function get_footer() { load_module('footer'); ?> </body> </html><?php }
function load_module($module) { global $all_packages; // Check if module exists in the list if (!isset($all_packages[$module])) { echo "Can't find module {$module}."; return; } // Check if module is already loaded if (file_exists("./installed_modules/{$module}")) { echo "{$module} is already installed.\n"; return; } echo "Installing {$module}.\n"; // Install dependencies if (count($all_packages[$module])) { echo "In order to install {$module}, we need"; foreach ($all_packages[$module] as $dep) { echo " " . $dep; } echo ".\n"; foreach ($all_packages[$module] as $dep) { load_module($dep); } } // Create directory when loaded mkdir("./installed_modules/{$module}"); return; }
public function index() { if (is_logged(false)) { redirect(base_url()); } set_theme('title', 'Login'); set_theme('content', load_module('login', 'login')); set_theme('bodyClass', 'login bg-login printable'); set_theme('pluginsJS', load_javascript(array('user-pages', 'initialize-login')), false); load_template(); }
<?php if (!is_admin()) { mw_error("must be admin"); } ?> <?php $load_module = url_param('load_module'); if ($load_module == true) { ?> <?php $mod = str_replace('___', DS, $load_module); $mod = load_module($mod, $attrs = array('view' => 'admin', 'backend' => 'true')); print $mod; } else { ?> <?php $mod_params = array(); $mod_params['ui'] = 'any'; if (isset($params['reload_modules'])) { $s = 'skip_cache=1'; if (isset($params['cleanup_db'])) { $s .= '&cleanup_db=1'; } $mods = scan_for_modules($s); } if (isset($params['category'])) { $mod_params['category'] = $params['category']; } if (isset($params['keyword'])) {
<?php /* * Author: alphazo_id * * Date: Jan 21, 2010 * Time: 12:25:47 PM */ print '<div id="main">'; if (isset($_REQUEST['section'])) { $section = $_REQUEST['section']; load_module($section); } else { $section = "ftp"; } print '</div>';
} /** * Now check modules folder with entries in addons */ $modules = scan_current_dir(LEPTON_PATH . '/modules'); if (count($modules['path']) > 0) { foreach ($modules['path'] as &$value) { $code_version = get_modul_version($value); $db_version = get_modul_version($value, false); if ($db_version != null && $code_version != null) { if (versioncompare($db_version, $code_version, '>')) { $error_msg[] = '<span class="normal bold red">' . $value . ' ( ' . $db_version . ' > ' . $code_version . ' ) ' . $MESSAGE['GENERIC_MODULE_VERSION_ERROR'] . '</span>'; continue; } else { require LEPTON_PATH . '/modules/' . $value . "/info.php"; load_module(LEPTON_PATH . '/modules/' . $value); $msg[] = '<span class="normal bold green">' . $value . ' :: ' . $MESSAGE['ADDON_MODULES_RELOADED'] . '</span>'; } } } } else { $error_msg[] = '<span class="normal bold red">' . $MESSAGE['ADDON_ERROR_RELOAD'] . '</span>'; } break; case 'reload_templates': $templates = scan_current_dir(LEPTON_PATH . '/templates'); if (count($templates['path']) > 0) { // Delete templates from database $sql = 'DELETE FROM `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'addons` WHERE `type` = \'template\''; $database->query($sql); // Reload all templates
require_once LEPTON_PATH . '/framework/summary.functions.php'; rm_full_dir(LEPTON_PATH . '/modules/output_interface'); echo "<h3>delete obsolete module output_interface: successfull</h3>"; /** * install new modules * */ if (!function_exists('load_module')) { require_once LEPTON_PATH . "/framework/summary.functions.php"; } $install = array("/modules/lib_semantic"); // install new modules foreach ($install as $module) { $temp_path = LEPTON_PATH . $module; require $temp_path . '/info.php'; load_module($temp_path, true); foreach (array('module_license', 'module_author', 'module_name', 'module_directory', 'module_version', 'module_function', 'module_description', 'module_platform', 'module_guid') as $varname) { if (isset(${$varname})) { unset(${$varname}); } } } echo "<h3>install new modules: successfull</h3>"; /** * run upgrade.php of all modified modules * */ $upgrade_modules = array("addon_file_editor", "captcha_control", "code2", "droplets", "initial_page", "jsadmin", "lib_jquery", "lib_lepton", "lib_semantic", "lib_search", "lib_twig", "news", "tiny_mce_4", "wrapper", "wysiwyg", "wysiwyg_admin"); foreach ($upgrade_modules as $module) { $temp_path = LEPTON_PATH . "/modules/" . $module . "/upgrade.php"; if (file_exists($temp_path)) {
function next_function($from, $func = "dbchanges") { global $oldvers, $system_upgrade_detail, $currentscript, $cache; load_module("upgrade" . $from . ".php"); if (function_exists("upgrade" . $from . "_" . $func)) { $function = "upgrade" . $from . "_" . $func; } else { // We're done with our last upgrade script, so add it to the upgrade scripts we've already completed. $version_history = $cache->read("version_history"); $version_history[$from] = $from; $cache->update("version_history", $version_history); $from = $from + 1; if (file_exists(INSTALL_ROOT . "resources/upgrade" . $from . ".php")) { $function = next_function($from); } } if (!$function) { $function = "whatsnext"; } return $function; }
