* Convert an AVI video capture into the video frames the WPT is expecting
* @param mixed $testPath
* @param mixed $run
* @param mixed $cached
function ProcessAVIVideo(&$test, $testPath, $run, $cached)
    $cachedText = '';
    if ($cached) {
        $cachedText = '_Cached';
    $videoFile = "{$testPath}/{$run}{$cachedText}_video.avi";
    $crop = '';
    if (!is_file($videoFile)) {
        $videoFile = "{$testPath}/{$run}{$cachedText}_video.mp4";
    if (!is_file($videoFile)) {
        $crop = ',crop=in_w:in_h-80:0:80';
        $videoFile = "{$testPath}/{$run}{$cachedText}_appurify.mp4";
    // trim the video to align with the capture if we have timestamps for both
    $renderStart = null;
    if (array_key_exists('appurify_tests', $test) && is_array($test['appurify_tests']) && array_key_exists($run, $test['appurify_tests']) && is_array($test['appurify_tests'][$run])) {
        require_once 'page_data.inc';
        $page_data = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, $cached);
        if (isset($page_data) && is_array($page_data) && array_key_exists('render', $page_data)) {
            $renderStart = $page_data['render'];
    if (is_file($videoFile)) {
        $videoDir = "{$testPath}/video_{$run}" . strtolower($cachedText);
        if (!is_file("{$videoDir}/video.json")) {
            if (is_dir($videoDir)) {
                delTree($videoDir, false);
            if (!is_dir($videoDir)) {
                mkdir($videoDir, 0777, true);
            $videoFile = realpath($videoFile);
            $videoDir = realpath($videoDir);
            if (strlen($videoFile) && strlen($videoDir)) {
                if (Video2PNG($videoFile, $videoDir, $crop)) {
                    $startOffset = DevToolsGetVideoOffset($testPath, $run, $cached, $endTime);
                    FindAVIViewport($videoDir, $startOffset, $viewport);
                    EliminateDuplicateAVIFiles($videoDir, $viewport);
                    $lastImage = ProcessVideoFrames($videoDir, $renderStart, $viewport);
                    $screenShot = "{$testPath}/{$run}{$cachedText}_screen.jpg";
                    if (isset($lastImage) && is_file($lastImage)) {
                        if (!is_file($screenShot)) {
                            copy($lastImage, $screenShot);
            $videoInfo = array();
            if (isset($viewport)) {
                $videoInfo['viewport'] = $viewport;
            file_put_contents("{$videoDir}/video.json", json_encode($videoInfo));
* Generate a HAR file for the given test
* @param mixed $testPath
function GenerateHAR($id, $testPath, $options)
    $json = '{}';
    if (isset($testPath)) {
        $pageData = null;
        if (isset($options["run"]) && $options["run"]) {
            if (!strcasecmp($options["run"], 'median')) {
                $raw = loadAllPageData($testPath);
                $run = GetMedianRun($raw, $options['cached'], $median_metric);
                if (!$run) {
                    $run = 1;
            $pageData[$run] = array();
            if (isset($options['cached'])) {
                $pageData[$run][$options['cached']] = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, $options['cached']);
                if (!isset($pageData[$run][$options['cached']])) {
            } else {
                $pageData[$run][0] = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, 0);
                if (!isset($pageData[$run][0])) {
                $pageData[$run][1] = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, 1);
        if (!isset($pageData)) {
            $pageData = loadAllPageData($testPath);
        // build up the array
        $harData = BuildHAR($pageData, $id, $testPath, $options);
        $json_encode_good = version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0') >= 0 ? true : false;
        $pretty_print = false;
        if (isset($options['pretty']) && $options['pretty']) {
            $pretty_print = true;
        if (isset($options['php']) && $options['php']) {
            if ($pretty_print && $json_encode_good) {
                $json = json_encode($harData, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
            } else {
                $json = json_encode($harData);
        } elseif ($json_encode_good) {
            if ($pretty_print) {
                $json = json_encode($harData, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
            } else {
                $json = json_encode($harData, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
        } else {
            $jsonLib = new Services_JSON();
            $json = $jsonLib->encode($harData);
    return $json;
 public function postProcessRun()
     $testerError = null;
     $secure = false;
     $haveLocations = false;
     loadPageRunData($this->testRoot, $this->run, $this->cached);
     $steps = $this->countSteps();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $steps; $i++) {
         $rootUrls = UrlGenerator::create(true, "", $this->id, $this->run, $this->cached, $i);
         $stepPaths = new TestPaths($this->testRoot, $this->run, $this->cached, $i);
         $requests = getRequestsForStep($stepPaths, $rootUrls, $secure, $haveLocations, true, true);
         if (isset($requests) && is_array($requests) && count($requests)) {
             getBreakdownForStep($stepPaths, $rootUrls, $requests);
         } else {
             $testerError = 'Missing Results';
