function templates_page_setup()
    global $PAGE;
    global $CFG;
    if (!empty($PAGE->setupdone)) {
        return false;
        // don't run twice
    $PAGE->setupdone = true;
    // leave your mark
    // Populate $PAGE with links for non-module core code
    if (isadmin()) {
        $PAGE->menu_top[] = array('name' => 'admin', 'html' => "<li><a href=\"" . $CFG->wwwroot . "mod/admin/\">" . __gettext("Administration") . "</a></li>");
    if (logged_on) {
        $PAGE->menu_top[] = array('name' => 'userdetails', 'html' => "<li><a href=\"" . $CFG->wwwroot . "_userdetails/\">" . __gettext("Account settings") . "</a></li>");
        $PAGE->menu_top[] = array('name' => 'logoff', 'html' => "<li><a href=\"" . $CFG->wwwroot . "login/logout.php\">" . __gettext("Log off") . "</a></li>");
    // Give a chance to all registered modules
    if ($allmods = get_list_of_plugins('mod')) {
        foreach ($allmods as $mod) {
            $mod_pagesetup = $mod . '_pagesetup';
            if (function_exists($mod_pagesetup)) {
 function get_content()
     global $USER;
     $isteacher = get_record('role_assignments', 'userid', $USER->id, 'roleid', '3');
     // Is the $USER assigned as Teacher, anywhere in the system?
     $iscoursecreator = get_record('role_assignments', 'userid', $USER->id, 'roleid', '2');
     // Is the $USER assigned as Course Creator, anywhere in the system?
     if ($this->content !== NULL) {
         return $this->content;
     //echo "debug teacher=";print_r($isteacher);
     if (!isadmin($USER->id)) {
         if (empty($isteacher) and empty($iscoursecreator)) {
     if (!empty($this->instance->pinned) or $this->instance->pagetype === 'course-view') {
         // fancy html allowed only on course page and in pinned blocks for security reasons
         $filteropt = new stdClass();
         $filteropt->noclean = true;
     } else {
         $filteropt = null;
     $this->content = new stdClass();
     $this->content->text = isset($this->config->text) ? format_text($this->config->text, FORMAT_HTML, $filteropt) : '';
     $this->content->footer = '';
     // memory footprint
     return $this->content;
Example #3
* @param object $resource
* @uses CFG, USER
function get_text_for_indexing_pdf(&$resource)
    global $CFG, $USER;
    // SECURITY : do not allow non admin execute anything on system !!
    if (!isadmin($USER->id)) {
    // adds moodle root switch if none was defined
    if (!isset($CFG->block_search_usemoodleroot)) {
        set_config('block_search_usemoodleroot', 1);
    $moodleroot = $CFG->block_search_usemoodleroot ? "{$CFG->dirroot}/" : '';
    // just call pdftotext over stdout and capture the output
    if (!empty($CFG->block_search_pdf_to_text_cmd)) {
        preg_match("/^\\S+/", $CFG->block_search_pdf_to_text_cmd, $matches);
        if (!file_exists("{$moodleroot}{$matches[0]}")) {
            mtrace('Error with pdf to text converter command : executable not found at ' . $moodleroot . $matches[0]);
        } else {
            $file = escapeshellarg($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $resource->course . '/' . $resource->reference);
            $command = trim($CFG->block_search_pdf_to_text_cmd);
            $text_converter_cmd = "{$moodleroot}{$command} {$file} -";
            $result = shell_exec($text_converter_cmd);
            if ($result) {
                return $result;
            } else {
                mtrace('Error with pdf to text converter command : execution failed for ' . $text_converter_cmd . '. Check for execution permission on pdf converter executable.');
                return '';
    } else {
        mtrace('Error with pdf to text converter command : command not set up. Execute once search block configuration.');
        return '';
Example #4
* MS Word extractor
* @param object $resource 
* @uses CFG, USER
function get_text_for_indexing_doc(&$resource)
    global $CFG, $USER;
    // SECURITY : do not allow non admin execute anything on system !!
