<?php /** * Connect to a database and perform a query. */ require '../lib/php_monetdb.php'; define("DB", "php_demo"); /* Establish a connection and report errors in case they occour */ $db = monetdb_connect($host = "", $port = "50000", $database = DB, $username = "******", $password = "******") or trigger_error(monetdb_last_error()); /* Fire a query */ $query = "SELECT * FROM TABLES, TABLES"; $res = monetdb_query($db, monetdb_escape_string($query)) or trigger_error(monetdb_last_error()); /* Print the number of rows in the result set */ print "Rows: " . monetdb_num_rows($res) . "\n"; /* Iterate over the result set returning rows as objects */ //while ( $row = monetdb_fetch_object($res) ) //{ // print_r($row); //} /* Free the result set */ monetdb_free_result($res); /* Disconnect from the database */ if (monetdb_connected($db)) { monetdb_disconnect($db); }
<?php require 'monetdb/php_monetdb.php'; $db = monetdb_connect("sql", "localhost", $argv[1], "monetdb", "monetdb", $argv[2]) or die(monetdb_last_error()); $packet_size = 20000; $sql = 'select 1'; $sql = str_pad($sql, $packet_size, ' '); echo strlen($sql) . "\n"; $res = monetdb_query($sql); while ($row = monetdb_fetch_assoc($res)) { print_r($row); } monetdb_disconnect();