function plugin_listcommands_menu() { global $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, $color, $mailbox, $message, $compose_new_win, $startMessage; /** * Array of commands we can deal with from the header. The Reply option * is added later because we generate it using the Post information. */ $fieldsdescr = array('post' => _("Post to List"), 'reply' => _("Reply to List"), 'subscribe' => _("Subscribe"), 'unsubscribe' => _("Unsubscribe"), 'archive' => _("List Archives"), 'owner' => _("Contact Listowner"), 'help' => _("Help")); $output = array(); foreach ($message->rfc822_header->mlist as $cmd => $actions) { /* I don't know this action... skip it */ if (function_exists('array_key_exists') && !array_key_exists($cmd, $fieldsdescr) || function_exists('key_exists') && !key_exists($cmd, $fieldsdescr)) { continue; } /* proto = {mailto,href} */ $aActionKeys = array_keys($actions); $proto = array_shift($aActionKeys); $act = array_shift($actions); if ($proto == 'mailto') { if ($cmd == 'post' || $cmd == 'owner') { $url = 'src/compose.php?' . (isset($startMessage) ? 'startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&' : ''); } else { $url = "plugins/listcommands/mailout.php?action={$cmd}&"; } $url .= 'send_to=' . str_replace('?', '&', $act); $output[] = makeComposeLink($url, $fieldsdescr[$cmd]); if ($cmd == 'post') { $url .= '&passed_id=' . $passed_id . '&mailbox=' . urlencode($mailbox) . (isset($passed_ent_id) ? '&passed_ent_id=' . $passed_ent_id : ''); $url .= '&smaction=reply'; $output[] = makeComposeLink($url, $fieldsdescr['reply']); } } else { if ($proto == 'href') { $output[] = '<a href="' . $act . '" target="_blank">' . $fieldsdescr[$cmd] . '</a>'; } } } if (count($output) > 0) { echo '<tr>'; echo html_tag('td', '<b>' . _("Mailing List") . ': </b>', 'right', '', 'valign="middle" width="20%"') . "\n"; echo html_tag('td', '<small>' . implode(' | ', $output) . '</small>', 'left', $color[0], 'valign="middle" width="80%"') . "\n"; echo '</tr>'; } }
/** * Outputs a complete SquirrelMail page header, starting with <!doctype> and * including the default menu bar. Uses displayHtmlHeader and takes * JavaScript and locale settings into account. * * @param array color the array of theme colors * @param string mailbox the current mailbox name to display * @param string xtra extra html code to add * @param bool session * @return void */ function displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox, $xtra = '', $session = false) { global $hide_sm_attributions, $PHP_SELF, $frame_top, $compose_new_win, $compose_width, $compose_height, $attachemessages, $provider_name, $provider_uri, $javascript_on, $default_use_mdn, $mdn_user_support, $startMessage; sqgetGlobalVar('base_uri', $base_uri, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('delimiter', $delimiter, SQ_SESSION); $module = substr($PHP_SELF, (strlen($PHP_SELF) - strlen($base_uri)) * -1); if ($qmark = strpos($module, '?')) { $module = substr($module, 0, $qmark); } if (!isset($frame_top)) { $frame_top = '_top'; } if ($session) { $compose_uri = $base_uri . 'src/compose.php?mailbox=' . urlencode($mailbox) . '&attachedmessages=true&session=' . "{$session}"; } else { $compose_uri = $base_uri . 'src/compose.php?newmessage=1'; $session = 0; } if ($javascript_on) { switch ($module) { case 'src/read_body.php': $js = ''; // compose in new window code if ($compose_new_win == '1') { if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3,4}\$/", $compose_width)) { $compose_width = '640'; } if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3,4}\$/", $compose_height)) { $compose_height = '550'; } $js .= "function comp_in_new_form(comp_uri, button, myform) {\n" . ' if (!comp_uri) {' . "\n" . ' comp_uri = "' . $compose_uri . "\";\n" . ' }' . "\n" . ' comp_uri += "&" + + "=1";' . "\n" . ' for ( var i=0; i < myform.elements.length; i++ ) {' . "\n" . ' if ( myform.elements[i].type == "checkbox" && myform.elements[i].checked )' . "\n" . ' comp_uri += "&" + myform.elements[i].name + "=1";' . "\n" . ' }' . "\n" . ' var newwin =' . ', "_blank",' . '"width=' . $compose_width . ',height=' . $compose_height . ',scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=yes");' . "\n" . "}\n\n"; $js .= "function comp_in_new(comp_uri) {\n" . " if (!comp_uri) {\n" . ' comp_uri = "' . $compose_uri . "\";\n" . ' }' . "\n" . ' var newwin =' . ', "_blank",' . '"width=' . $compose_width . ',height=' . $compose_height . ',scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=yes");' . "\n" . "}\n\n"; } // javascript for sending read receipts if ($default_use_mdn && $mdn_user_support) { $js .= 'function sendMDN() {' . "\n" . " mdnuri=window.location+'&sendreceipt=1'; " . "var newwin =,'right');" . "\n}\n\n"; } // if any of the above passes, add the JS tags too. if ($js) { $js = "\n" . '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">' . "\n<!--\n" . $js . "// -->\n</script>\n"; } displayHtmlHeader('SquirrelMail', $js); $onload = $xtra; break; case 'src/compose.php': $js = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">' . "\n<!--\n" . "function checkForm() {\n"; global $action, $reply_focus; if (strpos($action, 'reply') !