  * Initialize this object.
  * @param \stdClass $data
 protected function init(\stdClass $data)
     $this->id = $data->id;
     $this->key = itelic_get_key($data->lkey);
     $this->renewal_date = make_date_time($data->renewal_date);
     $this->key_expired_date = make_date_time($data->key_expired_date);
     if ($data->transaction_id) {
         $this->transaction = it_exchange_get_transaction($data->transaction_id);
     } else {
         $this->transaction = null;
     $this->revenue = (double) $data->revenue;
  * Initialize this object.
  * @param \stdClass $data
 protected function init(\stdClass $data)
     $this->id = $data->id;
     $this->key = itelic_get_key($data->lkey);
     $this->location = $data->location;
     $this->status = $data->status;
     $this->activation = make_date_time($data->activation);
     if (!empty($data->deactivation) && $data->deactivation != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
         $this->deactivation = make_date_time($data->deactivation);
     $this->release = itelic_get_release($data->release_id);
 function get_object_by_id($object_id)
     return itelic_get_key($object_id);
  * Get the currently displayed key.
  * @since 1.0
  * @return Key
 protected function get_current_key()
     if (defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX) {
         $key = $_POST['key'];
     } elseif (isset($_GET['key'])) {
         $key = $_GET['key'];
     } else {
         return null;
     return itelic_get_key($key);
  * Apply the renewal discount.
  * @since 1.0
  * @param string|float $db_base_price
  * @param array        $product
  * @param bool         $format
  * @return string|float
 public function apply_renewal_discount($db_base_price, $product, $format)
     try {
         $product = itelic_get_product($product['product_id']);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return $db_base_price;
     if (!$product->get_feature('licensing')) {
         return $db_base_price;
     $session = $this->get_cache_data();
     if (!isset($session["p" . $product->ID]) || $session["p" . $product->ID] === null) {
         return $db_base_price;
     $key = $session["p" . $product->ID];
     $key = itelic_get_key($key);
     $discount = new Discount($key);
     if (!$discount->is_discount_valid()) {
         return $db_base_price;
     return $discount->get_discount_price($format);
  * Serve the request to this endpoint.
  * @param \ArrayAccess $get
  * @param \ArrayAccess $post
  * @return Response
 public function serve(\ArrayAccess $get, \ArrayAccess $post)
      * Fires before the download query args are validated.
      * If add-ons are completely overriding how product updates
      * are delivered. They should use this action.
      * @since 1.0
      * @param \ArrayAccess $get
      * @param \ArrayAccess $post
     do_action('itelic_pre_validate_download', $get, $post);
     if (!\ITELIC\validate_query_args($get)) {
         $this->logger->notice('Invalid download link used.', array('get' => $get, 'post' => $post));
         _e("This download link is invalid or has expired.", Plugin::SLUG);
         if (!defined('DOING_TESTS') || !DOING_TESTS) {
         } else {
     $activation = itelic_get_activation($get['activation']);
     $key = $get['key'];
     if (!$activation || $activation->get_key()->get_key() != $key) {
         $key_object = itelic_get_key($key);
         if ($key_object && $key_object->get_customer()) {
             $user = $key_object->get_customer()->id;
         } elseif ($activation->get_key()->get_customer()) {
             $user = $activation->get_key()->get_customer()->id;
         } else {
             $user = 0;
         $this->logger->notice('Invalid download link used. Key activation mismatch.', array('get' => $get, 'post' => $post, '_user' => $user));
         _e("This download link is invalid or has expired.", Plugin::SLUG);
         if (!defined('DOING_TESTS') || !DOING_TESTS) {
         } else {
     $release = $activation->get_key()->get_product()->get_latest_release_for_activation($activation);
     $file = $release->get_download();
     itelic_create_update(array('activation' => $activation, 'release' => $release));
     $this->logger->info('Download for {product} delivered.', array('product' => $activation->get_key()->get_product()->post_title, '_user' => $activation->get_key()->get_customer()->id, 'get' => $get, 'post' => $post));
      * Fires before a download is served.
      * Download links are only generated from the Product endpoint
      * if both the license key and activation records are valid.
      * If you are generating download links differently, you should
      * probably validate the activation status and key status again.
      * @since 1.0
      * @param \WP_Post   $file       WordPress attachment object for the software update.
      * @param Key        $key        License key used for validation.
      * @param Activation $activation Activation the download is being delivered to.
     do_action('itelic_pre_serve_download', $file, $key, $activation);
  * (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.1.0)<br/>
  * Constructs the object
  * @link http://php.net/manual/en/serializable.unserialize.php
  * @param string $serialized <p>
  *                           The string representation of the object.
