Example #1
  * Actually register the member.
  * @todo split this function in two functions:
  *  - a function that handles action=register2, which needs no parameter;
  *  - a function that processes the case of OpenID verification.
  * @param bool $verifiedOpenID = false
 public function action_register2($verifiedOpenID = false)
     global $txt, $modSettings, $context, $user_info;
     // Start collecting together any errors.
     $reg_errors = Error_Context::context('register', 0);
     // We can't validate the token and the session with OpenID enabled.
     if (!$verifiedOpenID) {
         if (!validateToken('register', 'post', true, false)) {
     // Did we save some open ID fields?
     if ($verifiedOpenID && !empty($context['openid_save_fields'])) {
         foreach ($context['openid_save_fields'] as $id => $value) {
             $_POST[$id] = $value;
     // You can't register if it's disabled.
     if (!empty($modSettings['registration_method']) && $modSettings['registration_method'] == 3) {
         fatal_lang_error('registration_disabled', false);
     // If we're using an agreement checkbox, did they check it?
     if (!empty($modSettings['checkboxAgreement']) && !empty($_POST['checkbox_agreement'])) {
         $_SESSION['registration_agreed'] = true;
     // Things we don't do for people who have already confirmed their OpenID allegances via register.
     if (!$verifiedOpenID) {
         // Well, if you don't agree, you can't register.
         if (!empty($modSettings['requireAgreement']) && empty($_SESSION['registration_agreed'])) {
         // Make sure they came from *somewhere*, have a session.
         if (!isset($_SESSION['old_url'])) {
         // If we don't require an agreement, we need a extra check for coppa.
         if (empty($modSettings['requireAgreement']) && !empty($modSettings['coppaAge'])) {
             $_SESSION['skip_coppa'] = !empty($_POST['accept_agreement']);
         // Are they under age, and under age users are banned?
         if (!empty($modSettings['coppaAge']) && empty($modSettings['coppaType']) && empty($_SESSION['skip_coppa'])) {
             fatal_lang_error('under_age_registration_prohibited', false, array($modSettings['coppaAge']));
         // Check the time gate for miscreants. First make sure they came from somewhere that actually set it up.
         if (empty($_SESSION['register']['timenow']) || empty($_SESSION['register']['limit'])) {
         // Failing that, check the time limit for exessive speed.
         if (time() - $_SESSION['register']['timenow'] < $_SESSION['register']['limit']) {
         // Check whether the visual verification code was entered correctly.
         if (!empty($modSettings['reg_verification'])) {
             require_once SUBSDIR . '/VerificationControls.class.php';
             $verificationOptions = array('id' => 'register');
             $context['visual_verification'] = create_control_verification($verificationOptions, true);
             if (is_array($context['visual_verification'])) {
                 foreach ($context['visual_verification'] as $error) {
     foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
         if (!is_array($_POST[$key])) {
             $_POST[$key] = htmltrim__recursive(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $_POST[$key]));
     // Collect all extra registration fields someone might have filled in.
     $possible_strings = array('birthdate', 'time_format', 'buddy_list', 'pm_ignore_list', 'smiley_set', 'personal_text', 'avatar', 'lngfile', 'location', 'secret_question', 'secret_answer', 'website_url', 'website_title');
     $possible_ints = array('pm_email_notify', 'notify_types', 'id_theme', 'gender');
     $possible_floats = array('time_offset');
     $possible_bools = array('notify_announcements', 'notify_regularity', 'notify_send_body', 'hide_email', 'show_online');
     if (isset($_POST['secret_answer']) && $_POST['secret_answer'] != '') {
         $_POST['secret_answer'] = md5($_POST['secret_answer']);
     // Needed for isReservedName() and registerMember().
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Members.subs.php';
     // Validation... even if we're not a mall.
     if (isset($_POST['real_name']) && (!empty($modSettings['allow_editDisplayName']) || allowedTo('moderate_forum'))) {
         $_POST['real_name'] = trim(preg_replace('~[\\t\\n\\r \\x0B\\0\\x{A0}\\x{AD}\\x{2000}-\\x{200F}\\x{201F}\\x{202F}\\x{3000}\\x{FEFF}]+~u', ' ', $_POST['real_name']));
         if (trim($_POST['real_name']) != '' && !isReservedName($_POST['real_name']) && Util::strlen($_POST['real_name']) < 60) {
             $possible_strings[] = 'real_name';
     // Handle a string as a birthdate...
     if (isset($_POST['birthdate']) && $_POST['birthdate'] != '') {
         $_POST['birthdate'] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime($_POST['birthdate']));
     } elseif (!empty($_POST['bday1']) && !empty($_POST['bday2'])) {
         $_POST['birthdate'] = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', empty($_POST['bday3']) ? 0 : (int) $_POST['bday3'], (int) $_POST['bday1'], (int) $_POST['bday2']);
     // By default assume email is hidden, only show it if we tell it to.
     $_POST['hide_email'] = !empty($_POST['allow_email']) ? 0 : 1;
     // Validate the passed language file.
     if (isset($_POST['lngfile']) && !empty($modSettings['userLanguage'])) {
         // Do we have any languages?
         $context['languages'] = getLanguages();
         // Did we find it?
         if (isset($context['languages'][$_POST['lngfile']])) {
             $_SESSION['language'] = $_POST['lngfile'];
         } else {
     } else {
     // Some of these fields we may not want.
     if (!empty($modSettings['registration_fields'])) {
         // But we might want some of them if the admin asks for them.
         $standard_fields = array('location', 'gender');
         $reg_fields = explode(',', $modSettings['registration_fields']);
         $exclude_fields = array_diff($standard_fields, $reg_fields);
         // Website is a little different
         if (!in_array('website', $reg_fields)) {
             $exclude_fields = array_merge($exclude_fields, array('website_url', 'website_title'));
         // We used to accept signature on registration but it's being abused by spammers these days, so no more.
