/** * Get HTML to display the current team logo * * @param [int] The size of the logo to display. Defaults to 25px * * @return string The HTML img code */ function getLogo($size = 25) { global $mainframe, $mosConfig_live_site; $logo_text = ''; if (!empty($this->logo) and jTipsFileExists(getJtipsImage($this->logo, $size))) { $logo_text = "<img src='" . $mosConfig_live_site; $logo_text .= "/" . getJtipsImage($this->logo, $size) . "' alt='" . $this->getName() . "' border='0' align='absmiddle' />"; } return $logo_text; }
* * */ global $database, $jTips, $jLang, $mosConfig_live_site, $jTipsCurrentUser, $mosConfig_absolute_path; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/utils/functions.inc.php'; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jhistory.class.php'; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jround.class.php'; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jseason.class.php'; if ($params->get('load_mootools')) { $mainframe->addCustomHeadTag("<script type='text/javascript' src='" . $mosConfig_live_site . "/components/com_jtips/js/mootools.js'></script>"); } /* * quick check to make the xml file the right one so it appears * properly in the list of modules */ if (isJoomla15() and jTipsFileExists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/installer.xml')) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $data = JFile::read(dirname(__FILE__) . '/installer.xml'); JFile::write(dirname(__FILE__) . '/mod_jtips_dash_comp_ladder.xml', $data); JFile::delete(dirname(__FILE__) . '/installer.xml'); } $jSeason = new jSeason($database); $season_id = getSeasonID(); if (is_numeric($season_id)) { $jSeason->load($season_id); } else { $date = gmdate('Y-m-d'); //Bug 33.4 - Extended params array to default to season for current user $objParams = array('end_time' => array('type' => 'query', 'query' => "> '{$date}'"), 'left_join' => array('type' => 'left_join', 'join_table' => '#__jtips_users', 'lhs_table' => '#__jtips_seasons', 'lhs_key' => 'id', 'rhs_table' => '#__jtips_users', 'rhs_key' => 'season_id')); if (isset($jTipsUser->user_id) and !empty($jTipsUser->user_id)) { $objParams['#__jtips_users.user_id'] = $jTipsUser->user_id;
defined('_JEXEC') or defined('_VALID_MOS') or die('Restricted Access'); /** * Website: www.jtips.com.au * @author Jeremy Roberts * @copyright Copyright © 2009, jTips * @license Commercial - See website for details * * @since 2.1 - 08/10/2008 * @version 2.1 * @package jTips * * Description: Allow file upload and import of data */ global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mainframe; require_once 'components/com_jtips/modules/Import/list.tmpl.php'; $mainframe->addCustomHeadTag("<script type='text/javascript' src='components/com_jtips/modules/Import/Import.js'></script>"); $tpl = new ListMode(); $file = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/import.csv'; $tpl->importExists = jTipsFileExists($file); $objects = array('' => $jLang['_ADMIN_CONF_NONE'], 'jBadWord' => $jLang['_ADMIN_EXP_BADWORDS'], 'jGame' => $jLang['_ADMIN_EXP_GAMES'], 'jRound' => $jLang['_ADMIN_EXP_ROUNDS'], 'jTeam' => $jLang['_ADMIN_EXP_TEAMS'], 'jSeason' => $jLang['_ADMIN_EXP_SEASONS']); $objectsOptions = array(); foreach ($objects as $key => $val) { $objectsOptions[] = jTipsHTML::makeOption($key, $val); } $tpl->selectLists['objects'] = jTipsHTML::selectList($objectsOptions, 'importObject', "id='importObject' class='inputbox' onchange='getOptions(this);'", 'value', 'text'); $tpl->noneOptions = array(jTipsHTML::makeOption('', $jLang['_ADMIN_CONF_NONE'])); $tpl->headers = fetchImportRow(); $tpl->row1Data = fetchImportRow(1); $tpl->row2Data = fetchImportRow(2); $tpl->opts = ''; $tpl->display();
