? $subject : $this->subject;
         $message = $message ? $message : $this->message;
     $database->setQuery("SELECT cfg_name, cfg_value" . "\nFROM #__messages_cfg" . "\nWHERE user_id='{$to_id}'");
     $config = $database->loadObjectList('cfg_name');
     $locked = @$config['lock']->cfg_value;
     $domail = @$config['mail_on_new']->cfg_value;
     if (!$locked) {
         $this->user_id_from = $from_id;
         $this->user_id_to = $to_id;
         $this->subject = $subject;
         $this->message = $message;
         $this->date_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         if ($this->store()) {
             if ($domail) {
                 $database->setQuery("SELECT email FROM #__users WHERE id='{$to_id}'");
                 $recipient = $database->loadResult();
                 $subject = T_('A new private message has arrived');
                 $msg = T_('A new private message has arrived');
                 mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $recipient, $subject, $msg);
             return true;
     } else {
         if (is_object($this)) {
             $this->_error = T_('The user has locked their mailbox. Message failed.');
     return false;
Example #7
* Shows the email form for a given content item.
function emailContentSend($uid)
    global $database, $mainframe;
    global $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_sitename;
    global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname;
    $_Itemid = $mainframe->getItemid($uid, 0, 0);
    $email = trim(mosGetParam($_POST, 'email', ''));
    $yourname = trim(mosGetParam($_POST, 'yourname', ''));
    $youremail = trim(mosGetParam($_POST, 'youremail', ''));
    $subject_default = sprintf(T_('Item sent by %s'), $yourname);
    $subject = trim(mosGetParam($_POST, 'subject', $subject_default));
    $form_check = mosGetParam($_POST, 'form_check', '');
    if (empty($_SESSION['_form_check_']['com_content']) || $form_check != $_SESSION['_form_check_']['com_content']) {
        // the form hasn't been generated by the server on this session
    if (!$email || !$youremail || is_email($email) == false || is_email($youremail) == false) {
        echo "<script>alert (\"" . T_('You must enter valid e-mail addresses for both yourself and your recipient.') . "\"); window.history.go(-1);</script>";
    $template = '';
    $database->setQuery("SELECT template FROM #__templates_menu WHERE client_id='0' AND menuid='0'");
    $template = $database->loadResult();
    // link sent in email
    $link = sefRelToAbs($mosConfig_live_site . '/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=' . $uid . '&Itemid=' . $_Itemid);
    // message text
    $msg = sprintf(T_(' The following page from the \\"%s\\" website has been sent to you by %s ( %s ).\\n\\nYou can access it at the following url:\\n%s'), $mosConfig_sitename, $yourname, $youremail, $link);
    // mail function
    mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $email, $subject, $msg);
    HTML_content::emailSent($email, $template);
Example #8
File: content.php Project: cwcw/cms
* Shows the email form for a given content item.
function emailContentSend($uid)
    global $database, $mainframe;
    global $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_sitename;
    global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname;
    $_Itemid = $mainframe->getItemid($uid, 0, 0);
    $email = trim(mosGetParam($_POST, 'email', ''));
    $yourname = trim(mosGetParam($_POST, 'yourname', ''));
    $youremail = trim(mosGetParam($_POST, 'youremail', ''));
    $subject_default = _EMAIL_INFO . " {$yourname}";
    $subject = trim(mosGetParam($_POST, 'subject', $subject_default));
    if (!$email || !$youremail || is_email($email) == false || is_email($youremail) == false) {
        echo "<script>alert (\"" . _EMAIL_ERR_NOINFO . "\"); window.history.go(-1);</script>";
    $template = '';
    $database->setQuery("SELECT template FROM #__templates_menu WHERE client_id='0' AND menuid='0'");
    $template = $database->loadResult();
    // link sent in email
    $link = sefRelToAbs($mosConfig_live_site . '/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=' . $uid . '&Itemid=' . $_Itemid);
    // message text
    $msg = sprintf(_EMAIL_MSG, $mosConfig_sitename, $yourname, $youremail, $link);
    // mail function
    mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $email, $subject, $msg);
    HTML_content::emailSent($email, $template);
Example #9
 * Shows the email form for a given content item.
 * @param int The content item id
function emailContentSend($uid, $gid)
    global $database, $mainframe;
    global $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_hideEmail;
    $id = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'id', 0));
    if ($id) {
        $query = 'SELECT attribs FROM #__content WHERE `id`=' . $id;
        $params = new mosParameters($database->loadResult());
    } else {
        $params = new mosParameters('');
    $paramEmail = intval($params->get('email', 0));
    if ($mosConfig_hideEmail && !$paramEmail) {
        echo _NOT_AUTH;
    // simple spoof check security
    // check for session cookie
    // Session Cookie `name`
    $sessionCookieName = mosMainFrame::sessionCookieName();
    // Get Session Cookie `value`
    $sessioncookie = mosGetParam($_COOKIE, $sessionCookieName, null);
    if (!(strlen($sessioncookie) == 32 || $sessioncookie == '-')) {
    $itemid = intval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'itemid', 0));
    $nullDate = $database->getNullDate();
    // query to check for state and access levels
    $query = "SELECT a.*, cc.name AS category, s.name AS section, s.published AS sec_pub, cc.published AS cat_pub," . "\n  s.access AS sec_access, cc.access AS cat_access, s.id AS sec_id, cc.id as cat_id" . "\n FROM #__content AS a" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__categories AS cc ON cc.id = a.catid" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__sections AS s ON s.id = cc.section AND s.scope = 'content'" . "\n WHERE a.id = " . (int) $uid . "\n AND a.state = 1" . "\n AND a.access <= " . (int) $gid . "\n AND ( a.publish_up = " . $database->Quote($nullDate) . " OR a.publish_up <= " . $database->Quote($now) . " )" . "\n AND ( a.publish_down = " . $database->Quote($nullDate) . " OR a.publish_down >= " . $database->Quote($now) . " )";
    $row = NULL;
    if ($database->loadObject($row)) {
         * check whether category is published
        if (!$row->cat_pub && $row->catid) {
         * check whether section is published
        if (!$row->sec_pub && $row->sectionid) {
         * check whether category access level allows access
        if ($row->cat_access > $gid && $row->catid) {
         * check whether section access level allows access
        if ($row->sec_access > $gid && $row->sectionid) {
        $email = strval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'email', ''));
        $yourname = strval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'yourname', ''));
        $youremail = strval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'youremail', ''));
        $subject = strval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'subject', ''));
        if (empty($subject)) {
            $subject = _EMAIL_INFO . ' ' . $yourname;
        if ($uid < 1 || !$email || !$youremail || JosIsValidEmail($email) == false || JosIsValidEmail($youremail) == false) {
        $query = "SELECT template" . "\n FROM #__templates_menu" . "\n WHERE client_id = 0" . "\n AND menuid = 0";
        $template = $database->loadResult();
        // determine Itemid for Item
        if ($itemid) {
            $_itemid = '&Itemid=' . $itemid;
        } else {
            $itemid = $mainframe->getItemid($uid, 0, 0);
            $_itemid = '&Itemid=' . $itemid;
        // link sent in email
        $link = sefRelToAbs('index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=' . $uid . $_itemid);
        // message text
        $msg = sprintf(_EMAIL_MSG, html_entity_decode($mosConfig_sitename, ENT_QUOTES), $yourname, $youremail, $link);
