function my_calendar($name, $format, $category, $time = 'month', $ltype = '', $lvalue = '', $id = 'jd-calendar', $template = '', $content = '', $author = null, $host = null, $above = '', $below = '')
    apply_filters("debug", "my_calendar( {$name} ) draw");
    $mc_toporder = array('nav', 'toggle', 'jump', 'print', 'timeframe');
    $mc_bottomorder = array('key', 'feeds');
    if ($above != '' || $below != '') {
        $aboves = $above == 'none' ? array() : array_map('trim', explode(',', $above));
        $belows = $below == 'none' ? array() : array_map('trim', explode(',', $below));
    } else {
        $aboves = $mc_toporder;
        $belows = $mc_bottomorder;
    $used = array_merge($aboves, $belows);
    if (isset($_GET['format']) && in_array($_GET['format'], array('list', 'mini'))) {
        $format = esc_attr($_GET['format']);
    } else {
        $format = esc_attr($format);
    if (isset($_GET['time']) && in_array($_GET['time'], array('day', 'week', 'month')) && $format != 'mini') {
        $time = esc_attr($_GET['time']);
    } else {
        $time = esc_attr($time);
    global $wpdb;
    $mcdb = $wpdb;
    $offset = 60 * 60 * get_option('gmt_offset');
    if (get_option('mc_remote') == 'true' && function_exists('mc_remote_db')) {
        $mcdb = mc_remote_db();
    $my_calendar_body = '';
    /* filter */
    if ($time == 'day') {
        $format = 'list';
    $args = array('name' => $name, 'format' => $format, 'category' => $category, 'above' => $above, 'below' => $below, 'time' => $time, 'ltype' => $ltype, 'lvalue' => $lvalue, 'author' => $author, 'id' => $id);
    $my_calendar_body .= apply_filters('mc_before_calendar', '', $args);
    $main_class = $name != '' ? sanitize_title($name) : 'all';
    $cid = isset($_GET['cid']) ? esc_attr(strip_tags($_GET['cid'])) : $main_class;
    // mc body wrapper
    $mc_wrapper = "<div id=\"{$id}\" class=\"mc-main {$format} {$time} {$main_class}\" aria-live='assertive' aria-atomic='true'>";
    $mc_closer = "</div>";
    if (get_option('mc_convert') == 'true') {
        $format = mc_is_mobile() ? 'list' : $format;
    $format = apply_filters('mc_display_format', $format, $args);
    $date_format = get_option('mc_date_format') != '' ? get_option('mc_date_format') : get_option('date_format');
    if (isset($_GET['mc_id']) && $format != 'mini') {
        // single event, main calendar only.
        $mc_id = (int) $_GET['mc_id'];
        $my_calendar_body .= mc_get_event($mc_id, 'html');
    } else {
        if ($category == "") {
            $category = null;
        // Deal with the week not starting on a monday
        $name_days = array(__('<abbr title="Sunday">Sun</abbr>', 'my-calendar'), __('<abbr title="Monday">Mon</abbr>', 'my-calendar'), __('<abbr title="Tuesday">Tues</abbr>', 'my-calendar'), __('<abbr title="Wednesday">Wed</abbr>', 'my-calendar'), __('<abbr title="Thursday">Thur</abbr>', 'my-calendar'), __('<abbr title="Friday">Fri</abbr>', 'my-calendar'), __('<abbr title="Saturday">Sat</abbr>', 'my-calendar'));
        $abbrevs = array('sun', 'mon', 'tues', 'wed', 'thur', 'fri', 'sat');
        if ($format == "mini") {
            $name_days = array(__('<abbr title="Sunday">S</abbr>', 'my-calendar'), __('<abbr title="Monday">M</abbr>', 'my-calendar'), __('<abbr title="Tuesday">T</abbr>', 'my-calendar'), __('<abbr title="Wednesday">W</abbr>', 'my-calendar'), __('<abbr title="Thursday">T</abbr>', 'my-calendar'), __('<abbr title="Friday">F</abbr>', 'my-calendar'), __('<abbr title="Saturday">S</abbr>', 'my-calendar'));
        $start_of_week = get_option('start_of_week') == 1 ? 1 : 7;
        // convert start of week to ISO 8601 (Monday/Sunday)
        $end_of_week = $start_of_week == 1 ? 7 : 6;
        $start_of_week = get_option('mc_show_weekends') == 'true' ? $start_of_week : 1;
        //$start_of_week = ( $start_of_week==1||$start_of_week==0)?$start_of_week:0;
        if ($start_of_week == '1') {
            $first = array_shift($name_days);
            $afirst = array_shift($abbrevs);
            $name_days[] = $first;
            $abbrevs[] = $afirst;
        // If we don't pass arguments we want a calendar that is relevant to today (current time period)
        $c_m = 0;
        if (isset($_GET['dy']) && $main_class == $cid && ($time == 'day' || $time == 'week')) {
            $c_day = (int) $_GET['dy'];
        } else {
            if ($time == 'week') {
                $dm = first_day_of_week();
                $c_day = $dm[0];
                $c_m = $dm[1];
            } else {
                if ($time == 'day') {
                    $c_day = date("d", time() + $offset);
                } else {
                    $c_day = 1;
        if (isset($_GET['month']) && $main_class == $cid) {
            $c_month = (int) $_GET['month'];
            if (!isset($_GET['dy'])) {
                $c_day = 1;
        } else {
            $xnow = date('Y-m-d', time() + $offset);
            $c_month = $c_m == 0 ? date("m", time() + $offset) : date("m", strtotime($xnow . ' -1 month'));
        $is_start_of_week = date('N', current_time('timestamp')) == get_option('start_of_week') ? true : false;
        if (isset($_GET['yr']) && $main_class == $cid) {
            $c_year = (int) $_GET['yr'];
        } else {
            // weeks suck. seriously.
            if (date("Y", current_time('timestamp')) == date("Y", strtotime(date('Y-m-d', current_time('timestamp')) . '- 6 days')) || $is_start_of_week) {
                $c_year = date("Y", current_time('timestamp'));
            } else {
                $c_year = date("Y", current_time('timestamp')) - 1;
        // Years get funny if we exceed 3000, so we use this check
        if (!($c_year <= 3000 && $c_year >= 0)) {
            // No valid year causes the calendar to default to today
            $c_year = date("Y", time() + $offset);
            $c_month = date("m", time() + $offset);
            $c_day = date("d", time() + $offset);
        if (!(isset($_GET['yr']) || isset($_GET['month']) || isset($_GET['dy']))) {
            $c_year = apply_filters('mc_filter_year', $c_year, $args);
            $c_month = apply_filters('mc_filter_month', $c_month, $args);
            $c_day = apply_filters('mc_filter_day', $c_day, $args);
        $c_day = $c_day == 0 ? 1 : $c_day;
        // c_day can't equal 0.
