function metlabel_list($listtype = 'text', $mark, $type, $order, $module, $time = 0, $titleok = 1, $bian = 1, $listmx, $txtmax, $imgwidth) { global $class_index, $index, $lang, $class_list, $metblank; global $index_news_no, $index_product_no, $index_download_no, $index_img_no, $index_job_no; $modules = $mark ? $class_index[$mark]['module'] : $module; $modules = $modules ? $modules : 2; $marktype = 0; if ($mark && strstr($mark, "-")) { $hngy5 = explode('-', $mark); if ($hngy5[1] == 'cm') { $mark = $hngy5[0]; $modules = $class_list[$mark]['module']; $marktype = 1; $module = $modules; } if ($hngy5[1] == 'md') { $mark = ''; $modules = $hngy5[0]; $module = metmodname($hngy5[0]); } } $listarray = methtml_getarray($mark, $type, $order, $module, $listmx, '', '', $marktype, $txtmax); switch ($listtype) { case 'img': $metinfo .= "<ol class='list-none metlist'>"; $i = 0; foreach ($listarray as $key => $val) { $val[imgurls] = str_replace("../http://", "http://", $val[imgurls]); $i++; if ($imgwidth) { $val[img_y] = round($imgwidth * $val[img_y] / $val[img_x]); $val[img_x] = $imgwidth; } $metinfo .= "<li class='list'>"; $metinfo .= "<a href='{$val[url]}' title='{$val[title]}' {$metblank} class='img'><img src='{$val[imgurls]}' alt='{$val[title]}' title='{$val[title]}' width='{$val[img_x]}' height='{$val[img_y]}' /></a>"; if ($titleok) { $metinfo .= "<h3 style='width:{$val[img_x]}px;'><a href='{$val[url]}' title='{$val[title]}' {$metblank}>{$val[title]}</a></h3>"; } $metinfo .= "</li>"; } $metinfo .= "</ol>"; break; case 'text': $metinfo .= "<ol class='list-none metlist'>"; $i = 0; foreach ($listarray as $key => $val) { $i++; $top = ''; if ($i == 1) { $top = 'top'; } $metinfo .= "<li class='list {$top}'>"; if ($bian) { $a = '['; $b = ']'; } if ($time) { $metinfo .= "<span class='time'>{$a}{$val[updatetime]}{$b}</span>"; } $metinfo .= "<a href='{$val[url]}' title='{$val[title]}' {$metblank}>{$val[title]}</a>{$val[hot]}{$val[news]}{$val[top]}"; $metinfo .= "</li>"; } if ($modules == 1) { $metinfo .= $marktype == 1 ? $class_list[$mark]['description'] : $class_index[$mark]['description']; } $metinfo .= "</ol>"; break; } return $metinfo; }
function jump_pseudo() { global $db, $met_skin_user, $pseudo_jump; global $met_column, $met_news, $met_product, $met_download, $met_img, $met_job; global $class1, $class2, $class3, $id, $lang, $page, $selectedjob; global $met_index_type, $index, $met_pseudo; if ($met_pseudo) { $metadmin[pagename] = 1; $pseudo_url = $_SERVER[HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL] ? $_SERVER[HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL] : $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]; $pseudo_jump = @strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'IIS') && $_SERVER[HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL] == '' ? 1 : $pseudo_jump; $dirs = explode('/', $pseudo_url); $dir_dirname = $dirs[count($dirs) - 2]; $dir_filename = $dirs[count($dirs) - 1]; if ($pseudo_jump != 1) { $dir_filenames = explode('?', $dir_filename); switch ($dir_filenames[0]) { case 'index.php': if (!$class1 && !$class2 && !$class3) { if ($index == 'index') { if ($lang == $met_index_type) { $jump['url'] = './'; } else { $jump['url'] = 'index-' . $lang . '.html'; } } else { if ($lang == $met_index_type) { $jump['url'] = './'; } else { $id = $class3 ? $class3 : ($class2 ? $class2 : $class1); if ($id) { $query = "select * from {$met_column} where id='{$id}'"; } else { $query = "select * from {$met_column} where foldername='{$dir_dirname}' and lang='{$lang}' and (classtype='1' or releclass!='0') order by id asc"; } $jump = $db->get_one($query); $psid = ($jump['filename'] != "" and $metadmin['pagename']) ? $jump['filename'] : $jump['id']; if ($jump[module] == 1) { $jump['url'] = './' . $psid . '-' . $lang . '.html'; } else { if ($jump[module] == 8) { $jump['url'] = './' . 