defined('_JEXEC') or defined('_VALID_MOS') or die('Restricted Access'); /** * Author: Jeremy Roberts * Package: jTicket * Website: www.jtips.com.au * Created: 30/09/2008 * * Description: * * */ global $database, $mainframe, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $jTipsCurrentUser; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jround.class.php'; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jteam.class.php'; if (jTipsFileExists($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jtips/custom/views/TeamLadder/ShowTeamRender.ext.php')) { require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jtips/custom/views/TeamLadder/ShowTeamRender.ext.php'; } else { require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jtips/views/TeamLadder/ShowTeamRender.php'; } if (!isJoomla15()) { //Trash anything we have so far ob_clean(); ob_start(); } $render = new jTipsRenderShowTeam(); $id = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'id', ''); $jTeam = new jTeam($database); $jTeam->load($id); $render->assign('jTeam', $jTeam); $jSeason = new jSeason($database);
* to the jLang array and writes the array to * the language file. * * Allows complete language customisation */ global $mainframe, $jLang, $mosConfig_lang, $mosConfig_absolute_path; //Make sure this is not a hack job jTipsSpoofCheck(); //set the edited field $key = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'languageKey', ''); $val = jTipsHTML::cleanText(jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'languageVar', '')); $jLang[$key] = trim($val); ksort($jLang); if (writeArrayToFile('jLang', $jLang, 'components/com_jtips/i18n/' . $mosConfig_lang . '.php')) { //BUG 265 - delete the existing js language file if it exists // BUG 320 - Fixed typo in path to js language file $jsLangFile = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jtips/js/language.js'; if (jTipsFileExists($jsLangFile)) { if (isJoomla15()) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); JFile::delete($jsLangFile); } else { unlink($jsLangFile); } } $message = $jLang['_ADMIN_LANGUAGE_UPDATED']; } else { $message = $jLang['_ADMIN_LANGUAGE_UPDATE_FAILED']; } //redirect to list mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_jtips&module=Language&task=list', $message);
defined('_JEXEC') or defined('_VALID_MOS') or die('Restricted Access'); /** * Author: Jeremy Roberts * Package: jTicket * Website: www.jtips.com.au * Created: 29/09/2008 * * Description: * * */ global $database, $mainframe, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $jTipsCurrentUser, $mosConfig_live_site; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jseason.class.php'; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jteam.class.php'; if (jTipsFileExists($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jtips/custom/views/TeamLadder/tmpl/default.ext.php')) { require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jtips/custom/views/TeamLadder/tmpl/default.ext.php'; } else { require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jtips/views/TeamLadder/tmpl/default.php'; } if (isJoomla15()) { JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); } $render = new jTipsRenderTeamLadder(); $season_id = getSeasonID(); $jSeason = new jSeason($database); $jSeason->load($season_id); $render->assign('jSeason', $jSeason); $jTeams = $jSeason->getTeamLadder('points'); $render->assign('jTeams', $jTeams); $jSeasonParams = array('end_time' => array('type' => 'query', 'query' => "> '" . gmdate('Y-m-d') . "'"), 'start_time' => array('type' => 'query', 'query' => "< '" . gmdate('Y-m-d') . "'"));
<?php /** * Author: Jeremy Roberts * Company: jTips * Website: www.jtips.com.au * Licence: Commercial. May not be copied, modified or redistributed */ defined('_JEXEC') or defined('_VALID_MOS') or die('Restricted access'); //require_once( $mainframe->getPath( 'toolbar_html' )); $include_file = "components/com_jtips/modules/" . jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'module', '') . "/toolbar.php"; jTipsLogger::_log("looking for toolbar file: {$include_file}", 'INFO'); if (jTipsFileExists($include_file)) { jTipsLogger::_log("found {$include_file}... running script"); include $include_file; } else { jTipsLogger::_log('failed to find toolbar file!', 'ERROR'); }
