Example #1
function lang_dropdown()
    global $currentlang;
    $locale_dir = './locales/';
    $lang = languagelist();
    $langlist = array();
    if (is_dir($locale_dir)) {
        if ($dh = opendir($locale_dir)) {
            while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                if ($file == '.' || $file == '..' || $file == 'CVS' || filetype($locale_dir . $file) == 'file') {
                if (is_dir($locale_dir . $file) && @$lang[$file]) {
                    $langlist[$file] = $lang[$file];
    $selection = '<select name="alanguage" class="ow-text">';
    foreach ($langlist as $k => $v) {
        $selection .= '<option value="' . $k . '"';
        if ($currentlang == $k) {
            $selection .= ' selected';
        $selection .= '>' . $v . '</option> ';
    $selection .= '</select>';
    return $selection;
function blocks_thelang_block($row)
    $currentlang = pnUserGetLang();
    if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Languageblock::', "{$row['title']}::", ACCESS_OVERVIEW)) {
    if (!pnConfigGetVar('multilingual')) {
    $currentURL = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    if ($currentURL === "") {
        $currentURL = "index.php";
    $pattern = '/\\?newlang=.../';
    $currentURL = preg_replace($pattern, '', $currentURL);
    $pattern = '/\\&newlang=.../';
    $currentURL = pnVarPrepForDisplay(preg_replace($pattern, '', $currentURL));
    $append = "&amp;";
    if (strpos($currentURL, '?') === false) {
        $append = "?";
    $lang = languagelist();
    $handle = opendir('language');
    while ($f = readdir($handle)) {
        if (is_dir("language/{$f}") && !empty($lang[$f])) {
            $langlist[$f] = $lang[$f];
            $sel_lang[$f] = '';
    $content = '<center><font class="pn-normal">' . _SELECTGUILANG . '</font><br><br>';
    if (pnConfigGetVar('useflags')) {
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($langlist as $k => $v) {
            if ($i > 3) {
                $content .= "<br>\n";
                $i = 1;
            $imgsize = @getimagesize("images/flags/flag-{$k}.png");
            $content .= "<a href=\"{$currentURL}" . $append . "newlang={$k}\"><img src=\"images/flags/flag-{$k}.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$lang[$k]}\" hspace=\"3\" vspace=\"3\" {$imgsize['3']}></a>";
        $content .= '</center>';
    } else {
        $content .= '<form method="post" action="index.php"><select class="pn-text" name="newlanguage" onChange="top.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">';
        $sel_lang[$currentlang] = ' selected';
        foreach ($langlist as $k => $v) {
            $content .= "<option value=\"{$currentURL}" . $append . "newlang={$k}\"{$sel_lang[$k]}>{$v}</option>\n";
        $content .= '</select></form></center>';
    if (empty($row['title'])) {
        $row['title'] = _SELECTLANGUAGE;
    $row['content'] = $content;
    return themesideblock($row);
function lang_dropdown()
    global $currentlang;
    $selection = '<select name="alanguage" class="ow-text">';
    $lang = languagelist();
    $handle = opendir('lang');
    while ($f = readdir($handle)) {
        if (is_dir("lang/{$f}") && @$lang[$f]) {
            $langlist[$f] = $lang[$f];
    foreach ($langlist as $k => $v) {
        $selection .= '<option value="' . $k . '"';
        if ($currentlang == $k) {
            $selection .= ' selected';
        $selection .= '>' . $v . '</option> ';
    $selection .= '</select>';
    return $selection;
/** Make common language selection dropdown.
 * Dropdown corresponds to contents of install/lang.