'index-' . $lang . '.html'; } else { if ($page && $page != 1) { $psid .= '-' . $page; } $jump['url'] = './' . 'list-' . $psid . '-' . $lang . '.html'; } } } } } else { if ($dir_dirname == 'job.php') { $query = "select * from {$met_column} where lang='{$lang}' and module='6'"; } else { $id = $class3 ? $class3 : ($class2 ? $class2 : $class1); $query = "select * from {$met_column} where id='{$id}'"; } $jump = $db->get_one($query); $dir_filenames[0] = metmodname($jump[module]) . '.php'; if ($jump) { $psid = ($jump['filename'] != "" and $metadmin['pagename']) ? $jump['filename'] : $jump['id']; if ($page && $page != 1) { $psid .= '-' . $page; } $jump['url'] = './' . 'list-' . $psid . '-' . $lang . '.html'; } else { if (!$psid) { if ($dir_filenames[0] == 'product.php') { $psid = 'product'; } if ($dir_filenames[0] == 'img.php') { $psid = 'img'; } } $jump['url'] = './' . $psid . '-list-' . $lang . '.html'; } } break; case 'show.php': $query = "select * from {$met_column} where id='{$id}'"; $jump = $db->get_one($query); $psid = ($jump['filename'] != "" and $metadmin['pagename']) ? $jump['filename'] : $jump['id']; $jump['url'] = './' . $psid . '-' . $lang . '.html'; break; case 'news.php': case 'product.php': case 'download.php': case 'img.php': case 'job.php': if ($dir_filenames[0] == 'job.php') { $query = "select * from {$met_column} where lang='{$lang}' and module='6'"; } else { $id = $class3 ? $class3 : ($class2 ? $class2 : $class1); $query = "select * from {$met_column} where id='{$id}'"; } $jump = $db->get_one($query); if ($jump) { $psid = ($jump['filename'] != "" and $metadmin['pagename']) ? $jump['filename'] : $jump['id']; if ($page && $page != 1) { $psid .= '-' . $page; } $jump['url'] = './' . 'list-' . $psid . '-' . $lang . '.html'; } else { if (!$psid) { if ($dir_filenames[0] == 'product.php') { $psid = 'product'; } if ($dir_filenames[0] == 'img.php') { $psid = 'img'; } } $jump['url'] = './' . $psid . '-list-' . $lang . '.html'; } break; case 'shownews.php': case 'showproduct.php': case 'showdownload.php': case 'showimg.php': case 'showjob.php': switch ($dir_filenames[0]) { case 'shownews.php': $query = "select * from {$met_news} where id='{$id}'"; break; case 'showproduct.php': $query = "select * from {$met_product} where id='{$id}'"; break; case 'showdownload.php': $query = "select * from {$met_download} where id='{$id}'"; break; case 'showimg.php': $query = "select * from {$met_img} where id='{$id}'"; break; case 'showjob.php': $query = "select * from {$met_job} where id='{$id}'"; break; } $jump = $db->get_one($query); $panyid = ($jump['filename'] != "" and $metadmin['pagename']) ? $jump['filename'] : $jump['id']; $jump['url'] = './' . $panyid . '-' . $lang . '.html'; break; case 'message.php': $jump['url'] = './' . 'message-' . $lang . '.html'; break; case 'cv.php': $selectedjob = $selectedjob ? $selectedjob : 0; $jump['url'] = './' . 'jobcv-' . $selectedjob . '-' . $lang . '.html'; break; } if ($jump['url']) { $jump['url'] = str_replace('./', '', $jump['url']); $jump['url'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST] . str_replace($dir_filename, $jump['url'], $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]); Header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); Header("Location: {$jump['url']}"); } } } }