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or defined('_VALID_MOS') or die('Restricted Access'); global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $database, $my, $jTips, $Itemid, $mosConfig_live_site; if (is_null($mosConfig_absolute_path)) { $mosConfig_absolute_path = JPATH_SITE; } require_once 'administrator/components/com_jtips/utils/logger.php'; require_once 'administrator/components/com_jtips/utils/compat.php'; require_once 'administrator/components/com_jtips/utils/functions.inc.php'; require_once 'administrator/components/com_jtips/utils/timedate.php'; require_once 'administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/juser.class.php'; require_once 'administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jseason.class.php'; require_once 'administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jgame.class.php'; require_once 'administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jteam.class.php'; if (jTipsFileExists('administrator/components/com_jtips/config.jtips.php')) { include 'administrator/components/com_jtips/config.jtips.php'; } if (!isJoomla15()) { if ($params->get('load_mootools')) { ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site; ?> /components/com_jtips/js/mootools.js"></script> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site; ?>
function process() { global $database, $jTips, $mosConfig_absolute_path; $this->clearHistory(); $params = array('round_id' => $this->id); $jSeason = new jSeason($database); $jSeason->load($this->season_id); $jGame = new jGame($database); $jGames = forceArray($jGame->loadByParams($params)); $params = array('season_id' => $this->season_id); $jTipsUser = new jTipsUser($database); $jTipsUsers = forceArray($jTipsUser->loadByParams($params)); $noTips = $scores = $worst_precision = array(); $played = count($jGames); foreach ($jTipsUsers as $jTipsUser) { jTipsLogger::_log("Processing scores for user " . $jTipsUser->id); $score = $matching = $precision = $allAwayScore = 0; if ($jTipsUser->hasTipped($this->id)) { jTipsLogger::_log($jTipsUser->id . " has tipped in round " . $this->id); foreach ($jGames as $jGame) { jTipsLogger::_log("Processing game " . $jGame->id); $params = array('user_id' => $jTipsUser->id, 'game_id' => $jGame->id); $jTip = new jTip($database); $jTip->loadByParams($params); // make sure this is not a bye game if (!$jGame->home_id or !$jGame->away_id or !$jGame->winner_id) { jTipsLogger::_log('attempting to process tips on a bye game, skipping', 'INFO'); continue; } /* * Feature Request 101 - Team Starts * Determine the winner when we take the starts into account * We only care about the starts for picking the winner/draw * For picking the margins and scores, use the actual winner */ if ($jSeason->team_starts) { jTipsLogger::_log('processing team starts'); $homeScore = $awayScore = 0; $homeScore = $jGame->home_score + ($jGame->home_start + 0); $awayScore = $jGame->away_score + ($jGame->away_start + 0); if ($homeScore > $awayScore) { $winnerID = $jGame->home_id; } else { if ($homeScore < $awayScore) { $winnerID = $jGame->away_id; } else { if ($homeScore == $awayScore) { $winnerID = -1; } } } jTipsLogger::_log('feature 101: With starts, the winner is ' . $winnerID . ', otherwise the winner is ' . $jGame->winner_id . " HOME {$homeScore} v AWAY {$awayScore}"); } else { $winnerID = $jGame->winner_id; } if ($jTip->tip_id == $winnerID) { //User tipped right! jTipsLogger::_log("CORRECT TIP by " . $jTipsUser->id . " in round_id " . $this->id . " in game_id " . $jGame->id); //BUG 248 - Add ToughScore if enabled if ($jSeason->tough_score and $jGame->tough_score) { $score += $jGame->tough_score; } if ($winnerID == -1) { $score += isset($jSeason->user_draw) ? $jSeason->user_draw : 0; jTipsLogger::_log("Draw correctly picked!"); } else { $score += isset($jSeason->user_correct) ? $jSeason->user_correct : 0; } $matching++; } if ($winnerID == $jGame->away_id) { $allAwayScore += $jSeason->user_correct; } //Check for correct margins and handle precision score gathering if ($jSeason->pick_margin == 1 and $jGame->has_margin == 1) { $margin = abs($jGame->home_score - $jGame->away_score); if ($jTip->margin == $margin) { $score += isset($jSeason->user_pick_margin) ? $jSeason->user_pick_margin : 0; jTipsLogger::_log("correct margin picked!"); } if ($jSeason->precision_score == 1) { if ($jGame->winner_id == $jTip->tip_id) { $margin_offset = abs($margin - $jTip->margin); } else { $margin_offset = abs($margin + $jTip->margin); } if (isset($worst_precision[$jGame->id]) && $margin_offset > $worst_precision[$jGame->id] || empty($worst_precision[$jGame->id])) { $worst_precision[$jGame->id] = $margin_offset; } $precision += $margin_offset; jTipsLogger::_log("PICK_MARGIN: Adding {$margin_offset} to precision of {$precision}"); } } //Check for correct scores and handle precision score gathering if ($jSeason->pick_score == 1 and $jGame->has_score == 1) { $margin = abs($jGame->home_score - $jGame->away_score); if ($jTip->home_score == $jGame->home_score and $jTip->away_score == $jGame->away_score) { $score += isset($jSeason->user_pick_score) ? $jSeason->user_pick_score : 0; jTipsLogger::_log("Correct scores picked!"); } if ($jSeason->precision_score == 1) { $pickedScoreMargin = abs($jTip->home_score - $jTips->away_score); if ($jGame->winner_id == $jTip->tip_id) { $score_offset = abs($margin - $pickedScoreMargin); } else { $score_offset = abs($margin + $pickedScoreMargin); } if (isset($worst_precision[$jGame->id]) and $score_offset > $worst_precision[$jGame->id] or empty($worst_precision[$jGame->id])) { $worst_precision[$jGame->id] = $score_offset; } $precision += $score_offset; jTipsLogger::_log("PICK_SCORE: Adding {$score_offset} to precision of {$precision}"); jTipsLogger::_log("PREC DEBUG: {$jTipsUser->id}-{$jTipsUser->user_id} Picked Margin: {$pickedScoreMargin}. Actual Margin: {$margin}. Applied Precision: {$score_offset}. Running Precision: {$precision}", 'INFO'); } } //Check for a bonus team selection if ($jSeason->pick_bonus >= 1 and $jGame->has_bonus == 1) { if ($jTip->bonus_id == $jGame->bonus_id && $jGame->bonus_id != -1) { $score += isset($jSeason->user_pick_bonus) ? $jSeason->user_pick_bonus : 0; } } } //was a perfect round picked? if ($matching == $played) { $score += isset($jSeason->user_bonus) ? $jSeason->user_bonus : 0; } //did the user use their 'doubleup' if ($jTipsUser->doubleup == $this->id and $jTips['DoubleUp'] == 1) { $score = $score * 2; } $scores[] = $score; //Save the data to the history object $jHistory = new jHistory($database); $jHistory->user_id = $jTipsUser->id; $jHistory->round_id = $this->id; jTipsLogger::_log("Score for user_id " . $jTipsUser->id . " in round_id " . $this->id . " is {$score}"); $jHistory->points = $score; //Update rank after all users have been saved $jHistory->outof = count($jTipsUsers); //$jHistory->comment = $jTipsUser->comment; if ($jSeason->precision_score == 1) { jTipsLogger::_log("setting precision to {$precision} for user_id " . $jTipsUser->id . " in round_id " . $this->id); $jHistory->precision = $precision; } else { $jHistory->precision = 0; } if ($jHistory->save() !== false) { $results[] = 1; } else { jTipsLogger::_log("Error saving history: " . $jHistory->_error); $results[] = 0; } //remove the current comment $jTipsUser->comment = null; $jTipsUser->save(); // Check if the AlphaUserPoints config option is set if (isJoomla15()) { $api_AUP = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_alphauserpoints' . DS . 'helper.php'; } else { $api_AUP = $mosConfig_absolute_path . 'components/com_alphauserpoints/helper.php'; } if (!$this->scored and $jTips['AlphaUserPoints'] and jTipsFileExists($api_AUP)) { require_once $api_AUP; jTipsLogger::_log('sending ' . $score . ' points for user ' . $jTipsUser->user_id, 'INFO'); $refID = AlphaUserPointsHelper::getAnyUserReferreID($jTipsUser->user_id); AlphaUserPointsHelper::newpoints('plgaup_jtips_total_points', $refID, '', '', $score); } if (!$this->scored and $jTips['JomSocialActivities'] and $jTips['JomSocialUserResults']) { global $mosConfig_absolute_path; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/utils/jTipsJomSocial.php'; jTipsJomSocial::writeRoundResult($jSeason, $this, $jTipsUser->user_id, $score); } } else { $noTips[] = $jTipsUser; } } if (count($noTips) > 0) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Feature Request 71 // Allow users that did not to be assigned // all the away teams // /*if ($jSeason->user_none != -1) { $thisRound = $jSeason->user_none; } else if (is_array($scores) && count($scores) > 0) { $thisRound = min($scores); } else { $thisRound = 0; }*/ if ($jSeason->user_none == -2) { //handle all away teams $thisRound = $allAwayScore; jTipsLogger::_log("didn't tip? You'll be stuck with the away teams. You got {$thisRound}"); } else { if ($jSeason->user_none == -1) { //handle lowest possible score if (is_array($scores) and count($scores) > 0) { $thisRound = min($scores); jTipsLogger::_log("didn't