         $exclude_fields[] = 'signature';
     } else {
         $exclude_fields = array('signature', 'location', 'gender', 'website_url', 'website_title');
     $possible_strings = array_diff($possible_strings, $exclude_fields);
     $possible_ints = array_diff($possible_ints, $exclude_fields);
     $possible_floats = array_diff($possible_floats, $exclude_fields);
     $possible_bools = array_diff($possible_bools, $exclude_fields);
     // Set the options needed for registration.
     $regOptions = array('interface' => 'guest', 'username' => !empty($_POST['user']) ? $_POST['user'] : '', 'email' => !empty($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : '', 'password' => !empty($_POST['passwrd1']) ? $_POST['passwrd1'] : '', 'password_check' => !empty($_POST['passwrd2']) ? $_POST['passwrd2'] : '', 'openid' => !empty($_POST['openid_identifier']) ? $_POST['openid_identifier'] : '', 'auth_method' => !empty($_POST['authenticate']) ? $_POST['authenticate'] : '', 'check_reserved_name' => true, 'check_password_strength' => true, 'check_email_ban' => true, 'send_welcome_email' => !empty($modSettings['send_welcomeEmail']), 'require' => !empty($modSettings['coppaAge']) && !$verifiedOpenID && empty($_SESSION['skip_coppa']) ? 'coppa' : (empty($modSettings['registration_method']) ? 'nothing' : ($modSettings['registration_method'] == 1 ? 'activation' : 'approval')), 'extra_register_vars' => array(), 'theme_vars' => array());
     // Include the additional options that might have been filled in.
     foreach ($possible_strings as $var) {
         if (isset($_POST[$var])) {
             $regOptions['extra_register_vars'][$var] = Util::htmlspecialchars($_POST[$var], ENT_QUOTES);
     foreach ($possible_ints as $var) {
         if (isset($_POST[$var])) {
             $regOptions['extra_register_vars'][$var] = (int) $_POST[$var];
     foreach ($possible_floats as $var) {
         if (isset($_POST[$var])) {
             $regOptions['extra_register_vars'][$var] = (double) $_POST[$var];
     foreach ($possible_bools as $var) {
         if (isset($_POST[$var])) {
             $regOptions['extra_register_vars'][$var] = empty($_POST[$var]) ? 0 : 1;
     // Registration options are always default options...
     if (isset($_POST['default_options'])) {
         $_POST['options'] = isset($_POST['options']) ? $_POST['options'] + $_POST['default_options'] : $_POST['default_options'];
     $regOptions['theme_vars'] = isset($_POST['options']) && is_array($_POST['options']) ? $_POST['options'] : array();
     // Make sure they are clean, dammit!
     $regOptions['theme_vars'] = htmlspecialchars__recursive($regOptions['theme_vars']);
     // Check whether we have fields that simply MUST be displayed?
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Profile.subs.php';
     loadCustomFields(0, 'register');
     foreach ($context['custom_fields'] as $row) {
         // Don't allow overriding of the theme variables.
         if (isset($regOptions['theme_vars'][$row['colname']])) {
         // Prepare the value!
         $value = isset($_POST['customfield'][$row['colname']]) ? trim($_POST['customfield'][$row['colname']]) : '';
         // We only care for text fields as the others are valid to be empty.
         if (!in_array($row['type'], array('check', 'select', 'radio'))) {
             // Is it too long?
             if ($row['field_length'] && $row['field_length'] < Util::strlen($value)) {
                 $reg_errors->addError(array('custom_field_too_long', array($row['name'], $row['field_length'])));
             // Any masks to apply?
             if ($row['type'] == 'text' && !empty($row['mask']) && $row['mask'] != 'none') {
                 // @todo We never error on this - just ignore it at the moment...
                 if ($row['mask'] == 'email' && !isValidEmail($value)) {
                     $reg_errors->addError(array('custom_field_invalid_email', array($row['name'])));
                 } elseif ($row['mask'] == 'number' && preg_match('~[^\\d]~', $value)) {
                     $reg_errors->addError(array('custom_field_not_number', array($row['name'])));
                 } elseif (substr($row['mask'], 0, 5) == 'regex' && trim($value) !== '' && preg_match(substr($row['mask'], 5), $value) === 0) {
                     $reg_errors->addError(array('custom_field_inproper_format', array($row['name'])));
         // Is this required but not there?
         if (trim($value) == '' && $row['show_reg'] > 1) {
             $reg_errors->addError(array('custom_field_empty', array($row['name'])));
     // Lets check for other errors before trying to register the member.
     if ($reg_errors->hasErrors()) {
         $_REQUEST['step'] = 2;
         // If they've filled in some details but made an error then they need less time to finish
         $_SESSION['register']['limit'] = 4;
         return $this->action_register();
     // If they're wanting to use OpenID we need to validate them first.
     if (empty($_SESSION['openid']['verified']) && !empty($_POST['authenticate']) && $_POST['authenticate'] == 'openid') {
         // What do we need to save?
         $save_variables = array();
         foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
             if (!in_array($k, array('sc', 'sesc', $context['session_var'], 'passwrd1', 'passwrd2', 'regSubmit'))) {
                 $save_variables[$k] = $v;
         require_once SUBSDIR . '/OpenID.subs.php';
         $openID = new OpenID();
         $openID->validate($_POST['openid_identifier'], false, $save_variables);
     } elseif ($verifiedOpenID || (!empty($_POST['openid_identifier']) || !empty($_SESSION['openid']['openid_uri'])) && $_POST['authenticate'] == 'openid') {
         $regOptions['username'] = !empty($_POST['user']) && trim($_POST['user']) != '' ? $_POST['user'] : $_SESSION['openid']['nickname'];
         $regOptions['email'] = !empty($_POST['email']) && trim($_POST['email']) != '' ? $_POST['email'] : $_SESSION['openid']['email'];
         $regOptions['auth_method'] = 'openid';
         $regOptions['openid'] = !empty($_SESSION['openid']['openid_uri']) ? $_SESSION['openid']['openid_uri'] : (!empty($_POST['openid_identifier']) ? $_POST['openid_identifier'] : '');
     // Registration needs to know your IP
     $req = request();
     $regOptions['ip'] = $user_info['ip'];
     $regOptions['ip2'] = $req->ban_ip();
     $memberID = registerMember($regOptions, 'register');
     // If there are "important" errors and you are not an admin: log the first error
     // Otherwise grab all of them and don't log anything
     if ($reg_errors->hasErrors(1) && !$user_info['is_admin']) {
         foreach ($reg_errors->prepareErrors(1) as $error) {
             fatal_error($error, 'general');
     // Was there actually an error of some kind dear boy?
     if ($reg_errors->hasErrors()) {
         $_REQUEST['step'] = 2;
         return $this->action_register();
     // Do our spam protection now.
