Example #1
 * Show a poll.
 * It is possible to use this function in combination with the template
 * template_display_poll_above from Display.template.php, the only part missing
 * is the definition of the poll moderation button array (see Display.controller.php
 * for details).
 * @param int|null $topicID = null
 * @param string $output_method = 'echo'
function ssi_showPoll($topicID = null, $output_method = 'echo')
    global $txt, $user_info, $context, $scripturl;
    global $board;
    static $last_board = null;
    require_once SUBSDIR . '/Poll.subs.php';
    require_once SUBSDIR . '/Topic.subs.php';
    if ($topicID === null && isset($_REQUEST['ssi_topic'])) {
        $topicID = (int) $_REQUEST['ssi_topic'];
    } else {
        $topicID = (int) $topicID;
    if (empty($topicID)) {
        return array();
    // Get the topic starter information.
    $topicinfo = getTopicInfo($topicID, 'starter');
    $boards_can_poll = boardsAllowedTo('poll_view');
    // If:
    //  - is not allowed to see poll in any board,
    //  - or:
    //     - is not allowed in the specific board, and
    //     - is not an admin
    // fail
    if (empty($boards_can_poll) || !in_array($topicinfo['id_board'], $boards_can_poll) && !in_array(0, $boards_can_poll)) {
        return array();
    $context['user']['started'] = $user_info['id'] == $topicinfo['id_member'] && !$user_info['is_guest'];
    $poll_id = associatedPoll($topicID);
    if (empty($context['poll'])) {
        return array();
    // For "compatibility" sake
    // @deprecated since 1.0
    $context['poll']['allow_vote'] = $context['allow_vote'];
    $context['poll']['allow_view_results'] = $context['allow_poll_view'];
    $context['poll']['topic'] = $topicID;
    if ($output_method != 'echo') {
        return $context['poll'];
    echo '
		<div class="content" id="poll_options">
			<h4 id="pollquestion">
				', $context['poll']['question'], '
    if ($context['poll']['allow_vote']) {
        echo '
			<form action="', $scripturl, '?action=poll;sa=vote;topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.', $context['start'], ';poll=', $context['poll']['id'], '" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8">';
        // Show a warning if they are allowed more than one option.
        if ($context['poll']['allowed_warning']) {
            echo '
				<p>', $context['poll']['allowed_warning'], '</p>';
        echo '
				<ul class="options">';
        // Show each option with its button - a radio likely.
        foreach ($context['poll']['options'] as $option) {
            echo '
					<li>', $option['vote_button'], ' <label for="', $option['id'], '">', $option['option'], '</label></li>';
        echo '
				<div class="submitbutton">
					<input type="submit" value="', $txt['poll_vote'], '" class="button_submit" />
					<input type="hidden" name="', $context['session_var'], '" value="', $context['session_id'], '" />
        // Is the clock ticking?
        if (!empty($context['poll']['expire_time'])) {
            echo '
			<p><strong>', $context['poll']['is_expired'] ? $txt['poll_expired_on'] : $txt['poll_expires_on'], ':</strong> ', $context['poll']['expire_time'], '</p>';
    } elseif ($context['poll']['allow_view_results']) {
        echo '
			<ul class="options">';
        // Show each option with its corresponding percentage bar.
        foreach ($context['poll']['options'] as $option) {
            echo '
				<li', $option['voted_this'] ? ' class="voted"' : '', '>', $option['option'], '
					<div class="results">';
            if ($context['allow_poll_view']) {
                echo '
						<div class="statsbar"> ', $option['bar_ndt'], '</div>
						<span class="percentage">', $option['votes'], ' (', $option['percent'], '%)</span>';
            echo '
        echo '
        if ($context['allow_poll_view']) {
            echo '
			<p><strong>', $txt['poll_total_voters'], ':</strong> ', $context['poll']['total_votes'], '</p>';
        // Is the clock ticking?
        if (!empty($context['poll']['expire_time'])) {
            echo '
			<p><strong>', $context['poll']['is_expired'] ? $txt['poll_expired_on'] : $txt['poll_expires_on'], ':</strong> ', $context['poll']['expire_time'], '</p>';
    } else {
        echo $txt['poll_cannot_see'];
    echo '
Example #2
     * The central part of the board - topic display.
     * What it does:
     * - This function loads the posts in a topic up so they can be displayed.
     * - It uses the main sub template of the Display template.
     * - It requires a topic, and can go to the previous or next topic from it.
     * - It jumps to the correct post depending on a number/time/IS_MSG passed.
     * - It depends on the messages_per_page, defaultMaxMessages and enableAllMessages settings.
     * - It is accessed by ?topic=id_topic.START.
    public function action_display()
        global $scripturl, $txt, $modSettings, $context, $settings;
        global $options, $user_info, $board_info, $topic, $board;
        global $attachments, $messages_request;
        // What are you gonna display if these are empty?!
        if (empty($topic)) {
            fatal_lang_error('no_board', false);
        // Load the template
        $context['sub_template'] = 'messages';
        // And the topic functions
        require_once SUBSDIR . '/Topic.subs.php';
        require_once SUBSDIR . '/Messages.subs.php';
        // Not only does a prefetch make things slower for the server, but it makes it impossible to know if they read it.
