function vcita_ajax_toggle_calendar() { $vcita_widget = (array) get_option(VCITA_WIDGET_KEY); if (isset($vcita_widget['uid']) && !empty($vcita_widget['uid'])) { if ($_POST['activate'] == "true") { make_sure_calendar_page_published($vcita_widget); } else { vcita_trash_current_calendar_page($vcita_widget); } } }
/** * Take the received data and parse it * * Returns the newly updated widgets parameters. */ function vcita_parse_expert_data($raw_data) { $previous_id = ""; if (!empty($vcita_widget) && isset($vcita_widget['uid'])) { $previous_id = $widget_params['uid']; } $vcita_widget = array('title' => $raw_data['title'], 'created' => '1', 'uid' => $raw_data['uid'], 'new_install' => 'false', 'email' => $raw_data['email'], 'first_name' => $raw_data['first_name'], 'last_name' => $raw_data['last_name'], 'email' => $raw_data['email'], 'version' => VCITA_WIDGET_VERSION, 'contact_page_active' => VCITA_WIDGET_CONTACT_FORM_WIDGET, 'calendar_page_active' => VCITA_WIDGET_CALENDAR_WIDGET, 'engage_active' => 'true', 'confirmation_token' => $raw_data['confirmation_token'], 'implementation_key' => $raw_data['implementation_key'], 'confirmed' => $raw_data['confirmed']); delete_transient('embed_code'); update_option(VCITA_WIDGET_KEY, $vcita_widget); make_sure_page_published($vcita_widget); make_sure_calendar_page_published($vcita_widget); update_option(VCITA_WIDGET_KEY, $vcita_widget); }
/** * Create the Main vCita Settings form content. * * The form is constructed from a list of input fields and a preview for the result */ function vcita_settings_menu() { vcita_add_stylesheet(); // Disconnect should change the widget values before the prepare settings method is called. if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['Submit'] == 'Disconnect') { $vcita_widget = (array) get_option(VCITA_WIDGET_KEY); vcita_trash_current_page($vcita_widget); vcita_trash_current_calendar_page($vcita_widget); $vcita_widget = create_initial_parameters(); $vcita_widget["dismiss"] = "true"; // Make sure the notification won't appear update_option(VCITA_WIDGET_KEY, $vcita_widget); } extract(vcita_prepare_widget_settings("settings")); // Check the dedicated page flag - If it is on, make sure a page is available, if not - Trash the page if ($update_made) { if ($_POST['Submit'] == "Disable Page") { vcita_trash_current_page($vcita_widget); vcita_trash_current_calendar_page($vcita_widget); $vcita_widget['contact_page_active'] = 'false'; $vcita_widget['calendar_page_active'] = 'false'; update_option(VCITA_WIDGET_KEY, $vcita_widget); // Make sure page is live if requested to or as default } else { if ($_POST['Submit'] == "Activate Page" || $vcita_widget['contact_page_active'] == 'true' || $vcita_widget['calendar_page_active'] == 'true') { $vcita_widget = make_sure_page_published($vcita_widget); $vcita_widget = make_sure_calendar_page_published($vcita_widget); } } } $vcita_dismissed = false; if (isset($_GET) && isset($_GET['dismiss']) && $_GET['dismiss'] == "true") { $vcita_widget["dismiss"] = true; $vcita_dismissed = true; update_option(VCITA_WIDGET_KEY, $vcita_widget); } ?> <script type='text/javascript'> jQuery(function ($) { $('.widgets-holder .type') .hover(function(){ var currObject = $(this); var info = $('#widget-info'); info .removeClass('type')) .data('curr_type','type')) .addClass('type')); window.setTimeout(function(){ info .addClass('show'); }, 1); }, function() { $('#widget-info') .attr('class', ' '); }); $('#active-engage-switch') .change(function(){ toggleSettingsAjax($(this), "vcita_ajax_toggle_ae"); }); $('#contact-form-switch') .change(function(){ toggleSettingsAjax($(this), "vcita_ajax_toggle_contact"); }); $('#calendar-switch') .change(function(){ toggleSettingsAjax($(this), "vcita_ajax_toggle_calendar"); }); var toggleSettingsAjax = function(currObject, action) { $.post(ajaxurl, {action: action, activate:':checked')}, function(response) { }); }; $('.shortcode') .click(function(){ showContent($('#shortcode-template').html()); }); $('#close-floating, #floating') .click(function(){ hideContent(); }); $('#content-holder') .click(function(e){ e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); var showContent = function(contentToShow){ if (contentToShow) { $('#content').html(contentToShow); var contentHolder = $('#content-holder'); var marginTop = ($(window).height() - contentHolder.outerHeight(true)) / 2; contentHolder.css({ 'margin-top' : marginTop }); $('#floating').addClass('visible'); $('#floating-holder').css({'opacity':1}); $('#content-holder').css({'display':'block'}); } }; var hideContent = function(){ $('#content').html(" "); $('#floating').removeClass('visible'); $('#floating-holder').css({'opacity':0}); $('#content-holder').css({'display':'none'}); }; $('#start-login') .click(function(){ var callbackURL = "<?php echo $url = get_admin_url('', '', 'admin') . 'admin.php?page=' . VCITA_WIDGET_UNIQUE_ID . '/vcita-callback.php'; ?> "; var emailInput = $('#vcita-email'); var email = $('#vcita-email').val(); if (email =='watermark')) { email = ""; } var new_location = "http://" + "<?php echo VCITA_LOGIN_PATH . '?callback='; ?> " + encodeURIComponent(callbackURL) + "&invite="+"<?php echo VCITA_WIDGET_INVITE_CODE; ?> "+"&lang="+"<?php echo get_locale(); ?> "+"&email=" + email; window.location = new_location; }); $('#switch-email') .click(function(){ var callbackURL = "<?php echo $url = get_admin_url('', '', 'admin') . 'admin.php?page=' . VCITA_WIDGET_UNIQUE_ID . '/vcita-callback.php'; ?> "; var new_location = "http://" + "<?php echo VCITA_CHANGE_EMAIL_PATH . '?callback='; ?> " + encodeURIComponent(callbackURL) + "&invite="+"<?php echo VCITA_WIDGET_INVITE_CODE; ?> "+"&lang="+"<?php echo get_locale(); ?> "; window.location = new_location; }); $('#scheduling-settings') .click(function(){ var callbackURL = "<?php echo $url = get_admin_url('', '', 'admin') . 'admin.php?page=' . VCITA_WIDGET_UNIQUE_ID . '/vcita-callback.php'; ?> "; var new_location = "http://" + "<?php echo VCITA_SCHEDULING_PATH . '?callback='; ?> " + encodeURIComponent(callbackURL) + "&invite="+"<?php echo VCITA_WIDGET_INVITE_CODE; ?> "+"&lang="+"<?php echo get_locale(); ?> ";; }); $('#test-drive') .click(function(){ var callbackURL = "<?php echo $url = get_admin_url('', '', 'admin') . 'admin.php?page=' . VCITA_WIDGET_UNIQUE_ID . '/vcita-callback.php'; ?> "; if ($(this).data().demo) { var new_location = "http://" + "<?php echo VCITA_SCHEDULING_TEST_DRIVE_DEMO_PATH . '?callback='; ?> " + encodeURIComponent(callbackURL) + "&invite="+"<?php echo VCITA_WIDGET_INVITE_CODE; ?> "+"&lang="+"<?php echo get_locale(); ?> "; } else { var new_location = "http://" + "<?php echo VCITA_SCHEDULING_TEST_DRIVE_PATH . '?callback='; ?> " + encodeURIComponent(callbackURL) + "&invite="+"<?php echo VCITA_WIDGET_INVITE_CODE; ?> "+"&lang="+"<?php echo get_locale(); ?> "; }, '', 'height=740, width=1024'); }); $('#switch-account') .click(function(){ var callbackURL = "<?php echo $url = get_admin_url('', '', 'admin') . 'admin.php?page=' . VCITA_WIDGET_UNIQUE_ID . '/vcita-callback.php'; ?> "; var new_location = "http://" + "<?php echo VCITA_LOGIN_PATH . '?callback='; ?> " + encodeURIComponent(callbackURL) + "&invite="+"<?php echo VCITA_WIDGET_INVITE_CODE; ?> "+"&lang="+"<?php echo get_locale(); ?> "+"&login=true"; window.location = new_location; }); $('#vcita-email') .keypress(function(e){ if (e.keyCode == 13) { $('#start-login').click(); } }); $('a.preview') .bind('click', function(e){ var link = $(e.currentTarget); var height = ? : 600; var width = ? : 600; var specs = 'directories=0, height=' + height + ', width=' + width + ', location=0, menubar=0, scrollbars=0, status=0, titlebar=0, toolbar=0';'href'), '_blank', specs); e.preventDefault(); }); function popupCenter(url, width, height, name) { var left = (screen.width/2)-(width/2); var top = (screen.height/2)-(height/2); return, name, "location=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,width="+width+",height="+height+",left="+left+",top="+top); } jQuery("").click(function(e ){ popupCenter(jQuery(this).attr('href'), 1100, 650, jQuery(this).data().popup_window); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); var handleWatermark = function(input){ if(input.val().trim() != "") { input.removeClass('vcita-watermark'); } else { input.val('watermark')); input.addClass('vcita-watermark'); } }; $('input.watermark') .focus(function(){ var input = $(this); if ('watermark') == input.val()) { input.val(""); input.removeClass('vcita-watermark'); } }) .each(function(){ handleWatermark($(this)); }) .blur(function(){ handleWatermark($(this)); }); <?php if (vcita_is_demo_user()) { ?