== FALSE && $reply_focus) { if ($reply_focus == 'select') { $js .= "document.forms['compose'];}\n"; } else { if ($reply_focus == 'focus') { $js .= "document.forms['compose'].body.focus();}\n"; } else { if ($reply_focus == 'none') { $js .= "}\n"; } } } } else { if ($reply_focus == 'none') { $js .= "}\n"; } else { $js .= "var f = document.forms.length;\n" . "var i = 0;\n" . "var pos = -1;\n" . "while( pos == -1 && i < f ) {\n" . "var e = document.forms[i].elements.length;\n" . "var j = 0;\n" . "while( pos == -1 && j < e ) {\n" . "if ( document.forms[i].elements[j].type == 'text' ) {\n" . "pos = j;\n" . "}\n" . "j++;\n" . "}\n" . "i++;\n" . "}\n" . "if( pos >= 0 ) {\n" . "document.forms[i-1].elements[pos].focus();\n" . "}\n" . "}\n"; } } $js .= "// -->\n" . "</script>\n"; $onload = 'onload="checkForm();"'; displayHtmlHeader('SquirrelMail', $js); break; default: $js = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">' . "\n<!--\n" . "function checkForm() {\n" . "var f = document.forms.length;\n" . "var i = 0;\n" . "var pos = -1;\n" . "while( pos == -1 && i < f ) {\n" . "var e = document.forms[i].elements.length;\n" . "var j = 0;\n" . "while( pos == -1 && j < e ) {\n" . "if ( document.forms[i].elements[j].type == 'text' " . "|| document.forms[i].elements[j].type == 'password' ) {\n" . "pos = j;\n" . "}\n" . "j++;\n" . "}\n" . "i++;\n" . "}\n" . "if( pos >= 0 ) {\n" . "document.forms[i-1].elements[pos].focus();\n" . "}\n" . "{$xtra}\n" . "}\n"; if ($compose_new_win == '1') { if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3,4}\$/", $compose_width)) { $compose_width = '640'; } if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3,4}\$/", $compose_height)) { $compose_height = '550'; } $js .= "function comp_in_new(comp_uri) {\n" . " if (!comp_uri) {\n" . ' comp_uri = "' . $compose_uri . "\";\n" . ' }' . "\n" . ' var newwin =' . ', "_blank",' . '"width=' . $compose_width . ',height=' . $compose_height . ',scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=yes");' . "\n" . "}\n\n"; } $js .= "// -->\n" . "</script>\n"; $onload = 'onload="checkForm();"'; displayHtmlHeader('SquirrelMail', $js); break; } } else { /* do not use JavaScript */ displayHtmlHeader('SquirrelMail'); $onload = ''; } echo "<body text=\"{$color['8']}\" bgcolor=\"{$color['4']}\" link=\"{$color['7']}\" vlink=\"{$color['7']}\" alink=\"{$color['7']}\" {$onload}>\n\n"; /** Here is the header and wrapping table **/ $shortBoxName = htmlspecialchars(imap_utf7_decode_local(readShortMailboxName($mailbox, $delimiter))); if ($shortBoxName == 'INBOX') { $shortBoxName = _("INBOX"); } echo "<a name=\"pagetop\"></a>\n" . html_tag('table', '', '', $color[4], 'border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"') . "\n" . html_tag('tr', '', '', $color[9]) . "\n" . html_tag('td', '', 'left') . "\n"; if ($shortBoxName != '' && strtolower($shortBoxName) != 'none') { echo ' ' . _("Current Folder") . ": <b>{$shortBoxName} </b>\n"; } else { echo ' '; } echo " </td>\n" . html_tag('td', '', 'right') . "<b>\n"; displayInternalLink('src/signout.php', _("Sign Out"), $frame_top); echo "</b></td>\n" . " </tr>\n" . html_tag('tr', '', '', $color[4]) . "\n" . ($hide_sm_attributions ? html_tag('td', '', 'left', '', 'colspan="2"') : html_tag('td', '', 'left')) . "\n"; $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox); echo makeComposeLink('src/compose.php?mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&startMessage=' . $startMessage); echo " \n"; displayInternalLink('src/addressbook.php', _("Addresses")); echo " \n"; displayInternalLink('src/folders.php', _("Folders")); echo " \n"; displayInternalLink('src/options.php', _("Options")); echo " \n"; displayInternalLink("src/search.php?mailbox={$urlMailbox}", _("Search")); echo " \n"; displayInternalLink('src/help.php', _("Help")); echo " \n"; do_hook('menuline'); echo " </td>\n"; if (!$hide_sm_attributions) { echo html_tag('td', '', 'right') . "\n"; if (!isset($provider_uri)) { $provider_uri = ''; } if (!isset($provider_name)) { $provider_name = 'SquirrelMail'; } echo '<a href="' . $provider_uri . '" target="_blank">' . $provider_name . '</a>'; echo "</td>\n"; } echo " </tr>\n" . "</table><br />\n\n"; }
/** * Parses a body and converts all found URLs to clickable links. * * @param string body the body to process, by ref * @return void */ function parseUrl(&$body) { global $url_parser_poss_ends, $url_parser_url_tokens; $start = 0; $blength = strlen($body); while ($start < $blength) { $target_token = ''; $target_pos = $blength; /* Find the first token to replace */ foreach ($url_parser_url_tokens as $the_token) { $pos = strpos(strtolower($body), $the_token, $start); if (is_int($pos) && $pos < $target_pos) { $target_pos = $pos; $target_token = $the_token; } } /* Look for email addresses between $start and $target_pos */ $check_str = substr($body, $start, $target_pos - $start); if (parseEmail($check_str)) { replaceBlock($body, $check_str, $start, $target_pos); $blength = strlen($body); $target_pos = strlen($check_str) + $start; } /* If there was a token to replace, replace it */ if ($target_token == 'mailto:') { // rfc 2368 (mailto URL) $target_pos += 7; //skip mailto: $end = $blength; $mailto = substr($body, $target_pos, $end - $target_pos); global $MailTo_PReg_Match; if (preg_match($MailTo_PReg_Match, $mailto, $regs) && $regs[0] != '') { //sm_print_r($regs); $mailto_before = $target_token . $regs[0]; $mailto_params = $regs[10]; if ($regs[1]) { //if there is an email addr before '?', we need to merge it with the params $to = 'to=' . $regs[1]; if (strpos($mailto_params, 'to=') > -1) { //already a 'to=' $mailto_params = str_replace('to=', $to . '%2C%20', $mailto_params); } else { if ($mailto_params) { //already some params, append to them $mailto_params .