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ'] == 'prefetch') {
            header('HTTP/1.1 403 Prefetch Forbidden');
        // How much are we sticking on each page?
        $context['messages_per_page'] = empty($modSettings['disableCustomPerPage']) && !empty($options['messages_per_page']) ? $options['messages_per_page'] : $modSettings['defaultMaxMessages'];
        $template_layers = Template_Layers::getInstance();
        $includeUnapproved = !$modSettings['postmod_active'] || allowedTo('approve_posts');
        // Let's do some work on what to search index.
        if (count($_GET) > 2) {
            foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
                if (!in_array($k, array('topic', 'board', 'start', session_name()))) {
                    $context['robot_no_index'] = true;
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['start']) && (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['start']) || $_REQUEST['start'] % $context['messages_per_page'] != 0)) {
            $context['robot_no_index'] = true;
        // Find the previous or next topic.  Make a fuss if there are no more.
        if (isset($_REQUEST['prev_next']) && ($_REQUEST['prev_next'] == 'prev' || $_REQUEST['prev_next'] == 'next')) {
            // No use in calculating the next topic if there's only one.
            if ($board_info['num_topics'] > 1) {
                $includeStickies = !empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']);
                $topic = $_REQUEST['prev_next'] === 'prev' ? previousTopic($topic, $board, $user_info['id'], $includeUnapproved, $includeStickies) : nextTopic($topic, $board, $user_info['id'], $includeUnapproved, $includeStickies);
                $context['current_topic'] = $topic;
            // Go to the newest message on this topic.
            $_REQUEST['start'] = 'new';
        // Add 1 to the number of views of this topic (except for robots).
        if (!$user_info['possibly_robot'] && (empty($_SESSION['last_read_topic']) || $_SESSION['last_read_topic'] != $topic)) {
            $_SESSION['last_read_topic'] = $topic;
        $topic_selects = array();
        $topic_tables = array();
        $topic_parameters = array('topic' => $topic, 'member' => $user_info['id'], 'board' => (int) $board);
        // Allow addons to add additional details to the topic query
        call_integration_hook('integrate_topic_query', array(&$topic_selects, &$topic_tables, &$topic_parameters));
        // Load the topic details
        $topicinfo = getTopicInfo($topic_parameters, 'all', $topic_selects, $topic_tables);
        if (empty($topicinfo)) {
            fatal_lang_error('not_a_topic', false);
        // Is this a moved topic that we are redirecting to?
        if (!empty($topicinfo['id_redirect_topic']) && !isset($_GET['noredir'])) {
            markTopicsRead(array($user_info['id'], $topic, $topicinfo['id_last_msg'], 0), $topicinfo['new_from'] !== 0);
            redirectexit('topic=' . $topicinfo['id_redirect_topic'] . '.0;redirfrom=' . $topicinfo['id_topic']);
        $context['real_num_replies'] = $context['num_replies'] = $topicinfo['num_replies'];
        $context['topic_first_message'] = $topicinfo['id_first_msg'];
        $context['topic_last_message'] = $topicinfo['id_last_msg'];
        $context['topic_unwatched'] = isset($topicinfo['unwatched']) ? $topicinfo['unwatched'] : 0;
        if (isset($_GET['redirfrom'])) {
            $redir_topics = topicsList(array((int) $_GET['redirfrom']));
            if (!empty($redir_topics[(int) $_GET['redirfrom']])) {
                $context['topic_redirected_from'] = $redir_topics[(int) $_GET['redirfrom']];
                $context['topic_redirected_from']['redir_href'] = $scripturl . '?topic=' . $context['topic_redirected_from']['id_topic'] . '.0;noredir';
        // Add up unapproved replies to get real number of replies...
        if ($modSettings['postmod_active'] && allowedTo('approve_posts')) {
            $context['real_num_replies'] += $topicinfo['unapproved_posts'] - ($topicinfo['approved'] ? 0 : 1);
        // If this topic was derived from another, set the followup details
        if (!empty($topicinfo['derived_from'])) {
            require_once SUBSDIR . '/FollowUps.subs.php';
            $context['topic_derived_from'] = topicStartedHere($topic, $includeUnapproved);
        // If this topic has unapproved posts, we need to work out how many posts the user can see, for page indexing.
        if (!$includeUnapproved && $topicinfo['unapproved_posts'] && !$user_info['is_guest']) {
            $myUnapprovedPosts = unapprovedPosts($topic, $user_info['id']);
            $context['total_visible_posts'] = $context['num_replies'] + $myUnapprovedPosts + ($topicinfo['approved'] ? 1 : 0);
        } elseif ($user_info['is_guest']) {
            $context['total_visible_posts'] = $context['num_replies'] + ($topicinfo['approved'] ? 1 : 0);
        } else {
            $context['total_visible_posts'] = $context['num_replies'] + $topicinfo['unapproved_posts'] + ($topicinfo['approved'] ? 1 : 0);
        // When was the last time this topic was replied to?  Should we warn them about it?