 * @author     Tim Litwiller */
function lang_dropdown()
    global $currentlang;
    echo "<select name=\"alanguage\" class=\"pn-text\">";
    $lang = languagelist();
    // List install/lang
    $handle = opendir('install/lang');
    while ($f = readdir($handle)) {
        if (is_dir("install/lang/{$f}") && @$lang[$f]) {
            $langlist[$f] = $lang[$f];
    // Generation of html code
    foreach ($langlist as $k => $v) {
        echo '<option value="' . $k . '"';
        if ($currentlang == $k) {
            echo ' selected';
        echo '>' . $v . '</option> ';
    echo "</select>";
 * get a language name
function language_name($language)
    if (!isset($language)) {
        return null;
    static $name = array();
    if (!count($name)) {
        $name = languagelist();
    return $name[$language];
Example #6
function editmsg()
    list($mid, $authid) = pnVarCleanFromInput('mid', 'authid');
    list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn();
    $pntable = pnDBGetTables();
    include "header.php";
    echo "<center><font class=\"pn-title\"><b>" . _MESSAGESADMIN . "</b></font></center>";
    $column =& $pntable['message_column'];
    $result = $dbconn->Execute("SELECT {$column['title']},\n                                       {$column['content']},\n                                       {$column['date']},\n                                       {$column['expire']},\n                                       {$column['active']},\n                                       {$column['view']},\n                                       {$column['mlanguage']} \n                                FROM {$pntable['message']}\n                                WHERE {$column['mid']}= '" . pnVarPrepForStore($mid) . "'");
    list($title, $content, $mdate, $expire, $active, $view, $mlanguage) = $result->fields;
    if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Messages::', "{$title}::{$mid}", ACCESS_EDIT)) {
        include 'footer.php';
    echo "<center><font class=\"pn-title\"><b>" . _EDITMSG . "</b></font></center>";
    $asel1 = '';
    $asel2 = '';
    if ($active == 1) {
        $asel1 = "checked";
    } elseif ($active == 0) {
        $asel2 = "checked";
    $sel1 = '';
    $sel2 = '';
    $sel3 = '';
    $sel4 = '';
    if ($view == 1) {
        $sel1 = "selected";
    } elseif ($view == 2) {
        $sel2 = "selected";
    } elseif ($view == 3) {
        $sel3 = "selected";
    } elseif ($view == 4) {
        $sel4 = "selected";
    $esel1 = '';
    $esel2 = '';
    $esel3 = '';
    $esel4 = '';
    $esel5 = '';
    $esel6 = '';
    if ($expire == 86400) {
        $esel1 = "selected";
    } elseif ($expire == 172800) {
        $esel2 = "selected";
    } elseif ($expire == 432000) {
        $esel3 = "selected";
    } elseif ($expire == 1296000) {
        $esel4 = "selected";
    } elseif ($expire == 2592000) {
        $esel5 = "selected";
    } elseif ($expire == 0) {
        $esel6 = "selected";
    echo "<form action=\"admin.php\" method=\"post\">";
    echo "<b><font class=\"pn-normal\">" . _MESSAGETITLE . ":</font></b><br>" . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" value=\"" . pnVarPrepForDisplay($title) . "\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\"><br><br>" . "<b><font class=\"pn-normal\">" . _MESSAGECONTENT . ":</font></b><br>" . "<textarea name=\"content\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"80\">" . pnVarPrepForDisplay($content) . "</textarea><br><br><font class=\"pn-normal\">" . '<b>' . _LANGUAGE . ': </b></font>' . '<select name="mlanguage" size="1">' . '<option value="">' . _ALL . '</option>';
    $lang = languagelist();
    $sel_lang[$mlanguage] = ' selected';
    $handle = opendir('language');
    while ($f = readdir($handle)) {
        if (is_dir("language/{$f}") && !empty($lang[$f])) {
            $langlist[$f] = $lang[$f];
    //  a bit ugly, but it works in E_ALL conditions (Andy Varganov)
    foreach ($langlist as $k => $v) {
        echo '<option value="' . $k . '"';
        if (isset($sel_lang[$k])) {
            echo ' selected';
        echo '>' . $v . '</option>';
    print '</select><br><br>' . "<font class=\"pn-normal\"><b>" . _ACTIVE . "?</b> <input type=\"radio\" name=\"active\" value=\"1\" {$asel1}>" . _YES . " " . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"active\" value=\"0\" {$asel2}>" . _NO . "</font>";
    if ($active == 1) {
        echo "<br><br><font class=\"pn-normal\"><b>" . _CHANGEDATE . "</b>" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"chng_date\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " " . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"chng_date\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "</font><br><br>";
    } elseif ($active == 0) {
        echo "<br><font class=\"pn-sub\">" . _IFYOUACTIVE . "</font><br><br>" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"chng_date\" value=\"1\">";
    echo "<font class=\"pn-normal\"><b>" . _VIEWPRIV . "</b> <select name=\"view\">" . "<option value=\"1\" {$sel1}>" . _MVALL . "</option>" . "<option value=\"2\" {$sel2}>" . _MVUSERS . "</option>" . "<option value=\"3\" {$sel3}>" . _MVANON . "</option>" . "<option value=\"4\" {$sel4}>" . _MVADMIN . "</option>" . "</select></font><br><br>" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mdate\" value=\"{$mdate}\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mid\" value=\"{$mid}\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"module\" value=\"" . $GLOBALS['module'] . "\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"savemsg\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"authid\" value=\"" . pnSecGenAuthKey() . "\">" . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _SAVECHANGES . "\">" . "</form>";
    include "footer.php";
Example #7
function settings_admin_main($var)
    $pnconfig = $GLOBALS["pnconfig"];
    if (strlen(WHERE_IS_PERSO) > 0) {
        $pnconfig['tipath'] = str_replace(WHERE_IS_PERSO, '', pnConfigGetVar('tipath'));
    include 'header.php';
    print '<center><font size="4" class="pn-pagetitle">' . _SITECONFIG . '</font></center>';
    if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Settings::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
        echo _SETTINGSNOAUTH;
        include 'footer.php';
    // Set the current settings for select fields, radio buttons and checkboxes.
