function renderSwitchReport() { $aResult = array(); $iTotal = 0; $sFilter = '{$typeid_8}'; # typeid_8 = Switches foreach (scanRealmByText('object', $sFilter) as $Result) { $aResult[$Result['id']] = array(); $aResult[$Result['id']]['sName'] = $Result['name']; // Create active links in comment $aResult[$Result['id']]['sComment'] = makeLinksInText($Result['comment']); // Load additional attributes: $attributes = getAttrValues($Result['id']); $aResult[$Result['id']]['sContact'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['14']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sContact'] = $attributes['14']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWtype'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['2']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWtype'] = $attributes['2']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['OEMSN'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['1']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['OEMSN'] = $attributes['1']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWExpDate'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['22']['value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWExpDate'] = date("Y-m-d", $attributes['22']['value']); } $aResult[$Result['id']]['sOSVersion'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['5']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sOSVersion'] = $attributes['5']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['sSlotNumber'] = 'unknown'; if (isset($attributes['28']['a_value']) && $attributes['28']['a_value'] != '') { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sSlotNumber'] = $attributes['28']['a_value']; } // Location $aResult[$Result['id']]['sLocation'] = getLocation($Result); $iTotal++; } if (isset($_GET['csv'])) { header('Content-type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export_' . date("Ymdhis") . '.csv'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Expires: 0'); $outstream = fopen("php://output", "w"); $aCSVRow = array('Name', 'Comment', 'Contact', 'Type', 'OEM', 'HW Expire Date', 'OS Version', 'Location'); fputcsv($outstream, $aCSVRow); foreach ($aResult as $id => $aRow) { $aCSVRow = array(); $aCSVRow[0] = $aRow['sName']; $aCSVRow[1] = str_replace('"', "'", $aRow['sComment']); $aCSVRow[2] = $aRow['sContact']; $aCSVRow[3] = $aRow['HWtype']; $aCSVRow[4] = $aRow['OEMSN']; $aCSVRow[5] = $aRow['HWExpDate']; $aCSVRow[6] = $aRow['sOSVersion']; $aCSVRow[7] = preg_replace('/<a[^>]*>(.*)<\\/a>/iU', '$1', $aRow['sLocation']); fputcsv($outstream, $aCSVRow); } fclose($outstream); exit(0); # Exit normally after send CSV to browser } // Load stylesheet and jquery scripts addCSS('css/extensions/style.css'); addJS('js/extensions/jquery-latest.js'); addJS('js/extensions/jquery.tablesorter.js'); addJS('js/extensions/picnet.table.filter.min.js'); // Display the stat array echo "<h2>Switch report ({$iTotal})</h2><ul>"; echo '<a href="index.php?page=reports&tab=switches&csv">CSV Export</a>'; echo '<table id="reportTable" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Comment</th> <th>Contact</th> <th>Type</th> <th>OEM S/N</th> <th>HW Expire Date</th> <th>OS Version</th> <th>Location</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; foreach ($aResult as $id => $aRow) { echo '<tr> <td><a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $id)) . '">' . $aRow['sName'] . '</a></td> <td>' . $aRow['sComment'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sContact'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['HWtype'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['OEMSN'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['HWExpDate'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sOSVersion'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sLocation'] . '</td> </tr>'; } echo ' </tbody> </table>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $.tablesorter.defaults.widgets = ["zebra"]; $("#reportTable").tablesorter( { headers: { }, sortList: [[0,0]] } ); $("#reportTable").tableFilter(); } ); </script>'; }