  *                           </p>
  * @return void
 public function unserialize($serialized)
     $data = unserialize($serialized);
     $this->product = itelic_get_product($data['product']);
     $this->feature_data = $this->product->get_feature('licensing-discount');
     $this->key = itelic_get_key($data['key']);
 * Create a renewal transaction key.
 * @api
 * @param array $args {
 * @type string $key  The license key to be used. If empty, one will be
 *       generated.
 * @type float  $paid If manually generating a transaction, the amount paid.
 * @tpye string $date When the transaction occurred. GMT.
 * }
 * @return IT_Exchange_Transaction
function itelic_create_renewal_transaction($args)
    $defaults = array('key' => '', 'paid' => '', 'date' => '');
    $args = ITUtility::merge_defaults($args, $defaults);
    $key = itelic_get_key($args['key']);
    if (!$key) {
        return new WP_Error('invalid_key', __("Invalid key", \ITELIC\Plugin::SLUG));
    $product = $key->get_product();
    if (!function_exists('it_exchange_manual_purchases_addon_transaction_uniqid')) {
        return new WP_Error('no_manual_purchases', __("Manual purchases add-on is not installed.", \ITELIC\Plugin::SLUG));
    // Grab default currency
    $settings = it_exchange_get_option('settings_general');
    $currency = $settings['default-currency'];
    $description = array();
    $product_id = $product->ID;
    $itemized_data = apply_filters('it_exchange_add_itemized_data_to_cart_product', array(), $product_id);
    if (!is_serialized($itemized_data)) {
        $itemized_data = maybe_serialize($itemized_data);
    $i = $product_id . '-' . md5($itemized_data);
    $discounted = new \ITELIC\Renewal\Discount($key);
    $discounted = $discounted->get_discount_price();
    $products[$i]['product_base_price'] = $discounted;
    $products[$i]['product_subtotal'] = $products[$i]['product_base_price'];
    //need to add count
    $products[$i]['product_name'] = get_the_title($product_id);
    $products[$i]['product_id'] = $product_id;
    $products[$i]['count'] = 1;
    $description[] = $products[$i]['product_name'];
    $description = apply_filters('it_exchange_get_cart_description', join(', ', $description), $description);
    // Package it up and send it to the transaction method add-on
    $total = empty($args['paid']) ? $discounted : it_exchange_convert_to_database_number($args['paid']);
    $object = new stdClass();
    $object->total = number_format(it_exchange_convert_from_database_number($total), 2, '.', '');
    $object->currency = $currency;
    $object->description = $description;
    $object->products = $products;
    remove_action('it_exchange_add_transaction_success', 'ITELIC\\renew_key_on_renewal_purchase');
    $uniquid = it_exchange_manual_purchases_addon_transaction_uniqid();
    $txn_args = array();
    if (isset($args['date'])) {
        $date = \ITELIC\make_date_time($args['date']);
        $txn_args['post_date'] = \ITELIC\convert_gmt_to_local($date)->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $txn_args['post_date_gmt'] = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $customer = $key->get_customer()->id;
    $tid = it_exchange_add_transaction('manual-purchases', $uniquid, 'Completed', $customer, $object, $txn_args);
    add_action('it_exchange_add_transaction_success', 'ITELIC\\renew_key_on_renewal_purchase');
    return it_exchange_get_transaction($tid);
  * Setup the table.
 public function setup_table()
     if (!Dispatch::is_current_view('list')) {
     try {
         $msg = $this->process_bulk_actions();
         if ($msg) {
             $this->message[View::NOTICE_SUCCESS] = $msg;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->message[View::NOTICE_ERROR] = $e->getMessage();
     $query = new Keys($this->generate_get_key_args());
     $keys = $query->get_results();
     $total = $query->get_total_items();
     $products = itelic_get_products_with_licensing_enabled();
     $this->table = new Table($this->prepare_data($keys), $total, $products);
     if (isset($_GET['s'])) {
         $key = itelic_get_key($_GET['s']);
         if ($key) {
 * Create an activation record.
 * @api
 * @since 1.0
 * @param array $args
 * @return \ITELIC\Activation|WP_Error
function itelic_create_activation($args)
    $defaults = array('key' => '', 'location' => '', 'activation' => '', 'release' => '', 'status' => '', 'track' => 'stable');
    $args = ITUtility::merge_defaults($args, $defaults);
    $key = is_string($args['key']) ? itelic_get_key($args['key']) : $args['key'];
    if (!$key) {
        return new WP_Error('invalid_key', __("Invalid Key", \ITELIC\Plugin::SLUG));
    $location = $args['location'];
    if (!empty($args['activation'])) {
        if (is_string($args['activation'])) {
            $activation = \ITELIC\make_date_time($args['activation']);
        } else {
            $activation = $args['activation'];
        if (!$activation instanceof DateTime) {
            return new WP_Error('invalid_activation', __("Invalid activation date.", \ITELIC\Plugin::SLUG));
    } else {
        $activation = null;
    if (!empty($args['release'])) {
        if (is_string($args['release'])) {
            $release = itelic_get_release($args['release']);
        } else {
            $release = $args['release'];
        if (!$release instanceof \ITELIC\Release) {
            return new WP_Error('invalid_release', __("Invalid release.", \ITELIC\Plugin::SLUG));
    } else {
        $release = null;
    $status = $args['status'];
    try {
        $activation = \ITELIC\Activation::create($key, $location, $activation, $release, $status);
        $activation->add_meta('track', $args['track']);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return new WP_Error('exception', $e->getMessage());
    return $activation;
 * AJAX handler for remote activating a location.