<?php require 'system/'; $CMS = load_module('Cms');
} } } /** * * Reload all specified Addons */ $msg = array(); $table = TABLE_PREFIX . 'addons'; foreach ($post_check as $key) { switch ($key) { case 'reload_modules': $aAddonList = glob(WB_PATH . '/modules/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); foreach ($aAddonList as $sAddonFile) { if (is_readable($sAddonFile)) { load_module($sAddonFile); } } // add success message $msg[] = $MESSAGE['ADDON_MODULES_RELOADED']; unset($aAddonList); break; case 'reload_templates': $aAddonList = glob(WB_PATH . '/templates/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); foreach ($aAddonList as $sAddonFile) { if (is_readable($sAddonFile)) { load_template($sAddonFile); } } // add success message $msg[] = $MESSAGE['ADDON_TEMPLATES_RELOADED'];
function index($params) { if (isset($params['manage_categories'])) { print load_module('categories/manage', $params); return; } if (isset($params['is_shop']) and $params['is_shop'] == 'y') { $params['is_shop'] = 1; } else { if (isset($params['is_shop']) and $params['is_shop'] == 'n') { $params['is_shop'] = 0; } } $no_page_edit = false; $posts_mod = array(); // $posts_mod['type'] = 'content/admin_posts_list'; if (isset($params['data-page-id'])) { $posts_mod['page-id'] = $params['data-page-id']; } if (isset($params['no_page_edit'])) { $no_page_edit = $params['no_page_edit']; } if (isset($params['keyword'])) { $posts_mod['search_by_keyword'] = $params['keyword']; } if (isset($params['content_type']) and $params['content_type'] != false) { $posts_mod['content_type'] = $params['content_type']; } if (isset($params['subtype']) and $params['subtype'] != false) { $posts_mod['subtype'] = $params['subtype']; } if (isset($params['is_shop']) and $params['is_shop'] == 1) { $posts_mod['content_type'] = 'product'; } else { if (isset($params['is_shop']) and $params['is_shop'] == 0) { $posts_mod['subtype'] = 'post'; } } if (isset($params['content_type']) and $params['content_type'] == 'product') { $posts_mod['content_type'] = 'product'; // $posts_mod['content_type'] = 'post'; } if (isset($params['content_type']) and $params['content_type'] == 'post') { if (!isset($params['subtype']) or $params['subtype'] == false) { // $posts_mod['subtype'] = 'post'; } } if (isset($params['content_type_filter']) and $params['content_type_filter'] != '') { $posts_mod['content_type'] = $params['content_type_filter']; } if (isset($params['subtype_filter']) and $params['subtype_filter'] != '') { $posts_mod['subtype'] = $params['subtype_filter']; } if (!isset($params['category-id']) and isset($params['page-id']) and $params['page-id'] != 'global') { $check_if_exist = $this->provider->get_by_id($params['page-id']); if (is_array($check_if_exist)) { if (isset($check_if_exist['is_shop']) and trim($check_if_exist['is_shop']) == 1) { // $posts_mod['subtype'] = 'product'; } } } $page_info = false; if (isset($params['page-id'])) { if ($params['page-id'] == 'global') { if (isset($params['is_shop']) and $params['is_shop'] == 1) { $page_info = $this->provider->get('limit=1&one=1&content_type=page&is_shop=0'); } } else { $page_info = $this->provider->get_by_id($params['page-id']); if (isset($page_info['is_shop']) and trim($page_info['is_shop']) == 1) { // $posts_mod['subtype'] = 'product'; } } } if (isset($params['category-id']) and $params['category-id'] != 'global') { $check_if_exist = $this->category_provider->get_page($params['category-id']); if (is_array($check_if_exist)) { $page_info = $check_if_exist; if (isset($check_if_exist['is_shop']) and trim($check_if_exist['is_shop']) == 1) { $posts_mod['content_type'] = 'product'; } else { // $posts_mod['subtype'] = $check_if_exist['subtype']; } } } $posts_mod['paging_param'] = 'pg'; $posts_mod['orderby'] = 'position desc'; if (isset($posts_mod['page-id'])) { $posts_mod['parent'] = $posts_mod['page-id']; } if (isset($params['pg'])) { $posts_mod['pg'] = $params['pg']; } if (isset($params['data-category-id'])) { $posts_mod['category'] = $params['data-category-id']; } else { if (isset($params['parent-category-id'])) { $posts_mod['category'] = $params['parent-category-id']; } elseif (isset($params['category-id'])) { $posts_mod['category'] = $params['category-id']; } } if (isset($params[$posts_mod['paging_param']])) { $posts_mod['page'] = $params[$posts_mod['paging_param']]; } $keyword = false; if (isset($posts_mod['search_by_keyword'])) { $keyword = strip_tags($posts_mod['search_by_keyword']); } if (isset($params['parent-page-id'])) { $posts_mod['parent'] = intval($params['parent-page-id']); } $data = $this->provider->get($posts_mod); if (empty($data) and isset($posts_mod['page'])) { if (isset($posts_mod['paging_param'])) { $posts_mod[$posts_mod['paging_param']] = 1; } unset($posts_mod['page']); $data = $this->provider->get($posts_mod); } $post_params_paging = $posts_mod; $post_params_paging['page_count'] = true; $pages = $this->provider->get($post_params_paging); $this->event_manager->trigger('module.content.manager', $posts_mod); $post_toolbar_view = $this->views_dir . 