function renderCustomReport() { # Get object list $phys_typelist = readChapter(CHAP_OBJTYPE, 'o'); $attibutes = getAttrMap(); $aTagList = getTagList(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_POST['csv'])) { header('Content-type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export_' . date("Ymdhis") . '.csv'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Expires: 0'); $outstream = fopen("php://output", "w"); $aResult = getResult($_POST); // Get Result $_POST['name'] = validateColums($_POST); // Fix empty colums $csvDelimiter = isset($_POST['csvDelimiter']) ? $_POST['csvDelimiter'] : ','; /* Create Header */ $aCSVRow = array(); if (isset($_POST['sName']) && $_POST['sName']) { array_push($aCSVRow, "Name"); } if (isset($_POST['label'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, "Label"); } if (isset($_POST['type'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, "Type"); } if (isset($_POST['asset_no'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, "Asset Tag"); } if (isset($_POST['has_problems'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, "Has Problems"); } if (isset($_POST['comment'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, "Comment"); } if (isset($_POST['runs8021Q'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, "Runs 8021Q"); } if (isset($_POST['location'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, "Location"); } if (isset($_POST['MACs'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, "MACs"); } if (isset($_POST['IPs'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, "IPs"); } if (isset($_POST['attributeIDs'])) { foreach ($_POST['attributeIDs'] as $attributeID) { array_push($aCSVRow, $attibutes[$attributeID]['name']); } } if (isset($_POST['Tags'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, "Tags"); } if (isset($_POST['Ports'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, "Ports"); } if (isset($_POST['Containers'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, "Containers"); } if (isset($_POST['Childs'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, "Child objects"); } fputcsv($outstream, $aCSVRow, $csvDelimiter); /* Create data rows */ foreach ($aResult as $Result) { $aCSVRow = array(); if (isset($_POST['sName'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, $Result['name']); } if (isset($_POST['label'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, $Result['label']); } if (isset($_POST['type'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, $phys_typelist[$Result['objtype_id']]); } if (isset($_POST['asset_no'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, $Result['asset_no']); } if (isset($_POST['has_problems'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, $Result['has_problems']); } if (isset($_POST['comment'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, str_replace('"', "'", $Result['comment'])); } if (isset($_POST['runs8021Q'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, $Result['runs8021Q']); } if (isset($_POST['location'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, preg_replace('/<a[^>]*>(.*)<\\/a>/iU', '$1', getLocation($Result))); } if (isset($_POST['MACs'])) { $sTemp = ''; foreach (getObjectPortsAndLinks($Result['id']) as $portNumber => $aPortDetails) { if (trim($aPortDetails['l2address']) != '') { $sTemp .= $aPortDetails['l2address'] . ' '; } } array_push($aCSVRow, $sTemp); } if (isset($_POST['IPs'])) { $sTemp = ''; foreach (getObjectIPv4AllocationList($Result['id']) as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip4_format')) { $key = ip4_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { $sTemp .= $key . ' '; } } foreach (getObjectIPv6AllocationList($Result['id']) as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip6_format')) { $key = ip6_format($key); } else { $key = new IPv6Address($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { $sTemp .= $key . ' '; } } array_push($aCSVRow, $sTemp); } if (isset($_POST['attributeIDs'])) { $attributes = getAttrValues($Result['id']); foreach ($_POST['attributeIDs'] as $attributeID) { if (isset($attributes[$attributeID]['a_value'])) { array_push($aCSVRow, $attributes[$attributeID]['a_value']); } elseif ($attributes[$attributeID]['value'] != '' && $attributes[$attributeID]['type'] == 'date') { array_push($aCSVRow, date("Y-m-d", $attributes[$attributeID]['value'])); } else { array_push($aCSVRow, ''); } } } if (isset($_POST['Tags'])) { $sTemp = ''; foreach ($Result['tags'] as $aTag) { $sTemp .= $aTag['tag'] . ' '; } if (count($Result['itags']) > 0) { $sTemp .= '('; foreach ($Result['itags'] as $aTag) { $sTemp .= $aTag['tag'] . ' '; } $sTemp .= ')'; } array_push($aCSVRow, $sTemp); } if (isset($_POST['Ports'])) { $sTemp = ''; foreach ($Result['portsLinks'] as $port) { $sTemp .= $port['name'] . ': ' . $port['remote_object_name']; if (trim($port['cableid']) != '') { $sTemp .= ' Cable ID: ' . $port['cableid']; } $sTemp .= ' '; } $sTemp = trim($sTemp); array_push($aCSVRow, $sTemp); } if (isset($_POST['Containers'])) { $sTemp = ''; foreach (getObjectContainerList($Result['id']) as $key => $aDetails) { $sTemp .