     // We'll do custom fields after as then we get to use the helper function!
     if (!empty($_POST['customfield'])) {
         require_once SUBSDIR . '/Profile.subs.php';
         makeCustomFieldChanges($memberID, 'register');
     // If COPPA has been selected then things get complicated, setup the template.
     if (!empty($modSettings['coppaAge']) && empty($_SESSION['skip_coppa'])) {
         redirectexit('action=coppa;member=' . $memberID);
     } elseif (!empty($modSettings['registration_method'])) {
         $context += array('page_title' => $txt['register'], 'title' => $txt['registration_successful'], 'sub_template' => 'after', 'description' => $modSettings['registration_method'] == 2 ? $txt['approval_after_registration'] : $txt['activate_after_registration']);
     } else {
         call_integration_hook('integrate_activate', array($regOptions['username']));
         setLoginCookie(60 * $modSettings['cookieTime'], $memberID, hash('sha256', Util::strtolower($regOptions['username']) . $regOptions['password'] . $regOptions['register_vars']['password_salt']));
         redirectexit('action=auth;sa=check;member=' . $memberID, $context['server']['needs_login_fix']);
Example #2
function summary($memID)
    global $context, $memberContext, $txt, $modSettings, $user_info, $user_profile, $sourcedir, $scripturl, $smcFunc;
    // Attempt to load the member's profile data.
    if (!loadMemberContext($memID) || !isset($memberContext[$memID])) {
        fatal_lang_error('not_a_user', false);
    // Set up the stuff and load the user.
    $context += array('page_title' => sprintf($txt['profile_of_username'], $memberContext[$memID]['name']), 'can_send_pm' => allowedTo('pm_send'), 'can_have_buddy' => allowedTo('profile_identity_own') && !empty($modSettings['enable_buddylist']), 'can_issue_warning' => in_array('w', $context['admin_features']) && allowedTo('issue_warning') && $modSettings['warning_settings'][0] == 1);
    $context['member'] =& $memberContext[$memID];
    $context['can_view_warning'] = in_array('w', $context['admin_features']) && (allowedTo('issue_warning') && !$context['user']['is_owner']) || !empty($modSettings['warning_show']) && ($modSettings['warning_show'] > 1 || $context['user']['is_owner']);
    // Set a canonical URL for this page.
    $context['canonical_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $memID;
    // Are there things we don't show?
    $context['disabled_fields'] = isset($modSettings['disabled_profile_fields']) ? array_flip(explode(',', $modSettings['disabled_profile_fields'])) : array();
    // See if they have broken any warning levels...
    list($modSettings['warning_enable'], $modSettings['user_limit']) = explode(',', $modSettings['warning_settings']);
    if (!empty($modSettings['warning_mute']) && $modSettings['warning_mute'] <= $context['member']['warning']) {
        $context['warning_status'] = $txt['profile_warning_is_muted'];
    } elseif (!empty($modSettings['warning_moderate']) && $modSettings['warning_moderate'] <= $context['member']['warning']) {
        $context['warning_status'] = $txt['profile_warning_is_moderation'];
    } elseif (!empty($modSettings['warning_watch']) && $modSettings['warning_watch'] <= $context['member']['warning']) {
        $context['warning_status'] = $txt['profile_warning_is_watch'];
    // They haven't even been registered for a full day!?
    $days_registered = (int) ((time() - $user_profile[$memID]['date_registered']) / (3600 * 24));
    if (empty($user_profile[$memID]['date_registered']) || $days_registered < 1) {
        $context['member']['posts_per_day'] = $txt['not_applicable'];
    } else {
        $context['member']['posts_per_day'] = comma_format($context['member']['real_posts'] / $days_registered, 3);
    // Set the age...
    if (empty($context['member']['birth_date'])) {
        $context['member'] += array('age' => $txt['not_applicable'], 'today_is_birthday' => false);
    } else {
        list($birth_year, $birth_month, $birth_day) = sscanf($context['member']['birth_date'], '%d-%d-%d');
        $datearray = getdate(forum_time());
        $context['member'] += array('age' => $birth_year <= 4 ? $txt['not_applicable'] : $datearray['year'] - $birth_year - ($datearray['mon'] > $birth_month || $datearray['mon'] == $birth_month && $datearray['mday'] >= $birth_day ? 0 : 1), 'today_is_birthday' => $datearray['mon'] == $birth_month && $datearray['mday'] == $birth_day);
    if (allowedTo('moderate_forum')) {
        // Make sure it's a valid ip address; otherwise, don't bother...
        if (preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}$/', $memberContext[$memID]['ip']) == 1 && empty($modSettings['disableHostnameLookup'])) {
            $context['member']['hostname'] = host_from_ip($memberContext[$memID]['ip']);
        } else {
            $context['member']['hostname'] = '';
        $context['can_see_ip'] = true;
    } else {
        $context['can_see_ip'] = false;
    if (!empty($modSettings['who_enabled'])) {
        include_once $sourcedir . '/Who.php';
        $action = determineActions($user_profile[$memID]['url']);
        if ($action !== false) {
            $context['member']['action'] = $action;
    // If the user is awaiting activation, and the viewer has permission - setup some activation context messages.
    if ($context['member']['is_activated'] % 10 != 1 && allowedTo('moderate_forum')) {
        $context['activate_type'] = $context['member']['is_activated'];
        // What should the link text be?