    if (!isadmin($USER->id)) {
    $moodleroot = @$CFG->block_search_usemoodleroot ? "{$CFG->dirroot}/" : '';
    // just call pdftotext over stdout and capture the output
    if (!empty($CFG->block_search_word_to_text_cmd)) {
        if (!file_exists("{$moodleroot}{$CFG->block_search_word_to_text_cmd}")) {
            mtrace('Error with MSWord to text converter command : exectuable not found.');
        } else {
            $file = escapeshellarg($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $resource->course . '/' . $resource->reference);
            $command = trim($CFG->block_search_word_to_text_cmd);
            $text_converter_cmd = "{$moodleroot}{$command} {$file}";
            if ($CFG->block_search_word_to_text_env) {
            mtrace("Executing : {$text_converter_cmd}");
            $result = shell_exec($text_converter_cmd);
            if ($result) {
                return mb_convert_encoding($result, 'UTF8', 'auto');
            } else {
                mtrace('Error with MSWord to text converter command : execution failed. ');
                return '';
    } else {
        mtrace('Error with MSWord to text converter command : command not set up. Execute once search block configuration.');
        return '';
* Global Search Engine for Moodle
* add-on 1.8+ : Valery Fremaux [] 
* 2007/08/02
* this is a format handler for getting text out of a proprietary binary format 
* so it can be indexed by Lucene search engine
function get_text_for_indexing_pdf(&$resource)
    global $CFG, $USER;
    // SECURITY : do not allow non admin execute anything on system !!
    if (!isadmin($USER->id)) {
    // just call pdftotext over stdout and capture the output
    if (!empty($CFG->block_search_pdf_to_text_cmd)) {
        preg_match("/^\\S+/", $CFG->block_search_pdf_to_text_cmd, $matches);
        if (!file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/{$matches[0]}")) {
            mtrace('Error with pdf to text converter command : exectuable not found.');
        } else {
            $file = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $resource->course . '/' . $resource->reference;
            $text_converter_cmd = "{$CFG->dirroot}/{$CFG->block_search_pdf_to_text_cmd} {$file} -";
            $result = shell_exec($text_converter_cmd);
            if ($result) {
                return $result;
            } else {
                mtrace('Error with pdf to text converter command : execution failed.');
                return '';
    } else {
        mtrace('Error with pdf to text converter command : command not set up. Execute once search block configuration.');
        return '';
 public function _initialize()
     if (isset($_GET['gid']) && intval($_GET['gid']) > 0) {
         $this->gid = intval($_GET['gid']);
     } elseif (isset($_POST['gid']) && intval($_POST['gid']) > 0) {
         $this->gid = intval($_POST['gid']);
     } else {
         $this->error('gid 错误');
     $groupinfo = D('Group')->where('id=' . $this->gid . " AND is_del=0")->find();
     if (!$groupinfo) {
     //判读权限  成员权限
     if ($groupinfo['brower_level'] == 1 && !isJoinGroup($this->uid, $this->gid)) {
     } elseif ($groupinfo['brower_level'] == 0 && !$this->mid) {
     $this->groupinfo = $groupinfo;
     $this->assign('groupinfo', $groupinfo);
     $this->assign('gid', $this->gid);
     D('Member')->where('gid=' . $this->gid . " AND uid={$this->mid}")->setField('mtime', time());
     $this->isadmin = isadmin($this->mid, $this->gid);
     $this->assign('isadmin', $this->isadmin);
     $this->setTitle($this->groupinfo['name'] . '群-');
Example #7
 * Validate the data in passed in the configuration page
 * @param  $config - the information from the form mod.html
 * @return nothing , but returns an error if the configuration is wrong
function liveclassroom_process_options(&$config)
    global $CFG, $USER;
       we do the following verfication before submitting the configuration
       -The parameters sent can not be empty
       -The url of the server can not finish with a /
       -The url must start with http:// 
       -The api account has to valid
    $config->servername = trim($config->servername);
    $config->adminusername = trim($config->adminusername);
    $config->adminpassword = trim($config->adminpassword);
    if (!isadmin($USER->id)) {
        wimba_add_log(WIMBA_ERROR, WC, get_string('wrongconfigurationURLunavailable', 'liveclassroom'));
        error(get_string('errormustbeadmin', 'liveclassroom'));
    if (empty($config->servername)) {
        wimba_add_log(WIMBA_ERROR, WC, get_string('wrongconfigurationURLunavailable', 'liveclassroom'));