        $n_month = $c_month + 1 > 12 ? 1 : $c_month + 1;
        $p_month = $c_month - 1 < 1 ? 12 : $c_month - 1;
        $current_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, $c_day, $c_year);
        $c_month = str_pad($c_month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $n_month = str_pad($n_month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $p_month = str_pad($p_month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        //echo "<p>Debug:<br />Day: $c_day<br />Month: $c_month<br />Year: $c_year<br />Date: ".date('Y-m-d',$current_date)."</p>";
        $num = get_option('mc_show_months') - 1;
        // the value is total months to show; need additional months to show.
        if ($format == "list" && $time != 'week') {
            // grid calendar can't show multiple months
            if ($num > 0 && $time != 'day' && $time != 'week') {
                $from = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, 1, $c_year));
                $next = strtotime("+{$num} months", mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, 1, $c_year));
                $last = date('t', $next);
                $to = date('Y-m', $next) . '-' . $last;
            } else {
                $from = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, 1, $c_year));
                $to = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, 1, $c_year)), $c_year));
            $this_dates = array('from' => $from, 'to' => $to);
        } else {
            $this_dates = mc_date_array($current_date, $time, $num);
        $from = $this_dates['from'];
        $to = $this_dates['to'];
        //echo "<pre>$num $from, $to ($c_month,$c_day,$c_year)</pre>";
        apply_filters("debug", "my_calendar( {$name} ) pre get events");
        $event_array = my_calendar_events($from, $to, $category, $ltype, $lvalue, 'calendar', $author, $host);
        $no_events = empty($event_array) ? true : false;
        apply_filters("debug", "my_calendar( {$name} ) post get events");
        // define navigation element strings
        $timeframe = $nav = $feeds = $jump = $mc_topnav = $mc_bottomnav = '';
        // setup print link
        $add = array('time' => $time, 'ltype' => $ltype, 'lvalue' => $lvalue, 'mcat' => $category, 'yr' => $c_year, 'month' => $c_month, 'dy' => $c_day, 'cid' => 'print');
        $subtract = array();
        if ($ltype == '') {
            $subtract[] = 'ltype';
        if ($lvalue == '') {
            $subtract[] = 'lvalue';
        if ($category == 'all') {
            $subtract[] = 'mcat';
        $mc_print_url = mc_build_url($add, $subtract, mc_feed_base() . 'my-calendar-print');
        $print = "<div class='mc-print'><a href='{$mc_print_url}'>" . __('Print View', 'my-calendar') . "</a></div>";
        // set up format toggle
        $toggle = in_array('toggle', $used) ? mc_format_toggle($format, 'yes') : '';
        // set up time toggle
        if (in_array('timeframe', $used)) {
            // if dy parameter not set, use today's date instead of first day of month.
            if (isset($_GET['dy'])) {
                $weeks_day = first_day_of_week($current_date);
            } else {
                $weeks_day = first_day_of_week(current_time('timestamp'));
            $day = $weeks_day[0];
            if (isset($_GET['time']) && $_GET['time'] == 'day') {
                // don't adjust day if viewing day format
            } else {
                if ($day > 20) {
                    $day = date('j', strtotime("{$from} + 1 week"));
            $timeframe = mc_time_toggle($format, $time, 'yes', $day, $c_month, $c_year);
        // set up category key
        $key = in_array('key', $used) ? my_category_key($category) : '';
        // set up navigation links
        if (in_array('nav', $used)) {
            $pLink = my_calendar_prev_link($c_year, $c_month, $c_day, $format, $time);
            $nLink = my_calendar_next_link($c_year, $c_month, $c_day, $format, $time);
            $prevLink = mc_build_url(array('yr' => $pLink['yr'], 'month' => $pLink['month'], 'dy' => $pLink['day'], 'cid' => $main_class), array());
            $nextLink = mc_build_url(array('yr' => $nLink['yr'], 'month' => $nLink['month'], 'dy' => $nLink['day'], 'cid' => $main_class), array());
            $previous_link = apply_filters('mc_previous_link', '		<li class="my-calendar-prev"><a href="' . $prevLink . '" rel="' . $id . '">' . $pLink['label'] . '</a></li>', $pLink);
            $next_link = apply_filters('mc_next_link', '		<li class="my-calendar-next"><a href="' . $nextLink . '" rel="' . $id . '">' . $nLink['label'] . '</a></li>', $nLink);
            $nav = '
				<div class="my-calendar-nav">
						' . $previous_link . '
						' . $next_link . '
        // set up rss feeds
        if ($format != 'mini') {
            $ical_m = isset($_GET['month']) ? (int) $_GET['month'] : date('n');
            $ical_y = isset($_GET['yr']) ? (int) $_GET['yr'] : date('Y');
            $feeds = mc_rss_links($ical_y, $ical_m, $nLink);
        // set up date switcher
        if (in_array('jump', $used)) {
            $jump = $time != 'week' && $time != 'day' ? mc_build_date_switcher($format, $main_class) : '';
        // set up above-calendar order of fields
        if (get_option('mc_topnav') != '') {
            $mc_toporder = explode(',', get_option('mc_topnav'));
        if ($above != '') {
            $mc_toporder = explode(',', $above);
        foreach ($mc_toporder as $value) {
            if ($value != 'none') {
                $value = trim($value);
                $mc_topnav .= ${$value};
        if ($mc_topnav != '') {
            $mc_topnav = '<div class="my-calendar-header">' . $mc_topnav . '</div>';
        if (get_option('mc_bottomnav') != '') {
            $mc_bottomorder = explode(',', get_option('mc_bottomnav'));
        if ($below != '') {
            $mc_bottomorder = explode(',', $below);
        foreach ($mc_bottomorder as $value) {
            if ($value != 'none' && $value != 'stop') {
                $value = trim($value);
                $mc_bottomnav .= ${$value};
        if ($mc_bottomnav != '') {
            $mc_bottomnav = "<div class='mc_bottomnav'>{$mc_bottomnav}</div>";
        if ($time == 'day') {
            apply_filters("debug", "my_calendar( {$name} ) pre single-day parsing");
            $my_calendar_body .= "<div class='mc-main {$format} {$time}'>" . $mc_topnav;
            // single day uses independent cycling.
            $dayclass = strtolower(date_i18n('D', mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, $c_day, $c_year)));
            $from = $to = "{$c_year}-{$c_month}-{$c_day}";
            //echo "<p>Debug: $from, $to, $category, $ltype, $lvalue, $author</p>";
            $events = my_calendar_grab_events($from, $to, $category, $ltype, $lvalue, 'calendar', $author, $host);
            if (!get_option('mc_skip_holidays_category') || get_option('mc_skip_holidays_category') == '') {
                $holidays = array();
            } else {
                $holidays = my_calendar_grab_events($from, $to, get_option('mc_skip_holidays_category'), $ltype, $lvalue, 'calendar', $author, $host, 'holidays');
            //echo "<pre>".print_r($events,1)."</pre>";
            $events_class = mc_events_class($events);
            $dateclass = mc_dateclass(time() + $offset, mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, $c_day, $c_year));
            $mc_events = '';
            if (is_array($events) && count($events) > 0) {
                if (is_array($holidays) && count($holidays) > 0) {
                    $mc_events .= my_calendar_draw_events($holidays, $format, $from, $time, $template);
                } else {
                    $mc_events .= my_calendar_draw_events($events, $format, $from, $time, $template);
            } else {
                $mc_events .= __('No events scheduled for today!', 'my-calendar');
            $heading_level = apply_filters('mc_heading_level', 'h3', $format, $time, $template);
            $my_calendar_body .= "\n\t\t\t\t<{$heading_level} class='mc-single'>" . date_i18n(apply_filters('mc_date_format', $date_format, 'grid'), strtotime("{$c_year}-{$c_month}-{$c_day}")) . "</{$heading_level}>" . '
				<div id="mc-day" class="' . $dayclass . ' ' . $dateclass . ' ' . $events_class . '">' . "{$mc_events}\n</div>\n\t\t\t</div>";
            apply_filters("debug", "my_calendar( {$name} ) post single-day parsing");
        } else {
            apply_filters("debug", "my_calendar( {$name} ) pre full parsing");
            // if showing multiple months, figure out how far we're going.
