Example #1
 * Extracts and escapes text from the given value, for outputting to the HTTP client.
 * <p>Note: this returns escaped text, except if the given argument is a {@see RawText} instance, in which case it
 * returns raw text.
 * @param string|RawText $s
 * @return string
function _e($s)
    if (!is_scalar($s)) {
        if (is_null($s)) {
            return '';
        if ($s instanceof RawText) {
            return $s->toString();
        if ($s instanceof RenderableInterface) {
            $s = $s->getRendering();
        } elseif (is_object($s) && method_exists($s, '__toString')) {
            $s = (string) $s;
        } else {
            if (is_iterable($s)) {
                return iteratorOf($s)->current();
            return sprintf('[%s]', typeOf($s));
    return htmlentities($s, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);
    protected function table($data, $title = '', $depth = 0, $typeColumn = true, $columnHeaders = true, $maxDepth = -1)
        $isList = false;
        $originalData = $data;
        if ($this->caption) {
            $title = $this->caption;
            $this->caption = '';
        if (!is_array($data) && !is_object($data) || is_null($data) || $data instanceof \PowerString) {
            return Debug::toString($data);
        $w1 = DebugConsole::$settings->tablePropertyColumnWidth;
        $c1 = '';
        if (is_array($data)) {
            if (!count($data)) {
                return '<i>[]</i>';
            if ($depth == DebugConsole::$settings->tableMaxDepth || $depth == $maxDepth) {
                return '<i>(...)</i>';
            $label = 'Key';
            if (isset($data[0])) {
                $isList = true;
                $label = 'Index';
                $w1 = DebugConsole::$settings->tableIndexColumnWidth;
                $c1 = ' class="n"';
        } elseif (is_object($data)) {
            if ($depth == DebugConsole::$settings->tableMaxDepth || $depth == $maxDepth) {
                return '<i>(...)</i>';
            // Note: Selenia's CustomInspectionInterface implements the inspect() method, but this library is not dependent on
            // any external interface.
            if ($data instanceof CustomInspectionInterface) {
                return $data->inspect();
            } elseif (method_exists($data, '__debugInfo')) {
                $data = $data->__debugInfo();
                if (empty($data)) {
                    return '<i>(empty)</i>';
            } else {
                if ($it = iteratorOf($data, false)) {
                    $data = iterator_to_array($it);
                } else {
                    $data = get_object_vars($data);
                    if (empty($data)) {
                        return '<i>(not inspectable)</i>';
            if (!is_string($data)) {
                $label = 'Property';
                uksort($data, 'strnatcasecmp');
        // DRAW TABLE
        $filter = isset($this->filter) ? $this->filter : function () {
            return true;
        ob_start(null, 0);
        if ($depth >= DebugConsole::$settings->tableCollapseDepth) {
            echo '<div class="__expand"><a class="fa fa-plus-square" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="this.parentNode.className+=\' show\'"></a>';
        if (is_string($data)) {
            echo $data;
        } else {
    <table class="__console-table<?php 
            echo $title ? ' with-caption' : '';
            echo $title ? "<caption>{$title}</caption>" : '';
            if (empty($data)) {
                echo '<thead><tr><td colspan=3><i>[]</i>';
            } else {
                if (DebugConsole::$settings->tableUseColumWidths) {
            <col width="<?php 
                    echo $w1;
                    if ($typeColumn) {
              <col width="<?php 
                        echo DebugConsole::$settings->tableTypeColumnWidth;
            <col width="100%">
                if ($columnHeaders) {
                    echo $label;
                    if ($typeColumn) {
                $c = 0;
                foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
                    if ($isList && ++$c > DebugConsole::$settings->maxIndexedArrayItems) {
                        echo '<tr><td><i>(...)</i>';
                    $x = $filter($k, $v, $originalData);
                    if (!$x) {
                    echo $c1;
                    echo strlen($k) ? $k : "<i>''</i>";
                    if ($typeColumn) {
                        echo Debug::getType($v);
          <td class="v"><?php 
                    echo $x === '...' ? '<i>ommited</i>' : $this->table($v, '', $depth, $typeColumn, $columnHeaders, $maxDepth);
        if ($depth >= DebugConsole::$settings->tableCollapseDepth) {
            echo '</div>';
        return trim(ob_get_clean());
 protected function render()
     $prop = $this->props;
     $isMultiple = $prop->multiple;
     $assets = $this->context->getAssetsService();
     $assets->addInlineScript("selenia.ext.select.props['{$prop->id}']=" . JavascriptCodeGen::makeOptions(['autoOpenLinked' => $prop->autoOpenLinked, 'dataUrl' => $prop->dataUrl, 'emptyLabel' => $prop->emptyLabel, 'emptySelection' => $prop->emptySelection, 'id' => $prop->id, 'labelField' => $prop->labelField, 'linkedSelector' => $prop->linkedSelector, 'linkedUrl' => $prop->linkedUrl, 'multiple' => $prop->multiple, 'noResultsText' => $prop->noResultsText, 'valueField' => $prop->valueField, 'value' => $prop->value]));
     // If required, add auto-add tag behavior to this Chosen.