 * @internal
 * @since 1.0
function account_licenses_activate()
    if (!isset($_POST['location']) || !isset($_POST['nonce']) || !isset($_POST['key'])) {
        wp_send_json_error(array('message' => __("Invalid request format.", Plugin::SLUG)));
    $location = sanitize_text_field($_POST['location']);
    $key = $_POST['key'];
    $nonce = $_POST['nonce'];
    if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, "itelic-remote-activate-{$key}")) {
        wp_send_json_error(array('message' => __("Request expired. Please refresh and try again.", Plugin::SLUG)));
    try {
        $key = itelic_get_key($key);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        wp_send_json_error(array('message' => __("Invalid license key.", Plugin::SLUG)));
    if (!$key) {
        wp_send_json_error(array('message' => __("Invalid license key.", Plugin::SLUG)));
    if (!current_user_can('edit_user', $key->get_customer()->wp_user->ID)) {
        wp_send_json_error(array('message' => __("You don't have permission to do this.", Plugin::SLUG)));
    try {
        itelic_activate_license_key($key, $location);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        wp_send_json_error(array('message' => $e->getMessage()));
  * Check authentication, keeping the mode in mind.
  * @since 1.0
  * @param Authenticatable $endpoint
  * @return bool
 protected function handle_auth(Authenticatable $endpoint)
     if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || trim($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) == '') {
         return false;
     $license_key = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
     try {
         $key = itelic_get_key($license_key);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return false;
     if (!$key) {
         return false;
     $this->current_user = $key->get_customer() ? $key->get_customer()->wp_user : null;
     if (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) {
         $activation = itelic_get_activation($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']);
     } else {
         $activation = null;
     switch ($endpoint->get_auth_mode()) {
         case Authenticatable::MODE_ACTIVE:
             return $key->get_status() == Key::ACTIVE;
         case Authenticatable::MODE_EXISTS:
             return true;
         case Authenticatable::MODE_VALID_ACTIVATION:
             if (!$activation) {
                 return false;
             if ($key->get_status() != Key::ACTIVE) {
                 return false;
             if ($activation->get_status() != Activation::ACTIVE) {
                 return false;
             if ($activation->get_key()->get_key() != $key->get_key()) {
                 return false;
             return true;
             return false;
  * Activate a release.
  * ## OPTIONS
  * <location>
  * : Where the software is being activated. Typically a website.
  * <key>
  * : The key being activated.
  * [--when=<when>]
  * : Wen the activation occurred. Accepts strtotime compatible
  * value. GMT.
  * [--version=<version>]
  * : The version of the software installed. Default: latest.
  * [--track=<track>]
  * : Accepted values: stable, pre-release. Default: stable
  * [--porcelain]
  * : Output just the new activation ID.
  * @param $args
  * @param $assoc_args
 public function activate($args, $assoc_args)
     list($location, $key) = $args;
     $key = itelic_get_key($key);
     if (!$key) {
         WP_CLI::error("Invalid key.");
     if ($key->get_status() != ITELIC\Key::ACTIVE) {
         WP_CLI::error(sprintf("Key has a status of '%s' not 'active'.", $key->get_status()));
     if (isset($assoc_args['when'])) {
         $when = \ITELIC\make_date_time($assoc_args['when']);
     } else {
         $when = null;
     if (isset($assoc_args['version'])) {
         $release = itelic_get_release_by_version($key->get_product()->ID, $assoc_args['version']);
         if (!$release) {
             WP_CLI::error(sprintf("Invalid release ID %d.", $assoc_args['release']));
     } else {
         $release = null;
     if (isset($assoc_args['track'])) {
         if (in_array($assoc_args['track'], array('stable', 'pre-release'))) {
             $track = $assoc_args['track'];
         } else {
             WP_CLI::error("Invalid value '%s' for track.");
     } else {
         $track = 'stable';
     parent::_create($args, $assoc_args, function () use($location, $key, $when, $release, $track) {
         $a = itelic_activate_license_key($key, $location, $when, $release, $track);
         if ($a) {
             return $a->get_pk();
         return new WP_Error();