Example #1
function validate_input($valid, &$p, &$error)
    $error = null;
    if ($valid['type'] != 'func') {
        if (is_array($p)) {
            $val =& $p[$valid['_input']];
        } else {
            $val =& $p;
    switch ($valid['type']) {
        case 'address':
            $val = string_check($val);
            if (empty($valid['blank']) and strlen($val) < 4) {
                $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid address.';
            if (!empty($valid['lines']) and !empty($val) and substr_count($val, "\n") < $valid['lines'] - 1) {
                $error = 'This address must contain at least ' . $valid['lines'] . ' lines.';
            if (!empty($valid['format'])) {
                $val = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\r\n", ', '), ',', $val);
        case 'array':
        case 'choice':
        case 'select':
            // $val can't be an array at this point as that's sorted higher up by validate_input_array()
            if (!is_array($valid['options']) and function_exists($valid['options'])) {
                $valid['options'] = $valid['options']();
            if (is_array($valid['options'])) {
                if (is_assoc($valid['options'])) {
                    $err = !@isset($valid['options'][$val]);
                } else {
                    $err = !in_array($val, $valid['options']);
            } elseif (isset($valid['no-opts'])) {
                $val = '';
            } else {
                $err = true;
                $valid['msg'] = 'The options could not be found for this field.';
            if (isset($valid['not-empty']) and empty($val)) {
                $err = true;
            if (!empty($err)) {
                if (!empty($valid['blank'])) {
                    $val = '';
                } elseif (!empty($valid['msg'])) {
                    $error = $valid['msg'];
                } else {
                    $error = 'You must select one of the available options.';
        case 'bool':
        case 'boolean':
            if (!empty($val)) {
                $val = !empty($valid['set']) ? $valid['set'] : 1;
            } elseif (!empty($valid['mandatory'])) {
                $error = 'You must tick this box to continue.';
            } else {
                $val = !empty($valid['empty']) ? $valid['empty'] : 0;
        case 'clear':
            $val = false;
            // we can't do this because of the isset check in valid; use the func method to point to valid_copy instead
            // case 'copy':
            // $val=$p[$valid['copy']];
            // break;
        // we can't do this because of the isset check in valid; use the func method to point to valid_copy instead
        // case 'copy':
        // $val=$p[$valid['copy']];
        // break;
        case 'currency':
            if (!make_currency($val, $valid['blank'] ? 1 : false)) {
                $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid currency value';
            if (!empty($valid['positive']) and $val < 0) {
                $val *= -1;
        case 'dat':
        case 'date':
            // we had to be careful here, as when we moved to a function with &$error
            // it started adding the error even if we planned to ignore it
            // use $err in these cases but might be better to pass on the blank flag
            // to sub functions of the validator
            $func = 'sql_' . $valid['type'];
            $val = $func($val, $err);
            $today_date = date('Y-m-d');
            if (empty($val)) {
                if (!empty($valid['blank'])) {
                    $val = $valid['blank'] == 'today' ? $today_date : '';
                } else {
                    $error = !empty($err) ? $err : 'The date you entered was not recognised';
            } else {
                if (!empty($valid['past'])) {
                    $valid['max'] = $today_date;
                if (!empty($valid['future'])) {
                    $valid['min'] = $today_date;
                if (!empty($valid['max']) and $val > $valid['max']) {
                    $error = 'The date specified is greater than the maximum allowed.';
                if (!empty($valid['min']) and $val < $valid['min']) {
                    $error = 'The date specified is less than the minimum allowed.';
        case 'dob':
            if (!empty($val)) {
                $val = date_from_dob($val);
            if (empty($val) and empty($valid['blank'])) {
                if (!empty($valid['msg'])) {
                    $error = $valid['msg'];
                } else {
                    $error = 'You must enter a valid date of birth, try ' . (defined(DATE_USA) ? 'mm/dd/yy' : 'dd/mm/yy') . '.';
            if (isset($valid['max']) or isset($valid['min'])) {
                $age = age_from_dob($val);
                if (!empty($valid['max']) and $age > $valid['max']) {
                    $error = 'This date of birth indicates an age of ' . $age . '. It is required that the age is ' . $valid['max'] . ' or less.';
                if (!empty($valid['min']) and $age < $valid['min']) {
                    $error = 'This date of birth indicates an age of ' . $age . '. It is required that the age is ' . $valid['min'] . ' or more.';
            if ($val > date('Y-m-d')) {
