/** * This function translates strings to their according language * * @param string $string The string to translate * @param mixed $escapemode Different uses require the string to be escaped accordinlgy. Possible values are 'html'(default),'js' and 'unescaped' * @return string Translated string */ function gT($string, $escapemode = 'html') { if ($this->gettextclass) { $basestring = str_replace('‘', '\'', $this->gettextclass->translate($string)); switch ($escapemode) { case 'html': return html_escape($basestring); break; case 'js': return javascript_escape($basestring); break; case 'unescaped': return $basestring; break; default: return "Unsupported EscapeMode in gT method"; break; } } else { switch ($escapemode) { case 'html': return html_escape($string); break; case 'js': return javascript_escape($string); break; case 'unescaped': return $string; break; default: return "Unsupported EscapeMode in gT method"; break; } } }
function PhpArrayToJsObject_Recurse($array){ // Base case of recursion: when the passed value is not a PHP array, just output it (in quotes). if(! is_array($array) && !is_object($array) ){ // Handle null specially: otherwise it becomes "". if ($array === null) { return 'null'; } return '"' . javascript_escape($array) . '"'; } // Open this JS object. $retVal = "{"; // Output all key/value pairs as "$key" : $value // * Output a JS object (using recursion), if $value is a PHP array. // * Output the value in quotes, if $value is not an array (see above). $first = true; foreach($array as $key => $value){ // Add a comma before all but the first pair. if (! $first ){ $retVal .= ', '; } $first = false; // Quote $key if it's a string. if (is_string($key) ){ $key = '"' . $key . '"'; } $retVal .= $key . ' : ' . PhpArrayToJsObject_Recurse($value); } // Close and return the JS object. return $retVal . "}"; }
function js_escape($str, $keep = true) { $str = html_entity_decode(str_replace("\\", "", $str), ENT_QUOTES); if ($keep) { $str = javascript_escape($str); } else { $str = str_replace("'", " ", $str); $str = str_replace('"', " ", $str); } return $str; //end function js_escape }
function showSpeaker($hinttext) { global $clang, $imageurl, $max; if (!isset($max)) { $max = 20; } $htmlhinttext = str_replace("'", ''', $hinttext); //the string is already HTML except for single quotes so we just replace these only $jshinttext = javascript_escape($hinttext, true, true); if (strlen(html_entity_decode($hinttext, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) > $max + 3) { $shortstring = FlattenText($hinttext); $shortstring = htmlspecialchars(mb_strcut(html_entity_decode($shortstring, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 0, $max, 'UTF-8')); //output with hoover effect $reshtml = "<span style='cursor: hand' alt='" . $htmlhinttext . "' title='" . $htmlhinttext . "' " . " onclick=\"alert('" . $clang->gT("Question", "js") . ": {$jshinttext}')\" />" . " \"{$shortstring}...\" </span>" . "<img style='cursor: hand' src='{$imageurl}/speaker.png' align='bottom' alt='{$htmlhinttext}' title='{$htmlhinttext}' " . " onclick=\"alert('" . $clang->gT("Question", "js") . ": {$jshinttext}')\" />"; } else { $shortstring = FlattenText($hinttext); $reshtml = "<span title='" . $shortstring . "'> \"{$shortstring}\"</span>"; } return $reshtml; }
$result2 = $connection->query('SELECT * FROM category WHERE id = ' . $row['category_id']); if ($result2->num_rows > 0) { while ($row2 = $result2->fetch_assoc()) { $topic[$row['id']]['category_name'] = $row2['name']; } } $result2 = $connection->query('SELECT * FROM comments WHERE topic_id = ' . $row['id']); if ($result2->num_rows > 0) { while ($row2 = $result2->fetch_assoc()) { $comments[$row2['id']] = $row2; $comments[$row2['id']]['content'] = $bbcode->parseCaseInsensitive(nl2br($row2['content'])); $comments[$row2['id']]['raw_content'] = javascript_escape($row2['content']); $result3 = $connection->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ' . $row2['author_id']); if ($result3->num_rows > 0) { while ($row3 = $result3->fetch_assoc()) { $comments[$row2['id']]['author_name'] = $row3['name']; $comments[$row2['id']]['author_name_safe'] = javascript_escape($row3['name']); } } } } } } $additional_topic_admin_buttons = array(); $additional_topic_admin_buttons = hook_filter('add_topic_admin_buttons', $additional_topic_admin_buttons); $additional_stuff_before_comments = array(); $additional_stuff_before_comments = hook_filter('add_stuff_before_comments', $additional_stuff_before_comments); $additional_stuff_before_topiccontent = array(); $additional_stuff_before_topiccontent = hook_filter('add_stuff_before_topic_content', $additional_stuff_before_topiccontent); echo $twig->render('topic.twig', array('site_name' => BOARD_NAME, 'isAdmin' => $isAdmin, 'isLoggedIn' => $loggedIn, 'topic' => $topic, 'comments' => $comments, 'additional_topic_admin_buttons', $additional_topic_admin_buttons, 'before_comments' => $additional_stuff_before_comments, 'additional_stuff_before_topiccontent' => $additional_stuff_before_topiccontent, 'currentURL' => "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}")); include_once 'include/footer.php';
