function jobman_display_apply($jobid, $cat = NULL)
    global $si_image_captcha;
    $options = get_option('jobman_options');
    $content = '';
    $data = get_posts('post_type=jobman_app_form&numberposts=-1');
    if (count($data) > 0) {
        $page = $data[0];
    } else {
        $page = new stdClass();
        $page->post_author = 1;
        $page->post_date = time();
        $page->post_type = 'page';
        $page->post_status = 'published';
    if (array_key_exists('jobman-apply', $_REQUEST)) {
        if (isset($si_image_captcha) && $options['plugins']['sicaptcha']) {
            $fake_comment = array('comment_type' => 'comment');
            // No need to check return - will wp_die() if CAPTCHA failed
        $err = jobman_store_application($jobid, $cat);
        switch ($err) {
            case -1:
                // No error, stored properly
                $msg = $options['text']['application_acceptance'];
            case -2:
                // Recent application form same job
                $msg = __('It seems you recently applied for this job. If you would like to add further information to your application, please contact us directly.', 'jobman');
                if (is_array($err)) {
                    $msg = __('There was an error uploading your application. Please contact us directly, and quote the information below:', 'jobman');
                    foreach ($err as $e) {
                        $msg .= '<div class="jobman-error">' . esc_html($e->get_error_message()) . '</div>';
                } else {
                    // Failed filter rules
                    $msg = $options['fields'][$err]['error'];
                    if (NULL == $msg || '' == $msg) {
                        $msg = __("Thank you for your application. While your application doesn't fit our current requirements, please contact us directly to see if we have other positions available.", 'jobman');
        $page->post_title = __('Job Application', 'jobman');
        $page->post_content .= "<div class='jobman-message'>{$msg}</div>";
        return array($page);
    if ($options['user_registration'] && ($options['loginform_apply'] || $options['user_registration_required'])) {
        $content .= jobman_display_login();
    if ($options['user_registration'] && $options['user_registration_required'] && !is_user_logged_in()) {
        // Skip the application form if the user hasn't registered yet, and we're enforcing registration.
        $pleaseregister = '<p>' . __('Before completing your application, please login using the form above, or register using the form below.', 'jobman') . '</p>';
        $content .= apply_filters('jobman_pleaseregister_html', $pleaseregister);
        $reg = jobman_display_register();
        $content .= $reg[0]->post_content;
        $page->post_content = $content;
        return array($page);
    if ($jobid > 0) {
        $job = get_post($jobid);
    } else {
        $job = NULL;
    $cat_arr = array();
    if (NULL != $job) {
        $page->post_title = __('Job Application', 'jobman') . ': ' . $job->post_title;
        $foundjob = true;
        $jobid = $job->ID;
        $categories = wp_get_object_terms($job->ID, 'jobman_category');
        if (count($categories) > 0) {
            foreach ($categories as $category) {
                $cat_arr[] = $category->slug;
    } else {
        $page->post_title = __('Job Application', 'jobman');
        $foundjob = false;
        $jobid = -1;
        if (NULL != $cat) {
            $data = get_term_by('slug', $cat, 'jobman_category');
            if (isset($data->slug)) {
                $cat_arr[] = $data->slug;
    $content .= '<form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return jobman_apply_filter()" method="post">';
    $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="jobman-apply" value="1" />';
    $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="jobman-jobid" value="' . $jobid . '" />';
    $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="jobman-categoryid" value="' . implode(',', $cat_arr) . '" />';
    if (array_key_exists('jobman-joblist', $_REQUEST)) {
        $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="jobman-joblist" value="' . implode(',', $_REQUEST['jobman-joblist']) . '" />';
    if (empty($options['templates']['application_form'])) {
        $gencat = NULL;
        if (!empty($cat_arr)) {
            $gencat = $cat_arr[0];
        $content .= jobman_display_apply_generated($foundjob, $job, $gencat);
    } else {
        global $jobman_app_field_shortcodes, $jobman_app_shortcodes, $jobman_shortcode_job, $jobman_shortcode_categories;
        $jobman_shortcode_job = $job;
        $jobman_shortcode_categories = $cat_arr;
        $content .= do_shortcode($options['templates']['application_form']);
        jobman_remove_shortcodes(array_merge($jobman_app_field_shortcodes, $jobman_app_shortcodes));
    $content .= '</form>';
    $content .= '<div id="jobman-map" style="width: 1px; height: 1px; display: none;"></div>';
    $page->post_content = $content;
    return array($page);
function jobman_display_job($job)
    global $jobman_shortcode_job, $jobman_shortcodes, $jobman_field_shortcodes;
    $options = get_option('jobman_options');
    $content = '';
    if (is_string($job) || is_int($job)) {
        $job = get_post($job);
    if ($options['user_registration'] && $options['loginform_job']) {
        $content .= jobman_display_login();
    if (NULL != $job) {
        $jobmeta = get_post_custom($job->ID);
        $jobdata = array();
        foreach ($jobmeta as $key => $value) {
            if (is_array($value)) {
                $jobdata[$key] = $value[0];
            } else {
                $jobdata[$key] = $value;
    // Check that the job hasn't expired
    if (array_key_exists('displayenddate', $jobdata) && '' != $jobdata['displayenddate'] && strtotime($jobdata['displayenddate']) <= time()) {
        $job = NULL;
    // Check that the job isn't in the future
    if (strtotime($job->post_date) > time()) {
        $job = NULL;
    if (NULL == $job) {
        $page = get_post($options['main_page']);
        $page->post_type = 'jobman_job';
        $page->post_title = __('This job doesn\'t exist', 'jobman');
        $content .= '<p>' . sprintf(__('Perhaps you followed an out-of-date link? Please check out the <a href="%s">jobs we have currently available</a>.', 'jobman'), get_page_link($options['main_page'])) . '</p>';
        $page->post_content = $content;
        return array($page);
    $template = $options['templates']['job'];
    $jobman_shortcode_job = $job;
    $content .= do_shortcode($template);
    jobman_remove_shortcodes(array_merge($jobman_shortcodes, $jobman_field_shortcodes));
    $page = $job;
    $page->post_title = $options['text']['job_title_prefix'] . $job->post_title;
    $page->post_content = $content;
    return array($page);