        error(get_string('wrongconfigurationURLunavailable', 'liveclassroom'), $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
    } else {
        if (empty($config->adminusername)) {
            wimba_add_log(WIMBA_ERROR, WC, get_string('emptyAdminUsername', 'liveclassroom'));
            error(get_string('emptyAdminUsername', 'liveclassroom'), $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
        } else {
            if (empty($config->adminpassword)) {
                wimba_add_log(WIMBA_ERROR, WC, get_string('emptyAdminPassword', 'liveclassroom'));
                error(get_string('emptyAdminPassword', 'liveclassroom'), $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
    $length = strlen($config->servername);
    if ($config->servername[$length - 1] == '/') {
        wimba_add_log(WIMBA_ERROR, WC, get_String('trailingSlash', 'liveclassroom'));
        error(get_String('trailingSlash', 'liveclassroom'), $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
    if (!preg_match('/^http:\\/\\//', $config->servername)) {
        wimba_add_log(WIMBA_ERROR, WC, get_String('trailingHttp', 'liveclassroom'));
        error(get_String('trailingHttp', 'liveclassroom'), $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
    $prefixUtil = new PrefixUtil();
    $prefix = $prefixUtil->getPrefix($config->adminusername);
    $api = new LCApi($config->servername, $config->adminusername, $config->adminpassword, $prefix);
    if (!$api->lcapi_authenticate()) {
        wimba_add_log(WIMBA_ERROR, WC, get_string('wrongadminpass', 'liveclassroom'));
        error(get_string('wrongadminpass', 'liveclassroom'), $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
    $domxml = false;
    $php_extension = get_loaded_extensions();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($php_extension); $i++) {
        if ($php_extension[$i] == "libxml" || $php_extension[$i] == "domxml") {
            $domxml = true;
    if ($domxml === false) {
        wimba_add_log(WIMBA_ERROR, WC, get_string('domxml', 'liveclassroom'));
        error(get_string('domxml', 'liveclassroom'), $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
Example #8
function makeAutoreplyList($selfurl)
    global $uid, $special_codes_notice, $br, $guiPlus, $guiMinus, $editText, $addText, $delText;
    $content .= "\n            <h2>List/Manage/Delete SMS autoreplies</h2>\n            <p>\n            <a href=\"{$selfurl}&op=add\">[ Add ]</a>\n            <a href=\"{$selfurl}&op=export\">[ Export ]</a>\n            <a href=\"{$selfurl}&op=import\">[ Import ]</a>\n            <a href=\"{$selfurl}&op=test\">[ Test ]</a>\n            <a href=\"{$selfurl}&op=help\">[ Help ]</a>\n            <hr><p>\n        ";
    $content .= genDelForm("delAutoreply", "{$selfurl}&op=delAutoreply");
    $content .= genDelForm("delScenario", "{$selfurl}&op=delScenario");
    $autoreplies = DB_DataObject::factory('playsms_featAutoreply');
    if (!isadmin()) {
        $autoreplies->uid = $uid;
    while ($autoreplies->fetch()) {
        $owner = uid2username($autoreplies->uid);
        $autoreplyInfo = generateScenarios($selfurl, $autoreplies->autoreply_id, false);
        $showhideLink = "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onClick=\"javascript: toggleShow('{$autoreplies->autoreply_code}', this, '{$guiPlus}', '{$guiMinus}');\" title=\"Show/Hide\">{$guiPlus}</a>";
        $editLink = "<a href=\"{$selfurl}&op=edit&id={$autoreplies->autoreply_id}\" title=\"Edit\">{$editText}</a>";
        $deleteMsg = "Are you sure you want to delete SMS autoreply `{$autoreplies->autoreply_code}`? Note that this will delete all autoreply scenarios under this autoreply.";
        $deleteLink = "<a href=\"javascript: delAutoreply({$autoreplies->autoreply_id}, '{$deleteMsg}');\" title=\"Delete\">{$delText}</a>";
        $content .= "{$showhideLink} \n {$editLink} \n {$deleteLink} \n <b>{$autoreplies->autoreply_code} &nbsp;</b>" . "<span id='{$autoreplies->autoreply_code}' style='display: none;'>" . "<span><b>User:</b> {$owner}<br><hr/></span>" . "<span style='position:relative; left:30px;'>{$autoreplyInfo}</span>" . "<span><hr/></span>" . "</span> \n<br/>";
        $content .= "<br/>\n\n";
    echo $content;
    echo "<hr><p/><b>Special codes:</b> {$br}{$special_codes_notice}";
 public function _initialize()
     $this->group = D('Group');
     if (!isadmin($this->mid, $this->gid)) {
Example #10
* @param object $resource
* @uses CFG, USER
function get_text_for_indexing_ppt(&$resource)
    global $CFG, $USER;
    $indextext = null;
    // SECURITY : do not allow non admin execute anything on system !!