= '&' . $to; } else { $mailto_params .= '?' . $to; } } } $url_str = str_replace(array('to=', 'cc=', 'bcc='), array('send_to=', 'send_to_cc=', 'send_to_bcc='), $mailto_params); $comp_uri = makeComposeLink('src/compose.php' . $url_str, $mailto_before); replaceBlock($body, $comp_uri, $target_pos - 7, $target_pos + strlen($regs[0])); $target_pos += strlen($comp_uri) - 7; } } else { if ($target_token != '') { /* Find the end of the URL */ $end = $blength; foreach ($url_parser_poss_ends as $val) { $enda = strpos($body, $val, $target_pos); if (is_int($enda) && $enda < $end) { $end = $enda; } } /* Extract URL */ $url = substr($body, $target_pos, $end - $target_pos); /* Needed since lines are not passed with \n or \r */ while (ereg("[,\\.]\$", $url)) { $url = substr($url, 0, -1); $end--; } /* Replace URL with HyperLinked Url, requires 1 char in link */ if ($url != '' && $url != $target_token) { $url_str = "<a href=\"{$url}\" target=\"_blank\">{$url}</a>"; replaceBlock($body, $url_str, $target_pos, $end); $target_pos += strlen($url_str); } else { // Not quite a valid link, skip ahead to next chance $target_pos += strlen($target_token); } } } /* Move forward */ $start = $target_pos; $blength = strlen($body); } }
echo html_tag('td', '<small>' . addCheckBox('sel[' . $count . ']', $selected, $row['backend'] . ':' . $row['nickname'], ' id="' . $row['backend'] . '_' . urlencode($row['nickname']) . '"') . '</small>', 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"'); } else { echo html_tag('td', ' ', 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"'); } echo html_tag('td', ' <label for="' . $row['backend'] . '_' . urlencode($row['nickname']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($row['nickname']) . '</label> ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="10%" nowrap') . html_tag('td', ' <label for="' . $row['backend'] . '_' . urlencode($row['nickname']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($row['lastname']) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['firstname']) . '</label> ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="10%" nowrap') . html_tag('td', '', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="10%" nowrap') . ' '; } else { echo html_tag('tr', '', '', $tr_bgcolor); if ($abook->backends[$row['backend']]->writeable) { echo html_tag('td', '<small>' . addCheckBox('sel[' . $count . ']', $selected, $row['backend'] . ':' . $row['nickname'], ' id="' . $row['backend'] . '_' . urlencode($row['nickname']) . '"') . '</small>', 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"'); } else { echo html_tag('td', ' ', 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"'); } echo html_tag('td', ' <label for="' . $row['backend'] . '_' . urlencode($row['nickname']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($row['nickname']) . '</label> ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="10%" nowrap') . html_tag('td', ' <label for="' . $row['backend'] . '_' . urlencode($row['nickname']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($row['name']) . '</label> ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="10%" nowrap') . html_tag('td', '', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="10%" nowrap') . ' '; } $email = $abook->full_address($row); echo addHidden($row['backend'] . ':' . $row['nickname'], rawurlencode($email)) . makeComposeLink('src/compose.php?send_to=' . rawurlencode($email), htmlspecialchars($row['email'])) . ' </td>' . "\n" . html_tag('td', ' <label for="' . $row['backend'] . '_' . urlencode($row['nickname']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($row['label']) . '</label> ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="10%"'); // add extra column if third party backend needs it if ($abook->add_extra_field) { echo html_tag('td', ' ' . (isset($row['extra']) ? $row['extra'] : '') . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="10%"'); } echo "</tr>\n"; $line++; $count++; } /* End of list. Close table. */ if ($headerprinted) { echo html_tag('tr', html_tag('td', addSubmit(_("Edit selected"), 'editaddr') . addSubmit(_("Delete selected"), 'deladdr') . addSubmit(_("Compose to selected"), 'compose_to', $javascript_on && $compose_new_win ? $compose_to_in_new_window_javascript : ''), 'center', '', "colspan=\"{$abook_fields}\"")); } echo '</table></form>'; } }