> $('.gray-button-style.edit, .widgets-holder .type') .click(function(e){ showContent($('#must-logged-in').html()); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); <?php if (get_option(VCITA_WIDGET_KEY . 'init')) { ?> $('.vcita-wrap').append($('#settings-iframe').html()) <?php update_option(VCITA_WIDGET_KEY . 'init', false); } ?> <?php } ?> }); </script> <div class="vcita-wrap" dir="ltr"> <div id="vcita-head"> Welcome to Online Scheduling! <br> <a href="" class="watch-video show-in-popup" id="play-vcita-video2">Watch Video</a> </div> <?php echo vcita_create_user_message($vcita_widget, $update_made); ?> <?php if ($vcita_dismissed) { ?> <div class='updated below-h2' ><p>vCita Meeting Scheduler notification has been dismissed</p></div> <?php } ?> <div class="section"> <?php if ($first_time) { ?> <h3>Settings</h3> <div class="left appointments_holder"> <div class="title">Appointment requests will be sent to this email:</div> <input id="vcita-email" type="text" value="" class="watermark" data-watermark="Enter Your Email"/> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="gray-button-style account" id="start-login"><span></span>OK</a> </div> <div class="left"> <div class="title">Scheduling settings:</div> <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="test-drive" data-demo="true">See online scheduling demo</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <?php } else { ?> <h3>Settings</h3> <div class="left appointments_holder"> <div class="title">Appointment requests will be sent to this email:</div> <label class="checked" for="user-email"></label> <input id="vcita-email" type="text" disabled="disabled" value="<?php echo $vcita_widget["email"]; ?> "/> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="gray-button-style account" id="switch-email" ><span></span>Profile Settings</a> </div> <div class="left"> <div class="title">Scheduling settings:</div> <a class="gray-button-style scheduling" id="scheduling-settings" href="javascript:void(0);"><span></span>Go to settings</a> <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="test-drive">Test drive your online scheduling</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="section widgets-holder"> <h3>How would you like to add scheduling to your website?</h3> <div class="widgets-management"> <div class="widgets-management-head"> <div class="left type">Type</div> <div class="left edit">Edit</div> <div class="left edit">Preview</div> <div class="left installation">Installation</div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="widget-object"> <a class="left type active-engage" data-type="show-activeengage" href="<?php echo $url = get_admin_url('', '', 'admin') . 'admin.php?page=' . VCITA_WIDGET_UNIQUE_ID . '/vcita-active-engage-edit.php'; ?> "> <span></span> <h4>Active Engage</h4> </a> <div class="left buttons"> <a class="gray-button-style edit" href="<?php echo $url = get_admin_url('', '', 'admin') . 'admin.php?page=' . VCITA_WIDGET_UNIQUE_ID . '/vcita-active-engage-edit.php'; ?> "><span></span>Edit</a> </div> <div class="left buttons"> <a class="gray-button-style preview" href="http://<?php echo VCITA_SERVER_BASE; ?> /integrations/wordpress/active_engage_preview?uid=<?php echo vcita_get_uid(); ?> &ver=2"><span></span>Preview</a> </div> <div class="left installation"> <div class="left"> <div class="text"> Enable on all pages: </div> <div class="onoffswitch"> <input type="checkbox" name="active-engage-switch" class="onoffswitch-checkbox" id="active-engage-switch" <?php echo $vcita_widget['engage_active'] == 'true' ? "checked" : ""; ?