= trim($aDetails['container_name']) . ' '; } $sTemp = trim($sTemp); array_push($aCSVRow, $sTemp); } if (isset($_POST['Childs'])) { $sTemp = ''; foreach (getObjectChildObjectList($Result['id']) as $key => $aDetails) { $sTemp .= trim($aDetails['object_name']) . ' '; } $sTemp = trim($sTemp); array_push($aCSVRow, $sTemp); } fputcsv($outstream, $aCSVRow, $csvDelimiter); } fclose($outstream); exit(0); # Exit normally after send CSV to browser } echo '<h2>Custom report</h2><ul>'; // Load stylesheet and jquery scripts addCSS('css/extensions/style.css'); addJS('js/extensions/saveFormValues.js'); addJS('js/extensions/jquery-latest.js'); addJS('js/extensions/jquery.tablesorter.js'); addJS('js/extensions/picnet.table.filter.min.js'); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { echo '<a href="#" class="show_hide">Show/hide search form</a><br/><br/>'; } echo '<div class="searchForm">'; echo '<form method="post" name="searchForm">'; echo '<table class="searchTable"> <tr> <th>Object Type</th> <th>Common Values</th> <th>Attributes</th> <th>Tags</th> <th>Misc</th> </tr> <tr>'; echo '<td valign="top"> <table class="searchTable">'; $i = 0; foreach ($phys_typelist as $objectTypeID => $sName) { if ($i % 2) { echo '<tr class="odd">'; } else { echo '<tr>'; } echo ' <td> <input type="checkbox" name="objectIDs[]" value="' . $objectTypeID . '"'; if (isset($_POST['objectIDs']) && in_array($objectTypeID, $_POST['objectIDs'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo ' > ' . $sName . ' </td> </tr>'; $i++; } echo ' </table> </td>'; echo '<td valign="top"> <table class="searchTable"> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="sName" value="1" '; if (isset($_POST['sName'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> Name</td></tr> <tr class="odd"><td><input type="checkbox" name="label" value="1" '; if (isset($_POST['label'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> Label</td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="type" value="1" '; if (isset($_POST['type'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> Type</td></tr> <tr class="odd"><td><input type="checkbox" name="asset_no" value="1" '; if (isset($_POST['asset_no'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> Asset Tag</td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="location" value="1" '; if (isset($_POST['location'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> Location</td></tr> <tr class="odd"><td><input type="checkbox" name="has_problems" value="1" '; if (isset($_POST['has_problems'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> Has Problems</td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="comment" value="1" '; if (isset($_POST['comment'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> Comment</td></tr> <tr class="odd"><td><input type="checkbox" name="runs8021Q" value="1" '; if (isset($_POST['runs8021Q'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> Runs 8021Q</td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="MACs" value="1" '; if (isset($_POST['MACs'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> MACs</td></tr> <tr class="odd"><td><input type="checkbox" name="IPs" value="1" '; if (isset($_POST['IPs'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> IPs</td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="Tags" value="1" '; if (isset($_POST['Tags'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> Tags</td></tr> <tr class="odd"><td><input type="checkbox" name="Ports" value="1" '; if (isset($_POST['Ports'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> Ports</td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="Containers" value="1" '; if (isset($_POST['Containers'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> Containers</td></tr> <tr class="odd"><td><input type="checkbox" name="Childs" value="1" '; if (isset($_POST['Childs'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> Child objects</td></tr> </table> </td>'; echo '<td valign="top"> <table class="searchTable">'; $i = 0; foreach ($attibutes as $attributeID => $aRow) { if ($i % 2) { echo '<tr class="odd">'; } else { echo '<tr>'; } echo ' <td> <input type="checkbox" name="attributeIDs[]" value="' . $attributeID . '"'; if (isset($_POST['attributeIDs']) && in_array($attributeID, $_POST['attributeIDs'])) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '> ' . $aRow['name'] . ' </td> </tr>'; $i++; } echo ' </table> </td>'; echo '<td valign="top"> <table class="searchTable">'; $i = 0; foreach ($aTagList as $aTag) { echo '<tr ' . ($i % 2 ? 