function lhg_create_mainboard_post_ajax() { global $lhg_price_db; require_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/lhg-hardware-profile-manager/templates/scan.php'; $sid = $_REQUEST['session']; $title = $_REQUEST['title']; #error_log("SID: $sid - Title: $title"); # execute standard actions for status change: #lhg_db_update_status( $sid, $status, $uid ); $postid = lhg_create_mainboard_article($title, $sid, ""); $newurl = "/wp-admin/post.php?post=" . $postid . "&action=edit&scansid=" . $sid; #error_log("Created article: $postid"); $response = new WP_Ajax_Response(); $response->add(array('data' => 'success', 'supplemental' => array('postid' => $postid, 'newurl' => $newurl))); $response->send(); die; }
#print '<div id="mbname">Identified name: '.$clean_mb_name."<span id='details-mb' class='details-link'></span></div>"; if ($show_public_profile != 1) { print '<div id="hidden-details-mb">Full identifier: ' . $mb_name . '</div>'; } $mb_usercomment = lhg_get_mb_usercomment($sid); $url_mb = lhg_get_mb_url($sid); $buttontype = "green"; $buttontext = $txt_submit; #"Submit"; if ($mb_usercomment != "") { $buttontype = "light"; } if ($mb_usercomment != "") { $buttontext = "Update"; } $newPostID_mb = lhg_create_mainboard_article($mb_name, $sid); // creating rating stars ob_start(); $returnval .= the_ratings("div", $newPostID_mb); $out1 = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (!strpos($out1, "onmouseout") > 0) { $out1 = "already rated"; } $out1 = str_replace("(No Ratings Yet)", "", $out1); # only scanning person should be allowed to rate here! if ($show_public_profile != 1) { $article_created = '<span class="rating-mb"><nobr>' . $out1 . '</nobr></span>'; } if ($show_public_profile != 1) { echo ' <form action="?" method="post" class="mb-usercomment">