function google_map_js($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => 'map_canvas', 'coordinates' => '1, 1', 'zoom' => 15, 'height' => '350px', 'zoomcontrol' => 'false', 'scrollwheel' => 'false', 'scalecontrol' => 'false', 'disabledefaultui' => 'false', 'infobox' => '', 'satellite' => '', 'tilt' => '', 'icon' => theme() . '/images/marker.png', 'streetview' => ''), $atts)); $mapid = str_replace('-', '_', $id); $map = !$streetview ? '<div class="googlemap" id="' . $id . '" ' . ($height ? 'style="height:' . $height . '"' : '') . '></div><script> var ' . $mapid . '; function initialize_' . $mapid . '() { var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(' . $coordinates . '); var mapOptions = { ' . ($satellite ? 'mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE,' : '') . ' zoom: ' . $zoom . ', center: myLatlng, zoomControl: ' . $zoomcontrol . ', scrollwheel: ' . $scrollwheel . ', scaleControl: ' . $scalecontrol . ', disableDefaultUI: ' . $disabledefaultui . ' }; var ' . $mapid . ' = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("' . $id . '"), mapOptions); ' . ($tilt ? $mapid . '.setTilt(45);' : '') . ' var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatlng, map: ' . $mapid . ', ' . ($icon ? 'icon:"' . $icon . '",' : '') . ' animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP }); ' . ($infobox ? 'marker.info = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content: \'' . javascript_escape($infobox) . '\'}); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function() {marker.info.open(' . $mapid . ', marker);});' : '') . ' google.maps.event.addListener(' . $mapid . ', "center_changed", function() { window.setTimeout(function() { ' . $mapid . '.panTo(marker.getPosition()); }, 15000); }); }; google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, "load", initialize_' . $mapid . '); </script>' : do_streetView_map($id, $coordinates, $height, $streetview); return $map; }
if ( isset($_SESSION['token']) && in_array(strtolower($comparedtokenattr[1]),GetTokenConditionsFieldNames($surveyid))) { $comparedtokenattrValue = GetAttributeValue($surveyid,strtolower($comparedtokenattr[1]),$_SESSION['token']); //if (in_array($cd[4],array("A","B","K","N","5",":")) || (in_array($cd[4],array("Q",";")) && $cqidattributes['other_numbers_only']==1 )) if (in_array($cd[6],array("<","<=",">",">="))) { // // Numerical comparizons $java .= "$JSsourceElt != null && parseFloat($JSsourceVal) $cd[6] parseFloat('".javascript_escape($comparedtokenattrValue)."')"; } elseif(preg_match("/^a(.*)b$/",$cd[6],$matchmethods)) { // Strings comparizon $java .= "$JSsourceElt != null && $JSsourceVal ".$matchmethods[1]." '".javascript_escape($comparedtokenattrValue)."'"; } else { $java .= "$JSsourceElt != null && $JSsourceVal $cd[6] '".javascript_escape($comparedtokenattrValue)."'"; } } else { $java .= " 'impossible to evaluate tokenAttr' == 'tokenAttr'"; } } else { if ($cd[6] == 'RX') { $java .= "$JSsourceElt != null && match_regex($JSsourceVal,'$cd[3]')"; } else {
$action = preg_replace("/[^_.a-zA-Z0-9-]/", "", $_GET['action']); $toolbarname = 'popup'; $htmlformatoption = ''; if ($fieldtype == 'email-inv' || $fieldtype == 'email-reg' || $fieldtype == 'email-conf' || $fieldtype == 'email-rem') { $htmlformatoption = ",fullPage:true"; } $output = ' <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>' . sprintf($clang->gT("Editing %s"), $fieldtext) . '</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $rooturl . '/scripts/jquery/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sCKEditorURL . '/ckeditor.js"></script> </head>'; $output .= "\n\t<body>\n\t<form method='post' onsubmit='saveChanges=true;'>\n\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='checksessionbypost' value='" . $_SESSION['checksessionpost'] . "' />\n\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t<!--\n\tfunction closeme()\n\t{\n\t\twindow.onbeforeunload = new Function('var a = 1;');\n\t\tself.close();\n\t}\n\n\twindow.onbeforeunload= function (evt) {\n\t\tclose_editor();\n\t\tcloseme();\n\t}\n\n\n\tvar saveChanges = false;\n \$(document).ready(function(){\n CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady',CKeditor_OnComplete);\n \tvar oCKeditor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'MyTextarea' , { height\t: '350',\n \t width\t: '98%',\n \t customConfig : \"" . $sCKEditorURL . "/limesurvey-config.js\",\n toolbarStartupExpanded : true,\n ToolbarCanCollapse : false,\n toolbar : '" . $toolbarname . "',\n LimeReplacementFieldsSID : \"" . $sid . "\",\n LimeReplacementFieldsGID : \"" . $gid . "\",\n LimeReplacementFieldsQID : \"" . $qid . "\",\n LimeReplacementFieldsType: \"" . $fieldtype . "\",\n LimeReplacementFieldsAction: \"" . $action . "\",\n smiley_path: \"" . $rooturl . "/upload/images/smiley/msn/\"\n {$htmlformatoption} });\n });\n\n\tfunction CKeditor_OnComplete( evt )\n\t{\n var editor = evt.editor;\n editor.setData(window.opener.document.getElementsByName(\"" . $fieldname . "\")[0].value);\n editor.execCommand('maximize');\n\t\twindow.status='LimeSurvey " . $clang->gT("Editing", "js") . " " . javascript_escape($fieldtext, true) . "';\n\t}\n\n\tfunction html_transfert()\n\t{\n\t\tvar oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances['MyTextarea'];\n"; if ($fieldtype == 'editanswer' || $fieldtype == 'addanswer' || $fieldtype == 'editlabel' || $fieldtype == 'addlabel') { $output .= "\t\tvar editedtext = oEditor.getData().replace(new RegExp( \"\\n\", \"g\" ),'');\n"; $output .= "\t\tvar editedtext = oEditor.getData().replace(new RegExp( \"\\r\", \"g\" ),'');\n"; } else { //$output .= "\t\tvar editedtext = oEditor.GetXHTML();\n"; $output .= "\t\tvar editedtext = oEditor.getData('no strip new line');\n"; // adding a parameter avoids stripping \n } $output .= "\n\n\t\twindow.opener.document.getElementsByName('" . $fieldname . "')[0].value = editedtext;\n\t}\n\n\n\tfunction close_editor()\n\t{\n\t\t\t\thtml_transfert();\n\n\t\twindow.opener.document.getElementsByName('" . $fieldname . "')[0].readOnly= false;\n\t\twindow.opener.document.getElementsByName('" . $fieldname . "')[0].className='htmlinput';\n\t\twindow.opener.document.getElementById('" . $controlidena . "').style.display='';\n\t\twindow.opener.document.getElementById('" . $controliddis . "').style.display='none';\n\t\twindow.opener.focus();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\n\t//-->\n\t\t\t</script>"; $output .= "<textarea id='MyTextarea' name='MyTextarea'></textarea>"; $output .= "\n\t</form>\n\t</body>\n\t</html>"; } echo $output; // Yes, closing PHP tag was intentionally left out