'class="odd"' : '') . '> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="tag[' . $aTag['id'] . ']" value="1" ' . (isset($_POST['tag'][$aTag['id']]) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') . '> ' . $aTag['tag'] . ' </td> </tr>'; $i++; } if (count($aTagList) < 1) { echo '<tr><td><i>No Tags available</i></td></tr>'; } echo ' </table> </td>'; echo '<td valign="top"> <table class="searchTable"> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="csv" value="1"> CSV Export</td></tr> <tr><td><input type="text" name="csvDelimiter" value="," size="1"> CSV Delimiter</td></tr> <tr class="odd"><td>Name Filter: <i>(Regular Expression)</i></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="text" name="name_preg" value="'; if (isset($_POST['name_preg'])) { echo $_POST['name_preg']; } echo '" style="height: 11pt;"></td></tr> <tr class="odd"><td>Asset Tag Filter: <i>(Regular Expression)</i></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="text" name="tag_preg" value="'; if (isset($_POST['tag_preg'])) { echo $_POST['tag_preg']; } echo '" style="height: 11pt;"></td></tr> <tr class="odd"><td>Comment Filter: <i>(Regular Expression)</i></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="text" name="comment_preg" value="'; if (isset($_POST['comment_preg'])) { echo $_POST['comment_preg']; } echo '" style="height: 11pt;"></td></tr> <tr class="odd"><td> </td></tr> <tr> <td> Save: <input id="nameQuery" type="text" name="nameQuery" value="" style="height: 11pt; width:155px"/> <input type="button" value=" Ok " onclick="saveQuery();"> <br/> Load:<br/> <span id="loadButtons"></span> <script type="text/javascript"> loadButtons(); </script> </td> </tr> <tr class="odd"><td> </td></tr> <tr><td align="right"><input type="submit" value=" Search "></td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>'; echo '</form>'; echo '</div>'; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $aResult = getResult($_POST); // Get Result $_POST['sName'] = validateColums($_POST); // Fix empty colums if (count($aResult) > 0) { echo '<table id="customTable" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr>'; if (isset($_POST['sName']) && $_POST['sName']) { echo '<th>Name</th>'; } if (isset($_POST['label'])) { echo '<th>Label</th>'; } if (isset($_POST['type'])) { echo '<th>Type</th>'; } if (isset($_POST['asset_no'])) { echo '<th>Asset Tag</th>'; } if (isset($_POST['has_problems'])) { echo '<th>Has Problems</th>'; } if (isset($_POST['comment'])) { echo '<th>Comment</th>'; } if (isset($_POST['runs8021Q'])) { echo '<th>Runs 8021Q</th>'; } if (isset($_POST['location'])) { echo '<th>Location</th>'; } if (isset($_POST['MACs'])) { echo '<th>MACs</th>'; } if (isset($_POST['IPs'])) { echo '<th>IPs</th>'; } if (isset($_POST['attributeIDs'])) { foreach ($_POST['attributeIDs'] as $attributeID) { echo '<th>' . $attibutes[$attributeID]['name'] . '</th>'; } } if (isset($_POST['Tags'])) { echo '<th>Tags</th>'; } if (isset($_POST['Ports'])) { echo '<th>Ports</th>'; } if (isset($_POST['Containers'])) { echo '<th>Containers</th>'; } if (isset($_POST['Childs'])) { echo '<th>Child objects</th>'; } echo ' </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; foreach ($aResult as $Result) { echo '<tr>'; if (isset($_POST['sName'])) { echo '<td> <span class="object_' . str_replace('$', '', $Result['atags'][1]['tag']) . '">'; if (isset($Result['name'])) { echo '<a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $Result['id'])) . '">' . $Result['name'] . '</a>'; } else { echo ' '; } echo ' </span> </td>'; } if (isset($_POST['label'])) { echo '<td>'; if (isset($Result['label'])) { echo $Result['label']; } else { echo ' '; } echo '</td>'; } if (isset($_POST['type'])) { echo '<td>'; if (isset($Result['objtype_id'])) { echo $phys_typelist[$Result['objtype_id']]; } else { echo ' '; } echo '</td>'; } if (isset($_POST['asset_no'])) { echo '<td>'; if (isset($Result['asset_no'])) { echo $Result['asset_no']; } else { echo ' '; } echo '</td>'; } if (isset($_POST['has_problems'])) { echo '<td>'; if (isset($Result['has_problems'])) { echo $Result['has_problems']; } else { echo ' '; } echo '</td>'; } if (isset($_POST['comment'])) { echo '<td>'; if (isset($Result['comment'])) { echo makeLinksInText($Result['comment']); } else { echo ' '; } echo '</td>'; } if (isset($_POST['runs8021Q'])) { echo '<td>'; if (isset($Result['runs8021Q'])) { echo $Result['runs8021Q']; } else { echo ' '; } echo '</td>'; } if (isset($_POST['location'])) { echo '<td>'; echo getLocation($Result); echo '</td>'; } if (isset($_POST['MACs'])) { echo '<td>'; foreach (getObjectPortsAndLinks($Result['id']) as $portNumber => $aPortDetails) { if (trim($aPortDetails['l2address']) != '') { echo $aPortDetails['l2address'] . '<br/>'; } } echo '</td>'; } if (isset($_POST['IPs'])) { echo '<td>'; foreach (getObjectIPv4AllocationList($Result['id']) as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip4_format')) { $key = ip4_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { echo $key . '<br/>'; } } foreach (getObjectIPv6AllocationList($Result['id']) as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip6_format')) { $key = ip6_format($key); } else { $key = new IPv6Address($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { echo $key . '<br/>'; } } echo '</td>'; } if (isset($_POST['attributeIDs'])) { $attributes = getAttrValues($Result['id']); foreach ($_POST['attributeIDs'] as $attributeID) { echo '<td>'; if (isset($attributes[$attributeID]['a_value']) && $attributes[$attributeID]['a_value'] != '') { echo $attributes[$attributeID]['a_value']; } elseif ($attributes[$attributeID]['value'] != '' && $attributes[$attributeID]['type'] == 'date') { echo date("Y-m-d", $attributes[$attributeID]['value']); } else { echo ' '; } } } if (isset($_POST['Tags'])) { echo '<td>'; foreach ($Result['tags'] as $aTag) { echo '<a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'depot', 'tab' => 'default', 'andor' => 'and', 'cft[]' => $aTag['id'])) . '">' . $aTag['tag'] . '</a> '; } if (count($Result['itags']) > 0) { echo '('; foreach ($Result['itags'] as $aTag) { echo '<a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'depot', 'tab' => 'default', 'andor' => 'and', 'cft[]' => $aTag['id'])) . '">' . $aTag['tag'] . '</a> '; } echo ')'; } echo '</td>'; } if (isset($_POST['Ports'])) { echo '<td>'; foreach ($Result['portsLinks'] as $port) { echo $port['name'] . ': '; if ($port['remote_object_name'] != 'unknown') { echo formatPortLink($port['remote_object_id'], $port['remote_object_name'], $port['remote_id'], NULL); } else { echo $port['remote_object_name']; } if (trim($port['cableid']) != '') { echo ' Cable ID: ' . $port['cableid']; } echo '<br/>'; } echo '</td>'; } if (isset($_POST['Containers'])) { echo '<td>'; foreach (getObjectContainerList($Result['id']) as $key => $aDetails) { echo '<a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $key)) . '">' . $aDetails['container_name'] . '</a><br/>'; } echo '</td>'; } if (isset($_POST['Childs'])) { echo '<td>'; foreach (getObjectChildObjectList($Result['id']) as $key => $aDetails) { echo '<a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $key)) . '">' . $aDetails['object_name'] . '</a><br/>'; } echo '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo ' </tbody> </table> <script type="text/javascript">$(".searchForm").hide();</script>'; } else { echo '<br/><br/><div align="center" style="font-size:10pt;"><i>No items found !!!</i></div><br/>'; } echo '<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $.tablesorter.defaults.widgets = ["zebra"]; $("#customTable").tablesorter( { headers: { }, sortList: [[0,0]] } ); $("#customTable").tableFilter(); $(".show_hide").show(); $(".show_hide").click(function(){ $(".searchForm").slideToggle(\'slow\'); }); } ); </script>'; } }
function renderVMReport() { $aResult = array(); $iTotal = 0; $sFilter = '{$typeid_1504}'; # typeid_1504 = Virtual machines foreach (scanRealmByText('object', $sFilter) as $Result) { $aResult[$Result['id']] = array(); $aResult[$Result['id']]['sName'] = $Result['name']; // Create active links in comment $aResult[$Result['id']]['sComment'] = makeLinksInText($Result['comment']); // Load additional attributes: $attributes = getAttrValues($Result['id']); $aResult[$Result['id']]['sContact'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['14']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sContact'] = $attributes['14']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['OEMSN'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['1']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['OEMSN'] = $attributes['1']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['sOS'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['4']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sOS'] = $attributes['4']['a_value']; } // IP Informations $aResult[$Result['id']]['ipV4List'] = getObjectIPv4AllocationList($Result['id']); $aResult[$Result['id']]['ipV6List'] = getObjectIPv6AllocationList($Result['id']); // Port (MAC) Informations $aResult[$Result['id']]['ports'] = getObjectPortsAndLinks($Result['id']); // Container $aResult[$Result['id']]['container'] = getObjectContainerList($Result['id']); $iTotal++; } if (isset($_GET['csv'])) { header('Content-type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export_' . date("Ymdhis") . '.csv'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Expires: 0'); $outstream = fopen("php://output", "w"); $aCSVRow = array('Name', 'MAC', 'IP(s)', 'Comment', 'Contact', 'OS', 'Hypervisor'); fputcsv($outstream, $aCSVRow); foreach ($aResult as $id => $aRow) { $aCSVRow = array(); $aCSVRow[0] = $aRow['sName']; $aCSVRow[1] = ''; foreach ($aRow['ports'] as $portNumber => $aPortDetails) { if (trim($aPortDetails['l2address']) != '') { $aCSVRow[1] .