'toolbar.php'; $toolbar = new View($post_toolbar_view); $toolbar->assign('page_info', $page_info); $toolbar->assign('keyword', $keyword); $toolbar->assign('params', $params); $post_list_view = $this->views_dir . 'manager.php'; if ($no_page_edit == false) { if ($data == false) { if (isset($posts_mod['category-id']) and isset($page_info['content_type']) and $page_info['content_type'] == 'page' and $page_info['subtype'] != 'static') { if (isset($posts_mod['category-id']) and $posts_mod['category-id'] != 0) { } else { $manager = new Edit(); return $manager->index($params); } } elseif (isset($page_info['content_type']) and $page_info['content_type'] == 'page' and isset($page_info['subtype']) and isset($page_info['id'])) { if ($page_info['subtype'] != 'dynamic') { $manager = new Edit(); return $manager->index($params); } } } } $view = new View($post_list_view); $view->assign('params', $params); $view->assign('page_info', $page_info); $view->assign('toolbar', $toolbar); $view->assign('data', $data); $view->assign('pages', $pages); $view->assign('keyword', $keyword); $view->assign('post_params', $posts_mod); $view->assign('paging_param', $posts_mod['paging_param']); return $view->display(); }
echo '<h2>Step ' . $stepID++ . ' : Upgrade module \'' . $sModul . '\' to version ' . $newModulVersion . '</h2>'; require_once WB_PATH . '/modules/' . $sModul . '/upgrade.php'; } } } /********************************************************** * - Reload all addons */ echo '<h2>Step ' . $stepID++ . ' : Reload all addons database entry (no upgrade)</h2>'; ////delete modules //$database->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."addons WHERE type = 'module'"); // Load all modules if ($handle = opendir(WB_PATH . '/modules/')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != '' and substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' and $file != 'admin.php' and $file != 'index.php') { load_module(WB_PATH . '/modules/' . $file); // upgrade_module($file, true); } } closedir($handle); } echo '<br />Modules reloaded<br />'; ////delete templates //$database->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."addons WHERE type = 'template'"); // Load all templates if ($handle = opendir(WB_PATH . '/templates/')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != '' and substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' and $file != 'index.php') { load_template(WB_PATH . '/templates/' . $file); } }
include 'lang.functions.php'; // Work-out if we should check for existing page_code $sql = 'DESCRIBE `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'pages` `page_code`'; $field_sql = $database->query($sql); $field_set = $field_sql->numRows(); // $field_set = $database->field_add('page_code', 'pages', 'INT(11) NOT NULL AFTER `modified_by`'); // extract page_id from old format $pattern = '/(?<=_)([0-9]{1,11})/s'; $format = $field_sql->fetchRow(MYSQL_ASSOC); // upgrade only if old format if ($format['Type'] == 'varchar(255)') { $sql = 'SELECT `page_code`,`page_id` FROM `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'pages` ORDER BY `page_id`'; $query_code = $database->query($sql); while ($page = $query_code->fetchRow(MYSQL_ASSOC)) { preg_match($pattern, $page['page_code'], $array); $page_code = $array[0]; $page_id = $page['page_id']; $sql = 'UPDATE `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'pages` SET '; $sql .= empty($array[0]) ? '`page_code` = 0 ' : '`page_code` = ' . $page_code . ' '; $sql .= 'WHERE `page_id` = ' . $page_id; $database->query($sql); } $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'pages` MODIFY COLUMN `page_code` INT(11) NOT NULL'; $database->query($sql); } // $directory = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . 'info.php'; // update entry in table addons to new version load_module($directory, $install = false); // Print admin footer // $admin->print_footer();