function display() { $custom_markers_dir = 'custom/themes/default/images/jjwg_Markers/'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title><?php echo $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['LBL_MARKER_DISPLAY']; ?> </title> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cache/themes/<?php echo $GLOBALS['theme']; ?> /css/style.css" /> <style type="text/css"> html { height: 100% } body { height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px } #mapCanvas { width: 700px; height: 500px; float: left; } #infoPanel { width: 450px; float: left; margin-left: 10px; } #mapCanvas, #infoPanel, #markerStatus, #info, #address { font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; font-family:Arial,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: #444444; margin-bottom: 5px; } b { font-weight: normal; color: #000000; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="//maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); function geocodePosition(pos) { geocoder.geocode({ latLng: pos }, function(responses) { if (responses && responses.length > 0) { updateMarkerAddress(responses[0].formatted_address); } else { updateMarkerAddress('Cannot determine address at this location.'); } }); } function updateMarkerStatus(str) { document.getElementById('markerStatus').innerHTML = str; } function updateMarkerPosition(latLng) { document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = [ latLng.lat(), latLng.lng() ].join(', '); } function updateMarkerAddress(str) { document.getElementById('address').innerHTML = str; } function initialize() { var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng( <?php echo !empty($GLOBALS['loc']['lat']) ? $GLOBALS['loc']['lat'] : $GLOBALS['jjwg_config']['map_default_center_latitude']; ?> , <?php echo !empty($GLOBALS['loc']['lng']) ? $GLOBALS['loc']['lng'] : $GLOBALS['jjwg_config']['map_default_center_longitude']; ?> ); var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('mapCanvas'), { zoom: 4, center: latLng, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }); var customImage = new google.maps.MarkerImage('<?php echo $custom_markers_dir; ?> /<?php echo javascript_escape($GLOBALS['loc']['image']); ?> .png', new google.maps.Size(32,37), new google.maps.Point(0,0), new google.maps.Point(16,37) ); var shape = {coord: [1, 1, 1, 37, 32, 37, 32, 1],type: 'poly'}; var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: latLng, title: '<?php echo javascript_escape($GLOBALS['loc']['name']); ?> ', map: map, icon: customImage, shape: shape, draggable: false }); // Update current position info. updateMarkerPosition(latLng); geocodePosition(latLng); } // Onload handler to fire off the app. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize); </script> </head> <body> <div id="mapCanvas"></div> <div id="infoPanel"><b></b> <div id="markerStatus"><i></i></div> <b><?php echo $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['LBL_MARKER_MARKER_POSITION']; ?> </b> <div id="info"></div> <b><?php echo $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['LBL_MARKER_CLOSEST_MATCHING_ADDRESS']; ?> </b> <div id="address"></div> </div> </body> </html> <?php }
$idname2 = retrieveJSidname(array('', $qid_from_sgq, $comparedfieldname[1], 'Y', $q2type, $sgq_from_sgqa)); $cqidattributes = getQuestionAttributes($cd[1]); if (in_array($cd[4], array("A", "B", "K", "N", "5", ":")) || in_array($cd[4], array("Q", ";")) && $cqidattributes['other_numbers_only'] == 1) { // Numerical questions $java .= "{$JSsourceElt} != null && document.getElementById('" . $idname2 . "') !=null && parseFloat({$JSsourceVal}) {$cd['6']} parseFloat(document.getElementById('" . $idname2 . "').value)"; } else { $java .= "{$JSsourceElt} != null && document.getElementById('" . $idname2 . "') !=null && {$JSsourceVal} {$cd['6']} document.getElementById('" . $idname2 . "').value"; } } elseif ($thissurvey['private'] == "N" && preg_match('/^{TOKEN:([^}]*)}$/', $cd[3], $comparedtokenattr)) { if (isset($_SESSION['token']) && in_array(strtolower($comparedtokenattr[1]), GetTokenConditionsFieldNames($surveyid))) { $comparedtokenattrValue = GetAttributeValue($surveyid, strtolower($comparedtokenattr[1]), $_SESSION['token']); if (in_array($cd[4], array("A", "B", "K", "N", "5", ":")) || in_array($cd[4], array("Q", ";")) && $cqidattributes['other_numbers_only'] == 1) { // Numerical questions $java .= "{$JSsourceElt} != null && parseFloat({$JSsourceVal}) {$cd['6']} parseFloat('" . javascript_escape($comparedtokenattrValue) . "')"; } else { $java .= "{$JSsourceElt} != null && {$JSsourceVal} {$cd['6']} '" . javascript_escape($comparedtokenattrValue) . "'"; } } else { $java .= " 'impossible to evaluate tokenAttr' == 'tokenAttr'"; } } else { if ($cd[6] == 'RX') { $java .= "{$JSsourceElt} != null && match_regex({$JSsourceVal},'{$cd['3']}')"; } else { $cqidattributes = getQuestionAttributes($cd[1]); if (in_array($cd[4], array("A", "B", "K", "N", "5", ":")) || in_array($cd[4], array("Q", ";")) && $cqidattributes['other_numbers_only'] == 1) { // Numerical questions $java .= "{$JSsourceElt} != null && parseFloat({$JSsourceVal}) {$cd['6']} parseFloat('{$cd['3']}')"; } else { $java .= "{$JSsourceElt} != null && {$JSsourceVal} {$cd['6']} '{$cd['3']}'"; }