= $aPortDetails['l2address'] . ' '; } } $aCSVRow[1] = trim($aCSVRow[1]); $aCSVRow[2] = ''; foreach ($aRow['ipV4List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip4_format')) { $key = ip4_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { $aCSVRow[2] .= $key . ' '; } } foreach ($aRow['ipV6List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip6_format')) { $key = ip6_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { $aCSVRow[2] .= $key . ' '; } } $aCSVRow[2] = trim($aCSVRow[2]); $aCSVRow[3] = str_replace('"', "'", $aRow['sComment']); $aCSVRow[4] = $aRow['sContact']; $aCSVRow[5] = $aRow['sOS']; $aCSVRow[6] = ''; foreach ($aRow['container'] as $key => $aDetails) { $aCSVRow[6] .= trim($aDetails['container_name']) . ' '; } $aCSVRow[6] = trim($aCSVRow[6]); fputcsv($outstream, $aCSVRow); } fclose($outstream); exit(0); # Exit normally after send CSV to browser } // Load stylesheet and jquery scripts addCSS('css/extensions/style.css'); addJS('js/extensions/jquery-latest.js'); addJS('js/extensions/jquery.tablesorter.js'); addJS('js/extensions/picnet.table.filter.min.js'); // Display the stat array echo "<h2>Virtual machines report ({$iTotal})</h2><ul>"; echo '<a href="index.php?page=reports&tab=vm&csv">CSV Export</a>'; echo '<table id="reportTable" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>MAC</th> <th>IP(s)</th> <th>Comment</th> <th>Contact</th> <th>OS</th> <th>Hypervisor</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; foreach ($aResult as $id => $aRow) { echo '<tr> <td><a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $id)) . '">' . $aRow['sName'] . '</a></td> <td>'; foreach ($aRow['ports'] as $portNumber => $aPortDetails) { if (trim($aPortDetails['l2address']) != '') { echo $aPortDetails['l2address'] . '<br/>'; } } echo ' </td>' . ' <td>'; foreach ($aRow['ipV4List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip4_format')) { $key = ip4_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { echo $key . '<br/>'; } } foreach ($aRow['ipV6List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip6_format')) { $key = ip6_format($key); } else { $key = new IPv6Address($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { echo $key . '<br/>'; } } echo ' </td> <td>' . $aRow['sComment'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sContact'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sOS'] . '</td> <td>'; foreach ($aRow['container'] as $key => $aDetails) { echo '<a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $key)) . '">' . $aDetails['container_name'] . '</a><br/>'; } echo '</td> </tr>'; } echo ' </tbody> </table>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $.tablesorter.defaults.widgets = ["zebra"]; $("#reportTable").tablesorter( { headers: { 2: { sorter: "ipAddress" } }, sortList: [[0,0]] } ); $("#reportTable").tableFilter(); } ); </script>'; }
function renderServerReport() { $aResult = array(); $iTotal = 0; $sFilter = '{$typeid_4}'; # typeid_4 = Server foreach (scanRealmByText('object', $sFilter) as $Result) { $aResult[$Result['id']] = array(); $aResult[$Result['id']]['sName'] = $Result['name']; // Create active links in comment $aResult[$Result['id']]['sComment'] = $Result['comment']; // Load additional attributes: $attributes = getAttrValues($Result['id']); $aResult[$Result['id']]['sContact'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['14']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sContact'] = $attributes['14']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWtype'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['2']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWtype'] = $attributes['2']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['OEMSN'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['1']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['OEMSN'] = $attributes['1']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWExpDate'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['22']['value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWExpDate'] = date("Y-m-d", $attributes['22']['value']); } $aResult[$Result['id']]['sOS'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['4']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sOS'] = $attributes['4']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['sSlotNumber'] = 