  * Overrides \RestfulDataProviderDbQuery::view().
  * Adds the message HTML to the resource.
 public function mapDbRowToPublicFields($row)
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $return = parent::mapDbRowToPublicFields($row);
     if (!empty($request['html'])) {
         $message = message_load($row->mid);
         $output = $message->view('activity_group');
         $return['id'] = $row->mid;
         $return['html'] = drupal_render($output);
     return $return;
$id = drush_get_option('id', 1);
// Count how much messages we have.
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
$max = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'message')->propertyCondition('mid', $id, '>=')->count()->execute();
$i = 0;
while ($max > $i) {
    // Collect the messages in batches.
    $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
    $result = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'message')->propertyCondition('mid', $id, '>=')->propertyOrderBy('mid', 'DESC')->range(0, $batch)->execute();
    if (empty($result['message'])) {
    foreach (array_keys($result['message']) as $mid) {
        // Load the message.
        $message = message_load($mid);
        $tokens = array('message:field-node-reference:url', 'message:field-node-reference:title');
        $save_message = FALSE;
        foreach ($tokens as $token) {
            // Check that the token is not hard coded.
            if (isset($message->arguments['@{' . $token . '}'])) {
            $save_message = TRUE;
            // Creating a hard coded value for the toekn.
            $token_options = message_get_property_values($message, 'data', 'token options');
            $context = array('message' => $message);
            $message->arguments['@{' . $token . '}'] = token_replace('[' . $token . ']', $context, $token_options);
        if ($save_message) {
            $param = array('@mid' => $mid, '@tokens' => implode(' ', $tokens));
  * Return message text of partial 1 (long description).
  * @param $id
  *  Message Id.
  * @return string
  *  Message string after placeholder replacement.
 protected function getLongText($id)
     $message = message_load($id);
     return $message->getText(LANGUAGE_NONE, array('partials' => TRUE, 'partial delta' => 1));
Example #4
  * @Given /^I update a "([^"]*)" with title "([^"]*)" with new title "([^"]*)" after "([^"]*)"$/
 public function iUpdateAWithTitleInTheGroupWithNewTitleAfter($type, $title, $new_title, $time)
     // Loading node of current content type and with current title.
     $query = new \entityFieldQuery();
     $result = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', strtolower($type))->propertyCondition('title', $title)->propertyCondition('status', NODE_PUBLISHED)->range(0, 1)->execute();
     if (empty($result['node'])) {
         $params = array('@title' => $title, '@type' => $type);
         throw new \Exception(format_string("Node @title of @type not found.", $params));
     $nid = key($result['node']);
     // Loading the previous message for the current node.
     $query = new \EntityFieldQuery();
     $result = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'message')->propertyCondition('type', 'c4m_insert__node__' . $type)->fieldCondition('field_node', 'target_id', $nid)->propertyOrderBy('timestamp', 'desc')->range(0, 1)->execute();
     if (empty($result['message'])) {
         throw new \Exception(format_string("Previous message not found."));
     $id = key($result['message']);
     $message = message_load($id);
     // Changing timestamp of the previous message to earlier (minus current time).
     $message->timestamp = strtotime('now - ' . $time);
     $node = node_load($nid);
     // Changing the current node title.
     $node->title = $new_title;