function methtml_getarray($mark, $type, $order, $module, $listmx = -1, $para = 0, $categoryname = 0, $marktype = 0, $txtmax = 0, $descmax = 0, $rand = 0) { global $met_member_use, $class_index, $met_listtime, $metinfo_member_type, $db, $met_news, $met_product, $met_download, $met_img, $met_job, $met_parameter, $met_plist, $class_list, $metpara, $module_list2; global $index_news_no, $index_product_no, $index_download_no, $index_img_no, $index_job_no, $mobilesql; global $index, $navurl, $weburly, $lang, $pagename, $langmark, $met_htmpagename, $met_chtmtype, $met_htmtype, $met_pseudo, $met_webhtm; global $dataoptimize, $pagemark, $img_url, $met_hot, $m_now_date, $met_newsdays, $metmemberforce, $met_alt, $metblank, $met_agents_img; global $product_paralist, $download_paralist, $img_paralist, $m_now_time; if ($mark && strstr($mark, "-")) { $hngy5 = explode('-', $mark); if ($hngy5[1] == 'cm') { $mark = $hngy5[0]; $marktype = 1; } if ($hngy5[1] == 'md') { $mark = ''; $module = metmodname($hngy5[0]); } } $listmx = $listmx == '' ? -1 : $listmx; if ($met_member_use == 2) { $access_sql = " and access<={$metinfo_member_type}"; } $numname = ' id,title,description,class1,class2,class3,updatetime,addtime,filename,access,top_ok,hits,issue,com_ok,no_order,'; $listitem['news'] = array(0 => $numname . 'img_ok,imgurls,content,imgurl,links', 1 => $met_news, 2 => 'shownews'); $listitem['product'] = array(0 => $numname . 'new_ok,imgurls,content,imgurl,displayimg,links', 1 => $met_product, 2 => 'showproduct'); $listitem['download'] = array(0 => $numname . 'downloadurl,filesize,content,downloadaccess', 1 => $met_download, 2 => 'showdownload'); $listitem['img'] = array(0 => $numname . 'new_ok,imgurls,content,imgurl,displayimg,links', 1 => $met_img, 2 => 'showimg'); $listitem['job'] = array(0 => '*', 1 => $met_job, 2 => 'showjob'); $sqlorder = $order == 'hits' ? ' order by top_ok desc,com_ok desc,no_order desc,hits desc,id desc' : ' order by top_ok desc,com_ok desc,no_order desc,updatetime desc,id desc'; switch ($type) { default: $sqltype = ""; break; case 'com': $sqltype = "and com_ok=1"; break; case 'new': $sqltype = "and new_ok=1"; break; case 'img': $sqltype = "and img_ok=1"; break; } if ($mark) { if ($marktype) { $listnowid = $mark; $listnowclass = "class{$class_list[$mark]['classtype']}"; if ($class_list[$mark]['releclass']) { $listnowclass = "class1"; } $modulex = metmodname($class_list[$mark]['module']); $sqlorder = $order ? $sqlorder : list_order($class_list[$mark]['list_order']); } else { $listnowid = $class_index[$mark]['id']; $listnowclass = "{$class_index[$mark]['classtype']}"; $modulex = metmodname($class_index[$mark]['module']); $sqlorder = $order ? $sqlorder : list_order($class_index[$mark]['list_order']); } $folderone = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$met_column} WHERE bigclass='{$listnowid}' and module ='{$class_list[$listnowid][module]}' and releclass!='0' and lang='{$lang}'"); if ($folderone) { $sqlclounm = "and ({$listnowclass}='{$listnowid}' or class1='{$folderone['id']}')"; } else { } if ($listnowclass == 'class1') { $class1sql = " {$listnowclass}='{$listnowid}' "; foreach ($module_list2[$class_list[$listnowid]['module']] as $key => $val) { if ($val['releclass'] == $listnowid) { $class1re .= " or {$listnowclass}='{$val['id']}' "; } } if ($class1re) { $class1sql = '(' . $class1sql . $class1re . ')'; } $sqlclounm = ' and ' . $class1sql; } else { $sqlclounm = "and {$listnowclass}='{$listnowid}'"; } if (!