function getPopupLink($helper, $params, $window_name = '', $img_name = '', $title = '', $comment = '', $class = '') { $ret = ''; $popup_args = 'height=700, width=700, location=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=no, titlebar=no, toolbar=no'; $ret .= '<a href="#"'; $class = trim($class); if (!empty($class)) { $ret .= ' class="' . htmlspecialchars($class, ENT_QUOTES) . '"'; } if (!empty($comment)) { $ret .= 'title="' . htmlspecialchars($comment, ENT_QUOTES) . '"'; } $href = makeHref(array('module' => 'popup', 'helper' => $helper) + makePageParams($params)); $ret .= " onclick=\"'{$href}', '{$window_name}', '{$popup_args}'); return false\">"; if (!empty($img_name)) { $ret .= getImageHREF($img_name, $comment); if (!empty($title)) { $ret .= ' '; } } $ret .= $title; $ret .= '</a>'; return $ret; }
function showTabs($pageno, $tabno) { global $tab, $page, $trigger; if (!isset($tab[$pageno]['default'])) { return; } echo "<div class=greynavbar><ul id=foldertab style='margin-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 10px;'>"; foreach ($tab[$pageno] as $tabidx => $tabtitle) { // Hide forbidden tabs. if (!permitted($pageno, $tabidx)) { continue; } // Dynamic tabs should only be shown in certain cases (trigger exists and returns true). if (!isset($trigger[$pageno][$tabidx])) { $tabclass = 'std'; } elseif (!strlen($tabclass = call_user_func($trigger[$pageno][$tabidx]))) { continue; } if ($tabidx == $tabno) { $tabclass = 'current'; } // override any class for an active selection echo "<li><a class={$tabclass}"; echo " href='" . makeHref(makePageParams(array('tab' => $tabidx))); echo "'>{$tabtitle}</a></li>\n"; } echo "</ul></div>"; }