public function verifyKey($apiKey)
     if (!in_array($apiKey, $this->allowedApiKeys)) {
         logApiRequests('endpoint: ' . $this->request['request'] . '; Api Key not allowed; apiKey : ' . (array_key_exists('apiKey', $this->request) ? $this->request['apiKey'] : 'No API key given') . '; App version : ' . (array_key_exists('appVersion', $this->request) ? $this->request['appVersion'] : 'No App version given') . '; App platform : ' . (array_key_exists('appPlatform', $this->request) ? $this->request['appPlatform'] : 'No App plattform given'));
         return false;
     return true;
Example #2
 public function login($username, $password)
     if (intval(f('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ' . FAILED_LOGINS_TABLE . ' WHERE UserTable="tblWebUser" AND Username="******" AND isValid="true" AND LoginDate >DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ' . intval(SECURITY_LIMIT_CUSTOMER_NAME_HOURS) . ' hour)')) >= intval(SECURITY_LIMIT_CUSTOMER_NAME) || intval(f('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ' . FAILED_LOGINS_TABLE . ' WHERE UserTable="tblWebUser" AND IP="' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '" AND LoginDate >DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ' . intval(SECURITY_LIMIT_CUSTOMER_IP_HOURS) . ' hour)')) >= intval(SECURITY_LIMIT_CUSTOMER_IP)) {
         logApiRequests('endpoint: ' . $this->request['request'] . '; Login denied for User : '******'; apiKey : ' . (array_key_exists('apiKey', $this->request) ? $this->request['apiKey'] : 'No API key given') . '; App version : ' . (array_key_exists('appVersion', $this->request) ? $this->request['appVersion'] : 'No App version given') . '; App platform : ' . (array_key_exists('appPlatform', $this->request) ? $this->request['appPlatform'] : 'No App plattform given'));
         throw new Exception('Login denied for user');
     $u = getHash('SELECT * FROM ' . CUSTOMER_TABLE . ' WHERE Password!="" AND LoginDenied=0 AND Username="******"', null, MYSQL_ASSOC);
     if (empty($u)) {
         logApiRequests('endpoint: ' . $this->request['request'] . '; Invalid User : '******'; apiKey : ' . (array_key_exists('apiKey', $this->request) ? $this->request['apiKey'] : 'No API key given') . '; App version : ' . (array_key_exists('appVersion', $this->request) ? $this->request['appVersion'] : 'No App version given') . '; App platform : ' . (array_key_exists('appPlatform', $this->request) ? $this->request['appPlatform'] : 'No App plattform given'));
         throw new Exception('Invalid User');
     return $u && we_customer_customer::comparePassword($u['Password'], $password) ? array('UserIDHash' => $u['App_UserIDHash']) : array('UserIDHash' => false);
    protected function docs()
        if ($this->method == 'GET') {
            if (!array_key_exists('token', $this->request)) {
                logApiRequests('endpoint: ' . $this->request['request'] . ';  No UserIDHash povided; Api Key : ' . (array_key_exists('apiKey', $this->request) ? $this->request['apiKey'] : 'No API key given') . '; App version : ' . (array_key_exists('appVersion', $this->request) ? $this->request['appVersion'] : 'No App version given') . '; App platform : ' . (array_key_exists('appPlatform', $this->request) ? $this->request['appPlatform'] : 'No App plattform given'));
                throw new Exception('No User Token provided');
            $u = getHash('SELECT * FROM ' . CUSTOMER_TABLE . ' WHERE Password!="" AND LoginDenied=0 AND App_UserIDHash="' . $GLOBALS['DB_WE']->escape($this->request['token']) . '"', null, MYSQL_ASSOC);
            if (empty($u)) {
                logApiRequests('endpoint: ' . $this->request['request'] . ';  Token : Invalid User Token; apiKey : ' . (array_key_exists('apiKey', $this->request) ? $this->request['apiKey'] : 'No API key given') . '; App version : ' . (array_key_exists('appVersion', $this->request) ? $this->request['appVersion'] : 'No App version given') . '; App platform : ' . (array_key_exists('appPlatform', $this->request) ? $this->request['appPlatform'] : 'No App plattform given'));
                throw new Exception('Invalid User Token');
            $_SESSION['webuser'] = $u;
            $_SESSION['webuser']['registered'] = true;
            switch ($this->verb) {
                case 'list':
                    we_tag('navigation', array('navigationname' => 'bookList', 'parentid' => 69));
                    $GLOBALS['books'] = array();
                    we_tag('navigationEntry', array('type' => 'folder', 'navigationname' => 'bookList'));
                    we_tag('navigationEntry', array('type' => 'item', 'navigationname' => 'bookList'));