            $num_months = $time == 'week' ? 1 : get_option('mc_show_months');
            $through_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month + ($num_months - 1), $c_day, $c_year);
            $month_format = get_option('mc_month_format') == '' ? 'F Y' : get_option('mc_month_format');
            $current_date_header = date_i18n($month_format, $current_date);
            $current_month_header = date('Y', $current_date) == date('Y', $through_date) ? date_i18n('F', $current_date) : date_i18n('F Y', $current_date);
            $through_month_header = date_i18n($month_format, $through_date);
            // Adjust the days of the week if week start is not Monday
            $and = __("and", 'my-calendar');
            $category_label = $category != "" && $category != "all" ? str_replace("|", " {$and} ", $category) . ' ' : '';
            // Add the calendar table and heading
            $caption_text = ' ' . stripslashes(trim(get_option('mc_caption')));
            // this option should be replaced JCD TODO
            $my_calendar_body .= $mc_topnav;
            if ($format == "calendar" || $format == "mini") {
                $my_calendar_body .= "\n<table class=\"my-calendar-table\">\n";
                $values = array('date' => date('Y-m-d', $current_date));
                $week_template = get_option('mc_week_caption') != '' ? get_option('mc_week_caption') : 'Week of {date format="M jS"}';
                $week_caption = jd_draw_template($values, stripslashes($week_template));
                $caption_heading = $time != 'week' ? $current_date_header . $caption_text : $week_caption . $caption_text;
                $my_calendar_body .= "<caption class=\"my-calendar-{$time}\">" . $caption_heading . "</caption>\n";
            } else {
                // determine which header text to show depending on number of months displayed;
                if ($time != 'week' && $time != 'day') {
                    $list_heading = $num_months <= 1 ? __('Events in', 'my-calendar') . ' ' . $current_date_header . $caption_text . "\n" : $current_month_header . '&ndash;' . $through_month_header . $caption_text;
                } else {
                    $values = array('date' => date('Y-m-d', $current_date));
                    $list_heading = jd_draw_template($values, stripslashes(get_option('mc_week_caption')));
                $my_calendar_body .= "<h3 class=\"my-calendar-{$time}\">{$list_heading}</h3>\n";
            // If not a valid time or layout format, skip.
            if (in_array($format, array('calendar', 'mini', 'list')) && in_array($time, array('day', 'week', 'month'))) {
                // If in a calendar format, print the headings of the days of the week
                if ($format == "list") {
                    if ($id == 'jd-calendar') {
                        $list_id = 'calendar-list';
                    } else {
                        $list_id = "list-{$id}";
                    $my_calendar_body .= "<ul id='{$list_id}' class='mc-list'>";
                } else {
                    $my_calendar_body .= "<thead>\n<tr>\n";
                    for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++) {
                        if ($start_of_week == 0) {
                            $class = $i < 6 && $i > 0 ? 'day-heading' : 'weekend-heading';
                        } else {
                            $class = $i < 5 ? 'day-heading' : 'weekend-heading';
                        $dayclass = strtolower(strip_tags($abbrevs[$i]));
                        if ($class == 'weekend-heading' && get_option('mc_show_weekends') == 'true' || $class != 'weekend-heading') {
                            $my_calendar_body .= "<th scope='col' class='{$class} {$dayclass}'>" . $name_days[$i] . "</th>\n";
                    $my_calendar_body .= "\n</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>";
                $odd = 'odd';
                // get and display all the events
                $show_all = false;
                // show all dates in list format.
                if ($no_events && $format == "list" && $show_all == false) {
                    // if there are no events in list format, just display that info.
                    $no_events = $content == '' ? __('There are no events scheduled during this period.', 'my-calendar') : $content;
                    $my_calendar_body .= "<li class='no-events'>{$no_events}</li>";
                } else {
                    $start = strtotime($from);
                    $end = strtotime($to);
                    do {
                        $date = date('Y-m-d', $start);
                        $enddate = date('Y-m-d', $end);
                        $is_weekend = date('N', $start) < 6 ? false : true;
                        if (get_option('mc_show_weekends') == 'true' || get_option('mc_show_weekends') != 'true' && !$is_weekend) {
                            if (date('N', $start) == $start_of_week && $format != "list") {
                                $my_calendar_body .= "<tr>";
                            // date-based classes
                            $monthclass = date('n', $start) == $c_month || $time != 'month' ? '' : 'nextmonth';
                            $dateclass = mc_dateclass(time() + $offset, $start);
                            $dayclass = strtolower(date_i18n('D', $start));
                            $week_format = get_option('mc_week_format') == '' ? 'M j, \'y' : get_option('mc_week_format');
                            $week_date_format = date_i18n($week_format, $start);
                            $thisday_heading = $time == 'week' ? "<small>{$week_date_format}</small>" : date('j', $start);
                            $events = isset($event_array[$date]) ? $event_array[$date] : array();
                            if (!empty($events)) {
                                $event_output = my_calendar_draw_events($events, $format, $date, $time, $template);
                                if ($event_output === true) {
                                    $event_output = ' ';
                                $events_class = $event_output != '' ? mc_events_class($events) : 'no-events';
                                if ($format == 'mini' && $event_output != '') {
                                    if (get_option('mc_open_day_uri') == 'true' || get_option('mc_open_day_uri') == 'false') {
                                        // yes, this is weird. it's from some old settings...
                                        $target = array('yr' => date('Y', $start), 'month' => date('m', $start), 'dy' => date('j', $start), 'time' => 'day');
                                        if ($category != '') {
                                            $target['mcat'] = $category;
                                        $day_url = mc_build_url($target, array('month', 'dy', 'yr', 'ltype', 'loc', 'mcat', 'cid', 'mc_id'), apply_filters('mc_modify_day_uri', get_option('mc_uri')));
                                        $link = get_option('mc_uri') != '' && !is_numeric(get_option('mc_uri')) ? $day_url : '#';
                                    } else {
                                        $atype = str_replace('anchor', '', get_option('mc_open_day_uri'));
                                        $ad = str_pad(date('j', $start), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                                        // need to match format in ID
                                        $am = str_pad($c_month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                                        $date_url = mc_build_url(array('yr' => $c_year, 'month' => $c_month, 'dy' => date('j', $start)), array('month', 'dy', 'yr', 'ltype', 'loc', 'mcat', 'cid', 'mc_id'), get_option('mc_mini_uri'));
                                        $link = get_option('mc_mini_uri') != '' ? $date_url . '#' . $atype . '-' . $c_year . '-' . $am . '-' . $ad : '#';
                                    $element = "a href='{$link}'";
                                    $close = 'a';
                                    $trigger = 'trigger';
                                } else {
                                    $element = 'span';
                                    $close = 'span';
                                    $trigger = '';
                                // set up events
                                if ($is_weekend && get_option('mc_show_weekends') == 'true' || !$is_weekend) {
                                    $weekend_class = $is_weekend ? 'weekend' : '';
                                    if ($format == "list") {
                                        if (get_option('mc_list_javascript') != 1) {
                                            $is_anchor = "<a href='#'>";
                                            $is_close_anchor = "</a>";
                                        } else {
                                            $is_anchor = $is_close_anchor = "";
                                        if (get_option('mc_show_list_info') == 'true') {
                                            $title = ' - ' . $is_anchor . mc_list_title($events) . $is_close_anchor;
                                        } else {
                                            $title = '';
                                        //if ( $monthclass != 'nextmonth' ) { // only show current month in list view.