tip? You'll be stuck with the lowest score this round, {$thisRound}"); } else { $thisRound = 0; jTipsLogger::_log("didn't tip? You'll be stuck {$thisRound}"); } } else { //handle allocated score $thisRound = $jSeason->user_none; jTipsLogger::_log("didn't tip? You're getting {$thisRound}"); } } // // END Feature Request 71 //////////////////////////////////////////////////// foreach ($noTips as $jTipsUser) { $jHistory = new jHistory($database); $jHistory->user_id = $jTipsUser->id; $jHistory->round_id = $this->id; $jHistory->points = $thisRound; $jHistory->precision = array_sum($worst_precision); //$jHistory->outof = count($jTipsUsers); //$jHistory->comment = $jTipsUser->comment; if ($jHistory->save() !== false) { $results[] = 1; } else { $results[] = 0; } $jTipsUser->save(); // Check if the AlphaUserPoints config option is set if (isJoomla15()) { $api_AUP = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_alphauserpoints' . DS . 'helper.php'; } else { $api_AUP = $mosConfig_absolute_path . 'components/com_alphauserpoints/helper.php'; } if (!$this->scored and $jTips['AlphaUserPoints'] and jTipsFileExists($api_AUP)) { require_once $api_AUP; jTipsLogger::_log('sending ' . $score . ' points for user ' . $jTipsUser->user_id, 'INFO'); $refID = AlphaUserPointsHelper::getAnyUserReferreID($jTipsUser->user_id); AlphaUserPointsHelper::newpoints('plgaup_jtips_total_points', $refID, '', '', $thisRound); } if (!$this->scored and $jTips['JomSocialActivities']) { global $mosConfig_absolute_path; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/utils/jTipsJomSocial.php'; if ($jTips['JomSocialUserResults']) { jTipsJomSocial::writeRoundResult($jSeason, $this, $jTipsUser->user_id, $score); } if ($jTips['JomSocialOnNoTips']) { jTipsJomSocial::writeOnNoTips($jTipsUser->user_id, $jSeason, $this); } } } } $jHistory = new jHistory($database); $jHistory->setRanks($this->id, true); if (!$this->scored and $jTips['JomSocialActivities']) { // find out who won the round and write it to the JomSocial stream $winners = $this->getRoundWinners(); jTipsJomSocial::writeRoundWinners($winners, $this, $jSeason); } $this->scored = 1; $result = $this->save(); //if ($this->scored != 1) { jTeam::updateLadder($this, $jSeason); //} //$this->scored = 1; //return $this->save(); return $result; }
function display() { global $jTipsCurrentUser, $database, $mainframe, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $jLang, $jTips, $mosConfig_live_site; $width = $jTips['ShowTipsWidth'] - 40; ?> <style type="text/css"> @import url(<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site; ?> /templates/<?php echo jTipsGetTemplateName(); ?> /css/template.css); @import url(<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site; ?> /components/com_jtips/css/jtips-popup.css); </style> <?php if ($jTips['ShowTipsPadding']) { ?> <div style="float:left;padding-top:10px;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;padding-bottom:10px;width:<?php echo $width; ?> px;text-align:center;"> <?php } if (!empty($this->jTeam->url)) { ?> <div style="float:right;"> <a href="<?php echo $this->jTeam->url; ?> " target="_blank"><img src="images/M_images/weblink.png" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="<?php echo $jLang['_COM_TEAM_HOME_PAGE']; ?> " title="<?php echo $this->jTeam->url; ?> " /></a> <a href="<?php echo $this->jTeam->url; ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo preg_replace('/.*[^\\/]:\\/+/i', '', $this->jTeam->url); ?> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <h1 align="left"><?php echo $this->jTeam->getName(); ?> </h1> <?php $img = ''; if (!empty($this->jTeam->logo) and jTipsFileExists($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/' . getJtipsImage($this->jTeam->logo, 100))) { $path = getJtipsImage($this->jTeam->logo, 100); $name = $this->jTeam->getName(); $img = "<img src='{$mosConfig_live_site}/{$path}' align='left' border='1' style='margin-right:10px;margin-bottom:10px;' alt='{$name}' />"; } $about = $img . jTipsStripslashes($this->jTeam->about); if (!empty($about)) { ?> <p style="padding-top:5px;" align="left"> <?php echo $about; ?> </p> <?php } ?> <div style="clear:both;"> </div> <h2 align="center" class="contentheading"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TEAM_HISTORY']; ?