} $uavatar = $chat['avatar']; if ($chat['hunter_color'] == 'system') { $avatar_path = "{$icon_path}"; $uavatar = 'default_system_tumb.png'; } else { $avatar_path = 'avatar'; } if ($uavatar == '' || $uavatar == 'default_avatar_tumb.png') { $uavatar = 'default_avatar_tumb.png'; $avatar_path = "{$icon_path}"; } $avatar = "<img class=\"avatar_chat\" src=\"{$avatar_path}/{$uavatar}\"/>"; $message = emoprocess(uprocess($me, $me2, $chat['message'])); if ($setting['allow_link'] == 1) { $message = emoticon(linking($message, $use_theme)); } else { $message = emoticon($message); } echo "<li class=\"ch_logs {$lcolor}\"><div class=\"my_avatar chat_avatar_wrap2\">{$avatar}</div><div class=\"my_text\"><p><span class=\"username " . $chat['hunter_color'] . "\">" . $chat['hunter'] . "</span> : {$message}<span class=\"logs_date\">" . date("M j G:i", $chat['time']) . "</span></p></div><div class=\"clear\"></div></li>\n"; if ($logs == 1) { $logs = 2; } else { $logs = 1; } } } else { echo "<li class=\"ch_logs system\"><div class=\"my_avatar chat_avatar_wrap2\"><img class=\"avatar_chat\" src=\"{$icon_path}/default_system_tumb.png\"/></div><div class=\"my_text\"><p><span class=\"username csystem\">{$lang_system}</span> : {$emptyprivate}<span class=\"logs_date\">" . date("M j G:i", $time) . "</span></p></div><div class=\"clear\"></div></li>\n"; } } else { echo 99;
* @copyright 2015 * @terms any use of this script without a legal license is prohibited * all the content of Boomchat is the propriety of BoomCoding and Cannot be * used for another project. */ $load_setting = 'timezone, allow_theme, default_theme, language'; $load_user = '******'; require_once "config_lite.php"; require_once "content_process.php"; if ($user["user_access"] == 4) { $target = $mysqli->real_escape_string(trim($_GET['target'])); $hunter = $user["user_name"]; $log = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM `private` WHERE `hunter` = '{$hunter}' AND `target` = '{$target}' OR `hunter` = '{$target}' AND `target` = '{$hunter}' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 20) AS log ORDER BY `time` ASC"); $mysqli->query("UPDATE `private` SET `status` = 1 WHERE `hunter` = '{$target}' AND `target` = '{$hunter}'"); if ($log->num_rows > 0) { while ($chat = $log->fetch_assoc()) { $message = emoprocess($chat['message']); $ptime = date("m/j G:i", $chat['time']); $message = emoticon(linking($message, $icon_set)); if ($chat['hunter'] == $user['user_name']) { echo "<li class=\"hunter_private\"><p>{$message}</p><p class=\"ptime\">{$ptime}</p></li>\n"; } else { echo "<li class=\"target_private\"><p>{$message}</p><p class=\"ptime2\">{$ptime}</p></li>\n"; } } } else { echo "<li>{$emptyprivate}</li>"; } } else { echo "<li>{$lang_error}</li>"; }
} } return $ans; } function webpagelink($dict, $word) { $y = Cologne_hrefyear($dict); return '<a href="' . "http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/" . $dict . "Scan/" . $y . "/web/webtc/indexcaller.php" . '?key=' . $word . '&input=slp1&output=SktDevaUnicode" target="_blank">' . $word . "</a>"; } function linking($fin, $fout, $issuedescription, $issuenumber) { global $header; $input = file($fin); $input = array_map('trim', $input); $outfile = fopen($fout, "w"); fputs($outfile, $header); fputs($outfile, "<h1>{$issuedescription} (See " . '<a href="https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon/hwnorm1/issues/' . $issuenumber . '">This issue</a>)</h1>'); $counter = 1; foreach ($input as $value) { $split = explode(':', $value); $dict = $split[0]; $word = $split[1]; fputs($outfile, "<tr><td>" . $counter . "</td><td>" . webpagelink($dict, $word) . "</td><td>" . pdflink($dict, $word) . "</td></tr>\n"); $counter++; } fputs($outfile, "</table></body></html>"); fclose($outfile); echo "Check {$fout} for testing.\n"; } linking($argv[1], $argv[2], $argv[3], $argv[4]);