                                        if ($event_output != '') {
                                            $my_calendar_body .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li id='{$format}-{$date}' class='mc-events {$dayclass} {$dateclass} {$events_class} {$odd}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong class=\"event-date\">{$is_anchor}" . date_i18n(apply_filters('mc_date_format', $date_format, 'list'), $start) . "{$is_close_anchor}" . "{$title}</strong>" . $event_output . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</li>";
                                            $odd = $odd == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd';
                                    } else {
                                        $my_calendar_body .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td id='{$format}-{$date}' class='{$dayclass} {$dateclass} {$weekend_class} {$monthclass} {$events_class} day-with-date'>" . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<{$element} class='mc-date {$trigger}'>{$thisday_heading}</{$close}>" . $event_output . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n";
                            } else {
                                // set up no events
                                if ($format != "list") {
                                    $weekend_class = $is_weekend ? 'weekend' : '';
                                    $my_calendar_body .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='no-events {$dayclass} {$dateclass} {$weekend_class} {$monthclass} day-with-date'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='mc-date no-events'>{$thisday_heading}</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n";
                                } else {
                                    if ($show_all == true) {
                                        $my_calendar_body .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li id='{$format}-{$date}' class='no-events {$dayclass} {$dateclass} {$events_class} {$odd}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong class=\"event-date\">{$is_anchor}" . date_i18n($date_format, $start) . "{$is_close_anchor}</strong></li>";
                                        $odd = $odd == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd';
                            if (date('N', $start) == $end_of_week && $format != "list") {
                                $my_calendar_body .= "</tr>\n";
                                // end of 'is beginning of week'
                        $start = strtotime("+1 day", $start);
                    } while ($start <= $end);
                $my_calendar_body .= $format == "list" ? "\n</ul>" : "\n</tbody>\n</table>";
            } else {
                if (!in_array($format, array('list', 'calendar', 'mini'))) {
                    $my_calendar_body .= "<p class='mc-error-format'>" . __("Unrecognized calendar format. Please use one of 'list', 'calendar', or 'mini'.", 'my-calendar') . "</p>";
                if (!in_array($time, array('day', 'week', 'month'))) {
                    $my_calendar_body .= "<p class='mc-error-time'>" . __("Unrecognized calendar time period. Please use one of 'day', 'week', or 'month'.", 'my-calendar') . "</p>";
            $my_calendar_body .= $mc_bottomnav;
            apply_filters("debug", "my_calendar( {$name} ) post full parsing");
    // The actual printing is done by the shortcode function.
    $my_calendar_body .= apply_filters('mc_after_calendar', '', $args);
    apply_filters("debug", "my_calendar( {$name} ) draw completed");
    return $mc_wrapper . apply_filters('my_calendar_body', $my_calendar_body) . $mc_closer;
Example #2
function my_calendar_generate_vcal($event_id)
    global $mc_version;
    $mc_id = (int) str_replace('mc_', '', $_GET['vcal']);
    $event = mc_get_event($mc_id, 'object');
    // need to modify date values to match real values using date above
    $array = mc_create_tags($event);
    $template = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nVERSION:2.0\nMETHOD:PUBLISH\nPRODID:-//Accessible Web Design//My Calendar//{$mc_version}//EN';\nBEGIN:VEVENT\nUID:{dateid}-{id}\nLOCATION:{ical_location}\nSUMMARY:{title}\nDTSTAMP:{ical_start}\nORGANIZER;CN={host}:MAILTO:{host_email}\nDTSTART:{ical_start}\nDTEND:{ical_end}\nCATEGORIES:{category}\nURL;VALUE=URI:{link}\nDESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:{ical_desc}\nEND:VEVENT\nEND:VCALENDAR";
    $template = apply_filters('mc_single_ical_template', $template, $array);
    $output = jd_draw_template($array, $template);
    return $output;
function mc_standard_datetime_input($form, $has_data, $data, $instance, $context = 'admin')
    if ($has_data) {
        $event_begin = esc_attr($data->event_begin);
        $event_end = esc_attr($data->event_end);
        if (isset($_GET['date'])) {
            $event = mc_get_event((int) $_GET['date']);
            $event_begin = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($event->occur_begin));
            $event_end = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($event->occur_end));
            if ($event_begin == $event_end) {
                $event_end = '';
        $starttime = mc_is_all_day($data) ? '' : date("h:i A", strtotime($data->event_time));
        $endtime = mc_is_all_day($data) ? '' : date("h:i A", strtotime($data->event_endtime));
    } else {
        $event_begin = date("Y-m-d");
        $event_end = $starttime = $endtime = '';
    $allday = $hide = '';
    if ($has_data && mc_is_all_day($data)) {
        $allday = " checked=\"checked\"";
    if ($has_data && $data->event_hide_end == '1') {
        $hide = " checked=\"checked\"";
    if ($has_data) {
        $allday_label = mc_notime_label($data);
    } else {
        $allday_label = get_option('mc_notime_text');
    $form .= '<p>
		<label for="e_begin" id="eblabel">' . __('Date (YYYY-MM-DD)', 'my-calendar') . '</label> <input type="text" id="e_begin" class="mc-datepicker" name="event_begin[]" size="10" value="" data-value="' . esc_attr($event_begin) . '" />
		<label for="e_time">' . __('From', 'my-calendar') . '</label> 
		<input type="text" id="e_time" class="mc-timepicker" name="event_time[]" size="8" value="' . esc_attr($starttime) . '" />	
		<label for="e_endtime">' . __('To', 'my-calendar') . '</label> 
		<input type="text" id="e_endtime" class="mc-timepicker" name="event_endtime[]" size="8" value="' . esc_attr($endtime) . '" />
		<li><input type="checkbox" value="1" id="e_allday" name="event_allday"' . $allday . ' /> <label for="e_allday">' . __('All day event', 'my-calendar') . '</label> <span class="event_time_label"><label for="e_time_label">' . __('Time label:', 'my-calendar') . '</label> <input type="text" name="event_time_label" id="e_time_label" value="' . esc_attr($allday_label) . '" /> </li>
		<li><input type="checkbox" value="1" id="e_hide_end" name="event_hide_end"' . $hide . ' /> <label for="e_hide_end">' . __('Hide end time', 'my-calendar') . '</label></li>
		<label for="e_end" id="eelabel"><em>' . __('End Date (YYYY-MM-DD, optional)', 'my-calendar') . '</em></label> <input type="text" name="event_end[]" id="e_end" class="mc-datepicker" size="10" value="" data-value="' . esc_attr($event_end) . '" /> 
    return $form;
function mc_get_details_link($event)
    if (is_numeric($event)) {
        $event = mc_get_event($event);
    // if available, and not querying remotely, use permalink.
    $permalinks = apply_filters('mc_use_permalinks', get_option('mc_use_permalinks'));
    $permalinks = $permalinks === 1 || $permalinks === true || $permalinks === 'true' ? true : false;
    $details_link = mc_event_link($event);
    if ($event->event_post != 0 && get_option('mc_remote') != 'true' && $permalinks) {
        $details_link = add_query_arg('mc_id', $event->occur_id, get_permalink($event->event_post));
    } else {
        if (get_option('mc_uri') != '' && _mc_is_url(get_option('mc_uri'))) {
            $details_link = mc_build_url(array('mc_id' => $event->occur_id), array('month', 'dy', 'yr', 'ltype', 'loc', 'mcat', 'format', 'feed', 'page_id', 'p', 'mcs', 'time', 'page'), get_option('mc_uri'));
    return apply_filters('mc_customize_details_link', $details_link, $event);
function mc_event_filter($title, $sep = ' | ', $seplocation = 'right')
    if (isset($_GET['mc_id'])) {
        $id = (int) $_GET['mc_id'];
        $event = mc_get_event($id);
        $array = mc_create_tags($event);
        $left_sep = $seplocation != 'right' ? ' ' . $sep . ' ' : '';
        $right_sep = $seplocation != 'right' ? '' : ' ' . $sep . ' ';
        $template = get_option('mc_event_title_template') != '' ? stripslashes(get_option('mc_event_title_template')) : "{$left_sep} {title} {$sep} {date} {$right_sep} ";
        return strip_tags(jd_draw_template($array, $template));
    } else {
        return $title;
function my_calendar($name, $format, $category, $time = 'month', $ltype = '', $lvalue = '', $id = '', $template = '', $content = '', $author = null, $host = null, $above = '', $below = '', $syear = false, $smonth = false, $sday = false, $source = 'shortcode', $site = false)
    if ($site) {
        $site = $site == 'global' ? BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE : $site;
    // category key needs to receive the original category settings.
