 * Retrieves the categories for entries within the event playlist.
 * Performs a search through the playlist database table for the given event to determine all song categories used within that playlist.
 * @since	1.3
 * @param	int		$event_id	The event ID.
 * @param	arr		$args		See codex get_terms
 * @return	arr		Array of all unique playlist categories.
function mdjm_get_event_playlist_categories($event_id, $args = array())
    $terms = mdjm_get_playlist_categories($args);
    $categories = array();
    if (!$terms) {
        return false;
    // Loop through categories and retrieve entries within each category.
    // Place each entry into the $category array
    foreach ($terms as $term) {
        $categories[$term->name] = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'mdjm-playlist', 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_parent' => $event_id, 'tax_query' => array(array('taxonomy' => 'playlist-category', 'field' => 'term_id', 'terms' => $term->term_id))));
    return $categories;
     * Outputs the form for adding an entry
     * @access 	public
     * @since	1.4
     * @return	void
    public function entry_form()
        _e('Add Entry to Playlist', 'mobile-dj-manager');
        <form id="mdjm-playlist-form" name="mdjm-playlist-form" action="" method="post">
        wp_nonce_field('add_playlist_entry', 'mdjm_nonce', true, true);
            <input type="hidden" id="entry_event" name="entry_event" value="<?php 
        echo $_GET['event_id'];
" />
            <input type="hidden" id="entry_addedby" name="entry_addedby" value="<?php 
        echo mdjm_get_event_client_id($_GET['event_id']);
" />
            <table id="mdjm-playlist-form-table">
                        <label for="entry_song"><?php 
        _e('Song', 'mobile-dj-manager');
</label><br />
        echo MDJM()->html->text(array('name' => 'entry_song', 'type' => 'text'));
                    <td class="mdjm-playlist-artist-cell">
                        <label for="entry_artist"><?php 
        _e('Artist', 'mobile-dj-manager');
</label><br />
        echo MDJM()->html->text(array('name' => 'entry_artist', 'type' => 'text'));

                    <td class="mdjm-playlist-category-cell">
                        <label for="entry_category"><?php 
        _e('Category', 'mobile-dj-manager');
</label><br />
        $playlist_categories = mdjm_get_playlist_categories();
        $options = array();
        foreach ($playlist_categories as $playlist_category) {
            $options[$playlist_category->term_id] = $playlist_category->name;
        echo MDJM()->html->select(array('options' => $options, 'name' => 'entry_category', 'selected' => mdjm_get_option('playlist_default_cat', 0)));


                    <td class="mdjm-playlist-djnotes-cell" colspan="3">
                        <label for="mdjm_playlist_djnotes"><?php 
        printf(__('Notes', 'mobile-dj-manager'), '{artist_label}');
</label><br />
        echo MDJM()->html->textarea(array('name' => 'entry_djnotes'));
        submit_button(__('Add to Playlist', 'mobile-dj-manager'), 'primary');