        if (!empty($modSettings['oldTopicDays'])) {
            $mgsOptions = basicMessageInfo($topicinfo['id_last_msg'], true);
            $context['oldTopicError'] = $mgsOptions['poster_time'] + $modSettings['oldTopicDays'] * 86400 < time() && empty($topicinfo['is_sticky']);
        } else {
            $context['oldTopicError'] = false;
        // The start isn't a number; it's information about what to do, where to go.
        if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['start'])) {
            // Redirect to the page and post with new messages, originally by Omar Bazavilvazo.
            if ($_REQUEST['start'] == 'new') {
                // Guests automatically go to the last post.
                if ($user_info['is_guest']) {
                    $context['start_from'] = $context['total_visible_posts'] - 1;
                    $_REQUEST['start'] = $context['start_from'];
                } else {
                    // Fall through to the next if statement.
                    $_REQUEST['start'] = 'msg' . $topicinfo['new_from'];
            // Start from a certain time index, not a message.
            if (substr($_REQUEST['start'], 0, 4) == 'from') {
                $timestamp = (int) substr($_REQUEST['start'], 4);
                if ($timestamp === 0) {
                    $_REQUEST['start'] = 0;
                } else {
                    // Find the number of messages posted before said time...
                    $context['start_from'] = countNewPosts($topic, $topicinfo, $timestamp);
                    $_REQUEST['start'] = $context['start_from'];
            } elseif (substr($_REQUEST['start'], 0, 3) == 'msg') {
                $virtual_msg = (int) substr($_REQUEST['start'], 3);
                if (!$topicinfo['unapproved_posts'] && $virtual_msg >= $topicinfo['id_last_msg']) {
                    $context['start_from'] = $context['total_visible_posts'] - 1;
                } elseif (!$topicinfo['unapproved_posts'] && $virtual_msg <= $topicinfo['id_first_msg']) {
                    $context['start_from'] = 0;
                } else {
                    $only_approved = $modSettings['postmod_active'] && $topicinfo['unapproved_posts'] && !allowedTo('approve_posts');
                    $context['start_from'] = countMessagesBefore($topic, $virtual_msg, false, $only_approved, !$user_info['is_guest']);
                // We need to reverse the start as well in this case.
                $_REQUEST['start'] = $context['start_from'];
        // Mark the mention as read if requested
        if (isset($_REQUEST['mentionread']) && !empty($virtual_msg)) {
            require_once CONTROLLERDIR . '/Mentions.controller.php';
            $mentions = new Mentions_Controller();
            $mentions->setData(array('id_mention' => $_REQUEST['item'], 'mark' => $_REQUEST['mark']));
        // Create a previous next string if the selected theme has it as a selected option.
        if ($modSettings['enablePreviousNext']) {
            $context['links'] += array('go_prev' => $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.0;prev_next=prev#new', 'go_next' => $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.0;prev_next=next#new');
        // Derived from, set the link back
        if (!empty($context['topic_derived_from'])) {
            $context['links']['derived_from'] = $scripturl . '?msg=' . $context['topic_derived_from']['derived_from'];
        // Check if spellchecking is both enabled and actually working. (for quick reply.)
        $context['show_spellchecking'] = !empty($modSettings['enableSpellChecking']) && function_exists('pspell_new');
        if ($context['show_spellchecking']) {
            loadJavascriptFile('spellcheck.js', array('defer' => true));
        // Do we need to show the visual verification image?
        $context['require_verification'] = !$user_info['is_mod'] && !$user_info['is_admin'] && !empty($modSettings['posts_require_captcha']) && ($user_info['posts'] < $modSettings['posts_require_captcha'] || $user_info['is_guest'] && $modSettings['posts_require_captcha'] == -1);
        if ($context['require_verification']) {
            require_once SUBSDIR . '/VerificationControls.class.php';
            $verificationOptions = array('id' => 'post');
            $context['require_verification'] = create_control_verification($verificationOptions);
            $context['visual_verification_id'] = $verificationOptions['id'];
        // Are we showing signatures - or disabled fields?
        $context['signature_enabled'] = substr($modSettings['signature_settings'], 0, 1) == 1;
        $context['disabled_fields'] = isset($modSettings['disabled_profile_fields']) ? array_flip(explode(',', $modSettings['disabled_profile_fields'])) : array();
        // Censor the title...
        $context['page_title'] = $topicinfo['subject'];
        // Is this topic sticky, or can it even be?
        $topicinfo['is_sticky'] = empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) ? '0' : $topicinfo['is_sticky'];
        // Allow addons access to the topicinfo array
        call_integration_hook('integrate_display_topic', array($topicinfo));
        // Default this topic to not marked for notifications... of course...
        $context['is_marked_notify'] = false;
        // Did we report a post to a moderator just now?
        $context['report_sent'] = isset($_GET['reportsent']);
        if ($context['report_sent']) {
        // Let's get nosey, who is viewing this topic?
        if (!empty($settings['display_who_viewing'])) {
            require_once SUBSDIR . '/Who.subs.php';
            formatViewers($topic, 'topic');
        // If all is set, but not allowed... just unset it.