    $original_category = $category;
    $category = isset($_GET['mcat']) ? (int) $_GET['mcat'] : $category;
    $mc_toporder = array('nav', 'toggle', 'jump', 'print', 'timeframe');
    $mc_bottomorder = array('key', 'feeds');
    if ($above != '' || $below != '') {
        $aboves = $above == 'none' ? array() : array_map('trim', explode(',', $above));
        $belows = $below == 'none' ? array() : array_map('trim', explode(',', $below));
    } else {
        $aboves = $mc_toporder;
        $belows = $mc_bottomorder;
    $used = array_merge($aboves, $belows);
    if (isset($_GET['format']) && in_array($_GET['format'], array('list', 'mini')) && $format != 'mini') {
        $format = esc_attr($_GET['format']);
    } else {
        $format = esc_attr($format);
    if (isset($_GET['time']) && in_array($_GET['time'], array('day', 'week', 'month', 'month+1')) && $format != 'mini') {
        $time = esc_attr($_GET['time']);
    } else {
        $time = esc_attr($time);
    $offset = 60 * 60 * get_option('gmt_offset');
    $my_calendar_body = '';
    /* filter */
    if ($time == 'day') {
        $format = 'list';
    $args = array('name' => $name, 'format' => $format, 'category' => $category, 'above' => $above, 'below' => $below, 'time' => $time, 'ltype' => $ltype, 'lvalue' => $lvalue, 'author' => $author, 'id' => $id, 'above' => $above, 'below' => $below, 'host' => $host, 'syear' => $syear, 'smonth' => $smonth, 'sday' => $sday);
    // args used in Md5 hash cannot include 'time' or 'format', since those can be changed by navigation.
    $hash_args = array('name' => $name, 'category' => $category, 'above' => $above, 'below' => $below, 'ltype' => $ltype, 'lvalue' => $lvalue, 'author' => $author, 'id' => $id, 'above' => $above, 'below' => $below, 'host' => $host, 'syear' => $syear, 'smonth' => $smonth, 'sday' => $sday);
    $hash = md5(implode(',', $hash_args));
    $my_calendar_body .= apply_filters('mc_before_calendar', '', $args);
    $id = !$id ? "mc-{$hash}" : $id;
    $main_class = $id != '' ? sanitize_title($id) : 'all';
    $cid = isset($_GET['cid']) ? esc_attr(strip_tags($_GET['cid'])) : $main_class;
    if (get_option('mc_convert') == 'true') {
        $format = mc_is_mobile() && $format == 'calendar' ? 'list' : $format;
    } else {
        if (get_option('mc_convert') == 'mini') {
            $format = mc_is_mobile() ? 'mini' : $format;
    $format = apply_filters('mc_display_format', $format, $args);
    // mc body wrapper
    $mc_wrapper = "<div id=\"{$id}\" class=\"mc-main {$format} {$time} {$main_class}\" aria-live='assertive' aria-atomic='true'>";
    $mc_closer = "</div>";
    $date_format = get_option('mc_date_format') != '' ? get_option('mc_date_format') : get_option('date_format');
    if (isset($_GET['mc_id']) && $source != 'widget') {
        // single event, main calendar only.
        $mc_id = is_numeric($_GET['mc_id']) ? $_GET['mc_id'] : false;
        if ($mc_id) {
            $my_calendar_body .= mc_get_event($mc_id, 'html');
    } else {
        if ($category == "") {
            $category = 'all';
        // Deal with the week not starting on a monday
        $name_days = array("<abbr title='" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Sunday')) . "' aria-hidden='true'>" . date_i18n('D', strtotime('Sunday')) . "</abbr><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Sunday')) . "</span>", "<abbr title='" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Monday')) . "' aria-hidden='true'>" . date_i18n('D', strtotime('Monday')) . "</abbr><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Monday')) . "</span>", "<abbr title='" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Tuesday')) . "' aria-hidden='true'>" . date_i18n('D', strtotime('Tuesday')) . "</abbr><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Tuesday')) . "</span>", "<abbr title='" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Wednesday')) . "' aria-hidden='true'>" . date_i18n('D', strtotime('Wednesday')) . "</abbr><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Wednesday')) . "</span>", "<abbr title='" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Thursday')) . "' aria-hidden='true'>" . date_i18n('D', strtotime('Thursday')) . "</abbr><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Thursday')) . "</span>", "<abbr title='" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Friday')) . "' aria-hidden='true'>" . date_i18n('D', strtotime('Friday')) . "</abbr><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Friday')) . "</span>", "<abbr title='" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Saturday')) . "' aria-hidden='true'>" . date_i18n('D', strtotime('Saturday')) . "</abbr><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Saturday')) . "</span>");
        $abbrevs = array('sun', 'mon', 'tues', 'wed', 'thur', 'fri', 'sat');
        if ($format == 'mini') {
            // PHP doesn't have a single letter abbreviation, so this has to be a translatable.
            $name_days = array("<span aria-hidden='true'>" . __('<abbr title="Sunday">S</abbr>', 'my-calendar') . "</span><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Sunday')) . "</span>", "<span aria-hidden='true'>" . __('<abbr title="Monday">M</abbr>', 'my-calendar') . "</span><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Monday')) . "</span>", "<span aria-hidden='true'>" . __('<abbr title="Tuesday">T</abbr>', 'my-calendar') . "</span><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Tuesday')) . "</span>", "<span aria-hidden='true'>" . __('<abbr title="Wednesday">W</abbr>', 'my-calendar') . "</span><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Wednesday')) . "</span>", "<span aria-hidden='true'>" . __('<abbr title="Thursday">T</abbr>', 'my-calendar') . "</span><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Thursday')) . "</span>", "<span aria-hidden='true'>" . __('<abbr title="Friday">F</abbr>', 'my-calendar') . "</span><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Friday')) . "</span>", "<span aria-hidden='true'>" . __('<abbr title="Saturday">S</abbr>', 'my-calendar') . "</span><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n('l', strtotime('Saturday')) . "</span>");
        $start_of_week = get_option('start_of_week') == 1 ? 1 : 7;
        // convert start of week to ISO 8601 (Monday/Sunday)
        $end_of_week = $start_of_week == 1 ? 7 : 6;
        $start_of_week = get_option('mc_show_weekends') == 'true' ? $start_of_week : 1;
        //$start_of_week = ( $start_of_week==1||$start_of_week==0)?$start_of_week:0;
        if ($start_of_week == '1') {
            $first = array_shift($name_days);
            $afirst = array_shift($abbrevs);
            $name_days[] = $first;
            $abbrevs[] = $afirst;
        // If we don't pass arguments we want a calendar that is relevant to today (current time period)
        $c_m = 0;
        if (isset($_GET['dy']) && $main_class == $cid && ($time == 'day' || $time == 'week')) {
            $c_day = (int) $_GET['dy'];
        } else {
            if ($time == 'week') {
                $dm = first_day_of_week();
                $c_day = $dm[0];
                $c_m = $dm[1];
            } else {
                if ($time == 'day') {
                    $c_day = date("d", time() + $offset);
                } else {
                    $c_day = 1;
        if (isset($_GET['month']) && $main_class == $cid) {
            $c_month = (int) $_GET['month'];
            if (!isset($_GET['dy'])) {
                $c_day = 1;
        } else {
            $xnow = date('Y-m-d', time() + $offset);
            $c_month = $c_m == 0 ? date("m", time() + $offset) : date("m", strtotime($xnow . ' -1 month'));
        $is_start_of_week = date('N', current_time('timestamp')) == get_option('start_of_week') ? true : false;
        if (isset($_GET['yr']) && $main_class == $cid) {
            $c_year = (int) $_GET['yr'];
        } else {
            // weeks suck. seriously.
            if ($time == 'week' && !isset($_GET['dy'])) {
                if ($is_start_of_week) {
                    $c_year = date("Y", current_time('timestamp'));
                } else {
                    $current_year = date('Y', current_time('timestamp'));
                    $c_year = $dm[1] == 0 ? $current_year : false;
                    if (!$c_year) {
                        $c_year = date('Y', strtotime('-1 month')) == $current_year ? $current_year : $current_year - 1;
            } else {
                $c_year = date("Y", current_time('timestamp'));
        // Years get funny if we exceed 3000, so we use this check
        if (!($c_year <= 3000 && $c_year >= 0)) {
            // No valid year causes the calendar to default to today
            $c_year = date("Y", time() + $offset);
            $c_month = date("m", time() + $offset);
            $c_day = date("d", time() + $offset);
        if (!(isset($_GET['yr']) || isset($_GET['month']) || isset($_GET['dy']))) {
            // month/year based on shortcode
            $shortcode_month = $smonth != false ? $smonth : $c_month;
            $shortcode_year = $syear != false ? $syear : $c_year;
            $shortcode_day = $sday != false ? $sday : $c_day;
            // override with filters
            $c_year = apply_filters('mc_filter_year', $shortcode_year, $args);
            $c_month = apply_filters('mc_filter_month', $shortcode_month, $args);
            $c_day = apply_filters('mc_filter_day', $shortcode_day, $args);
        $c_day = $c_day == 0 ? 1 : $c_day;
        // c_day can't equal 0.