'unknown'; if (isset($attributes['28']['a_value']) && $attributes['28']['a_value'] != '') { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sSlotNumber'] = $attributes['28']['a_value']; } // Location $aResult[$Result['id']]['sLocation'] = getLocation($Result); // IP Informations $aResult[$Result['id']]['ipV4List'] = getObjectIPv4AllocationList($Result['id']); $aResult[$Result['id']]['ipV6List'] = getObjectIPv6AllocationList($Result['id']); // Port (MAC) Informations $aResult[$Result['id']]['ports'] = getObjectPortsAndLinks($Result['id']); $iTotal++; } if (isset($_GET['csv'])) { header('Content-type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export_' . date("Ymdhis") . '.csv'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Expires: 0'); $outstream = fopen("php://output", "w"); $aCSVRow = array('Name', 'MAC', 'IP(s)', 'Comment', 'Contact', 'Type', 'OEM', 'HW Expire Date', 'OS', 'Location'); fputcsv($outstream, $aCSVRow); foreach ($aResult as $id => $aRow) { $aCSVRow = array(); $aCSVRow[0] = $aRow['sName']; $aCSVRow[1] = ''; foreach ($aRow['ports'] as $portNumber => $aPortDetails) { if (trim($aPortDetails['l2address']) != '') { $aCSVRow[1] .= $aPortDetails['l2address'] . ' '; } } $aCSVRow[1] = trim($aCSVRow[1]); $aCSVRow[2] = ''; foreach ($aRow['ipV4List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip4_format')) { $key = ip4_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { $aCSVRow[2] .= $key . ' '; } } foreach ($aRow['ipV6List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip6_format')) { $key = ip6_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { $aCSVRow[2] .= $key . ' '; } } $aCSVRow[2] = trim($aCSVRow[2]); $aCSVRow[3] = str_replace('"', "'", $aRow['sComment']); $aCSVRow[4] = $aRow['sContact']; $aCSVRow[5] = $aRow['HWtype']; $aCSVRow[6] = $aRow['OEMSN']; $aCSVRow[7] = $aRow['HWExpDate']; $aCSVRow[8] = $aRow['sOS']; $aCSVRow[9] = preg_replace('/<a[^>]*>(.*)<\\/a>/iU', '$1', $aRow['sLocation']); fputcsv($outstream, $aCSVRow); } fclose($outstream); exit(0); # Exit normally after send CSV to browser } // Load stylesheet and jquery scripts echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="extensions/jquery/themes/racktables/style.css" type="text/css"/>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="extensions/jquery/jquery-latest.js"></script>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="extensions/jquery/jquery.tablesorter.js"></script>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="extensions/jquery/picnet.table.filter.min.js"></script>'; // Display the stat array echo '<h2>Server report (' . $iTotal . ')</h2><ul>'; echo '<a href="index.php?page=reports&tab=server&csv">CSV Export</a>'; echo '<table id="reportTable" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>MAC</th> <th>IP(s)</th> <th>Comment</th> <th>Contact</th> <th>Type</th> <th>OEM S/N</th> <th>HW Expire Date</th> <th>OS</th> <th>Location</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; foreach ($aResult as $id => $aRow) { echo '<tr> <td><a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $id)) . '">' . $aRow['sName'] . '</a></td> <td>'; foreach ($aRow['ports'] as $portNumber => $aPortDetails) { if (trim($aPortDetails['l2address']) != '') { echo $aPortDetails['l2address'] . '<br/>'; } } echo ' </td> <td>'; foreach ($aRow['ipV4List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip4_format')) { $key = ip4_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { echo $key . '<br/>'; } } foreach ($aRow['ipV6List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip6_format')) { $key = ip6_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { echo $key . '<br/>'; } } echo '</td> <td>' . makeLinksInText($aRow['sComment']) . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sContact'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['HWtype'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['OEMSN'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['HWExpDate'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sOS'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sLocation'] . '</td> </tr>'; } echo ' </tbody> </table>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $.tablesorter.defaults.widgets = ["zebra"]; $("#reportTable").tablesorter( { headers: { 2: { sorter: "ipAddress" }, }, sortList: [[0,0]] } ) $("#reportTable").tableFilter(); }); </script>'; }