} file_put_contents($XMLTV, $header . $chanlist . $guide . $footer); } function showHelp() { echo 'EpgDownloader is a written in PHP, plugin based TV guide converter. With' . "\n"; echo 'derivered plugins you can for example download tv schedule from website and' . "\n"; echo 'export it to XMLTV EPG data format. The idea is to make easy conversion' . "\n"; echo 'between various data found on websites providing TV guides into XMLTV possible.' . "\n\n"; echo 'USAGE:' . "\n"; echo "\t" . '-g Generates XMLTV formatted output file with EPG data' . "\n"; echo "\t" . '-l Generates list of channels available on supported websites' . "\n\n"; echo 'All configuration of this script can be done in config.php file.' . "\n\n"; } date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); set_time_limit(0); $parameters = 'gl'; $options = getopt($parameters); loadPlugins(); if (sizeof($options)) { foreach ($options as $option => $value) { if ($option == 'g') { produceXmlTv(); } elseif ($option == 'l') { listChannels(); } } } else { showHelp(); exit(0); }
while (list($cgk, $cgv) = each($chgdb)) { $chdb = db_loadChannels("chgroup", $cgv['abr']); if ($debug) { dbg("channels", $chdb); } print "<h2>" . $cgv['display_name'] . " (" . sizeof($chdb) . ")</h2>\n"; if ($chdb) { $chdb = array_sort($chdb, $cgv['sortby']); print "<table width=\"75%\">\n"; print "<tr class=\"tableTitle\">\n"; print " <td>Channel</td>\n"; print " <td>Display Name / XMLTV ID</td>\n"; print " <td>Grabber</td>\n"; print " <td>URL</td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; listChannels($chdb); print "</table>\n"; } } // // disconnect from main database // switch ($dconf['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': sql_dodisconnect($myc); break; } ?> </body> </html>