> > <label class="onoffswitch-label" for="active-engage-switch"> <div class="onoffswitch-inner"></div> <div class="onoffswitch-switch"></div> </label> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="widget-object"> <a class="left type calendar" data-type="show-calendar" href="<?php echo $url = get_admin_url('', '', 'admin') . 'admin.php?page=' . VCITA_WIDGET_UNIQUE_ID . '/vcita-calendar-edit.php'; ?> "> <span></span> <h4>Scheduling Calendar</h4> </a> <div class="left buttons"> <a class="gray-button-style edit" href="<?php echo $url = get_admin_url('', '', 'admin') . 'admin.php?page=' . VCITA_WIDGET_UNIQUE_ID . '/vcita-calendar-edit.php'; ?> "><span></span>Edit</a> </div> <div class="left buttons"> <a class="gray-button-style preview" href="http://<?php echo VCITA_SERVER_BASE; ?> /widgets/scheduler?v=<?php echo vcita_get_uid(); ?> &ver=2" data-width="700" data-height="500"><span></span>Preview</a> </div> <div class="left installation"> <div class="left"> <div class="text"> Add a Book Appointment page: </div> <div class="onoffswitch"> <input type="checkbox" name="calendar-switch" class="onoffswitch-checkbox" id="calendar-switch" <?php echo is_calendar_page_available($vcita_widget) ? "checked" : ""; ?> > <label class="onoffswitch-label" for="calendar-switch"> <div class="onoffswitch-inner"></div> <div class="onoffswitch-switch"></div> </label> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="widget-object" id="contact-form-widget" > <a class="left type contact-form" data-type="show-contactform" href="<?php echo $url = get_admin_url('', '', 'admin') . 'admin.php?page=' . VCITA_WIDGET_UNIQUE_ID . '/vcita-contact-form-edit.php'; ?> " > <span></span> <h4>Contact Form</h4> </a> <div class="left buttons"> <a class="gray-button-style edit" href="<?php echo $url = get_admin_url('', '', 'admin') . 'admin.php?page=' . VCITA_WIDGET_UNIQUE_ID . '/vcita-contact-form-edit.php'; ?> " ><span></span>Edit</a> </div> <div class="left buttons"> <a class="gray-button-style preview" href="http://<?php echo VCITA_SERVER_BASE; ?> /contact_form?v=<?php echo vcita_get_uid(); ?> &ver=2" data-width="600" data-height="550"><span></span>Preview</a> </div> <div class="left installation"> <div class="left"> <div class="text"> Add as a new contact page: </div> <div class="onoffswitch"> <input type="checkbox" name="contact-form-switch" class="onoffswitch-checkbox" id="contact-form-switch" <?php echo is_page_available($vcita_widget) ? "checked" : ""; ?> > <label class="onoffswitch-label" for="contact-form-switch"> <div class="onoffswitch-inner"></div> <div class="onoffswitch-switch"></div> </label> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="widget-object" id="sidebar-widget"> <a class="left type sidebar" data-type="show-sidebar" href="<?php echo $url = get_admin_url('', '', 'admin') . 'admin.php?page=' . VCITA_WIDGET_UNIQUE_ID . '/vcita-sidebar-edit.php'; ?> "> <span></span> <h4>Sidebar</h4> </a> <div class="left buttons"> <a class="gray-button-style edit" href="<?php echo $url = get_admin_url('', '', 'admin') . 'admin.php?page=' . VCITA_WIDGET_UNIQUE_ID . '/vcita-sidebar-edit.php'; ?> "><span></span>Edit</a> </div> <div class="left buttons"> <a class="gray-button-style preview" href="http://<?php echo VCITA_SERVER_BASE; ?> /contact_widget?v=<?php echo vcita_get_uid(); ?> &ver=2" data-width="200" data-height="500"><span></span>Preview</a> </div> <div class="left installation"> <div class="left long-text"> Add sidebar using the <a href="<?php echo $url = get_admin_url('', '', 'admin') . 'widgets.php'; ?> ">Widgets Menu</a> or <a class="shortcode">Grab Shortcode</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <div id="widget-info" class=""> <div class="content active-engage"> <h3>Active Engage</h3> Active Engage has proven to <b>double</b> the amount of contact requests from your website.