        // mail function
        $success = mosMail($youremail, $yourname, $email, $subject, $msg);
        if (!$success) {
        HTML_content::emailSent($email, $template);
    } else {
Example #10
  * comments for registered users
 function reviewBook($options, $catid)
     global $mainframe, $database, $my, $Itemid, $acl;
     global $booklibrary_configuration, $mosConfig_absolute_path;
     /* , $catid */
     global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $session;
     if (!isset($my->id)) {
         //for 1.6
         $my->id = 0;
     if (!$GLOBALS['reviews_show'] || !checkAccessBL($GLOBALS['reviews_registrationlevel'], 'RECURSE', userGID_BL($my->id), $acl)) {
     $review = new mosBookLibrary_review($database);
     $review->date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $review->fk_userid = $my->id;
     //*********************   begin compare to key   ***************************
     //**********************   end compare to key   *****************************
     //**********************   BEGIN review approve   ***************************
     if ($booklibrary_configuration['approve_review']['show'] == '1') {
         $review->published = 1;
     } else {
         $review->published = 0;
     if ($booklibrary_configuration['approve_review']['show']) {
         if (checkAccessBL($booklibrary_configuration['approve_review']['registrationlevel'], 'RECURSE', userGID_BL($my->id), $acl)) {
             $review->published = 1;
         } else {
             $review->published = 0;
     } else {
         $review->published = 0;
     //**********************   END review approve   ***************************
     if (!$review->bind($_POST)) {
         echo "<script> alert('" . addslashes($book->getError()) . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
     if (!$review->check()) {
         echo "<script> alert('" . addslashes($book->getError()) . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
     if (!$review->store()) {
         echo "<script> alert('" . addslashes($book->getError()) . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
     //***************   begin add send mail for admin   ******************
     if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'lt')) {
         $menu = new JTableMenu($database);
         // for 1.6
         $params = new mosParameters($menu->params);
     } else {
         $menu = new JTableMenu($database);
         $params = new JRegistry();
     if (!isset($my->id)) {
         //for 1.6
         $my->id = 0;
     if ($GLOBALS['review_added_email_show'] && trim($GLOBALS['review_email_address']) != "") {
         $params->def('show_email', 1);
         if (checkAccessBL($GLOBALS['review_added_email_registrationlevel'], 'RECURSE', userGID_BL($my->id), $acl)) {
             $params->def('show_input_email', 1);
     if ($params->get('show_input_email')) {
         $mail_to = explode(",", $GLOBALS['review_email_address']);
         // select book title
         $zapros = "SELECT title FROM #__booklibrary WHERE id = '" . intval($_POST['fk_bookid']) . "';";
         $book_title = $database->loadObjectList();
         echo $database->getErrorMsg();
         $userid = $my->id;
         //select new review
         $zapros = "SELECT * FROM #__booklibrary_review WHERE date = '" . $review->date . "';";
         $item_review = $database->loadObjectList();
         echo $database->getErrorMsg();
         $zapros = "SELECT name, email FROM #__users WHERE id=" . $userid . ";";
         $item_user = $database->loadObjectList();
         echo $database->getErrorMsg();
         $rating = $item_review[0]->rating / 2;
         $query = "SELECT * FROM #__booklibrary WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['fk_bookid'] . "'";
         $book_name = $database->loadAssoc();
         $username = isset($item_user[0]->name) ? $item_user[0]->name : "anonymous";
         $message = str_replace("{username}", $username, $message);
         $message = str_replace("{book_title}", $book_name['title'], $message);
         $message = str_replace("{label title comment}", _BOOKLIBRARY_LABEL_TITLE_COMMENT, $message);
         $message = str_replace("{title}", $_REQUEST['title'], $message);
         $message = str_replace("{label rating}", _BOOKLIBRARY_LABEL_RATING, $message);
         $message = str_replace("{rating}", $_REQUEST['rating'], $message);
         $message = str_replace("{label label title review comment}", _BOOKLIBRARY_LABEL_TITLE_REVIEW_COMMENT, $message);
         $message = str_replace("{comment}", $_REQUEST['comment'], $message);
         if ($userid == 0) {
             mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, 'anonymous', $mail_to, 'New book review added', $message, true);
         } else {
             mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $item_user[0]->name, $mail_to, 'New book review added', $message, true);
     mosRedirect("index.php?option=com_booklibrary&task=view&catid=" . $catid . "&id={$review->fk_bookid}&Itemid={$Itemid}");
Example #11
* Sends mail to admin
function mosSendAdminMail($adminName, $adminEmail, $email, $type, $title, $author)
    global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $mosConfig_live_site;
    $subject = _MAIL_SUB . " '{$type}'";
    $message = _MAIL_MSG;
    eval("\$message = \"{$message}\";");
    mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $adminEmail, $subject, $message);
Example #12
  * Mail function (uses phpMailer)
  * @param string $from From e-mail address
  * @param string $fromName From name
  * @param mixed $recipient Recipient e-mail address(es)
  * @param string $subject E-mail subject
  * @param string $body Message body
  * @param boolean $mode false = plain text, true = HTML
  * @param mixed $cc CC e-mail address(es)
  * @param mixed $bcc BCC e-mail address(es)
  * @param mixed $attachment Attachment file name(s)
  * @param mixed $replyTo Reply to email address(es)
  * @param mixed $replyToName Reply to name(s)
  * @return boolean True on success
 function send($from, $fromName, $recipient, $subject, $body, $mode = 0, $cc = NULL, $bcc = NULL, $attachment = NULL, $replyTo = NULL, $replyToName = NULL)
     if (JCOMMENTS_JVERSION == '1.5') {
         return JUTility::sendMail($from, $fromName, $recipient, $subject, $body, $mode, $cc, $bcc, $attachment, $replyTo, $replyToName);
     return mosMail($from, $fromName, $recipient, $subject, $body, $mode, $cc, $bcc, $attachment, $replyTo, $replyToName);
Example #13
function saveRegistration($option)
    global $database, $my, $acl;
    global $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_useractivation, $mosConfig_allowUserRegistration;
    global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname;
    if ($mosConfig_allowUserRegistration == "0") {
    $row = new mosUser($database);
    if (!$row->bind($_POST, "usertype")) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    $row->id = 0;
    $row->usertype = '';
    $row->gid = $acl->get_group_id('Registered', 'ARO');
    if ($mosConfig_useractivation == "1") {
        $row->activation = md5(mosMakePassword());
        $row->block = "1";
    if (!$row->check()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    $pwd = $row->password;
    $row->password = md5($row->password);
    $row->registerDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    if (!$row->store()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    //// Begin UserExtended
    include "administrator/components/com_user_extended/user_extended.class.php";
    $rowExtended = new mosUser_Extended($database);
    if (!$rowExtended->bind($_POST)) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $rowExtended->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    if (!$rowExtended->check()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $rowExtended->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    if (!$rowExtended->storeExtended($row->id)) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $rowExtended->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    //// End UserExtended
