<div class="blockDiv" style="text-align: center;"> <h3 class="blockHead"><?php langtrans('Buoys and other weather mesuring devices at sea'); ?> </h3> <br /> <div style="margin: auto; width: <?php echo $ImageW; ?> px;"><?php print $BUOY_MAP; ?> </div> <br /> <div style="width: 100%;"><?php print $BUOY_TABLE; ?> </div> <br /> <h3 class="blockHead"> <small><?php langtrans('Original script by'); ?> <a href="http://saratoga-weather.org/scripts-buoy.php#buoydata" target="_blank">Saratoga-weather.org</a> </small> </h3> </div> <?php # ---------------------- version history # 3.20 2015-09-06 release 2.8 version
?> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end tabber-div --> <h3 class="blockHead"> <span style=""><?php langtrans('Calculations/Data courtesy of'); ?> <a href='http://weather.gladstonefamily.net/'> Phillip Gladstone</a>. <?php langtrans('Script courtesy of'); ?> Michael Holden <?php langtrans('of'); ?> <a href='http://www.relayweather.com/'>Relay Weather</a>.</span> <br /> <?php langtrans('Adapted for the template by'); ?> <a href="http://leuven-template.eu/" target="_blank">Wim van der kuil</a> </h3> </div> <!-- end block-div --> <?php # ---------------------- version history # 3.20 2015-08-02 release 2.8 version
langtrans('Records and Stats'); ?> </h3> <table class="genericTable trendTable" style= " text-align: left; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto;"> <tr class="table-top"> <th colspan="2" style="width: 50%;"> <?php echo langtrans('RAIN'); ?> </th> <th colspan="2" style="width: 50%;"> <?php $rainDaysWithNo = false; if (isset($ws['rainDaysWithNo']) && (string) $ws['rainDaysWithNo'] != 'n/a') { $rainDaysWithNo = true; } if ($rainDaysWithNo) { echo langtrans('RAIN HISTORY'); } else { echo ' '; } ?> </th> </tr> <?php // wsNumber ($ws['rainMonth']) # rain and rain history - today echo ' <tr class="row-light"> <td> ' . langtransstr('Today') . '</td> <td>' . wsNumber($ws['rainToday'], $decPrecip) . $uomRain . ' (' . wsNumber($ws['rainHour'], $decPrecip) . $uomRain . ' ' . langtransstr('last hour') . ')</td>'; if ($rainDaysWithNo) { echo '
<span class="small" id="rrh" style="top: 235px; right: 255px;">RAIN RATE</span> <span class="vajax" id="cajaxrainratehr" style="top: 253px; right: 255px;"></span> <span class="small" id="rrth" style="top: 252px; left: 350px;"><?php echo $uomRain; ?> /h</span> <!-- FORECAST TEXT --> <div id="vue_scroller_container"> <div class="jscroller2_left jscroller2_speed-50 jscroller2_mousemove jscroller2_ignoreleave"> <?php langtrans($vpforecasttext); ?> </div> <div class="jscroller2_left_endless jscroller2"><?php langtrans($vpforecasttext); ?> </div> </div> <!-- GRAPH LABEL --> <span class="small" id="grhrs" style="position:absolute; top:227px; left:77px;"><?php echo "24 x 1hr"; ?> </span> <span class="small" id="grlab" style="position:absolute; top:227px; left:155px;"><?php echo "TEMP"; ?> </span> <span class="small" id="grmax" style="position:absolute; top:238px; left:231px;"><?php echo $tmax;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($display_day_night_map) { include 'wsDashEarth.php'; } // eo display_day_night_map # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $display_credits = true; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($display_credits) { ?> <div class="blockDiv" style="background: black; color: white;"> <h3 class="blockHead"> <small><?php langtrans('Original script by'); ?> <a href="http://saratoga-weather.org/" target="_blank">Saratoga-weather.org</a> <?php langtrans('Adapted and extended for the template by'); ?> <a href="http://leuven-template.eu/" target="_blank">Weerstation Leuven</a> </small> </h3> </div> <?php } // eo display_credits # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------- version history # 3.20 2015-09-03 release 2.8 version