        $context['activate_link_text'] = in_array($context['member']['is_activated'], array(3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15)) ? $txt['account_approve'] : $txt['account_activate'];
        // Should we show a custom message?
        $context['activate_message'] = isset($txt['account_activate_method_' . $context['member']['is_activated'] % 10]) ? $txt['account_activate_method_' . $context['member']['is_activated'] % 10] : $txt['account_not_activated'];
    // Is the signature even enabled on this forum?
    $context['signature_enabled'] = substr($modSettings['signature_settings'], 0, 1) == 1;
    // How about, are they banned?
    $context['member']['bans'] = array();
    if (allowedTo('moderate_forum')) {
        // Can they edit the ban?
        $context['can_edit_ban'] = allowedTo('manage_bans');
        $ban_query = array();
        $ban_query_vars = array('time' => time());
        $ban_query[] = 'id_member = ' . $context['member']['id'];
        // Valid IP?
        if (preg_match('/^(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})$/', $memberContext[$memID]['ip'], $ip_parts) == 1) {
            $ban_query[] = '((' . $ip_parts[1] . ' BETWEEN bi.ip_low1 AND bi.ip_high1)
						AND (' . $ip_parts[2] . ' BETWEEN bi.ip_low2 AND bi.ip_high2)
						AND (' . $ip_parts[3] . ' BETWEEN bi.ip_low3 AND bi.ip_high3)
						AND (' . $ip_parts[4] . ' BETWEEN bi.ip_low4 AND bi.ip_high4))';
            // Do we have a hostname already?
            if (!empty($context['member']['hostname'])) {
                $ban_query[] = '({string:hostname} LIKE hostname)';
                $ban_query_vars['hostname'] = $context['member']['hostname'];
        } elseif ($memberContext[$memID]['ip'] == 'unknown') {
            $ban_query[] = '(bi.ip_low1 = 255 AND bi.ip_high1 = 255
						AND bi.ip_low2 = 255 AND bi.ip_high2 = 255
						AND bi.ip_low3 = 255 AND bi.ip_high3 = 255
						AND bi.ip_low4 = 255 AND bi.ip_high4 = 255)';
        // Check their email as well...
        if (strlen($context['member']['email']) != 0) {
            $ban_query[] = '({string:email} LIKE bi.email_address)';
            $ban_query_vars['email'] = $context['member']['email'];
        // So... are they banned?  Dying to know!
        $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
			SELECT bg.id_ban_group, bg.name, bg.cannot_access, bg.cannot_post, bg.cannot_register,
				bg.cannot_login, bg.reason
			FROM {db_prefix}ban_items AS bi
				INNER JOIN {db_prefix}ban_groups AS bg ON (bg.id_ban_group = bi.id_ban_group AND (bg.expire_time IS NULL OR bg.expire_time > {int:time}))
			WHERE (' . implode(' OR ', $ban_query) . ')', $ban_query_vars);
        while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) {
            // Work out what restrictions we actually have.
            $ban_restrictions = array();
            foreach (array('access', 'register', 'login', 'post') as $type) {
                if ($row['cannot_' . $type]) {
                    $ban_restrictions[] = $txt['ban_type_' . $type];
            // No actual ban in place?
            if (empty($ban_restrictions)) {
            // Prepare the link for context.
            $ban_explanation = sprintf($txt['user_cannot_due_to'], implode(', ', $ban_restrictions), '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=ban;sa=edit;bg=' . $row['id_ban_group'] . '">' . $row['name'] . '</a>');
            $context['member']['bans'][$row['id_ban_group']] = array('reason' => empty($row['reason']) ? '' : '<br /><br /><strong>' . $txt['ban_reason'] . ':</strong> ' . $row['reason'], 'cannot' => array('access' => !empty($row['cannot_access']), 'register' => !empty($row['cannot_register']), 'post' => !empty($row['cannot_post']), 'login' => !empty($row['cannot_login'])), 'explanation' => $ban_explanation);
Example #3
function Register($reg_errors = array())
    global $txt, $boarddir, $context, $modSettings, $user_info;
    global $language, $scripturl, $sourcedir, $cur_profile;
    // Is this an incoming AJAX check?
    if (isset($_GET['sa']) && $_GET['sa'] == 'usernamecheck') {
        return RegisterCheckUsername();
    // Check if the administrator has it disabled.
    if (!empty($modSettings['registration_method']) && $modSettings['registration_method'] == 3) {
        fatal_lang_error('registration_disabled', false);
    // If this user is an admin - redirect them to the admin registration page.
    if (allowedTo('moderate_forum') && !$user_info['is_guest']) {
    } elseif (empty($user_info['is_guest'])) {
    // Do we need them to agree to the registration agreement, first?
    $context['require_agreement'] = !empty($modSettings['requireAgreement']);
    $context['registration_passed_agreement'] = !empty($_SESSION['registration_agreed']);
    $context['show_coppa'] = !empty($modSettings['coppaAge']);
    // Under age restrictions?
    if ($context['show_coppa']) {
        $context['skip_coppa'] = false;
        $context['coppa_agree_above'] = sprintf($txt['agreement_agree_coppa_above'], $modSettings['coppaAge']);
        $context['coppa_agree_below'] = sprintf($txt['agreement_agree_coppa_below'], $modSettings['coppaAge']);
    // What step are we at?
    $current_step = isset($_REQUEST['step']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['step'] : ($context['require_agreement'] ? 1 : 2);
    // Does this user agree to the registation agreement?
    if ($current_step == 1 && (isset($_POST['accept_agreement']) || isset($_POST['accept_agreement_coppa']))) {
        $context['registration_passed_agreement'] = $_SESSION['registration_agreed'] = true;
        $current_step = 2;
        // Skip the coppa procedure if the user says he's old enough.
        if ($context['show_coppa']) {
            $_SESSION['skip_coppa'] = !empty($_POST['accept_agreement']);
            // Are they saying they're under age, while under age registration is disabled?
            if (empty($modSettings['coppaType']) && empty($_SESSION['skip_coppa'])) {
                fatal_lang_error('under_age_registration_prohibited', false, array($modSettings['coppaAge']));
    } elseif ($current_step > 1 && $context['require_agreement'] && !$context['registration_passed_agreement']) {
        $current_step = 1;
    // Show the user the right form.