    $name = $row->name;
    $email = $row->email;
    $username = $row->username;
    $subject = sprintf(_SEND_SUB, $name, $mosConfig_sitename);
    $subject = html_entity_decode($subject, ENT_QUOTES);
    if ($mosConfig_useractivation == "1") {
        $message = sprintf(_USEND_MSG_ACTIVATE, $name, $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_live_site . "/index.php?option=com_registration&task=activate&activation=" . $row->activation, $mosConfig_live_site, $username, $pwd);
    } else {
        $message = sprintf(_USEND_MSG, $name, $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_live_site);
    $message = html_entity_decode($message, ENT_QUOTES);
    // Send email to user
    if ($mosConfig_mailfrom != "" && $mosConfig_fromname != "") {
        $adminName2 = $mosConfig_fromname;
        $adminEmail2 = $mosConfig_mailfrom;
    } else {
        $database->setQuery("SELECT name, email FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE usertype='superadministrator'");
        $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
        $row2 = $rows[0];
        $adminName2 = $row2->name;
        $adminEmail2 = $row2->email;
    mosMail($adminEmail2, $adminName2, $email, $subject, $message);
    // Send notification to all administrators
    $subject2 = sprintf(_SEND_SUB, $name, $mosConfig_sitename);
    $message2 = sprintf(_ASEND_MSG, $adminName2, $mosConfig_sitename, $row->name, $email, $username);
    $subject2 = html_entity_decode($subject2, ENT_QUOTES);
    $message2 = html_entity_decode($message2, ENT_QUOTES);
    // get superadministrators id
    $admins = $acl->get_group_objects(25, 'ARO');
    foreach ($admins['users'] as $id) {
        $database->setQuery("SELECT email, sendEmail FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE id='{$id}'");
        $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
        $row = $rows[0];
        if ($row->sendEmail) {
            mosMail($adminEmail2, $adminName2, $row->email, $subject2, $message2);
    if ($mosConfig_useractivation == "1") {
    } else {
        echo _REG_COMPLETE;
Example #14
function sendmail($con_id, $option)
    global $mainframe, $database, $Itemid;
    global $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $mosConfig_db;
    // simple spoof check security
    $query = "SELECT *" . "\n FROM #__contact_details" . "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $con_id;
    $contact = $database->loadObjectList();
    if (count($contact) > 0) {
        $default = $mosConfig_sitename . ' ' . _ENQUIRY;
        $email = strval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'email', ''));
        $text = strval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'text', ''));
        $name = strval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'name', ''));
        $subject = strval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'subject', $default));
        $email_copy = strval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'email_copy', 0));
        $menu = $mainframe->get('menu');
        $mparams = new mosParameters($menu->params);
        $bannedEmail = $mparams->get('bannedEmail', '');
        $bannedSubject = $mparams->get('bannedSubject', '');
        $bannedText = $mparams->get('bannedText', '');
        $sessionCheck = $mparams->get('sessionCheck', 1);
        // check for session cookie
        if ($sessionCheck) {
            // Session Cookie `name`
            $sessionCookieName = mosMainFrame::sessionCookieName();
            // Get Session Cookie `value`
            $sessioncookie = mosGetParam($_COOKIE, $sessionCookieName, null);
            if (!(strlen($sessioncookie) == 32 || $sessioncookie == '-')) {
        // Prevent form submission if one of the banned text is discovered in the email field
        if ($bannedEmail) {
            $bannedEmail = explode(';', $bannedEmail);
            foreach ($bannedEmail as $value) {
                if (stristr($email, $value)) {
        // Prevent form submission if one of the banned text is discovered in the subject field
        if ($bannedSubject) {
            $bannedSubject = explode(';', $bannedSubject);
            foreach ($bannedSubject as $value) {
                if (stristr($subject, $value)) {
        // Prevent form submission if one of the banned text is discovered in the text field
        if ($bannedText) {
            $bannedText = explode(';', $bannedText);
            foreach ($bannedText as $value) {
                if (stristr($text, $value)) {
        // test to ensure that only one email address is entered
        $check = explode('@', $email);
        if (strpos($email, ';') || strpos($email, ',') || strpos($email, ' ') || count($check) > 2) {
        if (!$email || !$text || JosIsValidEmail($email) == false) {
        $prefix = sprintf(_ENQUIRY_TEXT, $mosConfig_live_site);
        $text = $prefix . "\n" . $name . ' <' . $email . '>' . "\n\n" . stripslashes($text);
        $success = mosMail($email, $name, $contact[0]->email_to, $mosConfig_fromname . ': ' . $subject, $text);
        if (!$success) {
        // parameter check
        $params = new mosParameters($contact[0]->params);
        $emailcopyCheck = $params->get('email_copy', 0);
        // check whether email copy function activated
        if ($email_copy && $emailcopyCheck) {
            $copy_text = sprintf(_COPY_TEXT, $contact[0]->name, $mosConfig_sitename);
            $copy_text = $copy_text . "\n\n" . $text . '';
            $copy_subject = _COPY_SUBJECT . $subject;
            $success = mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $email, $copy_subject, $copy_text);
            if (!$success) {
        $link = sefRelToAbs('index.php?option=com_contact&task=view&contact_id=' . $contact[0]->id . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid);
        mosRedirect($link, _THANK_MESSAGE);
Example #15
function saveUser($task)
    global $database, $my, $acl;
    global $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $mosConfig_sitename;
    $userIdPosted = mosGetParam($_POST, 'id');
    if ($userIdPosted) {
        $msg = checkUserPermissions(array($userIdPosted), 'save', in_array($my->gid, array(24, 25)));
        if ($msg) {
            echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . $msg . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
    $row = new mosUser($database);
    if (!$row->bind($_POST)) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    $row->name = trim($row->name);
    $row->email = trim($row->email);
    $row->username = trim($row->username);
    // sanitise fields
    $row->id = (int) $row->id;
    // sanitise gid field
    $row->gid = (int) $row->gid;
    $isNew = !$row->id;
    $pwd = '';
    // MD5 hash convert passwords
    if ($isNew) {
        // new user stuff
        if ($row->password == '') {
            $pwd = mosMakePassword();
            $salt = mosMakePassword(16);
            $crypt = md5($pwd . $salt);
            $row->password = $crypt . ':' . $salt;
        } else {
            $pwd = trim($row->password);
            $salt = mosMakePassword(16);
            $crypt = md5($pwd . $salt);
            $row->password = $crypt . ':' . $salt;
        $row->registerDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    } else {
        $original = new mosUser($database);
        $original->load((int) $row->id);
        // existing user stuff
        if ($row->password == '') {
            // password set to null if empty
            $row->password = null;
        } else {
            $row->password = trim($row->password);
            $salt = mosMakePassword(16);
            $crypt = md5($row->password . $salt);
            $row->password = $crypt . ':' . $salt;
        // if group has been changed and where original group was a Super Admin
        if ($row->gid != $original->gid) {
            if ($original->gid == 25) {
                // count number of active super admins
                $query = "SELECT COUNT( id )" . "\n FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE gid = 25" . "\n AND block = 0";
