function yay_parse(string $source, Directives $directives = null, BlueContext $blueContext = null) : string { if ($gc = gc_enabled()) { gc_disable(); } // important optimization! static $globalDirectives = null; if (null === $globalDirectives) { $globalDirectives = new ArrayObject(); } $directives = $directives ?: new Directives(); $blueContext = $blueContext ?: new BlueContext(); $cg = (object) ['ts' => TokenStream::fromSource($source), 'directives' => $directives, 'cycle' => new Cycle($source), 'globalDirectives' => $globalDirectives, 'blueContext' => $blueContext]; foreach ($cg->globalDirectives as $d) { $cg->directives->add($d); } traverse(midrule(function (TokenStream $ts) use($directives, $blueContext) { $token = $ts->current(); tail_call: if (null === $token) { return; } // skip when something looks like a new macro to be parsed if ('macro' === (string) $token) { return; } // here we do the 'magic' to match and expand userland macros $directives->apply($ts, $token, $blueContext); $token = $ts->next(); goto tail_call; }), consume(chain(token(T_STRING, 'macro')->as('declaration'), optional(repeat(rtoken('/^·\\w+$/')))->as('tags'), lookahead(token('{')), commit(chain(braces()->as('pattern'), operator('>>'), braces()->as('expansion')))->as('body'), optional(token(';'))), CONSUME_DO_TRIM)->onCommit(function (Ast $macroAst) use($cg) { $scope = Map::fromEmpty(); $tags = Map::fromValues(array_map('strval', $macroAst->{'tags'})); $pattern = new Pattern($macroAst->{'declaration'}->line(), $macroAst->{'body pattern'}, $tags, $scope); $expansion = new Expansion($macroAst->{'body expansion'}, $tags, $scope); $macro = new Macro($tags, $pattern, $expansion, $cg->cycle); $cg->directives->add($macro); // allocate the userland macro // allocate the userland macro globally if it's declared as global if ($macro->tags()->contains('·global')) { $cg->globalDirectives[] = $macro; } }))->parse($cg->ts); $expansion = (string) $cg->ts; if ($gc) { gc_enable(); } return $expansion; }
/* time to leave the comment?? */ $tmp = substr($code, $character_index - 1, 1); if ($tmp == '*') { $scope = CODE; } /* we only enter multi-line-comment mode from CODE scope AFAIK */ } } } } break; case '{': if ($scope == CODE) { /* start-of-block curly brace */ /* Sigbjørn special: do not wrap and indent empty blocks (object literal) */ if (lookahead($code, $character_index, true) == '}') { /* we have an object literal. We'll simply add a closing brace and jump ahead */ $character_index = strpos($code, '}', $character_index); $post = '}'; break; } $num_indents++; $post = "\n"; $post .= str_repeat("\t", $num_indents); $at_start_of_statement_or_expression = true; } else { if ($scope == ESCAPE) { $scope = $before_escape_scope; } } break;