Example #1
function build_email_body($params)
    global $_journo;
    $data = journo_collectData($_journo);
    include "../templates/journo_text.tpl.php";
    $profile_text = ob_get_clean();
    $body = "{$params['name']} sent this to you from " . OPTION_BASE_URL . "\n\n";
    if ($params['message']) {
        $body .= "Note from {$params['name']}:\n";
        $body .= $params['message'];
        $body .= "\n";
    $body .= str_repeat('-', 75) . "\n\n";
    $body .= $profile_text;
    $body .= str_repeat('-', 75) . "\n";
    $body .= "If you have any questions about this email, please contact " . OPTION_TEAM_EMAIL . "\n";
    return $body;
Example #2
        $json_quick = json_encode($data);
        /* mark journo as needing their page sorted out! */
        db_do("UPDATE journo SET modified=true WHERE id=?", $journo['id']);
        /* save the quick-n-nasty data */
        db_do("INSERT INTO htmlcache (name,content) VALUES(?,?)", $cacheid, $json_quick);
    } else {
        /* there is cached data - yay! */
        $data = json_decode($cached_json, true);
        if ($can_edit_page && $journo['modified'] == 't') {
            /* journo is logged in and the page is out of date...
             * update the cached data with some fresh quick-n-nasty data
             * (which covers most of what a journo might be editing via their profile page, say)
            $old_quick_n_nasty = $data['quick_n_nasty'];
            $newdata = journo_collectData($journo, true);
            $data = array_merge($data, $newdata);
            /* if there was non-quick-n-nasty data there, this makes sure it'll still be used in the template */
            $data['quick_n_nasty'] = $old_quick_n_nasty;
            /* store it in the cache for other users to enjoy too :-) */
            $updated_json = json_encode($data);
            db_do("DELETE FROM htmlcache WHERE name=?", $cacheid);
            db_do("INSERT INTO htmlcache (name,content) VALUES(?,?)", $cacheid, $updated_json);
// HACK:
// fields that we've recently added, which might not be in cached versions
if (!array_key_exists('num_alerts', $data)) {
    $data['num_alerts'] = 0;