                $count = $database->loadResult();
                if ($count <= 1) {
                    // disallow change if only one Super Admin exists
                    echo "<script> alert('You cannot change this users Group as it is the only active Super Administrator for your site'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
            $user_group = strtolower($acl->get_group_name($original->gid, 'ARO'));
            if ($user_group == 'super administrator' && $my->gid != 25) {
                // disallow change of super-Admin by non-super admin
                echo "<script> alert('You cannot change this users Group as you are not a Super Administrator for your site'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
            } else {
                if ($my->gid == 24 && $original->gid == 24) {
                    // disallow change of super-Admin by non-super admin
                    echo "<script> alert('You cannot change the Group of another Administrator as you are not a Super Administrator for your site'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
            // ensure user can't add group higher than themselves done below
    // if user is made a Super Admin group and user is NOT a Super Admin
    if ( $row->gid == 25 && $my->gid != 25 ) {
    	// disallow creation of Super Admin by non Super Admin users
    	echo "<script> alert('You cannot create a user with this user Group level, only Super Administrators have this ability'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    // Security check to avoid creating/editing user to higher level than himself: response to artf4529.
    if (!in_array($row->gid, getGIDSChildren($my->gid))) {
        // disallow creation of Super Admin by non Super Admin users
        echo "<script> alert('You cannot create a user with this user Group level, only Super Administrators have this ability'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    // save usertype to usertype column
    $query = "SELECT name" . "\n FROM #__core_acl_aro_groups" . "\n WHERE group_id = " . (int) $row->gid;
    $usertype = $database->loadResult();
    $row->usertype = $usertype;
    // save params
    $params = mosGetParam($_POST, 'params', '');
    if (is_array($params)) {
        $txt = array();
        foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
            $txt[] = "{$k}={$v}";
        $row->params = implode("\n", $txt);
    if (!$row->check()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    if (!$row->store()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    // updates the current users param settings
    if ($my->id == $row->id) {
        $_SESSION['session_user_params'] = $row->params;
    // update the ACL
    if (!$isNew) {
        $query = "SELECT aro_id" . "\n FROM #__core_acl_aro" . "\n WHERE value = " . (int) $row->id;
        $aro_id = $database->loadResult();
        $query = "UPDATE #__core_acl_groups_aro_map" . "\n SET group_id = " . (int) $row->gid . "\n WHERE aro_id = " . (int) $aro_id;
        $database->query() or die($database->stderr());
    // for new users, email username and password
    if ($isNew) {
        $query = "SELECT email" . "\n FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $my->id;
        $adminEmail = $database->loadResult();
        $subject = _NEW_USER_MESSAGE_SUBJECT;
        $message = sprintf(_NEW_USER_MESSAGE, $row->name, $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_live_site, $row->username, $pwd);
        if ($mosConfig_mailfrom != "" && $mosConfig_fromname != "") {
            $adminName = $mosConfig_fromname;
            $adminEmail = $mosConfig_mailfrom;
        } else {
            $query = "SELECT name, email" . "\n FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE gid = 25";
            $admins = $database->loadObjectList();
            $admin = $admins[0];
            $adminName = $admin->name;
            $adminEmail = $admin->email;
        mosMail($adminEmail, $adminName, $row->email, $subject, $message);
    if (!$isNew) {
        // if group has been changed
        if ($original->gid != $row->gid) {
            // delete user acounts active sessions
            logoutUser($row->id, 'com_users', 'change');
    switch ($task) {
        case 'apply':
            $msg = 'Successfully Saved changes to User: '******'index2.php?option=com_users&task=editA&hidemainmenu=1&id=' . $row->id, $msg);
        case 'save':
            $msg = 'Successfully Saved User: '******'index2.php?option=com_users', $msg);
Example #16
File: contact.php Project: cwcw/cms
function sendmail($con_id, $option)
    global $database, $Itemid;
    global $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname;
    $database->setQuery("SELECT email_to FROM #__contact_details WHERE id='{$con_id}'");
    $email_to = $database->loadResult();
    $default = $mosConfig_sitename . ' ' . _ENQUIRY;
    $email = trim(mosGetParam($_POST, 'email', ''));
    $text = trim(mosGetParam($_POST, 'text', ''));
    $name = trim(mosGetParam($_POST, 'name', ''));
    $subject = trim(mosGetParam($_POST, 'subject', $default));
    $email_copy = mosGetParam($_POST, 'email_copy', 0);
    if (!$email || !$text || is_email($email) == false) {
        echo "<script>alert (\"" . _CONTACT_FORM_NC . "\"); window.history.go(-1);</script>";
    $text = _ENQUIRY_TEXT . ' ' . $name . ' (' . $email . ')' . "\r \n" . stripslashes($text);
    mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $email_to, $subject, $text);
    if ($email_copy) {
        $copy_text = sprintf(_COPY_TEXT, $mosConfig_sitename);
        $copy_text = $copy_text . "\n\n" . $text . '';
        $copy_subject = _COPY_SUBJECT . $subject;
        mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $email, $copy_subject, $copy_text);
	alert( "<?php 
    echo _THANK_MESSAGE;
" );
    echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&amp;Itemid={$Itemid}");
Example #17
function saveUser($option)
    global $database, $my;
    global $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $mosConfig_sitename;
    $row = new mosUser($database);
    if (!$row->bind($_POST)) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    $isNew = !$row->id;
    $pwd = '';
    if ($isNew) {
        // new user stuff
        if ($row->password == '') {
            $pwd = mosMakePassword();
            $row->password = md5($pwd);
        } else {
            $pwd = $row->password;
            $row->password = md5($row->password);
        $row->registerDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    } else {
        // existing user stuff
        if ($row->password == '') {
            // password set to null if empty
            $row->password = null;
        } else {
            $row->password = md5($row->password);
    if (!$row->check()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-2); </script>\n";
    if (!$row->store()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-2); </script>\n";
    // update the ACL
    if ($isNew) {
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT aro_id FROM #__core_acl_aro WHERE value='{$row->id}'";
        $aro_id = $database->loadResult();
        $query = "UPDATE #__core_acl_groups_aro_map" . "\n SET group_id = '{$row->gid}'" . "\n WHERE aro_id = '{$aro_id}'";
        $database->query() or die($database->stderr());
    if ($isNew) {
        $query = "SELECT email FROM #__users WHERE id={$my->id}";
        $adminEmail = $database->loadResult();
        $subject = _NEW_USER_MESSAGE_SUBJECT;
        $message = sprintf(_NEW_USER_MESSAGE, $row->name, $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_live_site, $row->username, $pwd);
        if ($mosConfig_mailfrom != "" && $mosConfig_fromname != "") {
            $adminName = $mosConfig_fromname;
            $adminEmail = $mosConfig_mailfrom;
        } else {
            $query = "SELECT name, email FROM #__users WHERE usertype='superadministrator'";
            $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
            $row = $rows[0];
            $adminName = $row->name;
            $adminEmail = $row->email;
