 * check protection
 * @param string $content
 * @param string $type
 * @return string $content
function mgm_content_protection_check($content, $type = 'excerpt')
    global $wpdb, $post;
    // system
    $system_obj = mgm_get_class('system');
    // by pass content protection for excerpt if setting is off
    // get user
    $user = wp_get_current_user();
    // to disable showing multiple private messages on home page listing(issue#: 384), disabled due to #429
    // $show_message = true; // (is_home() && $type == 'content')  ? false : true;
    // filter first
    $content = mgm_replace_message_tags($content);
    // filter payment messages
    $content = mgm_replace_payment_message_tags($content);
    // no check for admin or if user has access or user logged in
    if (is_super_admin() || mgm_user_has_access()) {
        return $content;
    //comments protection check
    if ($system_obj->setting['enable_comments_protection'] == 'Y') {
        add_filter('comments_template', 'mgm_hide_comments');
    //to honour MORE(<!--more-tag-->) tag: issue#: 671
    //case: home page listing,category listing,archives
    if ($type == 'excerpt' || !is_single() && $type == 'content' && (is_archive() || is_home() || is_search())) {
        //check the content has more tag: eg: The link: http://magicmediagroup.com/ppp/#more-540
        if (preg_match("/\\/#more-" . $post->ID . "/", $content) || preg_match("/<!--more-->/", $content)) {
            return $content;
        // if excerpt display and enable_excerpt_protection is disbled , bypass protection:issue#: 887
        if (!bool_from_yn($system_obj->get_setting('enable_excerpt_protection'))) {
            return $content;
    // for full / or part protection, honor manual private tag setting via post interface or , mgm settings
    // protection level
    $protection_level = $system_obj->setting['content_protection'];
    // no check for post/page set as no access redirect, custom register/login urls
    if ($post->ID) {
        // get permalink
        $permalink = get_permalink($post->ID);
        // no_access_urls
        $no_access_urls = array('no_access_redirect_loggedin_users', 'no_access_redirect_loggedout_users');
        // init
        $return = false;
        // loop
        foreach ($no_access_urls as $no_access_url) {
            // get setting
            $no_access_url_is = $system_obj->setting[$no_access_url];
            // match
            if (!empty($no_access_url_is) && $permalink == trailingslashit($no_access_url_is)) {
                // set flag
                $return = true;
        // return
        if ($return) {
            return $content;
        // check urls
        $custom_pages_url = $system_obj->get_custom_pages_url();
        // check
        foreach ($custom_pages_url as $key => $page_url) {
            // match
            if (!empty($page_url) && $permalink == trailingslashit($page_url)) {
                // set flag
                $return = true;
        // return
        if ($return) {
            return $content;
        // get post object
        $post_obj = mgm_get_post($post->ID);
    // post_is_purchasable
    $post_is_purchasable = mgm_post_is_purchasable();
    // is post_is_purchasable and expired
    if ($post_is_purchasable && $user->ID && mgm_is_user_purchased_post_expired($post->ID, $user->ID)) {
        $protected_message = __('Purchased Post expired, Please re-purchase to access the post', 'mgm');
    } else {
        // message code
        if ($user->ID) {
            // logged in user
            $message_code = $post_is_purchasable ? 'private_text_purchasable' : 'private_text_no_access';
        } else {
            // logged out/guest user
            $message_code = $post_is_purchasable ? 'private_text_purchasable_login' : 'private_text';
        // protected_message
        $protected_message = sprintf('<div class="mgm_private_no_access">%s</div>', mgm_private_text_tags(mgm_stripslashes_deep($system_obj->get_template($message_code, array(), true))));
        // filter message
        $protected_message = mgm_replace_message_tags($protected_message);
    // return $content;
    // check
    switch ($protection_level) {
        case 'full':
            // full protection
            // check redirect condition
            // Skip content protection if manually protected:(To honour private tags)
            // Double check as the next line was removed before
            if (!mgm_is_manually_protected($content)) {
                // had redirect
                if (!mgm_check_redirect_condition($system_obj)) {
                    $content = $protected_message;
                } else {
                    // default
                    $content = mgm_no_access_redirect($system_obj);
        case 'partly':
            // partly protection
            // Skip content protection if manually protected:(To honour private tags)
            // Double check as the next line was removed before
            if (!mgm_is_manually_protected($content)) {
                // check if custom page is loaded
                $custompage_loaded = mgm_is_custompage_loaded();
                // how many words to allow
                $allowed_word_limit = (int) $system_obj->get_setting('public_content_words');
                $allow_html = bool_from_yn($system_obj->get_setting('content_protection_allow_html'));
                // apply if only more than 0
                if (!$custompage_loaded && $allowed_word_limit > 0) {
                    // #125 iss / issue#: 510
                    // check redirect condition
                    if (!mgm_check_redirect_condition($system_obj)) {