        $current_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, $c_day, $c_year);
        $c_month = str_pad($c_month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $mc_show_months = apply_filters('mc_show_months', get_option('mc_show_months'), $args);
        $num = $mc_show_months - 1;
        // the value is total months to show; need additional months to show.
        if ($format == "list" && $time != 'week') {
            // grid calendar can't show multiple months
            if ($num > 0 && $time != 'day' && $time != 'week') {
                // grid calendar date calculation
                if ($time == 'month+1') {
                    $from = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 month', mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, 1, $c_year)));
                    $next = strtotime("+{$num} months", strtotime('+1 month', mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, 1, $c_year)));
                } else {
                    $from = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, 1, $c_year));
                    $next = strtotime("+{$num} months", mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, 1, $c_year));
                $last = date('t', $next);
                $to = date('Y-m', $next) . '-' . $last;
            } else {
                $from = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, 1, $c_year));
                $to = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, 1, $c_year)), $c_year));
            $this_dates = array('from' => $from, 'to' => $to);
        } else {
            $this_dates = mc_date_array($current_date, $time);
        $from = apply_filters('mc_from_date', $this_dates['from']);
        $to = apply_filters('mc_to_date', $this_dates['to']);
        $event_array = my_calendar_events($from, $to, $category, $ltype, $lvalue, 'calendar', $author, $host, '', $site);
        $no_events = empty($event_array) ? true : false;
        // define navigation element strings
        // These variables are used by reference {$value}
        $timeframe = $print = $toggle = $nav = $feeds = $jump = $mc_topnav = $mc_bottomnav = '';
        // setup print link
        $add = array('time' => $time, 'ltype' => $ltype, 'lvalue' => $lvalue, 'mcat' => $category, 'yr' => $c_year, 'month' => $c_month, 'dy' => $c_day, 'href' => urlencode(mc_get_current_url()));
        $subtract = array();
        if ($ltype == '') {
            $subtract[] = 'ltype';
        if ($lvalue == '') {
            $subtract[] = 'lvalue';
        if ($category == 'all') {
            $subtract[] = 'mcat';
        $print_add = array_merge($add, array('cid' => 'mc-print-view'));
        $mc_print_url = mc_build_url($print_add, $subtract, home_url());
        $print = "<div class='mc-print'><a href='{$mc_print_url}'>" . __('Print<span class="maybe-hide"> View</span>', 'my-calendar') . "</a></div>";
        // set up format toggle
        $toggle = in_array('toggle', $used) ? mc_format_toggle($format, 'yes', $time) : '';
        // set up time toggle
        if (in_array('timeframe', $used)) {
            // if dy parameter not set, use today's date instead of first day of month.
            if (isset($_GET['dy'])) {
                $current_day = absint($_GET['dy']);
                $current_set = mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, $current_day, $c_year);
                if (date('N', $current_set) == $start_of_week) {
                    $weeks_day = first_day_of_week($current_set);
                } else {
                    $weeks_day = first_day_of_week($current_date);
            } else {
                $weeks_day = first_day_of_week(current_time('timestamp'));
            $day = $weeks_day[0];
            if (isset($_GET['time']) && $_GET['time'] == 'day') {
                // don't adjust day if viewing day format
            } else {
                if (!isset($_GET['dy']) && $day > 20) {
                    $day = date('j', strtotime("{$from} + 1 week"));
            $timeframe = mc_time_toggle($format, $time, 'yes', $day, $c_month, $c_year);
        // set up category key
        $key = in_array('key', $used) ? my_category_key($original_category) : '';
        // set up navigation links
        if (in_array('nav', $used)) {
            $pLink = my_calendar_prev_link($c_year, $c_month, $c_day, $format, $time, $mc_show_months);
            $nLink = my_calendar_next_link($c_year, $c_month, $c_day, $format, $time, $mc_show_months);
            $prevLink = mc_build_url(array('yr' => $pLink['yr'], 'month' => $pLink['month'], 'dy' => $pLink['day'], 'cid' => $main_class), array());
            $nextLink = mc_build_url(array('yr' => $nLink['yr'], 'month' => $nLink['month'], 'dy' => $nLink['day'], 'cid' => $main_class), array());
            $previous_link = apply_filters('mc_previous_link', '<li class="my-calendar-prev"><a href="' . $prevLink . '" rel="nofollow" data-rel="' . $id . '">' . $pLink['label'] . '</a></li>', $pLink);
            $next_link = apply_filters('mc_next_link', '<li class="my-calendar-next"><a href="' . $nextLink . '" rel="nofollow" data-rel="' . $id . '">' . $nLink['label'] . '</a></li>', $nLink);
            $nav = '
				<div class="my-calendar-nav">
						' . $previous_link . $next_link . '
        // set up rss feeds
        if (in_array('feeds', $used)) {
            $ical_m = isset($_GET['month']) ? (int) $_GET['month'] : date('n');
            $ical_y = isset($_GET['yr']) ? (int) $_GET['yr'] : date('Y');
            if (!isset($nLink)) {
                $nLink = my_calendar_next_link($c_year, $c_month, $c_day, $format, $time, $mc_show_months);
            $feeds = mc_rss_links($ical_y, $ical_m, $nLink, $add, $subtract);
        // set up date switcher
        if (in_array('jump', $used)) {
            $jump = $time != 'week' ? mc_build_date_switcher($format, $main_class, $time) : '';
        // set up above-calendar order of fields
        if (get_option('mc_topnav') != '') {
            $mc_toporder = explode(',', get_option('mc_topnav'));
        if ($above != '') {
            $mc_toporder = explode(',', $above);
        foreach ($mc_toporder as $value) {
            if ($value != 'none' && in_array($value, $used)) {
                $value = trim($value);
                $mc_topnav .= @${$value};
        if ($mc_topnav != '') {
            $mc_topnav = '<div class="my-calendar-header">' . $mc_topnav . '</div>';
        if (get_option('mc_bottomnav') != '') {
            $mc_bottomorder = explode(',', get_option('mc_bottomnav'));
        if ($below != '') {
            $mc_bottomorder = explode(',', $below);
        foreach ($mc_bottomorder as $value) {
            if ($value != 'none' && $value != 'stop' && in_array($value, $used)) {
                $value = trim($value);
                $mc_bottomnav .= @${$value};
        if ($mc_bottomnav != '') {
            $mc_bottomnav = "<div class='mc_bottomnav'>{$mc_bottomnav}</div>";
        if ($time == 'day') {
            $my_calendar_body .= "<div class='mc-main {$format} {$time}'>" . $mc_topnav;
            // single day uses independent cycling.