        mosMail($adminEmail, $adminName, $row->email, $subject, $message);
    $limit = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'limit', 10));
    $limitstart = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'limitstart', 0));
    mosRedirect('index2.php?option=' . $option);
Example #18
if ($captcha_success != '2') {
    # if registered users only
    if (!$allow_anonymous_entries and !$is_user) {
        $link = sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=content&task=view&id={$articleid}");
        echo "<SCRIPT>alert('Please register to add comments'); document.location.href='" . $link . "';</SCRIPT>";
    } else {
        $comments = strip_tags($comments);
        $comments = mysql_escape_string(strip_tags($comments));
        $startdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
        $query = "INSERT INTO #__comment SET articleid='{$articleid}', ip='{$ip}', name='{$mcname}', comments='{$comments}', startdate='{$startdate}', published='{$auto_publish_comments}';";
        if ($notify_new_entries == "1") {
            // messaging for new items
            require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . "/includes/mambofunc.php";
            $message = "A new comment has been added\n\n" . $comments;
            if ($auto_publish_comments == "0") {
                $message = $message . "\n\nYou have chosen not to auto publish new comments. Therefore you need to log in and publish new posts to make them visible.";
            mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_mailfrom, "A new comment has been submitted", $message);
        $msg = 'Thanks. Your comment has been successfully saved. ';
        if ($auto_publish_comments == "0") {
            $msg = $msg . "The Administrator will review and publish your comment shortly.";
        mosRedirect("index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=" . $articleid . "&Itemid=" . $mcitemid . "&limit=" . $limit . "&limitstart=" . $limitstart, $msg);
} else {
    echo "<SCRIPT> alert('Incorrect Security Code');\t\t\tdocument.location='index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id={$articleid}&Itemid={$mcitemid}&limit={$limit}&limitstart={$limitstart}&comments={$comments}';</SCRIPT>";
Example #19
* Saves the record on an edit form submit
* @param database A database connector object
function saveWeblink($option)
    global $database, $my, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_mailfrom;
    if ($my->gid < 1) {
    $row = new mosWeblink($database);
    if (!$row->bind($_POST, "approved published")) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    // sanitize
    $row->id = intval($row->id);
    $isNew = $row->id < 1;
    $row->date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $row->title = $database->getEscaped($row->title);
    $row->catid = $database->getEscaped($row->catid);
    if (!$row->check()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    if (!$row->store()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    // messaging for new items
    require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_messages/messages.class.php';
    $query = "SELECT id,email FROM #__users WHERE sendEmail = '1'";
    $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
    foreach ($rows as $user) {
        // admin message
        $msg = new mosMessage($database);
        $msg->send($my->id, $user->id, T_("New Item"), sprintf(T_('A new WebLink has been submitted by [ %s ]  titled [ %s ] '), $my->username, $row->title));
        // email message
        mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $user->email, "A new Web Link has been submitted", 'A new WebLink has been submitted by [' . $my->username . '] titled [' . $row->title . ']. Please login to view and approve it.');
    $msg = $isNew ? T_('Thanks for your submission; it will be reviewed before being posted to the site.') : '';
    $Itemid = mosGetParam($_POST, 'Returnid', '');
    mosRedirect('index.php?Itemid=' . $Itemid, $msg);
Example #20
  * Mail function (uses phpMailer)
  * @param string $from From e-mail address
  * @param string $fromName From name
  * @param mixed $recipient Recipient e-mail address(es)
  * @param string $subject E-mail subject
  * @param string $body Message body
  * @param bool|int $mode false = plain text, true = HTML
  * @param mixed $cc CC e-mail address(es)
  * @param mixed $bcc BCC e-mail address(es)
  * @param mixed $attachment Attachment file name(s)
  * @param mixed $replyTo Reply to email address(es)
  * @param mixed $replyToName Reply to name(s)
  * @return boolean True on success
 public static function send($from, $fromName, $recipient, $subject, $body, $mode = 0, $cc = NULL, $bcc = NULL, $attachment = NULL, $replyTo = NULL, $replyToName = NULL)
     if (JCOMMENTS_JVERSION == '1.5') {
         return JUTility::sendMail($from, $fromName, $recipient, $subject, $body, $mode, $cc, $bcc, $attachment, $replyTo, $replyToName);
     } else {
         if (JCOMMENTS_JVERSION == '1.7') {
             $mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
             return $mailer->sendMail($from, $fromName, $recipient, $subject, $body, $mode, $cc, $bcc, $attachment, $replyTo, $replyToName);
     return mosMail($from, $fromName, $recipient, $subject, $body, $mode, $cc, $bcc, $attachment, $replyTo, $replyToName);
Example #21
 function writeLogs($list, $log_simple, $log_detailed)
     if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
         $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
     } else {
         global $database;
     if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log_simple']) {
         $send = $log_simple;
     } else {
         $send = $log_detailed;
     if (lisType::sendLogs($list->list_type)) {
         $database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM `#__users` WHERE `gid` = 25 LIMIT 1");
         if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
             // joomla 15
             $admin = $database->loadObject();
             $owner = subscribers::getSubscriberInfoFromUserId($list->owner);
             if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log'] == 1) {
                 if (!empty($owner->email)) {
                     JUTility::sendMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $owner->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
                 } else {
                     JUTility::sendMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $admin->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
             } else {
                 if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log_closed'] == 1 && connection_aborted()) {
                     if (!empty($owner->email)) {
                         JUTility::sendMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $owner->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
                     } else {
                         JUTility::sendMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $admin->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
         } else {
             //joomla 1x
             $owner = subscribers::getSubscriberInfoFromUserId($list->owner);
             if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log'] == 1) {
                 if (!empty($owner->email)) {
                     mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $owner->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
                 } else {
                     mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $admin->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
             } else {
                 if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log_closed'] == 1 && connection_aborted()) {
                     if (!empty($owner->email)) {
                         mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $owner->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
                     } else {
                         mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $admin->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