        $can_show_all = !empty($modSettings['enableAllMessages']) && $context['total_visible_posts'] > $context['messages_per_page'] && $context['total_visible_posts'] < $modSettings['enableAllMessages'];
        if (isset($_REQUEST['all']) && !$can_show_all) {
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['all'])) {
            $_REQUEST['start'] = -1;
        // Construct the page index, allowing for the .START method...
        $context['page_index'] = constructPageIndex($scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.%1$d', $_REQUEST['start'], $context['total_visible_posts'], $context['messages_per_page'], true, array('all' => $can_show_all, 'all_selected' => isset($_REQUEST['all'])));
        $context['start'] = $_REQUEST['start'];
        // This is information about which page is current, and which page we're on - in case you don't like the constructed page index. (again, wireles..)
        $context['page_info'] = array('current_page' => $_REQUEST['start'] / $context['messages_per_page'] + 1, 'num_pages' => floor(($context['total_visible_posts'] - 1) / $context['messages_per_page']) + 1);
        // Figure out all the link to the next/prev
        $context['links'] += array('prev' => $_REQUEST['start'] >= $context['messages_per_page'] ? $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.' . ($_REQUEST['start'] - $context['messages_per_page']) : '', 'next' => $_REQUEST['start'] + $context['messages_per_page'] < $context['total_visible_posts'] ? $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.' . ($_REQUEST['start'] + $context['messages_per_page']) : '');
        // If they are viewing all the posts, show all the posts, otherwise limit the number.
        if ($can_show_all && isset($_REQUEST['all'])) {
            // No limit! (actually, there is a limit, but...)
            $context['messages_per_page'] = -1;
            // Set start back to 0...
            $_REQUEST['start'] = 0;
        // Build the link tree.
        $context['linktree'][] = array('url' => $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.0', 'name' => $topicinfo['subject']);
        // Build a list of this board's moderators.
        $context['moderators'] =& $board_info['moderators'];
        $context['link_moderators'] = array();
        // Information about the current topic...
        $context['is_locked'] = $topicinfo['locked'];
        $context['is_sticky'] = $topicinfo['is_sticky'];
        $context['is_very_hot'] = $topicinfo['num_replies'] >= $modSettings['hotTopicVeryPosts'];
        $context['is_hot'] = $topicinfo['num_replies'] >= $modSettings['hotTopicPosts'];
        $context['is_approved'] = $topicinfo['approved'];
        $context['is_poll'] = $topicinfo['id_poll'] > 0 && !empty($modSettings['pollMode']) && allowedTo('poll_view');
        // Did this user start the topic or not?
        $context['user']['started'] = $user_info['id'] == $topicinfo['id_member_started'] && !$user_info['is_guest'];
        $context['topic_starter_id'] = $topicinfo['id_member_started'];
        // Set the topic's information for the template.
        $context['subject'] = $topicinfo['subject'];
        $context['num_views'] = $topicinfo['num_views'];
        $context['num_views_text'] = $context['num_views'] == 1 ? $txt['read_one_time'] : sprintf($txt['read_many_times'], $context['num_views']);
        $context['mark_unread_time'] = !empty($virtual_msg) ? $virtual_msg : $topicinfo['new_from'];
        // Set a canonical URL for this page.
        $context['canonical_url'] = $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.' . $context['start'];
        // For quick reply we need a response prefix in the default forum language.
        $context['response_prefix'] = response_prefix();
        // If we want to show event information in the topic, prepare the data.
        if (allowedTo('calendar_view') && !empty($modSettings['cal_showInTopic']) && !empty($modSettings['cal_enabled'])) {
            // We need events details and all that jazz
            require_once SUBSDIR . '/Calendar.subs.php';
            // First, try create a better time format, ignoring the "time" elements.
            if (preg_match('~%[AaBbCcDdeGghjmuYy](?:[^%]*%[AaBbCcDdeGghjmuYy])*~', $user_info['time_format'], $matches) == 0 || empty($matches[0])) {
                $date_string = $user_info['time_format'];
            } else {
                $date_string = $matches[0];
            // Get event information for this topic.
            $events = eventInfoForTopic($topic);
            $context['linked_calendar_events'] = array();
            foreach ($events as $event) {
                // Prepare the dates for being formatted.
                $start_date = sscanf($event['start_date'], '%04d-%02d-%02d');
                $start_date = mktime(12, 0, 0, $start_date[1], $start_date[2], $start_date[0]);
                $end_date = sscanf($event['end_date'], '%04d-%02d-%02d');
                $end_date = mktime(12, 0, 0, $end_date[1], $end_date[2], $end_date[0]);
                $context['linked_calendar_events'][] = array('id' => $event['id_event'], 'title' => $event['title'], 'can_edit' => allowedTo('calendar_edit_any') || $event['id_member'] == $user_info['id'] && allowedTo('calendar_edit_own'), 'modify_href' => $scripturl . '?action=post;msg=' . $topicinfo['id_first_msg'] . ';topic=' . $topic . '.0;calendar;eventid=' . $event['id_event'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'], 'can_export' => allowedTo('calendar_edit_any') || $event['id_member'] == $user_info['id'] && allowedTo('calendar_edit_own'), 'export_href' => $scripturl . '?action=calendar;sa=ical;eventid=' . $event['id_event'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'], 'start_date' => standardTime($start_date, $date_string, 'none'), 'start_timestamp' => $start_date, 'end_date' => standardTime($end_date, $date_string, 'none'), 'end_timestamp' => $end_date, 'is_last' => false);
            if (!empty($context['linked_calendar_events'])) {
                $context['linked_calendar_events'][count($context['linked_calendar_events']) - 1]['is_last'] = true;
        // Create the poll info if it exists.
        if ($context['is_poll']) {
            require_once SUBSDIR . '/Poll.subs.php';
            // Build the poll moderation button array.