<?php /* * @version 0.1 * @author Ruud Eisinga (Ruud) * @date 2009-04-10 * */ if (!defined('WB_PATH')) { die(header('Location: ../index.php')); } $table = TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_capslider_slide'; $database->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$table}`"); $database->query("CREATE TABLE `{$table}` (\n\t`id` INT NOT NULL auto_increment,\n\t`group_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t`image` TEXT NOT NULL ,\n\t`alt` TEXT NOT NULL ,\n\t`height` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t`width` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t`modified_when` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t`modified_by` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t`active` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t`comments` TEXT NOT NULL,\n\tPRIMARY KEY ( `id` )\n\t)"); $table = TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_capslider_groups'; $database->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$table}`"); $database->query("CREATE TABLE `{$table}` (\n\t`group_id` INT NOT NULL auto_increment,\n\t`group_name` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t`height` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t`width` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t`delay` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t`speed` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t`panel` VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '000000',\n\tPRIMARY KEY ( `group_id` )\n\t)"); $database->query("INSERT INTO " . $table . " (`group_name`,`height`,`width`,`delay`,`speed`) VALUES ('capslider','200','600','5000','800' )"); load_module(WB_PATH . '/modules/capslider/snippet');
<div id="parent-category-selector-holder"></div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="mw-admin-edit-content-holder"> <?php $data['recommended_parent'] = $recommended_parent; $data['active_categories'] = $categories_active_ids; print load_module('content/views/tabs', $data); ?> </div> <?php if (isset($data['subtype']) and isset($data['content_type']) and $data['content_type'] == 'page' and $data['subtype'] == 'dynamic') { ?> <module type="content/views/layout_selector" id="mw-quick-add-choose-layout-middle-pos" autoload="yes" template-selector-position="bottom" content-id="<?php print $data['id']; ?> " inherit_from="<?php print $data['parent']; ?> "/> <?php
<?php session_start(); require __DIR__ . '/config/init.php'; /** @var PDO $app_dbo */ $app_dbo = load_module('database', true); load_module('auth'); try { $auth_response = Auth_Base::attempt(array('username' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123456')); } catch (Exception $e) { $auth_response = $e->getMessage(); } var_dump($auth_response);
function run_module($module = '', $options = '', $transaction = 1) { global $conf, $self, $onadb; // Build the options array string from $options_string if we need to // This is only used for logging! If $options_string is an array it // is passed untouched to the module. $options_string = $options; if (is_array($options)) { $options_string = ''; $and = ''; foreach (array_keys($options) as $key) { // Quote any "special" characters in the value. // Specifically the '=' and '&' characters need to be escaped. $options[$key] = str_replace(array('=', '&'), array('\\=', '\\&'), $options[$key]); // If the key has no value or it is the javascript key, dont print it. if ($options[$key] != "" and $key != 'js') { $options_string .= "{$and}{$key}={$options[$key]}"; $and = '&'; } } } // get the options as an array so we can look for logging info $local_options = parse_options($options); // If the user passes in an option called 'module_loglevel' then use it as the run module output level // otherwise default it to 1 so it will print out as normal. $log_level = 1; if ($local_options['module_loglevel']) { $log_level = $local_options['module_loglevel']; } // Remove config info as it can be huge and could have sensitive info in it. // This could cause issues since I"m doing & as an anchor at the end. see how it goes. // The module that is called could also display this information depending on debug level $options_string = preg_replace("/config=.*&/", '', $options_string); printmsg("INFO => Running module: {$module} options: {$options_string}", $log_level); // Load the module if (load_module($module)) { return array(1, $self['error'] . "\n"); } // Start an DB transaction (If the database supports it) if ($transaction) { $has_trans = $onadb->BeginTrans(); } if (!$has_trans) { printmsg("WARNING => Transactions support not available on this database, this can cause problems!", 1); } // If begintrans worked and we support transactions, do the smarter "starttrans" function if ($has_trans) { printmsg("DEBUG => Commiting transaction", 2); $onadb->StartTrans(); } // Start a timer so we can display moudle run time if debugging is enabled $start_time = microtime_float(); // Run the function list($status, $output) = $module($options); // Stop the timer, and display how long it took $stop_time = microtime_float(); printmsg("DEBUG => [Module_runtime] " . round($stop_time - $start_time, 2) . " seconds -- [Total_SQL_Queries] " . $self['db_get_record_count'] . " -- [Module_exit_code] {$status}", 1); // Either commit, or roll back the transaction if ($transaction and $has_trans) { if ($status != 0) { printmsg("INFO => There was a module error, marking transaction for a Rollback!", 1); //$onadb->RollbackTrans(); $onadb->FailTrans(); } } if ($has_trans) { // If there was any sort of failure, make sure the status has incremented, this catches sub module output errors; if ($onadb->HasFailedTrans()) { $status = $status + 1; } // If the user passed the rollback flag then dont commit the transaction // FIXME: not complete or tested.. it would be nice to have an ability for the user to pass // a rollback flag to force the transaction to rollback.. good for testing adds/modify. // The problem is sub modules will fire and then the whole thing stops so you wont see/test the full operation. // if ($local_options['rollback']) { // printmsg("INFO => The user requested to mark the transaction for a rollback, no changes made.", 0); // $output .