     if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log']) {
         if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log_simple']) {
             @file_put_contents(ACA_JPATH_ROOT_NO_ADMIN . $GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log_file'], $log_simple, FILE_APPEND);
         } else {
             @file_put_contents(ACA_JPATH_ROOT_NO_ADMIN . $GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log_file'], $log_detailed, FILE_APPEND);
Example #22
 function writeLogs($list, $log_simple, $log_detailed)
     global $database;
     if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log_simple']) {
         $send = $log_simple;
     } else {
         $send = $log_detailed;
     if (lisType::sendLogs($list->list_type)) {
         $database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM `#__users` WHERE `gid` = 25 LIMIT 1");
         if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log'] == 1) {
             $owner = subscribers::getSubscriberIdFromUserId($list->owner, false);
             if (!empty($owner->email)) {
                 mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $owner->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
             } else {
                 mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $admin->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
         } else {
             if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log_closed'] == 1 && connection_aborted()) {
                 if (!empty($owner->email)) {
                     mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $owner->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
                 } else {
                     mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $admin->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
     if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log']) {
         if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log_simple']) {
             @file_put_contents($GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . $GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log_file'], $log_simple, FILE_APPEND);
         } else {
             @file_put_contents($GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . $GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log_file'], $log_detailed, FILE_APPEND);
Example #23
function saveRegistration()
    global $database, $acl;
    global $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_useractivation, $mosConfig_allowUserRegistration;
    global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname;
    if ($mosConfig_allowUserRegistration == 0) {
    // simple spoof check security
    $row = new mosUser($database);
    if (!$row->bind($_POST, 'usertype')) {
    $row->name = trim($row->name);
    $row->email = trim($row->email);
    $row->username = trim($row->username);
    $row->password = trim($row->password);
    $row->id = 0;
    $row->usertype = '';
    $row->gid = $acl->get_group_id('Registered', 'ARO');
    if ($mosConfig_useractivation == 1) {
        $row->activation = md5(mosMakePassword());
        $row->block = '1';
    if (!$row->check()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . html_entity_decode($row->getError()) . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    $pwd = $row->password;
    $salt = mosMakePassword(16);
    $crypt = md5($row->password . $salt);
    $row->password = $crypt . ':' . $salt;
    $row->registerDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    if (!$row->store()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . html_entity_decode($row->getError()) . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    $name = trim($row->name);
    $email = trim($row->email);
    $username = trim($row->username);
    $subject = sprintf(_SEND_SUB, $name, $mosConfig_sitename);
    $subject = html_entity_decode($subject, ENT_QUOTES);
    if ($mosConfig_useractivation == 1) {
        $message = sprintf(_USEND_MSG_ACTIVATE, $name, $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_live_site . "/index.php?option=com_registration&task=activate&activation=" . $row->activation, $mosConfig_live_site, $username, $pwd);
    } else {
        $message = sprintf(_USEND_MSG, $name, $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_live_site);
    $message = html_entity_decode($message, ENT_QUOTES);
    // check if Global Config `mailfrom` and `fromname` values exist
    if ($mosConfig_mailfrom != '' && $mosConfig_fromname != '') {
        $adminName2 = $mosConfig_fromname;
        $adminEmail2 = $mosConfig_mailfrom;
    } else {
        // use email address and name of first superadmin for use in email sent to user
        $query = "SELECT name, email" . "\n FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE LOWER( usertype ) = 'superadministrator'" . "\n OR LOWER( usertype ) = 'super administrator'";
        $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
        $row2 = $rows[0];
        $adminName2 = $row2->name;
        $adminEmail2 = $row2->email;
    // Send email to user
    mosMail($adminEmail2, $adminName2, $email, $subject, $message);
    // Send notification to all administrators
    $subject2 = sprintf(_SEND_SUB, $name, $mosConfig_sitename);
    $message2 = sprintf(_ASEND_MSG, $adminName2, $mosConfig_sitename, $row->name, $email, $username);
    $subject2 = html_entity_decode($subject2, ENT_QUOTES);
    $message2 = html_entity_decode($message2, ENT_QUOTES);
    // get email addresses of all admins and superadmins set to recieve system emails
    $query = "SELECT email, sendEmail" . "\n FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE ( gid = 24 OR gid = 25 )" . "\n AND sendEmail = 1" . "\n AND block = 0";
    $admins = $database->loadObjectList();
    foreach ($admins as $admin) {
        // send email to admin & super admin set to recieve system emails
        mosMail($adminEmail2, $adminName2, $admin->email, $subject2, $message2);
    if ($mosConfig_useractivation == 1) {
    } else {
        echo _REG_COMPLETE;
Example #24
function sendEmail($gid)
    DOCMAN_token::check() or die('Invalid Token');
    // this is a generic mass mail sender to groups members.
    // From frontend you will find a email to group function specific for a document.
    global $database, $my, $mosConfig_sitename;
    global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname;
    $this_index = 'index2.php?option=com_docman&section=groups';
    $message = mosGetParam($_POST, "mm_message", '');
    $subject = mosGetParam($_POST, "mm_subject", '');
    $leadin = mosGetParam($_POST, "mm_leadin", '');
    if (!$message || !$subject) {
        mosRedirect($this_index . '&task=emailgroup&gid=' . $gid, _DML_FILL_FORM);
    $usertmp = trim(strtolower($my->usertype));
    if ($usertmp != "super administrator" && $usertmp != "superadministrator" && $usertmp != "manager") {
        mosRedirect("index2.php", _DML_ONLY_ADMIN_EMAIL);
    // Get the 'TO' list of addresses
    $database->setQuery("SELECT * " . "\n FROM #__docman_groups " . "\n WHERE groups_id=" . (int) $gid);
    $email_group = $database->loadObjectList();
    $database->setQuery("SELECT id,name,username,email " . "\n FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE id in ( " . $email_group[0]->groups_members . ")" . "\n   AND email !=''");
    $listofusers = $database->loadObjectList();
    if (!count($listofusers)) {
        mosRedirect($this_index, _DML_NO_TARGET_EMAIL . " " . $email_groups[0]->name);
    // Get 'FROM' sending email address (Use default)
    if (!$mosConfig_mailfrom) {
        $database->setQuery("SELECT email " . "\n FROM #__users " . "\n WHERE id=" . $my->id);
        $my->email = $database->loadResult();
        echo $database->getErrorMsg();
        $mosConfig_mailfrom = $my->email;
    // Build e-mail message format
    $message = ($leadin ? stripslashes($leadin) . "\r\n\r\n" : '') . stripslashes($message);
    $subject = stripslashes($subject);
    // ------- Obsolete: ...kept for historical purposes....