> </h2> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr class="sectiontableheader"> <th><?php echo $jLang['_COM_DASH_ROUND']; ?> </th> <th><?php echo $jLang['_ADMIN_ROUND_DATE']; ?> </th> <th><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TEAM_VS']; ?> </th> <th><?php echo $jLang['_ADMIN_TEAM_LOCATION']; ?> </th> <th><?php echo $jLang['_COM_SCORE']; ?> </th> <th><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_RESULT']; ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $rowIndex = 0; $history = $this->jTeam->getHistory(); foreach ($history as $game) { $other = new jTeam($database); if ($this->jTeam->id == $game->home_id) { $other->load($game->away_id); $location = $jLang['_COM_TEAM_HOME']; } else { $other->load($game->home_id); $location = $jLang['_COM_TEAM_AWAY']; } $isBye = false; if (!$other->id) { $isBye = true; } if ($game->winner_id == $this->jTeam->id) { $result = 'tick'; $alt = $jLang['_COM_TEAM_WIN']; } else { if ($game->winner_id == '-1') { $result = 'draw'; $alt = $jLang['_COM_TEAM_DRAW']; } else { $result = 'cross'; $alt = $jLang['_COM_TEAM_LOSS']; } } $date = TimeDate::toDisplayDate($game->start_time, true, false); $live_site = $mainframe->getCfg('live_site'); if (strrpos($live_site, '/') == strlen($live_site) - 1) { $live_site = substr($live_site, 0, -1); } $thisRowIndex = $rowIndex++; ?> <tr class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $thisRowIndex % 2 + 1; ?> jtablerow<?php echo $thisRowIndex % 2 + 1; ?> "> <td align="center"><?php echo $game->round; ?> .</td> <td align="left"><?php echo $date; ?> </td> <td align="left"><?php echo $isBye ? '<em>' . $jLang['_COM_BYE'] . '</em>' : $other->getDisplayLogoName(); ?> </td> <td align="center"><?php echo $isBye ? ' ' : $location; ?> </td> <td align="center"><?php echo $isBye ? ' ' : $game->home_score . ' - ' . $game->away_score; ?> </td> <td align="center"><img src="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site; ?> /components/com_jtips/images/<?php echo $result; ?> .png" alt="<?php echo $alt; ?> " title="<?php echo $alt; ?> " border="0" /></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php if ($jTips['ShowTipsPadding']) { echo "</div>"; } }
/** * Load the language file into the language variable * * @since 2.1.9 * @param string The name of the language to load * @return array The populated language array */ function loadLanguage($language = false) { global $jLang, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_lang; if (!empty($jLang)) { return $jLang; } if (!$language) { $language = $mosConfig_lang; } include $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/i18n/master.php'; if (jTipsFileExists($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/i18n/' . $language . '.php')) { $masterLanguage = $jLang; include $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/i18n/' . $language . '.php'; // BUG 333 - merge the master lanuage array with the edited one $jLang = array_merge($masterLanguage, $jLang); } return $jLang; }
$view = 'Dashboard'; } //set a default, just in case //Show the menu! if (jTipsFileExists($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jtips/views/Menu/build.php') and jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'menu', 1) and getSeasonID()) { include $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jtips/views/Menu/build.php'; } $include_file = $mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_jtips/views/" . $view . "/" . jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'action', 'build') . ".php"; jTipsLogger::_log("looking for module file at: " . $include_file, 'INFO'); //BUG 289 - check if we are running the MailMan if (basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == 'index2.php' and (jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'action', '') == 'MailMan' or jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'rid', false))) { $bypassSeasonCheck = true; } else { $bypassSeasonCheck = false; } if (jTipsFileExists($include_file) and (getSeasonID() or $bypassSeasonCheck)) { jTipsLogger::_log('Executing script ' . jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'action', 'build'), 'INFO'); include $include_file; } else { switch ($task) { default: jTipsLogger::_log('fell through all possible cases in jtips.php for view = ' . $view . '; action=' . jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'action') . '; task=' . $task . ' and season_id=' . getSeasonID(), 'ERROR'); echo "<span class='error'>View or Competition not found! Aborting routine.</span>"; break; } } //////////////////////////////// /// BUG 77 - IE Incompatibility /// Moved the moodalbox script after DOM has loaded if (!isJoomla15()) { echo "<script src='" . $mosConfig_live_site . "/components/com_jtips/js/moodalbox.js' type='text/javascript'></script>";