    EoS_Smarty::getConfigInstance()->registerHookTemplate('register_content_area', $current_step == 1 ? 'register/agreement' : 'register/form');
    //$context['sub_template'] = $current_step == 1 ? 'registration_agreement' : 'registration_form';
    $context['page_title'] = $current_step == 1 ? $txt['registration_agreement'] : $txt['registration_form'];
    // Add the register chain to the link tree.
    $context['linktree'][] = array('url' => $scripturl . '?action=register', 'name' => $txt['register']);
    // If you have to agree to the agreement, it needs to be fetched from the file.
    if ($context['require_agreement']) {
        // Have we got a localized one?
        if (file_exists($boarddir . '/agreement.' . $user_info['language'] . '.txt')) {
            $context['agreement'] = parse_bbc(file_get_contents($boarddir . '/agreement.' . $user_info['language'] . '.txt'), true, 'agreement_' . $user_info['language']);
        } elseif (file_exists($boarddir . '/agreement.txt')) {
            $context['agreement'] = parse_bbc(file_get_contents($boarddir . '/agreement.txt'), true, 'agreement');
        } else {
            $context['agreement'] = '';
    if (!empty($modSettings['userLanguage'])) {
        $selectedLanguage = empty($_SESSION['language']) ? $language : $_SESSION['language'];
        // Do we have any languages?
        if (empty($context['languages'])) {
        // Try to find our selected language.
        foreach ($context['languages'] as $key => $lang) {
            $context['languages'][$key]['name'] = strtr($lang['name'], array('-utf8' => ''));
            // Found it!
            if ($selectedLanguage == $lang['filename']) {
                $context['languages'][$key]['selected'] = true;
    // Any custom fields we want filled in?
    require_once $sourcedir . '/Profile.php';
    loadCustomFields(0, 'register');
    // Or any standard ones?
    if (!empty($modSettings['registration_fields'])) {
        require_once $sourcedir . '/Profile-Modify.php';
        // Setup some important context.
        $context['user']['is_owner'] = true;
        // Here, and here only, emulate the permissions the user would have to do this.
        $user_info['permissions'] = array_merge($user_info['permissions'], array('profile_account_own', 'profile_extra_own'));
        $reg_fields = explode(',', $modSettings['registration_fields']);
        // We might have had some submissions on this front - go check.
        foreach ($reg_fields as $field) {
            if (isset($_POST[$field])) {
                $cur_profile[$field] = commonAPI::htmlspecialchars($_POST[$field]);
        // Load all the fields in question.
    // Generate a visual verification code to make sure the user is no bot.
    if (!empty($modSettings['reg_verification'])) {
        require_once $sourcedir . '/lib/Subs-Editor.php';
        $verificationOptions = array('id' => 'register');
        $context['visual_verification'] = create_control_verification($verificationOptions);
        $context['visual_verification_id'] = $verificationOptions['id'];
    } else {
        $context['visual_verification'] = false;
    // Are they coming from an OpenID login attempt?
    if (!empty($_SESSION['openid']['verified']) && !empty($_SESSION['openid']['openid_uri'])) {
        $context['openid'] = $_SESSION['openid']['openid_uri'];
        $context['username'] = commonAPI::htmlspecialchars(!empty($_POST['user']) ? $_POST['user'] : $_SESSION['openid']['nickname']);
        $context['email'] = commonAPI::htmlspecialchars(!empty($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : $_SESSION['openid']['email']);
    } else {
        $context += array('openid' => isset($_POST['openid_identifier']) ? $_POST['openid_identifier'] : '', 'username' => isset($_POST['user']) ? commonAPI::htmlspecialchars($_POST['user']) : '', 'email' => isset($_POST['email']) ? commonAPI::htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']) : '');
    // !!! Why isn't this a simple set operation?
    // Were there any errors?
    $context['registration_errors'] = array();
    if (!empty($reg_errors)) {
        foreach ($reg_errors as $error) {
            $context['registration_errors'][] = $error;
Example #4
                    if ($tags_names_index > 0) {
                        wp_set_object_terms($id, explode(",", $data[$tags_names_index]), 'product_tag');
        $attributes = array();
        $attributes_asoc = array();
        loadAttributes($attributes, $attributes_asoc);
        $custom_fileds = array();
        loadCustomFields($plem_settings, $custom_fileds);
$categories = array();
$cat_asoc = array();
$shipping_classes = array();
$shippclass_asoc = array();
$args = array('number' => 99999, 'orderby' => 'slug', 'order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => false, 'include' => '');
$woo_categories = get_terms('product_cat', $args);
foreach ($woo_categories as $category) {
    $cat = new stdClass();
    $cat->category_id = $category->term_id;
    $cat->category_name = $category->name;
    $cat->category_slug = urldecode($category->slug);
    $cat->category_parent = $category->parent;
function shd_profile_theme_wrapper($memID)
    global $txt, $context, $user_profile, $modSettings, $settings, $user_info, $smcFunc, $sourcedir, $profile_fields;
    $lang_strings = array('current_time', 'theme_info', 'date_format', 'return_to_post', 'timeformat_default', 'theme_forum_default', 'theme_forum_default_desc');
    // Replace the standard profile strings with SD specific ones.