    if (!isadmin($USER->id)) {
    $text = implode('', file("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$resource->course}/{$resource->reference}"));
    $remains = $text;
    $fragments = array();
    while (preg_match('/\\x00\\x9F\\x0F\\x04.{9}(......)(.*)/s', $remains, $matches)) {
        $unpacked = unpack("ncode/Llength", $matches[1]);
        $sequencecode = $unpacked['code'];
        $length = $unpacked['length'];
        // print "length : ".$length." ; segment type : ".sprintf("%x", $sequencecode)."<br/>";
        $followup = $matches[2];
        // local system encoding sequence
        if ($sequencecode == 0xa80f) {
            $aFragment = substr($followup, 0, $length);
            $remains = substr($followup, $length);
            $fragments[] = $aFragment;
        } elseif ($sequencecode == 0xa00f) {
            $aFragment = substr($followup, 0, $length);
            // $aFragment = mb_convert_encoding($aFragment, 'UTF-16', 'UTF-8');
            $aFragment = preg_replace('/\\xA0\\x00\\x19\\x20/s', "'", $aFragment);
            // some quotes
            $aFragment = preg_replace('/\\x00/s', "", $aFragment);
            $remains = substr($followup, $length);
            $fragments[] = $aFragment;
        } else {
            $remains = $followup;
    $indextext = implode(' ', $fragments);
    $indextext = preg_replace('/\\x19\\x20/', "'", $indextext);
    // some quotes
    $indextext = preg_replace('/\\x09/', '', $indextext);
    // some extra chars
    $indextext = preg_replace('/\\x0D/', "\n", $indextext);
    // some quotes
    $indextext = preg_replace('/\\x0A/', "\n", $indextext);
    // some quotes
    $indextextprint = implode('<hr/>', $fragments);
    // debug code
    // $logppt = fopen("C:/php5/logs/pptlog", "w");
    // fwrite($logppt, $indextext);
    // fclose($logppt);
    if (!empty($CFG->block_search_limit_index_body)) {
        $indextext = shorten($text, $CFG->block_search_limit_index_body);
    $indextext = mb_convert_encoding($indextext, 'UTF8', 'auto');
    return $indextext;
Example #11
 function __construct()
     if (!islogged()) {
     if (!isadmin()) {
     $this->adminmodel = new adminmodel();
     $this->mailerdecorator = new mailerdecorator();
Example #12
function getperm()
    if (!islogged()) {
        echo "&notlogged";
    } else {
        if (isadmin()) {
            echo "&admin";
        } else {
            echo "&logged";
Example #13
function can_get_list($user)
    if (isadmin()) {
        return TRUE;
    foreach ($user as $u) {
        if (can_get_listrule($u)) {
        } else {
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
* Global Search Engine for Moodle
* add-on 1.8+ : Valery Fremaux [] 
* 2007/08/02
* this is a format handler for getting text out of a proprietary binary format 
* so it can be indexed by Lucene search engine
function get_text_for_indexing_txt(&$resource)
    global $CFG, $USER;
    // SECURITY : do not allow non admin execute anything on system !!
