Example #1
function verify_payment($address, $user, $fiatcurrency)
    global $mysqli;
    global $getinsert;
    //Retrieve address balance
    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("Select doge_last_balance from user_receive_address where doge_address = '{$address}'");
    //echo "1";
    $validbid = check_valid($address, $last_balance);
    if ($validbid) {
        //update adress balance
        //echo $validbid."--".$address;
        $stmt = $mysqli->query("Update user_receive_address SET doge_last_balance = doge_last_balance+{$validbid} WHERE doge_address = '{$address}'");
        //echo "(" . $address . "==" . $validbid . "==" . $user . ")";
        $fiat = get_doge_conversion(1, $fiatcurrency, true);
        $fiat = $fiat * $validbid;
        $insertid = log_transaction($address, $validbid, $fiat, $fiatcurrency, 'DOGE', $user, "na");
        echo $validbid;
        if ($getinsert == true) {
            echo ":::" . $insertid;
Example #2
function verify_payment($address, $user, $fiatcurrency)
    global $mysqli;
    //Retrieve address balance
    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("Select btc_last_balance from user_receive_address where btc_address = '{$address}'");
    //echo "1";
    $validbid = check_valid($address, $last_balance);
    if ($validbid) {
        //update adress balance
        $stmt = $mysqli->query("Update user_receive_address SET btc_last_balance = btc_last_balance+{$validbid} WHERE btc_address = '{$address}'");
        $fiat = get_btc_conversion(1, $fiatcurrency, true);
        $fiat = $fiat * $validbid;
        log_transaction($address, $validbid, $fiat, $fiatcurrency, 'BTC', $user, "na");
        echo $validbid;

try {
     ** @param: $postArr converted from wechat XML request
     ** for example:
     ** array(6) {
     **   ["ToUserName"]=> string(6) "toUser"
     **   ["FromUserName"]=> string(8) "fromUser"
     **   ["CreateTime"]=> string(10) "1348831860"
     **   ["MsgType"]=> string(4) "text"
     **   ["Content"]=> string(14) "this is a test"
     **   ["MsgId"]=> string(16) "1234567890123456"
     ** }
     * @param $matchList From process_keyword.php contain the list of id of matched keyword
    $transaction = array('user_id' => $postArr['FromUserName'], 'MsgId' => isset($postArr['MsgId']) ? $postArr['MsgId'] : null, 'media_id' => null, 'keyword_id' => sizeof($matchList) > 0 ? $matchList[0] : null, 'media_type' => $postArr['MsgType'], 'request' => 1, 'content' => $postArr['Content'], 'raw_data' => $wechat->raw_json_encode($postArr));
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    # log the exception
    log_error('snippet: process_text', json_encode($postArr), $ex->getMessage());
Example #4
function log_response($responseXML = '', $responseArr = '')
    $responseObj = simplexml_load_string($responseXML, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
    $data = array('userID' => $responseObj->ToUserName, 'media_type' => $responseObj->MsgType, 'request' => 0, 'content' => $responseArr, 'MsgId' => null, 'raw' => json_encode($responseObj));
Example #5
function withdraw($userid, $currency, $amount, $address = NULL, $fiatcurrency = "USD")
    global $handshake;
    global $dogeWalletServer;
    global $btcWalletServer;
    if ($address == NULL) {
        $userdetails = fetchUserDetails(NULL, NULL, $userid);
        $address = $userdetails[$currency . 'address'];
    $params = $address . '@@@' . $amount . '@@@' . 'dogepos-' . $userid;
    $key = $params . $handshake;
    $key = sha1($key);
    if (strtoupper($currency) == "DOGE") {
        //generate api call
        $url = $dogeWalletServer . 'index.php?call=withdraw&params=' . $params . '&key=' . $key;
        //do conversion
        $fiat = get_doge_conversion($amount, $fiatcurrency, true);
    } else {
        if (strtoupper($currency) == "BTC") {
            $url = $btcWalletServer . 'index.php?call=withdraw&params=' . $params . '&key=' . $key;
            //do conversion
            $fiat = get_btc_conversion($amount, $fiatcurrency, true);
    echo "[fiat=" . $fiat . $fiatcurrency . " || amount=" . $amount . $currency;
    echo $url;
    //open connection
    $ch = curl_init();
    //set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    //execute post
    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    if (strlen($result) > 20) {
        $logamount = 0 - $amount;
        $logfiat = 0 - $fiat;
        log_transaction($address, $logamount, $logfiat, $fiatcurrency, strtoupper($currency), $userid, $result);
    //close connection
    //echo "result".$result;
    return $result;
    /* part of pin check
Example #6
    // if me, check to see if the dest account is a valid account
    if (!($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT accountNum FROM accounts where accountNum = ?"))) {
        echo "acct check Prepare failed: (" . $mysqli->errno . ") " . $mysqli->error;
    // bind new account num param
    if (!$stmt->bind_param("i", $dst_account_num)) {
        echo "Binding parameters failed: (" . $stmt->errno . ") " . $stmt->error;
    if (!$stmt->execute()) {
        echo "Execute failed: (" . $stmt->errno . ") " . $stmt->error;
    // bind the results of the query to each field
    // if $dst_routing_num === $my_routing_num
    // if the account number is invalid in the local database, die
    $result = $stmt->store_result();
    if ($stmt->num_rows() !== 1) {
        echo "Unable to validate account number.";
    // subtract the amount from the current balance, and set the new account balance
    $new_src_bal = get_balance(get_accountNum($_SESSION['username'])) - $amount;
    update_balance(get_accountNum($_SESSION['username']), $new_src_bal);
    // add new amount to dest balance
    $new_dst_bal = get_balance($dst_account_num) + $amount;
    update_balance($dst_account_num, $new_dst_bal);
    // write transaction log to the DB
    log_transaction("12345", get_accountNum($_SESSION['username']), $dst_routing_num, 3988282199, $amount);
    echo "Done processing transaction.";
    // if different bank, ask fed if account num is valid
Example #7
    // get_balance returns NULL if the account number is invalid
    if (is_null($current_balance)) {
        echo "Invalid Source Account number.";
    // is $dst_acct balance is null, account doesn't exist
    if (is_null(get_balance($dst_account_num))) {
        echo "Invalid Destination Account number.";
    // error check to see if the amount is valid
    if ($amount < 0) {
        echo "Invalid amount. Must be a positive number.";
    if ($amount > $current_balance) {
        echo "Invalid amount. Must be less than or equal to the current account balance.";
    // subtract the amount from the current balance, and set the new account balance
    $new_src_bal = get_balance($src_acct) - $amount;
    update_balance($src_acct, $new_src_bal);
    // add new amount to dest balance
    $new_dst_bal = get_balance($dst_account_num) + $amount;
    update_balance($dst_account_num, $new_dst_bal);
    // write transaction log to the DB
    log_transaction(LOCAL_ROUTING_NUMBER, $src_acct, LOCAL_ROUTING_NUMBER, $dst_account_num, $amount);
    echo "Done processing transaction.";
    // if different bank, ask fed if account num is valid