function do_multiplechoice_withcomments($ia) { global $dbprefix, $clang, $thissurvey; $attribute_ref=false; $qaquery = "SELECT qid,attribute FROM ".db_table_name('question_attributes')." WHERE value LIKE '".strtolower($ia[2])."'"; $qaresult = db_execute_assoc($qaquery); //Checked $attribute_ref=false; while($qarow = $qaresult->FetchRow()) { $qquery = "SELECT qid FROM ".db_table_name('questions')." WHERE sid=".$thissurvey['sid']." AND qid=".$qarow['qid']; $qresult = db_execute_assoc($qquery); //Checked if ($qresult->RecordCount() > 0) { $attribute_ref = true; } } if ($ia[8] == 'Y' || $attribute_ref == true) { $checkconditionFunction = "checkconditions"; } else { $checkconditionFunction = "noop_checkconditions"; } $qidattributes=getQuestionAttributes($ia[0],$ia[4]); if ($qidattributes['other_numbers_only']==1) { $sSeperator = getRadixPointData($thissurvey['surveyls_numberformat']); $sSeperator = $sSeperator['seperator']; $numbersonly = 'onkeypress="return goodchars(event,\'-0123456789'.$sSeperator.'\')"'; } else { $numbersonly = ''; } if (trim($qidattributes['other_replace_text'])!='') { $othertext=$qidattributes['other_replace_text']; } else { $othertext=$clang->gT('Other:'); } // Check if the max_answers attribute is set $maxansw=0; $callmaxanswscriptcheckbox = ''; $callmaxanswscriptcheckbox2 = ''; $callmaxanswscriptother = ''; $maxanswscript = ''; if (trim($qidattributes['max_answers'])!='') { $maxansw=$qidattributes['max_answers']; $callmaxanswscriptcheckbox = "limitmaxansw_{$ia[0]}(this);"; $callmaxanswscriptcheckbox2= "limitmaxansw_{$ia[0]}"; $callmaxanswscriptother = "onkeyup=\"limitmaxansw_{$ia[0]}(this)\""; $maxanswscript = "\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n" . "\t<!--\n" . "function limitmaxansw_{$ia[0]}(me)\n" . "\t{\n" . "\tmax=$maxansw\n" . "\tcount=0;\n" . "\tif (max == 0) { return count; }\n"; } // Check if the min_answers attribute is set $minansw=0; $minanswscript = ""; if (trim($qidattributes["min_answers"])!='') { $minansw=trim($qidattributes["min_answers"]); $minanswscript = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n" . "\t<!--\n" . "oldonsubmit_{$ia[0]} = document.limesurvey.onsubmit;\n" . "function ensureminansw_{$ia[0]}()\n" . "{\n" . "\tcount=0;\n" ; } $qquery = "SELECT other FROM {$dbprefix}questions WHERE qid=".$ia[0]." AND language='".$_SESSION['s_lang']."' and parent_qid=0"; $qresult = db_execute_assoc($qquery); //Checked while ($qrow = $qresult->FetchRow()) {$other = $qrow['other'];} if ($qidattributes['random_order']==1) { $ansquery = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}questions WHERE parent_qid=$ia[0] AND language='".$_SESSION['s_lang']."' ORDER BY ".db_random(); } else { $ansquery = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}questions WHERE parent_qid=$ia[0] AND language='".$_SESSION['s_lang']."' ORDER BY question_order"; } $ansresult = db_execute_assoc($ansquery); //Checked $anscount = $ansresult->RecordCount()*2; $answer = "<input type='hidden' name='MULTI$ia[1]' value='$anscount' />\n"; $answer_main = ''; $fn = 1; if($other == 'Y') { $label_width = 25; } else { $label_width = 0; } while ($ansrow = $ansresult->FetchRow()) { $myfname = $ia[1].$ansrow['title']; $trbc=''; /* Check for array_filter */ list($htmltbody2, $hiddenfield)=return_array_filter_strings($ia, $qidattributes, $thissurvey, $ansrow, $myfname, $trbc, $myfname, "li"); if($label_width < strlen(trim(strip_tags($ansrow['question'])))) { $label_width = strlen(trim(strip_tags($ansrow['question']))); } $myfname2 = $myfname."comment"; $startitem = "\t$htmltbody2\n"; /* Print out the checkbox */ $answer_main .= $startitem; $answer_main .= "\t$hiddenfield\n"; $answer_main .= "<span class=\"option\">\n" . "\t<label for=\"answer$myfname\" class=\"answertext\">\n" . "\t<input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$myfname\" id=\"answer$myfname\" value=\"Y\""; /* If the question has already been ticked, check the checkbox */ if (isset($_SESSION[$myfname])) { if ($_SESSION[$myfname] == 'Y') { $answer_main .= CHECKED; } } $answer_main .=" onclick='cancelBubbleThis(event);".$callmaxanswscriptcheckbox."$checkconditionFunction(this.value, this.name, this.type);' " . " onchange='document.getElementById(\"answer$myfname2\").value=\"\";' />\n" . $ansrow['question']."</label>\n"; if ($maxansw > 0) {$maxanswscript .= "\tif (document.getElementById('answer".$myfname."').checked) { count += 1; }\n";} if ($minansw > 0) {$minanswscript .= "\tif (document.getElementById('answer".$myfname."').checked) { count += 1; }\n";} $answer_main .= "<input type='hidden' name='java$myfname' id='java$myfname' value='"; if (isset($_SESSION[$myfname])) { $answer_main .= $_SESSION[$myfname]; } $answer_main .= "' />\n"; $fn++; $answer_main .= "</span>\n<span class=\"comment\">\n\t<label for='answer$myfname2' class=\"answer-comment\">\n" ."<input class='text' type='text' size='40' id='answer$myfname2' name='$myfname2' title='".$clang->gT("Make a comment on your choice here:")."' value='"; if (isset($_SESSION[$myfname2])) {$answer_main .= htmlspecialchars($_SESSION[$myfname2],ENT_QUOTES);} // --> START NEW FEATURE - SAVE $answer_main .= "' onclick='cancelBubbleThis(event);' onkeyup='if (jQuery.trim($(\"#answer{$myfname2}\").val())!=\"\") { document.getElementById(\"answer{$myfname}\").checked=true;$checkconditionFunction(document.getElementById(\"answer{$myfname}\").value,\"$myfname\",\"checkbox\");}' onkeyup='".$callmaxanswscriptcheckbox2."(document.getElementById(\"answer{$myfname}\"))' />\n\t</label>\n</span>\n" . "\t</li>\n"; // --> END NEW FEATURE - SAVE $fn++; $inputnames[]=$myfname; $inputnames[]=$myfname2; } if ($other == 'Y') { $myfname = $ia[1].'other'; $myfname2 = $myfname.'comment'; $anscount = $anscount + 2; $answer_main .= "\t<li class=\"other\">\n<span class=\"option\">\n" . "\t<label for=\"answer$myfname\" class=\"answertext\">\n".$othertext."