            $context['poll_buttons'] = array('vote' => array('test' => 'allow_return_vote', 'text' => 'poll_return_vote', 'image' => 'poll_options.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start']), 'results' => array('test' => 'allow_poll_view', 'text' => 'poll_results', 'image' => 'poll_results.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';viewresults'), 'change_vote' => array('test' => 'allow_change_vote', 'text' => 'poll_change_vote', 'image' => 'poll_change_vote.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=poll;sa=vote;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';poll=' . $context['poll']['id'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']), 'lock' => array('test' => 'allow_lock_poll', 'text' => !$context['poll']['is_locked'] ? 'poll_lock' : 'poll_unlock', 'image' => 'poll_lock.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=lockvoting;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']), 'edit' => array('test' => 'allow_edit_poll', 'text' => 'poll_edit', 'image' => 'poll_edit.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=editpoll;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start']), 'remove_poll' => array('test' => 'can_remove_poll', 'text' => 'poll_remove', 'image' => 'admin_remove_poll.png', 'lang' => true, 'custom' => 'onclick="return confirm(\'' . $txt['poll_remove_warn'] . '\');"', 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=poll;sa=remove;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']));
            // Allow mods to add additional buttons here
        // Calculate the fastest way to get the messages!
        $ascending = true;
        $start = $_REQUEST['start'];
        $limit = $context['messages_per_page'];
        $firstIndex = 0;
        if ($start >= $context['total_visible_posts'] / 2 && $context['messages_per_page'] != -1) {
            $ascending = !$ascending;
            $limit = $context['total_visible_posts'] <= $start + $limit ? $context['total_visible_posts'] - $start : $limit;
            $start = $context['total_visible_posts'] <= $start + $limit ? 0 : $context['total_visible_posts'] - $start - $limit;
            $firstIndex = $limit - 1;
        // Taking care of member specific settings
        $limit_settings = array('messages_per_page' => $context['messages_per_page'], 'start' => $start, 'offset' => $limit);
        // Get each post and poster in this topic.
        $topic_details = getTopicsPostsAndPoster($topic, $limit_settings, $ascending);
        $messages = $topic_details['messages'];
        $posters = array_unique($topic_details['all_posters']);
        $all_posters = $topic_details['all_posters'];
        call_integration_hook('integrate_display_message_list', array(&$messages, &$posters));
        // Guests can't mark topics read or for notifications, just can't sorry.
        if (!$user_info['is_guest'] && !empty($messages)) {
            $mark_at_msg = max($messages);
            if ($mark_at_msg >= $topicinfo['id_last_msg']) {
                $mark_at_msg = $modSettings['maxMsgID'];
            if ($mark_at_msg >= $topicinfo['new_from']) {
                markTopicsRead(array($user_info['id'], $topic, $mark_at_msg, $topicinfo['unwatched']), $topicinfo['new_from'] !== 0);
            updateReadNotificationsFor($topic, $board);
            // Have we recently cached the number of new topics in this board, and it's still a lot?
            if (isset($_REQUEST['topicseen']) && isset($_SESSION['topicseen_cache'][$board]) && $_SESSION['topicseen_cache'][$board] > 5) {
            } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['topicseen'])) {
                // Use the mark read tables... and the last visit to figure out if this should be read or not.
                $numNewTopics = getUnreadCountSince($board, empty($_SESSION['id_msg_last_visit']) ? 0 : $_SESSION['id_msg_last_visit']);
                // If there're no real new topics in this board, mark the board as seen.
                if (empty($numNewTopics)) {
                    $_REQUEST['boardseen'] = true;
                } else {
                    $_SESSION['topicseen_cache'][$board] = $numNewTopics;
            } elseif (isset($_SESSION['topicseen_cache'][$board])) {
            // Mark board as seen if we came using last post link from BoardIndex. (or other places...)
            if (isset($_REQUEST['boardseen'])) {
                require_once SUBSDIR . '/Boards.subs.php';
                markBoardsRead($board, false, false);
        $attachments = array();
        // If there _are_ messages here... (probably an error otherwise :!)
        if (!empty($messages)) {
            require_once SUBSDIR . '/Attachments.subs.php';
            // Fetch attachments.
