Example #1

$config = array('title' => sprintf('%s Page Options', THEME_NAME), 'id' => 'mk-metaboxes-general', 'pages' => array('post'), 'callback' => '', 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'core');
$options = array(array("name" => __("Layout", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Please choose the layout of this page. If you choose 'Default' then you may modify it from Theme Settings => Blog/News => Blog Single Post => Single Layout.", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_layout", "default" => 'default', "options" => array("default" => __("Default", "mk_framework"), "left" => __("Left Sidebar", "mk_framework"), "right" => __("Right Sidebar", "mk_framework"), "full" => __("Full Layout", "mk_framework")), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Manage Page Elements", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Depending on your need you can change this page's general layout by making structral changes.", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_template", "default" => '', "options" => array("no-header" => __('Remove Header', "mk_framework"), "no-title" => __('Remove Page Title', "mk_framework"), "no-header-title" => __('Remove Header & Page Title', "mk_framework"), "no-footer" => __('Remove Footer', "mk_framework"), "no-header-footer" => __('Remove Header & Footer', "mk_framework"), "no-footer-title" => __('Remove Footer & Page Title', "mk_framework"), "no-header-title-footer" => __('Remove Header & Page Title & Footer', "mk_framework")), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Stick Template?", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Enabling this option will remove padding after header and before footer.", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_padding", "default" => 'false', "type" => "toggle"), array("name" => __("Page Preloader?", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("This option will enable preloader for this post only. If you would like to enable it throughout the site consider setting the option in General => Site Preloader => Preloader.", "mk_framework"), "id" => "page_preloader", "default" => 'false', "type" => "toggle"), array("name" => __("Page Title Align", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("You can change title and subtitle text align.", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_introduce_align", "default" => 'left', "options" => array("left" => 'Left', "right" => 'Right', "center" => 'Center'), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Custom Page Title", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("You can add a custom title for this page. (This option have NOTHING to do with title  &lt;title&gt; tag inside HTML.)", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_custom_page_title", "rows" => "1", "default" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Page Heading Subtitle", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("You can add a subtitle to header section of this page using this option.", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_page_introduce_subtitle", "rows" => "3", "default" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Breadcrumb", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("You can disable Breadcrumb for this page using this option", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_disable_breadcrumb", "default" => 'true', "type" => "toggle"), array("name" => __("Main Navigation Location", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Choose which menu location to be used in this page. If left blank, Primary Menu will be used. You should first <a target='_blank' href='" . admin_url('nav-menus.php') . "'>create menu</a> and then <a target='_blank' href='" . admin_url('nav-menus.php') . "?action=locations'>assign to menu locations</a>", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_menu_location", "default" => '', "placeholder" => 'true', "width" => 400, "options" => array("primary-menu" => __('Primary Navigation', "mk_framework"), "second-menu" => __('Second Navigation', "mk_framework"), "third-menu" => __('Third Navigation', "mk_framework"), "fourth-menu" => __('Fourth Navigation', "mk_framework"), "fifth-menu" => __('Fifth Navigation', "mk_framework"), "sixth-menu" => __('Sixth Navigation', "mk_framework")), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Custom Sidebar", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("You can create a custom sidebar, under Sidebar option and then assign the custom sidebar here to this post. later on you can customize which widgets to show up. <a target=\"blank\" href=\"https://artbees.net/themes/video/jupiter-widgets-custom-sidebars/\">CLICK HERE</a> for more information.", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_sidebar", "default" => '', "options" => mk_get_sidebar_options(), "type" => "select"));
new mkMetaboxesGenerator($config, $options);
$config = array('title' => sprintf('%s Posts Options', THEME_NAME), 'id' => 'mk-metaboxes-tabs', 'pages' => array('post'), 'callback' => '', 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'core');
$options = array(array("name" => __("Featured Image Lightbox in Blog Loop", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("By default if user clicks on featured images in blog loop a lightbox will be opened. However you can disable this feature, and instead once user clicked on featured image it will go through to single post.", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_disable_post_lightbox", "default" => 'true', "type" => "toggle"), array("name" => __("Post Type", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("You can set the post type using this option.", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_single_post_type", "default" => 'image', "preview" => false, "options" => array("image" => 'Image', "video" => 'Video', "audio" => 'Audio', "portfolio" => 'Portfolio'), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Gallery Images", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("You can re-arrange images by drag and drop as well as deleting images.", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_gallery_images", "default" => '', "type" => "gallery"), array("name" => __("Classic Loops Style Orientation", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("This option allows you to choose how the blog loop item be displayed. This option only