    // Much better then using if() statements all over the place :-)
    $sel_dynkeywords['0'] = '';
    $sel_dynkeywords['1'] = '';
    $sel_dynkeywords[pnConfigGetVar('dyn_keywords')] = ' checked';
    $sel_storyhome['5'] = '';
    $sel_storyhome['10'] = '';
    $sel_storyhome['15'] = '';
    $sel_storyhome['20'] = '';
    $sel_storyhome['25'] = '';
    $sel_storyhome['30'] = '';
    $sel_storyhome[pnConfigGetVar('storyhome')] = ' selected';
    $sel_storyorder['0'] = '';
    $sel_storyorder['1'] = '';
    $sel_storyorder[pnConfigGetVar('storyorder')] = ' selected';
    $sel_defaulttheme[pnConfigGetVar('Default_Theme')] = ' selected';
    $sel_themechange['0'] = '';
    $sel_themechange['1'] = '';
    $sel_themechange[pnConfigGetVar('theme_change')] = ' checked';
    $sel_lang[pnConfigGetVar('language')] = ' selected';
    $sel_nobox['0'] = '';
    $sel_nobox['1'] = '';
    $sel_nobox[pnConfigGetVar('nobox')] = ' checked';
    $sel_tzoffset[pnConfigGetVar('timezone_offset')] = ' selected';
    $sel_backendlanguage[pnConfigGetVar('backend_language')] = ' selected';
    $sel_admingraphic['0'] = '';
    $sel_admingraphic['1'] = '';
    $sel_admingraphic[pnConfigGetVar('admingraphic')] = ' checked';
    $sel_admart['10'] = '';
    $sel_admart['15'] = '';
    $sel_admart['20'] = '';
    $sel_admart['25'] = '';
    $sel_admart['30'] = '';
    $sel_admart['50'] = '';
    $sel_admart[pnConfigGetVar('admart')] = ' selected';
    $sel_reportlevel['0'] = '';
    $sel_reportlevel['1'] = '';
    $sel_reportlevel['2'] = '';
    $sel_reportlevel[pnConfigGetVar('reportlevel')] = ' checked';
    $sel_funtext['0'] = '';
    $sel_funtext['1'] = '';
    $sel_funtext[pnConfigGetVar('funtext')] = ' checked';
    $sel_intranet['0'] = '';
    $sel_intranet['1'] = '';
    $sel_WYSIWYGEditor['0'] = '';
    $sel_WYSIWYGEditor['1'] = '';
    $sel_WYSIWYGEditor[pnConfigGetVar('WYSIWYGEditor')] = ' checked';
    $sel_pnAntiCracker['0'] = '';
    $sel_pnAntiCracker['1'] = '';
    $sel_pnAntiCracker[pnConfigGetVar('pnAntiCracker')] = ' checked';
    $sel_intranet[pnConfigGetVar('intranet')] = ' checked';
    $sel_seclevel['High'] = '';
    $sel_seclevel['Medium'] = '';
    $sel_seclevel['Low'] = '';
    $sel_seclevel[pnConfigGetVar('seclevel')] = 'selected';
    $sel_htmlentities['0'] = '';
    $sel_htmlentities['1'] = '';
    $sel_htmlentities[pnConfigGetVar('htmlentities')] = 'checked';
    $sel_usecompression['0'] = '';
    $sel_usecompression['1'] = '';
    $sel_usecompression[pnConfigGetVar('UseCompression')] = ' selected';
    $sel_refereronprint['0'] = '';
    $sel_refereronprint['1'] = '';
    $sel_refereronprint[pnConfigGetVar('refereronprint')] = ' selected';
    // let's pre-create an array of the current times for each TZ
    $tzo = 0;
    $gmt = time() - date('Z');
    for ($i = -12; $i <= 12; $i++) {
        $tzstring["tz{$tzo}"] = strftime(_TIMEBRIEF, $gmt + 3600 * $i);
    // some special cases
    $tzstring['tz8a'] = strftime(_TIMEBRIEF, $gmt - 12600);
    $tzstring['tz15a'] = strftime(_TIMEBRIEF, $gmt + 12600);
    $tzstring['tz16a'] = strftime(_TIMEBRIEF, $gmt + 16200);
    $tzstring['tz17a'] = strftime(_TIMEBRIEF, $gmt + 19800);
    $tzstring['tz21a'] = strftime(_TIMEBRIEF, $gmt + 34200);
    // done, now on to the form
    echo '<form action="admin.php" name="settings" method="post">';
