public function &__call($func_name, array $args = array()) { if ($func_name == 'addElement' && isset($args[0])) { if (is_string($args[0])) { $type = $args[0]; } else { $type = $args[0]->getType(); } if ($type == 'select' || $type == 'commondata' || $type == 'multiselect') { load_js('modules/Libs/QuickForm/select.js'); if (!isset($args[4])) { $args[4] = array('onkeydown' => 'typeAhead();'); } if (is_array($args[4])) { $args[4]['onkeydown'] = 'typeAhead();'; } else { $args[4] .= ' onkeydown="typeAhead();"'; } } } if (is_object($this->qf)) { // if($func_name==='accept') trigger_error(print_r($args,true)); $return = call_user_func_array(array(&$this->qf, $func_name), $args); } else { trigger_error("QuickFrom object doesn't exists", E_USER_ERROR); } return $return; }
public function applet($conf, &$opts) { $recordset = "quick_search"; $theme = $this->init_module('Base/Theme'); $form = $this->init_module('Libs/QuickForm'); $txtQuery = 'query_text'; $txtLabel = 'query_label'; $btnQuery = 'query_button'; $id = $conf['criteria']; $searchPrompt = Applets_QuickSearchCommon::getSearchPromptById($id); $conf['a_title'] = $conf['a_title'] == "Quick Search" ? Applets_QuickSearchCommon::getPresetNameById($id) : $conf['a_title']; $placeholder = $searchPrompt == "" ? "" : $searchPrompt; $opts['title'] = $conf['a_title']; $opts['go'] = false; load_css('modules/Applets/QuickSearch/theme/quick_form.css'); load_js('modules/Applets/QuickSearch/js/quicksearch.js'); //$js ='setDelayOnSearch()'; //eval_js($js); $txt = $form->addElement('text', $txtQuery, __('Search')); $txt->setAttribute('id', $txtQuery . "_" . $id); $txt->setAttribute('class', 'QuickSearch_text'); $txt->setAttribute('onkeypress', 'setDelayOnSearch(\'' . $id . '\')'); $txt->setAttribute('placeholder', _V($placeholder)); $theme->assign($txtLabel, __('Search')); $theme->assign($txtQuery, $txt->toHtml()); $theme->assign('search_id', $conf['criteria']); $theme->display('quick_form'); return true; }
public function gerenciar() { set_tema('footerinc', load_js(array('data-table', 'table')), FALSE); set_tema('titulo', 'Registros de auditoria'); set_tema('conteudo', load_modulo('auditoria', 'gerenciar')); load_template(); }
public static function get($id, $content, $header = '', $big = 0) { if (MOBILE_DEVICE) { return ''; } static $init = true; if ($init) { Base_ThemeCommon::load_css('Libs/Leightbox', 'default', false); load_js('modules/Libs/Leightbox/leightbox.js'); $init = false; } ob_start(); print '<div id="' . $id . '" big="1" class="leightbox">'; print '<input type="hidden" id="' . $id . '_bigsize" value="' . ($big ? 1 : 0) . '" />'; if ($big) { eval_js('s = $(\'' . $id . '\').style;' . ' = \'5%\';' . 's.left = \'5%\';' . 's.width = \'90%\';' . 's.height = \'90%\';' . 's.padding = \'0px\';'); } $smarty = Base_ThemeCommon::init_smarty(); $smarty->assign('close_href', 'href="javascript:leightbox_deactivate(\'' . $id . '\')"'); $smarty->assign('content', $content); $smarty->assign('header', $header); $smarty->assign('close_label', __('Close')); $smarty->assign('resize_label', __('Resize')); $smarty->assign('close_href', 'href="javascript:leightbox_deactivate(\'' . $id . '\')"'); Base_ThemeCommon::display_smarty($smarty, 'Libs_Leightbox'); print '</div>'; return ob_get_clean(); }
function iniciar_editor() { $CI =& get_instance(); set_tema('headerinc', load_js(base_url('htmleditor/jquery.tinymce.min.js'), NULL, TRUE), FALSE); set_tema('headerinc', load_js(base_url('htmleditor/tinymce.min.js'), NULL, TRUE), FALSE); set_tema('headerinc', load_js(base_url('htmleditor/init_editor.js'), NULL, TRUE), FALSE); }