<br> The 'contact' label will pop up when a client visits your website and offer to contact you or schedule time with you. </div> <div class="content sidebar"> <h3>Sidebar</h3> Add a contact box to the sidebar of your website! <br> Present your profile details, and offer you website visitors to set an appointment with you or send you a message. </div> <div class="content contact-form"> <h3>Contact Form</h3> Create a professional looking contact form customized to your preferences: <br> <br> <ul> <li>Choose your colors and fonts</li> <li>Define custom fields</li> <li>Write your own texts</li> <li>Show your profile details and link to a public profile page</li> <li>Offer appointments scheduling</li> </ul> All for FREE </div> <div class="content calendar"> <h3>Scheduling Calendar</h3> Add a Scheduling Calendar to your website! <br> Present your profile details, and offer you website visitors to set an appointment with you or send you a message. </div> </div> </div> <div class="links-holder left"> <a id="switch-account" target="_blank" href="javascript:void(0);">Switch to a different vCita account</a> </div> <div class="shortcode-holder right"> To change widgets size: <a class="shortcode gray-button-style edit"><span></span>Grab Shortcodes</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="vcita-footer"> <a class="rate-us left" target="_blank" href=""></a> <a class="web-developers left" target="_blank" href="http://<?php echo VCITA_SERVER_BASE; ?> /partners/web-professionals?invite=<?php echo VCITA_WIDGET_INVITE_CODE; ?> "></a> <div class="more-offers left"> <div class="green">vCita has a lot more to offer!</div> Visit <a target="_blank" href="http://<?php echo VCITA_SERVER_BASE; ?> ?invite=<?php echo VCITA_WIDGET_INVITE_CODE; ?> ">vCita</a> or <a href="" id="not-play-vcita-video" class="show-in-popup">watch a video</a> <br> Any suggestions or questions? visit our <a target="_blank" href="">forum</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <div id="margin"> </div> <div id="floating"> <div id="floating-holder"> <div id="content-holder"> <a id="close-floating"></a> <div id="content"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/html" id="shortcode-template"> <div class="short-code"> <div>Contact Form:</div> <input readonly="" type="text" id="vcita_embed_widget_<?php echo $form_uid; ?> " onclick=";" value="[<?php echo VCITA_WIDGET_SHORTCODE; ?> type=contact width=500 height=450]"> <div>Scheduling Calendar:</div> <input readonly="" type="text" id="vcita_embed_widget_<?php echo $form_uid; ?> " onclick=";" value="[<?php echo VCITA_WIDGET_SHORTCODE; ?> type=scheduler width=500 height=450]"> <div>Vertical Sidebar:</div> <input readonly="" type="text" id="vcita_embed_widget_<?php echo $form_uid; ?> " onclick=";" value="[<?php echo VCITA_WIDGET_SHORTCODE; ?> type=widget height=400 width=200]"> <div >Horizontal Widget:</div> <input readonly="" type="text" id="vcita_embed_widget_<?php echo $form_uid; ?> " onclick=";" value="[<?php echo VCITA_WIDGET_SHORTCODE; ?> type=widget height=200]"> <div >Buttons only:</div> <input readonly="" type="text" id="vcita_embed_widget_<?php echo $form_uid; ?> " onclick=";" value="[<?php echo VCITA_WIDGET_SHORTCODE; ?> type=widget height=100]"> Note: Changing the height and width will affect the widgets on your website but will not affect the preview. </div> </script> <script type="text/html" id="must-logged-in"> <div class="need-to-fill-email"> In order to edit the widget, please fill in the email to which contact requests should be sent. </div> </script> <script type="text/html" id="vcita-video"> <iframe allowfullscreen="true" type="text/html" frameborder="0" height="363" src="" width="600" /> </script> <script type="text/html" id="vcita-video2"> <iframe allowfullscreen="true" type="text/html" frameborder="0" height="363" src="" width="600" /> </script> <script type="text/html" id="settings-iframe"> <iframe src="http://<?php echo VCITA_SERVER_BASE; ?> /integrations/wordpress/settings" class="hidden" width="0" height="0"/> </script> <?php }