    if (!isadmin($USER->id)) {
    // just try to get text empirically from ppt binary flow
    $text = implode('', file("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$resource->course}/{$resource->reference}"));
    if (!empty($CFG->block_search_limit_index_body)) {
        $text = shorten($text, $CFG->block_search_limit_index_body);
    return $text;
Example #15
function makeList($uid, $selfurl, $offset = 0, $numShow = 75)
    $db = DB_DataObject::factory('playsms_tblUserInbox');
    if (!$offset) {
        $offset = 0;
    $db->limit($offset, $numShow);
    $db->orderBy("in_id DESC");
    $pagetitle = "Inbox";
    if (isadmin() && !$uid) {
        $pagetitle .= " (All)";
    } else {
        $db->in_uid = $uid;
    $db->in_hidden = '0';
    if ($offset) {
        $newOffset = $offset - $numShow;
        $prevUrl = "{$selfurl}&offset={$newOffset}";
    } else {
        $prevUrl = "#";
    $note = "<p>Note: This inbox shows messages not processed by any of the features (e.g., AutoReply, Poll, etc)</p>";
    $newOffset = $offset + $numShow;
    $nextUrl = "{$selfurl}&offset={$newOffset}";
    $exportUrl = "{$selfurl}&op=export";
    $linksPrevNext = "<a href='{$prevUrl}'>[ Prev] </a>\n    \t\t   \t\t <a href='{$nextUrl}'>[ Next ]</a>\n                     <a href='{$exportUrl}'>[ Export ]</a>";
    // create hidden form with the
    // id to delete, this way it will
    // get POSTed
    $delForm = generateActionSubmitter("del", "{$selfurl}&op=del", "id");
    $content = "{$delForm}\n\t\t    <h2>{$pagetitle}</h2>\n\t\t    <p/>\n\t\t\t{$linksPrevNext}\n\t\t    <p/>{$note}\n\t\t    <table width=100% cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 border=1>\n\t\t    <tr>\n\t\t      <td align=center class=box_title width=4>*</td>\n\t\t      <td align=center class=box_title width=20%>Time</td>\n\t\t      <td align=center class=box_title width=20%>Sender</td>\n\t\t      <td align=center class=box_title width=60%>Message</td>\n\t\t      <td align=center class=box_title>Action</td>\n\t\t    </tr>\n\t\t";
    while ($db->fetch()) {
        $in_id = $db->in_id;
        $in_sender = $db->in_sender;
        $p_desc = pnum2pdesc($in_sender);
        $current_sender = $in_sender;
        if ($p_desc) {
            $current_sender = "{$in_sender}<br>({$p_desc})";
        $in_msg = nl2br($db->in_msg);
        $in_datetime = $db->in_datetime;
        $deleteCode = "javascript: del({$db->in_id}, " . "'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS ?');";
        $actionCode = "<a href=\"{$deleteCode}\">[Delete]</a>";
        $content .= "\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td valign=top class=box_text align=left width=4>{$db->in_id}</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td valign=top class=box_text align=center width=20%>{$in_datetime}</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td valign=top class=box_text align=center width=20%>{$current_sender}</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td valign=top class=box_text align=left width=60%>{$in_msg}</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td valign=top class=box_text align=left nowrap>{$actionCode}</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t    ";
    $content .= "</table>";
    return $content;
* Global Search Engine for Moodle
* add-on 1.8+ : Valery Fremaux [] 
* 2007/08/02
* this is a format handler for getting text out of a proprietary binary format 
* so it can be indexed by Lucene search engine
function get_text_for_indexing_xml(&$resource)
    global $CFG, $USER;
    // SECURITY : do not allow non admin execute anything on system !!
    if (!isadmin($USER->id)) {
    // just get text
    $text = implode('', file("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$resource->course}/({$resource->reference})"));
    // filter out all xml tags
    $text = preg_replace("/<[^>]*>/", ' ', $text);
    if (!empty($CFG->block_search_limit_index_body)) {
        $text = shorten($text, $CFG->block_search_limit_index_body);
    return $text;
function exportAllData($inbox)
    global $uid;
    $delim = ',';
    $db = DB_DataObject::factory($inbox ? 'playsms_tblUserInbox' : 'playsms_tblSMSOutgoing');
    if (isadmin() && !$uid) {
    } else {
        if ($inbox) {
            $db->in_uid = $uid;
        } else {
            $db->uid = $uid;
    if ($inbox) {
        $db->in_hidden = '0';
        $orderBy = "in_id DESC";
