function lightboxgallery_rss_feed($gallery)
    global $CFG;
    $result = "";
    $images = lightboxgallery_directory_images($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $gallery->course . '/' . $gallery->folder);
    $captions = array();
    if ($cobjs = get_records_select('lightboxgallery_image_meta', "metatype = 'caption' AND gallery = {$gallery->id}")) {
        foreach ($cobjs as $cobj) {
            $captions[$cobj->image] = $cobj->description;
    if (!empty($images)) {
        $webroot = lightboxgallery_get_image_url($gallery->id);
        $dataroot = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $gallery->course . '/' . $gallery->folder;
        $result .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n";
        $result .= "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:media=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\">";
        $result .= rss_start_tag('channel', 1, true);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('title', 2, false, strip_tags(format_string($gallery->name, true)));
        $result .= rss_full_tag('link', 2, false, $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lightboxgallery/view.php?l=' . $gallery->id);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('description', 2, false, format_string($gallery->description, true));
        $result .= rss_start_tag('image', 2, true);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('url', 3, false, $CFG->pixpath . '/i/rsssitelogo.gif');
        $result .= rss_full_tag('title', 3, false, 'moodle');
        $result .= rss_full_tag('link', 3, false, $CFG->wwwroot);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('width', 3, false, '140');
        $result .= rss_full_tag('height', 3, false, '35');
        $result .= rss_end_tag('image', 2, true);
        $counter = 1;
        foreach ($images as $image) {
            $description = isset($captions[$image]) ? $captions[$image] : $image;
            $result .= rss_start_tag('item', 2, true);
            $result .= rss_full_tag('title', 3, false, strip_tags($image));
            $result .= rss_full_tag('link', 3, false, $webroot . '/' . $image);
            $result .= rss_full_tag('guid', 3, false, 'img' . $counter);
            $result .= rss_full_tag('media:description', 3, false, $description);
            $result .= rss_full_tag('media:thumbnail', 3, false, '', array('url' => lightboxgallery_get_image_url($gallery->id, $image, true)));
            $result .= rss_full_tag('media:content', 3, false, '', array('url' => $webroot . '/' . $image, 'type' => mime_content_type($dataroot . '/' . $image)));
            $result .= rss_end_tag('item', 2, true);
        $result .= rss_standard_footer();
    return $result;
} else {
    if (($formdata = $mform->get_data()) && confirm_sesskey()) {
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/uploadlib.php';
        $handlecollisions = !get_config('lightboxgallery', 'overwritefiles');
        $um = new upload_manager('attachment', false, $handlecollisions, $course);
        $uploaddir = $course->id . '/' . $gallery->folder;
        if ($um->process_file_uploads($uploaddir)) {
            $folder = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $uploaddir;
            $filename = $um->get_new_filename();
            $messages = array();
            if (lightboxgallery_get_file_extension($filename) == 'zip') {
                $thumb = '<img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/f/zip.gif" class="icon" alt="zip" />';
                $before = lightboxgallery_directory_images($folder);
                if (unzip_file($folder . '/' . $filename, $folder, false)) {
                    $messages[] = get_string('zipextracted', 'lightboxgallery', $filename);
                    $after = lightboxgallery_directory_images($folder);
                    if ($newfiles = array_diff($after, $before)) {
                        $resizeoption = 0;
                        if (in_array($gallery->autoresize, array(AUTO_RESIZE_UPLOAD, AUTO_RESIZE_BOTH))) {
                            $resizeoption = $gallery->resize;
                        } else {
                            if (isset($formdata->resize)) {
                                $resizeoption = $formdata->resize;
                        foreach ($newfiles as $newfile) {
                            if ($resizeoption > 0) {
                                $resizeoptions = lightboxgallery_resize_options();
                                if (lightboxgallery_resize_upload($folder . '/' . $newfile, $resizeoptions[$resizeoption])) {
                                    $messages[] = get_string('imageresized', 'lightboxgallery', $newfile);
                                } else {
function lightboxgallery_images_by_instance($instanceid)
    global $CFG;
    $result = false;
    if ($gallery = get_record('lightboxgallery', 'id', $instanceid)) {
        $directory = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $gallery->course . '/' . $gallery->folder;
        $result = lightboxgallery_directory_images($directory);
    return $result;
jquery-1.3.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="<?php 
