function getObjectThumb($objid = 0, $size = 30, $isExtras = false) { global $_auth; $objid = intval($objid); $where = "`objid` = '{$objid}'"; if (!atLeastHelpdesk()) { $where = "({$where}) AND `objDeleted` = '0' AND `objPending` = '0'"; } applyObjFilters($where); $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `" . ($isExtras ? "extras" : "objects") . "` WHERE {$where} LIMIT 1"); // check if the object exists - Why did this say club before? if (!($objData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) { // no? return getIMG(urlf() . "images/nothumb.gif", 'alt="[' . _BBCODE_THUMB . '=' . $objid . ']" title="' . sprintf(_UNKNOWN_SUBMISSION, $objid) . '" class="microthumb"'); } if (!isLoggedIn()) { $sql = "SELECT `useGuestAccess` FROM `useExtData`" . dbWhere(array("useEid" => $objData["objCreator"])); $result = sql_query($sql); if (!mysql_result($result, 0)) { return getIMG(urlf() . "images/nothumb.gif", 'alt="[' . _BBCODE_THUMB . '=' . $objid . ']" title="' . sprintf(_UNKNOWN_SUBMISSION, $objid) . '" class="microthumb"'); } } // found the object if (!$isExtras && $objData["objThumbDefault"]) { $filename = "images/litthumb.png"; } else { $filename = $isExtras ? "" : findNewestFileById("files/thumbs/", $objid, "images/nothumb.gif"); } $width = round($objData["objThumbWidth"] * $size / 100); $height = round($objData["objThumbHeight"] * $size / 100); $objTitle = htmlspecialchars($objData["objTitle"]) . ' <br /> '; if ($objData["objCollab"] > 0) { $objTitle .= sprintf(_BY_AND, getUserLink($objData["objCreator"]), getUserLink($objData["objCollab"])); } else { $objTitle .= sprintf(_BY, getUserLink($objData["objCreator"])); } $src = $isExtras ? $objData["objThumbURL"] : urlf() . $filename; if ($size < 100) { makeFloatingThumb(strip_tags($objTitle), $src, $objData["objThumbWidth"], $objData["objThumbHeight"], $objData["objMature"], true, $onmouseover, $onmouseout); } else { $onmouseover = ""; $onmouseout = ""; } $str = '<a href="' . url("view/" . ($isExtras ? "e" : "") . $objData["objid"]) . '">' . getIMG($src, 'alt="[' . _BBCODE_THUMB . '=' . $objid . ']" class="microthumb' . ($objData["objMature"] ? " mature" : "") . '" ' . 'style="width: ' . $width . 'px; height: ' . $height . 'px" ' . 'onmouseover="' . $onmouseover . '" onmouseout="' . $onmouseout . '" ' . 'title="' . strip_tags($objTitle) . '"', true) . '</a> '; return $str; }
<tr> <td align="right" class="nowrap"><?php echo _ID; ?> :</td> <td width="100%"> <div id="id_current"> <?php $filename = findNewestFileById("files/ids/", $_auth["useid"], "images/nothumb.gif"); $imageInfo = getimagesize($filename); if ($imageInfo[2] == 4 || $imageInfo[2] == 13) { echo getSWF($filename, 1, 150, 150); } else { $width = round($imageInfo[0] * 0.25); $height = round($imageInfo[1] * 0.25); makeFloatingThumb("", url() . $filename, $imageInfo[0], $imageInfo[1], 0, false, $onmouseover, $onmouseout); echo getIMG(urlf() . $filename, 'style="width: ' . $width . 'px; height: ' . $height . 'px" ' . 'onmouseover="' . $onmouseover . '" onmouseout="' . $onmouseout . '"', true); } $script = "make_invisible('id_current'); " . "make_visible('id_hint'); " . "make_visible('id_choose'); " . "return false;"; ?> <a href="" onclick="<?php echo $script; ?> "> <?php echo getIMG(urlf() . "images/emoticons/edit.png", "") . " " . _CHANGE; ?> </a> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="removeId" id="idRemoveID" /> <label for="idRemoveID"><?php echo _REMOVE;