function formatMenubar($mailbox, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, $message, $mbx_response) { global $base_uri, $draft_folder, $where, $what, $color, $sort, $startMessage, $PHP_SELF, $save_as_draft, $enable_forward_as_attachment; $topbar_delimiter = ' | '; $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox); $s = '<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" align="center"' . ' border="0" bgcolor="' . $color[9] . '"><tr>' . html_tag('td', '', 'left', '', 'width="33%"') . '<small>'; $msgs_url = $base_uri . 'src/'; if (isset($where) && isset($what)) { $msgs_url .= 'search.php?where=' . urlencode($where) . '&what=' . urlencode($what) . '&mailbox=' . $urlMailbox; $msgs_str = _("Search Results"); } else { $msgs_url .= 'right_main.php?sort=' . $sort . '&startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&mailbox=' . $urlMailbox; $msgs_str = _("Message List"); } $s .= '<a href="' . $msgs_url . '">' . $msgs_str . '</a>'; $delete_url = $base_uri . 'src/delete_message.php?mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&message=' . $passed_id . '&'; if (!(isset($passed_ent_id) && $passed_ent_id)) { if ($where && $what) { $delete_url .= 'where=' . urlencode($where) . '&what=' . urlencode($what); } else { $delete_url .= 'sort=' . $sort . '&startMessage=' . $startMessage; } $s .= $topbar_delimiter; $s .= '<a href="' . $delete_url . '">' . _("Delete") . '</a>'; } $comp_uri = 'src/compose.php' . '?passed_id=' . $passed_id . '&mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&startMessage=' . $startMessage . (isset($passed_ent_id) ? '&passed_ent_id=' . urlencode($passed_ent_id) : ''); if ($mailbox == $draft_folder && $save_as_draft) { $comp_alt_uri = $comp_uri . '&smaction=draft'; $comp_alt_string = _("Resume Draft"); } else { if (handleAsSent($mailbox)) { $comp_alt_uri = $comp_uri . '&smaction=edit_as_new'; $comp_alt_string = _("Edit Message as New"); } } if (isset($comp_alt_uri)) { $s .= $topbar_delimiter; $s .= makeComposeLink($comp_alt_uri, $comp_alt_string); } $s .= '</small></td><td align="center" width="33%"><small>'; if (!(isset($where) && isset($what)) && !$passed_ent_id) { $prev = findPreviousMessage($mbx_response['EXISTS'], $passed_id); $next = findNextMessage($passed_id); if ($prev != -1) { $uri = $base_uri . 'src/read_body.php?passed_id=' . $prev . '&mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&sort=' . $sort . '&startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&show_more=0'; $s .= '<a href="' . $uri . '">' . _("Previous") . '</a>'; } else { $s .= _("Previous"); } $s .= $topbar_delimiter; if ($next != -1) { $uri = $base_uri . 'src/read_body.php?passed_id=' . $next . '&mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&sort=' . $sort . '&startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&show_more=0'; $s .= '<a href="' . $uri . '">' . _("Next") . '</a>'; } else { $s .= _("Next"); } } else { if (isset($passed_ent_id) && $passed_ent_id) { /* code for navigating through attached message/rfc822 messages */ $url = set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'passed_ent_id', 0); $s .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . _("View Message") . '</a>'; $entities = array(); $entity_count = array(); $c = 0; foreach ($message->parent->entities as $ent) { if ($ent->type0 == 'message' && $ent->type1 == 'rfc822') { $c++; $entity_count[$c] = $ent->entity_id; $entities[$ent->entity_id] = $c; } } $prev_link = _("Previous"); if (!empty($entities[$passed_ent_id]) && $entities[$passed_ent_id] > 1) { $prev_ent_id = $entity_count[$entities[$passed_ent_id] - 1]; $prev_link = '<a href="' . set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'passed_ent_id', $prev_ent_id) . '">' . $prev_link . '</a>'; } $next_link = _("Next"); if (!empty($entities[$passed_ent_id]) && $entities[$passed_ent_id] < $c) { $next_ent_id = $entity_count[$entities[$passed_ent_id] + 1]; $next_link = '<a href="' . set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'passed_ent_id', $next_ent_id) . '">' . $next_link . '</a>'; } $s .= $topbar_delimiter . $prev_link; $par_ent_id = $message->parent->entity_id; if ($par_ent_id) { $par_ent_id = substr($par_ent_id, 0, -2); $s .= $topbar_delimiter; $url = set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'passed_ent_id', $par_ent_id); $s .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . _("Up") . '</a>'; } $s .= $topbar_delimiter . $next_link; } } $s .= '</small></td>' . "\n" . html_tag('td', '', 'right', '', 'width="33%" nowrap') . '<small>'; $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . '&smaction=forward'; $s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _("Forward")); if ($enable_forward_as_attachment) { $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . '&smaction=forward_as_attachment'; $s .= $topbar_delimiter; $s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _("Forward as Attachment")); } $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . '&smaction=reply'; $s .= $topbar_delimiter; $s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _("Reply")); $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . '&smaction=reply_all'; $s .= $topbar_delimiter; $s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _("Reply All")); $s .= '</small></td></tr></table>'; $ret = concat_hook_function('read_body_menu_top', $s); if ($ret != '') { $s = $ret; } echo $s; do_hook('read_body_menu_bottom'); }