$SITE['wsModules'][$pageName] = 'version: ' . $pageVersion; $pageFile = basename(__FILE__); // check to see this is the real script if ($pageFile != $pageName) { $SITE['wsModules'][$pageFile] = 'this file loaded instead of ' . $pageName; } echo '<!-- module ' . $pageFile . ' ==== ' . $SITE['wsModules'][$pageFile] . " -->" . PHP_EOL; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Meteohub docs #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # to do: connect with load meteohub variables #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?> <h3><?php langtrans('Meteohub Docs / Weather variables'); ?> </h3> <p>The format of each variable name is as follows:<br /> <<a href="#time"><b>timeframe</b></a>>_<<a href="#sensor"><b>sensor</b></a> >_<<a href="#dimension"><b>dimension</b></a>>[_<<a href="#dimension"><b>unit</b></a>>]</p> <<a id="time"></a><b>time frame</b>> <b>= The reported sensor data was measured in this period</b><br /> <table class="docTable" border="1"> <tr><th>timeframe</th><th>Description <span class="examp">Recalculation</span></th></tr> <tr> <td>actual</td><td>Data last seen from the sensor</td></tr> <tr><td>alltime</td><td>Not documented in the manual!<span class="examp">---------------</span></td></tr> <tr><td>day1</td><td>Data of the actual day (including min/max values)<span class="examp">Updated every 5 minutes</span></td></tr> <tr><td>hour1</td><td>Data of the actual hour (including min/max values)<span class="examp">Updated every 5 minutes</span></td></tr>
$demo = 'Demo - use your own Meteoplug URL</h3>'; $blockheight = $height; if (is_file('_my_texts/mp_links.txt')) { include '_my_texts/mp_links.txt'; if (isset($mp_wdlive) && $mp_wdlive != $url) { $url = $mp_wdlive; $demo = ''; } } ?> <div class="blockDiv" style=" text-align: center; background-color: white;"> <h3 class="blockHead"><?php langtrans('WD-Live Data'); ?> (<?php langtrans(' - MeteoPlug'); ?> ).</h3> <?php if (isset($demo) && $demo != '') { echo '<br /><h3>' . $demo . '</h3></br />'; } ?> <iframe style=" text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; overflow:hidden; border: 0px; background: transparent; width: <?php echo $width; ?> px; height: <?php echo $height; ?> px;"
<div class="tabbertab" style="padding: 0;"> <h3><?php langtrans('Ozone'); ?> (O<sub>3</sub>)</h3> <div style ="border: 0; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0;"> <img src="http://deus.irceline.be/~celinair/map/rio_out/o3anim.gif" alt="Ozone" style=""/> </div> </div> <div class="tabbertab" style="padding: 0;"> <h3><?php langtrans('Nitrogen Dioxyde'); ?> (NO<sub>2</sub>)</h3> <div style ="border: 0; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0;"> <img src="http://deus.irceline.be/~celinair/map/rio_out/no2anim.gif" alt="Nitrogen Dioxide" style=""/> </div> </div> <div class="tabbertab" style="padding: 0;"> <h3><?php langtrans('Sulphur Dioxyde'); ?> (SO<sub>2</sub>)</h3> <div style ="border: 0; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0;"> <img src="http://deus.irceline.be/~celinair/map/rio_out/so2anim.gif" alt="Sulphur Dioxide" style=""/> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="javaScripts/tabber.js"></script>
