public function linkage($field, $value, $fieldinfo) { $setting = string2array($fieldinfo['setting']); $linkageid = $setting['linkageid']; return menu_linkage($linkageid, $field, $value); }
/** * 按照模型搜索 */ public function init() { $grouplist = getcache('grouplist', 'member'); $_groupid = param::get_cookie('_groupid'); if (!$_groupid) { $_groupid = 8; } if (!$grouplist[$_groupid]['allowsearch']) { if ($_groupid == 8) { showmessage(L('guest_not_allowsearch')); } else { showmessage(''); } } if (!isset($_GET['catid'])) { showmessage(L('missing_part_parameters')); } $catid = intval($_GET['catid']); $siteids = getcache('category_content', 'commons'); $siteid = $siteids[$catid]; $this->categorys = getcache('category_content_' . $siteid, 'commons'); if (!isset($this->categorys[$catid])) { showmessage(L('missing_part_parameters')); } if (isset($_GET['info']['catid']) && $_GET['info']['catid']) { $catid = intval($_GET['info']['catid']); } else { $_GET['info']['catid'] = 0; } $modelid = $this->categorys[$catid]['modelid']; $modelid = intval($modelid); if (!$modelid) { showmessage(L('illegal_parameters')); } //搜索间隔 $minrefreshtime = getcache('common', 'commons'); $minrefreshtime = intval($minrefreshtime['minrefreshtime']); $minrefreshtime = $minrefreshtime ? $minrefreshtime : 5; if (param::get_cookie('search_cookie') && param::get_cookie('search_cookie') > SYS_TIME - 2) { showmessage(L('search_minrefreshtime', array('min' => $minrefreshtime)), 'index.php?m=content&c=search&catid=' . $catid, $minrefreshtime * 1280); } else { param::set_cookie('search_cookie', SYS_TIME + 2); } //搜索间隔 $CATEGORYS = $this->categorys; //产生表单 pc_base::load_sys_class('form', '', 0); $fields = getcache('model_field_' . $modelid, 'model'); $forminfos = array(); foreach ($fields as $field => $r) { if ($r['issearch']) { if ($r['formtype'] == 'catid') { $r['form'] = form::select_category('', $_GET['info']['catid'], 'name="info[catid]"', L('please_select_category'), $modelid, 0, 1); } elseif ($r['formtype'] == 'number') { $r['form'] = "<input type='text' name='{$field}_start' id='{$field}_start' value='' size=5 class='input-text'/> - <input type='text' name='{$field}_end' id='{$field}_start' value='' size=5 class='input-text'/>"; } elseif ($r['formtype'] == 'datetime') { $r['form'] = form::date("info[{$field}]"); } elseif ($r['formtype'] == 'box') { $options = explode("\n", $r['options']); foreach ($options as $_k) { $v = explode("|", $_k); $option[$v[1]] = $v[0]; } switch ($r['boxtype']) { case 'radio': $string = form::radio($option, $value, "name='info[{$field}]' id='{$field}'"); break; case 'checkbox': $string = form::radio($option, $value, "name='info[{$field}]' id='{$field}'"); break; case 'select': $string = form::select($option, $value, "name='info[{$field}]' id='{$field}'"); break; case 'multiple': $string = form::select($option, $value, "name='info[{$field}]' id='{$field}'"); break; } $r['form'] = $string; } elseif ($r['formtype'] == 'typeid') { $types = getcache('type_content', 'commons'); $types_array = array(L('no_limit')); foreach ($types as $_k => $_v) { if ($modelid == $_v['modelid']) { $types_array[$_k] = $_v['name']; } } $r['form'] = form::select($types_array, 0, "name='info[{$field}]' id='{$field}'"); } elseif ($r['formtype'] == 'linkage') { $setting = string2array($r['setting']); $value = $_GET['info'][$field]; $r['form'] = menu_linkage($setting['linkageid'], $field, $value); } elseif (in_array($r['formtype'], array('text', 'keyword', 'textarea', 'editor', 'title', 'author', 'omnipotent'))) { $value = safe_replace($_GET['info'][$field]); $r['form'] = "<input type='text' name='info[{$field}]' id='{$field}' value='" . $value . "' class='input-text search-text'/>"; } else { continue; } $forminfos[$field] = $r; } } //----------- if (isset($_GET['dosubmit'])) { $siteid = $this->categorys[$catid]['siteid']; $siteurl = siteurl($siteid); $this->db->set_model($modelid); $tablename = $this->db->table_name; $page = max(intval($_GET['page']), 1); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$tablename}` a,`{$tablename}_data` b WHERE AND a.status=99"; $sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM `{$tablename}` a,`{$tablename}_data` b WHERE AND a.status=99"; //构造搜索SQL $where = ''; foreach ($fields as $field => $r) { if ($r['issearch']) { $table_nickname = $r['issystem'] ? 