                    we_tag('navigationEntry', array('type' => 'folder', 'navigationname' => 'bookList', 'level' => 1), "<?php \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintElement(we_tag('navigationField',array('name'=>'id','to'=>'global','nameto'=>'bookID')));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintElement(we_tag('navigationField',array('name'=>'text','to'=>'global','nameto'=>'bookName')));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintElement(we_tag('navigationField',array('name'=>'position','to'=>'global','nameto'=>'bookPosition')));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintElement(we_tag('navigationField',array('name'=>'href','to'=>'global','nameto'=>'bookHref')));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintElement(we_tag('navigationField',array('name'=>'icon','to'=>'global','nameto'=>'bookCover')));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(!empty(\$GLOBALS['bookHref'])){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$GLOBALS['books'][\$GLOBALS['bookID']]['name'] = \$GLOBALS['bookName'];\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$GLOBALS['books'][\$GLOBALS['bookID']]['position'] = \$GLOBALS['bookPosition'];\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$GLOBALS['books'][\$GLOBALS['bookID']]['cover'] = \$GLOBALS['bookCover'];\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t?>");
                    we_tag('navigationWrite', array('navigationname' => 'bookList'));
                    if (count($GLOBALS['books']) < 1) {
                        logApiRequests('endpoint: ' . $this->request['request'] . ';  No training material found; Token : ' . (!array_key_exists('token', $this->request) ? 'No UserIDHash given' : $this->request['token']) . '; apiKey : ' . (array_key_exists('apiKey', $this->request) ? $this->request['apiKey'] : 'No API key given') . '; App version : ' . (array_key_exists('appVersion', $this->request) ? $this->request['appVersion'] : 'No App version given') . '; App platform : ' . (array_key_exists('appPlatform', $this->request) ? $this->request['appPlatform'] : 'No App plattform given'));
                        throw new Exception('No training material found');
                    $bookList = array();
                    $cnt = 0;
                    foreach ($GLOBALS['books'] as $bookID => $bookArray) {
                        $bookList[$cnt]['bookid'] = $bookID;
                        $bookList[$cnt]['title'] = $bookArray['name'];
                        $bookList[$cnt]['cover'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && !empty($bookArray['cover']) && $bookArray['cover'] != '/' ? 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $bookArray['cover'] : '';
                        $bookList[$cnt]['position'] = $bookArray['position'];
                        $bookList[$cnt]['lastmodified'] = getLastModifiedTimestamp($bookID);
                    logApiRequests('endpoint: ' . $this->request['request'] . '; Token : ' . (!array_key_exists('token', $this->request) ? 'No UserIDHash given' : $this->request['token']) . '; User : '******'webuser']['Username'] . '; List of training material' . implode(',', $bookList) . '; apiKey : ' . (array_key_exists('apiKey', $this->request) ? $this->request['apiKey'] : 'No API key given') . '; App version : ' . (array_key_exists('appVersion', $this->request) ? $this->request['appVersion'] : 'No App version given') . '; App platform : ' . (array_key_exists('appPlatform', $this->request) ? $this->request['appPlatform'] : 'No App plattform given'));
                    return $bookList;
                     * return content training material
                     * @param $this->args[0] = ID of specific training material (ID from navigation modul)
                 * return content training material
                 * @param $this->args[0] = ID of specific training material (ID from navigation modul)
                case 'get':
                    ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
                    if (empty($this->args[0]) || !is_numeric($this->args[0])) {
                        logApiRequests('endpoint: ' . $this->request['request'] . '; Invalid DocID; Token' . (!array_key_exists('token', $this->request) ? 'No UserIDHash given' : $this->request['token']) . '; apiKey : ' . (array_key_exists('apiKey', $this->request) ? $this->request['apiKey'] : 'No API key given') . '; App version : ' . (array_key_exists('appVersion', $this->request) ? $this->request['appVersion'] : 'No App version given') . '; App platform : ' . (array_key_exists('appPlatform', $this->request) ? $this->request['appPlatform'] : 'No App plattform given'));
                        throw new Exception('Invalid Doc ID');
                    logApiRequests('endpoint: ' . $this->request['request'] . '; Token : ' . (!array_key_exists('token', $this->request) ? 'No UserIDHash given' : $this->request['token']) . '; User : '******'; apiKey : ' . (array_key_exists('apiKey', $this->request) ? $this->request['apiKey'] : 'No API key given') . '; App version : ' . (array_key_exists('appVersion', $this->request) ? $this->request['appVersion'] : 'No App version given') . '; App platform : ' . (array_key_exists('appPlatform', $this->request) ? $this->request['appPlatform'] : 'No App plattform given'));