            $dayclass = strtolower(date('D', mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, $c_day, $c_year)));
            $from = $to = "{$c_year}-{$c_month}-{$c_day}";
            //echo "<p>Debug: $from, $to, $category, $ltype, $lvalue, $author</p>";
            $events = my_calendar_grab_events($from, $to, $category, $ltype, $lvalue, 'calendar', $author, $host, null, '', $site);
            if (!get_option('mc_skip_holidays_category') || get_option('mc_skip_holidays_category') == '') {
                $holidays = array();
            } else {
                $holidays = my_calendar_grab_events($from, $to, get_option('mc_skip_holidays_category'), $ltype, $lvalue, 'calendar', $author, $host, 'holidays', '', $site);
            $events_class = mc_events_class($events, $from);
            $dateclass = mc_dateclass(time() + $offset, mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month, $c_day, $c_year));
            $mc_events = '';
            if (is_array($events) && count($events) > 0) {
                if (is_array($holidays) && count($holidays) > 0) {
                    $mc_events .= my_calendar_draw_events($holidays, $format, $from, $time, $template);
                } else {
                    $mc_events .= my_calendar_draw_events($events, $format, $from, $time, $template);
            } else {
                $mc_events .= __('No events scheduled for today!', 'my-calendar');
            $hl = apply_filters('mc_heading_level', 'h3', $format, $time, $template);
            $datetime = date_i18n(apply_filters('mc_date_format', $date_format, $format, $time), strtotime("{$c_year}-{$c_month}-{$c_day}"));
            $my_calendar_body .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t<{$hl} class='mc-single'>" . apply_filters('mc_heading', $datetime, $format, $time) . "</{$hl}>" . '
				<div id="mc-day" class="' . esc_attr($dayclass . ' ' . $dateclass . ' ' . $events_class) . '">' . "{$mc_events}\n</div>\r\n\t\t\t</div>";
        } else {
            // if showing multiple months, figure out how far we're going.
            $num_months = $time == 'week' ? 1 : $mc_show_months;
            $through_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $c_month + ($num_months - 1), $c_day, $c_year);
            $month_format = get_option('mc_month_format') == '' ? 'F Y' : get_option('mc_month_format');
            if ($time == 'month+1') {
                $current_date_header = date_i18n($month_format, strtotime('+1 month', $current_date));
            } else {
                $current_date_header = date_i18n($month_format, $current_date);
            $current_month_header = date('Y', $current_date) == date('Y', $through_date) ? date_i18n('F', $current_date) : date_i18n('F Y', $current_date);
            $through_month_header = date_i18n($month_format, $through_date);
            $values = array('date' => date('Y-m-d', $current_date));
            // Add the calendar table and heading
            $caption_text = ' ' . stripslashes(trim(get_option('mc_caption')));
            $my_calendar_body .= $mc_topnav;
            if ($format == "calendar" || $format == "mini") {
                $table = apply_filters('mc_grid_wrapper', 'table', $format);
                $my_calendar_body .= "\n<{$table} class=\"my-calendar-table\">\n";
                $week_template = get_option('mc_week_caption') != '' ? get_option('mc_week_caption') : 'Week of {date format="M jS"}';
                $week_caption = jd_draw_template($values, stripslashes($week_template));
                $caption_heading = $time != 'week' ? $current_date_header . $caption_text : $week_caption . $caption_text;
                $caption = apply_filters('mc_grid_caption', 'caption', $format);
                $my_calendar_body .= "<{$caption} class=\"heading my-calendar-{$time}\">" . $caption_heading . "</{$caption}>\n";
            } else {
                // determine which header text to show depending on number of months displayed;
                if ($time != 'week' && $time != 'day') {
                    $list_heading = $num_months <= 1 ? $current_date_header . $caption_text . "\n" : $current_month_header . '&ndash;' . $through_month_header . $caption_text;
                    $list_heading = sprintf(__('Events in %s', 'my-calendar'), $list_heading);
                } else {
                    $list_heading = jd_draw_template($values, stripslashes(get_option('mc_week_caption')));
                $h2 = apply_filters('mc_list_header_level', 'h2');
                $my_calendar_body .= "<{$h2} class=\"heading my-calendar-{$time}\">{$list_heading}</{$h2}>\n";
            // If not a valid time or layout format, skip.
            if (in_array($format, array('calendar', 'mini', 'list')) && in_array($time, array('day', 'week', 'month', 'month+1'))) {
                $tr = apply_filters('mc_grid_week_wrapper', 'tr', $format);
                $th = apply_filters('mc_grid_header_wrapper', 'th', $format);
                $close_th = $th == 'th' ? 'th' : $th;
                $th .= $th == 'th' ? ' scope="col"' : '';
                // If in a calendar format, print the headings of the days of the week
                if ($format == "list") {
                    $my_calendar_body .= "<ul id='list-{$id}' class='mc-list'>";
                } else {
                    $my_calendar_body .= $tr == 'tr' ? "<thead>\n" : '<div class="mc-table-body">';
                    $my_calendar_body .= "<{$tr} class='mc-row'>\n";
                    for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++) {
                        if ($start_of_week == 0) {
                            $class = $i < 6 && $i > 0 ? 'day-heading' : 'weekend-heading';
                        } else {
                            $class = $i < 5 ? 'day-heading' : 'weekend-heading';
                        $dayclass = strtolower(strip_tags($abbrevs[$i]));
                        if ($class == 'weekend-heading' && get_option('mc_show_weekends') == 'true' || $class != 'weekend-heading') {
                            $my_calendar_body .= "<{$th} class='{$class} {$dayclass}'>" . $name_days[$i] . "</{$close_th}>\n";
                    $my_calendar_body .= "\n</{$tr}>\n";
                    $my_calendar_body .= $tr == 'tr' ? "</thead>\n<tbody>" : '';
                $odd = 'odd';
                // get and display all the events
                $show_all = false;
                // show all dates in list format.
                if ($no_events && $format == "list" && $show_all == false) {
                    // if there are no events in list format, just display that info.
                    $no_events = $content == '' ? __('There are no events scheduled during this period.', 'my-calendar') : $content;
                    $my_calendar_body .= "<li class='mc-events no-events'>{$no_events}</li>";
                } else {
                    $start = strtotime($from);
                    $end = strtotime($to);
                    do {
                        $date = date('Y-m-d', $start);
                        $is_weekend = date('N', $start) < 6 ? false : true;
                        if (get_option('mc_show_weekends') == 'true' || get_option('mc_show_weekends') != 'true' && !$is_weekend) {
                            if (date('N', $start) == $start_of_week && $format != "list") {
                                $my_calendar_body .= "<{$tr} class='mc-row'>";
                            // date-based classes
                            $monthclass = date('n', $start) == $c_month || $time != 'month' ? '' : 'nextmonth';
                            $dateclass = mc_dateclass(time() + $offset, $start);
                            $dayclass = strtolower(date_i18n('D', $start));
                            $week_format = get_option('mc_week_format') == '' ? 'M j, \'y' : get_option('mc_week_format');
                            $week_date_format = date_i18n($week_format, $start);
                            $thisday_heading = $time == 'week' ? "<small>{$week_date_format}</small>" : date('j', $start);
                            $events = isset($event_array[$date]) ? $event_array[$date] : array();
                            $events_class = mc_events_class($events, $date);
                            if (get_option('mc_list_javascript') != 1) {
                                $is_anchor = "<button type='button' class='mc-text-button'>";
                                $is_close_anchor = "</button>";
                            } else {
                                $is_anchor = $is_close_anchor = "";
                            $td = apply_filters('mc_grid_day_wrapper', 'td', $format);
                            if (!empty($events)) {
                                $hide_nextmonth = apply_filters('mc_hide_nextmonth', false);
                                if ($hide_nextmonth == true && $monthclass == 'nextmonth') {
                                    $event_output = ' ';
                                } else {
                                    $event_output = my_calendar_draw_events($events, $format, $date, $time, $template);
                                if ($event_output === true) {
                                    $event_output = ' ';
                                if ($format == 'mini' && $event_output != '') {
                                    if (get_option('mc_open_day_uri') == 'true' || get_option('mc_open_day_uri') == 'false') {
                                        // yes, this is weird. it's from some old settings...
