function cache_arts() { $nod = $_SESSION['qb'] . '_cache'; $main = msql_read_b('', $nod, '', 1); if ($main) { $last = current($main); } $lastart = last_art($last[0]); if (!is_array($main[$lastart]) && $lastart or get('refresh')) { $ret['_menus_'] = array('date', 'cat', 'title', 'img', 'hub', 'tag', 'lu', 'author', 'length', 'url', 'ib', 're'); //if(!ses('dayb'))ses('dayb',calc_date(ses('nbj'))); $slct = 'id,day,frm,suj,img,nod,thm,lu,name,host,mail,ib,re'; if (ses('dayb')) { $wh = ' and day>"' . ses('dayb') . '"'; } $r = sq($slct, 'qda', 'where nod="' . ses('qb') . '"' . $wh . ' and substring(frm,1,1)!="_" and re>"0" order by ' . prmb(9)); if ($r) { while ($rb = mysql_fetch_row($r)) { $k = array_shift($rb); $rb[3] = first_img($rb[3]); $rtb[$k] = $rb; if ($rtb) { $ret += $rtb; } } } $ok = 'cache reloaded'; msql_save('', $nod, $ret); $_SESSION['rqt'] = $rtb; } else { $_SESSION['rqt'] = $main; } return lka('/reload/' . ses('qb'), 'reload'); }
function cache_arts() { $nod = $_SESSION['qb'] . '_cache'; $main = msql_read_b('', $nod); if ($main["_menus_"]) { unset($main["_menus_"]); } if ($main) { $last = current($main); } $lastart = last_art($last[0]); if (!is_array($main[$lastart]) && $lastart or get('refresh') or $_GET['nbj']) { list($slct, $in, $wh, $ord) = play_req(' and re>0'); $sq = sqlmk($slct, 'qda', $in, $wh, $ord); $rq = $req = mysql_query($sq); $ret["_menus_"] = array('date', 'cat', 'title', 'img', 'hub', 'tag', 'lu', 'author', 'lenght', 'url', 'ib', 're'); $rtb = tri_cache($rq); if ($rtb) { $ret += $rtb; } if ($rq) { mysql_free_result($rq); } if (!$_GET["lang"] && count($ret) < 500) { //!$_GET["timetravel"] && !$_GET["nbj"] && $ok = 'cache reloaded'; msql_save('', $nod, $ret); maj_nbarts($last[0]); } } else { $_SESSION['rqt'] = $main; } //if($ok && $rtb)alert($ok); return lka('/reload/' . ses('qb'), 'reload'); }