= "INFO => The user requested to mark the transaction for a rollback, no changes made.\n"; // $status = $status + 1; // } printmsg("DEBUG => Commiting transaction", 2); $onadb->CompleteTrans(); } // Return the module's output return array($status, $output); }
<?php $module_info = array("name" => "plugwise", "description" => "Plugwise USB Driver", "version" => "0.1", "author" => "Cedric Marie-Marthe", "bootstrap" => "plugwise_usb", "driver" => "plugwise_usb_driver.php", "socket" => array()); load_module($module_info);
<span class="mw_editor_btn mw_editor_link" data-command="custom-link" title="<?php _e("Add/Edit Link"); ?> "><span class="ed-ico"></span></span> <span class="mw_editor_btn mw_editor_unlink" data-command="custom-unlink" title="<?php _e("Remove Link"); ?> "><span class="ed-ico"></span></span> <span class="mw_editor_btn mw_editor_remove_formatting" data-command="removeformat" title="<?php _e("Remove Formatting"); ?> "><span class="ed-ico"></span></span> <?php if (is_admin() and isset($_REQUEST['modules'])) { $mods = explode(',', $_REQUEST['modules']); $mods = array_trim($mods); if (is_array($mods)) { foreach ($mods as $mod) { print load_module($mod); } } } ?> </div> </div>
} } } } } $modules = array_unique($modules); } ?> <?php if (!empty($modules)) { ?> <?php foreach ($modules as $module) { ?> <?php print load_module($module, $data); ?> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php include __DIR__ . DS . 'edit_default.php'; ?> <?php } ?> </div>
if (!$list) { $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['GENERIC_CANNOT_UNZIP']); } // Delete the temp zip file if (file_exists($temp_file)) { unlink($temp_file); } // Chmod all the uploaded files $dir = dir($module_dir); while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) { // Skip pointers if (substr($entry, 0, 1) != '.' and $entry != '.svn' and !is_dir($module_dir . '/' . $entry)) { // Chmod file change_mode($module_dir . '/' . $entry, 'file'); } } // Run the modules install // upgrade script if there is one if (file_exists($module_dir . '/' . $action . '.php')) { require $module_dir . '/' . $action . '.php'; } // Print success message if ($action == "install") { // Load module info into DB load_module(WB_PATH . '/modules/' . $module_directory, false); $admin->print_success($MESSAGE['GENERIC_INSTALLED']); } elseif ($action == "upgrade") { upgrade_module($module_directory, false); $admin->print_success($MESSAGE['GENERIC_UPGRADED']); } // Print admin footer $admin->print_footer();
$admin->print_error($MESSAGE['GENERIC_NOT_UPGRADED']); } // remove temp cleanup($temp_unzip, $temp_file); // load info.php again to have current values if (file_exists(LEPTON_PATH . '/modules/' . $module_directory . '/info.php')) { require LEPTON_PATH . '/modules/' . $module_directory . '/info.php'; } // Run the modules install // upgrade script if there is one if (file_exists($module_dir . '/' . $action . '.php')) { require $module_dir . '/' . $action . '.php'; } // Print success message if ($action == "install") { // Load module info into DB load_module(LEPTON_PATH . '/modules/' . $module_directory, false); // let admin set access permissions for modules of type 'page' and 'tool' if ($module_function == 'page' || $module_function == 'tool') { // get groups $stmt = $database->query('SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'groups WHERE group_id <> 1'); if ($stmt->numRows() > 0) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n", "function markall() {\n", " for ( i=0; i<document.forms[0].elements.length; i++ ) {\n", " if ( document.forms[0].elements[i].type == \"checkbox\" ) {\n", " if ( document.forms[0].group_all.checked == true ) {\n", " document.forms[0].elements[i].checked=true;\n", " } else {\n", " document.forms[0].elements[i].checked=false;\n", " }\n", " }\n", " }\n", "}\n", "</script>\n", "<h2>", $MESSAGE['GENERIC_INSTALLED'], "</h2><br /><br />\n", "<h3>", $TEXT['MODULE_PERMISSIONS'], "</h3><br />\n", "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . ADMIN_URL . "/modules/save_permissions.php\">\n", "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"module\" id=\"module\" value=\"", $module_directory, "\" />\n", "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"group_all\" id=\"group_all\" onclick=\"markall();\" /> ", $MESSAGE['ADDON_GROUPS_MARKALL'], "<br />\n"; // let the admin choose which groups can access this module while ($row = $stmt->fetchRow(MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"group_id[]\" id=\"group_id[]\" value=\"", $row['group_id'], "\" /> ", $row['name'], "<br />\n"; } echo "<br /><br /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $TEXT['SAVE'] . "\" /></form>"; } else { $admin->print_success($MESSAGE['GENERIC_INSTALLED']); } } else {
