function makeviewday() { global $action2, $flag, $sql, $stime, $makeinterval, $db, $cache; $macpage = be("get", "page"); $num = be("get", "num"); if (isN($num)) { $num = 0; } else { $num = intval($num); } if ($flag == "art") { $where = " and STR_TO_DATE(a_time,'%Y-%m-%d')='" . date("Y-m-d") . "'"; } else { $where = " and STR_TO_DATE(d_time,'%Y-%m-%d')='" . date("Y-m-d") . "'"; } $sql = $sql . $where; $sql1 = "SELECT DISTINCT d_type FROM {pre}vod WHERE 1=1 " . $where; $nums = $db->getOne($sql1 . $where); $pcount = ceil($nums / 100); if (isN($macpage)) { $macpage = 1; } else { $macpage = intval($macpage); } if ($nums == 0) { echo "今天没有更新数据"; exit; } // $rs = $db->query($sql); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($rs)) { if ($flag == "art") { $id = $row["a_type"]; $typearr = getValueByArray($cache[1], "t_id", $row["a_type"]); } else { $id = $row["d_type"]; $typearr = getValueByArray($cache[0], "t_id", $row["d_type"]); } if (strpos($ids, "," . $id . ",") <= 0) { $ids = $ids . $id . ","; } makeviewbyrs($row, $typearr); } unset($rs); echo "ok恭喜今日数据搞定"; $idsarr = explode(",", $ids); for ($i = 0; $i < count($idsarr); $i++) { if (!isN($idsarr[$i])) { maketypebyid($idsarr[$i]); } } echo "ok恭喜今日分类搞定"; makeotherday(); }
function maketypeall() { global $flag, $makeinterval, $psize, $cache; $num = be("get", "num"); if ($flag == "art") { $typearr = $cache[1]; } else { $typearr = $cache[0]; } $typearrconunt = count($typearr); if (isN($num)) { $num = 0; } else { if (intval($num) >= intval($typearrconunt)) { alertUrl("所有分类生成完毕", "admin_makehtml.php"); } } $typeid = trim($typearr[$num]["t_id"]); maketypebyid($typeid); echo "<br>暂停" . $makeinterval . "秒后继续生成<script language=\"javascript\">setTimeout(\"makeNexttype();\"," . $makeinterval . "000);function makeNexttype(){location.href='?action=typeall&flag=" . $flag . "&num=" . ($num + 1) . "&psize=" . $psize . "';}</script>"; }