?> ] </noscript> <span class="ajax" id="gizmoindicator"><?php echo $vars['ajaxindicator']; ?> </span>: <span class="ajax" id="gizmodate"><?php echo $vars['ajaxdate']; ?> </span> <span class="ajax" id="gizmotime"><?php echo $vars['ajaxtime']; ?> </span> <span id="ajaxcounter"></span> <?php langtrans('seconds ago'); ?> <br/> <span class="ajaxcontent0" style="display: none"> <span class="ajax" id="gizmocurrentcond"><?php echo $vars['ajaxcurrentcondalt']; ?> </span> </span> <span class="ajaxcontent1" style="display: none"><?php $from = array('<br />', '<br/>', '<br>', '-'); echo str_replace($from, '', langtransstr('Temperature')); ?> : <span class="ajax" id="gizmotemp"><?php echo $vars['ajaxtemp'];
Util::checkShowSource(__FILE__); $pageName = 'sitemap.php'; if (!isset($SITE)) { echo "<h3>invalid call to script {$pageName}</h3>"; exit; } $pageVersion = '3.00 2014-09-19'; $SITE['wsModules'][$pageName] = 'version: ' . $pageVersion; $pageFile = basename(__FILE__); // check to see this is the real script if ($pageFile != $pageName) { $SITE['wsModules'][$pageFile] = 'this file loaded instead of ' . $pageName; } echo '<!-- module ' . $pageFile . ' ==== ' . $SITE['wsModules'][$pageFile] . " -->" . PHP_EOL; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 3.00 2014-09-19 release version # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?> <div class="blockDiv"> <h3 class="blockHead"><?php langtrans('Website Map'); ?> </h3> <br /> <ul> <?php echo $DropdownMenuText; ?> </ul> <br /> </div>
?> "><?php echo $controlArr['d']['kind']; ?> </a><br /> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> floatingMenu.add('floatdiv', { targetBottom: 10, prohibitXMovement: true, snap: true }); </script> <div class="blockDiv"> <h3 class="blockHead"><?php langtrans('This Station Clientraw'); ?> </h3> <div style="width: 98%; margin: 0 auto;"> <?php echo $lientrawTxt[0]; ?> <form action="<?php echo $phpself; ?> " method="post"> <input type="text" name="path" value="<?php echo $path; ?> " id="raw_a" size="80" maxlength="120"/><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />
// end foreach loop // finish up. Write trailer info if ($doneHeader) { // --------------- customize HTML if you like ----------------------- print "</tbody>\n</table>\n"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ // only write the map legend if JavaScript is enabled var footnote = '<p style="text-align: center;"><br />'+ '<?php langtrans("Note: Click on column heading marked with"); ?> ↑↓ '+ '<?php langtrans("to sort column contents."); ?> '+ "</p>\n"; document.write(footnote); // ]]> </script> <?php print '<hr /><p style="text-align: center;">' . $quakesFound . langtransstr("earthquakes found. Click on location or map links for more details from the" . " <a href=\"{$mapMainURL}\">USGS</a>") . "</p>\n"; } else { // --------------- customize HTML if you like ----------------------- if (strlen($content) > 10) { print '<p style="text-align: center;">' . langtransstr("No earthquakes of magnitude") . " {$minRichter} " . langtransstr("or greater within") . " {$dmaxDist} " . langtransstr("reported in last 7 days") . ".</p>\n"; } else { print "<h3>" . langtransstr('The USGS feed for earthquakes was not available at this time.') . "</h3>\n"; }
<span class="GMcontent3" style="text-align: left;"><?php langtrans('Rain'); ?> [ <span id="curRainUOM"><?php print $gmRainUOM; ?> </span> ]</span> <span class="GMcontent4" style="text-align: left;"><?php langtrans('Barometer'); ?> [ <span id="curBaroUOM"><?php print $gmBaroUOM; ?> </span> ]</span> <span class="GMcontent5" style="text-align: left;"><?php langtrans('Baro Trend'); ?> </span> </div> <?php } else { ?> <td> <?php } // end no rotating legends ?> </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> <form action="#"> <div id="GMcontrolsUOM">