    // $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"
    // . "From: "    .$mosConfig_sitename." <".$my->email.">\r\n"
    // . "Reply-To: ".$mosConfig_sitename." <".$my->email.">\r\n"
    // . "X-Priority: 3\r\n"
    // . "X-MSMail-Priority: Low\r\n"
    // . "X-Mailer: DOCman\r\n"
    // ;
    // mail($emailtosend->email, $subject, $message, $headers);
    // TO:              SUBJECT:  (message) Headers
    // ------------   Send email using standard mosMail function
    foreach ($listofusers as $emailtosend) {
        mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $emailtosend->email, $subject, $message);
    mosRedirect($this_index, _DML_EMAIL_SENT_TO . " " . count($listofusers) . " " . _DML_USERS);
  * Add a comment to the medium.
  * @param string $uname
  * @param string $comment
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function addComment($uname, $comment)
     global $database, $zoom, $Itemid, $catid, $key, $mainframe, $mosConfig_live_site;
     $comment = str_replace("'", "&#39;", $comment);
     if (!$zoom->EditMon->isEdited($this->_id, 'comment')) {
         $uname = $zoom->cleanString($uname);
         $comment = $zoom->cleanString($comment);
         if (strlen($comment) > $zoom->_CONFIG['cmtLength']) {
             $comment = substr($comment, 0, $zoom->_CONFIG['cmtLength'] - 4) . "...";
         $database->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__zoom_comments (imgid,cmtname,cmtcontent,cmtdate) VALUES ('" . $this->_id . "','" . $zoom->escapeString($uname) . "','" . $zoom->escapeString($comment) . "', NOW() )");
         $zoom->EditMon->setEditMon($this->_id, 'comment');
         $subject = "New comments added!";
         $body = "Name: " . $uname . "\n\nComment: " . $comment . "\n\nLink: " . sefReltoAbs($mosConfig_live_site . "/index.php?option=com_zoom&Itemid=" . $Itemid . "&page=view&catid=" . $catid . "&key=" . $key);
         $database->setQuery("SELECT b.email AS email FROM #__zoomfiles a, #__users b WHERE a.imgid=" . $this->_id . " AND a.uid=b.id");
         $result = $database->loadResult();
         $sentmail = mosMail('', '', $result, $subject, $body);
         echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/JavaScript\"> alert('" . html_entity_decode(_ZOOM_ALERT_COMMENTOK) . "'); </script>";
     } else {
         echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/JavaScript\"> alert('" . html_entity_decode(_ZOOM_ALERT_COMMENTERROR) . "'); </script>";
     // reload/ refill comments array...
Example #26
 function sendMail($mail)
     $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
     $sent = mosMail($app->getCfg('mailfrom'), $app->getCfg('fromname'), $mail->mail_address, $mail->mail_subject, $mail->mail_body);
     if (!$sent) {
         $query = "UPDATE #__lms_notifications SET sent=-1 WHERE id={$mail->id}";
     } else {
         $query = "UPDATE #__lms_notifications SET sent=1 WHERE id={$mail->id}";
Example #27
function saveMessage($option)
    global $database, $mainframe, $my, $mosConfig_absolute_path;
    global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname;
    require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . "/includes/mambofunc.php";
    $row = new mosMessage($database);
    if (!$row->bind($_POST)) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    require_once mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path') . '/includes/phpInputFilter/class.inputfilter.php';
    $iFilter = new InputFilter(null, null, 1, 1);
    $row->subject = trim($iFilter->process($row->subject));
    $row->message = trim($iFilter->process($row->message));
    if (!$row->send()) {
        mosRedirect("index2.php?option=com_messages&mosmsg=" . $row->getError());
    $msg = $row->subject . ' - ' . $row->message;
    $sql = "SELECT a.id, a.name, a.email" . "\nFROM #__users AS a" . "\nWHERE a.sendEmail = '1'" . "\nAND a.id = '" . $row->user_id_to . "'";
    $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
    if ($rows) {
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $recipient = $row->email;
            $subject = "New private message from " . $row->name;
            mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $recipient, $subject, $msg);
Example #28
function saveRegistration($option)
    global $database, $my, $acl;
    global $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_useractivation, $mosConfig_allowUserRegistration;
    global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname;
    if ($mosConfig_allowUserRegistration == '0') {
    $row = new mosUser($database);
    if (!$row->bind($_POST, 'usertype')) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    $row->id = 0;
    $row->usertype = 'Registered';
    $row->gid = $acl->get_group_id('Registered', 'ARO');
    if ($mosConfig_useractivation == '1') {
        $row->activation = md5(mosMakePassword());
        $row->block = '1';
    if (!$row->check()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    $pwd = $row->password;
    $row->password = md5($row->password);
    $row->registerDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    if (!$row->store()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    $name = $row->name;
    $email = $row->email;
    $username = $row->username;
    $subject = sprintf(T_('Account details for %s at %s'), $name, $mosConfig_sitename);
    $subject = html_entity_decode($subject, ENT_QUOTES);
    $mambothandler =& mosMambotHandler::getInstance();
    if ($mosConfig_useractivation == "1") {
        $message = sprintf(T_('Hello %s,

Thank you for registering at %s. Your account has been created but, as a precaution, it must be activated by you before you can use it.
To activate the account click on the following link or copy and paste it in your browser:

After activation you may login to %s using the following username and password:

Username - %s
Password - %s'), $name, $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_live_site . "/index.php?option=com_registration&task=activate&activation=" . $row->activation, $mosConfig_live_site, $username, $pwd);
        $loginfo = new mosLoginDetails($username, $pwd);
        $mambothandler->trigger('userRegister', array($loginfo));
    } else {
        $message = sprintf(T_("Hello %s,\n\nThank you for registering at %s.\n\nYou may now login to %s using the username and password you registered with."), $name, $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_live_site);
        $loginfo = new mosLoginDetails($username, $pwd);
        $mambothandler->trigger('userRegister', array($loginfo));
        $mambothandler->trigger('userActivate', array($loginfo));
    $message = html_entity_decode($message, ENT_QUOTES);
    // Send email to user
    if ($mosConfig_mailfrom != "" && $mosConfig_fromname != "") {
        $adminName2 = $mosConfig_fromname;
        $adminEmail2 = $mosConfig_mailfrom;
    } else {
        $database->setQuery("SELECT name, email FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE usertype='super administrator'");
        $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
        $row2 = $rows[0];
        $adminName2 = $row2->name;
        $adminEmail2 = $row2->email;
    mosMail($adminEmail2, $adminName2, $email, $subject, $message);
    // Send notification to all administrators
    $subject2 = sprintf(T_('Account details for %s at %s'), $name, $mosConfig_sitename);
    $message2 = sprintf(T_('Hello %s,

A new user has registered at %s.