                $error = 'A date of birth may not be in the future. If time travel has been invented, please let us know last year.';
        case 'email':
            if (!make_email($val, $valid['blank'] ? 1 : false)) {
                $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid email address.';
        case 'equal':
            if (!string_compare($val, $valid['equal'])) {
                $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter the exact value.';
            // this isn't really a data type, could be removed now that we can accept arrays
        // this isn't really a data type, could be removed now that we can accept arrays
        case 'extra':
            $extra = array();
            if (is_array($val['key'])) {
                foreach ($val['key'] as $n => $key) {
                    $extra[string_check($key)] = string_check($val['val'][$n]);
            $val = serialize($extra);
        case 'html':
            $val = make_html($val, $valid['tags'], !empty($valid['multi_byte']) ? true : false);
            if ($valid['length'] > 0) {
                if (strlen($val) < $valid['length']) {
                    $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a value at least ' . ($valid['length'] == 1 ? '1 character' : $valid['length'] . ' characters.') . ' long';
        case 'image':
        case 'keygen':
            if (empty($val) and empty($valid['regen'])) {
                $val = rand_pass();
        case 'name':
            $val = make_name($val);
            if (empty($valid['blank']) and empty($val)) {
                $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid name.';
        case 'num':
        case 'number':
            if (!is_number($val, $valid['blank'] ? 1 : false)) {
                if (!empty($valid['default'])) {
                    $val = $valid['default'];
                } else {
                    $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid number.';
            if (!empty($val)) {
                // for legacy support
                if (isset($valid['ulimit'])) {
                    $valid['max'] = $valid['ulimit'];
                if (isset($valid['dlimit'])) {
                    $valid['min'] = $valid['dlimit'];
                if (isset($valid['max']) and $val > $valid['max']) {
                    $error = 'You must enter a number no greater than ' . $valid['max'] . '.';
                if (isset($valid['min']) and $val < $valid['min']) {
                    $error = 'You must enter a number no lower than ' . $valid['min'] . '.';
                if (isset($valid['max-other']) and $val > $p[$valid['max-other']]) {
                    $error = 'You must enter a number no greater than ' . $p[$valid['max-other']] . '.';
        case 'phone':
            if (isset($valid['other'])) {
                $error = !make_phones($val, $p[$valid['other']]);
            } else {
                $error = !make_phone($val, $valid['blank'] ? 1 : false);
            if (!empty($error)) {
                $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid phone number.';
        case 'postcode':
            if (!make_postcode($val, $valid['blank'] ? 1 : false)) {
                $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid postcode.';
        case 'time':
            if (!make_time($val, $valid['blank'] ? 1 : false, $valid['format'] ? $valid['format'] : null)) {
                $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid time.';
        case 'url':
        case 'website':
            if (!make_website($val, $valid['blank'] ? 1 : false)) {
                $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid website address.';
            if (is_array($valid['unique'])) {
                $check = query("SELECT " . $valid['unique']['id'] . " FROM " . $valid['unique']['table'] . " WHERE website='{$val}'", 'single');
                if ($check > 0) {
                    $error = 'The website address you entered is already registered.';
        case 'func':
            $func = $valid['func'];
            if (function_exists($func)) {
                if (!$func($p, $err, $valid)) {
                    $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : $err;
            if (!empty($val)) {
                $val = string_check($val, $valid['strip']);
            if (!empty($valid['length'])) {
                if (strlen($val) < $valid['length']) {
                    $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a value at least ' . ($valid['length'] == 1 ? '1 character' : $valid['length'] . ' characters.') . ' long';
            } elseif (!empty($valid['default']) and empty($val)) {
                $val = $valid['default'];
            if (!empty($valid['max']) and $strlen > $valid['max']) {
                $error = 'You may not enter a value longer than ' . $valid['max'] . ' characters.';
    validate_unique($valid, $val, $error);
    if ($error) {
        return false;
    return true;
Example #2
function print_email($email, $linktext = false)
    echo make_email($email, $linktext);
Example #3
function send_email($p, &$error = null, $mail_type = null)
    if (empty($mail_type) and function_exists('send_email_type')) {
        $mail_type = send_email_type();
    if (function_exists('send_email_subject')) {