$vcard_nice['email;internet'] = $vcard_nice['email;pref;internet']; } } else { echo '<tr><td align="center">' . sprintf(_("vCard Version %s is not supported. Some information might not be converted correctly."), htmlspecialchars($vcard_nice['version'])) . "</td></tr>\n"; $vcard_nice['firstname'] = ''; $vcard_nice['lastname'] = ''; } foreach ($vcard_nice as $k => $v) { $v = htmlspecialchars($v); $v = trim($v); $vcard_safe[$k] = trim(nl2br($v)); } $ShowValues = array('fn' => _("Name"), 'title' => _("Title"), 'email;internet' => _("Email"), 'url' => _("Web Page"), 'org' => _("Organization / Department"), 'adr' => _("Address"), 'tel;work' => _("Work Phone"), 'tel;home' => _("Home Phone"), 'tel;cell' => _("Cellular Phone"), 'tel;fax' => _("Fax"), 'note' => _("Note")); echo '<tr><td><br />' . '<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" align="center">' . "\n"; if (isset($vcard_safe['email;internet'])) { $vcard_safe['email;internet'] = makeComposeLink('src/compose.php?send_to=' . urlencode($vcard_safe['email;internet']), $vcard_safe['email;internet']); } if (isset($vcard_safe['url'])) { $vcard_safe['url'] = '<a href="' . $vcard_safe['url'] . '">' . $vcard_safe['url'] . '</a>'; } foreach ($ShowValues as $k => $v) { if (isset($vcard_safe[$k]) && $vcard_safe[$k]) { echo "<tr><td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"><b>{$v}:</b></td><td>" . $vcard_safe[$k] . "</td><tr>\n"; } } ?> </table> <br /> </td></tr></table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" align="center"> <tr><td bgcolor="<?php
/** * Create a link to compose an email to the email address given. * * @param array $row contact as given to the addressbook_list.tpl template * @author Steve Brown * @since 1.5.2 */ function composeLink($row) { return makeComposeLink('src/compose.php?send_to=' . rawurlencode($row['RawFullAddress']), sm_encode_html_special_chars($row['Email'])); }
function displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox, $xtra = '', $session = false) { global $hide_sm_attributions, $frame_top, $compose_new_win, $compose_width, $compose_height, $attachemessages, $provider_name, $provider_uri, $javascript_on, $default_use_mdn, $mdn_user_support, $startMessage, $org_title; sqgetGlobalVar('base_uri', $base_uri, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('delimiter', $delimiter, SQ_SESSION); if (!isset($frame_top)) { $frame_top = '_top'; } if ($session) { $compose_uri = $base_uri . 'src/compose.php?mailbox=' . urlencode($mailbox) . '&session=' . "{$session}"; } else { $compose_uri = $base_uri . 'src/compose.php?newmessage=1'; $session = 0; } // only output JavaScript if actually turned on if ($javascript_on || strpos($xtra, 'new_js_autodetect_results.value')) { if (!defined('PAGE_NAME')) { define('PAGE_NAME', NULL); } switch (PAGE_NAME) { case 'read_body': $js = ''; // compose in new window code if ($compose_new_win == '1') { if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3,4}\$/", $compose_width)) { $compose_width = '640'; } if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3,4}\$/", $compose_height)) { $compose_height = '550'; } $js .= "function comp_in_new(comp_uri) {\n" . " if (!comp_uri) {\n" . ' comp_uri = "' . $compose_uri . "\";\n" . ' }' . "\n" . ' var newwin =' . ', "_blank",' . '"width=' . $compose_width . ',height=' . $compose_height . ',scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=yes");' . "\n" . "}\n\n"; } // javascript for sending read receipts if ($default_use_mdn && $mdn_user_support) { $js .= "function sendMDN() {\n" . " mdnuri=window.location+'&sendreceipt=1';\n" . " window.location = mdnuri;\n" . "\n}\n\n"; } // if any of the above passes, add the JS tags too. if ($js) { $js = "\n" . '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">' . "\n<!--\n" . $js . "// -->\n</script>\n"; } displayHtmlHeader($org_title, $js); $onload = $xtra; break; case 'compose': $js = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">' . "\n<!--\n" . "var alreadyFocused = false;\n" . "function checkForm() {\n" . "\n if (alreadyFocused) return;\n"; global $action, $reply_focus; if (strpos($action, 'reply') !== FALSE && $reply_focus) { if ($reply_focus == 'select') { $js .= "document.forms['compose'];}\n"; } else { if ($reply_focus == 'focus') { $js .= "document.forms['compose'].body.focus();}\n"; } else { if ($reply_focus == 'none') { $js .= "}\n"; } } } } else { if ($reply_focus == 'none') { $js .= "}\n"; } else { $js .= " var f = document.forms.length;\n" . " var i = 0;\n" . " var pos = -1;\n" . " while( pos == -1 && i < f ) {\n" . " var e = document.forms[i].elements.length;\n" . " var j = 0;\n" . " while( pos == -1 && j < e ) {\n" . " if ( document.forms[i].elements[j].type == 'text' ) {\n" . " pos = j;\n" . " }\n" . " j++;\n" . " }\n" . " i++;\n" . " }\n" . " if( pos >= 0 ) {\n" . " document.forms[i-1].elements[pos].focus();\n" . " }\n" . "}\n"; } } $js .= "// -->\n" . "</script>\n"; $onload = 'onload="checkForm();"'; displayHtmlHeader($org_title, $js); break; default: $js = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">' . "\n<!