This email contains their details:

Name - %s
e-mail - %s
Username - %s

Please do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated and is for information purposes only'), $adminName2, $mosConfig_sitename, $row->name, $email, $username);
    $subject2 = html_entity_decode($subject2, ENT_QUOTES);
    $message2 = html_entity_decode($message2, ENT_QUOTES);
    // get superadministrators id
    $admins = $acl->get_group_objects(25, 'ARO');
    foreach ($admins['users'] as $id) {
        $database->setQuery("SELECT email, sendEmail FROM #__users" . "\n WHERE id='{$id}'");
        $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
        $row = $rows[0];
        if ($row->sendEmail) {
            mosMail($adminEmail2, $adminName2, $row->email, $subject2, $message2);
    if ($mosConfig_useractivation == "1") {
        echo '<div class="componentheading">' . T_('Registration Complete') . '</div><br />';
        echo T_('Your account has been created and an activation link has been sent to the e-mail address you entered. Note that you must activate the account by clicking on the activation link before you can login.');
    } else {
        echo '<div class="componentheading">' . T_('Registration Complete') . '</div><br />';
        echo T_('You may now login.');
Example #29
function saveUser($option, $task)
    global $database, $my, $acl;
    global $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $mosConfig_sitename;
    $row = new mosUser($database);
    if (!$row->bind($_POST)) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    // sanitize
    $row->id = intval($row->id);
    $row->gid = intval($row->gid);
    $isNew = !$row->id;
    $pwd = '';
    // disallow super administrator blocking self
    $super_gid = $acl->get_group_id('super administrator');
    if ($row->id == $my->id && $my->gid == $super_gid) {
        $row->block = 0;
    // MD5 hash convert passwords
    if ($isNew) {
        // new user stuff
        if ($row->password == '') {
            $pwd = mosMakePassword();
            $row->password = md5($pwd);
        } else {
            $pwd = $row->password;
            $row->password = md5($row->password);
        $row->registerDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    } else {
        // existing user stuff
        if ($row->password == '') {
            // password set to null if empty
            $row->password = null;
        } else {
            $pwd = $row->password;
            $row->password = md5($pwd);
    // save usertype to usetype column
    $query = "SELECT name" . "\n FROM #__core_acl_aro_groups" . "\n WHERE group_id = {$row->gid}";
    $usertype = $database->loadResult();
    $row->usertype = $usertype;
    if (!$row->check()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-2); </script>\n";
    if (!$row->store()) {
        echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-2); </script>\n";
    $loginfo = new mosLoginDetails($row->username, $pwd);
    $mambothandler =& mosMambotHandler::getInstance();
    // update the ACL
    if (!$isNew) {
        if ($pwd) {
            $mambothandler->trigger('userChange', array($loginfo));
        if ($row->block) {
            $mambothandler->trigger('userBlock', array($loginfo));
        } else {
            $mambothandler->trigger('userUnblock', array($loginfo));
        $query = "SELECT aro_id FROM #__core_acl_aro WHERE value='{$row->id}'";
        $aro_id = $database->loadResult();
        $query = "UPDATE #__core_acl_groups_aro_map" . "\n SET group_id = '{$row->gid}'" . "\n WHERE aro_id = '{$aro_id}'";
        $database->query() or die($database->stderr());
    // for new users, email username and password
    if ($isNew) {
        $mambothandler->trigger('userRegister', array($loginfo));
        $mambothandler->trigger('userActivate', array($loginfo));
        if ($row->block) {
            $mambothandler->trigger('userBlock', array($loginfo));
        $query = "SELECT email FROM #__users WHERE id={$my->id}";
        $adminEmail = $database->loadResult();
        $subject = T_('New User Details');
        $message = sprintf(T_('Hello %s,

You have been added as a user to %s by an Administrator.

This email contains your username and password to log into the %s

Username - %s
Password - %s

Please do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated and is for information purposes only'), $row->name, $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_live_site, $row->username, $pwd);
        if ($mosConfig_mailfrom != "" && $mosConfig_fromname != "") {
            $adminName = $mosConfig_fromname;
            $adminEmail = $mosConfig_mailfrom;
        } else {
            $query = "SELECT name, email FROM #__users WHERE usertype='super administrator'";
            $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
            $row = $rows[0];
            $adminName = $row->name;
            $adminEmail = $row->email;
        mosMail($adminEmail, $adminName, $row->email, $subject, $message);
    switch ($task) {
        case 'apply':
            $msg = sprintf(T_('Successfully Saved changes to User: %s'), $row->name);
            mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_users&task=editA&hidemainmenu=1&id=' . $row->id, $msg);
        case 'save':
            $msg = sprintf(T_('Successfully Saved User: %s'), $row->name);
            mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_users', $msg);
  * Send the ecard(-link) to the friend the user entered.
  * @return boolean
  * @access public
 function send()
     global $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_host, $Itemid, $_SERVER;
     $messageUrl = sefRelToAbs($mosConfig_live_site . "/index.php?option=com_zoom&Itemid=" . $Itemid . "&page=ecard&task=viewcard&ecdid=" . $this->_id);
     $subject = _ZOOM_ECARD_SUBJ . " " . $this->_from_name;
     $msg = "{$this->_to_name},\n\n";
     $msg .= $this->_from_name . " " . _ZOOM_ECARD_MSG1 . " " . $mosConfig_live_site . "\n\n";
     $msg .= html_entity_decode(_ZOOM_ECARD_MSG2) . "\n\n";
     $msg .= "URL: {$messageUrl}\n\n";
     $msg .= html_entity_decode(_ZOOM_ECARD_MSG3) . "\n";
     $msg .= "\n\n\n\n\n";
     $msg .= "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
     $msg .= "|  zOOm Media Gallery! - a multi-gallery component\n";
     $msg .= "|  copyright (C) 2004-2006 by Mike de Boer, http://www.zoomfactory.org\n";
     $msg .= "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     $from = $mosConfig_live_site;
     if (mosMail($this->_from_email, $this->_from_name, $this->_to_email, $subject, $msg)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;