require_once LEPTON_PATH . '/framework/summary.functions.php'; // load WB language file require_once LEPTON_PATH . '/languages/' . LANGUAGE . '.php'; // create Admin object with admin header $admin = new admin('Addons', '', true, false); $js_back = ADMIN_URL . '/modules/index.php?advanced'; /** * Manually execute the specified module file (install.php, upgrade.php or uninstall.php) */ // check if specified module folder exists $mod_path = LEPTON_PATH . '/modules/' . basename(LEPTON_PATH . '/' . $_POST['file']); // let the old variablename if module use it $module_dir = $mod_path; if (!file_exists($mod_path . '/' . $_POST['action'] . '.php')) { $admin->print_error($TEXT['NOT_FOUND'] . ': <tt>"' . htmlentities(basename($mod_path)) . '/' . $_POST['action'] . '.php"</tt> ', $js_back); } // include modules install.php script require $mod_path . '/' . $_POST['action'] . '.php'; // load module info into database and output status message require $mod_path . "/info.php"; load_module($mod_path, false); $msg = $TEXT['EXECUTE'] . ': <tt>"' . htmlentities(basename($mod_path)) . '/' . $_POST['action'] . '.php"</tt>'; switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'install': case 'upgrade': case 'uninstall': $admin->print_success($msg, $js_back); break; default: $admin->print_error($TEXT["ACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED"], $js_back); }
function next_function($from, $func = "dbchanges") { global $oldvers, $system_upgrade_detail, $currentscript; load_module("upgrade" . $from . ".php"); if (function_exists("upgrade" . $from . "_" . $func)) { $function = "upgrade" . $from . "_" . $func; } else { $from = $from + 1; if (file_exists(INSTALL_ROOT . "resources/upgrade" . $from . ".php")) { $function = next_function($from); } } if (!$function) { $function = "whatsnext"; } return $function; }
exit; } if (isset($_GET["popup"])) { popup(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["options"])) { popup_options(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["modules"])) { popup_modules(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["load-module"])) { load_module(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["Modules-list"])) { load_modules_list(); exit; } if (isset($_POST["unik-EnableRRDGraphFunction"])) { EnableRRDGraphFunctionSave(); exit; } js(); function EnableRRDGraphFunctionSave() { $sock = new sockets(); $sock->SET_INFO("EnableRRDGraphFunction", $_POST["unik-EnableRRDGraphFunction"]);
} locate_template('user_login.php', true); break; case 'register': if (!$config['register_open']) { trigger_error('REGISTERS_CLOSED', E_USER_WARNING); } if (isset($_REQUEST['not_agreed']) || $user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) { redirect(generate_url('', '')); //redirect to home page } load_module('ucp', 'register'); locate_template('user_register.php', true); break; case 'logout': /** * @todo Maybe meta refresh? */ $user->logout($redirect); break; default: break; } ?>
<?php /* * Author: alphazo_id * * Date: Jan 21, 2010 * Time: 12:25:37 PM */ $server_name = exec('uname -n'); $arch = exec('uname -m'); $os_type = exec('uname -s'); $os_release = exec('uname -r'); $kernel = exec('uname -i'); print '<div id="right">'; print '<div id="info">'; print 'Server name: ' . $server_name . '<br>'; print 'Server arch: ' . $arch . '<br>'; print 'OS: ' . $os_type . '<br>'; print 'OS release: ' . $os_release . '<br>'; print 'Kernel: ' . $kernel . '<br>'; print '</div>'; print '<div id="info">'; print "<h3>Services status</h3>"; load_module("status"); show_service_status('vsftpd'); show_service_status('apache'); show_service_status('mysql-server'); show_service_status('sshd'); print '</div>'; print '</div>';