function toHtml() { if(count($this->_cd)>1) { load_js('modules/Utils/CommonData/qf.js'); $id=$this->getAttribute('id'); if(!isset($id)) { $id = $this->getName(); $this->updateAttributes(array('id'=>$id)); } $val = $this->getValue(); $val = $val[0]; if($this->_flagFrozen) { eval_js('new Utils_CommonData_freeze(\''.Epesi::escapeJS($id,false).'\', \''.Epesi::escapeJS(json_encode($this->_cd),false).'\')'); $html = '<span id="'.$id.'_label"> </span>'; $name = $this->getPrivateName(); // Only use id attribute if doing single hidden input $html .= '<input' . $this->_getAttrString(array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $name, 'value' => $val, 'id' => $id )) . ' />'; return $html; } eval_js('new Utils_CommonData(\''.Epesi::escapeJS($id,false).'\', \''.Epesi::escapeJS($val,false).'\', \''.Epesi::escapeJS(json_encode($this->_cd),false).'\', '.($this->_add_empty_fields?1:0).')'); } return parent::toHtml(); }
public function gerenciar_midia() { $this->load->library('table'); //vai carregar o modulo usuarios e mostrar a tela de recuperação de senha set_tema('headerinc', load_css('dataTables.bootstrap.min'), FALSE); set_tema('headerinc', load_css('responsive.bootstrap.min'), FALSE); set_tema('headerinc', load_css('ionicons.min', 'css/ionicons/css'), FALSE); set_tema('footerinc', load_js('jquery.dataTables'), FALSE); set_tema('footerinc', load_js('dataTables.bootstrap.min'), FALSE); set_tema('footerinc', load_js('dataTables.responsive.min'), FALSE); set_tema('footerinc', load_js('table-manage-responsive-auditoria.min'), FALSE); set_tema('footerinc', load_js('tooltip'), FALSE); set_tema('footerinc', '<script> $(document).ready(function() { App.init(); TableManageResponsive.init(); $(\'[data-toggle="tooltip"]\').tooltip(); }); </script>', FALSE); set_tema('titulo', 'Listagem de Mídias'); set_tema('conteudo', load_modulo('midia', 'gerenciar')); set_tema('rodape', ''); //vai substituir o rodape padrao load_template(); }
public static function init() { load_js('modules/Base/Notify/js/desktop-notify.js'); load_js('modules/Base/Notify/js/main.js'); eval_js_once("if (notify.isSupported) {\n\t\tclearInterval(Base_Notify__interval);\n\t\tvar Base_Notify__interval = setInterval(function () {Base_Notify__refresh('" . CID . "');}, " . self::refresh_rate * 1000 . ");\n\t\t}"); eval_js_once('function Base_Notify__alert () {alert(\'' . __('Notifications disabled or not supported!') . '\\n' . __('Check your browser settings and allow notifications to use this feature...') . '\');}'); }
public static function autohide_fields($field, $field_type, $hide_mapping) { $allowed_modes = array('hide', 'show'); $groups = array(); foreach ($hide_mapping as $map) { if (!isset($map['fields']) || !isset($map['values'])) { continue; } $map['mode'] = isset($map['mode']) ? $map['mode'] : reset($allowed_modes); if (!in_array($map['mode'], $allowed_modes)) { continue; } $map['fields'] = is_array($map['fields']) ? $map['fields'] : array($map['fields']); $map['fields'] = array_map(function ($f) { return "#{$f}, #_{$f}__data"; }, $map['fields']); $map['fields'] = implode(', ', $map['fields']); $map['values'] = is_array($map['values']) ? $map['values'] : array($map['values']); $map['values'] = array_map(function ($v) { if (is_bool($v)) { $v = intval($v); } return strval($v); }, $map['values']); $groups[] = $map; } if (empty($groups)) { return; } load_js('modules/Libs/QuickForm/autohide_fields.js'); $js_groups = json_encode($groups); eval_js("\n\t\t\t\tjq(function(){\n\t\t\t\t\tvar hide_ctrl = jq('#{$field}');\n\t\t\t\t\tLibs_QuickForm__hide_groups['{$field}']={$js_groups};\n\t\t\t\t\thide_ctrl.change(Libs_QuickForm__autohide).trigger('change');\n\t\t\t\t});"); }
public function gerenciar() { set_tema('footerinc', load_js(array('data-table', 'table')), FALSE); set_tema('titulo', 'Listagem de arquivos'); set_tema('conteudo', load_modulo('arquivos', 'gerenciar')); load_template(); }
public function construct( $title=null , $address=null ) { $this->_id = Utils_Path::$path_counter; // $this->layout = $arg; if( $title ) { $this->_string = '<a "'.($address).'" class=path_link>' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '</a>'; } load_js("modules/Utils/Path/js/path.js"); }