         if (is_dir(__DIR__ . '/../google') && is_file(__DIR__ . '/../google/google_lib.inc')) {
             require_once __DIR__ . '/../google/google_lib.inc';
             ParseCsiInfoForStep($stepPaths, true);
     return $testerError;
Example #4
* Build a side-by-side table with the captured frames from each test
function ScreenShotTable()
    global $tests;
    global $thumbSize;
    global $interval;
    global $maxCompare;
    global $color;
    global $bgcolor;
    global $supports60fps;
    $endTime = 'visual';
    if (array_key_exists('end', $_REQUEST) && strlen($_REQUEST['end'])) {
        $endTime = trim($_REQUEST['end']);
    $filmstrip_end_time = 0;
    if (count($tests)) {
        // figure out how many columns there are
        $end = 0;
        foreach ($tests as &$test) {
            if ($test['video']['end'] > $end) {
                $end = $test['video']['end'];
        if (!defined('EMBED')) {
            echo '<br>';
        echo '<form id="createForm" name="create" method="get" action="/video/create.php">';
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"end\" value=\"{$endTime}\">";
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="tests" value="' . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['tests']) . '">';
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"bg\" value=\"{$bgcolor}\">";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"text\" value=\"{$color}\">";
        if (isset($_REQUEST['labelHeight']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['labelHeight'])) {
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="labelHeight" value="' . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['labelHeight']) . '">"';
        if (isset($_REQUEST['timeHeight']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['timeHeight'])) {
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="timeHeight" value="' . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['timeHeight']) . '">"';
        echo '<table id="videoContainer"><tr>';
        // build a table with the labels
        echo '<td id="labelContainer"><table id="videoLabels"><tr><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>';
        foreach ($tests as &$test) {
            // figure out the height of this video
            $height = 100;
            if ($test['video']['width'] && $test['video']['height']) {
                if ($test['video']['width'] > $test['video']['height']) {
                    $height = 22 + (int) ((double) $thumbSize / (double) $test['video']['width'] * (double) $test['video']['height']);
                } else {
                    $height = 22 + $thumbSize;
            $break = '';
            if (!strpos($test['name'], ' ')) {
                $break = ' style="word-break: break-all;"';
            echo "<tr width=10% height={$height}px ><td{$break} class=\"pagelinks\">";
            $name = urlencode($test['name']);
            $cached = 0;
            if ($test['cached']) {
                $cached = 1;
            // Print the index outside of the link tag
            echo $test['index'] . ': ';
            if (!defined('EMBED')) {
                $cached = '';
                if ($test['cached']) {
                    $cached = 'cached/';
                if (FRIENDLY_URLS) {
                    $href = "/result/{$test['id']}/{$test['run']}/details/{$cached}";
                } else {
                    $href = "/details.php?test={$test['id']}&run={$test['run']}&cached={$test['cached']}";
                echo "<a class=\"pagelink\" id=\"label_{$test['id']}\" href=\"{$href}\">" . WrapableString(htmlspecialchars($test['name'])) . '</a>';
            } else {
                echo WrapableString(htmlspecialchars($test['name']));
            // Print out a link to edit the test
            echo '<br/>';
            echo '<a href="#" class="editLabel" data-test-guid="' . $test['id'] . '" data-current-label="' . htmlentities($test['name']) . '">';
            if (class_exists("SQLite3")) {
                echo '(Edit)';
            echo '</a>';
            echo "</td></tr>\n";
        echo '</table></td>';
        // the actual video frames
        echo '<td><div id="videoDiv"><table id="video"><thead><tr>';
        $filmstrip_end_time = ceil($end / $interval) * $interval;
        $decimals = $interval >= 100 ? 1 : 3;
        $frameCount = 0;
        $ms = 0;
        while ($ms < $filmstrip_end_time) {
            $ms = $frameCount * $interval;
            echo '<th>' . number_format((double) $ms / 1000.0, $decimals) . 's</th>';
        echo "</tr></thead><tbody>\n";
        $firstFrame = 0;
        $maxThumbWidth = 0;
        foreach ($tests as &$test) {
            $aft = (int) $test['aft'] / 100;
            // figure out the height of the image
            $height = 0;
            $width = $thumbSize;
            if ($test['video']['width'] && $test['video']['height']) {
                if ($test['video']['width'] > $test['video']['height']) {
                    $width = $thumbSize;
                    $height = (int) ((double) $thumbSize / (double) $test['video']['width'] * (double) $test['video']['height']);
                } else {
                    $height = $thumbSize;
                    $width = (int) ((double) $thumbSize / (double) $test['video']['height'] * (double) $test['video']['width']);