\n<input class=\"text other\" $numbersonly type=\"text\" name=\"$myfname\" id=\"answer$myfname\" title=\"".$clang->gT('Other').'" size="10"'; if (isset($_SESSION[$myfname]) && $_SESSION[$myfname]) { $answer_main .= ' value="'.htmlspecialchars($_SESSION[$myfname],ENT_QUOTES).'"'; } $fn++; // --> START NEW FEATURE - SAVE $answer_main .= " $callmaxanswscriptother />\n\t</label>\n</span>\n" . "<span class=\"comment\">\n\t<label for=\"answer$myfname2\" class=\"answer-comment\">\n" . ' <input class="text" type="text" size="40" name="'.$myfname2.'" id="answer'.$myfname2.'" title="'.$clang->gT('Make a comment on your choice here:').'" value="'; // --> END NEW FEATURE - SAVE if (isset($_SESSION[$myfname2])) {$answer_main .= htmlspecialchars($_SESSION[$myfname2],ENT_QUOTES);} // --> START NEW FEATURE - SAVE $answer_main .= '" onkeyup="'.$callmaxanswscriptcheckbox2.'(document.getElementById(\'answer'.$myfname."'))\" />\n"; if ($maxansw > 0) { if ($qidattributes['other_comment_mandatory']==1) { $maxanswscript .= "\tif (document.getElementById('answer".$myfname."').value != '' && document.getElementById('answer".$myfname2."').value != '') { count += 1; }\n"; } else { $maxanswscript .= "\tif (document.getElementById('answer".$myfname."').value != '') { count += 1; }\n"; } } if ($minansw > 0) { if ($qidattributes['other_comment_mandatory']==1) { $minanswscript .= "\tif (document.getElementById('answer".$myfname."').value != '' && document.getElementById('answer".$myfname2."').value != '') { count += 1; }\n"; } else { $minanswscript .= "\tif (document.getElementById('answer".$myfname."').value != '') { count += 1; }\n"; } } $answer_main .= "\t</label>\n</span>\n\t</li>\n"; // --> END NEW FEATURE - SAVE $inputnames[]=$myfname; $inputnames[]=$myfname2; } $answer .= "<ul>\n".$answer_main."</ul>\n"; if ( $maxansw > 0 ) { $maxanswscript .= "\tif (count > max)\n" . "{\n" . "alert('".sprintf($clang->gT("Please choose at most %d answers for question \"%s\"","js"), $maxansw, trim(javascript_escape($ia[3],true,true)))."');\n" . "var commentname='answer'+me.name+'comment';\n" . "if (me.type == 'checkbox') {\n" . "\tme.checked = false;\n" . "\tvar commentname='answer'+me.name+'comment';\n" . "}\n" . "if (me.type == 'text') {\n" . "\tme.value = '';\n" . "\tif (document.getElementById(me.name + 'cbox') ){\n" . " document.getElementById(me.name + 'cbox').checked = false;\n" . "\t}\n" . "}" . "document.getElementById(commentname).value='';\n" . "return max;\n" . "}\n" . "\t}\n" . "\t//-->\n" . "\t</script>\n"; $answer = $maxanswscript . $answer; } if ( $minansw > 0 ) { $minanswscript .= "\tif (count < {$minansw} && document.getElementById('display{$ia[0]}').value == 'on'){\n" . "alert('".sprintf($clang->gT("Please choose at least %d answer(s) for question \"%s\"","js"), $minansw, trim(javascript_escape(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), "",$ia[3]),true,true)))."');\n" . "return false;\n" . "\t} else {\n" . "if (oldonsubmit_{$ia[0]}){\n" . "\treturn oldonsubmit_{$ia[0]}();\n" . "}\n" . "return true;\n" . "\t}\n" . "}\n" . "document.limesurvey.onsubmit = ensureminansw_{$ia[0]}\n" . "-->\n" . "\t</script>\n"; //$answer = $minanswscript . $answer; } $checkotherscript = ""; //if ($other == 'Y' && $qidattributes['other_comment_mandatory']==1) //TIBO if ($other == 'Y' && $qidattributes['other_comment_mandatory']==1) //TIBO { // Multiple choice with 'other' is a specific case as the checkbox isn't recorded into DB // this means that if it is cehcked We must force the end-user to enter text in the input // box $checkotherscript = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n" . "\t<!--\n" . "oldonsubmitOther_{$ia[0]} = document.limesurvey.onsubmit;\n" . "function ensureOther_{$ia[0]}()\n" . "{\n" . "\tothercommentval=document.getElementById('answer".$myfname2."').value;\n" . "\totherval=document.getElementById('answer".$myfname."').value;\n" . "\tif (otherval != '' && othercommentval == '') {\n" . "alert('".sprintf($clang->gT("You've marked the \"other\" field for question \"%s\". Please also fill in the accompanying \"other comment\" field.","js"),trim(javascript_escape($ia[3],true,true)))."');\n" . "return false;\n" . "\t}\n" . "\telse {\n" . "if(typeof oldonsubmitOther_{$ia[0]} == 'function') {\n" . "\treturn oldonsubmitOther_{$ia[0]}();\n" . "}\n" . "\t}\n" . "}\n" . "document.limesurvey.onsubmit = ensureOther_{$ia[0]};\n" . "\t-->\n" . "</script>\n"; } $answer = $minanswscript . $checkotherscript . $answer; return array($answer, $inputnames); }
function display() { // Users local settings for decimal seperator and number grouping seperator $dec_sep = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_decimal_seperator']; $user_dec_sep = $GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('dec_sep'); $dec_sep = empty($user_dec_sep) ? $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_decimal_seperator'] : $user_dec_sep; $num_grp_sep = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_number_grouping_seperator']; $user_num_grp_sep = $GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('num_grp_sep'); $num_grp_sep = empty($user_num_grp_sep) ? $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_number_grouping_seperator'] : $user_num_grp_sep; $custom_markers_dir = 'themes/default/images/jjwg_Markers/'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title><?php echo $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['LBL_MARKER_DISPLAY']; ?> </title> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cache/themes/<?php echo $GLOBALS['theme']; ?