        $p['subject'] = send_email_subject($p);
    $n = 0;
    if (!isset($p['emails']) or !is_array_full(array_keys($p['emails']))) {
        $error = 'You must send emails to the emailer as an array, even for single email addresses. If you don&#39;t know what this means, contact your website manager.';
        return false;
    // this bit is only needed until we've updated all other sites to use new email assoc format
    $first = reset($p['emails']);
    if (make_email($first)) {
        $temp = array();
        foreach ($p['emails'] as $name => $email) {
            $temp[$email] = $name;
        $p['emails'] = $temp;
    if (!defined('EMAIL_SEND')) {
        if (!isset($p['headers'])) {
            $headers = mail_headers();
        foreach ($p['emails'] as $email => $name) {
            log_email($name . ' <' . $email . '>', $p['subject'], $p['message'], $headers);
    } else {
        switch ($mail_type) {
            case 'func':
                $func = send_email_func();
                if (!$func($p, $error)) {
                    return false;
            case 'gmail':
                if (!gmail_send($p, $error)) {
                    return false;
            case 'sendgrid':
                if (!sendgrid_send($p, $error)) {
                    return false;
            case 'smtp':
                if (!smtp_send($p, $error)) {
                    return false;
            case 'sendmail':
                if (!is_array_full($p['emails'])) {
                    $error = 'You must send emails to the emailer as an array, even for single email addresses. If you don&#39;t know what this means, contact your website manager.';
                    return false;
                if (!isset($p['headers'])) {
                    $p['headers'] = mail_headers();
                foreach ($p['emails'] as $email => $name) {
                    if (@mail($email, $p['subject'], $p['message'], $p['headers'])) {
                    } else {
                        $errors[] = $email;
                if (!empty($errors)) {
                    $error = 'The email message could not be sent to the following addresses.</p><ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $errors) . '</li></ul><p>';
                    return false;
    return true;
Example #4
        //everything is ok return 0
        echo 0;
        //everyone involved should get an email
        $angebot = fetch_one_ride($angebot_id);
        $f_name = $angebot['name'];
        $f_tel = $angebot['tel'];
        $f_email = $angebot['email'];
        $von = $angebot['von'];
        $nach = $angebot['nach'];
        $datum = show_date($angebot['time']);
        $zeit = show_time($angebot['time']);
        $treffpunkt = $angebot['treffpunkt'];
        $dtstart = make_dtcomponent($angebot['time']);
        $dtend = make_dtcomponent($angebot['time'] + 30 * 60);
        //duration 30 minutes
        $ics = make_ics($dtstart, $dtend, $treffpunkt, $von, $nach);
        $mitfahrer_msg = make_mitfahrer_message($mf_name, $von, $nach, $datum, $zeit, $f_name, $f_tel, $f_email);
        $subject = "Mitfahrgelegenheit ({$von} -> {$nach}) am {$datum}, {$zeit}";
        $from = "*****@*****.**";
        $mitfahrer_email = make_email($mf_email, $from, $subject, $mitfahrer_msg);
        $mitfahrer_email = add_attachment($mitfahrer_email, $ics);
        $fahrer_msg = make_neuer_mitfahrer_message($f_name, $von, $nach, $datum, $zeit, $mf_name, $mf_tel, $mf_email);
        $fahrer_email = make_email($f_email, $from, $subject, $fahrer_msg);
        $fahrer_email = add_encoding($fahrer_email);
} else {
    //no free seats, return 1
    echo 1;
Example #5
function download_tar()
    $name = $GLOBALS['form_name'];
    $data = array(".htaccess" => make_htaccess(), "run.php ->" => 'code/wfpl/run.php', "style.css" => read_whole_file('code/wfpl/metaform/style.css'), "{$name}.html" => make_html(), "{$name}.php" => make_php());
    if ($GLOBALS['opt_db'] == 'Yes') {
        $data["{$name}.sql"] = make_sql();
    if ($GLOBALS['opt_email'] == 'Yes') {
        $data["{$name}.email.txt"] = make_email();
    make_tar($name, $data);
 function testProceedingInvalidChar()
     $email = '*****@*****.**>';
Example #7
include 'mf-core.php';
$name = $_POST['name'];
$anzahl = $_POST['anzahl'];
$von = $_POST['von'];
$nach = $_POST['nach'];
$treffpunkt = $_POST['treffpunkt'];
$fahrzeug = $_POST['fahrzeug'];
$preis = $_POST['preis'];
$tel = $_POST['tel'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$timestamp = $_POST['timestamp'];
add_ride($name, $von, $nach, $treffpunkt, $anzahl, $fahrzeug, $preis, $tel, $email, $timestamp);
$angebot_id = find_ride($name, $timestamp);
echo $angebot_id == 0 ? '0' : '1';
$datum = show_date($timestamp);
$zeit = show_time($timestamp);
//send email to fahrer
//send ics with it
//recipient, subject, separator
$to = $email;
$subject = "Mitfahrgelegenheit ({$von} -> {$nach}) am {$datum}, {$zeit}";
$from = "*****@*****.**";
$fahrer_msg = make_fahrer_msg($name, $datum, $zeit, $von, $nach, $treffpunkt, $anzahl, $preis);
$fahrer_mail = make_email($to, $from, $subject, $fahrer_msg);
$dtstart = make_dtcomponent($timestamp);
$dtend = make_dtcomponent($timestamp + 30 * 60);
//duration 30 minutes
$ics = make_ics($dtstart, $dtend, $treffpunkt, $von, $nach);
$fahrer_mail = add_attachment($fahrer_mail, $ics);