$rs = $sessdb->Execute("select id from phplens where id='{$gLens_Prefix}{$zid}'"); if ($rs) { if ($rs->EOF) { $sessdb->Execute("update phplens set id='{$gLens_Prefix}{$zid}' where id='{$gLens_Prefix}{$lens_qb_id} '"); $lens_qb_id = $zid; } $rs->Close(); } } else { $iderr = '<p>Invalid ID</p>'; } } } if (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['table'])) { if ($gLens_Table != $HTTP_GET_VARS['table']) { $lens_qb_id = lens_qb_gen_id(); $gLens_Table = $HTTP_GET_VARS['table']; } } if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['qb_id'])) { $lens_qb_id = $HTTP_GET_VARS['qb_id']; } $tab = $gLens_Table; ?> <html> <head> <title>PHPLens</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
To control which columns are visible, click on {$lens->dynEditTabIcon} on the far left.<br> To edit column titles and other column stuff, click on {$lens->dynEditColIcon} next to the column titles.<br> For global changes, click on {$lens->dynEditIcon} in the navigation bar on the right. </h4> EOD; print $help; $lens->Reset(); } ob_start(); $cols = urlencode($gLens_Cols); print "<div align=center><a href='javascript:phplens_openwin(\"{$PHP_SELF}?lens_e_{$lens->id}=code&table={$tab}&qb_id={$lens_qb_id}&cols={$cols}\")'><b>Generate PHP Source Code</b></a> <a href={$PHPLENS_PATH}/help/ target=lensgridhelp>Help</a></div>"; $lens->dynEdit = 2; $lens->Render(); $rendered = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $lens->Verify(); print $rendered; $lens->Close(); } print "<br>"; if ($isnew) { $lens_qb_id2 = lens_qb_gen_id(); } $lens2 = new PHPLens($lens_qb_id2, $gDB, "select * from {$lens_qb_detail} where {$lens_qb_detail_key}={$lens_qb_at}"); $lens2->_idprefix = 't2'; $lens2->Render(); $lens2->Close(); ?> </body> </html>