> /css/style.css" /> <style type="text/css"> html { height: 100% } body { height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px } #mapCanvas { width: 700px; height: 500px; float: left; } #infoPanel { width: 450px; float: left; margin-left: 10px; } #mapCanvas, #infoPanel, #markerStatus, #info, #address { font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; font-family:Arial,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: #444444; margin-bottom: 5px; } b { font-weight: normal; color: #000000; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="//maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); function geocodePosition(pos) { geocoder.geocode({ latLng: pos }, function(responses) { if (responses && responses.length > 0) { updateMarkerAddress(responses[0].formatted_address); } else { updateMarkerAddress('Cannot determine address at this location.'); } }); } function updateMarkerStatus(str) { document.getElementById('markerStatus').innerHTML = str; } function updateMarkerPosition(latLng) { document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = [ latLng.lat().toFixed(8).replace(/0+$/g, ""), latLng.lng().toFixed(8).replace(/0+$/g, "") ].join(','); } function updateMarkerAddress(str) { document.getElementById('address').innerHTML = str; parent.document.getElementById('description').value = str; } function updateEditFormLatLng(latLng) { // For Users Locale Conversion var dec_sep = '<?php echo $dec_sep; ?> '; var num_grp_sep = '<?php echo $num_grp_sep; ?> '; var local_lat = latLng.lat().toFixed(8).replace(/0+$/g, "").replace(/\,/, num_grp_sep).replace(/\./, dec_sep); var local_lng = latLng.lng().toFixed(8).replace(/0+$/g, "").replace(/\,/, num_grp_sep).replace(/\./, dec_sep); parent.document.getElementById('jjwg_maps_lat').value = local_lat; parent.document.getElementById('jjwg_maps_lng').value = local_lng; } function initialize() { var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng( <?php echo !empty($GLOBALS['loc']['lat']) ? $GLOBALS['loc']['lat'] : $GLOBALS['jjwg_config']['map_default_center_latitude']; ?> , <?php echo !empty($GLOBALS['loc']['lng']) ? $GLOBALS['loc']['lng'] : $GLOBALS['jjwg_config']['map_default_center_longitude']; ?> ); var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('mapCanvas'), { zoom: 4, center: latLng, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }); <?php if (!empty($GLOBALS['loc']['image'])) { ?> var customImage = new google.maps.MarkerImage('<?php echo $custom_markers_dir; ?> /<?php echo javascript_escape($GLOBALS['loc']['image']); ?> .png', new google.maps.Size(32,37), new google.maps.Point(0,0), new google.maps.Point(16,37) ); var shape = {coord: [1, 1, 1, 37, 32, 37, 32, 1],type: 'poly'}; <?php } // empty image ?> var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: latLng, title: '<?php echo javascript_escape($GLOBALS['loc']['name']); ?> ', map: map, icon: customImage, shape: shape, draggable: true }); // Update current position info. updateMarkerPosition(latLng); geocodePosition(latLng); // Add dragging event listeners. google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragstart', function() { updateMarkerAddress('Dragging...'); }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'drag', function() { updateMarkerStatus('Dragging...'); updateMarkerPosition(marker.getPosition()); }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragend', function() { updateMarkerStatus('Drag ended'); geocodePosition(marker.getPosition()); // Update the parent window edit view form lat/lng updateEditFormLatLng(marker.getPosition()); }); } // Onload handler to fire off the app. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize); </script> </head> <body> <div id="mapCanvas"></div> <div id="infoPanel"> <b><?php echo $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['LBL_MARKER_MARKER_STATUS']; ?> </b> <div id="markerStatus"><i><?php echo $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['LBL_MARKER_EDIT_DESCRIPTION']; ?> </i></div> <b><?php echo $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['LBL_MARKER_MARKER_POSITION']; ?> </b> <div id="info"></div> <b><?php echo $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['LBL_MARKER_CLOSEST_MATCHING_ADDRESS']; ?> </b> <div id="address"></div> </div> </body> </html> <?php }
function do_multiplechoice($ia) { global $dbprefix, $clang, $connect, $thissurvey; if ($thissurvey['nokeyboard'] == 'Y') { vIncludeKeypad(); $kpclass = "text-keypad"; } else { $kpclass = ""; } // Find out if any questions have attributes which reference this questions // based on value of attribute. This could be array_filter and array_filter_exclude $attribute_ref = false; $inputnames = array(); $qaquery = "SELECT qid,attribute FROM " . db_table_name('question_attributes') . " WHERE value LIKE '" . strtolower($ia[2]) . "' and (attribute='array_filter' or attribute='array_filter_exclude')"; $qaresult = db_execute_assoc($qaquery); //Checked while ($qarow = $qaresult->FetchRow()) { $qquery = "SELECT qid FROM " . db_table_name('questions') . " WHERE sid=" . $thissurvey['sid'] . " AND scale_id=0 AND qid=" . $qarow['qid']; $qresult = db_execute_assoc($qquery); //Checked if ($qresult->RecordCount() > 0) { $attribute_ref = true; } } $checkconditionFunction = "checkconditions"; $qidattributes = getQuestionAttributes($ia[0], $ia[4]); if (trim($qidattributes['other_replace_text']) != '') { $othertext = $qidattributes['other_replace_text']; } else { $othertext = $clang->gT('Other:'); } if (trim($qidattributes['display_columns']) != '') { $dcols = $qidattributes['display_columns']; } else { $dcols = 1; } if ($qidattributes['other_numbers_only'] == 1) { $sSeperator = getRadixPointData($thissurvey['surveyls_numberformat']); $sSeperator = $sSeperator['seperator']; $numbersonly = " onkeypress='return goodchars(event,\"-0123456789{$sSeperator}\")'"; $oth_checkconditionFunction = "fixnum_checkconditions"; } else { $numbersonly = ''; $oth_checkconditionFunction = "checkconditions"; } // Check if the max_answers attribute is set // $maxansw = 0; // $callmaxanswscriptcheckbox = ''; // $callmaxanswscriptother = ''; // $maxanswscript = ''; $exclude_all_others_auto = trim($qidattributes["exclude_all_others_auto"]); if ($exclude_all_others_auto == '1') { $autoArray['list'][] = $ia[1]; $autoArray[$ia[1]]['parent'] = $ia[1]; } // if (((int)$qidattributes['max_answers']>0) && $exclude_all_others_auto=='0') // { // $maxansw=$qidattributes['max_answers']; // $callmaxanswscriptcheckbox = "limitmaxansw_{$ia[0]}(this);"; // $callmaxanswscriptother = "onkeyup='limitmaxansw_{$ia[0]}(this)'"; // $maxanswscript = "\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n" // . "\t<!