public function gerenciar() { //lista os dados do banco de dados $query = $this->midias->get_all()->result(); set_tema('footerinc', load_js(array('data-table', 'table')), FALSE); set_tema('titulo', 'Registros de Midia'); set_tema('conteudo', load_modulo($this->view . 'gerenciar', array('query' => $query))); load_template(); }
public function index($msg = NULL) { $this->data['msg'] = $msg; $this->load->helper('assets'); $this->data['js'] = load_js(array('jquery.validate.min', 'valid/contact', 'jquery.maskedinput.min', 'maskedinput')); $this->data['css'] = load_css(array('main')); $this->set_title(SITE_NAME . " | Fale Conosco"); $this->site(); }
public function confirmation_register($msg = NULL) { $this->data['msg'] = $msg; $this->load->helper('assets'); $this->data['js'] = load_js(array('jquery.validate.min', 'valid/confirmation_register')); $this->set_title(SITE_NAME . " | Confirmação de Registro"); $this->set_view('confirmation_register'); $this->site(); }
public function index() { $this->load->helper('assets'); $this->data['css'] = load_css(array('datatables-bootstrap')); $this->data['js'] = load_js(array('jquery.form', 'jquery.dataTables.min', 'datatables-bootstrap', 'datatables.fnReloadAjax', 'admin/actionDatatables', 'admin/dtUsers', 'jquery.maskedinput.min', 'maskedinput', 'search_zipcode', 'jquery.validate.min', 'valid/admin/user_create', 'valid/admin/user_edit')); $this->set_title(SITE_NAME . " | " . "Administração" . " | " . "Usuários"); $this->set_view('admin/users/home'); $this->admin(); }
public function body($arg = null, $rb = null, $uid = null) { if (isset($arg) && isset($rb)) { $this->group = $rb->tab . '/' . $arg['id']; if (Utils_WatchdogCommon::get_category_id($rb->tab) !== null) { $this->watchdog_category = $rb->tab; $this->watchdog_id = $arg['id']; } $this->set_view_func(array('Utils_RecordBrowserCommon', 'create_default_linked_label'), array($rb->tab, $arg['id'])); } if (!isset($this->group) && !$uid) { trigger_error('Key not given to attachment module', E_USER_ERROR); } $_SESSION['client']['utils_attachment_group'] = $this->group; load_js('modules/Utils/Attachment/attachments.js'); Base_ThemeCommon::load_css('Utils_Attachment', 'browse'); $this->rb = $this->init_module(Utils_RecordBrowser::module_name(), 'utils_attachment', 'utils_attachment'); $defaults = array('permission' => Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('CRM_Common', 'default_record_permission'), 'func' => serialize($this->func), 'args' => serialize($this->args)); $rb_cols = array(); $single_group = is_string($this->group) || count($this->group) == 1; if ($this->force_multiple) { $single_group = false; } if ($single_group) { $group = is_string($this->group) ? $this->group : reset($this->group); $defaults['local'] = $group; } else { // force attached to display $rb_cols['attached_to'] = true; $this->rb->set_button(false); } $this->rb->set_defaults($defaults); $this->rb->set_additional_actions_method(array($this, 'add_actions')); $this->rb->set_header_properties(array('sticky' => array('width' => 1, 'display' => false), 'attached_to' => array('width' => "16em"), 'edited_on' => array('width' => "12em"), 'title' => array('width' => "20em"))); if ($uid) { $this->rb->set_button(false); $this->rb->disable_actions(array('delete')); $this->display_module($this->rb, array(array(':Created_by' => $uid), $rb_cols, array('sticky' => 'DESC', 'edited_on' => 'DESC')), 'show_data'); } else { $crits = array(); if (!is_array($this->group)) { $this->group = array($this->group); } if (isset($_SESSION['attachment_copy']) && count($this->group) == 1 && $_SESSION['attachment_copy']['group'] != $this->group) { $this->rb->new_button(Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file(Utils_Attachment::module_name(), 