applies to Classic style.", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_classic_orientation", "default" => 'landscape', "options" => array("landscape" => 'Landscape', "portraite" => 'Portrait'), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Upload MP3 File", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Upload MP3 your file or paste the full URL for external files. This file formated needed for Safari, Internet Explorer, Chrome. ", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_mp3_file", "preview" => false, "default" => "", "type" => "upload"), array("name" => __("Upload OGG File", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Upload OGG your file or paste the full URL for external files. This file formated needed for Firefox, Opera, Chrome. ", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_ogg_file", "preview" => false, "default" => "", "type" => "upload"), array("name" => __("Sound Track Author", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Fill this Field If you would like to state the author of the audio file you are about to post.", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_single_audio_author", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Soundcloud", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Paste embed iframe or Wordpress shortcode. You can get iframe from soundcould share=>embed popup. both formats are acceptable. Please note that using this option will ignore above options related to hosted audio player.", "mk_framework"), "subtitle" => __("", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_audio_iframe", "preview" => false, "default" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Video Site", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_single_video_site", "default" => 'youtube', "options" => array("vimeo" => 'Vimeo', "youtube" => 'Youtube', "dailymotion" => 'Daily Motion'), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Video Id", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Please fill this option with the required ID. you can find the ID from the link parameters as examplified below:<br /> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<strong>ID</strong><br />https://vimeo.com/<strong>ID</strong><br />http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/<strong>ID</strong>", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_single_video_id", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Featured Image", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("This option will disable post featured image, video, audio and gallery (portfolio post type).", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_disable_featured_image", "default" => 'true', "type" => "toggle"), array("name" => __("Meta Section", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Using this option you can show/hide extra information about the blog or post, such as Author, Date Created, etc...", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_disable_meta", "default" => 'true', "type" => "toggle"), array("name" => __("Tags", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Using this option you can Show/Hide tags in blogs.", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_disable_tags", "default" => 'true', "type" => "toggle"), array("name" => __("Related Posts", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("If you do not want to show related posts disable the post here", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_disable_related_posts", "default" => 'true', "type" => "toggle"), array("name" => __("About Author Box", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Disable the about author box here", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_disable_about_author", "default" => 'true', "type" => "toggle"), array("name" => __("Comments", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Disable comments section for this post.", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_disable_comments", "default" => 'true', "type" => "toggle"));
new mkMetaboxesGenerator($config, $options);
Example #2

$config = array('title' => sprintf('%s Widget Options', THEME_NAME), 'id' => 'mk-metaboxes-widgets', 'pages' => array('page', 'portfolio', 'news', 'post'), 'callback' => '', 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'default');
$options = array(array("name" => __("Footer Widget Area - First Column", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Choose which widget area you would like to show in this column for this post/page", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_widget_first_col", "default" => '', "options" => mk_get_sidebar_options(), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Footer Widget Area - Second Column", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Choose which widget area you would like to show in this column for this post/page", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_widget_second_col", "default" => '', "options" => mk_get_sidebar_options(), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Footer Widget Area - Third Column", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Choose which widget area you would like to show in this column for this post/page", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_widget_third_col", "default" => '', "options" => mk_get_sidebar_options(), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Footer Widget Area - Fourth Column", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Choose which widget area you would like to show in this column for this post/page", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_widget_fourth_col", "default" => '', "options" => mk_get_sidebar_options(), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Footer Widget Area - Fifth Column", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Choose which widget area you would like to show in this column for this post/page", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_widget_fifth_col", "default" => '', "options" => mk_get_sidebar_options(), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Footer Widget Area - Sixth Column", "mk_framework"), "desc" => __("Choose which widget area you would like to show in this column for this post/page", "mk_framework"), "id" => "_widget_sixth_col", "default" => '', "options" => mk_get_sidebar_options(), "type" => "select"));
new mkMetaboxesGenerator($config, $options);