--\n" // . "function limitmaxansw_{$ia[0]}(me)\n" // . "{\n" // . "\tmax=$maxansw\n" // . "\tcount=0;\n" // . "\tif (max == 0) { return count; }\n"; // } // // Check if the min_answers attribute is set // $minansw=0; // $minanswscript = ""; // // if ((int)$qidattributes['min_answers']>0) // { // $minansw=trim($qidattributes["min_answers"]); // $minanswscript = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n" // . "\t<!--\n" // . "oldonsubmit_{$ia[0]} = document.limesurvey.onsubmit;\n" // . "function ensureminansw_{$ia[0]}()\n" // . "{\n" // . "\tcount=0;\n" // ; // } $qquery = "SELECT other FROM " . db_table_name('questions') . " WHERE qid=" . $ia[0] . " AND language='" . $_SESSION['s_lang'] . "' and parent_qid=0"; $qresult = db_execute_assoc($qquery); //Checked while ($qrow = $qresult->FetchRow()) { $other = $qrow['other']; } if ($qidattributes['random_order'] == 1) { $ansquery = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('questions') . " WHERE parent_qid={$ia['0']} AND scale_id=0 AND language='" . $_SESSION['s_lang'] . "' ORDER BY " . db_random(); } else { $ansquery = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('questions') . " WHERE parent_qid={$ia['0']} AND scale_id=0 AND language='" . $_SESSION['s_lang'] . "' ORDER BY question_order"; } $ansresult = $connect->GetAll($ansquery); //Checked $anscount = count($ansresult); if (trim($qidattributes['exclude_all_others']) != '' && $qidattributes['random_order'] == 1) { //if exclude_all_others is set then the related answer should keep its position at all times //thats why we have to re-position it if it has been randomized $position = 0; foreach ($ansresult as $answer) { if (trim($qidattributes['exclude_all_others']) != '' && $answer['title'] == trim($qidattributes['exclude_all_others'])) { if ($position == $answer['question_order'] - 1) { break; } //already in the right position $tmp = array_splice($ansresult, $position, 1); array_splice($ansresult, $answer['question_order'] - 1, 0, $tmp); break; } $position++; } } if ($other == 'Y') { $anscount++; //COUNT OTHER AS AN ANSWER FOR MANDATORY CHECKING! } $wrapper = setup_columns($dcols, $anscount); $answer = '<input type="hidden" name="MULTI' . $ia[1] . '" value="' . $anscount . "\" />\n\n" . $wrapper['whole-start']; $fn = 1; if (!isset($multifields)) { $multifields = ''; } $rowcounter = 0; $colcounter = 1; $startitem = ''; $postrow = ''; $trbc = ''; foreach ($ansresult as $ansrow) { $myfname = $ia[1] . $ansrow['title']; if ($exclude_all_others_auto == 1) { if ($ansrow['title'] == trim($qidattributes['exclude_all_others'])) { $autoArray[$ia[1]]['focus'] = $ia[1] . trim($qidattributes['exclude_all_others']); } else { $autoArray[$ia[1]]['children'][] = $myfname; } } $trbc = ''; /* Check for array_filter */ list($htmltbody2, $hiddenfield) = return_array_filter_strings($ia, $qidattributes, $thissurvey, $ansrow, $myfname, $trbc, $myfname, "li"); if ($wrapper['item-start'] == "\t<li>\n") { $startitem = "\t{$htmltbody2}\n"; } else { $startitem = $wrapper['item-start']; } /* Print out the checkbox */ $answer .= $startitem; $answer .= "\t{$hiddenfield}\n"; $answer .= ' <input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="' . $ia[1] . $ansrow['title'] . '" id="answer' . $ia[1] . $ansrow['title'] . '" value="Y"'; /* If the question has already been ticked, check the checkbox */ if (isset($_SESSION[$myfname])) { if ($_SESSION[$myfname] == 'Y') { $answer .= CHECKED; } } $answer .= " onclick='cancelBubbleThis(event);"; $answer .= '' . "{$checkconditionFunction}(this.value, this.name, this.type)' />\n" . "<label for=\"answer{$ia['1']}{$ansrow['title']}\" class=\"answertext\">" . $ansrow['question'] . "</label>\n"; // if ($maxansw > 0) {$maxanswscript .= "\tif (document.getElementById('answer".$myfname."').checked) { count += 1; }\n";} // if ($minansw > 0) {$minanswscript .= "\tif (document.getElementById('answer".$myfname."').checked) { count += 1; }\n";} ++$fn; /* Now add the hidden field to contain information about this answer */ $answer .= ' <input type="hidden" name="java' . $myfname . '" id="java' . $myfname . '" value="'; if (isset($_SESSION[$myfname])) { $answer .= $_SESSION[$myfname]; } $answer .= "\" />\n{$wrapper['item-end']}"; $inputnames[] = $myfname; ++$rowcounter; if ($rowcounter == $wrapper['maxrows'] && $colcounter < $wrapper['cols']) { if ($colcounter == $wrapper['cols'] - 1) { $answer .= $wrapper['col-devide-last']; } else { $answer .= $wrapper['col-devide']; } $rowcounter = 0; ++$colcounter; } } if ($exclude_all_others_auto == 1) { $answer .= "<script type='text/javascript'>autoArray = " . json_encode($autoArray) . ";</script>"; } if ($other == 'Y') { $myfname = $ia[1] . 'other'; list($htmltbody2, $hiddenfield) = return_array_filter_strings($ia, $qidattributes, $thissurvey, array("code" => "other"), $myfname, $trbc, $myfname, "li"); if ($wrapper['item-start'] == "\t<li>\n") { $startitem = "\t{$htmltbody2}\n"; } else { $startitem = $wrapper['item-start']; } $answer .