    foreach ($lang_strings as $str) {
        $txt[$str] = $txt['shd_' . $str];
    if (allowedTo(array('profile_extra_own', 'profile_extra_any'))) {
        loadCustomFields($memID, 'theme');
    $context['sub_template'] = 'edit_options';
    $context['page_desc'] = $txt['theme_info'];
    $opts = array('id_theme', 'smiley_set', 'hr', 'time_format', 'time_offset', 'hr', 'theme_settings');
    if (!empty($modSettings['shd_display_avatar'])) {
        $opts = array_merge(array('avatar_choice', 'hr'), $opts);
    $context['profile_fields']['theme_settings']['callback_func'] = 'shd_theme_settings';
Example #6
function theme($memID)
    global $txt, $context, $user_profile, $modSettings, $settings, $user_info, $smcFunc;
    if (allowedTo(array('profile_extra_own', 'profile_extra_any'))) {
        loadCustomFields($memID, 'theme');
    $context['sub_template'] = 'edit_options';
    $context['page_desc'] = $txt['theme_info'];
    setupProfileContext(array('id_theme', 'smiley_set', 'hr', 'time_format', 'time_offset', 'hr', 'theme_settings'));
Example #7
 public static function fb_do_custom()
     global $context, $sourcedir, $fb_hook_object, $user_info, $smcFunc;
     if (!empty($fb_hook_object->modSettings['fb_app_enablecp'])) {
         require_once $sourcedir . '/Profile.php';
         loadCustomFields(0, 'register');
         if (!empty($fb_hook_object->modSettings['registration_fields'])) {
             require_once $sourcedir . '/Profile-Modify.php';
             $context['user']['is_owner'] = true;
             $user_info['permissions'] = array_merge($user_info['permissions'], array('profile_account_own', 'profile_extra_own'));
             $reg_fields = explode(',', $fb_hook_object->modSettings['registration_fields']);
             foreach ($reg_fields as $field) {
                 if (isset($_POST[$field])) {
                     $cur_profile[$field] = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($_POST[$field]);
Example #8
function theme($memID)
    global $txt, $context;
    if (allowedTo(array('profile_extra_own', 'profile_extra_any'))) {
        loadCustomFields($memID, 'theme');
    EoS_Smarty::getConfigInstance()->registerHookTemplate('profile_content_area', 'profile/edit_options');
    //$context['sub_template'] = 'edit_options';
    $context['page_desc'] = $txt['theme_info'];
    setupProfileContext(array('id_theme', 'smiley_set', 'hr', 'time_format', 'time_offset', 'hr', 'theme_settings'));
     * View the user profile summary.
     * @uses ProfileInfo template
    public function action_summary()
        global $context, $memberContext, $txt, $modSettings, $user_info, $user_profile, $scripturl, $settings;
        $memID = currentMemberID();
        // Attempt to load the member's profile data.
        if (!loadMemberContext($memID) || !isset($memberContext[$memID])) {
            fatal_lang_error('not_a_user', false);
        // Set up the stuff and load the user.
        $context += array('page_title' => sprintf($txt['profile_of_username'], $memberContext[$memID]['name']), 'can_send_pm' => allowedTo('pm_send'), 'can_send_email' => allowedTo('send_email_to_members'), 'can_have_buddy' => allowedTo('profile_identity_own') && !empty($modSettings['enable_buddylist']), 'can_issue_warning' => in_array('w', $context['admin_features']) && allowedTo('issue_warning') && !empty($modSettings['warning_enable']));
        $context['member'] =& $memberContext[$memID];
        $context['can_view_warning'] = in_array('w', $context['admin_features']) && (allowedTo('issue_warning') && !$context['user']['is_owner']) || !empty($modSettings['warning_show']) && ($modSettings['warning_show'] > 1 || $context['user']['is_owner']);
        // Set a canonical URL for this page.
        $context['canonical_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $memID;
        // Are there things we don't show?
        $context['disabled_fields'] = isset($modSettings['disabled_profile_fields']) ? array_flip(explode(',', $modSettings['disabled_profile_fields'])) : array();
        // Menu tab
        $context[$context['profile_menu_name']]['tab_data'] = array();
        // Tab information for use in the summary page
        // Each tab template defines a div, the value of which are the template(s) to load in that div
        // Templates are named template_profile_block_YOURNAME
        $context['summarytabs'] = array('summary' => array('name' => $txt['summary'], 'templates' => array(array('summary', 'user_info'), array('contact', 'other_info'), array('user_customprofileinfo', 'moderation')), 'active' => true), 'recent' => array('name' => $txt['profile_recent_activity'], 'templates' => array('posts', 'topics', 'attachments'), 'active' => true), 'buddies' => array('name' => $txt['buddies'], 'templates' => array('buddies'), 'active' => !empty($modSettings['enable_buddylist']) && $context['user']['is_owner']));
        // Let addons add or remove to the tabs array
        call_integration_hook('integrate_profile_summary', array($memID));
        // Go forward with whats left
        $summary_areas = '';
        foreach ($context['summarytabs'] as $id => $tab) {
            // If the tab is active we add it
            if ($tab['active'] !== true) {
            } else {
                // All the active templates, used to prevent processing data we don't need
                foreach ($tab['templates'] as $template) {
                    $summary_areas .= is_array($template) ? implode(',', $template) : ',' . $template;
        $summary_areas = explode(',', $summary_areas);
        // See if they have broken any warning levels...
        if (!empty($modSettings['warning_mute']) && $modSettings['warning_mute'] <= $context['member']['warning']) {
            $context['warning_status'] = $txt['profile_warning_is_muted'];
        } elseif (!empty($modSettings['warning_moderate']) && $modSettings['warning_moderate'] <= $context['member']['warning']) {
            $context['warning_status'] = $txt['profile_warning_is_moderation'];
        } elseif (!empty($modSettings['warning_watch']) && $modSettings['warning_watch'] <= $context['member']['warning']) {
            $context['warning_status'] = $txt['profile_warning_is_watch'];
        // They haven't even been registered for a full day!?
