Example #1
    echo $t_summary;
		<br />
    # type project name if viewing 'all projects' or bug is in subproject
    if (ON == config_get('show_bug_project_links') && helper_get_current_project() != $v_project_id) {
        echo '[';
        print $project_name;
        echo '] ';
    echo string_display($v_category);
    if ($v_last_updated > strtotime('-' . $t_filter['highlight_changed'] . ' hours')) {
        echo ' - <b>' . $t_last_updated . '</b>';
    } else {
        echo ' - ' . $t_last_updated;
    # -- end of Repeating bug row --
# -- ====================== end of BUG LIST ========================= --


mark_time('end loop');
function write_bug_rows($p_rows)
    global $t_columns, $t_filter;
    $t_in_stickies = $t_filter && 'on' == $t_filter['sticky_issues'];
    mark_time('begin loop');
    # -- Loop over bug rows --
    $t_rows = sizeof($p_rows);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $t_rows; $i++) {
        $t_row = $p_rows[$i];
        if (0 == $t_row['sticky'] && 0 == $i) {
            $t_in_stickies = false;
        if (0 == $t_row['sticky'] && $t_in_stickies) {
            # demarcate stickies, if any have been shown
                       <td class="left" colspan="<?php 
            echo sizeof($t_columns);
" bgcolor="#999999">&nbsp;</td>
            $t_in_stickies = false;
        # choose color based on status
        $status_color = get_status_color($t_row['status']);
        echo '<tr bgcolor="', $status_color, '" border="1">';
        foreach ($t_columns as $t_column) {
            $t_column_value_function = 'print_column_value';
            helper_call_custom_function($t_column_value_function, array($t_column, $t_row));
        echo '</tr>';