function getUserInfo($uid) { global $_G; $login_user = $_G['uid']; $sql_user = "******"; $user = DB::fetch_first($sql_user); // 互相关注 $sql_tmp = "SELECT * FROM pre_jf_follow WHERE user_id={$login_user} AND relation_id=" . $user['uid'] . ";"; $data_tmp = DB::fetch_first($sql_tmp); if ($data_tmp['id']) { $user['each'] = 1; } else { $user['each'] = 0; } // 关注总量 $sql_tmp = "SELECT count(1) fanss FROM pre_jf_follow WHERE relation_id=" . $user['uid'] . ";"; $data_tmp = DB::fetch_first($sql_tmp); if ($data_tmp['fanss']) { $user['fanss'] = $data_tmp['fanss']; } else { $user['fanss'] = 0; } // 粉丝总量 $sql_tmp = "SELECT count(1) follows FROM pre_jf_follow WHERE user_id=" . $user['uid'] . ";"; $data_tmp = DB::fetch_first($sql_tmp); if ($data_tmp['follows']) { $user['follows'] = $data_tmp['follows']; } else { $user['follows'] = 0; } // 头像 $user['head'] = jointGetPhoto($user['uid'], 1); $user['username'] = jointGetJfNiceByUsername($user['username']); return $user; }
// 列表-官方发布 $list_gffb = jointGetRecommenList($cfg_portal_recommen_gf); // 列表-攻略 $list_gl = jointGetRecommenList($cfg_portal_recommen_gl); // 列表-活动专区 $list_hdzq = jointGetRecommenList($cfg_portal_recommen_hd); // 列表-知性男女 $list_zxnn = jointGetRecommenList($cfg_portal_recommen_zx); // 查询推荐信息 $recommen_1 = jointGetRecommenList($cfg_portal_recommen_1); // 查询推荐信息 $recommen_2 = jointGetRecommenList($cfg_portal_recommen_2); */ $recommen_1 = jointGetRecommenList($cfg_portal_recommen_1); // 板块热门文章 $hot = jointGetHotList(array(181, 182, 183, 184)); // 我关注的板块 $follow_forum = jointGetFollowForum($_G['uid']); // 未读消息 $message_num = jointGetWeiduMessage($_G['uid']); $unreadthread = jointGetUnreadthread($_G['uid']); // 个人信息 $_G['member']['username'] = jointGetJfNiceByUsername($_G['member']['username']); $value2['head'] = jointGetPhoto($_G['uid'], $url = 1); include template('jointapp/portal');
<?php /** * 根据type返回推荐信息,json格式 **/ $action = $_REQUEST['action'] ? jointFlushStr($_REQUEST['action']) : 'follow'; $type = $_REQUEST['type'] ? jointFlushStr($_REQUEST['type']) : 'user'; $uid = jointFlushStr($_REQUEST['uid']); if ($action == 'follow') { $login_user = $_G['uid']; $time = time(); $sql_tmp = "INSERT INTO pre_jf_follow SET user_id={$login_user},relation_id={$uid},type='{$type}',time={$time};"; $data_tmp = DB::query($sql_tmp); setUserMessage($uid, 4, jointGetJfNiceByUsername($_G['username']), $_G['uid']); echo 'create'; } else { $login_user = $_G['uid']; $sql_tmp = "DELETE FROM pre_jf_follow WHERE user_id={$login_user} AND relation_id={$uid} AND type='{$type}'"; $data_tmp = DB::query($sql_tmp); echo 'delete'; }
<?php /** * 20150928 * 用户参与的主题 */ $uid = is_numeric($_GET['uid']) ? jointFlushStr($_GET['uid']) : 1; if ($uid) { $user = getUserInfo($uid); // 查询我的回帖,并且不是我发的 $sql = "SELECT td.*,, \r\n\tFROM pre_forum_post t \r\n\tLEFT JOIN pre_forum_thread td ON t.tid=td.tid\r\n\tLEFT JOIN pre_forum_forum f ON t.fid=f.fid \r\n\tWHERE t.authorid={$uid} AND t.invisible>-1 AND t.position>1 {$att_where} GROUP BY t.tid ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 0,40"; $re = DB::query($sql); $threads = array(); while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) { $data['date'] = date("Y-m-d", $data['dateline']); $data['head'] = jointGetPhoto($data['authorid'], 1); $data['author'] = jointGetJfNiceByUsername($data['author']); $threads[] = $data; } } $uhome = $user['username']; include template('jointapp/upost');
$data_tmp = DB::fetch_first($sql_tmp); if ($data_tmp['id']) { $data['each'] = 1; } else { $data['each'] = 0; } // 关注总量 $sql_tmp = "SELECT count(1) fanss FROM pre_jf_follow WHERE relation_id=" . $data['uid'] . ";"; $data_tmp = DB::fetch_first($sql_tmp); if ($data_tmp['fanss']) { $data['fanss'] = $data_tmp['fanss']; } else { $data['fanss'] = 0; } // 帖子总量 $sql_tmp = "SELECT count(1) threads FROM pre_forum_thread where authorid = " . $data['uid'] . ";"; $data_tmp = DB::fetch_first($sql_tmp); if ($data_tmp['threads']) { $data['threads'] = $data_tmp['threads']; } else { $data['threads'] = 0; } $data['head'] = jointGetPhoto($data['uid'], 1); $data['username'] = jointGetJfNiceByUsername($data['username']); $list[] = $data; } } else { header("Location:"); } $home = iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', '我的粉丝'); include template('jointapp/myfans');