        $days_registered = (int) ((time() - $user_profile[$memID]['date_registered']) / (3600 * 24));
        if (empty($user_profile[$memID]['date_registered']) || $days_registered < 1) {
            $context['member']['posts_per_day'] = $txt['not_applicable'];
        } else {
            $context['member']['posts_per_day'] = comma_format($context['member']['real_posts'] / $days_registered, 3);
        // Set the age...
        if (empty($context['member']['birth_date'])) {
            $context['member'] += array('age' => $txt['not_applicable'], 'today_is_birthday' => false);
        } else {
            list($birth_year, $birth_month, $birth_day) = sscanf($context['member']['birth_date'], '%d-%d-%d');
            $datearray = getdate(forum_time());
            $context['member'] += array('age' => $birth_year <= 4 ? $txt['not_applicable'] : $datearray['year'] - $birth_year - ($datearray['mon'] > $birth_month || $datearray['mon'] == $birth_month && $datearray['mday'] >= $birth_day ? 0 : 1), 'today_is_birthday' => $datearray['mon'] == $birth_month && $datearray['mday'] == $birth_day);
        if (allowedTo('moderate_forum')) {
            // Make sure it's a valid ip address; otherwise, don't bother...
            if (preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}$/', $memberContext[$memID]['ip']) == 1 && empty($modSettings['disableHostnameLookup'])) {
                $context['member']['hostname'] = host_from_ip($memberContext[$memID]['ip']);
            } else {
                $context['member']['hostname'] = '';
            $context['can_see_ip'] = true;
        } else {
            $context['can_see_ip'] = false;
        if (!empty($modSettings['who_enabled']) && $context['member']['online']['is_online']) {
            include_once SUBSDIR . '/Who.subs.php';
            $action = determineActions($user_profile[$memID]['url']);
            if ($action !== false) {
                $context['member']['action'] = $action;
        // If the user is awaiting activation, and the viewer has permission - setup some activation context messages.
        if ($context['member']['is_activated'] % 10 != 1 && allowedTo('moderate_forum')) {
            $context['activate_type'] = $context['member']['is_activated'];
            // What should the link text be?
            $context['activate_link_text'] = in_array($context['member']['is_activated'], array(3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15)) ? $txt['account_approve'] : $txt['account_activate'];
            // Should we show a custom message?
            $context['activate_message'] = isset($txt['account_activate_method_' . $context['member']['is_activated'] % 10]) ? $txt['account_activate_method_' . $context['member']['is_activated'] % 10] : $txt['account_not_activated'];
            $context['activate_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=profile;save;area=activateaccount;u=' . $memID . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'] . ';' . $context['profile-aa' . $memID . '_token_var'] . '=' . $context['profile-aa' . $memID . '_token'];
        // Is the signature even enabled on this forum?
        $context['signature_enabled'] = substr($modSettings['signature_settings'], 0, 1) == 1;
        // How about, are they banned?
        if (allowedTo('moderate_forum')) {
            require_once SUBSDIR . '/Bans.subs.php';
            $hostname = !empty($context['member']['hostname']) ? $context['member']['hostname'] : '';
            $email = !empty($context['member']['email']) ? $context['member']['email'] : '';
            $context['member']['bans'] = BanCheckUser($memID, $hostname, $email);
            // Can they edit the ban?
            $context['can_edit_ban'] = allowedTo('manage_bans');
        // Load up the most recent attachments for this user for use in profile views etc.
        $context['thumbs'] = array();
        if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentEnable']) && !empty($settings['attachments_on_summary']) && in_array('attachments', $summary_areas)) {
            $boardsAllowed = boardsAllowedTo('view_attachments');
            if (empty($boardsAllowed)) {
                $boardsAllowed = array(-1);
            $attachments = $this->list_getAttachments(0, $settings['attachments_on_summary'], 'm.poster_time DESC', $boardsAllowed, $memID);
            // Some generic images for mime types
            $mime_images_url = $settings['default_images_url'] . '/mime_images/';
            $mime_path = $settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/images/mime_images/';
            // Load them in to $context for use in the template
            for ($i = 0, $count = count($attachments); $i < $count; $i++) {
                $context['thumbs'][$i] = array('url' => $scripturl . '?action=dlattach;topic=' . $attachments[$i]['topic'] . '.0;attach=' . $attachments[$i]['id'], 'img' => '', 'filename' => $attachments[$i]['filename'], 'downloads' => $attachments[$i]['downloads'], 'subject' => $attachments[$i]['subject'], 'id' => $attachments[$i]['id']);
                // Show a thumbnail image as well?
                if ($attachments[$i]['is_image'] && !empty($modSettings['attachmentShowImages']) && !empty($modSettings['attachmentThumbnails'])) {
                    if (!empty($attachments[$i]['id_thumb'])) {
                        $context['thumbs'][$i]['img'] = '<img id="thumb_' . $attachments[$i]['id'] . '" src="' . $scripturl . '?action=dlattach;topic=' . $attachments[$i]['topic'] . '.0;attach=' . $attachments[$i]['id_thumb'] . ';image" title="" alt="" />';
                    } else {
                        // No thumbnail available ... use html instead
                        if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentThumbWidth']) && !empty($modSettings['attachmentThumbHeight'])) {
                            if ($attachments[$i]['width'] > $modSettings['attachmentThumbWidth'] || $attachments[$i]['height'] > $modSettings['attachmentThumbHeight']) {
                                $context['thumbs'][$i]['img'] = '<img id="thumb_' . $attachments[$i]['id'] . '" src="' . $scripturl . '?action=dlattach;topic=' . $attachments[$i]['topic'] . '.0;attach=' . $attachments[$i]['id'] . '" title="" alt="" width="' . $modSettings['attachmentThumbWidth'] . '" height="' . $modSettings['attachmentThumbHeight'] . '" />';
                            } else {
                                $context['thumbs'][$i]['img'] = '<img id="thumb_' . $attachments[$i]['id'] . '" src="' . $scripturl . '?action=dlattach;topic=' . $attachments[$i]['topic'] . '.0;attach=' . $attachments[$i]['id'] . '" title="" alt="" width="' . $attachments[$i]['width'] . '" height="' . $attachments[$i]['height'] . '" />';
                } else {
                    if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentThumbWidth']) && !empty($modSettings['attachmentThumbHeight']) && (128 > $modSettings['attachmentThumbWidth'] || 128 > $modSettings['attachmentThumbHeight'])) {
                        $context['thumbs'][$i]['img'] = '<img src="' . $mime_images_url . (!file_exists($mime_path . $attachments[$i]['fileext'] . '.png') ? 'default' : $attachments[$i]['fileext']) . '.png" title="" alt="" width="' . $modSettings['attachmentThumbWidth'] . '" height="' . $modSettings['attachmentThumbHeight'] . '" />';
                    } else {
                        $context['thumbs'][$i]['img'] = '<img src="' . $mime_images_url . (!file_exists($mime_path . $attachments[$i]['fileext'] . '.png') ? 'default' : $attachments[$i]['fileext']) . '.png" title="" alt="" />';
        // Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Be my buddy :D
        if (!empty($modSettings['enable_buddylist']) && $context['user']['is_owner'] && !empty($user_info['buddies']) && in_array('buddies', $summary_areas)) {
            $context['buddies'] = array();
            loadMemberData($user_info['buddies'], false, 'profile');
            // Get the info for this buddy
            foreach ($user_info['buddies'] as $buddy) {
                loadMemberContext($buddy, true);
                $context['buddies'][$buddy] = $memberContext[$buddy];
        // How about thier most recent posts?