        $filename = "inbox-export.csv";
    } else {
        $db->flag_deleted = '0';
        $filename = "outbox-export.csv";
        $orderBy = "smslog_id DESC";
    // send the file contents to the browser
    // so that it'll prompt the user to save it
    header('Content-type: text/csv');
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$filename}\"");
    $line = "id,date,phone number";
    if (!$inbox) {
        $line .= ",status";
    $line .= ",message\n";
    echo $line;
    while ($db->fetch()) {
        if ($inbox) {
            $msg = prepLongFieldForCsv($db->in_msg);
            $line = $db->in_id . $delim . $db->in_datetime . $delim . $db->in_sender . $delim . "\"{$msg}\"" . "\n";
        } else {
            $msg = prepLongFieldforCsv($db->p_msg);
            $line = $db->smslog_id . $delim . $db->p_datetime . $delim . $db->p_dst . $delim . getStatusName($db->p_status) . $delim . "\"{$msg}\"" . "\n";
        echo $line;
Example #18
 function get_content()
     global $CFG, $COURSE;
     $daysnb = $CFG->block_graph_stats_daysnb;
     if ($this->content !== NULL) {
         return $this->content;
     $this->content = new stdClass();
     $this->content->footer = '';
     if (empty($this->instance)) {
         $this->content->text = '';
         return $this->content;
     $this->content->text = '<center><font size=1>' . get_string('graphtitle', 'block_graph_stats', $daysnb) . '</center>';
     if (isadmin() or isteacher($COURSE->id)) {
         $name = 'popup';
         $title = get_string('connectedtoday', 'block_graph_stats');
         $url = '/blocks/' . $this->name() . '/details.php';
         $options = 'menubar=0,location=0,scrollbars,resizable,width=400,height=500';
         $fullscreen = 0;
         $linkname = '<img src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/' . $this->name() . '/graph.php?course_id=' . $COURSE->id . '" alt="' . get_string('graphtitle', 'block_graph_stats', $daysnb) . '" />';
         $this->content->text .= '<center><a target="' . $name . '" title="' . $title . '" href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . $url . '" ' . "onclick=\"return openpopup('{$url}', '{$name}', '{$options}', {$fullscreen});\">{$linkname}</a></center>";
     } else {
         $this->content->text .= '<center><img src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/' . $this->name() . '/graph.php?course_id=' . $COURSE->id . '" alt="' . get_string('graphtitle', 'block_graph_stats', $daysnb) . '" /></center>';
     // Check if we are in a course or on the first page
     if ($COURSE->id > 1) {
         // In a course
         $connections = count_records_select('log', 'time > ' . mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")) . ' AND action = "view" AND course = ' . $COURSE->id . ' ', 'COUNT(DISTINCT(userid))');
         $this->content->text .= '<center><font size=1>' . get_string('connectedtoday', 'block_graph_stats') . $connections . '</font></center>';
     } else {
         // On the first page
         $connections = count_records_select('log', 'time > ' . mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")) . ' AND action = "login"', 'COUNT(userid)');
         $this->content->text .= '<center><font size=1>' . get_string('connectedtoday', 'block_graph_stats') . $connections . '</font></center>';
         // Show details
         $users = count_records('user', 'deleted', 0, 'confirmed', 1);
         $courses = count_records('course', 'visible', 1);
         $this->content->text .= '<hr />';
         $this->content->text .= get_string('membersnb', 'block_graph_stats') . $users . '<br />';
         $this->content->text .= get_string('coursesnb', 'block_graph_stats') . $courses . '<br />';
     return $this->content;
Example #19
 public function index($message = null)
     $users = new useriterator($this->usermodel->get_users());
     $data['title'] = lang('title.accounts');
     view::load_view('default/standard/header', $data);
     if (!isadmin()) {
     } else {
         if ($users) {
             $data['users'] = $users;
             $data['bool'] = array('/public/img/icn_alert_error.png', '/public/img/icn_alert_success.png');
             view::load_view('default/accounts/userslist', $data);
         } else {
Example #20
* @param object $resource
* @uses CFG, USER
function get_text_for_indexing_htm(&$resource)
    global $CFG, $USER;
    // SECURITY : do not allow non admin execute anything on system !!