--\n" . "function checkForm() {\n" . " var f = document.forms.length;\n" . " var i = 0;\n" . " var pos = -1;\n" . " while( pos == -1 && i < f ) {\n" . " var e = document.forms[i].elements.length;\n" . " var j = 0;\n" . " while( pos == -1 && j < e ) {\n" . " if ( document.forms[i].elements[j].type == 'text' " . " || document.forms[i].elements[j].type == 'password' ) {\n" . " pos = j;\n" . " }\n" . " j++;\n" . " }\n" . " i++;\n" . " }\n" . " if( pos >= 0 ) {\n" . " document.forms[i-1].elements[pos].focus();\n" . " }\n" . " {$xtra}\n" . "}\n"; if ($compose_new_win == '1') { if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3,4}\$/", $compose_width)) { $compose_width = '640'; } if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3,4}\$/", $compose_height)) { $compose_height = '550'; } $js .= "function comp_in_new(comp_uri) {\n" . " if (!comp_uri) {\n" . ' comp_uri = "' . $compose_uri . "\";\n" . ' }' . "\n" . ' var newwin =' . ', "_blank",' . '"width=' . $compose_width . ',height=' . $compose_height . ',scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=yes");' . "\n" . "}\n\n"; } $js .= "// -->\n" . "</script>\n"; $onload = 'onload="checkForm();"'; displayHtmlHeader($org_title, $js); } // end switch module } else { // JavaScript off displayHtmlHeader($org_title); $onload = ''; } $google = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--\ngoogle_ad_client = \"pub-0768633782379013\";\n//ehcp-webmail-468x60\ngoogle_ad_slot = \"6865422642\";\ngoogle_ad_width = 468;\ngoogle_ad_height = 60;\n//--></script>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\"\nsrc=\"\">\n</script>\n"; echo "<body text=\"{$color['8']}\" bgcolor=\"{$color['4']}\" link=\"{$color['7']}\" vlink=\"{$color['7']}\" alink=\"{$color['7']}\" {$onload}>\n\n {$google} "; /** Here is the header and wrapping table **/ $shortBoxName = htmlspecialchars(imap_utf7_decode_local(readShortMailboxName($mailbox, $delimiter))); if ($shortBoxName == 'INBOX') { $shortBoxName = _("INBOX"); } echo "<a name=\"pagetop\"></a>\n" . html_tag('table', '', '', $color[4], 'border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"') . "\n" . html_tag('tr', '', '', $color[9]) . "\n" . html_tag('td', '', 'left') . "\n"; if ($shortBoxName != '' && strtolower($shortBoxName) != 'none') { echo ' ' . _("Current Folder") . ": <b>{$shortBoxName} </b>\n"; } else { echo ' '; } echo " </td>\n" . html_tag('td', '', 'right') . "<b>\n"; displayInternalLink('src/signout.php', _("Sign Out"), $frame_top); echo "</b></td>\n" . " </tr>\n" . html_tag('tr', '', '', $color[4]) . "\n" . ($hide_sm_attributions ? html_tag('td', '', 'left', '', 'colspan="2"') : html_tag('td', '', 'left')) . "\n"; $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox); $startMessage = (int) $startMessage; echo makeComposeLink('src/compose.php?mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&startMessage=' . $startMessage); echo " \n"; displayInternalLink('src/addressbook.php', _("Addresses")); echo " \n"; displayInternalLink('src/folders.php', _("Folders")); echo " \n"; displayInternalLink('src/options.php', _("Options")); echo " \n"; displayInternalLink("src/search.php?mailbox={$urlMailbox}", _("Search")); echo " \n"; displayInternalLink('src/help.php', _("Help")); echo " \n"; do_hook('menuline'); echo " </td>\n"; if (!$hide_sm_attributions) { echo html_tag('td', '', 'right') . "\n"; if (!isset($provider_uri)) { $provider_uri = ''; } if (!isset($provider_name)) { $provider_name = 'SquirrelMail'; } echo '<a href="' . $provider_uri . '" target="_blank">' . $provider_name . '</a>'; echo "</td>\n"; } echo " </tr>\n" . "</table><br>\n\n"; }
echo html_tag('td', '<small>' . addCheckBox('sel[]', $selected, $row['backend'] . ':' . $row['nickname']) . '</small>', 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"'); } else { echo html_tag('td', ' ', 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"'); } echo html_tag('td', ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['nickname']) . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap') . html_tag('td', ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['lastname']) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['firstname']) . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap') . html_tag('td', '', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap') . ' '; } else { echo html_tag('tr', '', '', $tr_bgcolor); if ($abook->backends[$row['backend']]->writeable) { echo html_tag('td', '<small>' . addCheckBox('sel[]', $selected, $row['backend'] . ':' . $row['nickname']) . '</small>', 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"'); } else { echo html_tag('td', ' ', 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"'); } echo html_tag('td', ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['nickname']) . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap') . html_tag('td', ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['name']) . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap') . html_tag('td', '', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap') . ' '; } $email = $abook->full_address($row); echo makeComposeLink('src/compose.php?send_to=' . rawurlencode($email), htmlspecialchars($row['email'])) . ' </td>' . "\n" . html_tag('td', ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['label']) . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"'); // add extra column if third party backend needs it if ($abook->add_extra_field) { echo html_tag('td', ' ' . (isset($row['extra']) ? $row['extra'] : '') . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"'); } echo "</tr>\n"; $line++; } /* End of list. Close table. */ if ($headerprinted) { echo html_tag('tr', html_tag('td', addSubmit(_("Edit selected"), 'editaddr') . addSubmit(_("Delete selected"), 'deladdr'), 'center', '', "colspan=\"{$abook_fields}\"")); } echo '</table></form>'; } } /* end of addresslist */
