?> </li> </ul> </label> </div> <h4><?php _e('Group/Forum link options', 'jet-event-system'); ?> </h4> <label><?php _e('Select the group you want to contact the event:', 'jet-event-system'); ?> </label> <?php jes_event_groups_dropdown($_POST['event-grouplink']); ?> <input type="hidden" name="event-forumlink" id="event-forumlink" value="1" /> <?php do_action('bp_after_event_settings_creation_step'); ?> <?php wp_nonce_field('events_create_save_event-settings'); ?> <?php } ?>
?> </li> </ul> </label> </div> <h4><?php _e('Group/Forum link options', 'jet-event-system'); ?> </h4> <label><?php _e('Select the group you want to contact the event:', 'jet-event-system'); ?> </label> <?php jes_event_groups_dropdown(jes_bp_get_event_grouplink()); ?> <?php /* <label><?php _e('Select the forum topic you want to contact the event:','jet-event-system'); ?></label> <select id="forum-link" name="forum-link"> <option selected="selected" value="0"><?php _e( 'Do not communicate with forums', 'jet-event-system' ) ?></option> <?php while ( bp_forum_topics() ) : bp_the_forum_topic(); ?> <option value="<?php bp_forum_topics_id() ?>"><?php bp_the_topic_title() ?></option> <?php endwhile; ?> </select> */ ?> <input type="hidden" name="event-forumlink" id="event-forumlink" value="1" />