    if (!isadmin($USER->id)) {
    // just get text
    $text = implode('', file("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$resource->course}/{$resource->reference}"));
    // extract keywords and other interesting meta information and put it back as real content for indexing
    if (preg_match('/(.*)<meta ([^>]*)>(.*)/is', $text, $matches)) {
        $prefix = $matches[1];
        $meta_attributes = $matches[2];
        $suffix = $matches[3];
        if (preg_match('/name="(keywords|description)"/i', $meta_attributes)) {
            preg_match('/content="([^"]+)"/i', $meta_attributes, $matches);
            $text = $prefix . ' ' . $matches[1] . ' ' . $suffix;
    // brutally filters all html tags
    $text = preg_replace("/<[^>]*>/", '', $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/<!--[^>]*-->/", '', $text);
    $text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
    $text = mb_convert_encoding($text, 'UTF-8', 'AUTO');
    * debug code for tracing input
    echo "<hr/>";
    $FILE = fopen("filetrace.log", 'w');
    fwrite($FILE, $text);
    echo "<hr/>";
    if (!empty($CFG->block_search_limit_index_body)) {
        $text = shorten($text, $CFG->block_search_limit_index_body);
    return $text;
Example #21
    // if already using roles system
    if (has_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
        if (moodle_needs_upgrading()) {
            redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/' . $CFG->admin . '/index.php');
    } else {
        if (!empty($CFG->mymoodleredirect)) {
            // Redirect logged-in users to My Moodle overview if required
            if (isloggedin() && $USER->username != 'guest') {
                redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/my/index.php');
} else {
    // if upgrading from 1.6 or below
    if (isadmin() && moodle_needs_upgrading()) {
        redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/' . $CFG->admin . '/index.php');
if (get_moodle_cookie() == '') {
    // To help search for cookies on login page
if (!empty($USER->id)) {
    add_to_log(SITEID, 'course', 'view', 'view.php?id=' . SITEID, SITEID);
if (empty($CFG->langmenu)) {
    $langmenu = '';
} else {
    $currlang = current_language();
    $langs = get_list_of_languages();
Example #22

if (!defined('_SECURE_')) {
    die('Intruder alert');
if (!isadmin()) {
$slid = $_REQUEST['slid'];
switch ($op) {
    case "all_outgoing":
        if (!$page) {
            $page = 1;
        if (!$nav) {
            $nav = 1;
        $line_per_page = 50;
        $max_nav = 15;
        $db_query = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing WHERE flag_deleted='0'";
        $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
        $db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result);
        $num_rows = $db_row['count'];
        $pages = ceil($num_rows / $line_per_page);
        $nav_pages = themes_navbar($pages, $nav, $max_nav, "index.php?app=menu&inc=all_outgoing&op=all_outgoing", $page);
        $limit = ($page - 1) * $line_per_page;
        $content = "\n\t    <h2>" . _('All outgoing SMS') . "</h2>\n\t    <p>{$nav_pages}</p>\n\t    <form name=\"fm_outgoing\" action=\"index.php?app=menu&inc=all_outgoing&op=act_del\" method=post onSubmit=\"return SureConfirm()\">\n\t    <table width=100% cellpadding=1 cellspacing=2 border=0 class=\"sortable\">\n        <thead>\n\t    <tr>\n\t      <th align=center width=4>*</th>\n\t      <th align=center width=10%>" . _('User') . "</th>\n\t      <th align=center width=20%>" . _('Time') . "</th>\n\t      <th align=center width=10%>" . _('Gateway') . "</th>\n\t      <th align=center width=10%>" . _('Receiver') . "</th>\n\t      <th align=center width=40%>" . _('Message') . "</th>\n\t      <th align=center width=10%>" . _('Status') . "</th>\n\t      <th align=center width=4>" . _('Group') . "</th>\n\t      <th align=center width=4 class=\"sorttable_nosort\">" . _('Action') . "</th>\n\t      <th width=4 class=\"sorttable_nosort\"><input type=checkbox onclick=CheckUncheckAll(document.fm_outgoing)></td>\n\t    </tr>\n        </thead>\n        <tbody>\n\t";
        $db_query = "SELECT * FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing WHERE flag_deleted='0' ORDER BY smslog_id DESC LIMIT {$limit},{$line_per_page}";
        $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
        $i = $num_rows - $line_per_page * ($page - 1) + 1;
        $j = 0;
Example #23

require_once '../hibbity/dbinfo.php';
if (!isadmin($_COOKIE['user_id'])) {
    header("Location: " . BASE_URL . "/post/list");
/*$tag_to_delete = 'naruto';
	$id  = 94;
	echo "Removing all data for files tagged " . $tag_to_delete . "<br />";
	$sql = "SELECT i.hash, t.image_id FROM `image_tags` t LEFT OUTER JOIN `images` i ON t.image_id = WHERE `tag_id` = " . $id;
	$get = mysql_query($sql);
	while($run = mysql_fetch_assoc($get))
		$ab = substr($run['hash'], 0, 2);