/** * This is a wrapper function to call html sanitizing routines. * * @param $body the body of the message * @param $id the id of the message * @param $message * @param $mailbox * @param boolean $take_mailto_links When TRUE, converts mailto: links * into internal SM compose links * (optional; default = TRUE) * @return a string with html safe to display in the browser. */ function magicHTML($body, $id, $message, $mailbox = 'INBOX', $take_mailto_links = true) { // require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/url_parser.php'); // for $MailTo_PReg_Match global $attachment_common_show_images, $view_unsafe_images, $has_unsafe_images; /** * Don't display attached images in HTML mode. * * SB: why? */ $attachment_common_show_images = false; $tag_list = array(false, "object", "meta", "html", "head", "base", "link", "frame", "iframe", "plaintext", "marquee"); $rm_tags_with_content = array("script", "applet", "embed", "title", "frameset", "xmp", "xml"); $self_closing_tags = array("img", "br", "hr", "input", "outbind"); $force_tag_closing = true; $rm_attnames = array("/.*/" => array("/target/i", "/^on.*/i", "/^dynsrc/i", "/^data.*/i", "/^lowsrc.*/i")); global $use_transparent_security_image; if ($use_transparent_security_image) { $secremoveimg = '../images/spacer.png'; } else { $secremoveimg = '../images/' . _("sec_remove_eng.png"); } $bad_attvals = array("/.*/" => array("/^src|background/i" => array(array("/^([\\'\"])\\s*\\S+script\\s*:.*([\\'\"])/si", "/^([\\'\"])\\s*mocha\\s*:*.*([\\'\"])/si", "/^([\\'\"])\\s*about\\s*:.*([\\'\"])/si"), array("\\1{$secremoveimg}\\2", "\\1{$secremoveimg}\\2", "\\1{$secremoveimg}\\2")), "/^href|action/i" => array(array("/^([\\'\"])\\s*\\S+script\\s*:.*([\\'\"])/si", "/^([\\'\"])\\s*mocha\\s*:*.*([\\'\"])/si", "/^([\\'\"])\\s*about\\s*:.*([\\'\"])/si"), array("\\1#\\1", "\\1#\\1", "\\1#\\1")), "/^style/i" => array(array("/\\/\\*.*\\*\\//", "/expression/i", "/binding/i", "/behaviou*r/i", "/include-source/i", "/position\\s*:/i", "/(\\\\)?u(\\\\)?r(\\\\)?l(\\\\)?/i", "/url\\s*\\(\\s*([\\'\"])\\s*\\S+script\\s*:.*([\\'\"])\\s*\\)/si", "/url\\s*\\(\\s*([\\'\"])\\s*mocha\\s*:.*([\\'\"])\\s*\\)/si", "/url\\s*\\(\\s*([\\'\"])\\s*about\\s*:.*([\\'\"])\\s*\\)/si", "/(.*)\\s*:\\s*url\\s*\\(\\s*([\\'\"]*)\\s*\\S+script\\s*:.*([\\'\"]*)\\s*\\)/si"), array("", "idiocy", "idiocy", "idiocy", "idiocy", "idiocy", "url", "url(\\1#\\1)", "url(\\1#\\1)", "url(\\1#\\1)", "\\1:url(\\2#\\3)")))); // If there's no "view_unsafe_images" variable in the URL, turn unsafe // images off by default. sqgetGlobalVar('view_unsafe_images', $view_unsafe_images, SQ_GET, FALSE); if (!$view_unsafe_images) { /** * Remove any references to http/https if view_unsafe_images set * to false. */ array_push($bad_attvals['/.*/']['/^src|background/i'][0], '/^([\'\\"])\\s*https*:.*([\'\\"])/si'); array_push($bad_attvals['/.*/']['/^src|background/i'][1], "\\1{$secremoveimg}\\1"); array_push($bad_attvals['/.*/']['/^style/i'][0], '/url\\([\'\\"]?https?:[^\\)]*[\'\\"]?\\)/si'); array_push($bad_attvals['/.*/']['/^style/i'][1], "url(\\1{$secremoveimg}\\1)"); } $add_attr_to_tag = array("/^a\$/i" => array('target' => '"_blank"', 'title' => '"' . _("This external link will open in a new window") . '"')); $trusted = sq_sanitize($body, $tag_list, $rm_tags_with_content, $self_closing_tags, $force_tag_closing, $rm_attnames, $bad_attvals, $add_attr_to_tag, $message, $id, $mailbox); if (strpos($trusted, $secremoveimg)) { $has_unsafe_images = true; } // we want to parse mailto's in HTML output, change to SM compose links // this is a modified version of code from url_parser.php... but Marc is // right: we need a better filtering implementation; adding this randomly // here is not a great solution // if ($take_mailto_links) { // parseUrl($trusted); // this even parses URLs inside of tags... too aggressive global $MailTo_PReg_Match; $MailTo_PReg_Match = '/mailto:' . substr($MailTo_PReg_Match, 1); if (preg_match_all($MailTo_PReg_Match, $trusted, $regs) && $regs[0][0] != '') { foreach ($regs[0] as $i => $mailto_before) { $mailto_params = $regs[10][$i]; // get rid of any tailing quote since we have to add send_to to the end // if (substr($mailto_before, strlen($mailto_before) - 1) == '"') { $mailto_before = substr($mailto_before, 0, strlen($mailto_before) - 1); } if (substr($mailto_params, strlen($mailto_params) - 1) == '"') { $mailto_params = substr($mailto_params, 0, strlen($mailto_params) - 1); } if ($regs[1][$i]) { //if there is an email addr before '?', we need to merge it with the params $to = 'to=' . $regs[1][$i]; if (strpos($mailto_params, 'to=') > -1) { //already a 'to=' $mailto_params = str_replace('to=', $to . '%2C%20', $mailto_params); } else { if ($mailto_params) { //already some params, append to them $mailto_params .