            $includeUnapproved = !$modSettings['postmod_active'] || allowedTo('approve_posts');
            if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentEnable']) && allowedTo('view_attachments')) {
                $attachments = getAttachments($messages, $includeUnapproved, 'filter_accessible_attachment', $all_posters);
            $msg_parameters = array('message_list' => $messages, 'new_from' => $topicinfo['new_from']);
            $msg_selects = array();
            $msg_tables = array();
            call_integration_hook('integrate_message_query', array(&$msg_selects, &$msg_tables, &$msg_parameters));
            // What?  It's not like it *couldn't* be only guests in this topic...
            if (!empty($posters)) {
            // Load in the likes for this group of messages
            if (!empty($modSettings['likes_enabled'])) {
                require_once SUBSDIR . '/Likes.subs.php';
                $context['likes'] = loadLikes($messages, true);
                // ajax controller for likes
                loadJavascriptFile('like_posts.js', array('defer' => true));
                // Initiate likes and the tooltips for likes
				$(document).ready(function () {
					var likePostInstance = likePosts.prototype.init({
						oTxt: ({
							btnText : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['ok_uppercase']) . ',
							likeHeadingError : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['like_heading_error']) . ',
							error_occurred : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['error_occurred']) . '

					$(".like_button, .unlike_button").SiteTooltip({
						hoverIntent: {
							sensitivity: 10,
							interval: 150,
							timeout: 50
				});', true);
            $messages_request = loadMessageRequest($msg_selects, $msg_tables, $msg_parameters);
            if (!empty($modSettings['enableFollowup'])) {
                require_once SUBSDIR . '/FollowUps.subs.php';
                $context['follow_ups'] = followupTopics($messages, $includeUnapproved);
            // Go to the last message if the given time is beyond the time of the last message.
            if (isset($context['start_from']) && $context['start_from'] >= $topicinfo['num_replies']) {
                $context['start_from'] = $topicinfo['num_replies'];
            // Since the anchor information is needed on the top of the page we load these variables beforehand.
            $context['first_message'] = isset($messages[$firstIndex]) ? $messages[$firstIndex] : $messages[0];
            $context['first_new_message'] = isset($context['start_from']) && $_REQUEST['start'] == $context['start_from'];
        } else {
            $messages_request = false;
            $context['first_message'] = 0;
            $context['first_new_message'] = false;
        $context['jump_to'] = array('label' => addslashes(un_htmlspecialchars($txt['jump_to'])), 'board_name' => htmlspecialchars(strtr(strip_tags($board_info['name']), array('&amp;' => '&')), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 'child_level' => $board_info['child_level']);
        // Set the callback.  (do you REALIZE how much memory all the messages would take?!?)
        // This will be called from the template.
        $context['get_message'] = array($this, 'prepareDisplayContext_callback');
        // Now set all the wonderful, wonderful permissions... like moderation ones...
        $common_permissions = array('can_approve' => 'approve_posts', 'can_ban' => 'manage_bans', 'can_sticky' => 'make_sticky', 'can_merge' => 'merge_any', 'can_split' => 'split_any', 'calendar_post' => 'calendar_post', 'can_mark_notify' => 'mark_any_notify', 'can_send_topic' => 'send_topic', 'can_send_pm' => 'pm_send', 'can_send_email' => 'send_email_to_members', 'can_report_moderator' => 'report_any', 'can_moderate_forum' => 'moderate_forum', 'can_issue_warning' => 'issue_warning', 'can_restore_topic' => 'move_any', 'can_restore_msg' => 'move_any');
        foreach ($common_permissions as $contextual => $perm) {
            $context[$contextual] = allowedTo($perm);
        // Permissions with _any/_own versions.  $context[YYY] => ZZZ_any/_own.
        $anyown_permissions = array('can_move' => 'move', 'can_lock' => 'lock', 'can_delete' => 'remove', 'can_add_poll' => 'poll_add', 'can_remove_poll' => 'poll_remove', 'can_reply' => 'post_reply', 'can_reply_unapproved' => 'post_unapproved_replies');
        foreach ($anyown_permissions as $contextual => $perm) {
            $context[$contextual] = allowedTo($perm . '_any') || $context['user']['started'] && allowedTo($perm . '_own');
        // Cleanup all the permissions with extra stuff...
        $context['can_mark_notify'] &= !$context['user']['is_guest'];
        $context['can_sticky'] &= !empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']);
        $context['calendar_post'] &= !empty($modSettings['cal_enabled']) && (allowedTo('modify_any') || $context['user']['started'] && allowedTo('modify_own'));
        $context['can_add_poll'] &= !empty($modSettings['pollMode']) && $topicinfo['id_poll'] <= 0;
        $context['can_remove_poll'] &= !empty($modSettings['pollMode']) && $topicinfo['id_poll'] > 0;
        $context['can_reply'] &= empty($topicinfo['locked']) || allowedTo('moderate_board');
        $context['can_reply_unapproved'] &= $modSettings['postmod_active'] && (empty($topicinfo['locked']) || allowedTo('moderate_board'));
        $context['can_issue_warning'] &= in_array('w', $context['admin_features']) && !empty($modSettings['warning_enable']);
        // Handle approval flags...