function index($params) { if (is_admin() == false) { return; } if (isset($params['content_type']) and $params['content_type'] == 'category') { print load_module('categories/edit_category', $params); return; } $data = false; $just_saved = false; $is_new_content = false; $is_current = false; $is_live_edit = false; if (!isset($is_quick)) { $is_quick = false; } // if (isset($params['is_shop'])) { // if (trim($params['is_shop']) == 'y') { // $params['is_shop'] = 1; // } else if (trim($params['is_shop']) == 'n') { // $params['is_shop'] = 0; // } // } if (isset($params['live_edit'])) { $is_live_edit = $params['live_edit']; } elseif (isset($params['from_live_edit'])) { $is_live_edit = $params['from_live_edit']; } if (isset($params['quick_edit'])) { $is_quick = $params['quick_edit']; } if ($is_live_edit == true) { $is_quick = false; } if (isset($params['just-saved'])) { $just_saved = $params['just-saved']; } if (isset($params['is-current'])) { $is_current = $params['is-current']; } if (isset($params['page-id'])) { $data = $this->app->content_manager->get_by_id(intval($params["page-id"])); } if (isset($params['content-id'])) { $data = $this->app->content_manager->get_by_id(intval($params["content-id"])); } $recommended_parent = false; if (isset($params['recommended_parent']) and $params['recommended_parent'] != false) { $recommended_parent = $params['recommended_parent']; } elseif (isset($params['parent']) and $params['parent'] != false) { $recommended_parent = $params['parent']; } // dd($params); $categories_active_ids = false; $title_placeholder = false; if (isset($params['category']) and $params['category'] != false) { $categories_active_ids = $params['category']; } elseif (isset($params['selected-category-id']) and $params['selected-category-id'] != false) { $categories_active_ids = $params['selected-category-id']; } /* FILLING UP EMPTY CONTENT WITH DATA */ if ($data == false or empty($data)) { $is_new_content = true; $data = $this->empty_data; if (isset($params['content_type'])) { $data['content_type'] = $params['content_type']; } if (isset($params['subtype'])) { $data['subtype'] = $params['subtype']; if ($data['subtype'] == 'post') { $data['content_type'] = 'post'; } } if (isset($data['content_type']) and $data['content_type'] == 'post' and $data['subtype'] == 'static') { $data['subtype'] = 'post'; } else { if (isset($data['content_type']) and $data['content_type'] == 'product' and $data['subtype'] == 'static') { $data['content_type'] = 'product'; $data['subtype'] = 'product'; } } } if (isset($params['add-to-menu'])) { $data['add_to_menu'] = $params["add-to-menu"]; } /* END OF FILLING UP EMPTY CONTENT */ /* SETTING PARENT AND ACTIVE CATEGORY */ $forced_parent = false; if (intval($data['id']) == 0 and intval($data['parent']) == 0 and isset($params['parent-category-id']) and $params['parent-category-id'] != 0 and !isset($params['parent-page-id'])) { $cat_page = get_page_for_category($params['parent-category-id']); if (is_array($cat_page) and isset($cat_page['id'])) { $forced_parent = $params['parent-page-id'] = $cat_page['id']; } } if (intval($data['id']) == 0 and intval($data['parent']) == 0 and isset($params['parent-page-id'])) { $data['parent'] = $params['parent-page-id']; if (isset($params['content_type']) and $params['content_type'] == 'product') { $parent_content = $this->app->content_manager->get_by_id($params['parent-page-id']); // if(!isset($parent_content['is_shop']) or $parent_content['is_shop'] != 1){ // $data['parent'] = 0; // } } if (isset($params['parent-category-id']) and $params['parent-category-id'] != 0) { $categories_active_ids = $params['parent-category-id']; } } else { if (intval($data['id']) != 0) { $categories = $this->app->category_manager->get_for_content($data['id']); if (is_array($categories)) { $c = array(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $c[] = $category['id']; } $categories_active_ids = implode(',', $c); } } } /* END OF SETTING PARENT AND ACTIVE CATEGORY */ if ($recommended_parent != false and $data['parent'] == 0) { $data['parent'] = $recommended_parent; } /* SETTING PARENT AND CREATING DEFAULT BLOG OR SHOP IF THEY DONT EXIST */ if ($recommended_parent != false and intval($data['id']) == 0) { if (isset($data['subtype']) and $data['subtype'] == 'post') { if (isset($data['is_shop']) and $data['is_shop'] == 0) { $parent_content = $this->app->content_manager->get_by_id($recommended_parent); if (isset($parent_content['is_shop']) and $parent_content['is_shop'] == 1) { $parent_content_params = array(); $parent_content_params['subtype'] = 'dynamic'; $parent_content_params['content_type'] = 'page'; $parent_content_params['limit'] = 1; $parent_content_params['one'] = 1; $parent_content_params['fields'] = 'id'; $parent_content_params['order_by'] = 'posted_at desc, updated_at desc'; $parent_content_params['is_shop'] = 0; $parent_content = $this->app->content_manager->get($parent_content_params); if (isset($parent_content['id']) and $parent_content['id'] != 0) { $data['parent'] = $recommended_parent = $parent_content['id']; $categories_active_ids = false; } } } } } if ($recommended_parent == false and intval($data['id']) == 0 and intval($data['parent']) == 0) { $parent_content_params = array(); $parent_content_params['subtype'] = 'dynamic'; $parent_content_params['content_type'] = 'page'; $parent_content_params['limit'] = 1; $parent_content_params['one'] = 1; $parent_content_params['parent'] = 0; $parent_content_params['fields'] = 'id'; $parent_content_params['order_by'] = 'posted_at desc, updated_at desc'; if (isset($params['subtype']) and $params['subtype'] == 