            $maxThumbWidth = max($maxThumbWidth, $width);
            echo "<tr>";
            $testEnd = ceil($test['video']['end'] / $interval) * $interval;
            $lastThumb = null;
            $frameCount = 0;
            $progress = null;
            $ms = 0;
            while ($ms < $filmstrip_end_time) {
                $ms = $frameCount * $interval;
                // find the closest video frame <= the target time
                $frame_ms = null;
                foreach ($test['video']['frames'] as $frameTime => $file) {
                    if ($frameTime <= $ms && (!isset($frame_ms) || $frameTime > $frame_ms)) {
                        $frame_ms = $frameTime;
                $path = null;
                if (isset($frame_ms)) {
                    $path = $test['video']['frames'][$frame_ms];
                if (array_key_exists('frame_progress', $test['video']) && array_key_exists($frame_ms, $test['video']['frame_progress'])) {
                    $progress = $test['video']['frame_progress'][$frame_ms];
                if (!isset($lastThumb)) {
                    $lastThumb = $path;
                echo '<td>';
                if ($ms <= $testEnd) {
                    $cached = '';
                    if ($test['cached']) {
                        $cached = '_cached';
                    $imgPath = GetTestPath($test['id']) . "/video_{$test['run']}{$cached}/{$path}";
                    echo "<a href=\"/{$imgPath}\">";
                    echo "<img title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($test['name']) . "\"";
                    $class = 'thumb';
                    if ($lastThumb != $path) {
                        if (!$firstFrame || $frameCount < $firstFrame) {
                            $firstFrame = $frameCount;
                        $class = 'thumbChanged';
                    echo " class=\"{$class}\"";
                    echo " width=\"{$width}\"";
                    if ($height) {
                        echo " height=\"{$height}\"";
                    echo " src=\"/thumbnail.php?test={$test['id']}&fit={$thumbSize}&file=video_{$test['run']}{$cached}/{$path}\"></a>";
                    if (isset($progress)) {
                        echo "<br>{$progress}%";
                    $lastThumb = $path;
                echo '</td>';
            echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
        // end of the table
        echo "</tbody></table></div>\n";
        // end of the container table
        echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
        echo "<div id=\"image\">";
        echo "<a id=\"export\" class=\"pagelink\" href=\"filmstrip.php?tests={$_REQUEST['tests']}&thumbSize={$thumbSize}&ival={$interval}&end={$endTime}&text={$color}&bg={$bgcolor}\">Export filmstrip as an image...</a>";
        echo "</div>";
        echo '<div id="bottom"><input type="checkbox" name="slow" value="1"> Slow Motion<br><br>';
        echo "<input id=\"SubmitBtn\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Create Video\">";
        echo '<br><br><a class="pagelink" href="javascript:ShowAdvanced()">Advanced customization options...</a>';
        echo "</div></form>";
        if (!defined('EMBED')) {
        <div id="layout">
            <form id="layoutForm" name="layout" method="get" action="/video/compare.php">
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tests\" value=\"{$_REQUEST['tests']}\">\n";
                <table id="layoutTable">
                    <tr><th>Thumbnail Size</th><th>Thumbnail Interval</th><th>Comparison End Point</th></th></tr>
            // fill in the thumbnail size selection
            echo "<tr><td>";
            $checked = '';
            if ($thumbSize <= 100) {
                $checked = ' checked=checked';
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"thumbSize\" value=\"100\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> Small<br>";
            $checked = '';
            if ($thumbSize <= 150 && $thumbSize > 100) {
                $checked = ' checked=checked';
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"thumbSize\" value=\"150\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> Medium<br>";
            $checked = '';
            if ($thumbSize > 150) {
                $checked = ' checked=checked';
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"thumbSize\" value=\"200\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> Large";
            echo "</td>";
            // fill in the interval selection
            echo "<td>";
            if ($supports60fps) {
                $checked = '';
                if ($interval < 100) {
                    $checked = ' checked=checked';
                echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ival\" value=\"16.67\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> 60 FPS<br>";
            $checked = '';
            if ($supports60fps && $interval == 100 || !$supports60fps && $interval < 500) {
                $checked = ' checked=checked';
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ival\" value=\"100\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> 0.1 sec<br>";
            $checked = '';
            if ($interval == 500) {
                $checked = ' checked=checked';
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ival\" value=\"500\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> 0.5 sec<br>";