                        // redirect if set
                        // on type
                        switch ($type) {
                            case 'excerpt':
                                //issue #1059
                                $content_post = get_post($post->ID);
                                $my_content = $content_post->post_content;
                                if (preg_match("/<!--nextpage-->/", $my_content)) {
                                    $content = str_replace('<!--nextpage-->', '', $my_content);
                                // already parsed by shortcode
                                if (preg_match('#<div class="mgm_private_no_access">(.*?)<\\/div\\>#s', $content, $match)) {
                                    // get message only
                                    $prev_message = $match[0];
                                    // remove message
                                    $content = preg_replace('#<div class="mgm_private_no_access">(.*?)<\\/div\\>#s', '', $content);
                                    // get words
                                    $content = mgm_words_from_content($content, $allowed_word_limit, $allow_html);
                                    // append
                                    if ($allowed_word_limit < 50) {
                                        $content .= $prev_message;
                                } else {
                                    // not processed
                                    // get words
                                    $content = mgm_words_from_content($content, $allowed_word_limit, $allow_html);
                                    // append
                                    if ($allowed_word_limit < 50) {
                                        $content .= $protected_message;
                            case 'content':
                                //issue #1059
                                $content_post = get_post($post->ID);
                                $my_content = $content_post->post_content;
                                if (preg_match("/<!--nextpage-->/", $my_content)) {
                                    $content = str_replace('<!--nextpage-->', '', $my_content);
                                // already parsed by shortcode
                                // issue #: 450
                                if (preg_match('#<div class="mgm_private_no_access">(.*?)<\\/div\\>#s', $content, $match)) {
                                    // get message only
                                    $prev_message = $match[0];
                                    // remove message
                                    $content = preg_replace('#<div class="mgm_private_no_access">(.*?)<\\/div\\>#s', '', $content);
                                    // get words
                                    $content = mgm_words_from_content($content, $allowed_word_limit, $allow_html);
                                    // add message
                                    $content .= $prev_message;
                                } else {
                                    // get words
                                    $content = mgm_words_from_content($content, $allowed_word_limit, $allow_html) . $protected_message;
                    } else {
                        // default
                        $content = mgm_no_access_redirect($system_obj);
        case 'none':
            // no protection, trim all private tags, honor [private] tags
            // just check purchasable, other wise trim
            if (!$post_is_purchasable) {
                // remove tags
                $content = str_replace(array('[private]', '[/private]', '[private_or]', '[/private_or]', '[private_and]', '[/private_and]'), '', $content);
            // disable protection
            $content = str_replace(array('[private]', '[/private]', '[private_or]', '[/private_or]', '[private_and]', '[/private_and]'), '', $content);
    // issue#: 450
    if ($post_is_purchasable && !mgm_is_buynow_form_included($content)) {
        //issue #1397
        if (mgm_is_manually_protected($content) ? false : true) {
            $return = mgm_parse_post_template($post->ID);
        } else {
            //issue #1537
            if (is_super_admin() || $user->ID) {
                $return = mgm_get_post_purchase_button($post->ID, mgm_is_manually_protected($content) ? false : true);
        // get button
        // replace message tags if any
        $return = mgm_replace_message_tags($return);
        // wrap with css class
        $content .= sprintf('<div class="mgm_private_no_access">%s</div>', $return);
    // return
    return $content;
 * check post protected
 * @param int $post_id
 * @return bool
function mgm_post_is_protected($post_id = false, $post_obj = NULL)
    // default
    $return = false;
    // get post id
    if (!$post_id) {
        $post_id = get_the_ID();
    // mgm post setting object
    if (!$post_obj) {
        $post_obj = mgm_get_post($post_id);
    // wp post object
    $post =& get_post($post_id);
    // access
    $access_types = $post_obj->get_access_membership_types();
    // count
    $access_types_count = count($access_types);
    // content
    $content = $post->post_content;
    // has tag
    $has_tag = mgm_is_manually_protected($content);
    // content protection settings
    $cp_setting = mgm_get_class('system')->get_setting('content_protection');
    // protection
    $has_cp = (bool) in_array($cp_setting, array('full', 'partly'));
    // purchasable
    if ($access_types_count > 0 && ($has_tag || $has_cp)) {
        // return
        $return = true;
    // return
    return $return;