function earthen_breadcrumb($breadcrumb) { $breadcrumb = menu_get_active_breadcrumb(); if (!empty($breadcrumb)) { return '<div class="breadcrumb">' . implode(' | ', $breadcrumb) . '</div>'; } }
print render($page['highlighted']); ?> <?php print render($title_prefix); ?> <?php if (isset($bc_breadcrumb)) { ?> <?php print $bc_breadcrumb; ?> <?php } ?> <?php $bc_views_breadcrumb = array('breadcrumb' => menu_get_active_breadcrumb()); print theme('bc_islandora_breadcrumb', $bc_views_breadcrumb); isset($breadcrumb) ? print $breadcrumb : NULL; ?> <?php if ($title) { ?> <h1 class="page__title title" id="page-title"><?php print $title; ?> </h1> <?php } ?> <?php
function print_masterhead(){ if(menu_get_active_menu_name()=='secondary-links') { $menu_theme = menu_navigation_links("secondary-links",0); foreach ($menu_theme as $value) { if (isset($value['title']) && ($value['href'] == $_GET['q']) ||($value['href'] == '<front>' && drupal_is_front_page())) { $masthead = $value['title']; } } } else { $menu_theme = menu_navigation_links("primary-links",0); $menu_theme2 = menu_navigation_links("primary-links",1); foreach ($menu_theme as $value) { if (isset($value['title']) && ($value['href'] == $_GET['q']) ||($value['href'] == '<front>' && drupal_is_front_page())) { $masthead = l($value['title'],$value['href']); } } } if($masthead=="") { $arr_bread = menu_get_active_breadcrumb(); $masthead = $arr_bread[1]; } if(arg(0)=='node' && is_numeric(arg(1)) ) { $masthead = ""; } if(arg(0)=='alimsearch') { $masthead = "Search"; } if(arg(1)=='158036' || arg(1)=='158915') { $masthead = "Qur'an & Hadith"; } if(arg(0)=='news') { $masthead = "News & Views"; } if(arg(0)=='testimonials') { $masthead = "Testimonials"; } if(arg(1)=='164550') { $masthead = "Widgets"; } if(arg(0)=='alimrecentcomments') { $masthead = "Recent Comments"; } if(arg(1)=='163664') { $masthead = "Donate"; } if(arg(1)=='163663') { $masthead = "Donate"; } if(arg(1)=='scholarpage') { $masthead = 'Advisers and Scholars'; } if(arg(1)=='scholars') { $masthead = 'Advisers and Scholars'; } if(arg(2)=='our-advisers-and-scholars') { $masthead = 'Advisers and Scholars'; } if(arg(1)=='132481') { $masthead = "Nonprofit Services"; } if(arg(1)=='132482') { $masthead = " Books"; } if(arg(1)=='163674') { $masthead = " Toolbar"; } if(arg(1)=='163647') { $masthead = " Get Widgets"; } if(arg(1)=='163827') { $masthead = " Recent Comments Feed"; } if(arg(0)=='recent-group-posts'){ $masthead = 'Recent Group Posts'; } if(arg(1)=='all-recent-tags') { $masthead = 'Recent Tags'; } if(arg(1)=='biography' || arg(1)=='history') { $masthead = 'History'; } if(arg(1)=='references' || arg(1)==163997) { $masthead = 'References'; } if(arg(2)=='article' ) { $masthead = 'About Islam'; } # User Profile if(arg(0)=='userprofile') { $masthead = "Profile"; } if(arg(2)=='creat-group') { $masthead = 'Creat Group'; } if(arg(2)=='group-post') { $masthead = 'Creat Group Post'; } if(arg(0)=='groups' && arg(1)=='users') { $masthead = 'Group Members'; } if(arg(1)=='163738') { $masthead = 'Manage Groups'; } if(arg(0)=='searchusers') { $masthead = 'Search Users'; } if(arg(0)=='searchgroups') { $masthead = 'Search Groups'; } if(arg(0)=='groupdetails') { $masthead = "Group"; } if(arg(0)=='user' && arg(2)=='edit') { $masthead = 'Edit Profile'; } if(arg(0)=='relationships') { $masthead = 'My Relationships'; } if(arg(0) == 'bookmarks') { $masthead = "Bookmarks";} $preAlias = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $alias = explode("/",$preAlias); if(arg(0)=='blogs' || $alias[1]=='blog'){ $masthead = "Blogs";} if(arg(0)=='news' || $alias[1]=='news'){ $masthead = "News & Views";} return $masthead; }