    print '<center><font size="3" class="pn-title">' . _GENSITEINFO . '</font></center>' . '<input type="hidden" name="_magic_quotes_gpc_test" value="&quot;">' . '<table border="0"><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _SITENAME . ":</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"xsitename\" value=\"" . pnConfigGetVar('sitename') . "\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\" class=\"pn-normal\">" . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _SITELOGO . ":</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"xsite_logo\" value=\"" . pnConfigGetVar('site_logo') . "\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\" class=\"pn-normal\">" . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _SITESLOGAN . ":</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"xslogan\" value=\"" . pnConfigGetVar('slogan') . "\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\" class=\"pn-normal\">" . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _METAKEYWORDS . ':</td><td><textarea name="xmetakeywords" cols="80" rows="10" class="pn-normal">' . htmlspecialchars(pnConfigGetVar('metakeywords')) . '</textarea>' . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _DYNKEYWORDS . '</td><td class="pn-normal">' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xdyn_keywords\" value=\"1\"" . $sel_dynkeywords['1'] . " class=\"pn-normal\">" . _YES . ' &nbsp;' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xdyn_keywords\" value=\"0\"" . $sel_dynkeywords['0'] . " class=\"pn-normal\">" . _NO . '&nbsp;' . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _STARTDATE . ":</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"xstartdate\" value=\"" . pnConfigGetVar('startdate') . "\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"30\">" . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _ADMINEMAIL . ":</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"xadminmail\" value=\"" . pnConfigGetVar('adminmail') . "\" size=30 maxlength=100>" . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _DEFAULTTHEME . ':</td><td><select name="xDefault_Theme" size="1" class="pn-normal">';
    $handle = opendir('themes');
    while ($f = readdir($handle)) {
        if ($f != '.' && $f != '..' && $f != 'CVS' && !ereg("[.]", $f)) {
            $themelist[] = $f;
    /* modif sebastien multi sites le 09/09/2001. */
    $cWhereIsPerso = WHERE_IS_PERSO;
    if (!empty($cWhereIsPerso)) {
        $handle = opendir(WHERE_IS_PERSO . 'themes');
        while ($f = readdir($handle)) {
            if ($f != '.' && $f != '..' && $f != 'CVS' && !ereg("[.]", $f)) {
                $themelist[] = $f;
    /* fin modif sebastien */
    foreach ($themelist as $v) {
        if (!isset($sel_defaulttheme[$v])) {
            $sel_defaulttheme[$v] = '';
        print "<option value=\"{$v}\"{$sel_defaulttheme[$v]}>{$v}</option>\n";
    print '</select>' . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _THEMECHANGE . '</td><td class="pn-normal">' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xtheme_change\" value=\"0\" class=\"pn-normal\"{$sel_themechange['0']}>" . _YES . ' &nbsp;' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xtheme_change\" value=\"1\" class=\"pn-normal\"{$sel_themechange['1']}>" . _NO . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _BLOCKSINARTICLES . '</td><td class="pn-normal">' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xnobox\" value=\"0\" class=\"pn-normal\"{$sel_nobox['0']}>" . _YES . ' &nbsp;' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xnobox\" value=\"1\" class=\"pn-normal\"{$sel_nobox['1']}>" . _NO . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _LOCALEFORMAT . ":</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"xlocale\" value=\"" . pnConfigGetVar('locale') . "\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"40\" class=\"pn-normal\">" . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _TIMEZONEOFFSET . ':</td><td class="pn-normal">';
    $tzoffset = pnConfigGetVar('timezone_offset');
    global $tzinfo;
    echo "<select name=\"xtimezone_offset\" size=\"1\" class=\"pn-normal\">\n";
    foreach ($tzinfo as $tzindex => $tzdata) {
        echo "<option value=\"{$tzindex}\"";
        if ($tzoffset == $tzindex) {