     if ($prop->autoTag && $prop->multiple) {
         $assets->addInlineScript("\n\$(function () {\n  \$ ('#{$prop->id}+.chosen-container .chosen-choices input').on ('keyup', function (ev) { console.log(ev);\n    var v = \$ (this).val ();\n    if (ev.keyCode == 13 && v) {\n      var tags  = \$ ('#{$prop->id} option').map (function (i, e) { return \$ (e).val () });\n      var found = false, l = v.length;\n      tags.each (function (i, x) {\n        if (x.substr (0, l) == v) {\n          found = true;\n          return false\n        }\n      });\n      if (found) return;\n      \$ ('#{$prop->id}').append (\"<option>\" + v + \"</option>\");\n      \$ ('#{$prop->id}').trigger ('chosen:updated');\n      ev.preventDefault ();\n      var e     = jQuery.Event (\"keyup\");\n      e.which   = 13;\n      \$ ('#{$prop->id}+.chosen-container .chosen-choices input').val (v).trigger ('keyup').trigger (e);\n    }\n  })\n});\n");
     $this->attr('name', $prop->multiple ? "{$prop->name}[]" : $prop->name);
     $this->attrIf($isMultiple, 'multiple', '');
     $this->attrIf($prop->onChange, 'onchange', $prop->onChange);
     if ($prop->emptySelection && !$prop->multiple) {
         $sel = exists($prop->value) ? '' : ' selected';
         echo '<option value=""' . $sel . '>' . $prop->emptyLabel . '</option>';
     $viewModel = $prop->get('data');
     if (isset($viewModel)) {
         /** @var \Iterator $dataIter */
         $dataIter = iteratorOf($viewModel);
         if ($dataIter->valid()) {
             $values = $selValue = null;
             // SETUP MULTI-SELECT
             if ($isMultiple) {
                 if (isset($prop->value) && !is_iterable($prop->value)) {
                     throw new ComponentException($this, sprintf("Value of multiple selection component must be iterable or null; %s was given.", typeOf($prop->value)));
                 $it = Flow::from($prop->value);
                 $values = $it->valid() && is_scalar($it->current()) ? $it->all() : $it->map(pluck($prop->valueField))->all();
             } else {
                 $selValue = strval($prop->get('value'));
             // NOW RENDER IT
             $template = $this->getChildren('listItemTemplate');
             $first = true;
             do {
                 $v = $dataIter->current();
                 $value = getField($v, $prop->valueField);
                 $label = getField($v, $prop->labelField);
                 if (!strlen($label)) {
                     $label = $prop->emptyLabel;
                 if ($isMultiple) {
                     $sel = array_search($value, $values) !== false ? ' selected' : '';
                 } else {
                     if ($first && !$prop->emptySelection && !$prop->multiple && !exists($selValue)) {
                         $prop->value = $selValue = $value;
                     $eq = $prop->strict ? $value === $selValue : $value == $selValue;
                     if ($eq) {
                         $this->selectedLabel = $label;
                     $sel = $eq ? ' selected' : '';
                 if ($template) {
                     // Render templated list
                     $viewModel['value'] = $value;
                     $viewModel['label'] = $label;
                 } else {
                     // Render standard list
                     echo "<option value=\"{$value}\"{$sel}>{$label}</option>";
                 $first = false;
             } while ($dataIter->valid());