            $checked = '';
            if ($interval == 1000) {
                $checked = ' checked=checked';
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ival\" value=\"1000\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> 1 sec<br>";
            $checked = '';
            if ($interval > 1000) {
                $checked = ' checked=checked';
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ival\" value=\"5000\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> 5 sec<br>";
            echo "</td>";
            // fill in the end-point selection
            echo "<td>";
            if (!strcasecmp($endTime, 'aft')) {
                $endTime = 'visual';
            $checked = '';
            if (!strcasecmp($endTime, 'visual')) {
                $checked = ' checked=checked';
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"end\" value=\"visual\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> Visually Complete<br>";
            $checked = '';
            if (!strcasecmp($endTime, 'all')) {
                $checked = ' checked=checked';
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"end\" value=\"all\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> Last Change<br>";
            $checked = '';
            if (!strcasecmp($endTime, 'doc')) {
                $checked = ' checked=checked';
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"end\" value=\"doc\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> Document Complete<br>";
            $checked = '';
            if (!strcasecmp($endTime, 'full')) {
                $checked = ' checked=checked';
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"end\" value=\"full\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> Fully Loaded<br>";
            echo "</td></tr>";
            // display the waterfall if there is only one test
            $end_seconds = $filmstrip_end_time / 1000;
            if (count($tests) == 1) {
                $data = loadPageRunData($tests[0]['path'], $tests[0]['run'], $tests[0]['cached']);
                $secure = false;
                $haveLocations = false;
                $requests = getRequests($tests[0]['id'], $tests[0]['path'], $tests[0]['run'], $tests[0]['cached'], $secure, $haveLocations, true, true);
                InsertWaterfall('', $requests, $tests[0]['id'], $tests[0]['run'], $tests[0]['cached'], $data, "&max={$end_seconds}&mime=1&state=1&cpu=1&bw=1");
                echo '<br><br>';
            } else {
                $waterfalls = array();
                foreach ($tests as &$test) {
                    $waterfalls[] = array('id' => $test['id'], 'label' => $test['name'], 'run' => $test['run'], 'cached' => $test['cached']);
                $labels = '';
                if (array_key_exists('hideurls', $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['hideurls']) {
                    $labels = '&labels=0';
                InsertMultiWaterfall($waterfalls, "&max={$end_seconds}&mime=1&state=1&cpu=1&bw=1{$labels}");

        <div id="advanced" style="display:none;">
            <h3>Advanced Visual Comparison Configuration</h3>
            <p>There are additional customizations that can be done by modifying the <b>tests</b> parameter in the comparison URL directly.</p>
            <p>URL structure: ...compare.php?tests=&lt;Test 1 ID&gt;,&lt;Test 2 ID&gt;...</p>
            <p>The tests are displayed in the order listed and can be customized with options:</p>
            <tr><td>Custom label</td><td>-l:&lt;label&gt;</td><td>110606_MJ_RZEY-l:Original</td></tr>
            <tr><td>Specific run</td><td>-r:&lt;run&gt;</td><td>110606_MJ_RZEY-r:3</td></tr>
            <tr><td>Repeat view</td><td>-c:1</td><td>110606_MJ_RZEY-c:1</td></tr>
            <tr><td>Specific End Time</td><td>-e:&lt;seconds&gt;</td><td>110606_MJ_RZEY-e:1.1</td></tr>
            <p>You can also customize the background and text color by passing HTML color values to <b>bg</b> and <b>text</b> query parameters.</p>
            <li><b>Customizing labels:</b>
            <li><b>Compare First vs. Repeat view:</b>
            http://www.webpagetest.org/video/compare.php?tests=110606_MJ_RZEY, 110606_MJ_RZEY-c:1</li>
            <li><b>White background with black text:</b>
            http://www.webpagetest.org/video/compare.php?tests=110606_MJ_RZEY, 110606_MJ_RZEY-c:1&bg=ffffff&text=000000</li>
            <input id="advanced-ok" type=button class="simplemodal-close" value="OK">
        // EMBED
        // scroll the table to show the first thumbnail change
        $scrollPos = $firstFrame * ($maxThumbWidth + 6);
        <script language="javascript">
            var thumbWidth = <?php 
        echo "{$maxThumbWidth};";
            var scrollPos = <?php 
        echo "{$scrollPos};";
            document.getElementById("videoDiv").scrollLeft = scrollPos;
Example #5

header("Content-type: image/png");
include 'common.inc';
include 'object_detail.inc';
include 'contentColors.inc';
include 'connectionView.inc';
include 'page_data.inc';
$pageData = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, $cached);
$mime = $_GET['mime'];
// get all of the requests
$secure = false;
$haveLocations = false;
$requests = getRequests($id, $testPath, $run, $cached, $secure, $haveLocations, false);
$mimeColors = requestColors($requests);
$summary = array();