= '&' . $to; } else { $mailto_params .= '?' . $to; } } } $url_str = preg_replace(array('/to=/i', '/(?<!b)cc=/i', '/bcc=/i'), array('send_to=', 'send_to_cc=', 'send_to_bcc='), $mailto_params); // we'll already have target=_blank, no need to allow comp_in_new // here (which would be a lot more work anyway) // global $compose_new_win; $temp_comp_in_new = $compose_new_win; $compose_new_win = 0; $comp_uri = makeComposeLink('src/compose.php' . $url_str, $mailto_before); $compose_new_win = $temp_comp_in_new; // remove <a href=" and anything after the next quote (we only // need the uri, not the link HTML) in compose uri // $comp_uri = substr($comp_uri, 9); $comp_uri = substr($comp_uri, 0, strpos($comp_uri, '"', 1)); $trusted = str_replace($mailto_before, $comp_uri, $trusted); } } } return $trusted; }
/** * internal function that builds mailing list links */ function plugin_listcommands_menu_do() { global $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, $mailbox, $message, $startMessage, $oTemplate, $listcommands_allow_non_rfc_list_management; @(include_once SM_PATH . 'plugins/listcommands/config.php'); /** * Array of commands we can deal with from the header. The Reply option * is added later because we generate it using the Post information. */ $fieldsdescr = listcommands_fieldsdescr(); $links = array(); foreach ($message->rfc822_header->mlist as $cmd => $actions) { /* I don't know this action... skip it */ if (!array_key_exists($cmd, $fieldsdescr)) { continue; } /* proto = {mailto,href} */ $aActions = array_keys($actions); // note that we only use the first cmd/action, ignore the rest $proto = array_shift($aActions); $act = array_shift($actions); if ($proto == 'mailto') { $identity = ''; if ($cmd == 'post' || $cmd == 'owner') { $url = 'src/compose.php?' . (isset($startMessage) ? 'startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&' : ''); } else { $url = "plugins/listcommands/mailout.php?action={$cmd}&"; // try to find which identity the mail should come from include_once SM_PATH . 'functions/identity.php'; $idents = get_identities(); // ripped from src/compose.php $identities = array(); if (count($idents) > 1) { foreach ($idents as $nr => $data) { $enc_from_name = '"' . $data['full_name'] . '" <' . $data['email_address'] . '>'; $identities[] = $enc_from_name; } $identity_match = $message->rfc822_header->findAddress($identities); if ($identity_match !== FALSE) { $identity = $identity_match; } } } // if things like subject are given, peel them off and give // them to src/compose.php as is (not encoded) if (strpos($act, '?') > 0) { list($act, $parameters) = explode('?', $act, 2); $parameters = '&identity=' . $identity . '&' . $parameters; } else { $parameters = '&identity=' . $identity; } $url .= 'send_to=' . urlencode($act) . $parameters; $links[$cmd] = makeComposeLink($url, $fieldsdescr[$cmd]); if ($cmd == 'post') { if (!isset($mailbox)) { $mailbox = 'INBOX'; } $url .= '&passed_id=' . $passed_id . '&mailbox=' . urlencode($mailbox) . (isset($passed_ent_id) ? '&passed_ent_id=' . $passed_ent_id : ''); $url .= '&smaction=reply'; $links['reply'] = makeComposeLink($url, $fieldsdescr['reply']); } } else { if ($proto == 'href') { $links[$cmd] = create_hyperlink($act, $fieldsdescr[$cmd], '_blank'); } } } // allow non-rfc reply link if admin allows and message is from // non-rfc list the user has configured // if ($listcommands_allow_non_rfc_list_management) { $non_rfc_lists = get_non_rfc_lists(); $recipients = formatRecipientString($message->rfc822_header->to, "to") . ' ' . formatRecipientString($message->rfc822_header->cc, "cc") . ' ' . formatRecipientString($message->rfc822_header->bcc, "bcc"); if (!in_array('post', array_keys($links))) { foreach ($non_rfc_lists as $non_rfc_list) { if (preg_match('/(^|,|<|\\s)' . preg_quote($non_rfc_list) . '($|,|>|\\s)/', $recipients)) { $url = 'src/compose.php?' . (isset($startMessage) ? 'startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&' : '') . 'send_to=' . str_replace('?', '&', $non_rfc_list); $links['post'] = makeComposeLink($url, $fieldsdescr['post']); break; } } } if (!in_array('reply', array_keys($links))) { foreach ($non_rfc_lists as $non_rfc_list) { if (preg_match('/(^|,|\\s)' . preg_quote($non_rfc_list) . '($|,|\\s)/', $recipients)) { if (!isset($mailbox)) { $mailbox = 'INBOX'; } $url = 'src/compose.php?' . (isset($startMessage) ? 'startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&' : '') . 'send_to=' . str_replace('?', '&', $non_rfc_list) . '&passed_id=' . $passed_id . '&mailbox=' . urlencode($mailbox) . (isset($passed_ent_id) ? '&passed_ent_id=' . $passed_ent_id : '') . '&smaction=reply'; $links['reply'] = makeComposeLink($url, $fieldsdescr['reply']); break; } } } } if (count($links) > 0) { $oTemplate->assign('links', $links); $output = $oTemplate->fetch('plugins/listcommands/read_body_header.tpl'); return array('read_body_header' => $output); } }