$modulex) { $module = $module ? $module : 'news'; $sqlclounm = ''; } else { $module = $modulex; } } $module = $module ? $module : 'news'; switch ($module) { case 'news': $modulenunm = 2; break; case 'product': $modulenunm = 3; break; case 'download': $modulenunm = 4; break; case 'img': $modulenunm = 5; break; case 'job': $modulenunm = 6; break; } if ($listmx == -1) { switch ($module) { case 'news': $listmx = $index_news_no; break; case 'product': $listmx = $index_product_no; break; case 'download': $listmx = $index_download_no; break; case 'img': $listmx = $index_img_no; break; case 'job': $listmx = $index_job_no; break; } } else { $listmx = $listmx; } $select = $listitem[$module][0]; $table = $listitem[$module][1]; if ($module == 'news' || $module == 'product' || $module == 'download' || $module == 'img' || $module == 'job') { $displaytype_sql = "and displaytype='1'"; } else { $displaytype_sql = ""; } if ($modulenunm == 6) { if ($rand == 0) { $rand_query = "order by top_ok desc,no_order desc,addtime desc limit 0, {$listmx}"; } else { if ($rand == '-1') { $rand_query = "ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT {$listmx} "; } else { $rand_query = "order by top_ok desc,no_order desc,addtime desc limit {$rand}, {$listmx}"; } } $query = "SELECT {$select} FROM {$table} where lang='{$lang}' {$mobilesql} and ((TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(`addtime`)< useful_life) OR useful_life=0) and addtime<='{$m_now_date}' {$displaytype_sql} {$access_sql} {$rand_query}"; } else { if ($rand == 0) { $rand_query = $sqlorder . " limit 0, {$listmx}"; } else { if ($rand == '-1') { $rand_query = "ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT {$listmx}"; } else { $rand_query = $sqlorder . " limit {$rand}, {$listmx}"; } } $query = "SELECT {$select} FROM {$table} where lang='{$lang}' {$mobilesql} {$sqlclounm} {$access_sql} {$sqltype} and (recycle='0' or recycle='-1') and addtime<='{$m_now_date}' {$displaytype_sql} {$rand_query}"; } $result = $db->query($query); while ($list = $db->fetch_array($result)) { if ($modulenunm == 6) { $list['updatetime'] = $list['addtime']; $list['title'] = $list['position']; } $list['updatetime_original'] = $list['updatetime']; $list['title_all'] = $list['title']; $list['description_all'] = $list['description']; if ($txtmax) { $list['title'] = utf8substr($list['title'], 0, $txtmax); } if ($descmax) { $list['description'] = utf8substr($list['description'], 0, $descmax); } if ($dataoptimize[$pagemark]['categoryname'] || $categoryname) { $list['class1_name'] = $class_list[$list['class1']]['name']; $list['class1_url'] = $class_list[$list['class1']]['url']; $list['class2_name'] = $list['class2'] ? $class_list[$list['class2']]['name'] : $list['class1_name']; $list['class2_url'] = $list['class2'] ? $class_list[$list['class2']]['url'] : $list['class1_url']; $list['class3_name'] = $list['class3'] ? $class_list[$list['class3']]['name'] : ($list['class2'] ? $class_list[$list['class2']]['name'] : $list['class1_name']); $list['class3_url'] = $list['class3'] ? $class_list[$list['class3']]['url'] : ($list['class2'] ? $class_list[$list['class2']]['url'] : $list['class1_url']); } if ($list['top_ok'] == 1) { $list['top'] = "<img class='listtop' src='" . $img_url . "top.gif" . "' alt='" . $met_alt . "' />"; $list['hot'] = ""; $list['news'] = ""; } else { $list['top'] = ""; $list['hot'] = $list['hits'] >= $met_hot ? "<img class='listhot' src='" . $img_url . "hot.gif" . "' alt='" . $met_alt . "' />" : ""; $list['news'] = (strtotime($m_now_date) - strtotime($list['updatetime'])) / 86400 < $met_newsdays ? "<img class='listnew' src='" . $img_url . "news.gif" . "' alt='" . $met_alt . "' />" : ""; } $list['status'] = $list['top'] . $list['hot'] . $list['news']; $weburly = ""; if ($index[index] == "index") { if (!strstr($list['imgurls'], "http://")) { $listarray[imgurls] = explode("../", $list['imgurls']); $list[imgurls] = $weburly . $listarray['imgurls'][1]; } if (!strstr($list['imgurl'], "http://")) { $listarray[imgurl] = explode("../", $list['imgurl']); $list[imgurl] = $weburly . $listarray['imgurl'][1]; } } if (strstr($list['imgurls'], "http://")) { $list['imgurls'] = $list['imgurls'] != "" ? $list['imgurls'] : $list['imgurls']; } else { $list['imgurls'] = $list['imgurls'] != "" ? $list['imgurls'] : $weburly . $met_agents_img; } if (strstr($list['imgurl'], "http://")) { $list['imgurl'] = $list['imgurl'] != "" ? $list['imgurl'] : $list['imgurl']; } else { $list['imgurl'] = $list['imgurl'] != "" ? $list['imgurl'] : $weburly . $met_agents_img; } if (($dataoptimize[$pagemark]['para'][$modulenunm] and $dataoptimize[$pagemark]['parameter']) || $para) { switch ($modulenunm) { case 3: $md_paralist = $product_paralist; break; case 4: $md_paralist = $download_paralist; break; case 5: $md_paralist = $img_paralist; break; } $query1 = "select * from {$met_plist} where lang='{$lang}' and listid='{$list['id']}' and module='{$modulenunm}' order by id"; $result1 = $db->query($query1); while ($list1 = $db->fetch_array($result1)) { $i = 0; $ik = 0; foreach ($md_paralist as $key => $val) { $i++; if ($list1['paraid'] == $val['id']) { if ($metpara[$list1['paraid']]['class1'] == 0 or $metpara[$list1['paraid']]['class1'] == $list['class1'] and $metpara[$list1['paraid']]['class2'] == 0 and $metpara[$list1['paraid']]['class3'] == 0 or $metpara[$list1['paraid']]['class1'] == $list['class1'] and $metpara[$list1['paraid']]['class2'] == $list['class2'] and $metpara[$list1['paraid']]['class3'] == 0 or $metpara[$list1['paraid']]['class1'] == $list['class1'] and $metpara[$list1['paraid']]['class2'] == $list['class2'] and $metpara[$list1['paraid']]['class3'] == $list['class3']) { $ik = $i; } } } $nowpara1 = "para" . $ik; $list[$nowpara1] = $list1['info']; $metparaaccess = $metpara[$list1['paraid']]['access']; if (intval($metparaaccess) > 0 && $met_member_use) { $paracode = authcode($list1[$nowpara1], 'ENCODE', $met_member_force); $paracode = codetra($paracode, 1); $list[$nowpara1] = "<script language='javascript' src='" . $navurl . "include/access.php?metuser=para&metaccess=" . $metparaaccess . "&lang=" . $lang . "&listinfo=" . $paracode . "¶type=" . $metpara[$list1['paraid']]['type'] . "&index=" . $index[index] . "'></script>"; } $nowparaname = ""; $nowparaname = $nowpara1 . "name"; $list[$nowparaname] = $metpara[$list1['paraid']]['name']; if ($metpara[$list1['paraid']]['type'] == 5 && $index[index] == "index") { $listarray['info'] = explode("../", $list1['info']); $list1['info'] = $listarray['info'][1]; } if ($metpara[$list1['paraid']]['type'] == 5) { $fltp = metfiletype($list1['info']); $fltp = $fltp ? 'met_annex_' . $fltp : ''; $list[$nowpara1] = "<a href='{$list1['info']}' {$metblank} class='met_annex {$fltp}' title='{$list1['imgname']}'>{$list1['imgname']}</a>"; $list[$nowpara1 . 's'] = $list1['info']; } } unset($list['para0']); unset($list['para0name']); } //URL地址 $filename = $modulenunm == 6 ? $navurl . 'job' : $navurl . $class_list[$list['class1']]['foldername']; $filenamenow = $met_htmpagename == 2 ? $modulenunm == 6 ? 'job' : $class_list[$list['class1']]['foldername'] : ($met_htmpagename == 1 ? date('Ymd', strtotime($list['addtime'])) : $listitem[$module][2]); $htmname = $list['filename'] != "" ? $filename . "/" . $list['filename'] : $filename . "/" . $filenamenow . $list['id']; $panyid = $list['filename'] != '' ? $list['filename'] : $list['id']; $met_ahtmtype = $list['filename'] != "" ? $met_chtmtype : $met_htmtype; $phpname = $met_pseudo ? $filename . "/" . $panyid . '-' . $lang . '.html' : $filename . "/" . $listitem[$module][2] . ".php?" . $langmark . "&id=" . $list['id']; if ($list['links']) { $list['url'] = $list['links']; } else { $list['url'] = $met_pseudo ? $phpname : ($met_webhtm ? $htmname . $met_ahtmtype : $phpname); } $list['updatetime'] = date($met_listtime, strtotime($list['updatetime'])); $list['img_x'] = met_imgxy(1, $module); $list['img_y'] = met_imgxy(2, $module); $relist[] = $list; } return $relist; }