                     *first, we create temp file for JSON Objet
                     * TEMP_DIR = webEdition Temp-Dir
                    $tempDir = is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . TEMP_DIR) ? $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . TEMP_DIR : sys_get_temp_dir();
                    $tempFile = tempnam($tempDir, $this->user->Surname . "_" . $this->args[0] . "_");
                    //create user specific temp file for JSON Object
                    we_tag('navigation', array('navigationname' => 'book', 'parentid' => $this->args[0]));
                    $GLOBALS['books'] = array();
                    we_tag('navigationEntry', array('type' => 'folder', 'navigationname' => 'book'), "<?php\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintElement(we_tag('navigationField',array('name'=>'id','to'=>'global','nameto'=>'bookID')));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintElement(we_tag('navigationField',array('name'=>'text','to'=>'global','nameto'=>'bookName')));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintElement(we_tag('navigationField',array('name'=>'position','to'=>'global','nameto'=>'bookPosition')));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintElement(we_tag('navigationField',array('name'=>'level','to'=>'global','nameto'=>'bookLevel')));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintElement(we_tag('navigationField',array('name'=>'href','to'=>'global','nameto'=>'bookLink')));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$GLOBALS['books'][\$GLOBALS['bookID']]['title'] = \$GLOBALS['bookName']; \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$GLOBALS['books'][\$GLOBALS['bookID']]['position'] = \$GLOBALS['bookPosition'];\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$GLOBALS['books'][\$GLOBALS['bookID']]['level'] = \$GLOBALS['bookLevel'];\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$GLOBALS['books'][\$GLOBALS['bookID']]['link'] = \$GLOBALS['bookLink'];\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintElement(we_tag('navigationEntries'));\n\t\t\t\t\t?>");
                    we_tag('navigationWrite', array('navigationname' => 'book'));
                    $cnt = 0;
                    file_put_contents($tempFile, serialize(array()));
                    foreach ($GLOBALS['books'] as $bookID => $bookArray) {
                        //$book[$cnt]['bookid'] = $bookID;
                        $book = array();
                        $book[$cnt]['title'] = $bookArray['title'];
                        $book[$cnt]['level'] = $bookArray['level'];
                        $book[$cnt]['position'] = $bookArray['position'];
                        if (!empty($bookArray['link'])) {
                            //if hidedireindex is activated for navi tool, we have zo put 'index.php' to the url for function path_to_id
                            $completeLink = $bookArray['link'] . (stripos($bookArray['link'], ".php") ? '' : 'index.php');
                            //mode: treat and/or learn
                            $book[$cnt]['mode'] = getMode($completeLink);
                            //the real content
                            $GLOBALS['weDocumentID'] = path_to_id($completeLink);
<we:include type="template" id="48"/><?php 
                            $book[$cnt]['content'] = $GLOBALS['content'];
                            //$book[$cnt]['content'] = storeInBuffer($bookArray['link']);
                            //url without prefix '/app/' and file type e.g. '.php'
                            $book[$cnt]['url'] = str_replace("/app/", "", strrpos($bookArray['link'], '.') ? substr($bookArray['link'], 0, strrpos($bookArray['link'], '.')) : $bookArray['link']);
                        $fileArray = unserialize(file_get_contents($tempFile));
                        $fileArray = array_merge($fileArray, $book);
                        file_put_contents($tempFile, serialize($fileArray));
                    $completeBook = unserialize(file_get_contents($tempFile));
                    return $completeBook;
                    header("Cache-Control: ", true);
                    header("Content-Type: application/json");
                    header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
                    header('Content-Length: '.filesize($tempFile));
                header("Cache-Control: ", true);
                header("Content-Type: application/json");
                header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
                header('Content-Length: '.filesize($tempFile));
                    return "Request not allowed";
        return "Only accepts GET requests";