echo $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lightboxgallery/nivoslider/';
jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js" type="text/javascript"></script>



<div id="slider" style="margin:auto;width:640px;height:480px;">
$dataroot = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $course->id . '/' . $gallery->folder;
$webroot = lightboxgallery_get_image_url($gallery->id);
$allimages = lightboxgallery_directory_images($dataroot);
$i = 0;
foreach ($allimages as $image) {
    echo '<a href=""><img width="640px" height="480px" src="' . $webroot . "/" . $image . '" alt="" title=""></a>';


<div id="htmlcaption" class="nivo-html-caption">
    <strong>This</strong> is an example of a <em>HTML</em> caption with <a href="#">a link</a>.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(window).load(function() {
$table = new object();
$table->width = '*';
if ($editinstance->showthumb) {
    $textlib = textlib_get_instance();
    $imagelabel = $textlib->strlen($image) > MAX_IMAGE_LABEL ? $textlib->substr($image, 0, MAX_IMAGE_LABEL) . '...' : $image;
    $table->align = array('center', 'center');
    $table->size = array('*', '*');
    $table->data[] = array(lightboxgallery_image_thumbnail($course->id, $gallery, $image) . '<br /><span title="' . $image . '">' . $imagelabel . '</span>', $editinstance->output());
} else {
    $table->align = array('center');
    $table->size = array('*');
    $table->data[] = array($editinstance->output());
$dataroot = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $course->id . '/' . $gallery->folder;
if ($dirimages = lightboxgallery_directory_images($dataroot)) {
    $options = array();
    foreach ($dirimages as $dirimage) {
        $options[$dirimage] = $dirimage;
    $index = array_search($image, $dirimages);
    echo '<table align="center" class="menubar">
    if ($index > 0) {
        echo '<td>';
        print_single_button($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lightboxgallery/imageedit.php', array('id' => $gallery->id, 'tab' => $tab, 'page' => $page, 'image' => $dirimages[$index - 1]), '←');
        echo '</td>';
    echo '<td>
                <form method="get" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lightboxgallery/imageedit.php">
Example #6
function lightboxgallery_index_thumbnail($courseid, $gallery, $file = '')
    global $CFG;
    $gallerypath = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $courseid . '/' . $gallery->folder;
    $indexpath = $gallerypath . '/_thumb/index.png';
    $webpath = $courseid . '/' . $gallery->folder . '/_thumb/index.png';
    if (!file_exists($indexpath) || !empty($file)) {
        if (empty($file)) {
            if (!($images = lightboxgallery_directory_images($gallerypath))) {
            $file = $images[0];
        $thumbpath = $gallerypath . '/_thumb/' . $file . '.jpg';
        if (!file_exists($thumbpath)) {
            $thumbparent = new lightboxgallery_edit_image($gallerypath . '/' . $file);
            if (!$thumbparent->create_thumbnail()) {
        $base = new lightboxgallery_edit_image('index.png');
        $thumb = new lightboxgallery_edit_image($thumbpath);
        $transparent = imagecolorat($base->image, 0, 0);
        $shrunk = imagerotate($thumb->resize(48, 48, 0, 0, true), 351, $transparent, 0);
        imagecolortransparent($base->image, $transparent);
        imagecopy($base->image, $shrunk, 2, 3, 0, 0, imagesx($shrunk), imagesy($shrunk));
        if (!$base->save_image($base->image, $indexpath)) {
    return lightboxgallery_make_img_tag($CFG->wwwroot . '/file.php' . ($CFG->slasharguments ? '/' : '?file=/') . $webpath);
$strhead = get_string($course->format == 'weeks' ? 'week' : 'topic');
$table = new object();
$table->head = array($strhead, '&nbsp;', get_string('modulenameshort', 'lightboxgallery'), get_string('description'), 'RSS');
$table->align = array('center', 'center', 'left', 'left', 'center');
$table->width = '*';
$fobj = new object();
$fobj->para = false;
$currentsection = '';
foreach ($galleries as $gallery) {
    $printsection = '&nbsp;';
    $rss = '&nbsp;';
    $rsssubscribe = get_string('rsssubscribe', 'lightboxgallery');
    if ($currentsection !== $gallery->section) {
        $printsection = $gallery->section;
        if ($currentsection !== '') {
            $table->data[] = 'hr';
        $currentsection = $gallery->section;
    if (lightboxgallery_rss_enabled() && $gallery->rss) {
        $rss = rss_get_link($course->id, $USER->id, 'lightboxgallery', $gallery->id, $rsssubscribe);
    $imagecount = count(lightboxgallery_directory_images($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $course->id . '/' . $gallery->folder));
    $extra = get_string('imagecounta', 'lightboxgallery', $imagecount);
    if ($commentcount = count_records('lightboxgallery_comments', 'gallery', $gallery->id)) {
        $extra .= ', ' . get_string('commentcount', 'lightboxgallery', $commentcount);
    $table->data[] = array($printsection, lightboxgallery_index_thumbnail($course->id, $gallery), '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lightboxgallery/view.php?l=' . $gallery->id . '">' . $gallery->name . '</a><br />' . $extra, format_text($gallery->description, FORMAT_MOODLE, $fobj), $rss);