$sql .= " and (`group` = '2' OR `group`='0' OR (" . $l . "))"; } else { //普通成员 $l = " (`group` = '1')"; if ($notappids = C::t('app_organization')->fetch_notin_appids_by_uid($_G['uid'])) { $l .= " and appid NOT IN (" . dimplode($notappids) . ") "; } $sql .= " and (`group`='0' OR (" . $l . "))"; } if ($count = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('app_market') . " WHERE {$sql} ")) { $apps = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('app_market') . " WHERE {$sql} {$order} limit {$start},{$perpage}"); $multi = multi($count, $perpage, $page, $theurl, 'pull-right'); } $list = array(); //$grouptitle=array('0'=>'全部','-1'=>'仅游客可用','1'=>'成员可用','2'=>'部门管理员可用','3'=>'仅系统管理员可用'); foreach ($apps as $value) { if ($value['isshow'] < 1) { continue; } $value['tags'] = C::t('app_relative')->fetch_all_by_appid($value['appid']); if ($value['appico'] != 'dzz/images/default/icodefault.png' && !preg_match("/^(http|ftp|https|mms)\\:\\/\\/(.+?)/i", $value['appico'])) { $value['appico'] = $_G['setting']['attachurl'] . $value['appico']; } $value['url'] = replace_canshu($value['appurl']); if (in_array($value['appid'], $applist)) { $value['isinstall'] = true; } $list[$value['appid']] = $value; } $jsondata = json_encode_gbk($list); include template('market');
<?php /* * @copyright Leyun internet Technology(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd * @license http://www.dzzoffice.com/licenses/license.txt * @package DzzOffice * @link http://www.dzzoffice.com * @author zyx(zyx@dzz.cc) */ if (!defined('IN_DZZ') || !defined('IN_ADMIN')) { exit('Access Denied'); } $clouds = DB::fetch_all("select * from " . DB::table('connect') . " where 1 order by disp", array(), 'bz'); $bz = $_GET['bz']; if ($_GET['do'] == 'getBucket') { $id = $_GET['id']; $key = $_GET['key']; $bz = empty($_GET['bz']) ? 'ALIOSS' : $_GET['bz']; $class = 'io_' . $bz; $p = new $class($bz); $re = $p->getBucketList($id, $key); if ($re) { echo json_encode_gbk($re); } else { echo json_encode_gbk(array()); } exit; } else { IO::authorize($bz); exit; }
} } C::t('user_field')->update($_G['uid'], array('screenlist' => implode(',', $data['screenlist']), 'docklist' => implode(',', $data['docklist']))); //目录数据 $folderdata = array(); //默认目录全部调用 foreach ($space['typefid'] as $fid) { $folderids[] = $fid; } $folderids = array_unique($folderids); if ($folderids) { $folderdata = C::t('folder')->fetch_all_by_fid($folderids); } //获取云盘目录数据 $pandata = C::t('connect')->fetch_all_folderdata($_G['uid']); foreach ($pandata as $key => $value) { $folderdata[$key] = $value; } foreach ($shortcutFolderdata as $key => $value1) { $folderdata[$key] = $value1; } $data['formhash'] = $_G['formhash']; //$data['navids']=array_merge($navids_0,$navids_u); $data['sourceids'] = array('icos' => $icoids); $data['sourcedata'] = array('icos' => $icosdata ? $icosdata : array(), 'folder' => $folderdata ? $folderdata : array(), 'app' => $appdata ? $appdata : array()); $space['attachextensions'] = $space['attachextensions'] ? explode(',', $space['attachextensions']) : array(); $data['myspace'] = $data['space'] = $space; //print_r($data); echo json_encode_gbk($data); exit; }
$ismoderator = 1; $permtitle = perm_binPerm::getGroupTitleByPower($folder['perm1']); $permarr = perm_binPerm::groupPowerPack(); } } $foldername = IO::getFolderName(lang('template', 'newfolder', null, 'dzz'), $path); } else { $perm = intval($_GET['perm']); $fname = io_dzz::name_filter(getstr($_GET['name'], 80)); $path = trim($_GET['path']); if ($arr = IO::CreateFolder($path, $fname, $perm)) { if ($arr['error']) { showmessage($arr['error']); } else { $arr['msg'] = 'success'; showmessage('do_success', dreferer(), array('data' => rawurlencode(json_encode_gbk($arr)))); } } else { $arr = array(); $arr['msg'] = lang('template', 'failure_newfolder'); showmessage($arr['msg']); } } } elseif ($do == 'share') { $sharestatus = array('-4' => '已屏蔽', '-3' => '分享文件删除', '-2' => '次数用尽', '-1' => '已过期', '0' => '正常'); if (!submitcheck('sharesubmit')) { $path = dzzdecode($_GET['path']); $icoarr = IO::getMeta($path); if ($icoarr['type'] == 'shortcut') { $icoarr['type'] = $icoarr['ttype']; $icoarr['size'] = $icoarr['tdate']['size'];
<?php /* * @copyright Leyun internet Technology(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd * @license http://www.dzzoffice.com/licenses/license.txt * @package DzzOffice * @link http://www.dzzoffice.com * @author zyx(zyx@dzz.cc) */ if (!defined('IN_DZZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } $uid = $_G['uid']; $space = getuserbyuid($_G['uid']); $space['self'] = intval($space['self']); $thame = getThames(); $thamejson = json_encode_gbk($thame['data']); $space['thame'] = $thame['thame']; if (isset($_G['setting']['dzz_iconview']) && $_G['setting']['dzz_iconview']) { $iconview = $_G['setting']['iconview']; } else { $iconview = C::t('iconview')->fetch_all(); } $sitename = addslashes($_G['setting']['sitename']); include DZZ_ROOT . './core/core_version.php'; include template('dzz_index');
$winid = $_GET['winid']; $sid = empty($_GET['id']) ? 0 : $_GET['id']; $marker = empty($_GET['marker']) ? '' : trim($_GET['marker']); $bz = empty($_GET['bz']) ? '' : urldecode($_GET['bz']); $path = rawurldecode($_GET['path']); $arr = array(); $icoid = intval($_GET['icoid']); $uid = empty($_GET['uid']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['uid']); if ($icoid && ($icoarr = DB::fetch_first("select * from " . DB::table('icos') . " where icoid='{$icoid}'"))) { $icoarr = replace_remote($icoarr); $icoarr['url'] = replace_canshu($icoarr['url']); $icoarr['fsize'] = formatsize($icoarr['size']); $icoarr['ftype'] = getFileTypeName($icoarr['type'], $icoarr['ext']); $icoarr['fdateline'] = dgmdate($icoarr['dateline']); $data1[$icoarr['icoid']] = $icoarr; $json_data1 = json_encode_gbk($data1); } $data = array(); $userdata = array(); $folderids = $folderdata = $baiduids = $storageids = array(); $force = intval($_GET['force']); if ($bz) { $keyword = urldecode($_GET['keyword']); $asc = intval($_GET['asc']); list($prex, $id) = explode('-', $sid); $container = 'icosContainer_folder_' . $id; $order = $asc > 0 ? 'asc' : "desc"; switch ($_GET['disp']) { case 0: $by = 'name'; //$order='';