'link.png'), __('Paste'), Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs($_SESSION['attachment_copy']['text']) . ' ' . $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'paste'))); } if ($this->group) { $g = array_map(array('DB', 'qstr'), $this->group); $crits['id'] = DB::GetCol('SELECT attachment FROM utils_attachment_local WHERE local IN (' . implode(',', $g) . ')'); } else { $crits['id'] = 0; } $this->display_module($this->rb, array($crits, $rb_cols, array('sticky' => 'DESC', 'edited_on' => 'DESC')), 'show_data'); } }
/** * verifica se exite sessao criada * caso não exista chama tela para usuario efetuar login */ public function index($msg = NULL) { $this->data['msg'] = $msg; if (!$this->session->userdata('logged')) { $this->load->helper('assets'); $this->data['js'] = load_js(array('jquery.validate.min', 'valid/login')); $this->site(); } else { redirect('logado', 'refresh'); } }
public static function QFfield_account_name(&$form, $field, $label, $mode, $default, $desc, $rb = null) { $form->addElement('text', $field, $label, array('id' => $field)); $form->registerRule($field, 'function', 'check_account_name', 'CRM_RoundcubeCommon'); $form->addRule($field, __('Account Name already in use'), $field, isset($rb->record['id']) ? $rb->record['id'] : null); $form->setDefaults(array($field => $default)); load_js('modules/CRM/Roundcube/utils.js'); eval_js('CRM_RC.filled_smtp_message=\'' . Epesi::escapeJS(__('SMTP login and password was filled with imap account details. Please change them if needed.'), false, true) . '\';CRM_RC.edit_form()'); if ($mode == 'view') { $form->freeze(array($field)); } }
public function index($msg = NULL) { $this->data['msg'] = $msg; if (!$this->session->userdata('logged')) { $this->load->helper('assets'); $this->data['js'] = load_js(array('jquery.validate.min', 'valid/forget_password')); $this->set_title(SITE_NAME . " | Recuperar Senha"); $this->site(); } else { redirect('logado', 'refresh'); } }
/** * Add necessary javascript to head section of an html document */ private function rating_add_js() { global $head_content, $urlServer; $head_content .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $urlServer . 'modules/rating/style.css">'; if ($this->widget == 'up_down') { $head_content .= '<script src="' . $urlServer . 'modules/rating/js/up_down/rating.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'; } elseif ($this->widget == 'fivestar') { load_js('jquery.rateit.min.js'); } elseif ($this->widget == 'thumbs_up') { $head_content .= '<script src="' . $urlServer . 'modules/rating/js/thumbs_up/rating.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'; } }
public function construct($arg = null) { if (!isset($arg)) { $arg = "vertical"; } $this->menu_id = md5($this->get_path()); //Utils_Menu::$menu_counter; $this->layout = $arg; $this->menu_string = 'load_menu_' . $this->menu_id . ' = function() {' . ' menubar_' . $this->menu_id . ' = new CustomMenubar(\'' . $this->menu_id . '\', "' . htmlspecialchars($arg) . '");'; //Utils_Menu::$menu_counter++; load_js("modules/Utils/Menu/js/menu.js"); }
public function plot($emptyerror = "") { if ($this->isEmpty()) { return $emptyerror; } else { load_js('flot'); $dataset = '['; foreach ($this->data as $name => $value) { $name = ellipsize($name, 17); $dataset .= '["' . $name . '", ' . $value . "], "; } if (strlen($dataset) > 1) { $dataset = substr($dataset, 0, -2); } $dataset .=']'; return ' <div class="flot-container" style="max-width: ' . $this->width . 'px; height: ' . $this->height . 'px;"> <p class="flot-title">' . $this->title . '</p> <div class="flot-placeholder" style="width:100%" id="placeholder' . $this->instanceID . '"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function doPlot' . $this->instanceID . '(data) { $.plot("#placeholder' . $this->instanceID . '", [ data ], { series: { bars: { show: true, barWidth: 0.8, align: "center" } } , xaxis: { mode: "categories", labelAngle: -45, tickLength: 0 } }); } $(function() { var data = ' . $dataset . '; doPlot' . $this->instanceID . '(data); window.onresize = function(event) { doPlot' . $this->instanceID . '(data); } }); </script>'; } }