$pageFile = basename(__FILE__); // check to see this is the real script if ($pageFile != $pageName) { $SITE['wsModules'][$pageFile] = 'this file loaded instead of ' . $pageName; } echo '<!-- module ' . $pageFile . ' ==== ' . $SITE['wsModules'][$pageFile] . " -->" . PHP_EOL; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 3.00 2014-09-19 release version # 3.01 2014-12-21 added generic realtime name support (VWS #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $rowColor = 1; ?> <div class="blockDiv"> <h3 class="blockHead"><?php langtrans('Current status of the weather systems used in the operation of this website'); ?> </h3> <?php #-------------------------------- program up time ------------------------------------- if (isset($ws['wsUptime']) && $ws['wsUptime'] != '0' && $ws['wsUptime'] != '' && $ws['wsUptime'] != '--') { $txtYears = langtransstr('years'); $txtMonths = langtransstr('months'); $txtDays = langtransstr('days'); $txtHours = langtransstr('hours'); $txtMinutes = langtransstr('minutes'); $txtSeconds = langtransstr('seconds'); $from = array('Years', 'Months', 'Days', 'Hours', 'Minutes', 'Seconds', 'years', 'months', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'); $to = array($txtYears, $txtMonths, $txtDays, $txtHours, $txtMinutes, $txtSeconds, $txtYears, $txtMonths, $txtDays, $txtHours, $txtMinutes, $txtSeconds); switch ($SITE['WXsoftware']) { case 'MH':
ws_message('<!-- module incContact.php (' . __LINE__ . '): loading ' . $script . ' -->'); require_once $script; $publickey = '6LfTduASAAAAAOZjWB2xfxZi3JAJa5C5CLzdbMdd'; // you got this from the signup page echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey); ?> </div> <br /> <label></label> <?php echo $extraText; ?> <input type="submit" id="verzenden" name="verzenden" <?php echo 'value="'; langtrans('submit'); echo '"'; ?> /> <input type="submit" id="wis" name="wis" <?php echo 'value="'; langtrans('clear fields'); echo '"'; ?> /> <br /><br /> </form> </div> </div> <?php # ---------------------- version history # 3.20 2015-08-02 release 2.8 version
<td style="width: 32%"> <a href="http://www.hetweeractueel.nl/includes/custom/rainimages/rainmapcurrent.png?refresh=<?php echo time(); ?> " rel="lightbox" title="Click image to enlarge"> <img src="http://www.hetweeractueel.nl/includes/custom/rainimages/rainmapcurrent.png?refresh=<?php echo time(); ?> " alt="Actuele neerslag kaart" style="width: 100%; cursor: pointer;"/> </a></td> <td> </td> <td style="width: 32%"> <a href="http://www.hetweeractueel.nl/includes/custom/windmap.png?refresh=<?php echo time(); ?> " rel="lightbox" title="Click image to enlarge"> <img src="http://www.hetweeractueel.nl/includes/custom/windmap.png?refresh=<?php echo time(); ?> " alt="Actuele wind kaart" style="width: 100%; cursor: pointer;"/> </a></td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <h3 class="blockHead"><?php langtrans('Click on a map to get a pop-up with a larger image'); ?> </h3> </div>
exit; } $SITE['wsModules'][$pageName] = 'version: ' . $pageVersion; $pageFile = basename(__FILE__); // check to see this is the real script if ($pageFile != $pageName) { $SITE['wsModules'][$pageFile] = 'this file loaded instead of ' . $pageName; } echo '<!-- module ' . $pageFile . ' ==== ' . $SITE['wsModules'][$pageFile] . " -->" . PHP_EOL; # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Display a list of warnings from other sources #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?> <div class="blockDiv"> <div style="width: 100%; margin: 0 auto;"> <?php echo $ownpagehtml; echo '</div>' . PHP_EOL; ?> <h3 class="blockHead"> <small><?php langtrans('Original script (v3) by'); ?> <a href="http://leuven-template.eu/index.php?lang=<?php echo $lang; ?> " target="_blank">Weerstation Leuven</a></small> </h3> </div>