                                        $target = array('yr' => date('Y', $start), 'month' => date('m', $start), 'dy' => date('j', $start), 'time' => 'day');
                                        if ($category != '') {
                                            $target['mcat'] = $category;
                                        $day_url = mc_build_url($target, array('month', 'dy', 'yr', 'ltype', 'loc', 'mcat', 'cid', 'mc_id'), apply_filters('mc_modify_day_uri', get_option('mc_uri')));
                                        $link = get_option('mc_uri') != '' && !is_numeric(get_option('mc_uri')) ? $day_url : '#';
                                    } else {
                                        $atype = str_replace('anchor', '', get_option('mc_open_day_uri'));
                                        $ad = str_pad(date('j', $start), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                                        // need to match format in ID
                                        $am = str_pad($c_month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                                        $date_url = mc_build_url(array('yr' => $c_year, 'month' => $c_month, 'dy' => date('j', $start)), array('month', 'dy', 'yr', 'ltype', 'loc', 'mcat', 'cid', 'mc_id'), get_option('mc_mini_uri'));
                                        $link = esc_url(get_option('mc_mini_uri') != '' ? $date_url . '#' . $atype . '-' . $c_year . '-' . $am . '-' . $ad : '#');
                                    $element = "a href='{$link}'";
                                    $close = 'a';
                                    $trigger = 'trigger';
                                } else {
                                    $element = 'span';
                                    $close = 'span';
                                    $trigger = '';
                                // set up events
                                if ($is_weekend && get_option('mc_show_weekends') == 'true' || !$is_weekend) {
                                    $weekend_class = $is_weekend ? 'weekend' : '';
                                    if ($format == "list") {
                                        if (get_option('mc_show_list_info') == 'true') {
                                            $title = ' - ' . $is_anchor . "<span class='mc-list-details'>" . mc_list_title($events) . "</span>" . $is_close_anchor;
                                        } else {
                                            $title = '';
                                        if ($event_output != '') {
                                            $my_calendar_body .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li id='{$format}-{$date}' class='mc-events " . esc_attr("{$dayclass} {$dateclass} {$events_class} {$odd}") . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong class=\"event-date\">{$is_anchor}" . date_i18n(apply_filters('mc_date_format', $date_format, 'list'), $start) . "{$is_close_anchor}" . "{$title}</strong>" . $event_output . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</li>";
                                            $odd = $odd == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd';
                                    } else {
                                        $my_calendar_body .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<{$td} id='{$format}-{$date}' class='" . esc_attr("{$dayclass} {$dateclass} {$weekend_class} {$monthclass} {$events_class}") . " day-with-date'>" . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<{$element} class='mc-date {$trigger}'><span aria-hidden='true'>{$thisday_heading}</span><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n(get_option('mc_date_format'), strtotime($date)) . "</span></{$close}>" . $event_output . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</{$td}>\n";
                            } else {
                                // set up no events
                                if ($format != "list") {
                                    $weekend_class = $is_weekend ? 'weekend' : '';
                                    $my_calendar_body .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<{$td} class='no-events {$dayclass} {$dateclass} {$weekend_class} {$monthclass} day-with-date'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='mc-date no-events'><span aria-hidden='true'>{$thisday_heading}</span><span class='screen-reader-text'>" . date_i18n(get_option('mc_date_format'), strtotime($date)) . "</span></span>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</{$td}>\n";
                                } else {
                                    if ($show_all == true) {
                                        $my_calendar_body .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li id='{$format}-{$date}' class='no-events {$dayclass} {$dateclass} {$events_class} {$odd}'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong class=\"event-date\">{$is_anchor}" . date_i18n($date_format, $start) . "{$is_close_anchor}</strong></li>";
                                        $odd = $odd == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd';
                            if (date('N', $start) == $end_of_week && $format != "list") {
                                $my_calendar_body .= "</{$tr}>\n";
                                // end of 'is beginning of week'
                        $start = strtotime("+1 day", $start);
                    } while ($start <= $end);
                $table = apply_filters('mc_grid_wrapper', 'table', $format);
                $end = $table == 'table' ? "\n</tbody>\n</table>" : "</div></{$table}>";
                $my_calendar_body .= $format == "list" ? "\n</ul>" : $end;
            } else {
                // only show error message if user has permissions
                if (current_user_can('manage_options')) {
                    if (!in_array($format, array('list', 'calendar', 'mini'))) {
                        $yours = sprintf(esc_html__("Your format: %s", 'my-calendar'), $format);
                        $my_calendar_body .= "<p class='mc-error-format'>" . __("Unrecognized calendar format. Please use one of 'list', 'calendar', or 'mini'.", 'my-calendar') . "{$yours}</p>";
                    if (!in_array($time, array('day', 'week', 'month', 'month+1'))) {
                        $yours = sprintf(esc_html__("Your time period: %s", 'my-calendar'), $time);
                        $my_calendar_body .= "<p class='mc-error-time'>" . __("Unrecognized calendar time period. Please use one of 'day', 'week', or 'month'.", 'my-calendar') . "{$yours}</p>";
            $my_calendar_body .= $mc_bottomnav;
    // The actual printing is done by the shortcode function.
    $my_calendar_body .= apply_filters('mc_after_calendar', '', $args);
    if ($site) {
    return $mc_wrapper . apply_filters('my_calendar_body', $my_calendar_body) . $mc_closer;
function mc_standard_datetime_input($form, $has_data, $data, $instance, $context = 'admin')
    if ($has_data) {
        $event_begin = esc_attr($data->event_begin);
        $event_end = esc_attr($data->event_end);
        if (isset($_GET['date'])) {
            $event = mc_get_event((int) $_GET['date']);
            $event_begin = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($event->occur_begin));
            $event_end = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($event->occur_end));
            if ($event_begin == $event_end) {
                $event_end = '';
        $starttime = $data->event_time == "00:00:00" && $data->event_endtime == "00:00:00" ? '' : date("h:i A", strtotime($data->event_time));
        $endtime = $data->event_endtime == "00:00:00" && $data->event_time == "00:00:00" ? '' : date("h:i A", strtotime($data->event_endtime));
    } else {
        $event_begin = date("Y-m-d");
        $event_end = $starttime = $endtime = '';
    $allday = $hide = '';
    if ($has_data && ($data->event_time == '00:00:00' && $data->event_endtime == '00:00:00')) {
        $allday = " checked=\"checked\"";
    if ($has_data && $data->event_hide_end == '1') {
        $hide = " checked=\"checked\"";
    $scripting = '
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
		interval: 15,
		format: "' . apply_filters('mc_time_format', 'h:i A') . '",
		editable: true
		interval: 15,
		format: "' . apply_filters('mc_time_format', 'h:i A') . '",
		editable: true		
    $form .= $scripting;
    $form .= '<p>
		<label for="e_begin" id="eblabel">' . __('Date (YYYY-MM-DD)', 'my-calendar') . '</label> <input type="text" id="e_begin" name="event_begin[]" size="10" value="" data-value="' . $event_begin . '" />
		<label for="e_time">' . __('From', 'my-calendar') . '</label> 
		<input type="text" id="e_time" name="event_time[]" size="8" value="' . $starttime . '" />	
		<label for="e_endtime">' . __('To', 'my-calendar') . '</label> 
		<input type="text" id="e_endtime" name="event_endtime[]" size="8" value="' . $endtime . '" />
		<li><input type="checkbox" value="1" id="e_allday" name="event_allday"' . $allday . ' /> <label for="e_allday">' . __('All day event', 'my-calendar') . '</label> </li>
		<li><input type="checkbox" value="1" id="e_hide_end" name="event_hide_end"' . $hide . ' /> <label for="e_hide_end">' . __('Hide end time', 'my-calendar') . '</label></li>
		<label for="e_end" id="eelabel"><em>' . __('End Date (YYYY-MM-DD, optional)', 'my-calendar') . '</em></label> <input type="text" name="event_end[]" id="e_end" size="10" value="" data-value="' . $event_end . '" /> 
    return $form;