$connections = getConnections($requests, $summary);
$options = array('id' => $id, 'path' => $testPath, 'run' => $run, 'cached' => $cached, 'cpu' => true, 'bw' => true);
$im = drawImage($connections, $summary, $url, $mime, $mimeColors, false, $pageData, $options);
// spit the image out to the browser
Example #6
function SpeedIndex($testPath, $run, $cached, $testInfo)
    $speed_index = '';
    $pageData = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, $cached, null, $testInfo);
    $startOffset = array_key_exists('testStartOffset', $pageData) ? intval(round($pageData['testStartOffset'])) : 0;
    $progress = GetVisualProgress($testPath, $run, $cached, null, null, $startOffset);
    if (isset($progress) && is_array($progress) && array_key_exists('SpeedIndex', $progress)) {
        $speed_index = $progress['SpeedIndex'];
    return $speed_index;
echo '">';

include './ads/optimization_middle.inc';

require 'optimization.inc';
require_once 'page_data.inc';
$pageData = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, $cached, null, $test['testinfo']);
require_once 'object_detail.inc';
$secure = false;
$haveLocations = false;
$requests = getRequests($id, $testPath, $run, $cached, $secure, $haveLocations, false);
dumpOptimizationReport($pageData, $requests, $id, $run, $cached, $test);
echo '<p></p><br>';
include './ads/optimization_bottom.inc';
echo '<br>';
include 'footer.inc';
Example #8

header("Content-type: image/png");
include 'common.inc';
require_once 'object_detail.inc';
require_once 'page_data.inc';
require_once 'waterfall.inc';
$page_data = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, $cached, $requests);
$is_mime = (bool) @$_REQUEST['mime'];
$is_state = (bool) @$_REQUEST['state'];
$use_dots = !isset($_REQUEST['dots']) || $_REQUEST['dots'] != 0;
$show_labels = !isset($_REQUEST['labels']) || $_REQUEST['labels'] != 0;
$rowcount = array_key_exists('rowcount', $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST['rowcount'] : 0;
// Get all of the requests;
$is_secure = false;
$has_locations = false;
$use_location_check = false;
if (!isset($requests)) {
    $requests = getRequests($id, $testPath, $run, $cached, $is_secure, $has_locations, $use_location_check);
} else {
    // not multisteps enabled
    $requests = $requests[$run][$cached];
    fixRequests($requests, $id, $testPath, $run, $cached, $is_secure, $has_locations, $use_location_check);
if (@$_REQUEST['type'] == 'connection') {
    $is_state = true;
    $rows = GetConnectionRows($requests, $show_labels);
} else {
    $rows = GetRequestRows($requests, $use_dots, $show_labels);
$page_events = GetPageEvents($page_data);
* Parse the page data and load the optimization-specific details
* @param mixed $testPath
* @param mixed $run
* @param mixed $cached
* @param mixed $includeObject
function getOptimizationDetails($testPath, $run, $cached, $includeObject)
    $opt = null;
    $pageData = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, $cached);
    if ($pageData) {
        $opt = array();
        // put them in rank-order
        $opt['keep-alive'] = array();
        $opt['gzip'] = array();
        $opt['image_compression'] = array();
        $opt['caching'] = array();
        $opt['combine'] = array();
        $opt['cdn'] = array();
        $opt['cookies'] = array();
        $opt['minify'] = array();
        $opt['e-tags'] = array();
        // get the scores
        $opt['keep-alive']['score'] = $pageData['score_keep-alive'];
        $opt['gzip']['score'] = $pageData['score_gzip'];
        $opt['image_compression']['score'] = $pageData['score_compress'];
        $opt['caching']['score'] = $pageData['score_cache'];
        $opt['combine']['score'] = $pageData['score_combine'];
        $opt['cdn']['score'] = $pageData['score_cdn'];
        $opt['cookies']['score'] = $pageData['score_cookies'];
        $opt['minify']['score'] = $pageData['score_minify'];
        $opt['e-tags']['score'] = $pageData['score_etags'];
        // define the labels for all  of them
        $opt['keep-alive']['label'] = 'Enable keep-alive';
        $opt['gzip']['label'] = 'Compress Text';
        $opt['image_compression']['label'] = 'Compress Images';
        $opt['caching']['label'] = 'Cache static content';
        $opt['combine']['label'] = 'Combine js and css files';
        $opt['cdn']['label'] = 'Use a CDN';
        $opt['cookies']['label'] = 'No cookies on static content';
        $opt['minify']['label'] = 'Minify javascript';
        $opt['e-tags']['label'] = 'Disable E-Tags';
        // flag the important ones
        $opt['keep-alive']['important'] = true;
        $opt['gzip']['important'] = true;
        $opt['image_compression']['important'] = true;
        $opt['caching']['important'] = true;
        $opt['combine']['important'] = true;
        $opt['cdn']['important'] = true;
        // apply grades
        foreach ($opt as &$item) {
            $grade = 'N/A';
            $weight = 0;
            if (isset($item['score'])) {
                $weight = 100;
                if ($item['score'] >= 90) {
                    $grade = 'A';
                } elseif ($item['score'] >= 80) {
                    $grade = 'B';
                } elseif ($item['score'] >= 70) {
                    $grade = 'C';
                } elseif ($item['score'] >= 60) {
                    $grade = 'D';