        $context['can_reply_approved'] = $context['can_reply'];
        $context['can_reply'] |= $context['can_reply_unapproved'];
        $context['can_quote'] = $context['can_reply'] && (empty($modSettings['disabledBBC']) || !in_array('quote', explode(',', $modSettings['disabledBBC'])));
        $context['can_mark_unread'] = !$user_info['is_guest'] && $settings['show_mark_read'];
        $context['can_unwatch'] = !$user_info['is_guest'] && $modSettings['enable_unwatch'];
        $context['can_send_topic'] = (!$modSettings['postmod_active'] || $topicinfo['approved']) && allowedTo('send_topic');
        $context['can_print'] = empty($modSettings['disable_print_topic']);
        // Start this off for quick moderation - it will be or'd for each post.
        $context['can_remove_post'] = allowedTo('delete_any') || allowedTo('delete_replies') && $context['user']['started'];
        // Can restore topic?  That's if the topic is in the recycle board and has a previous restore state.
        $context['can_restore_topic'] &= !empty($modSettings['recycle_enable']) && $modSettings['recycle_board'] == $board && !empty($topicinfo['id_previous_board']);
        $context['can_restore_msg'] &= !empty($modSettings['recycle_enable']) && $modSettings['recycle_board'] == $board && !empty($topicinfo['id_previous_topic']);
        $context['can_follow_up'] = !empty($modSettings['enableFollowup']) && boardsallowedto('post_new') !== array();
        // Check if the draft functions are enabled and that they have permission to use them (for quick reply.)
        $context['drafts_save'] = !empty($modSettings['drafts_enabled']) && !empty($modSettings['drafts_post_enabled']) && allowedTo('post_draft') && $context['can_reply'];
        $context['drafts_autosave'] = !empty($context['drafts_save']) && !empty($modSettings['drafts_autosave_enabled']) && allowedTo('post_autosave_draft');
        if (!empty($context['drafts_save'])) {
        if (!empty($context['drafts_autosave']) && empty($options['use_editor_quick_reply'])) {
        if (!empty($modSettings['mentions_enabled'])) {
            $context['mentions_enabled'] = true;
            // Just using the plain text quick reply and not the editor
            if (empty($options['use_editor_quick_reply'])) {
                loadJavascriptFile(array('jquery.atwho.js', 'jquery.caret.min.js', 'mentioning.js'));
			$(document).ready(function () {
				for (var i = 0, count = all_elk_mentions.length; i < count; i++)
					all_elk_mentions[i].oMention = new elk_mentions(all_elk_mentions[i].oOptions);
        // Load up the Quick ModifyTopic and Quick Reply scripts
        // Auto video embeding enabled?
        if (!empty($modSettings['enableVideoEmbeding'])) {
		$(document).ready(function() {
        // Load up the "double post" sequencing magic.
        if (!empty($options['display_quick_reply'])) {
            $context['name'] = isset($_SESSION['guest_name']) ? $_SESSION['guest_name'] : '';
            $context['email'] = isset($_SESSION['guest_email']) ? $_SESSION['guest_email'] : '';
            if (!empty($options['use_editor_quick_reply']) && $context['can_reply']) {
                // Needed for the editor and message icons.
                require_once SUBSDIR . '/Editor.subs.php';
                // Now create the editor.
                $editorOptions = array('id' => 'message', 'value' => '', 'labels' => array('post_button' => $txt['post']), 'height' => '250px', 'width' => '100%', 'preview_type' => 0);
                $context['attached'] = '';
                $context['make_poll'] = isset($_REQUEST['poll']);
                // Message icons - customized icons are off?
                $context['icons'] = getMessageIcons($board);
                if (!empty($context['icons'])) {
                    $context['icons'][count($context['icons']) - 1]['is_last'] = true;
        addJavascriptVar(array('notification_topic_notice' => $context['is_marked_notify'] ? $txt['notification_disable_topic'] : $txt['notification_enable_topic']), true);
        if ($context['can_send_topic']) {
            addJavascriptVar(array('sendtopic_cancel' => $txt['modify_cancel'], 'sendtopic_back' => $txt['back'], 'sendtopic_close' => $txt['find_close'], 'sendtopic_error' => $txt['send_error_occurred'], 'required_field' => $txt['require_field']), true);
        // Build the normal button array.