function getLastUpdateCheckDate() { global $mosConfig_absolute_path; $auto = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/auto'; if (!jTipsFileExists($auto)) { return gmdate('1970-01-01 00:00:00'); } if (isJoomla15()) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); return JFile::read($auto); } else { return file_get_contents($auto); } }
* @copyright Copyright © 2009, jTips * @license Commercial - See website for details * * @since 2.1 - 08/10/2008 * @version 2.1 * @package jTips * * Description: Download or delete a previously exported file */ jTipsSpoofCheck(); global $mosConfig_absolute_path; $file = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'export_history', null); $action = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'expAction', 'download'); $path = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/exports/'; $filename = $path . $file; if (!jTipsFileExists($filename)) { mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_jtips&task=list&module=Export', 'File not found'); } $message = ''; if ($action == 'download') { ob_end_clean(); header("Pragma: public"); // required header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: private", false); // required for certain browsers header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel'); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . basename($filename) . "\";"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
?> "> <td align="right"><?php echo $i; ?> .</td> <td align="left"> <?php // if ($incimage and isset($jTeam->logo) and !empty($jTeam->logo)) { // if (jTipsFileExists(getJtipsImage($jTeam->logo))) { // $img = "<img src='" .$mainframe->getCfg('live_site'); // $img .= "/" .getJtipsImage($jTeam->logo). "' alt=' ' border='0' align='absmiddle' /> "; // echo $img; // } // } if ($params->get('incimage') and !empty($jTeam->logo) and jTipsFileExists(getJtipsImage($jTeam->logo))) { echo $jTeam->getLogo() . " "; } global $Itemid; $popupUrl = "view=TeamLadder&action=ShowTeam&id=" . $jTeam->id . "&Itemid=" . $Itemid; if (isJoomla15()) { $x = $jTips['ShowTipsWidth']; $y = $jTips['ShowTipsHeight']; echo "<a class='modal' rel=\"{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: {$x}, y: {$y}}}\" href='" . jTipsRoute($mosConfig_live_site . "/index2.php?option=com_jtips&{$popupUrl}&menu=0") . "'>" . $jTeam->getName() . "</a>"; } else { echo "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick='openPopup(\"{$popupUrl}\", \"" . $jTeam->getName() . "\");'>" . $jTeam->getName() . "</a>"; } ?> </td> <?php if ($team_field != '-1') {
<?php if (!defined('_JEXEC') and !defined('_VALID_MOS')) { die('Restricted Access'); } /** * Author: Jeremy Roberts * Package: jTicket * Website: www.jtips.com.au * Created: 30/09/2008 * * Description: Build and render the Preferences form */ global $mosConfig_absolute_path; require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/classes/jseason.class.php'; if (jTipsFileExists($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jtips/custom/views/UserPreferences/tmpl/default.ext.php')) { require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jtips/custom/views/UserPreferences/tmpl/default.ext.php'; } else { require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jtips/views/UserPreferences/tmpl/default.php'; } //Trash anything we have so far //ob_clean(); //ob_start(); $render = new jTipsRenderUserPreferences(); /* $timezones = timezone_abbreviations_list(); $tzlist = array(); foreach ($timezones as $area => $tzone) { foreach ($tzone as $tz) { $offset = round($tz['offset'] / (60 * 60), 1); if (isset($tz['dst']) and $tz['dst'] != 0) {