                } elseif ($item['score'] >= 0) {
                    $grade = 'F';
                } else {
                    $weight = 0;
            $item['grade'] = $grade;
            $item['weight'] = $weight;
    return $opt;
 public function testLoadPageRunData()
     echo $this->resultPath . "\n";
     $pageRunData = loadPageRunData($this->resultPath, 1, 0);
     $this->assertArraySubset($this->expectedData, $pageRunData);
Example #11
require_once __DIR__ . '/include/TestInfo.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/include/TestRunResults.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/include/RunResultHtmlTable.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/include/UserTimingHtmlTable.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/include/WaterfallViewHtmlSnippet.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/include/ConnectionViewHtmlSnippet.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/include/RequestDetailsHtmlSnippet.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/include/RequestHeadersHtmlSnippet.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/include/AccordionHtmlHelper.php';
$options = null;
if (array_key_exists('end', $_REQUEST)) {
    $options = array('end' => $_REQUEST['end']);
$testInfo = TestInfo::fromFiles($testPath);
$testRunResults = TestRunResults::fromFiles($testInfo, $run, $cached, null, $options);
$data = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, $cached, $options, $test['testinfo']);
$isMultistep = $testRunResults->countSteps() > 1;
$page_keywords = array('Performance Test', 'Details', 'Webpagetest', 'Website Speed Test', 'Page Speed');
$page_description = "Website performance test details{$testLabel}";
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>WebPagetest Test Details<?php 
echo $testLabel;
$gaTemplate = 'Details';
include 'head.inc';
Example #12
                         <div id="tableRequestsRv_div" style="width: 100%;"></div>
                         <div id="tableBytesRv_div" style="width: 100%;"></div>
             <div style="text-align:center;">
             <h3 name="connection">Connection View (Repeat View)</h3>
             <map name="connection_map_rv">
 $mimeColors = requestColors($requestsRv);
 $summary = array();
 $connections = getConnections($requestsRv, $summary);
 $pageData = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, 1);
 $options = array('id' => $id, 'path' => $testPath, 'run' => $run, 'cached' => $cached, 'cpu' => true);
 $map = drawImage($connections, $summary, $url, $mime, $mimeColors, true, $pageData, $options);
 foreach ($map as $entry) {
     if ($entry['request'] !== NULL) {
         $index = $entry['request'] + 1;
         $title = $index . ': ' . $entry['url'];
         echo '<area href="#request' . $index . '" alt="' . $title . '" title="' . $title . '" shape=RECT coords="' . $entry['left'] . ',' . $entry['top'] . ',' . $entry['right'] . ',' . $entry['bottom'] . '">' . "\n";
     } else {
         echo '<area href="#request" alt="' . $entry['url'] . '" title="' . $entry['url'] . '" shape=RECT coords="' . $entry['left'] . ',' . $entry['top'] . ',' . $entry['right'] . ',' . $entry['bottom'] . '">' . "\n";
             <table border="1" cellpadding="2px" cellspacing="0" style="width:auto; font-size:70%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">

include 'common.inc';
require_once 'object_detail.inc';
require_once 'page_data.inc';
require_once 'waterfall.inc';
$options = null;
if (array_key_exists('end', $_REQUEST)) {
    $options = array('end' => $_REQUEST['end']);
$data = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, $cached, $options);
$page_keywords = array('Performance Test', 'Details', 'Webpagetest', 'Website Speed Test', 'Page Speed');
$page_description = "Website performance test details{$testLabel}";
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>WebPagetest Test Details<?php 
echo $testLabel;
$gaTemplate = 'Details';
include 'head.inc';
        <style type="text/css">
        div.bar {
Example #14
* Draw the checklist image
* @param resource $img
function tbnDrawChecklist(&$img)
    global $id;
    global $testPath;
    global $run;
    global $cached;
    global $url;
    include 'optimizationChecklist.inc';
    $is_secure = false;
    $has_locations = false;
    $requests = getRequests($id, $testPath, $run, $cached, $is_secure, $has_locations, false);
    $page_data = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, $cached);
    $img = drawChecklist($url, $requests, $page_data);
    if (!$requests || !$page_data) {
        $failed = true;
Example #15
 if (isset($_REQUEST["run"]) && $_REQUEST["run"]) {
     if (!strcasecmp($_REQUEST["run"], 'median')) {
         $raw = loadAllPageData($testPath);
         $run = GetMedianRun($raw, $cached, $median_metric);
         if (!$run) {
             $run = 1;
     $pageData[$run] = array();
     if (isset($cached)) {
         $pageData[$run][$cached] = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, $cached);
     } else {
         $pageData[$run][0] = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, 0);
         $pageData[$run][1] = loadPageRunData($testPath, $run, 1);
 } else {
     $pageData = loadAllPageData($testPath);
 // build up the array
 $result = BuildResult($pageData);
 // spit it out as json
 $filename = '';
 if (@strlen($url)) {