        $context['normal_buttons'] = array('reply' => array('test' => 'can_reply', 'text' => 'reply', 'image' => 'reply.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=post;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';last_msg=' . $context['topic_last_message'], 'active' => true), 'notify' => array('test' => 'can_mark_notify', 'text' => $context['is_marked_notify'] ? 'unnotify' : 'notify', 'image' => ($context['is_marked_notify'] ? 'un' : '') . 'notify.png', 'lang' => true, 'custom' => 'onclick="return notifyButton(this);"', 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=notify;sa=' . ($context['is_marked_notify'] ? 'off' : 'on') . ';topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']), 'mark_unread' => array('test' => 'can_mark_unread', 'text' => 'mark_unread', 'image' => 'markunread.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=markasread;sa=topic;t=' . $context['mark_unread_time'] . ';topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']), 'unwatch' => array('test' => 'can_unwatch', 'text' => ($context['topic_unwatched'] ? '' : 'un') . 'watch', 'image' => ($context['topic_unwatched'] ? '' : 'un') . 'watched.png', 'lang' => true, 'custom' => 'onclick="return unwatchButton(this);"', 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=unwatchtopic;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';sa=' . ($context['topic_unwatched'] ? 'off' : 'on') . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']), 'send' => array('test' => 'can_send_topic', 'text' => 'send_topic', 'image' => 'sendtopic.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=emailuser;sa=sendtopic;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0', 'custom' => 'onclick="return sendtopicOverlayDiv(this.href, \'' . $txt['send_topic'] . '\');"'), 'print' => array('test' => 'can_print', 'text' => 'print', 'image' => 'print.png', 'lang' => true, 'custom' => 'rel="nofollow"', 'class' => 'new_win', 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=topic;sa=printpage;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0'));
        // Build the mod button array
        $context['mod_buttons'] = array('move' => array('test' => 'can_move', 'text' => 'move_topic', 'image' => 'admin_move.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=movetopic;current_board=' . $context['current_board'] . ';topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0'), 'delete' => array('test' => 'can_delete', 'text' => 'remove_topic', 'image' => 'admin_rem.png', 'lang' => true, 'custom' => 'onclick="return confirm(\'' . $txt['are_sure_remove_topic'] . '\');"', 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=removetopic2;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']), 'lock' => array('test' => 'can_lock', 'text' => empty($context['is_locked']) ? 'set_lock' : 'set_unlock', 'image' => 'admin_lock.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=topic;sa=lock;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']), 'sticky' => array('test' => 'can_sticky', 'text' => empty($context['is_sticky']) ? 'set_sticky' : 'set_nonsticky', 'image' => 'admin_sticky.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=topic;sa=sticky;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']), 'merge' => array('test' => 'can_merge', 'text' => 'merge', 'image' => 'merge.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=mergetopics;board=' . $context['current_board'] . '.0;from=' . $context['current_topic']), 'calendar' => array('test' => 'calendar_post', 'text' => 'calendar_link', 'image' => 'linktocal.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=post;calendar;msg=' . $context['topic_first_message'] . ';topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0'));
        // Restore topic. eh?  No monkey business.
        if ($context['can_restore_topic']) {
            $context['mod_buttons'][] = array('text' => 'restore_topic', 'image' => '', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=restoretopic;topics=' . $context['current_topic'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']);
        if ($context['can_reply'] && !empty($options['display_quick_reply'])) {
        // Allow adding new buttons easily.
Example #3
  * Format a topic to be printer friendly.
  * Must be called with a topic specified.
  * Accessed via ?action=topic;sa=printpage.
  * @uses Printpage template, main sub-template.
  * @uses print_above/print_below later without the main layer.
 public function action_printpage()
     global $topic, $scripturl, $context, $user_info, $board_info, $modSettings;
     // Redirect to the boardindex if no valid topic id is provided.
     if (empty($topic)) {
     $template_layers = Template_Layers::getInstance();
     if (!empty($modSettings['disable_print_topic'])) {
         $context['theme_loaded'] = false;
         fatal_lang_error('feature_disabled', false);
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Topic.subs.php';
     // Get the topic starter information.
     $topicinfo = getTopicInfo($topic, 'starter');
     $context['user']['started'] = $user_info['id'] == $topicinfo['id_member'] && !$user_info['is_guest'];
     // Whatever happens don't index this.
     $context['robot_no_index'] = true;
     // Redirect to the boardindex if no valid topic id is provided.
     if (empty($topicinfo)) {
     // @todo this code is almost the same as the one in Display.controller.php
     if ($topicinfo['id_poll'] > 0 && !empty($modSettings['pollMode']) && allowedTo('poll_view')) {
         require_once SUBSDIR . '/Poll.subs.php';
         $template_layers->addAfter('print_poll', 'print');
     // Lets "output" all that info.
     $context['sub_template'] = 'print_page';
     $context['board_name'] = $board_info['name'];
     $context['category_name'] = $board_info['cat']['name'];
     $context['poster_name'] = $topicinfo['poster_name'];
     $context['post_time'] = standardTime($topicinfo['poster_time'], false);
     $context['parent_boards'] = array();
     foreach ($board_info['parent_boards'] as $parent) {
         $context['parent_boards'][] = $parent['name'];
     // Split the topics up so we can print them.
     $context['posts'] = topicMessages($topic);
     $posts_id = array_keys($context['posts']);
     if (!isset($context['topic_subject'])) {
         $context['topic_subject'] = $context['posts'][min($posts_id)]['subject'];
     // Fetch attachments so we can print them if asked, enabled and allowed
     if (isset($_REQUEST['images']) && !empty($modSettings['attachmentEnable']) && allowedTo('view_attachments')) {
         require_once SUBSDIR . '/Topic.subs.php';
         $context['printattach'] = messagesAttachments(array_keys($context['posts']));
         $context['viewing_attach'] = true;
     // Set a canonical URL for this page.
     $context['canonical_url'] = $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.0';
     $context['view_attach_mode'] = array('text' => $scripturl . '?action=topic;sa=printpage;topic=' . $topic . '.0', 'images' => $scripturl . '?action=topic;sa=printpage;topic=' . $topic . '.0;images');