            echo "selected";
        echo ">";
        echo $tzdata;
        echo "</option>";
    echo '</select>' . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _STARTPAGE . "</td><td class=\"pn-normal\">" . "<select name=\"xstartpage\" size=\"1\" class=\"pn-normal\">\n";
    /* Must changed */
    	// this way everything from /modules is listed 
    	// even not initialized/not active modules
    $handle = opendir('modules');
    while ($f = readdir($handle))
        if ((!ereg('[.]', $f)) && $f != 'CVS' && (!ereg('NS-', $f)))
            $startpagepath = "$f";
            if (pnConfigGetVar('startpage') == $startpagepath)
                $sel_startpage = " selected";
                $sel_startpage = "";
            echo "<option value=\"$startpagepath\"$sel_startpage>$f</option>\n";
    // better to use the API to display the correct mods / thx to jn
    $usermods = pnModGetUserMods();
    foreach ($usermods as $usermod) {
        if (pnConfigGetVar('startpage') == $usermod['name']) {
            $sel_startpage = " selected";
        } else {
            $sel_startpage = "";
        echo "<option value=\"{$usermod['name']}\"{$sel_startpage}>{$usermod['name']}</option>\n";
    echo "</select> " . _STARTPAGEDESCR . "\n" . "</td></tr><tr><td class=\"pn-normal\">\n" . _ARTINADMIN . ':</td><td>' . '<select name="xadmart" size="1" class="pn-normal">' . "<option value=\"10\"" . $sel_admart['10'] . ">10</option>\n" . "<option value=\"15\"" . $sel_admart['15'] . ">15</option>\n" . "<option value=\"20\"" . $sel_admart['20'] . ">20</option>\n" . "<option value=\"25\"" . $sel_admart['25'] . ">25</option>\n" . "<option value=\"30\"" . $sel_admart['30'] . ">30</option>\n" . "<option value=\"50\"" . $sel_admart['50'] . ">50</option>\n" . '</select>' . "</td></tr><tr><td class=\"pn-normal\">\n" . _STORIESHOME . ':</td><td>' . '<select name="xstoryhome" size="1" class="pn-normal">' . "<option value=\"5\"" . $sel_storyhome['5'] . ">5</option>\n" . "<option value=\"10\"" . $sel_storyhome['10'] . ">10</option>\n" . "<option value=\"15\"" . $sel_storyhome['15'] . ">15</option>\n" . "<option value=\"20\"" . $sel_storyhome['20'] . ">20</option>\n" . "<option value=\"25\"" . $sel_storyhome['25'] . ">25</option>\n" . "<option value=\"30\"" . $sel_storyhome['30'] . ">30</option>\n" . '</select>' . "</td></tr><tr><td class=\"pn-normal\">\n" . _STORIESORDER . ':</td><td>' . '<select name="xstoryorder" size="1" class="pn-normal">' . "<option value=\"0\"" . $sel_storyorder['0'] . ">" . _STORIESORDER0 . "</option>\n" . "<option value=\"1\"" . $sel_storyorder['1'] . ">" . _STORIESORDER1 . "</option>\n" . '</select>' . "</td></tr><tr><td class=\"pn-normal\">\n" . _ADMINGRAPHIC . '</td><td class="pn-normal">' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xadmingraphic\" value=\"1\" class=\"pn-normal\"" . $sel_admingraphic['1'] . ">" . _YES . ' &nbsp;' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xadmingraphic\" value=\"0\" class=\"pn-normal\"" . $sel_admingraphic['0'] . ">" . _NO . "</td></tr><tr><td class=\"pn-normal\">\n" . _REPORTLEVEL . '</td><td class="pn-normal">' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xreportlevel\" value=\"0\" class=\"pn-normal\"" . $sel_reportlevel['0'] . ">" . _REPORTLEVEL0 . ' &nbsp;' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xreportlevel\" value=\"1\" class=\"pn-normal\"" . $sel_reportlevel['1'] . ">" . _REPORTLEVEL1 . ' &nbsp;' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xreportlevel\" value=\"2\" class=\"pn-normal\"" . $sel_reportlevel['2'] . ">" . _REPORTLEVEL2 . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _FUNTEXT . '</td><td class="pn-normal">' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xfuntext\" value=\"1\" class=\"pn-normal\"" . $sel_funtext['1'] . ">" . _YES . ' &nbsp;' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xfuntext\" value=\"0\" class=\"pn-normal\"" . $sel_funtext['0'] . ">" . _NO . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _WYSIWYGEDITORTEXT . '</td><td class="pn-normal">' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xWYSIWYGEditor\" value=\"1\" class=\"pn-normal\"" . $sel_WYSIWYGEditor['1'] . ">" . _YES . ' &nbsp;' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xWYSIWYGEditor\" value=\"0\" class=\"pn-normal\"" . $sel_WYSIWYGEditor['0'] . ">" . _NO . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _PNANTICRACKERTEXT . '</td><td class="pn-normal">' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xpnAntiCracker\" value=\"1\" class=\"pn-normal\"" . $sel_pnAntiCracker['1'] . ">" . _YES . ' &nbsp;' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xpnAntiCracker\" value=\"0\" class=\"pn-normal\"" . $sel_pnAntiCracker['0'] . ">" . _NO . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _DEFAULTGROUP . '</td><td class="pn-normal">' . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"xdefaultgroup\" value=\"" . pnConfigGetVar('defaultgroup') . "\" class=\"pn-normal\">" . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _SELLANGUAGE . ':</td><td><select name="xlanguage" size="1" class="pn-normal">';
    $lang = languagelist();
    foreach ($lang as $k => $v) {
        echo '<option value="' . $k . '"';
        if (isset($sel_lang[$k])) {
            echo ' selected';
        echo '>';
        echo "[{$k}] ";
        echo "{$v}";
        echo '</option>' . "\n";
    echo '</select>' . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _USECOMPRESSION . '</td><td class="pn-normal">' . "<select name=\"xUseCompression\" class=\"pn-normal\">\n" . "<option value=\"0\"" . $sel_usecompression['0'] . " class=\"pn-normal\">" . _NO . "</option>" . "<option value=\"1\"" . $sel_usecompression['1'] . " class=\"pn-normal\">" . _YES . "</option>" . "</select>\n" . '</td></tr>' . '</table>';
    print '<center><font class="pn-title">' . _FOOTERMSG . '</font></center>' . '<table border="0"><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _FOOTERLINE . ':</td><td><textarea name="xfoot1" cols="80" rows="10" class="pn-normal">' . htmlspecialchars(pnConfigGetVar('foot1')) . '</textarea>' . '</td></tr></table>';
    print '<center><font class="pn-title">' . _BACKENDCONF . '</font></center>' . '<table border="0"><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _BACKENDTITLE . ":</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"xbackend_title\" value=\"" . pnConfigGetVar('backend_title') . "\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\" class=\"pn-normal\">" . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _BACKENDLANG . ':</td><td><select name="xbackend_language" size="1" class="pn-normal">';
    $rsslang = rsslanguagelist();
    foreach ($rsslang as $k => $v) {
        echo '<option value="' . $k . '"';
        if (isset($sel_backendlanguage[$k])) {
            echo ' selected';
        echo '>';
        echo "[{$k}] ";
        echo "{$v}";
        echo '</option>' . "\n";
    echo '</select>' . '</td></tr></table>';
    print '<br>';
    print '<center><font size="3" class="pn-title">' . _SECOPT . '</font></center>' . '<table border="0"><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _SECLEVEL . ':</td><td>' . '<select name="xseclevel" size="1" class="pn-normal">' . "<option value=\"High\" {$sel_seclevel['High']}>" . _SECHIGH . "</option>\n" . "<option value=\"Medium\" {$sel_seclevel['Medium']}>" . _SECMEDIUM . "</option>\n" . "<option value=\"Low\" {$sel_seclevel['Low']}>" . _SECLOW . "</option>\n" . '</select>' . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _SECMEDLENGTH . ":</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"xsecmeddays\" value=\"" . pnConfigGetVar('secmeddays') . "\" size=\"4\" class=\"pn-normal\"> " . _DAYS . '</td></tr><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _SECINACTIVELENGTH . ":</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"xsecinactivemins\" value=\"" . pnConfigGetVar('secinactivemins') . "\" size=\"4\" class=\"pn-normal\"> " . _MINUTES . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td class=\"pn-normal\">" . _REFERERONPRINT . '</td><td class="pn-normal">' . "<select name=\"xrefereronprint\" class=\"pn-normal\">\n" . "<option value=\"0\"" . $sel_refereronprint['0'] . " class=\"pn-normal\">" . _NO . "</option>" . "<option value=\"1\"" . $sel_refereronprint['1'] . " class=\"pn-normal\">" . _YES . "</option>" . "</select>\n" . "</td></tr></table>\n";
    // Intranet configuration
    print '<br>';
    print '<center><font size="3" class="pn-title">' . _INTRANETOPT . '</font></center>';
    print '<table border="0">';
    print '<tr>';
    print '<td><font class="pn-normal">' . _INTRANET . '</font></td><td class="pn-normal">';
    print "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xintranet\" value=\"1\" class=\"pn-normal\"" . $sel_intranet['1'] . ">" . _YES . ' &nbsp;';
    print "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"xintranet\" value=\"0\" class=\"pn-normal\"" . $sel_intranet['0'] . ">" . _NO;
    print '</td></tr>';
    print '</table>';
    print '<b><font class="pn-normal"> ' . _INTRANETWARNING . '</font></b>';
    // Allowed HTML
    print '<br>';
    print '<center><font size="3" class="pn-title">' . _HTMLOPT . '</font></center>' . '<table border="0"><tr><td class="pn-normal">' . _HTMLALLOWED . ':</td></tr></table>';
    echo '<table border="2">';
    echo '<tr><th><font class="pn-title">' . _HTMLTAGNAME . '</font></th>' . '<th><font class="pn-title">' . _HTMLTAGNOTALLOWED . '</font></th>' . '<th><font class="pn-title">' . _HTMLTAGALLOWED . '</font></th>' . '<th><font class="pn-title">' . _HTMLTAGALLOWEDWITHPARAMS . '</font></th>' . '</tr>';
    $htmltags = settingsGetHTMLTags();
    $currenthtmltags = pnConfigGetVar('AllowableHTML');
    foreach ($htmltags as $htmltag) {
        $selected[0] = '';
        $selected[1] = '';
        $selected[2] = '';
        if (isset($currenthtmltags[$htmltag])) {
            $selected[$currenthtmltags[$htmltag]] = ' checked';
        } else {
            $selected[0] = ' checked';
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td><font class="pn-normal">&lt;' . pnVarPrepForDisplay($htmltag) . '&gt;</font></td>';
        echo '<td align="center"><input type=radio value="0" name="htmlallow' . pnVarPrepForDisplay($htmltag) . 'tag" ' . $selected[0] . '></td>';
        echo '<td align="center"><input type=radio value="1" name="htmlallow' . pnVarPrepForDisplay($htmltag) . 'tag" ' . $selected[1] . '></td>';
        echo '<td align="center"><input type=radio value="2" name="htmlallow' . pnVarPrepForDisplay($htmltag) . 'tag" ' . $selected[2] . '></td>';
        echo '</tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '<table><tr><td><b><font class="pn-normal"> ' . _HTMLWARNING . '</font></b>';
    echo '<br />';
    echo _HTMLALLOWENTITIES . '<input type="radio" name="xhtmlentities" value="1" class="pn-normal"' . $sel_htmlentities[1] . '>' . _YES . ' &nbsp;' . '<input type="radio" name="xhtmlentities" value="0" class="pn-normal"' . $sel_htmlentities[0] . '>' . _NO;
    // Finish
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="op" value="generate">' . '<input type="hidden" name="module" value="NS-Settings">' . '<input type="hidden" name="authid" value="' . pnSecGenAuthKey() . '">' . '<center><input type="submit" value="' . _SAVECHANGES . '" class="pn-normal" style="text-align:center"></center>' . '</td></tr></table>' . '</form>';
    include 'footer.php';