     $parts = parse_url($url);
     $filename = $parts['host'];
 if (!strlen($filename)) {
     $filename = "pagetest";
Example #16
* Build a side-by-side table with the captured frames from each test
function ScreenShotTable()
    global $tests;
    global $thumbSize;
    global $interval;
    global $maxCompare;
    if (count($tests)) {
        // figure out how many columns there are
        $end = 0;
        foreach ($tests as &$test) {
            if ($test['video']['end'] > $end) {
                $end = $test['video']['end'];
        echo '<br/><form id="createForm" name="create" method="get" action="/video/create.php" onsubmit="return ValidateInput(this)"><table id="videoContainer"><tr>';
        // build a table with the labels
        echo '<td id="labelContainer"><table id="videoLabels"><tr><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>';
        foreach ($tests as &$test) {
            // figure out the height of this video
            $height = 100;
            if ($test['video']['width'] && $test['video']['height']) {
                $height = 10 + (int) ((double) $thumbSize / (double) $test['video']['width'] * (double) $test['video']['height']);
            $break = '';
            if (!strpos($test['name'], ' ')) {
                $break = ' style="word-break: break-all;"';
            echo "<tr width=10% height={$height}px ><td{$break}>";
            $name = urlencode($test['name']);
            $cached = 0;
            if ($test['cached']) {
                $cached = 1;
            echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"t[]\" value=\"{$test['id']},{$test['run']}," . $name . ",{$cached}\" checked=checked> ";
            $cached = '';
            if ($test['cached']) {
                $cached = 'cached/';
            echo "<a class=\"pagelink\" href=\"/result/{$test['id']}/{$test['run']}/details/{$cached}\" target=\"_blank\">";
            echo WrapableString($test['name']);
            echo "</a></td></tr>\n";
        echo '</table></td>';
        // the actual video frames
        echo '<td><div id="videoDiv"><table id="video"><thead><tr>';
        $skipped = $interval;
        $last = $end + $interval - 1;
        for ($frame = 0; $frame <= $last; $frame++) {
            if ($skipped >= $interval) {
                $skipped = 0;
                echo '<th>' . number_format((double) $frame / 10.0, 1) . 's</th>';
        echo "</tr></thead><tbody>\n";
        $firstFrame = 0;
        foreach ($tests as &$test) {
            // figure out the height of the image
            $height = 0;
            if ($test['video']['width'] && $test['video']['height']) {
                $height = (int) ((double) $thumbSize / (double) $test['video']['width'] * (double) $test['video']['height']);
            echo "<tr>";
            $lastThumb = null;
            $frameCount = 0;
            $skipped = $interval;
            $last = $end + $interval - 1;
            for ($frame = 0; $frame <= $last; $frame++) {
                $path = $test['video']['frames'][$frame];
                if (isset($path)) {
                    $test['currentframe'] = $frame;
                } else {
                    if (isset($test['currentframe'])) {
                        $path = $test['video']['frames'][$test['currentframe']];
                    } else {
                        $path = $test['video']['frames'][0];
                if (!$lastThumb) {
                    $lastThumb = $path;
                if ($skipped >= $interval) {
                    $skipped = 0;
                    echo '<td>';
                    if ($frame - $interval + 1 <= $test['video']['end']) {
                        echo '';
                        $cached = '';
                        if ($test['cached']) {
                            $cached = '_cached';
                        $imgPath = GetTestPath($test['id']) . "/video_{$test['run']}{$cached}/{$path}";
                        echo "<a href=\"/{$imgPath}\">";
                        echo "<img title=\"{$test['name']}\"";
                        $class = 'thumb';
                        if ($lastThumb != $path) {
                            if (!$firstFrame || $frameCount < $firstFrame) {
                                $firstFrame = $frameCount;
                            $class = 'thumbChanged';
                        echo " class=\"{$class}\"";
                        echo " width=\"{$thumbSize}\"";
                        if ($height) {
                            echo " height=\"{$height}\"";
                        echo " src=\"/thumbnail.php?test={$test['id']}&width={$thumbSize}&file=video_{$test['run']}{$cached}/{$path}\"></a>";
                        $lastThumb = $path;
                    echo '</td>';
            echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
        // end of the table
        echo "</tbody></table></div>\n";
        // end of the container table
        echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
        echo "<div id=\"image\">";
        $ival = $interval * 100;
        echo "<a class=\"pagelink\" href=\"filmstrip.php?tests={$_REQUEST['tests']}&thumbSize={$thumbSize}&ival={$ival}\">Export filmstrip as an image...</a>";
        echo "</div>";
        echo '<div id="bottom"><input type="checkbox" name="slow" value="1"> Slow Motion<br/><br/>';