		$thumb_name = SITE_DIR . "/thumbs/" . $ab . "/" . $run['hash'];
		$image_name = SITE_DIR . "/images/" . $ab . "/" . $run['hash'];
		echo "Removed thumb for " . $run['image_id'] . "<br />";
		echo "Removed image for " . $run['image_id'] . "<br />";
		$delsql = "DELETE FROM `images` WHERE `id` = " . $run['image_id'] . " LIMIT 1";
		echo "Removed db entry for " . $run['image_id'] . "<br />";
		$delsql = "DELETE FROM `image_tags` WHERE `image_id` =" . $run['image_id'];
		echo "Removed tags for " . $run['image_id'] . "<br />";
		$delsql = "DELETE FROM `image_groups` WHERE `image_id` =" . $run['image_id'];
Example #24
                mkdir($stat_dir, 0710, true);
            $d = dir($log_dir);
            $output[] = '<blockquote>';
            while (false !== ($f = $d->read())) {
                $file = PHP_OS == 'WINNT' ? 'access.log' : 'access_log';
                $log_file = $log_dir . "/{$f}/{$file}";
                if (is_file($log_file)) {
                    $output[] = "";
                    $output[] = "Processing {$s->name}/{$f} ...";
                    $cmd = "{$webalizer_path} -o {$stat_dir} -n {$s->name} {$log_file}";
                    $output[] = $cmd;
                    $output[] = array_pop(explode("\n", trim(shell_exec($cmd))));
                } else {
            $output[] = "</blockquote>\n";
        $output = nl2br(join("\n", $output));
    case 'list':
        $task = 'list';
        $sites = isadmin() ? ZVhosts::getVhosts() : ZVhosts::listMyVhosts();
if (!$norender) {
    include template('site');
Example #25

if (!defined('_SECURE_')) {
    die('Intruder alert');
$db_query = "SELECT * FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_gatewayTemplate_config";
$db_result = dba_query($db_query);
if ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
    $template_param['name'] = $db_row['cfg_name'];
    $template_param['path'] = $db_row['cfg_path'];
    $template_param['global_sender'] = $db_row['cfg_global_sender'];
//$gateway_number = $template_param['global_sender'];
// insert to left menu array
if (isadmin()) {
    $menutab_gateway = $core_config['menu']['main_tab']['gateway'];
    $arr_menu[$menutab_gateway][] = array("index.php?app=menu&inc=gateway_template&op=manage", _('Manage template'));
Example #26

<div align="center">
print_string('searching', 'search') . ': ';
if ($sq->is_valid_index()) {
    //use cached variable to show up-to-date index size (takes deletions into account)
    print $CFG->search_index_size;
} else {
    print "0";
print ' ';
print_string('documents', 'search');
print '.';
if (!$sq->is_valid_index() and isadmin()) {
    print '<p>' . get_string('noindexmessage', 'search') . '<a href="indexersplash.php">' . get_string('createanindex', 'search') . "</a></p>\n";
// prints all the results in a box
if ($sq->is_valid()) {
    $hit_count = $sq->count();
    print "<br />";
    print $hit_count . ' ' . get_string('resultsreturnedfor', 'search') . " '" . stripslashes($query_string) . "'.";
    print "<br />";
    if ($hit_count > 0) {
Example #27
if (!empty($formdata->id)) {
    $id = $formdata->id;
if ($id) {
    if (!($cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $id))) {
        error("Course Module ID was incorrect");
    if (!($course = get_record("course", "id", $cm->course))) {
        error("Course is misconfigured");
    if (!($feedback = get_record("feedback", "id", $cm->instance))) {
        error("Course module is incorrect");
if (!(isteacher($course->id) || isadmin())) {
$filename = "feedback.xls";
//Dem Browser mitteilen, dass jetzt eine Exceldatei zum Downloaden kommt
header("Content-type: application/");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$filename}");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0");
header("Pragma: public");
//get the groupid for this module
//get the groupid
$mygroupid = $SESSION->lstgroupid;
// Creating a workbook
$workbook = new EasyWorkbook("-");
// Creating the worksheets
Example #28
function get_feedback_groupid($course, $cm)
    $groupmode = groupmode($course, $cm);
    //get groupid
    if ($groupmode > 0 && !isadmin()) {
        return mygroupid($course->id);
    } else {
        return false;
Example #29
 function ftp_list()
     $owner = isadmin() ? '' : getmyname();
     $accounts = ZFtp::getFtpAccounts($owner);
     return json_encode($accounts);
Example #30
                	<input type="hidden" name="post_id" value="<?php 
echo $post_id;
" />
					<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="<?php 
echo $_COOKIE['user_id'];
" />
                    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php 
echo $thing;
" style="display:inline;" /> <a href="<?php 
echo BASE_URL;
/forum/list">Cancel</a><br />
if (isadmin($_COOKIE['user_id']) && isset($run['id'])) {
    echo '<span class="small"><a href="' . BASE_URL . '/admin/delete/forum/' . $run['id'] . '">Delete Post</a></span>';

require_once "footer.php";