'a' : 'b'; if ($r['formtype'] == 'catid') { if ($_GET['info']['catid']) { $where .= " AND {$table_nickname}.catid='{$catid}'"; } } elseif ($r['formtype'] == 'number') { $start = "{$field}_start"; $end = "{$field}_end"; if ($_GET[$start]) { $start = intval($_GET[$start]); $where .= " AND {$table_nickname}.{$field}>'{$start}'"; } if ($_GET[$end]) { $end = intval($_GET[$end]); $where .= " AND {$table_nickname}.{$field}<'{$end}'"; } } elseif ($r['formtype'] == 'datetime') { if ($_GET['info'][$field]) { $start = strtotime($_GET['info'][$field]); if ($start) { $where .= " AND {$table_nickname}.{$field}>'{$start}'"; } } } elseif ($r['formtype'] == 'box') { if ($_GET['info'][$field]) { $field_value = safe_replace($_GET['info'][$field]); switch ($r['boxtype']) { case 'radio': $where .= " AND {$table_nickname}.`{$field}`='{$field_value}'"; break; case 'checkbox': $where .= " AND {$table_nickname}.`{$field}` LIKE '%,{$field_value},%'"; break; case 'select': $where .= " AND {$table_nickname}.`{$field}`='{$field_value}'"; break; case 'multiple': $where .= " AND {$table_nickname}.`{$field}` LIKE '%,{$field_value},%'"; break; } } } elseif ($r['formtype'] == 'typeid') { if ($_GET['info'][$field]) { $typeid = intval($_GET['info'][$field]); $where .= " AND {$table_nickname}.`{$field}`='{$typeid}'"; } } elseif ($r['formtype'] == 'linkage') { if ($_GET['info'][$field]) { $linkage = intval($_GET['info'][$field]); $where .= " AND {$table_nickname}.`{$field}`='{$linkage}'"; } } elseif (in_array($r['formtype'], array('text', 'keyword', 'textarea', 'editor', 'title', 'author', 'omnipotent'))) { if ($_GET['info'][$field]) { $keywords = safe_replace($_GET['info'][$field]); $where .= " AND {$table_nickname}.`{$field}` LIKE '%{$keywords}%'"; } } else { continue; } } } //----------- if ($where == '') { showmessage(L('please_enter_content_to_search')); } $pagesize = 20; $offset = intval($pagesize * ($page - 1)); $sql_count .= $where; $this->db->query($sql_count); $total = $this->db->fetch_array(); $total = $total[0]['num']; if ($total != 0) { $sql .= $where; $order = ''; $order = $_GET['orderby'] == ' DESC' ? ' DESC' : ' ASC'; $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order; $sql .= " LIMIT {$offset},{$pagesize}"; $this->db->query($sql); $datas = $this->db->fetch_array(); $pages = pages($total, $page, $pagesize); } else { $datas = array(); $pages = ''; } } $SEO = seo($siteid, $catid, $keywords); include template('content', 'search'); }
</td> <td> <?php echo form::select($grouplist, $memberinfo['groupid'], 'name="info[groupid]"', ''); ?> <div class="onShow"><?php echo L('changegroup_notice'); ?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>所属区域:</td> <td><?php echo menu_linkage(3360, 'area', $memberinfo['area']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo L('member_model'); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo form::select($modellist, $modelid, 'name="info[modelid]" onchange="changemodel($(this).val())"', ''); ?> </td> </tr>
?> &curmb=add&menu=1&t=<?php echo $t; ?> &pt=<?php echo $pt; ?> " class="blue-bt red-bt xfr">+添加项目</a> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- <div style="height: 30px; width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; line-height: 30px;"> <div style="float: left; display: inline-block; height: 30px; line-height: 30px;"> <?php echo menu_linkage(3381, 'pro_type', $pro_type, 1); ?> </div> <span style="line-height: 30px;">项目状态</span> <select class="checkStatus"> <option value="-1">全部</option> <option value="1">审核中</option> <option value="99">审核通过</option> <option value="0">审核未通过</option> </select> <input type="button" value="查找" id="searchbtn"> </div> --> <div class="table-widget table-list">