/** * verifica se exite sessao criada * caso não exista chama tela para cadastrar */ public function index($msg = NULL) { $this->data['msg'] = $msg; if (!$this->session->userdata('logged')) { redirect('register', 'refresh'); } else { $this->load->helper(array('assets', 'datetime_format')); $this->data['js'] = load_js(array('jquery.validate.min', 'valid/edit_perfil', 'search_zipcode', 'jquery.maskedinput.min', 'maskedinput')); $this->data['userData'] = $this->user_m->get_user_id(); $this->set_title(SITE_NAME . " | Editar Perfil"); $this->site(); } }
function HTML_QuickForm_ckeditor($elementName = null, $elementLabel = null, $attributes = null) { load_js('modules/Libs/CKEditor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js', ''); load_js('modules/Libs/CKEditor/ck.js', ''); static $num = 0; HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element($elementName, $elementLabel, $attributes); $this->_persistantFreeze = true; $this->_type = 'text'; $this->config = array(); if (!isset($this->_attributes['id'])) { $this->_attributes['id'] = 'ckeditor_' . $elementName; } }
public static function init() { if (Base_AclCommon::is_user() == false || self::$initialized) { return; } DB::Execute('DELETE FROM base_notify WHERE single_cache_uid is null AND last_refresh < %d', array(strtotime('-24 hours'))); load_js('modules/Base/Notify/js/desktop-notify.js'); load_js('modules/Base/Notify/js/main.js'); $disabled_message = __('Notifications disabled or not supported!') . '\\n' . __('Check your browser settings and allow notifications to use this feature...'); $disabled_message = json_encode($disabled_message); eval_js_once("Base_Notify.init (" . self::refresh_rate * 1000 . ", {$disabled_message});"); self::$initialized = true; }
public static function create_href($name, $function = '', $mode = null, $first_day_of_week = null, $pos_js = null, $default = null, $id = null) { Base_ThemeCommon::load_css('Utils_PopupCalendar'); load_js('modules/Utils/PopupCalendar/js/main2.js'); load_js('modules/Utils/PopupCalendar/datepicker.js'); if (!isset($mode)) { $mode = 'day'; } if (!isset($first_day_of_week)) { if (Acl::is_user()) { $first_day_of_week = self::get_first_day_of_week(); } else { $first_day_of_week = 0; } } elseif (!is_numeric($first_day_of_week)) { trigger_error('Invalid first day of week', E_USER_ERROR); } $calendar = '<div id="Utils_PopupCalendar">' . '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td id="datepicker_' . $name . '_header">error</td></tr>' . '<tr><td id="datepicker_' . $name . '_view">calendar not loaded</td></tr></table></div>'; $entry = 'datepicker_' . $name . '_calendar'; $butt = $id === null ? 'datepicker_' . $name . '_button' : $id; $smarty = Base_ThemeCommon::init_smarty(); $smarty->assign('calendar', $calendar); ob_start(); Base_ThemeCommon::display_smarty($smarty, 'Utils_PopupCalendar'); $cal_out = ob_get_clean(); print '<div id="' . $entry . '" class="utils_popupcalendar_popup" style="display:none;z-index:2050;width:1px;">' . $cal_out . '</div>'; if (!isset($pos_js)) { $pos_js = 'popup.clonePosition(\'' . $butt . '\',{setWidth:false,setHeight:false,offsetTop:$(\'' . $butt . '\').getHeight()});'; } eval_js('if($(\'' . $entry . '\').style.position="fixed";else $(\'' . $entry . '\').absolutize();'); $ret = 'onClick="var popup=$(\'' . $entry . '\');' . $pos_js . ';$(\'' . $entry . '\').toggle()" href="javascript:void(0)" id="' . $butt . '"'; $function .