// Block member if admin changed his/her status not for the best if ($p_arr['Status'] == 'Active' && strlen($p_arr_new['Status']) > 0 && $p_arr_new['Status'] != 'Active') { modules_block($ID); } } } else { // Block member if his/her status was changed in consequence of some fields changing if (strlen($STATUS_CHANGE_TO) > 0) { modules_block($ID); } } if ($_POST['NewProfile'] != 'YES') { if ($p_arr['NickName'] != $p_arr_new['NickName']) { modules_update($ID, '', $p_arr['NickName']); } else { modules_update($ID); } } // // MODULES [ END ] // } // see line 368 } // see line 239 } // see line 163 //---------------------------------- SAVE CHANGES [END] // check if we going to add new profile if ($ADMIN && !$ID) { $NEW_TO_ADD = true;
//======================================================================================================================== // - Membership check - echo "\n- Membership expiration letters -\n"; $expire_notification_days = getParam("expire_notification_days"); $expire_notify_once = getParam("expire_notify_once"); $expire_letters = 0; $exp_res = db_res("SELECT `ID` FROM `Profiles`", 0); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($exp_res)) { $current_membership_arr = getMemberMembershipInfo($row['ID']); // If expire_notification_days is -1 then notify after expiration if ($current_membership_arr['ID'] == MEMBERSHIP_ID_STANDARD && $expire_notification_days == -1) { // Calculate last UNIX Timestamp $last_timestamp = time() - 24 * 3600; $last_membership_arr = getMemberMembershipInfo($row['ID'], $last_timestamp); if ($current_membership_arr['ID'] != $last_membership_arr['ID']) { modules_update($row['ID']); // Handle membership level change if ($further_membership_arr['ID'] == MEMBERSHIP_ID_STANDARD) { $mail_ret = mem_expiration_letter($row['ID'], $last_membership_arr['Name'], -1); if ($mail_ret) { $expire_letters++; } } } } elseif ($current_membership_arr['ID'] != MEMBERSHIP_ID_STANDARD) { // Calculate further UNIX Timestamp $further_timestamp = time() + $expire_notification_days * 24 * 3600; $further_membership_arr = getMemberMembershipInfo($row['ID'], $further_timestamp); if ($current_membership_arr['ID'] != $further_membership_arr['ID'] && $further_membership_arr['ID'] == MEMBERSHIP_ID_STANDARD) { if (!$expire_notify_once || abs($further_timestamp - time()) < 24 * 3600) { $mail_ret = mem_expiration_letter($row['ID'], $current_membership_arr['Name'], (int) (($current_membership_arr['DateExpires'] - time()) / (24 * 3600)));
echo "<br /><p>Fatal error: <b>{$ErrorMessage}</b></p><br />"; exit($ErrorMessage); } if ($argc < 3) { FatalError(sprintf(errArgCountNotMatch, $argc)); } $isAdmin = $argv[1]; for ($argIndex = 2; $argIndex <= $argc - 1; $argIndex++) { $userID = $argv[$argIndex]; if ($isAdmin) { modules_update($userID, '', '', 1); } else { if ($userID != (int) $userID) { FatalError(sprintf(errInvalidInputData, " invalid member ID: [{$userID}]")); } modules_update($userID); // User will be added if he does not exist $resCheckAction = checkAction($userID, ACTION_ID_USE_CHAT); if ($resCheckAction[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] != CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED) { modules_block($userID, 'chat'); } else { modules_unblock($userID, 'chat'); } $resCheckAction = checkAction($userID, ACTION_ID_USE_FORUM); if ($resCheckAction[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] != CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED) { modules_block($userID, 'forum'); } else { modules_unblock($userID, 'forum'); } } }