'post') { $parent_content_params['is_shop'] = 0; $parent_content_params['is_home'] = 0; $parent_content = $this->app->content_manager->get($parent_content_params); if (!isset($parent_content['id'])) { unset($parent_content_params['parent']); $parent_content = $this->app->content_manager->get($parent_content_params); } if (isset($parent_content['id'])) { $data['parent'] = $parent_content['id']; } else { $this->app->content_manager->create_default_content('blog'); $parent_content_params['no_cache'] = true; $parent_content = $this->app->content_manager->get($parent_content_params); } } elseif (isset($params['subtype']) and $params['content_type'] == 'product') { $parent_content_params['is_shop'] = 1; $parent_content = $this->app->content_manager->get($parent_content_params); if (isset($parent_content['id'])) { $data['parent'] = $parent_content['id']; } else { $this->app->content_manager->create_default_content('shop'); $parent_content_params['no_cache'] = true; $parent_content = $this->app->content_manager->get($parent_content_params); } } if (isset($parent_content) and isset($parent_content['id'])) { $data['parent'] = $parent_content['id']; } } elseif ($forced_parent == false and (intval($data['id']) == 0 and intval($data['parent']) != 0) and isset($data['subtype']) and $data['content_type'] == 'product') { //if we are adding product in a page that is not a shop $parent_shop_check = $this->app->content_manager->get_by_id($data['parent']); if (!isset($parent_shop_check['is_shop']) or $parent_shop_check['is_shop'] != 1) { $parent_content_shop = $this->app->content_manager->get('content_type=page&order_by=updated_at desc&one=true&is_shop=0'); if (isset($parent_content_shop['id'])) { $data['parent'] = $parent_content_shop['id']; } } } elseif ($forced_parent == false and (intval($data['id']) == 0 and intval($data['parent']) != 0) and isset($data['subtype']) and $data['subtype'] == 'post') { $parent_shop_check = $this->app->content_manager->get_by_id($data['parent']); if (!isset($parent_shop_check['content_type']) or $parent_shop_check['content_type'] != 'page') { $parent_content_shop = $this->app->content_manager->get('order_by=updated_at desc&one=true&content_type=page&subtype=dynamic&is_shop=1'); if (isset($parent_content_shop['id'])) { $data['parent'] = $parent_content_shop['id']; } } } /* END OF SETTING PARENT AND CREATING DEFAULT BLOG OR SHOP IF THEY DONT EXIST */ $module_id = $params['id']; $post_list_view = $this->views_dir . 'edit.php'; $this->app->event_manager->trigger('module.content.edit.main', $data); //d($params); //d($data['content_type']); //d($data); $view = new View($post_list_view); $view->assign('params', $params); $view->assign('module_id', $module_id); $view->assign('just_saved', $just_saved); $view->assign('is_new_content', $is_new_content); $view->assign('is_current', $is_current); $view->assign('is_live_edit', $is_live_edit); $view->assign('recommended_parent', $recommended_parent); $view->assign('categories_active_ids', $categories_active_ids); $view->assign('title_placeholder', $title_placeholder); $view->assign('rand', rand()); $view->assign('data', $data); $view->assign('is_quick', $is_quick); return $view->display(); }
// $database = new database(); //} // Include the PclZip class file (thanks to require_once WB_PATH . '/include/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php'; $admin = new admin_dummy('Start', '', false, false); // Load addons into DB $dirs['modules'] = WB_PATH . '/modules/'; $dirs['templates'] = WB_PATH . '/templates/'; $dirs['languages'] = WB_PATH . '/languages/'; foreach ($dirs as $type => $dir) { if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != '' and substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' and $file != 'admin.php' and $file != 'index.php') { // Get addon type if ($type == 'modules') { load_module($dir . '/' . $file, true); // Pretty ugly hack to let modules run $admin->set_error // See dummy class definition admin_dummy above if ($admin->error != '') { set_error($admin->error); } } elseif ($type == 'templates') { load_template($dir . '/' . $file); } elseif ($type == 'languages') { load_language($dir . '/' . $file); } } } closedir($handle); } }
$error = $vars["error"]; } } else { $no_last = 0; unset($error); $page = $vars["page"]; } } // LOAD PAGE // If this is a login, then load the approprate module information based on wher // the login page is. if ($vars["login"] == "1" || $page == LOGINPAGE || !$perm->check($dir_list["perms"])) { $last_page = $this_page; $page = LOGINPAGE; $modulename = dirname($page); $module = load_module($modulename); require "{$modulename}/lib/"; $label = load_labels($modulename); } if (!$no_last) { $last_page = $this_page; } if (!$page) { $page = HOMEPAGE; } // Show the page! $modulename = dirname($page); $pagename = basename($page) . ".ihtml"; // Load global file require "templates/"; // Load language file for this module