= ';$(\'' . $entry . '\').hide()'; if ($default) { if (!is_numeric($default)) { $default = strtotime($default); } $args = date('Y', $default) . ',' . (date('n', $default) - 1) . ',' . date('d', $default); } else { $args = ''; } $js = 'var datepicker_' . $name . ' = new Utils_PopupCalendar("' . Epesi::escapeJS($function, true, false) . '", \'' . $name . '\',\'' . $mode . '\',\'' . $first_day_of_week . '\','; $months = array(__('January'), __('February'), __('March'), __('April'), __('May'), __('June'), __('July'), __('August'), __('September'), __('October'), __('November'), __('December')); $days = array(__('Sun'), __('Mon'), __('Tue'), __('Wed'), __('Thu'), __('Fri'), __('Sat')); $js .= 'new Array(\'' . implode('\',\'', $months) . '\'),'; $js .= 'new Array(\'' . implode('\',\'', $days) . '\')'; $js .= ');' . 'datepicker_' . $name . '.show(' . $args . ')'; eval_js($js); // eval_js('$(\''.$entry.'\').absolutize();'); return $ret; }
public function body() { load_js('modules/Base/Help/js/canvasutilities.js'); load_js('modules/Base/Help/js/main.js'); eval_js('Helper.stop_tutorial_message = "' . Epesi::escapeJS('Tutorial was stopped') . '";'); eval_js('setTimeout("Helper.get_all_help_hooks();", 500);'); $theme = $this->init_module('Base_Theme'); $theme->assign('href', 'href="javascript:void(0);" onclick=""'); $theme->assign('search_placeholder', __('Start typing to search help topics')); $theme->assign('label', __('Help')); Utils_ShortcutCommon::add(array('esc'), 'function(){Helper.escape();}'); Utils_ShortcutCommon::add(array('f1'), 'function(){;}'); $theme->display(); }
public function logs() { set_tema('js', load_js(array('data-table', 'dataTables.bootstrap.min', 'auditoria')), FALSE); set_tema('js', ' <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $(".confDelete").click(function(){ if(confirm("Deseja reamente deletar este registro?\\nEsta operação não pode ser desfeita!"))return true;else return false; }); }); </script>', FALSE); set_tema('titulo', 'Auditoria'); set_tema('sub', 'Auditoria do sistema'); set_tema('conteudo', load_modulo('auditoria', 'logs')); load_template(); }
public function cadastrar() { $categorias = ''; $this->form_validation->set_rules('nome', 'Nome', 'trim|required'); if ($this->form_validation->run(TRUE)) { $dados = elements(array('nome', 'slug', 'descricao'), $this->input->post()); $dados['slug'] != '' ? $dados['slug'] = slug($dados['slug']) : ($dados['slug'] = slug($dados['nome'])); $this->categorias->do_insert($dados); } //lista os modelos de categorias $query = $this->categorias->get_all()->result(); set_tema('titulo', 'Cadastrar Categoria'); set_tema('footerinc', load_js(array('data-table', 'table')), FALSE); set_tema('conteudo', load_modulo($this->view . 'gerenciar', array('categorias' => $query))); load_template(); }
public function body($skin, $size = 200) { print '<center' . ($skin == 'chunkySwissOnBlack' ? ' style="background-color:black; color:white;"' : '') . '>'; $browser = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'msie'); if ($browser !== false || $skin == 'flash') { $size *= 2; //clock taken from $clock = $this->get_module_dir() . 'clock.swf'; print '<center><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" height="' . $size . '" width="' . $size . '">' . '<param name="movie" value="' . $clock . '">' . '<param name="quality" value="high">' . '<param name="wmode" value="transparent">' . '<param name="menu" value="false">' . '<embed src="' . $clock . '" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="' . $size . '" width="' . $size . '">' . '</object></center>'; } else { load_js($this->get_module_dir() . 'coolclock.js'); eval_js('CoolClock.findAndCreateClocks()'); print '<canvas id="' . $this->get_path() . 'canvas" class="CoolClock:' . $skin . ':' . $size . '"></canvas>'; } print '<BR>' . Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg(null, false) . '</center>'; }