        if (in_array('posts', $summary_areas)) {
            // Is the load average too high just now, then let them know
            if (!empty($modSettings['loadavg_show_posts']) && $modSettings['current_load'] >= $modSettings['loadavg_show_posts']) {
                $context['loadaverage'] = true;
            } else {
                // Set up to get the last 10 psots of this member
                $msgCount = count_user_posts($memID);
                $range_limit = '';
                $maxIndex = 10;
                $start = (int) $_REQUEST['start'];
                // If they are a frequent poster, we guess the range to help minimize what the query work
                if ($msgCount > 1000) {
                    list($min_msg_member, $max_msg_member) = findMinMaxUserMessage($memID);
                    $margin = floor(($max_msg_member - $min_msg_member) * (($start + $modSettings['defaultMaxMessages']) / $msgCount) + 0.1 * ($max_msg_member - $min_msg_member));
                    $range_limit = 'm.id_msg > ' . ($max_msg_member - $margin);
                // Find this user's most recent posts
                $rows = load_user_posts($memID, 0, $maxIndex, $range_limit);
                $context['posts'] = array();
                foreach ($rows as $row) {
                    // Censor....
                    // Do the code.
                    $row['body'] = parse_bbc($row['body'], $row['smileys_enabled'], $row['id_msg']);
                    $preview = strip_tags(strtr($row['body'], array('<br />' => '&#10;')));
                    $preview = Util::shorten_text($preview, !empty($modSettings['ssi_preview_length']) ? $modSettings['ssi_preview_length'] : 128);
                    $short_subject = Util::shorten_text($row['subject'], !empty($modSettings['ssi_subject_length']) ? $modSettings['ssi_subject_length'] : 24);
                    // And the array...
                    $context['posts'][] = array('body' => $preview, 'board' => array('name' => $row['bname'], 'link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?board=' . $row['id_board'] . '.0">' . $row['bname'] . '</a>'), 'subject' => $row['subject'], 'short_subject' => $short_subject, 'time' => standardTime($row['poster_time']), 'html_time' => htmlTime($row['poster_time']), 'timestamp' => forum_time(true, $row['poster_time']), 'link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=' . $row['id_topic'] . '.msg' . $row['id_msg'] . '#msg' . $row['id_msg'] . '" rel="nofollow">' . $short_subject . '</a>');
        // How about the most recent topics that they started?
        if (in_array('topics', $summary_areas)) {
            // Is the load average still too high?
            if (!empty($modSettings['loadavg_show_posts']) && $modSettings['current_load'] >= $modSettings['loadavg_show_posts']) {
                $context['loadaverage'] = true;
            } else {
                // Set up to get the last 10 topics of this member
                $topicCount = count_user_topics($memID);
                $range_limit = '';
                $maxIndex = 10;
                // If they are a frequent topic starter we guess the range to help the query
                if ($topicCount > 1000) {
                    list($min_topic_member, $max_topic_member) = findMinMaxUserTopic($memID);
                    $margin = floor(($max_topic_member - $min_topic_member) * (($start + $modSettings['defaultMaxMessages']) / $topicCount) + 0.1 * ($max_topic_member - $min_topic_member));
                    $margin *= 5;
                    $range_limit = 't.id_first_msg > ' . ($max_topic_member - $margin);
                // Find this user's most recent topics
                $rows = load_user_topics($memID, 0, $maxIndex, $range_limit);
                $context['topics'] = array();
                foreach ($rows as $row) {
                    // Censor....
                    // Do the code.
                    $short_subject = Util::shorten_text($row['subject'], !empty($modSettings['ssi_subject_length']) ? $modSettings['ssi_subject_length'] : 24);
                    // And the array...
                    $context['topics'][] = array('board' => array('name' => $row['bname'], 'link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?board=' . $row['id_board'] . '.0">' . $row['bname'] . '</a>'), 'subject' => $row['subject'], 'short_subject' => $short_subject, 'time' => standardTime($row['poster_time']), 'html_time' => htmlTime($row['poster_time']), 'timestamp' => forum_time(true, $row['poster_time']), 'link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=' . $row['id_topic'] . '.msg' . $row['id_msg'] . '#msg' . $row['id_msg'] . '" rel="nofollow">' . $short_subject . '</a>');
        // To finish this off, custom profile fields.
        require_once SUBSDIR . '/Profile.subs.php';
        // To make tabs work, we need jQueryUI
        $modSettings['jquery_include_ui'] = true;
		$(function() {$( "#tabs" ).tabs();});', true);
  * Allow the user to pick a theme.
 public function action_themepick()
     global $txt, $context;
     $memID = currentMemberID();
     if (allowedTo(array('profile_extra_own', 'profile_extra_any'))) {
         loadCustomFields($memID, 'theme');
     $context['sub_template'] = 'edit_options';
     $context['page_desc'] = $txt['theme_info'];
     setupProfileContext(array('id_theme', 'smiley_set', 'hr', 'time_format', 'time_offset', 'hr', 'theme_settings'), 'themepick');