= $startitem; $answer .= $hiddenfield . ' <input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="' . $myfname . 'cbox" alt="' . $clang->gT('Other') . '" id="answer' . $myfname . 'cbox"'; if (isset($_SESSION[$myfname]) && trim($_SESSION[$myfname]) != '') { $answer .= CHECKED; } $answer .= " onclick='cancelBubbleThis(event);if(this.checked===false){ document.getElementById(\"answer{$myfname}\").value=\"\"; document.getElementById(\"java{$myfname}\").value=\"\"; {$checkconditionFunction}(\"\", \"{$myfname}\", \"text\"); }"; $answer .= " if(this.checked===true) { document.getElementById(\"answer{$myfname}\").focus(); }; LEMflagMandOther(\"{$myfname}\",this.checked);"; $answer .= "' />\n\t\t<label for=\"answer{$myfname}\" class=\"answertext\">" . $othertext . "</label>\n\t\t<input class=\"text " . $kpclass . "\" type=\"text\" name=\"{$myfname}\" id=\"answer{$myfname}\""; if (isset($_SESSION[$myfname])) { $dispVal = $_SESSION[$myfname]; if ($qidattributes['other_numbers_only'] == 1) { $dispVal = str_replace('.', $sSeperator, $dispVal); } $answer .= ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($dispVal, ENT_QUOTES) . '"'; } $answer .= " onchange='\$(\"#java{$myfname}\").val(this.value);{$oth_checkconditionFunction}(this.value, this.name, this.type);if (\$.trim(\$(\"#java{$myfname}\").val())!=\"\") { \$(\"#answer{$myfname}cbox\").attr(\"checked\",\"checked\"); } else { \$(\"#answer{$myfname}cbox\").attr(\"checked\",\"\"); }; LEMflagMandOther(\"{$myfname}\",this.checked);' {$numbersonly} />"; $answer .= '<input type="hidden" name="java' . $myfname . '" id="java' . $myfname . '" value="'; // if ($maxansw > 0) // { // // For multiplechoice question there is no DB field for the other Checkbox // // I've added a javascript which will warn a user if no other comment is given while the other checkbox is checked // // For the maxanswer script, I will alert the participant // // if the limit is reached when he checks the other cbox // // even if the -other- input field is still empty // $maxanswscript .= "\tif (document.getElementById('answer".$myfname."cbox').checked ) { count += 1; }\n"; // } // if ($minansw > 0) // { // // // // For multiplechoice question there is no DB field for the other Checkbox // // We only count the -other- as valid if both the cbox and the other text is filled // $minanswscript .= "\tif (document.getElementById('answer".$myfname."').value != '' && document.getElementById('answer".$myfname."cbox').checked ) { count += 1; }\n"; // } if (isset($_SESSION[$myfname])) { $dispVal = $_SESSION[$myfname]; if ($qidattributes['other_numbers_only'] == 1) { $dispVal = str_replace('.', $sSeperator, $dispVal); } $answer .= ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($dispVal, ENT_QUOTES) . '"'; } $answer .= "\" />\n{$wrapper['item-end']}"; $inputnames[] = $myfname; ++$anscount; ++$rowcounter; if ($rowcounter == $wrapper['maxrows'] && $colcounter < $wrapper['cols']) { if ($colcounter == $wrapper['cols'] - 1) { $answer .= $wrapper['col-devide-last']; } else { $answer .= $wrapper['col-devide']; } $rowcounter = 0; ++$colcounter; } } $answer .= $wrapper['whole-end']; // if ( $maxansw > 0 ) // { // $maxanswscript .= " // if (count > max) // { // alert('".sprintf($clang->gT("Please choose at most %d answers for question \"%s\"","js"), $maxansw, trim(javascript_escape(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), "", $ia[3]),true,true)))."'); // if (me.type == 'checkbox') { me.checked = false; } // if (me.type == 'text') { // me.value = ''; // if (document.getElementById('answer'+me.name + 'cbox') ){ // document.getElementById('answer'+me.name + 'cbox').checked = false; // } // } // return max; // } // } // //--> // </script>\n"; // $answer = $maxanswscript . $answer; // } // if ( $minansw > 0 ) // { // $minanswscript .= // "\tif (count < {$minansw} && document.getElementById('display{$ia[0]}').value == 'on'){\n" // . "alert('".sprintf($clang->gT("Please choose at least %d answer(s) for question \"%s\"","js"), // $minansw, trim(javascript_escape(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), "",$ia[3]),true,true)))."');\n" // . "return false;\n" // . "\t} else {\n" // . "if (oldonsubmit_{$ia[0]}){\n" // . "\treturn oldonsubmit_{$ia[0]}();\n" // . "}\n" // . "return true;\n" // . "\t}\n" // . "}\n" // . "document.limesurvey.onsubmit = ensureminansw_{$ia[0]}\n" // . "-->\n" // . "\t</script>\n"; // //$answer = $minanswscript . $answer; // } $checkotherscript = ""; if ($other == 'Y') { // Multiple choice with 'other' is a specific case as the checkbox isn't recorded into DB // this means that if it is cehcked We must force the end-user to enter text in the input // box $checkotherscript = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n" . "\t<!--\n" . "oldonsubmitOther_{$ia[0]} = document.limesurvey.onsubmit;\n" . "function ensureOther_{$ia[0]}()\n" . "{\n" . "\tothercboxval=document.getElementById('answer" . $myfname . "cbox').checked;\n" . "\totherval=document.getElementById('answer" . $myfname . "').value;\n" . "\tif (otherval != '' || othercboxval != true) {\n" . "if(typeof oldonsubmitOther_{$ia[0]} == 'function') {\n" . "\treturn oldonsubmitOther_{$ia[0]}();\n" . "}\n" . "\t}\n" . "\telse {\n" . "alert('" . sprintf($clang->gT("You've marked the \"other\" field for question \"%s\". Please also fill in the accompanying \"other comment\" field.", "js"), trim(javascript_escape($ia[3], true, true))) . "');\n" . "return false;\n" . "\t}\n" . "}\n" . "document.limesurvey.onsubmit = ensureOther_{$ia[0]};\n" . "\t-->\n" . "</script>\n"; } $answer = $checkotherscript . $answer; $answer .= $postrow; return array($answer, $inputnames); }
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