        echo "Select up to {$maxCompare} tests and <input id=\"SubmitBtn\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Create Video\"></div>";
        echo "</form>";
        <div id="layout">
            <form id="layoutForm" name="layout" method="get" action="/video/compare.php">
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tests\" value=\"{$_REQUEST['tests']}\" />\n";
                <table id="layoutTable">
                    <tr><th>Thumbnail Size</th><th>Thumbnail Interval</th></tr>
        // fill in the thumbnail size selection
        echo "<tr><td>";
        $checked = '';
        if ($thumbSize <= 100) {
            $checked = ' checked=checked';
        echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"thumbSize\" value=\"100\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> Small<br>";
        $checked = '';
        if ($thumbSize <= 150 && $thumbSize > 100) {
            $checked = ' checked=checked';
        echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"thumbSize\" value=\"150\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> Medium<br>";
        $checked = '';
        if ($thumbSize > 150) {
            $checked = ' checked=checked';
        echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"thumbSize\" value=\"200\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> Large";
        echo "</td>";
        // fill in the interval selection
        echo "<td>";
        $checked = '';
        if ($interval <= 1) {
            $checked = ' checked=checked';
        echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ival\" value=\"100\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> 0.1 sec<br>";
        $checked = '';
        if ($interval == 5) {
            $checked = ' checked=checked';
        echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ival\" value=\"500\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> 0.5 sec<br>";
        $checked = '';
        if ($interval == 10) {
            $checked = ' checked=checked';
        echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ival\" value=\"1000\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> 1 sec<br>";
        $checked = '';
        if ($interval == 50) {
            $checked = ' checked=checked';
        echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ival\" value=\"5000\"{$checked} onclick=\"this.form.submit();\"> 5 sec<br>";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        // scroll the table to show the first thumbnail change
        $scrollPos = $firstFrame * ($thumbSize + 8);
        <script language="javascript">
            var scrollPos = <?php 
        echo "{$scrollPos};";
            document.getElementById("videoDiv").scrollLeft = scrollPos;
        // display the waterfall if there is only one test
        if (count($tests) == 1) {
        <div id="waterfall">
            <map name="waterfall_map">
            $data = loadPageRunData($tests[0]['path'], $tests[0]['run'], $tests[0]['cached']);
            $secure = false;
            $haveLocations = false;
            $requests = getRequests($tests[0]['id'], $tests[0]['path'], $tests[0]['run'], $tests[0]['cached'], $secure, $haveLocations, false);
            $options = array('id' => $tests[0]['id'], 'path' => $tests[0]['path'], 'run' => $tests[0]['run'], 'cached' => $tests[0]['cached'], 'cpu' => false);
            $map = drawWaterfall($tests[0]['url'], $requests, $data, true, $options);
            foreach ($map as $entry) {
                if ($entry['request'] !== NULL) {
                    $index = $entry['request'] + 1;
                    $title = $index . ': ' . $entry['url'];
                    echo '<area alt="' . $title . '" title="' . $title . '" shape=RECT coords="' . $entry['left'] . ',' . $entry['top'] . ',' . $entry['right'] . ',' . $entry['bottom'] . '">' . "\n";
                } else {
                    echo '<area alt="' . $entry['url'] . '" title="' . $entry['url'] . '" shape=RECT coords="' . $entry['left'] . ',' . $entry['top'] . ',' . $entry['right'] . ',' . $entry['bottom'] . '">' . "\n";
            echo "<img id=\"waterfallImage\" usemap=\"#waterfall_map\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Waterfall\" src=\"/waterfall.php?test={$tests[0]['id']}&run={$tests[0]['run']}&cached={$tests[0]['cached']}&cpu=0&bw=0\">";
        echo '<br/><br/>';
Example #17
    $testInfo .= "id={$id}\r\n";
    if ($test['video']) {
        $testInfo .= "video=1\r\n";
    $testInfo .= "connectivity=Unknown\r\n";
    $testInfo .= "\r\n[runs]\r\n";
    file_put_contents("{$testPath}/testinfo.ini", $testInfo);
    // write out the bulk test data
    $bulk = array();
    $bulk['variations'] = array();
    $bulk['urls'] = array();
    foreach ($tests as &$test_id) {
        if (ValidateTestId($test_id)) {
            $test_path = './' . GetTestPath($test_id);
            $pageData = loadPageRunData($test_path, 1, 0);
            $url = 'Imported Test';
            if ($pageData && array_key_exists('URL', $pageData)) {
                $url = $pageData['URL'];
            $bulk['urls'][] = array('u' => $url, 'id' => $test_id);
    gz_file_put_contents("{$testPath}/bulk.json", json_encode($bulk));
    // Return the test ID (or redirect if not using the API)
    TestResult($test, $error);
} elseif (array_key_exists('devtools', $_FILES)) {
    if (ValidateKey()) {
         * Importing a test